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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1913, p. 4

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r uly 8 1913 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TH f f Icsljcrton A -i independent new|>|>.)r, |nil)lilied every *"-iimdy at th office, ColuDfrood Street, I 'mhertun. Subscription price 31 |M>r annum. II i.-ii paid In .l i iiiri-":* I "> I when not so paiil \iivertUinft r.u - on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. VV M. ThursUon - Keillor THE BUSINESS MAN'S ETHICS The Shelburne Fie* Press givi-s a little ; on the inconsistent business into Miid mail order business that can he up- i reciated by every editor i'i the country. They have all lud similar experience. .Speaking of the fight thit country papers liave msde against the mail older houses Ihe Free Presi sajs : We can name over a sc >re of sub- scribers who <|uil the Free Prciw on that account as thev dealt largely with rnti| order houses. If the editors of Onurio had recieved regular iiclvei lining rates i"i all they have said against the enemies of the country merchants they could nnw be weirmK diamonds. The depirtmoiit tores appreciate advertising a|>ace and are willing to Uke all the average country paper has for sale, and at a good rate. This paper hf> rtfuscd them time and again. What other cliiss of business or professional men would luiuse business to help their fiiends when m*ny of said friends never *eeni in the least disposed to return the compliment or even ap- preciate it ! The Free Pres* might have gone further, too, without treidiug too hrd on some people s toes. We venture to ay that every country editor couU tel| of men whose advertising nevei appeal a in the home paper. They rely on getting a sprinkling of the business brought to town by their mote enterprise ing advertising neighbor*, and are p purently satisfied with Ihe little bu-iiiesM they cm rake out from under ihe fert of others. Twenty-five or fif'y dolUrs paid out for AdvenUniK i* considered s thrown away by tuch people. As a contequence their IMIMIU >< dues not grow, and they wonder why. Again, when specialties are p'aoil on ihi market they wait until the adivrtii-ing busin<ss in in has crc.'itcu a detimtid, then rush after the goods and put them on rale. It is a question if busiiitHt men drnlinu io such mi-til' !-. will ever mike much "I success in their buin8, because the buying public Know that they carry then ethics through nil thuir trtm>tctioni anc do uot care to deal i:h the-n. We frel free to elalioiate thiiK on lln Free Press article, because Flesheitun i titigulirly blu&oed in hating a nioie honorable clans of iimrcliunts who woul not :.too; to tactics of iliis desuriptiitt. cour', from time to time, during your sMy wi'h us. We regret that circum- stances nuke r necessary thit you nnd your I miry l>e removed from our com- munity, but we (sincerely ln-ji.- you frill aee tit < leave your cert ticate of membeithip with us. We congratula'e you upon bring a member i-f our noble Order, and we trust (ht you may live IOIIR to enjoy Liber(y, Bt ucvolence and Concord, which is our nob'e Motto. As a alight token of nppieciattur, we would sk you to accept this purse. May you lave succesi in your life's work, namely; winning souls for Jesus' ; and that hrough your personal . it iu you n. iy ivc lh Puss Woid to many a ther >1 in, whereby he may earn E(eroal Life. Signed on liehalf of Ihe C.-ni t. GKO. BELLAMY. C. K. GEO. CAIRNS, R. 8. One Hundred Years Old Mrs. McDougall of Woodbridge, grandinoiher of Mr. S. Shank of Flesh- .-I I Mil, celebrated her centenary birthday lecently and last wiek the Family Herald and weekly Star reported this interesting event as follows: One hundred yeirs of peaceful, Iran (till life, juat a little bit retired from ihe rush of modern life, and yet nut isolated by any meana -such h:ts lii-en the portion granted tu Mary Loynachan McD->ugll, widow of f li.- late William McDougall. Mrs. M l>"u_! ill celelnatao. her birth day on June IS, rurrounded by tii.-.nlirri of her huge faniily of live generations, at her home in Edgely.Yoik County.a little place .lU'ii: xixtren mil** out i<f Toronto. The i. ;ih/ it ion that the old lady pi'sd the slloted lime by fully thiity ye.'iis, had sent a thrill of joy to many heaits in alt piirti of I'm ul i and the I'ni ed States'. "It is nice for .ill of ui to think that MI ! ! li;n nassed .safely her hundred yeais >f good and peitcuful life," s;ticl a d,ui<li t of Mi T'!i'_: in conversation with a prem repreirn*tt:vo. Sha lias til. ways bi-en very happy, and never worried about small thing*. This, I .suj pose, it t!ie reason for her long life. will'wHS botn in South Knd, Aruylehhiiv, Scotland, in Ml.",, nnd came i t 'in nl. i in She has lived in Ontario for a long time. County Council This week ilia couuty council is in sestion and so far noiliing of grunt mo- ment hi< been done, if one or two matters are oxcepted. Tho county fathers got down to hu*if>6M on Mmnlay evening, but their sitting WHS short, occupying only about one half hour, and consisting chiefly of tne calling of the roll, nnd the rec<-ptiou of a few communications tnd rep >it. On Iho day following they (i.v.-lli'ii'd through a considerable amount >f work. They looked im (he pre.-cn'- 1 IU of the (irand Jury as uivn out by that l> i Iy la>it Apiil. As is well known this H tic.Vhing HI. . ; MI. . of the county n.r m * providing i loiter roun(y Imild- i ,t(, and UyiiiK bare the antiqn ited fea- i ure of the pretent court h.mie and county buildings. But the council de- i -il to handle it very charily and with i little dmriistion us possible they order- ! 1 it placed on tile. The warden, Dr. Mearns of Hanover, did not think that ilieUrmnd Jury bad been entirely justified i i the language they hud used with regard the i- unit y buildings and he thought i htt it wa in t a guod record fur the vjumy (o ha\e publi-hnl ill over the (iroviin-e. Anyhow it wa; laid to rest t'jr ili'- time being. On Wtdtiesilay the council gave the thud and final reading to the bylaw to provide twenty thousand :-iil.ii by the sale of debentures fi meet ihe extraordinary expenditure caused by the sweeping away of a number of the bridges in the county over a ) ago. Also they dealt iti'b the mutter of i 1.-,, mi-Mi It remain* just HS it was last year, noun of thn municipal Uirs being assessed more highly tliHii in rill' With regard to the aMiessment mil the amount of money reipiired for "jniy (mi (IMII-S it may be , i<il that the total which will hj raised undi-r the present ssHesitment will fill teveral ihoumnd do!lar limit of tlie requirement us included in the estimates of County Troaiuier H. J. Parker. Times. Presentation liy u-iolulion of Court Fleshertnn No. it.,, I. O. F., held on June 27th, a hearty vote of thanki) was tendered Rev. H. K. \\,IU ',!, for the very able nerinon delivered to memheis nn Sun- day, Juno JJii t, .il . , an address as To Rev. H. K. \V,.|lwncHl : DearSir and Bro. Wr, (ha membiTs of Court Flesherton N... !.\ I. (>. F., desire I o.o nvey In y<jn i iir apiirrciatinn of (he SIM vire you h ivn rciuloreil us, as a Thrown from Rig Ocn Sound, O .t., June 2lt One of the- early settlers of Syd- j nh<ini, Mr. Patrick Cunningham, w*! thrown out of n rig and instan'ly killed. In thn absence of his MIII, John, who was in town. Mr. Cunningham, ho wis a mm nf 75 years, hitchvd a horse tu a li/lit ri* and, accivr.- liaiiied by a small b"y. went one across the f.irni t < search for lost cilf. When about a mile from the I ojne the hoise took fright and in the runawny throw thu aged man aiul boy out i the rig. Mi. ('uni'inghain, who was in a feeble con- dition on account ff his yn'-, w s in- stanily killed. The boy vvai uiihurt. Eugenia School Promotion 2 to :<--lf. Haney, M. Haney. Jr. :5 to Sh U-W. Fiiher, N. William M- Prk. Sr. H to 4 W. Armtron;', W. Mo.Mnt-ter L. Pedlar. W. Walker. M (!. Mi-Mi I.I.KN. Teacher. Yount! Yorkshire Ho; For Service On lot 7, N.D.R., Arlemesia. Term i I. Bred Aldboro Out. O M i.n II Mil I- , ,M,,. .,.,,( to the mi- ^ 1-1 :''.' Nllll .':i I." ~f I " 1 tf'i'l'.i for I'M;.'" liml'iin". Hnnnvoi-. Out.," wll'. bo rucoivifd at tliiH ollicii until 4 p.m. on MoBday, Jnl] SI, 1U1:I. for tint minstructun of 'il'iiiiii.- ll'.H l.n.; in llnoor, Out. r;.l"' - ( -' , l'.' I '..:! I'I I follll Of i ..[III;. ' caii IMI BJHII siiil r...:". of toiiflur obtKitifil n |||'P " 'ft :. 'II 1(1 tllH I'.'^t Inn -ti'l jit HailOVI, . Out . nt tliu < tllce of Mr. Tlion. Histllilin I'lsrk of Wc.rki. Postal Slatlotl "K" VoiiRe St., Tcion- t ' nnil at 'In - l)<i|>artiiirlit. I'.'i "..,>' 'ii.t. ui M.. i '.- tititiuatl that f.-n In Will not I"' . .MINI. I. I "I UlllHHfl ' I ., ou tllU [u'ititfd fornitt nu|iplie(l, an I HiKtiiii with tludr .1. i i.'ii :!* i m ' i .1 f . .- tliuir ooeupattnni ind pltciiM if rmiilHiicn. In i h" . 'i .- "i tlniiA, Mie uftual i.-'..i i in .. the n ' t M i '- of ttitt ' '. n en i ii.c n I pl'i. - "I i . n.lcn. *. of "rt'li InollltlUr of II"- Orin iiiimt lie ;'i v"n I :' li tanJur nnmt he scoonipsniiul l>y an HI uo|>ti(1 cliei|ii6 nn a c-.hartttrflH liauk, payable to Hi.iui.Ui of the Honorable thn Mlnlnter of rii hi i. Works. -''I'm I to i "M 1 10) par cent, of the summit of die tiunlnr. whioli will l> foifnlttil if tin* purauti tyuJerlliK decline* to i-uter into a ' nil*' i when ''ul li"i upon to do no, or fall to '"iiii'l.'t i ili.. nork Routraotiiil for. If the tmi- 'I'-i be not accepted tlichei|nu will borpturoed The I MTU i does not bind Itnulf to so- pi the fowsator any tender. I' y 01 .l.i. H. C- DKSIKH HKKS. Huoretary. hh|ii tin mi of Public Work*, Ottawa, June an, rut. Newpaprii will not ba paid Ifor this ailvei . 1 1.. I.'.- .I if they Insert it without authority from the Depaitnieut. 428UO, For Sale by Tender Stmh'il Tenders will bo reneived up to .Inly l-i for the purchase of my iei>idence nnd lot in tho village i f Markdale. -W. L. McFARI.AND. Bull for Service I'LI I i "il Hluirtliurn hull for iprvire on lot Hi!-70, 2 K. T. AS R., Ar- It'mr.-i i. TPMIIS SI- -RICHARD ALLKN.Pivp. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong. Flesheirton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sat itf action LAL'NDRY-Biskot leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLKANING and DYEINO We are .t-i-ii'-. for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR Fa H, W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Summer Specialties Middy and Norfolk Blouses A b'g ranze of ihrs popu'ar and aeniceab'e garments just received from maken. Full fittino; - beautifully tu. H!I. .1 'hroughout mnde of eitra quality. IndUu Head suiting - linen finish - piped and f*ced red, navy cadet blue and tan - col rs a-i 1 ni>t run in waihing - All sizes, 1.00, 1.25, 1.45, 1.85. Long Gloves Our stock U complete in the Populir 16 Butron length in silk and lisle gloves for summer wear - colois are white, brown, tan and black f mr dome fistner* double tip fingers Prices, 50:., 75c., and $1.00. Long Lid glovts in whi'e and black. Sizes, 6 to 7. Special. $2.50. Lace Collars A spec al import purchase jn-,1 m newgtupea and designs very Specially pticrd for quick sel i-ig. -5 :.. 40c., Me., 75c. and $1.C a ilors.. White, cream aad ecru Ladies' Summer Hosiery Everything you need for -u mn -i wear - Li<<ht weight cashmere Llama finish, 25c.. 3oc.,and ")'ic. Plain tan, white or black lislj. 35c., -tOc. and 50c. Specin 1 p'atn, blick co ton, pimped !e|t, seamless feel, stainless dye 2 for 25c. Specialties in Men's Wear Fancy Hosiery, Negligee shirts, Wash ties, ^'e\v neckwear, Linen and Pique collars, straw hats, Light underwoar, Summer suits. Felt hats, and work shirts. HIGHES PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Irou Beds. The original of the picture given at the liead of this advertisement will only cost you i $5.00 5.00 $5.00 (iet something nice and c - )tnfort,ble on which to lay your weary lioad. Of course we liave other beds at other : prici'S, nil equally low in price I Sanitary I$eds such as everybody j \vantri. Springs and Mattresses to lit all be.'lj. Kxamine our stocl; an.v- way, before purchasing iiidiicera. your 8'c-ci. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing Up-To-Uate as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Stalemate made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. The; know ft Carts No NMDM or wd without written CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 16474. "The spot! are all gnna n "Mi my luge and arms unA 1 fpi-l good now. I am very gratetul to you and ihall never forget the favor your raedlclno* have dime for me. You cnu use my name In recommending It to any lufferer. I nm going to get mnr- ri'-'i loon. Thanking you once more, BATS TWO MONTHS CURED HIM. Patient No. imii.v Ag<> 13. Blngle. Indulgdil In Immoral lnn , 4 years. D- poilt In urine anil drains at nlKht. Varlcoie Velni cm both nlilci. palm In back, weak 0exunlly. Ke wrltoi: "I received your letter of recent date, ami In reply I am pleased to any that after taking two months' treatment I would consider myielf completely cured, aa I have seon no signs of them coming back (one year). Till; WORLD SKEMS DIFFERENT. Patient No. l.Miri. "I have not had a regular Kmleslon I don't know when and am feeling tine. Tho world eeomi altogether different to me and I thank Ood for directing me to you. Ton havo been an honest doctor with me." VARICOSE VEINS CCRED. Cane No. IB8M. Sjinptnms when h* started treatment: Age 21. single, In- riulfrcd In Immoral habits several years. Varicose Veins on both sides pimples on the face, etc. After two months' troatmi>nt ho writes as follows: "Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varlcoio Veins have completely dis- appeared f>r quite a while and It seems a cure. 1 work harder and feel loss tired. I hava no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you (or your kind attention." stc. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONB MONTH. Patient No. 13532. This patient (aged S8> had a chronic case of Nervous De- Illty and Sexual Weakness and wa> run down In vigor and vitality. After one month's treatment he reports as fol- lows: "I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds In one month, so that I will have to congratulate you." Later report: "I am beginning to (eel more like a man. I feel my condition Is getting better every week." His last re- port: "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the. last month's treatment that I wilt have to get. I thought at one time I would never be cured but I put con- fidence In you from the Mart and 700 have cured me." CUftKS GUARANTEED Oil NO PAY W. mat and cur. VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and .11 Du..... peculiar Io me>. CONSULTATION FREE Blank for Horn* Treatment. BOOKS FREE. If unabU to caU write for a QiMsbs* VI "YT" I f ff A1 ! letter* from Canada must b addrmscd to our Casv 1^1 Vx I I Vs* s& adlan Correspondence Department a> follows t SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMnsi DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. DRS.KENNEBY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan AT*, and Gruwold St., Detroit, Mich. FARM F9R SALE In the towrmhip of Artemes 1 1, in Ihe County of Gruy, lot 13, con. 2, iintl lots 12 and 1M, con. 3 N.I) It, cnMtainii-K ICO ncroN ; (r-iino Imuso. Apply to N. Mo- Fayden, I'mi Pik, Oni., or A. N. Mor- gan, Nuw I ,i-ki- u ', ur .Inhn MuFvdei>, Ceylon, Out. 1 juyl.'! Pure Bred Holstein Ru!l thiiniji'Liiu Prince Joe Uwd l>y ChnniHiiiK Butter Uny out of Tuly Abheki'ik I'riniowM Joicpliine. Tho gr<mti<t Imlter iniikiny . i : .rn knuwii. Teim of iurvii-e- Ili fur j<i .Ji's, $5 fur pure lirod. (1KO. MOORKA80N, P...JH.. THE mm, Carefully Corrected Eaoii Week^l Wheat ................... 8," to 85 ' imtH ..................... 83 in ,T,S Pens .......... ..... 1 12 io 1 12 Bui-ley ................. [5 tu 55 Hay .............. 10 00 to 10 00: Butier ............... 21 K'i(Z, freh ............ 2<l 21 ' Wool Wanted ! ! \V'e wnl unlimited quantities cf fleece washed nd un<vathed Merchantl>le W( M ih The price this year will be a little h'jzher. Please don't forget that the highest price is your* if you sell at -' r We have just received a shipment direct from the factory of Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Garments. House Dre.sses, White Skirts, Waists, Middy and Norfolk Blouses, some of the neatest designs we have, ever shown. Also whitewear, including Princess Slip, Might Dresses, Underskirts, Corset Covers and Drawers, all at exceptionally low prices. BOOTS AND SHOES \Ve have received some new shipments of shoes, including all the new styles Jindat pi ices which will astonish you. Ready-Made Clothing Now is the riiie to pick your tpring and tummer suit. Also Youths' an 1 Boys' cluthirt^in all styles ' and at very close prices. Boys' w; suits in stripes with sailor collars; .Bloomer pants, also plain check, trinmivd with blue. t 7l*c.,'1Wc., and 81 5!) Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J.& W. BOYD FLESHERTON, - ONT. Sale At Ceylon Sale continues ail this week, until Saturday, night, June 2ist Come anil get some of the good things. 3 Boxes Yeast Cakes for lOc 30c Japan Tea for 25c 4 pnckage Dyola Dye 25c Turkish Dyes, per packige. ,5c 1 qt. tins, Faint 40o 1 pt.titw, PiintSOcgojd braniJs Bo>ts and Shoes at 25c, 50c, .-: :: 75c and fl.OO :: :: Next week we are having a sale on the Millinery. Anyone waiting to get n up-to-date Hat cheap needn't wait any longer. Remember the dates From the 23rd to the 28th,SATURDAY . . NIGHT TERMS CASH AND TRADE I JAS. PATTISON & Co. | U GENERAL MERCHANTS i I CEYLON ONT. Fowl to ty

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