Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded Breadstuff*. Toronto, June 3. Floor Ontario wheat Dour, 90 per cent, patents. $3.30 to $3.95, Montreal or Toronto frigntd. Manitobait First patents, iu jino buga. $5.30; eev- ond imtents, in jute bags. |4 80; strong bakers , iu jute bags, $4.60. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern. $1.01, n track. Bay ports; No. 2 at 981-4c; So. 3, 951-2u. Bay portB. Ontario wheat No. 2 white and red wheat, 97 to 98c, out.iuie, an<l inferior at 80 to BSc. Oats Ontario oate. 34 to 35c, outside, and at 37 1-2 to 38c. on track, Toronto. Western Canada oata, 40c for No. 2, and at 371-20 for No. 3, Bay porta, prompt i feedi 41 to 411.20. Barley-Man, feed, bipment. 49 to 50c; malting. 61 to 64c. Buckwheat Pas The market is purely nominal. y o . z. 58 to 60c. flour-Man. .Spring wheat Barley Prices nominal. I patents, firsts. $5.40; seconds, $4.90; strong Corn No. 3 American corn, 64 l-2c, all- bakers', S4./0; Winter pa!.>u:, choice. S81-2c: No. 2, do.. 85c ; No. 3. do.. 80 Wo; No. 3 tough. 82c; No. 1 red Winter. 95c; No. 2 red Winter. 921-2c; So. 3 red Win- ter, 89o; No. 4 red Winter, 84e. Oa'.B So. 2 C.W., 35c; No. 3 C.W , 321-4c; eiira No. 1 feed. 547-8e; No. 2 feed. 31 l-2c. Barley No. 3. 471-4c; No. 4, 461-2c: reject- ed. 421-4c; feed. 42 l-4c. Flax No. 1 N.- W.C., $1.14; No. 2 C.W., $1.12; No. 3 C.W., $1.03 3-8. Business at Montreal. Montreal. June 3. Cora American No. 2 yellow, 6 to 661-2c. Oats Uanadlan West- ern, No. 2, 41 to 41 l-2c ; Canadian West- ern, No. 3. 361-2 to 39c. Onte Exira No. Tall, and at 591-2c, c.i.f., Midland. Eye Prices nominal. Buckwheat-No. 2 at 52 to 53c, outside. Bran Manitoba bran, $17 to $17.50, in bags. Toronto freight. Shorts, $19 to $19.50, Toronto. Country Produce. Butter Dairy prints, choice, 23 to 24c; Inferior. 17 to 19c; creamery, 26 to 23c for Tolls, and 25 to 27c for tolids. Eegu <Jaee lots, 20 to 21c here, and at 18c outeide. Cheese 13 1-4 to 13 l-2c for twins, and at 12c for large; old cheese, 14 to 141-2c. Beans Hand-picked. $2.25 per bushel; primus. 12 to $2.10, iu a jobbing way. Honey Extracted, in tins, 123-4 to 12c per Ib. for No. 1, wholesale-, combs. $2.50 to $3 pr doxeu for No. 1, and $2.40 for No. 2. Poultry WelVfatted. clean, dry-picked itock-Chickens, 19 to 20c per Ib.; fowl, 16 to 17c. ; turkeys. 20 to 21c. Live poul- try, about 2o lower than the atx Potatoes Ontario etock, Me per bag, on track, and Delawaree at 80c per bag, on track. Provisions. Baoon, long clear, 151-2 to 163-4o per Ib., in case lots. Pork Short cut. 328; do., meas. $22. Hams Medium to light, 19 to 20c; h*ry. 17 to 18c; rolls. 16 to 161-4c; breakfast bacon. 20e; backs, 23 to Mo. Lard The market is firm. 141-2c; tuba, 143-4c; palls, 15c. Tierces, Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay-No. 1 at $12 to 12.50, on track, Toronto; No. hi quoted 'at $10. 2. $11. Mixed hay Baled Straw-Good stock at $8 to $8.50. on track, Toronto. Winnipeg Market. Winnipeg. June 3. Cash Wheat No. 1 Northern. 94c: No. 2 Northern. 911-2c; No. } Northern. 880; No. 4, 831-Zci No. 5, 76c; No. 6, 72c; teed. 58c; No. 1 rejected, 85.25; straight rollers. $4.75 to $4.85; straight rollers, ba b o, J.!i to $2.30. Rolled oats Barrels, $4.35; bags, 90 lew.. $2.05. Bran, $17: shorts. $19; middlings. $22; moullie. $26 to S32. Hay No. 2. per ton, car lota. $14 to $14.50. Cheese Finest westerns. 121-8 to 121-4c; Qnst easterns, 11 1-2 to 11 3-4c. Butter Choicest cream- ery. 26 1-2 to 27c ; seconds. 25 1-2 to 26c. Eggs Fresh, 22c; selected, 25c; No. 1 stock, 23c. Potatoes Per bag, car lots. 60 to 70c. United States Markets. Minneapolis. Minn.. May 28. Wheat May. 901-2c; July, 913-8c; September, 921-3c. Cash-No. 1 hard. 937-8; No. 1 Northern. 923-8 to 933-8c; No. 2 Northern, 903-8 to 913-8c. No. 3 yellow corn. 621-2 to 63c. No. 3 white oate, 371-2c. No. 2 rye. 55 to 58r. Flour and bran unchanged. Duluth. May 28. Wheat No. 1 hard, 9JJ-8c; No. 1 Northern, 92J-8c; No. 2 Northern. 897-8 to 993*; May. 915-8o asked: July. 923-8c; September. 925-8o. Lin- eed, $1.296-8; May. $1.253-8 nominal: July, $1.30 1-8 asked; September. $1.321-2 asked; October, $1.307-8 asked. Live Stock Markets. Montreal. May 28. Cattle Receipts. 600; cows and springers, 80; calves. 1,500; sheep and lambe. 500; hogs, 700. Beeves. 71-4c to 8 l-2c : medium. 5 1-4 to over 7 : common, 4 to 5. Milch cows. $30 to $70 each. Calveij, 3o to 6 l-2c. Sheep, about 60. Spring lambs, 44 i ,i .*) each. Hoge, about 10 Me. Toronto, June 3. Cattle Choice export. $6.75 to $7.25: choice butchers, $o.60 to $7.15: good medium. $6 to $6.25; common. $S to S6.J:. cows. $5.50 to $6.25: bulls. $5.25 to $6; canners. $2 to $2.50: cutters. 93.26 to $3.75. Calves -Good real, $5 to $7; choice. $8 to $8.50; common. $3 to $3.50. 8tOfker and feeder* -Steer*. 700 to 1,000 Ib*.. $4.50 to $6.25; yearling*. $2.10 to $3.50; extra choice heavy feeder*. 900 Ib*., $5.85 to *6.2S. Milkers and springers Prom $40 to $75. Sheep and lambs Light ewes. $5.50 to $6.50; henry. $4.50 to $5: lam be. yearlings, $7.50 to $850; bucks, $4.50 to $5; spring Items of News by Wire Notes of Interest as to What Is Going: on All Over the World HOW A LONDON MOB HANDLES MILITANTS. The photo shows a London mob pulling a militant speaker from the stand in Trafalgar Square. The unfortunate suffragette is hanging head down in the crowd ; her friends in the stand are holding on to her skirts. OUR UTTES FROM TOROHO WHAT IS BEING MOSTLY DISCUSSED AT THE PRESENT TIME. "Getting into Parliament and After," by Sir George W. Ross-"Deborah" Not Wanted In Toronto. During the last few months there have been published many, volumes of minims- ci-ncea of prominent public men which have constituted a distinct addition to the literature and historic records of tiio Dominion. Among these may be mention- ed the works of Sir Richard Cartwright, Hon. James Young, and Mr. Goldwiu Smith. It 18 doubtful, however. If any einulnr volume has ever been published in Can.vJa which combines the interest, the entertainment and the historic data lambw. $J.50 to $6.50 each. Hoga-$9.85. [ wjlic h ;ire to be found in a volume juet fed aud watered; $9.50 to $9.60. f.o.b.. and | pu bIiBed by Hon. Sir George Eons. It is $10.10 to $10.15 off cars. PEACE TREATY IS SIGNED. Ceremony In London Very Brief Ouly One Hitch Occurred. A despatch from London says: The treaty of peaoe between Tur- key and the Balkan allies was sign- ed at St. James' Pa,lac at 12.40 p.m. on Friday. Thanks to the firm action of Sir Edward Grey, the trusted and respected spokesman of the European concert, the Balkan war, after a duration of nearly eight months, was definitely termi- nated by a ceremony lasting exactly one hour. Five copies of the treaty, one for each belligerent State, on plain, printed sheets, with blanks left for the signatures, lay on the polished mahogany table. Sir Ed- ward Grey opened the proceedings by inviting the delegates to sign the treaty, whereupon copies of the treaty were passed from hand to hand by the different delegates for signature as they sat round the long table. The proceedings were busi- nesslike and brisk. The only jar- ring note from the point of view of the Servians and Greeks was the discovery of an annex to the treaty, believed to have been drafted by Bulgarians, proposing that the treaty should come into force with- out further ratification. This an- nex was not signed. I entitled "Gutting Into Parliament and ' After" and us juHiahed by William Briggs. dreaded a moment's pause to look at them. My knees trembled as it alarmed Canada. Montreal Board of Control voted 810,000 to provide playgrounds for the children. The Gouzens brothers of Hamil- ton were sentenced in Toronto to serve five years for counterfeiting. Henry Gehman, a surveyor of Sault Ste. Marie, was dr-j-wned in the Shine river when his canoe up- set. Dr. C. J. 0. Hastings, of Toron- to, was elected President of the Medical Officers of Health Associa- tion of Ontario. Mrs. Geo. Chafor, daughter of David Barnhart of Shannonville, was one of those killed at Long Beach, Cal. The first regular train over the new Algoma Eastern Railway, from Sudbury to Little Current, ran on Monday as far as Espanola. Parry Sound temperance people have organized a prohibition alli- ance and will bring' on a Canada temperance act campaign aext fall. Eleven new Judgeships in differ- ent parts of the Dominion are pro- vided for in an amendment to the Judges Act, of which the Minister of Justice has giverj^ notice. John A. Harp, jun., of Malahide township, died of rheumatic fever, x*.uuacr. i." |/i '- i '-11 ! IHJT ,\ . n.-n LIUII i- ' us _ . i i i distracted by the restlessness of the mem- contracted through his being over- bers present. I flxed my eye upon tha ' heated and chilled at his wife's who seemed to be the only per- son who took any interest in what I had j grave three months ago. to say. and poured into his ears with i Harry Swift, aged 21. of Toronto, was electrocuted at the Hydro- reckless rapidity the arguments that I in- tended for the Ilouse. I never lost en- tirely the thread of my subject, although Electric transformer station *t more than once I wandered from my pr- j Dundas while tightening a nut with meditated course. A few members who I fear had not listened to me ery attn- monkey wrench. tively congratulated me on my maiden effort. To myself" the effort was far from satisfactory. I pitched my voice several iximta tou high and I galloped along from start to finish like Tarn O Shanter when pursued by th witches of Auld Kirk Alloway. I thought my experience on the platform and in all aorta of foren- sic com ban would have so hardened me Great Britain. Lord Avebury, the noted English banker, scientist and author, is dead. _ ^ ____ A 1,000.000 suit was commenced for the ordeal that I could fare the in London against directors of the IIou*e of Commons without a quiver. Vain delusion. The House bore no resem- blance to any audience I had ever ad- Sir George's book ia free from the in- 1 hoe come in contact with practically vectiTO and bitterness which characterises [ every public man of importance in the many portions of Sir It.- hard Cartwright'a Kuminieceucea. But it doea not lack grip [ up. in the reader on that account. To the avtTug.i Canadian who in interested in 640 MILES IN 15 HOIRS. Remarkable Flight of Airman Carrying a Passenper. A despatch from Rome savs : The j the history and progress of liis country. _ ri- ;'the book will be as fascinating as a ro- French aviator Pierreyon, carrying, mance u u couched in tho i aneuaBe . a passenger, made a flight from I embroidered with imagery and quotation Turin to Home and return, a total vvhu-h has done much to make Sir George ' . Mnou nsi , i _ ri M i u n.i.4 n1 ***>ii.>fivn distance of about 640 miles, in fif- teen and a, half hours on \VVdnes- English Marconi Company. King Gorge and Queen Mary dressed, it wa an soUd as the Sphinx were given a big ovation in London on their return from Berlin on Thursday. Marconi wireless apparatus was and as unimpressionable as an obelUk. Picture of Sir John A. In the course of hia career. Sir George- K - the most finished and attractive orator Canada ban ever produced. And like hit* spouches. too. the volume sparkles Laarnlng to Makt Speeches. POISONOUS MATCHES. Royal Society of Canada Wants Them Prohibited. A despatch from Ottawa says : The Dominion Government will be asked by the Royal Society of Can ada to prohibit the manufacture sale and importation of the white or poisonous phosphorus match Such was the society's decision at its general meeting on Wednesday morning. The poisonous phos phorus match is the one most gen- erally in use in Canada and is saw to have dangers not only for those who assist in its manufacture, to is said to give the disease known as phoasy jaw, but for the consumer. day. Pierreyon started from Turin , *' th huu "> r - at'five o'clock in the morning and i Learnl arrived at Rome at 11.30, having j Dj-unsuihed as he became In later life made only one stop at Pisa for the | as^u ^platform purpose of repleuishing-his supply ""' of petrol. On the return trip he t! left Rome aft one o'clock in the budding tatc Dominion of Canada. he gives delightful pen pictures, each delineated with th utmost good humor though with perfect insight into their real characlera. Of Sir John Mardonald he tipeaka in kind terma. lie recalls that at the time of tho big re-distribution hia the means of preventing a big mar- ine disaster off the Irish coast. Alice Hill, a notorious English criminal, just sentenced to three years, announces she will emulate Mrs. Pankhurst and refuse food. The public is wondering wiiat the authorities will do. t'nitwl States. The Coaster Brake Trust of Buf- falo pleaded guilty ia Rochester to charges of violating the trust laws. Dr. L. M. Ottofy claimed, be*/)re^ the St. Louis Society of Medical Research, that he had a serum to cure cancer. The British Ambassador and Sec- retary Bryan signed the renewal of thegeneral arbitration treaty be.- tween Great Britain and the L'nited States. A movement to revive the old cus- tom of publishing the banns for a reasonable period preceding a wed- ding was started at the annual con- vention of the Chicago diocese of the Episcopal Church. A New York jury awarded s*12,- 500 to Miss Ida Newlands, a nurse, of Kingston, Ont.. in her suit for 850.000 against John W. Butler, a millionaire apartment house own- er, for injuries she received iu a fall down an elevator shaft. General. The elections in Australia result- ed in the return of the Labor Gov- ernment. An Austrian officer, convicted of betraying army secrets, ended his life with a pistol. The Imperator will start on her maiden voyage from Hamburg to New York on June 11. For the re- turn trip all berths have already been engaged. Belgium will increase the pec strength of the army from -10,000 to 55,000 and the war strength from 180,000 to 340.000, the latter in- crease being to defend Antwerp, Liege and .\aznur. arrive in be an exhibition of prndiabnera or at least nf a "holler than thon" attitude if Toronto was to declare it would not have that which other cities approved or at least tolerated. In the case of 'Deborah." however, the situation was different, be C.U til*- *.m,- \jl Lllv UIK LVUXBU1WUI.4VU U13 _, . j . . opponent in West Middlewx asked for cause Toronto waa selected e the nla<-e the re-casting of the constituency and f ? r the flr8t Pi'r'ormanoo or premiere of went to Sir John about it. telling him how a Conservative majority could be made perfectly sure. Sir John looked at him rather doubtfully, and remarked, 'You may put thiti township in West Middlesex and you may tnke that one the play. Aa a matter of f.iot moet of &om who saw the flrnt presentation were not rcilly alive to the character of the play that was being presented. They wore so capti- vated by the art of the actors and u lu^.ftt- acjb 1*11,4 JVM IUHJ LllaE 1 bUA. UUV . (.11* 1 1 - I. off. or you may make any shuffle you I tresses and the skilfulncw win which but that Intl.! devil Itoiw i of what you of thia defeat. w.ll I been constructed by the the . t j TV ,] : native county 01 BUOMMX. UCCMMUMIU afternoon, stopped at Fisa anU be nearil a 1)oli:ictt i 8aecc h. once he bor ears preceding .federation the j of sif Jonu . g Uucal M , a4 . iv . and with . taught school in h ; , )Ut a ,, o , d[Btt * p( ,^ tmont . ," 1,*- ..?.V d .r h J ' SZ~&$L He speak* in admiration of Sir John's reached Tuiin at o'clock. rowed i hotve and saddle and rode iii>-n miles to hear D'Arcy JtcOee. But it was to th ' Sons of Temperance" that he gives credit for hi schooling in the art of public xpuaking. As a member of tho I organization it became hia privilege t share ill the honors and to work aide i by aide with men many years hia senior. 'Then occasionally." he says, "there was a field-night for the good of the Order, ! which meant a debate on some pre-ar- SOLDIERS RETURNING. Went to Europe at the Balkan War. A despatch from London says : Twelve hundred reservists of the ; Bulgarian and Austrian armies who went to Eur< _ , ... i. j ' . ' I I 1 > , I ICI |H i*'lii j* .1 i l| III--" L .> <ll M. WUlf UJ of wie .Balkan War and an- now ! TiPtue O f nil) omce a designated expon on their way back to the United ent. So from necessity, more frequently States and Canada, arrived Wednesday at Grimsby from Libau and proceeded to Liverpool to em- bark for the ocean voyage. in the*e fleld-nighu the achool- at the beir'nni'is master, as the highest authority on all at , , Uernry an(J pol< , m j ca i qU e.tions, was by tell the atorf of tha play to the'r friend", that they realiicd what a disgusting piece of stage --raft it wae. Tho plot waft adroitness in debate, aud chiefly of hia j stu ' h th ".L>i V uld not . ^'My be related capacity for pickinit men. Personally he I or <IK<-1><1 in any mixed company. With seldom came iu contact with the great i n ' rlla " on * or lwo exception* it wa tMe Conservative leader. On one occasion they i < <"[ f"t na "*r bfpn pnt on met iu the lobby during Sir George's first j in . a ! " al , t , he , atre T . h<> d" 8 '" 1 <? tl!H ' r * session and without the formality of an who * a j 1 first performances and who. introduction Sir John shook hand* with \ actl " lt under "?"rny of the po^pp de- t.he youthful member, quoting the lines Payment, give tho theatres pprmipsion from Pope : "Who taught that heaven-directed epire i P<*-tators. to to go on each week, failed, like other the character of ^o jig,.? I Deborah as a play. They cut out cor- i in The man 'of Rose' each lisping babe re- <*<"< but tn <-0 "' d " ot alter t!l si ' plies." And His Leader Slept. In contrast with this may be set down an extract from another portion of the book where Sir Geoifru recalls having , nificance of the whole story. A Clergyman Acted. It remained for Rev. John fobiirn. act- ing for tlH> t'ommit.te of Vigilance, to take the action which resulted in of Deborah. Having the wit- than from choire, I was obliged to wrestle, capacity of public school inspect, came a member of Parliament. Exceed- terest in anylbing I might say wag my i ingjy interesting i his description of fci dilorama. It wa. however. the M WHITE PLAGl'E CHKCKE1). Statistics Showing How Dcuth Rale Has Diminish,-,]. A despatch from Berlin says: From Prussia ooine statistics to gladden the hearts oil the forces en- gaged in world-wide battle with tuberculosis. Not only has the on- ward march- of the white plague been checked in this section of the Empire, but its ravages have even been lessened. The doth rate in 1911 was 15.12 per lO.OOCJ; in 1912 it was 14.49. Where 61,819 persons died in 1911,, 6,S09.died in 1912- and this notwithstanding ti\e nor- ' iu*l increase in population. A GOOD COW. Remarkable Test of 7, 14 and 90 Days. A- . I f*t \ 1 *** ** fcvivr-m.p t^ IIB ,,,.-,, . _.. v .- -.. v , oespatch from Gucljui says : i maiden effort us & speech mi:::r la _ \\. H. Cherrpa.of Garnet, Ontario, I House. He says: "For some myeterioui is the proud* possessor of the senior ' r two-year-old champion cow of Can- ada. Peter Carnochan. late of the O\ /-, T-v C> 1 1 1 ' 1 IV ' tuca * * IliUI .", I'. I \1,'T UI11C11 .Mllf . A. L. 1'airy School, ct'.U the test- j cision and resolves and re-resolves, how ing. and the results, seven days, 21.65 pounds of butter. 11 days -**-* " / i-j%>ww>)r * fc-.^ "~ .-.!-- * I i, ". * r ill I Pit " f 1 1' <'*1111"1 H II V busiuess. first as proprietor of the fitrath- whole time you were speaking, Whether : |j"" ""V t "* 'neat tli> ol iv Thug nd roy "Age, after as part owner of- the to take his repose- as a mark of perfect i '^ n^orU iftT a Vhtrt life ot throo O.,:.(,.K -f...., _ -.,j . . I nonfl<li>n<-o in niv'nhilitv t.n An mut-.o n ed Deborah after a snort me 01 tnrte , . Seaforth "KxpositoTr" and also in the confidence ia my ability to do juetic* to * capacity of public school inspector, be- the subject, or as showing a lack of in- u j T-ult dT in an opportunity some other member would perhaps rise and appropriate tho few ideas I had collected. After much inde- 42.70, and 30 days 89.65 pounds, have never been equaled by any cow owned in the Dominion. _ j^ GUI. I' LINKS DAMAGED. -The Suffr(?eUos of India Are Also on the War Path. A despatch from Calcutta, says : The campaign, of the militant Suf- fragettes has spread even to India. The golf links at Simla, the popu- lar sanitorium for Europeans, were damaged on Thursday, and cards and Suffragette literature were found there. m ig, MONOPLANE IPSET. French Artillery Officer KittaP on Friday. A'd.espaloli from Bourges, France, eay: Lieut. Jean Ferdinand Krcy- der, a Freilch army aviator, belong- ing to the 54th Regiment of Artil- lery, was killod on Friday by a fall trom his monoplane, which turned turtle in a sudden storm xhile he was observing the effects of the ar- tillery practice- of hi* regiment. ever. I concluded that I could not lenrn to swim without getting into the water, aud even if 1 were to drown I would make the attempt. My maiden efforts consisted first of a speech on immigration of about ten minutvs, uxt of a pech on the ne- cessity of. restricting the salo of intox- icating honors oT about forty~-flve miuuv.^ aud a spattuh on the Pacific Railway of about twenty-five minutes. "I spoke from notes, as was my habit before 1 ouH'reil the House, but such wat* my state of nervous excitement that 1 whicll I a^lr;4 his either ootoro or a, d^li"*?^ Mr. Blake, he says, was always on his good behaviour. lie enjoyed a good story but never "swapped" with anybody. o. H could not make himself "one of tho *''!*'._ * to be expected that as will be further adve ^n cities as tho moot d city in America. But it will prob- fomjd Dial there will be many other o^; ^* U1 WPI e s8 attui)>tfi are 111.1,1.. ; > . " TO UK Li' SMALL BRKEUKRS. Canadian >'.-itional Kxhihiiion Aro Haking Special Effort-. The prize list of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Toronto, August 23rd to Sept. 8th, is being distri- buted, and it shows that tho Man- agement have given special atten- tion to the Agricultural department generally, and to the encourage- ment of the smaller exhibitor in particular. In cattle, more money is given to both the beef and dairy classes, and the list has been extended so thai in some classes as many as einht prizos are given. Thus the small breeder with a good animal is prac- tically sure of recouping at least a part of the expense of shipping to Toronto. More money is also given to Hor- ticulture, Floriculture and Poultry. The entire list totals $55,000, and as no prizes are given for Manufac- tures, every dollar of this goes to the products of the home, tho school, the farm and the garden. The special attractions this year are featured by three high-class bands the Irish Guards and one other from England, and Con-way's- j Band from Chicago, while of the spectacle. "The Burning of Rome," i it is enough to say that it will be starred by John Henderson, of Eng- land, who has put on all the big spectacles of recent years in Bri- tain. boys." The Suppression of -Deborah." - The most sensational Incident in recent years in connection with local theatrical i are reported to have turned It down. The I example set by Toronto may also have a wholesome influence in making other ! cities more carefully scrutinize first pro- i auctions. matters occurred the other day when Po- i ' latftiLiTH oci urrcu uje oinvr nay wiien !< lice Magistrate Denison and the. police j I**'!'"* condemned aud suppressed the play "Deb- j { , w ,^ ornh." Toronto felt that- It was being put. It ia a common allegation of theatrical the reformers are pharina- itical. But it would not iro any more hyixjcritical perhaps years in other cities. When they BIG STRIKE IN ENGLAND Industrial Unrest Takes the Form of a Demand for Minimum Wage by Unskilled Workers A despatch from London says : After a period of comparative calm in the English industrial world, a series of extensive labor disputes has broken, out in the Midlands. The unrest takes the form gener- ally of a demand for minimum wages by unskilled workers. In nearly every case the strike began witho,ufr notice to the employers. It is estimated that 40,000 persons of 30,000 are "Black Country' 1 workers. SIX PEOPLE 1NJIKK1*. In Trolley Wreck at Mount ('le- mons. A despa-tch from Detroit. ?;iys : In a rear-end" collision between two suburban cars near Mount Clemens on Thursday night, half a dozen persons were more or less injured by flying'glass and shock of the col Jisioii. George N. Day, of Owen Sound, and Miss Anna Griffin. Sar- The carters' strike at Bradford m a, were badly shaken up. but not led to several exciting conflicts l S eriouslv. between the police and the strikers. The movement in the "Black Coun- try 1 ' is assured of larger propor- tions as it is spreading to other industries. The leaders of the : men assert their intention of making th .strike a national on. l^argo bod- ies of polk-p have b?en sent lo the are on strike or locked out, where- 1 troubled districts. Tho Scottish homo ruli> bill i\-<vs given its' second reading in ihe Bri- tish House of Commons on Friday ',-- Five-year-old 'Albert Benion,. j? killed by" an automobile on B Street, Toronto, on Friday. t\PI.()S10> AM) FIKE. Top of i'lipola Blown Olf and Ten- der Killed. A despatch from Hali'iax sa^vsr One life was lost, several persons had narrow escapes, and a property loss of $10.000 resulted from an ex- plosion followed by fire at the Nova So tin. Car Company's plant, on Saturday afternoon. The explosion occurred in the cupola in which the mm is melted. Workmen were drawing off the molted iron whon some of it fell on wet sand, which generated steaw. The top of the cupola was blown off and Charles Spinney, tho cupola tender, was so badly burned by the hot metal Tiat he died a few hours later. _ A NO STIUKK AT fOBALT. /* Rcliof F>lt That Proposal Fnilt-d to Get Two-Thirds. A drspatch from Cobalt says* The vote as i-j whether they ,-.hmld g^i' on strik.ji was jnriujd d-jwn by HIP Cobalt braiici) of the ^Ve^yi** Federation of Minors, as it failed of a two-thirds majority. Accord- ing to the constitution o lK& i>ivm two-thirds of tho total vote ;n:i declared for a strike.