July 17 1913 THE FLESHERTONADVANCE THESIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. Toronto, 17th June, 1913. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. 149 C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as The Entrance examination results have not come to hand yet. Mr. D. McKillop, the new tinsmith, arrived in town Tuesday. Prof. Bates of McMaater university, Trains follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 4.28 p.m. 8.58p. m. . Toronto.will preach in the BaptUt church The mails are closed at Flesherton at , on Sunday morning next at 11 o'clock, follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j AU ^fc,,,,,^ '7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south M>) 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south) We notice by several exchanges that mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g i cemetery i otj have been raised in price J in several localities, and now co the high 1 price of living is to be added the high of dying. This is carrying the joke Honor Rolb S. S. No. 4, Artemrsia. 8r. 4 L. Stinson 3'JO, M. Heard 320, D. Nicholla 230. Jr. 4-M. Nicholl 8 470,L.Nicholl8 370, M. Haney 330, E. Stevens 210, W. Nicholls 130, I. X 10 hoi Is 80, M. Nicholls M). Sr. 31. Stinion 450, L. Love 320' 1. Stevens 300, E. Scott ?0, L. Lock' art 240, W. Heard 210, W. Nicholls 90, R. Acheson 60, J. Stinton 30. Sr. 2 E.'Stinson 450. G. Stinson 4311, 5. Ludlow 290, O. Lockhart 270, W Nixon 230, P. Scott 200. Jr. S! V. Miners 340, F. Nichollr 2flO. 1--E. Stinson 380, M. Nicholls 300. 8. Acheson 200, A. Little 180, L. Nicholls 170. B D. Stevens 380, M. Miners 340, B. Heard 190, V. Moore 170. A J. Badjerow 27, P. Badjerow iifi, E. Nicholls 24, Mina Scott 24, E. Nixon 23, M. Acheson 22, L. Badjerow 16. --L. B. WALKER, Teacher. ^VICINITY CHIPS Miss Agnes Henderson is vuiting Wareham friends this week. Misi Cassie McKinly of Toronto is the guest of Mias Irene Wilson. Mr. Gladstone Bryson of Toronto is a guest at Mr. Jos. Cornfield's. Miss Jennie Blackburn of Mt. Forest is the guet of Mr. T. J. Fisher. Born On Sunday, July 13, to Mr. and Mrs- Archie Stewart, a daughter. Miss Ethel Trimble of Owen Sound is home for holidays. M r. Geo. Walter left for a tour of the West on Monday. Miss Doll Tburston is spending her holidays in Lions Head. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite is visiting her sister in Brighton. Mrs. Oscar England and two children are visiting relatives here. Miss Laura Armstrong, who has been attending normal school in Toronto, has secured her third class certificate, and is receiving the congratulations of her friends. Miss Bernice Scott of Inistioge secured her interim second class certificate in the same examination . Mr. Charley Beat had an old time barn raising on Mondy. George Cairns aud Fred Hathewson. captained tha (struggle. Combined with good work, and good judgement Mr. Mathewson's side pulled out ahead. The frame wenc up without a bitch. The Bell Telephone Co. have laid off nearly all their linemen in this section, and as a consequence large numbers ol men were thrown out of work. The Company it seems have abandoned for the present, some $4,000,000 worth of extensions to their lines in Ontario owing to the tightness of the money market. It will be noticed by our advertiiing columns that Messrs. J. &. W. Boyd i-e putting on a big broker's sale, which Miss Annie Holmes of Owen Sound ia j began on Wednesday of this week. The buying public have csrtainly been favor- visiting with Mrs. W. T. Pedlar, Rock Mills. Miss Ten, i LeGard haa returned to Toronto after a tew months' visit with her parent* here. Mr. S. Magee, wife and two sons, were guests at Mr. Jos. Cornfield's for a few days during the past week. Miss /ella Bentham t.nd her little sister, Elizabeth, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul. Mrs. McPhatter of Owen Sound is visiting hor mother, Mrs. Win. Wright^ West back line. Mr. Harman Hal*9 of Toronto is (pending a couple of weeks with his parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy spent a few days of the past week with relatives in NottawssHgn. Mrs. John Weber, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Rand Brady, and sen. Master Jack, have gone to Barrie on a visit to friends. Mrs. R. W. Shaw and children re- turned to their home at Lions Head on Saturday after a month's visit with rel- atives here. Mrs. Andrew Smith of Hillsburg is visiting her son, Mr. Herb. Smith, and will remain for souie time. Mr. John Wright is in Ottawa this week attending Masonic Grand Lodge, as delegate from Prince Arthur lodge here. Mrs. 'Jos. lladley has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. T. F. McCarthy at Niagara Falls. She was accompanied by CREDIT SALE SECOND ROUND IN SELLING OUT . . . ; hit spring with bargains in merchandise and these bargains promise to be main rained for a few weeks yet. Read up the large announcement on our back page. Every day will be Friday bye and bye if the Fisheries Depattment of the Dominion Government accomplish th I object of their exhibit at the Canadian I National Exhibition this year. Thi exhibit is intended to show the people inland Canada what they are missing not using salt water ti.sli as a steady diit It will show the various varieties of th tinny tribe, and just how each shoul be cooked to become a delicacy. The Department is spending $10,000 on this exhibit, so it will be seen they are in deadly earned. This should easily be one of the most interesting exhibits in the Fair. The Orange demonstration in Markdale Saturday I ast was one of tha moat suc- cessful ever field in this district, there being nineteen lodges in the procession. The speakers were Dr. Sproule, I. B. Lucas, the local ministers and others. The day was wet in the forenoon but the afternoon was fair and the crowd present was :i large one, and orderly. The prize winners were : Best fffo and drummer, Ceylon lodge, No. 883 ; Lodge coming greatest distance, Grieraville, No. 576, 1st, Bognor, No. 07, 2nd ; Best dresaed lodge, 4th line, Artemesia, No. i 1182, 1st, Bognor No. 67, 2nd ; Largest j turn-out, Eugenia, No. 1118, 1st, Beike- jley, No. 176, 2nd. Died Miss (iertie Stinson. . , i c c i WILSON At the parsonage. The Mount Zion church and S. S. In- , vi i bury, on Tuesday, Jnly 8, Mary tend holding ft garden party on Mrs. .!.< Taylor's lwu, Tuesday, July 22. A * gjiud program with sports are being arranged for. f The annual meeting of the executive of the Flesheitmi branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Presbyterian church oa Friday evening of this week at eight o'clock. George Holmes of Duncan had Thos. Howard up before James McMulleu, J. P., on Thursday last, charged Hniley- Ru- thena Marr, beloved wife of Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. Interment took place in Prospect cem- etery, Toronto. Lower School Examination The lower hiph school examinations were given out last week. Twenty three pupils wrote from the Artemesia high school and nineteen passed, an unusually with ! good record, of which the teachera as well the assault. Thomas plead guilty to soft impeachment and WM taxed dollars and costs. Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray of Toronto is the guest of relatives in town. Sha was accompanied by Miss Kate Bellamy, ! Orr, V 1 15. Scilley, H. W. who has been in Toronto for the past Shunk, R. Spencer, M. couple of months. Mr. White, principal of the high school last year, has been re-engaged by the boird for the ensuing year. The school had a good staff last year, and much regret has been expressed Unit Mr. Brown has found it necessary to. resign in order to take a speci.-il course of education. The pupils as the public may be proud, five ; who passed here are as follows: L. S. j Benttie, P. A. Beat tie, Maud Boyd, L. A- Ellison, H. W. Field (H), M. R. Hender" son, K'lte McMillan, T. E. Orr, Stella Shunk, H. I. past snunK, JR.. opeuver, .. Stafford, D. Thutston, V. Stafford, G. R. White (H), Irene Wilson, Elsie Wright (H), There were 102 successful pupils in the whole county, and of these Fle.shorton passed nearly one-fifth. There wore nine examining centres in the county. The Flesherton school paused exactly the same number of pupils as the town of Mahford, where twenty-two wrote. To Teach Agriculture The Education Department has an- nounced its intention of adding a course of atudy in agriculture to the curriculum of the High Shoots and Collegiate Insti- tutes, when they open in September. The students will carry on their experi- ments ii. suitable plots of ground, with which all schools will be provided. The larger part of the grant of $195,000 that was received by (he Province, from the Federal Qoveinment for this purpose will be expended in extending the sum- mer school for teachers at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, wheie special courses are held for High School teachers . To High School teachers taking up this work will be paid $ 75 and the school boards employing them will be given grants of $100. To till in this venture the Department of Education will grant $50 to every Public or Separate school board employ- ing a teacher holding a certi6cate of agri- culture. Tho teacher's salary will be augmented with a 930 bonus given by the department. Courses are also open to inspectors of rural schools for the purpose of stioiulut ing interest of agricultural education in these schools. Saturday Nigh's "Gold and Dross" man says thin about land syndicates: My advice to one and all sare those who know the game a to keep your money out of land syndicates. They are dangerous, complicated aud unsafe. True many work out all right, but on n imer- ous) occasions shareholders suffer eithi c losi of interest or their capital is tied up for a period none of them contemplated when going in. If you must syndicate, have your legal man advise every foot o the way. On Friday afternoon, Mr. Thomat Bertram's hired man helped himself to nice sum of his employer's money and new hat and left Mr. Bertram's farm in Arthur township arriving at Arlhu station in time [to catch the afternoon train for Toronto. However Mr. Bert ram missed the man and the mono shortly after they departed and hurriei to town. The Toronto police were com municated with, detectives placed at th W?st Toronto, Parkdale, and Union stations. At the latter station, th thief was captured and the greater par of the money recovered. Grand Valley Star. Mrs. R. E. McCallum, of Teeswater had a most miracubus escape from death says the Fordwich Record. It seem that a neighbor wuinan had informci Mr. and Mrs. McCallum that her tele- phone was burning out, and ihey both started over to her place across the street. As they were passing under the electric light wires, one of them fell upon the ground striking Mrs. McCiillmn on the haii'l, buriiing it severely, and knocking bur unconscious. Medical aid was at once summoned and she was carried to a neighbor s, whcru she came to uftcr a time. The fact thai it wns raining and the lady had au umbrella up ws nil that saved her life, as the wire carried 11, OHO volts of electricity and would have fallen directly on her only for the protection of the umbrella whi-h caused it to glauce off. Notice To Trespassers Notice is hereby given that 11 parties interfering with the fencing around the Flesher property will be held responsible for damages. Imo. JOHN HEARD, Lesee. For Sale by Tender Tenders will be received by the under- signed at Port McNicholl up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday loth dsyof August for the purchase oi the solid brick store anil dwelling oppisite Fbuv Mills in the village of Feversham, also for the purchase of the rough-cast dwelling mid property on Wellington St. West lately owned by John Speers. Tenders to state their own terms of payment and interest. Lowest nor any tender not necessarily accented. I. HAUVEY PERIGOE. Except on Groceries Credit given on ap- proved notes with- out interest. Due Dec. 31st, 1913. All f or me r Wonderful Bar- gains continued. New ones add- ed every day, every week. Watch this space. This Stock MUST and WILL be sold . . . . . GOOD LOCAL AGENT A i, once to represent the Cb Old and RtKab'.t Fo nth ill Nurseries Splendid lUt of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and nay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly 13 Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement* Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriurs and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs alway.s <m hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftversbam, Ontario STUNNE FOR THIS WEEK! Fresh Canned Corn 7c Fresh Canned Tomar.oes lOc Fresh Canned Pumpkin 7c Cascade Salmon 12c Rob Roy Salmon 7c Pears or Plums 9c Sale of 15c bottles, Pickles 9c Boys' Suits $1.!W Boys' Knickers 39c Black, heavy 25<s Duck 21c I Any Trimmed Hat in store $1.98 j Kerr's Thread, all numbers 3c McFARLAND & Co. MARKDALE, ONT. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head oi this advertisement will only cost you i $5.00 5.00 $5.00 ' Get something nice and comfortable C:dl for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uere ford bull lor sen ; ce on lot 151, 2nd W. T. andS. R., Ar.emesia. Terms il.<JO>- cash. -JOBS ADAMS, Prop. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, Oth St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment 5peclall*t In dltouet of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 Oh t. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Duiul'ilk, 1st Thursday of each month. to lay Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Fresh lime for sale- W. Meads, O.D.R. Bull for Service Puie bred shorthorn bull for tervice on lot KW-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- temesia. Terms 91. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. OWEN SOUND, ONT., Fall Term opens Monday, Every graduate guaranteed position. Thorough courses. Large staff of Specialists. (Individual instruction. Best equipped College In Canada. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal. G. D. FLEMING, - Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Eggs Vats for Sale Suitable for cis- terns or watering cattle. Prime condi- tion. Will be sold f jr half what they cost to make. M. Scully Co., Flesher- ton, Out. For Sale cheap and on easy terms.good 9-roomed brick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first class condition and repair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. Nov7t. House For Snle-In Flesherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two acres of land, hard and soft water under cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable resi- dence for any retired farmer. Apply to Silas Sluink. Flesherton. For Sule Tho undersigned otters for sa!e three lots in the village of Ceylon, on which ure erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with s>rone cellar, and a good frame stable. Thin will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Applv t-i Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. i-ollamy, Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS CALL ON W.L. WRIGHT FOR THE BEST BRANDS OK JFLOUR Cgilvies Royal Household, Five Roses, Dundalk White Rose, Ford's Patent and Morning Glory. Everything You Need in Groceries ! Leave your Order with us for your Cherries, Black Currants, Berries, etc. Our Ice Cream Parlor is open day and evening. Ice Cream always on hand at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY FLBSHERTOX, > OXTAR1O. Take your butter and eagsto the North- ' ein Bokemge Company, Fevershmn, where you will get your goods at rijjht prices. It will pay yuurti) diive tun r rifieen miles to do your buying at the Nor' hum Brokerage Company, Feveraham, 8-000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest, rates of in- terest. Apply K. J. Sproule, Flosherton. The Annual Excursion to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo will be run on Friday, August 1st aud 2nd. C. P. R. to Toronto, Niagara Navigation steam- ers to LewifUou, the American Gorge Route to Niagara, the International Electric to Buffalo, returning by way of the Upper Steel Arch Bridge and the Canadian Scenic Route fr> QasSDjtOD, and from there to Toronto, See large bills for further particulars or ask any C. P, R. agent or J. A. Peacock, Secret- ary of the Excursion Committee, Owon Sound. Chatsworth tickets good for four days August 1st to 4 inclusive. Warning Any person fouud trespass, ing on my premises will bo prosecuted,- Berrypiokerj at rick ly forbidden, ,7. E. Wright, East Back Line. May's Moving Picture Festival in tie Town Hall Fli'shertun, all tkis week. Humorous Dramatic acd Sacred, change of the program every night. Admission 10 and 20 c. Reserved seats 5c. extra. I * Practical Powerful Simple Sate Popular Reliable Economical THE REASON WHY you should own one of these Famous engines. _ It will do the work of several liirw*. C fl an( j horses . It will work, (unwatched),. while you sleep. It is always willing-, ready, and has the power to do your work. It will save your horses, time, temper and money. It Is a favorite with thousands of farmers. It has survived thousands of tests as to its power and utility. It is a bread winner, a wealth producer, and a labor saver. The engines of the International Harvester Company are made in 1 to 25 horse power sizes ia vertical, horizontal, and stationary or portable types, a < We will gladly demonstrate its merits If you will give us a call. S. HEM PHI LL, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario. 1