' "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -+ PRlNCJPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 3:; No. 3 Fleatierton, Ont., Thursday, .'Jijly 17 1913 Kimberley Budget Haying is the order of the dny. Our enterprising citizens are busy building a cement sidewalk down Main St., at present. Hats off to the town- ship council who ires us <me hundred dollars towards building same . Miss Sadie Lawlor, of U.-ylon, is visit- ing with her cousin, Mrs. Kied Wickens, t present. Mr. M. B:isley, of Toronto, was a cuest at the Traveller's Home, i few days the past week. Mr. Will Carruthers, of Toronto, is renewinff old acquaintances in this vicinity, at present. Mr. Geo. Hutchiusoii occupied (he pulpit in the Methodist church, on Sun- day morning last. Mr. \\m. Stuart visited Eugenia friends one day last week. Miss Kim* Burritt visited Durham friends . few days the past week. Quite a number celebrated the glorious 1-th in Markdale, and all repoit a good time. Mr. Lyness Fawcutt is visiting Owen Bound friends a: present. Miss t!lmlj-i Caetmr, uf Markdale, visited her friend, Miss Edith Hammond, a few days the past wetk. Mr. George Hutchinson made a l>usi- 7K'.ss trip to Tliornbury, on Saturday last. Mr. Elmer Knott, of Owen Sound, renewed old ac<|uai..tance3 in our 1 'in;, the past week. Mr. Jjhn Taylor, of Rocklyn, was a ctller in our bun.' on Kiulay last. Mrs. K. Smith who has been viaitinjj friends in Uoekinllls, returned homo on Thursday. Mr. Clarence C'ruikshank, of Heath cote, visited at Mr. S. S. Burritt's on Sunday last. Mi'- J. Oliver, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting friends in this vicinity at present Durham Miss Julia Weir has resigned her position on (be High school stall', and will likely engage elsewhere. Inspector Campbell and family leave this week for his summer home at Glen- mount P. 0., Lake of B.typ, Musk oka. Mr. J. Baird, formerly of Markdale, but for the past couple of months engineer at the furniture company's sawmill here, met with a painful accident on Saturday moruing last. He undertook lo start the sawmill engine, and in some way a valve was blown off which allowed the escape of a heavy pressure of steam, which scalded Mr, Baird considerably about the arm*, chest and face. Last week we referred to Mr. Abraham s wmdloliurM falling into the river and being rescued. We thought at the time it was purely accidental, but now we are of the opinion that he meditated suicide, as he drowned himself yesterday about noon in what is known here as ''Morl'its hole" where a number of drowning accidents previously occurred. He wa 8 living with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Proctor, and was missed about midday A couple of hours later his body wus di- dovered floating on the water by a couple of 'boys. Mr. Abraham Orutohley had an old- fashioned barn railing on Monday after- noon, and everything went well till the racing; contest wa well under way when an accident occurred in which three or four men were injured to some extent. In putting up one of the purline plates, the timber slipped back, and that so few should have been injured is almost mir- ^ulons The piece of timber, as we Understand it, had a rope attached, and I wa? pretty well up, when it slipped back ;n some way. Elias Edge, jr., had his wrist broken, and Walter Middletown Hiiitained injuries, and a couple of others were more or less hurt. Chronicle. At LePn, Manitoba, the southern, terminus of the Hudson Bay Railw ty there will soon be erected the second largest wireless Station in Canada. It wiil Include four 250-foot steel lowers Mid will oo*t about $100,000. Plans are under discussion foi establishing several wireless itstions in the far Northwest ; viz., from Athabasca Landing up the Mackenzie river to Herschftl Island, in the Arctic ocean, and from there to Rampart House, in the Yukon. Such stations would be valuable for cientific purposes, especially for colleotir.* metero- Jojjical report*, and would als> be *<r- vtoftble to the Northwest roountid po!lc*. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr=. Fred Pedlar and children spent the past week with friends at Meaford. iiurciiy fathers have delighted the people of Eugenia by laying some beau- tiful cement sidewalk along the principal streets. Our campars here have been crowdod with visitors both day and night and they immensely enjoy the outing. Mr. and Mrs. Deagle and three chil- dren of Blind River motored over and visited friends here for a few days on their way to Hamilton. .Miss Sutherland and Miss Kirby of Toronto are guesta at the Eugenia House fur a month. Our Orangemen made a beautiful dis- play on leaving the hall here Saturday uiornini;, which shows that Orangeism h <s not yet died at Eugenia. Mr. Wesley Latimer and children of Toronto are the guests of Mr. R. Plantt. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. W. E. White of Mu her 1 1 ni visited fiieiuls here ; lie (Mist week. Mrs. Win. Purvis spent the past week with Mrs. Fred Juiiiutun, Nth line. Mr. Win. Stunrt of Kimberley spent the 1-th with us. Mr. Herb. Fisher is ln-ine from the city on a visit. The Misses Maislial of Meaford wore guests of Mrs. Fred Pedlar. Mrs. Stillwell snd children of Bloom- h'-ilJ,N.J., are guests of Mrs. Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and daughter, Jean, Miss Bertha Smith and Miss Amanda Stewart of Flcaherton, and Mr. and Mis. Charles Hoy visited the past week at Fair View Villa. Mrs. 1 1. McMullen and son, Russell, visited with Mrs. Hammond of Price- ville recently. At Presbyterian prayer meeting nil July '-' Rov. Mr. McVicar baptized , : the infant daughter of Mr, [mil Mis. Ern. Morgan-- Patricia Victoria. Allie and Duncan Williams spent Sun- day with friends at Vandeleur. Mr. Peiry Carrutliers of Winnipeg spent the past week with Mr. Alex. Carruthers. M IKS Clara Lalimer huts been engaged ati organist in the Methodist church. Mr. lUl/.ui commences a weekly prayer meeting on Thursday uveninr. Ceylon Mrs. Chas. O'Mulia and little sou, Artie, of Toronto, visited frianda here for a few days on her way to visit Swin- tn Park friends. Mr. Sam. Chisltt, Toronto, in spend- ing a fornight with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Grant Whittafcer and babe, of Toronto, are guests at Mr. A. Whittaker. Miss Ella i ; i!eln isi is holidaying with Owen Sound friends. Messrs. Andy and John Kennedy spent a couple of days in the < v ueen City. Mrs. P. Muir, Miss Lilly and Master Mervin, spent few days with Hanover friends. Mr. Roy Piper, Toronto, is visiting lin parents. Misses Susie, Gertie and Mabel Me- Clock lin, who have been visitini! at Vandeleur for the past two weeks, have returned home. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stew- art, 13th insi. , a daughter. We understand the three pupils from our school here, who tried the entrance have u!l been successful. Mias Kathleen Alton, Markdale, ia visiting her grandma, Mrs. Wilcock. Miss Bella McKenzie of Cedar View Farm is visiting friends at .Eugenia. Mr. Geo. Boyce, who hat* been in the for several yearn, returned home the past week to visit his family. Mis. Archie Me.Plml.ler and two chil- dren of Owen Sound is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Wright. What wan evidently a case of suicide occurred Friday morning at Own Sound, when Mist Carrm Wallace of 228 L'nd Ave. E., while ia atate of menu) de- rangement, drowned beraelf in the Sydeuham river jusl north of the Wyllie bridge near the entrance to Harrixton Park. The body WHO found about 10 o'clock that morning by her siater, Hettio, lying in three and a half feet uf wr*r, about twenty feet north of the bridge on the went side. East Mountain Wedding bells are faintly ringings*. A number from here attended the ebration .u Markdale oil the 1'Jili. Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott and family vis- ited the Allen families for a few days i...>i week. Miss A ! inn H umbel-stone is upendiu her vacation at the parental home here. Mi.-* Lucy Walton aiid Mrs. J. A. Stuart and little daughter visiteii friend* in our vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. McMullen vmu-d at Mi . W . Russell's recently. Mr aud Mrs. Fred Jafl'rey <uid daugh Toronto Line North A number from our vicinity spent the glorious twelfth in Murkdale. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wickens of Toron- to visited friends in this community. A fo gentlemen from the locality at- j tended Mr. Chas. Best's barn raising on i Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Mulntyio and family of i Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I Unlit. Uichafdson. Mr. Emerson Wickens had the I '..-II Telephone installed in his homu last week. Now with the telephone in almost ter Helen, of Toronto, and Miss Mabel every hoiuft the rorJ mail delivery, and Chard of Rock Mills, are visiting with automobiles tizzim* along the road day- Mr, and Mrs. Robert McMullen. ^ and nis-ht, this vicinity has become quite nc vu M- i .1 i. :l stirring little place. Mr. Win. Martin aud Mr. Goheeu vis- , ited at Mr. J. J. Martin's lately. Mr. H. Thompson is putting a new Buried Under Sand roof on Ins barn. Mrs. McConuell of Epping visited her mother, Mrs. George Smith. Miss Nettie Martin of Markdulu visit- ed her parental liuinu over Sunday. Councillor Fred Hi own of Fle.sherton was in this vicinity one day last week. Mr. Charlie Martin visited friends in ChaUsworth recently. Mr. Potor Elford, a well-known and , highly retpectcd resident of the Town- ; ship of Kuphrasia, residing on the 3rd Mis Mary Welsh is visiting her par- lilM5f wftH imjtanlly ki ,, ed TllUMdliy eutalhome here. < ^fu-rnoon of last week by the ctvini in Mr. Willie Hurbuttle took a business of a gravel pit in which he was woiking trip to Cnllingwood one day hint week. It appears thai Mr. Elford was working tor the Corporation doing his purtiun of the assessment work on the roadway and was on his tai m i uuioving gravel from the pit to put on the old Mail load when the f-itality occuiTtd. Mr. Elford mid his hired hired man were busily eii'^iu'ed when Mr. Joseph McNaulty happened Miss Delia Smith hus returned lionu. :ll(111( , iuld l!lUt;r ,. d j,,!,, conversation with after a two weeks' visit with friends iu the- workers. Suddenly the bank gave Toronto. way filling up thu gravel pit and cover- Mr, and Mrs. Will Martin and tr ing up Mr. Elford who had remained in children, Wild* and Orville, of DumUHc. the pit during tho nn,-: iimn. Thu also Mrs. Fred Martin and baby, Lorennd, other uui men immediately endcavnrtd of Clarksburg, visited friends in this vi- to rescue the unfoi lunate mar, calling, cinity recently. * . meanwhile to Mr. Elford's brother who was working in a Held nearby. Beforo be was ablo to come to the rescue, how- ever, 'he other men had xucceeilud in uncovering the head of the entombed Master Johnnie McGlono of TilKSiBKn victim, but despite ihoir exertions it was spent a few days with Mrs. S.miers at j foun( i t h t Mr. Elford succumhed to the injuries inrlictrd. The man had been Eighth Line, Osprey Mrs. McG.one, Miss McGlone ami Beaverdale Farm. The .M ISM'S Alma and Gertrude, and instantly killed, being crushed beneath Mi. George Maddxn, of Chicago, are vis- some six or seven tons nf gravel piled : two feet deep. Mirror. with Mr. George Madden. Mi'. Pickering and two children of Cullingwuod spent a few days with Mr. Spotted. Mils Mina Motiat visited recently at the parental home. Mr. and Mis. Moison and family of Colliui{w<iod spent Sunday with Mrs. ' ^f ler C. Madden. Mr. James Burns had a very success The Late Minnie Watters At her home iu Collingwond township, near Tliornbury, Miss Minnie Watters passed away on Wednesday, .July -', UUtti sickness of three months. About May 1 she was so low that no hope of her recovery was entertained, but sho began ful bee one day last week, repairing the | to m eiid and regained .strength so far that roof of hi barn. Victoria Corners MI-.H Riibinson, Wide-awake Land, visited her sister, Mrs. Milton Baiinon, last week. mother, Mrs. Patton, improving. whose health is her friends were expectant to see her in health again. A week before her death her appetite failed and the icgained strength began to wane. On Monday , June:'!) a complete break down took place, and at !> a. m. on Wednesday sho died. An inpatred condition of the Mrs. ll.iuley if Ancaster is with her | 1UAr t was the cause of her death. She was the eldest of a family of uiplit. Two predeceased her, a brother, Robeit, Miss Stella Irish visited her aunt, Mrs. died in 18117. mic 1 > sister Jennie, (Mis. John Corbutt. Mis. Allen Montgomery, who has re- turned from a trip West, is visiting her N. Gillcspii'.) in I'-Mlli Sho leaves to mourn her loss in the homo nuar Tliornbury, the. mother, a father, Mr. H. H. Gallagher. brother, Richard, a sister, Mrs. Kir^ In looking over our last items we no- [ and a niece, Margaret Gillespic, and with tice we were like the reporter who was these two brothers and one sister, Hugh writing up a wedding and look particular; of Pricoville, William of Detroit, and pains to mention full details of the j Caroline, (Mrs. John McKochme) near bride's dress, the d'jcuner and the pros- [ Thornbury. ents, but neglected to oven say that there was a bridegroom. We mentioned the garden pajty bud neglected to men- tion the principal feature. No, it's not the eating, it was better than thtt. It For the groaU Ht part of her life she manifested an interest in the Christian Religion and during her sicknoso en- deavored to place her faith in the only name under heaven given among men was the ladies' baseball game. If you j whereby we must be savid. did Dot see it you missed it, just as we warned you you would. It was played between the Proton an I Dundulk Iddicp, who all allowed great skill. The score was Hi to 40 in lavorof the Proton team. For '.he funeral a service was held in her home on Thursday at 1 1 a. m., after which the remsins were taken to the home of Hugh Walters, Priceville, a distance of .'SO miles. At hid homn Mr. Will Mi ore has been moving the ; service was held on Friday afternoon and house t'j his own farm which he purch- j interment follcwod in the McKechnio ated from Mr. Geo. Ludlow. Most of our boys and girls celubiated the 12th in Markdale, despite the rain in ! cemetery west of Prlcevillo. the meriting. Walkerton .Arthur Joiie, an Indian from Cape Croker, who 1ms been rusticating in the Walkerton jail, awaiting hia Iml on the , XT v i , , . 7 bard, is itriing in New York to aid Alois charge of abductm* an Indian gu-l under . *_ .. _ ,, Thirty-three years ago Adolph Olnon, nine years old, was deUincd at Kllis Isl., N. Y., while the immigration authorities made sure that his parents wrrn in Nebraska and he had a home to which he might 9ft. To-dy this saire Adolph Olson, now Governor Adolph Olson Eber 16years of age, was acquitted by Judge Reimer nine years old, a German lad, who is detained at Ellis Island. The lad Barrett here on Thursday, there not -='-' -~ , .. . , lt i w* on his way to the home here of hi being sufficient evidence against the * , , . . T. i uncle, Thos. Neumann, when dUmm accosed <o wairant a conviction. . . 'rt t > . for lack of funds and because no wav on The widow of Danny Connors m suing i _ . . the Township of Brant for onstatod dam- , <>c<"Pn"< 1 - OoTemor Eberhart w.s ages for ,h death of her husband in an , ^t"^ ol the J" Ct ***'" " M 1 n , ,, , on his way to New York, promised to Automobile accident DMI Dunkeld. I . tak the matter up. W. fl. THDRSTON Flesherton Planing _ And Chopping Mills J C W C I am now prepared tu do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grist R. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line -planing, matching, etc. Floor* inir, sash and doom, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- unable rates, Got estimates. T. Blakeley. Prop. ' Febl5 Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: .'dnesday, Fob. 19 Dundalk Wednesday, April Hi Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Vednesday, Aug. 27 . Fleiherton Wednesday. Oct. 15 Dundalk nturd -iy, Dec. (i Flvshertun W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Fleshcrton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. M FRUIT, FLOUR & FEED ! If Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We can sure please you. Five Roses, Five Lilly, McGowun's Eclipse an" P-istry Flour. All kinds of feed always on hand* Get yonr Binder Twine. Machine Oil, Coal Oil, axle Grease, Jem Jars, Bread, Biscuits. Xo. 1 Groceries in all its lines. ICE YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN 'i II H Ladies' Cool Shoes for Warm Weather We havethem in black and tan colonials. also Pump and Patent Button Oxfords, and a good wearing line in Tan and Gun Metal Button Boots. In Men's Fine Boots we have Velour, Gun Metal, and 1'atent. Blncher. They are neat and nobby and good wearers, also blue colored running shoes Staple boots in Men's, Women's and Children's, in. great variety. EGGS TAKEN AS USUAL ! AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS THOS. CLAYTON Fleshcrton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER. The Tailor- French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated .... makes your SummerSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where .... Our prices are right. Our workmanship the best. (Jive us your order . , . . J. Bowler,THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.