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Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1913, p. 5

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May 29 1913 THE FLESHERTON AD VANCE B THE ESTABLISHED 1879 @F TT is an advantage sometimes to 1 keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account" We shall be pleased to furnish par- ticulars. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH Manager. CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Brancbc* aba at Doriiam and Hairiztoa. Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.3Op.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station A. E. L. Malone, for 22 years deputy 1 postmaster of Owen Sound, died last week after a lingeiing illness. He was Going North)* member of the firm of Ddvis-Smith- 11.28 a.ui. -Malono. 8.58p. m. At a council session last week, the Owen Sound Council decided to use the The mails are closed at Flesherton ao follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at j *-uf?enia hydro Power to the extent of 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ( 1200 horsepower, providing the govern- mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g ( ment w jn agree to 8up pi y that amount. I Owen Sound has a zoological garden. VICINITY CHIPS 5 ; The latest acquisitions to the ! are a pair of pet rabbits and Mr. C. Mosier of Toronto is holiday- ing here. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher spent the the holiday in the ci'y. Mr*. Spence of Toronto is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. R. Betitham visited Chatswortb friends on the 24th. Misses Hazel and Leone Thompson Collingwood are holidaying here. menagerie a pair of homer pigeona ! No * if they only had a thoroughbred roaster and ben or two tj add to the collection of rarities ! Mesdames Alex. Stewart of Teeswater, Amos Doupe of New LiskearH, D. Stew- art of Depot Harbor, and ?. Hacking of St. Johns, N.B.. sisters of the late Mrs. Taylor, are visiting relatives here this week. They arrived, too late to attend the funeral. The 24th was duly observed in Flesher- { I ton. The day w.-is delightful. There I were no special attractions except tish- Mr. Nixon of Mono Road spent holiday with Mr. Alex. Stewart. Mrs Herbert LeGard of Owen Sound, spent a few day* with -friends around town. Mrs. Elmer Wuolcox and Miss Edith Vasey of Turonto visited at Mr. Jos. Clinton. MeMrs. G. Bailey and J. Watson spent (he holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Muses Mabal Munshaw and Annie Wilcock and Mrs. Welton spent the 24th in Toronto. Mr. John Duncan and Miss Margaret O'Neil of Toronto spent the holiday with friends here. Miss Etta LeGard is spending a couple of weeks with friends iu Toronto and Colling wood. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is tomato now. A made it this ) '"**>' k matl w ^ * et out plants that day is sorry for it heavy frost Sunday night necessary to replaut. A Mission Band for the young people in the Presbyterian church was organized last week with the following officers: President, Mrs. i FUv)Mc Vicar ; Secretary, Miss Flo. Lever ; Treasurer, Miss Maudy Stewart , Organist, Miss Allie Williams. The nuetin.- will be he!d monthly. The District L. O. L, of Artemesia will hold their Semi-Annual meeting at Port L>w, 4th line, in L. O. L. Xo. 1132 on Tuesday, June 10th., 1913. The District master wishes a full attendance as important business n to be attended to. J. F. Mathewson, D. M Silas The ratepayer) of the village of N'eustadt, six miles from Hanover, are shortly to vote en a by-law to grant aid by way of a loan in the establishment of a furniture factory there. The proposed name of the new firm fa Tne Neustadt Furuiture Company. Neuatadt boa a chair factory now, employing some sixty hands, and as it only has some bOO of a population, this proportion to start an- other factory shows a good deal of enter- prise on the part of the villagers. Mr. Bert McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKee, Melancthon, was so un- fortunate as to hare his leg broken whi'e ou duty as brakesman on the C. P. R. out of Fort William. It appears he was ruunifi _' alor.g the top of box cars while the train was iu motion. As he was abjut to jump from one cr to another the coupling separated at that place and he get a fall to the ground with the above result. Mis- Eliza White of Elizabeth street, Sbelburne, is the owner of a curiosity in the shape of a four legged chicken. The four let's and feet are complete and 'when it walks it uses the front pair of legs. If it takes a notion to rest it reclines ou the hind pair with all four retting ou the ground. Free Press. Calves Strayed Four yearlings One Grey heifer, one pirtly grey steer, one red steer and one dark red heifer. Any person giving in- formation as to their whereabouts w.'ll be suitably rewarded. GEO. ROSS, Maxwell Po. I HILL BROS., MARKDALE II i This week we are showing many new lines in | Hosiery, Linoleums, Curtain Nets, Wash Dresses, Women's Shoes, and Gent's Furnishings. Our stock of Summer Goods is large and the assortment is good. Look our values over. They will please the most exacting in every line. Strayed From tho premises of the udnersigned 7 head of two-year-old cattle. All marked ith 3 rings 111 top of left ear. They are chiefly red, some grey. Any ont giving in- formation that will lead to their recovery will be suitably tewarded. Lot 21, COD 1], Sottawasigi DAN. TOMPKINS, Siiif-hamp'on Out. Hosiery Specials W e make a specialty of the Hosiers Business . We buy the best makes procurable in the 25, 35 and 50c. lines, ani this week oar showing in lace, lisle, and colored hosiery will be ex- ceptionally good. 100 dozen in the lot. All one price, per pair 25c. Special Showing of Children's Fine Mercerized Hosiery, all sizes, 4 to 7i; A 1 valne, at per pair 25c. We are also showing special values in fine all wool cashmere hose at per pr. '25 and 50c. Linoleums This week we placed in stock 25 n ow pieces of Linoleum. All the newest designs are shown in oar stock. We can show you 4-yd- wide Linoleums, per running yard from $1.75 to $2.50. Now is your time to pick a new floor covering tor your kitchen. Come early and get first choice. Shunk, Sec. At a meeting held last waek it was de- cided to go ahead with the Fiist of July the Presbyterian ' celebration and a strong committee was appointed. w ill be dispensed in church next Sabbath. Miss Ethel Trimble, Owen Sound, and Mr. W. Hodson, spent the 24th at tfce | m the afternoon. parental home here. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes and Mrs. Holmes, Sr., of Owen Sound, visited friends in town over Sunday Mr. John Darker and daughter, of Woodbridge, were guests of Mr. W. H- Bunt, over the holiday. Messrs. Frd Smith and Peter Tulloch of Hillsburg v nt the 24th. with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith. Rev. H. E. Wellwood and Mr. W. H. Bunt are attending Methodist district meeting in Owen Sound this week. Meaford has called off its First cf July celebration. We invite the fun lovinn citizens of Meaford to come to f'lesherton on that date. Mrs. Leatherdale and two little There will be a big list forenoon and As soon as the sub-committees have got things into shape full announcements will be made. Among the Toronto visitors in town over the holiday we noticed the following W. H. Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bun: ham aud babe, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thuraton ind family, Mra. Jos LeGard, J. ThUtlethwait?, EllwooJ Genoa, Laura Armsti-ong, Miss Wi'da- Crossley. Mr. Charley Jiiiuiesob, and Mrs. Fred Tucker. Mr. Fred Karstedt, Jr., will sail from Montreal on Monday uext per. S. S. Manitoba for Liverpool and London. Fred has been under the weather for some time hopes to find renewed health in an ocean voyaga an 1 a visit to the old land. May his hopec: be fulfilled. He also expects to visit the continent Court of Revision The first Kitting of the Court cf Revini ; n for the Township of Artemesia fo' the year 1913 will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, nn Saturday, June 7, 1913, ar 10. 30 a. m. All parties inter- ested will govern themselves accordingly W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Court of Revision The 6rst sitting of the Court of Re- vUion for thu village of Flesherton will be beld in the town hall, F!eshertou, <<n Wednesday, June 4. at 8 o'clock p. m. All parties inteiested will gvern them- selves accordingly. W. H. Thurston. Clerk. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Wash Dresses We are doing a large business in house and street wash dresses. Just think, you can buy a house dress for one dollar. Why spend your time making them ? Street I>res3es moderately priced from $2.00 to $6.00 Ask to see them : they will please von. Women's Low Shoes and Oxfords This week we are clearing out many odd lines in Women's Strap Slippers and Oxfords. There are values m this loi up to three dollars. Special clearing price, $1.48 W !>! I ! I I Pi I! i i I ] I I i i i 8 i ! i 8 i i ! i i i ! ii 11 i ! II II II 11 11 I* II ! i 1*1 ft ii i* i m ii at daughters, of CcldwaUr, also Mr. Clar- j and will probably be absent most of the summer. Sir James Whitney will attend the political demonstration and monster picnic to be held in Riverside Park. Markdale, on Tuesday, June 3rd., ence Ball of Warminster, are visiting the parsonage. Mr. R. C. Kerr of Dresden, has accepted the call to the Baptist circuit here and will commence- duties the first Sunday iu June. Sandy Mack, a horse owned by Mr. J. G. McDonald of Priceville. won the 2.40 trot at Chesley on the -lrh against five other horsts. Rev. Mr. Humphrey of Blind River preached on tho Baptist charge here on Sunday litst and took charge of the funeral of the late Mr. Baard on Monday afternoon. Messn. W. W. Trimble and Walter! Mrr drove over to Chesley Saturday and attended the spirts there. They say Chealey put up some good horse races and other sports. Ou Friday evening Messrs. Alex. Me Lean aud Hugh McKechnie of Price* ille were up before Magistrates McMulleu and McGill, charged with being di-unk in a locil option district. McLean was fined $20 and costs aud McKechnie's case was adjourned until Thursday. The remains of Win. Beard of Orange- ville were intermd in Flesherton comttery on Monday afternonn. The deceased gentleman w.-n a brother of the lite Mr?. Charles Stafford of Artemeoia, and an | j Hon. Dr. Pyne, Hon. W. H. Heaist, i Hon. Dr. Sproule, Hon. I B. Luc<s, Mr. Arthur Meigheu, M. P., Mr. W. S. Middlebro, M. P., Mr. R. J. B-ll, M. P , Mr. C. R. McKeowii. M. P. P. and Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., will -also be preseut. Everybody welcome Ample facilities for picnicking. Bring your baskets. The 31st. Regimental baud of Owen Sound Irn In-en engaged. TheC. P. R. will issue return tickets at single fare fiem all points. Mrs. Mary Jane Taylor, relict of the late Robert Taylor, died at her home, Saugeeu Junction, on Tuesday last, at the age of 61 years. Mrs. Taylor suffered stroke a week previous aud gtadually sank away until the eud. The deceased lady was born at Streetsville, aud marriec John Parks, living with her husbanc nine or ten years, near Proton Station when her husband died. Liter she nunii'il Robert Taylor, aud lived Smiths Falls. Her second husband dice 23 years ago. She leaves beht'id two children by the first, marriage W. J Parks, aud Mrs* Farrell of Ottawa ; !> by the second marriage one daughter, To Rent Port'aw store and dwelling :o rent, or will be sold on moderate :crms. Possession caii be taken at once, For particulais apply to Geo. Thompson, Chatsworth. junel For S.-ile cheap and on easy terms,good 9-rooiced brick dwelling in Flesheiton, with stood hrick-lmed stable or poultry house, and two _>! lots with .same, young bearing orchaid. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf HILL BROS. Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" MARKDALE. ijjj For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acres. Will be sold cheap. W. .1. Meads, CeyU-n P. O. For Sale Good 9-roorued frame dwell- ing nod stable, all complete, in first class condition mid lepair, with h.ird and soft water. Wi'l sell very ?heap if sold this in. urn. Apply R.J. Suroule, Flesher- ron, Ont. >'m7tf Fresh Lime for dale, on and after the 30'h i<f May. Apply to \V. J. Meads, O. D. R. MISCELLANEOUS House For Sle - Iu FUsherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two acrts i f land, hard and suft irater under is.' .:. undoubtedly a very suitable resi- dence for any retired firmer. App'y to Sil3 ShunK, Flesherton. Markdale ?remerv commences opera- tions nn Thursday, May 15, with Mr. R. J. Skelton of the O.A.C.. Quelph, in charge . Mr. Skelton comes highly rec- omet ded, and with the co-operation of the |atnms a successful stason is pre- dicted. Thos. Elliott. $2000 private fuudi to loan on farm moi tijHge security t lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. Farm to Kent Eist half lot 3"$. con. 4, Arteme*i., 50 acres ; frame houso and frme barn. Foi further particulms apply tn R. Little. Wareham, or Mis. WelliiiRtn Badj^row, 23 Charles at., Tnrouto. Flour! Flour! Don't scold the ci>k buy Five Roses Flour per bbl. $(5; Hamilton'* White Lily $5. Sold by S. M. Osborno, Maxwell's chep cish store. Orders now being 'aken for Spring delivery 1913. Prospects bright for the season's>. Experierer* laaa-rHU.-j. w e instruct oui: sale*:r.JO howtr ?-o:i Fruit Stocks in the and ?ia.\nijatal trees in the town. START XOW and have your tenitory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free outfit. Write for terms. IJuo Stone & TORONTO, Wellington OST. CORN ! CORN ! Get your corn for planting. I have on hand a large stock of all the favorite kinds, indndimr Comp- ton's Early, North Dakota. Whitecap anil Improved Learning. Dwart Essex Kape seed, the best to sow: Mangels Sugar Beets and Turnip Seed. Get your supplies from the Old Reliable dealer in Flour and Feed Ogilvies Flour. J ive Roses. Dundalk White Rose, Ford's I'at- ent and morning Glorv. W. L.Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. 5pecl.llft In dlscues of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office--30 lOh st. cut, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale. 2nd ! Thursday each month from 8 to a i Duti.iilk, 1st Thursday of each mouth. Farm for Sale Lot 134, T. S. R., Artemesia, - r >0 tores, about all cleared, good fraiuo barn, no hou<. small orchard, gooi land, we 1 fenced. Will be sold cheap and on easy trm-. App'y to Fred Mathewson, Flesherton. 1 J"" 12 60 YfiARS* EXPERIENCE unc'e of Mrs. J. P. Ottowell of Flesher- j Mli W J - Black burn of Saugeen Junction ton. He was a native of Dot byshire. ' Mrs Ti > lor *" 8 * si5t * r of M >s ' rs England, and c-vrae >o Canada in 1803. ! Ro*>t, J'e8 and John Be&t of Mist of his later life was spent in j Artemesia. The funeral took place to Melancihon tnwnship. Ills wife died Fleshe: ton cemetery 0:1 Saturday -ifter- muny yetw ngo and he left no family. 1 noon, May -*. For Sule The undersigned otters fur ga'e throe lota in the village of Ceylon .on which are erected a gn<i one and a half ffu. u- dwelling, 8 rooms, with woiie cellar, and a tjood frnme stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms e;y. price right. Apply to Ja*. A^hdown, Owen Sound, 01 \V. J. Flesherton. Practical Powerful Simple Safe Popular TMADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone (tending a nketch nd description m inirkiy umruin our opinion fnwwbe'lier u Invention t probably Ptent*bia, Communica- tions -i -icily confident lal. HANDBOOK oa j cut tro. OMect sirency for Men i taken thruuRb Muun Wool Wan'ed Migh-*t pr : ce puiJ fur nil we can ge'. N. HcCiuuiel , Pi-jton Station. , , flmcricait. td weekly. Lanreet ct nflc journal. Terms (o ostage prepaid. S W b . MUNN &Co*"" ' New York Bra!" omceTs* F 8U Wa.hmtoD. IX C. elr Ulitratd weekly. Lanreet ctr- liituia of ny notennflc journal. Terms (or auatln K,V> a year, postage prepaid. S W by all new ml i' Biers. THE REASON WHY you should own one of these Famous engines. It will do the work of several hired men and horses. It will work, (unwatched), while you sleep. It Is always willing, ready, and has the power to do your work. It will save your horses, time, temper and money. It Is a favorite with thousands of farmers. It has survived thousands of tests as to its power and utility. It is a bread winner, a wealth producer, and a labor saver. The engines of the International Harvester Company are made in 1 to 25 horse power sizes In vertical, horizontal, and stationary or portable types. \Ve will gladly demonstrate its merits if you will give us a call. S. HEVirHiLL, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario.

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