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Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1913, p. 4

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May 29 1913 THE V L E S B E R I N ADVANCE TH H r/ Icsljerton T An Independent newspaper, jinl>liihe<l vety Tnnmday at tii 1 ' otiice, Collmgwood Street, Klt-fthertoii. Subscription price $1 per annum. !ii-n paid in advance; SI. 5J when nut paiil Advcrtuiufr rM*s on application. Circulatiuu 1,100 weekly. W. H. TJiurston - Kdltor THE REFLEX ACTION estate investim-nts in the North- \ri-st are at a luw ebb at the present time, and correspimden'K are cryii.jj out for another loosening of the pureo strings. Money is ve y much tied up in Winnipeg, and foreign money w not flowing in as was i'. woi.t in pan ymrs. This is iho rcftVx action wliich was bound to come. The investing public has already Kt il ready money pretty well bounJ up in weste.n real e.stte, nd raucli iliat was not reidy nioiioy. Ma-iy a man is at the present moment expeiiencing the pinching piessure and finds it very diflicu't to finance his hold- ings. In fact thouands .if investors who made first payments i>n properly have found it necessary to drop their payment* and II"W tl.e property to l>e sold for tiles. Saturday Night is our informant that in ihe city of Saskatoon aione there aie over -'000 lot. advcr bed to be sild for tties on June 9. The- lots re all within th corporation ami did not come into posseuion of pur- chasers through Hi* fcendt-r solicitutu.i of Bubdivisiun artist*. Th.s facts would mdica-e that speculator are heavily loaded with real, and until the ither fellows- the b .nfid? bui,nies men can be inJuced to <f, out there, down and huy th sa holdings the present owners will continue lo bemoan the failure f their vast dreams. EAST GREY POLITICS The nomination for tli.i Efct Ki.linsj of Gieyforlhe local Legislature will be ht-Ul in the town h.tll her.' on Monday i . f. .luii .' We are informed that there is i likelihm d of the ridin* being contested but them is im iiiklinu as to who is likoly to lie Mr. Lucas' opponei.t- The Refoi men of Ciey will meet in Clayton's hall hero on FiHay of this week and nettle on their policy with regard to placing n candidate in the held. A hit; Conservative- demonstration is billed for M.rkdale on Tuead-ty of next week, at wl.i h it i* tononncod that Mr. Whitney will be present, as well as all tl.e local county members. S. S. Convention The annual convention if A'temesia .i.l \1 u -. ; L A -i . i Hi was held in the Methodist chuich, Kle.Hherton, oti Tuesday, Muy 20. The devo'ioiml xeri.-i<es ore con- ducted by Rev. Mi. McVicar, after which the nominating committee wa* appoin'cd. Kev. K. W. HalpiMiny, Oenernl Sec- retary of the Provincial Association' WK present and gave an :nl In- , entitled "CliiiihiiiK the Ladder," but winch lie laid iin.'lit he called "The Kingdom Vmion " Mr. llv[ , i,ny IH u man of r..n^ purHonality, und uttractivu iip- p 11 III >', Dili! Will) ll,tS f.lllll ill till! pOWIT "i the Kaiib'ith school to li-nvi-n thu com- ii, mill v, but if it does nut d.i tluit thun the coiiiinurnty will Imve- tho p.jwer to destroy the influence of the school. Ho ...i in p-iit that while we have a dutinet lili /.iiiuii to our own In . i.l.-. we .in- poor citizens if our interests stop then', u In i- each M (PH. I In- iiH own inlri. ', yul i a pail of tlio lownthip it has its dutieH. Tim province, through thu i . .'mi i, can only climb (he ladder, as every township and every nrhcers in the townnliip do thrir duly. Thu following Standard of Kicelleocu IMS been re- commended, and every school xhould 11,11- lo he(l) properly organized, (?) suit, ably i '|iii|>|i.'il. (:t) with instruction graded to meet tho nerds ol the schools, .iii.l (4) I liu tcncherh trained for ihe beit nervioe. Kev. Mr. McVicar ave a hhort ad- dreas on t lie RtHpoimiliilily of I'aronts and Church Memberi toward the Sab- buth Kchoul. The one dilticulty about the , - , tt.i . that the parents, who li-HiM Ii n < liK'uned to it and prori'tod by it, i i o innpicuous by their atmunce, hut such i* always the CISH. The par- unts who were present woio there because ih.-y wn.i interested in tho work. He i ml the Sablmth in the church itt work, nd thu ideal S h school is the on i Ii ii his every church member and ad- herent in it. He -.I'd further that too i the influence of the parenU if in- us li> ilm X. S. , and instoad of st i.-nilinL! ^i IH- school and by doing so influence their children to remain in ilm Habbath nchool, they no otrfor their own pleasure and t<r> soon tho children follow their example. Mr. Hulpeniiy conducted n round lab'e confurence, whan ho gu'n the tudieiioa nil I'|I|KI] Mimiy lo talk. In lep'y to a jUeHtion, lit; sinl "OociH on Day" on: lit bo held with no (jo,>d results, or it might be H conducted as to he mighty in its lasting l iii-liis to 'hi'-n who iniko it a DecVul un Day." Mem >ry vorre* tm i-ho'ara s!,,.ul I 1 .u n each Vr|- purftCt- y ai.d fre<|uently retiew, without receiving a prize and lidded that onca he received a prize but ! .-t a friend. The l.nln s of the three churches spread n bountiful cupper in the lecture room to which all did justice. The evening seision was opened by a song service, conducted by Rev. U. E. Mr. H. S. White, principal of Arte- M-ini- 1 1 luxli Nchool, ynvu an address on Methods of Teuchini;. Mr. Whit* le' lievet that buninoss principles should be H . .1 in Sunday school as well as in any other IniMiies!., mil while the tea. her should not lind it ne'.'essary to spend lime in discipline, yet th teacher should have perfect control ovei the s:holarg. If one wits inclined to be heedless, tiro H i|iii-iiiini at him, one that eould nut be -tii ,w. -i i-il by "yes" jr "no." I'se pres- ent day illustintions; that is what our Lord did when he lauxht the pe pie. I'ropaic your leasou until you are satura- ted with it, pUn yuur work and then work your plan. Mr. White urged parents to attend the Sabbath school, or at leist to visit the school, believing it wou'.d hnve a deterrent eti'ect on some of the pupils. R)V. E. W. Halprni y agtiii address, d ihe convention, his subject beina ''The Sunday s-choi.1 and the Community.' He tint made the pleasing announce ment tlitt Mr. (toper, 'he best pianist in the world, and Pi of. Excel, of world wide f .me, would be present at the next Provincial Convention which will be held in Owen Sound, Oct. Z'J, 30, and 31 of thio year. By taking the T. Kton CD. and Robert Siiii|j-i,ii Co. u illustratioiii he shu.v.-J that in business a Nuperintcndet.t of a d p.-iilment had to inii- tint de pa 1 1 nn lit up to Ii :'i itaodud. If hi f.nlud he would bj riqui-sted d. ste| down, and in our work we will hte nu .^h w wo are orjjanized. Th sai.i-Ht thing the church ever dil W.IM i orj{ti i vi. i tho Cradle Koll i Jepaitment in Sililiath school where the ch'l'rir from t irth lo three or four years of age sre ei rolled and renn nibftred. He [rtve iimiiy iii!)t:inces where parents who were non-church uoers were induced to attend church, and Inter united wilh the church fin profession of faith. In one case even ihe old gi-aiulfatlier was led to Christ through the influence ot the I ml." day cmd presented to the baby. Tho Hoi<e Department in cmntiy places is not looked after as it should be. Ho itave one incident where a tuperin- tendeiit necured seven y names for his depait-nieni ; he inviti-d them to come to his Inline for the quarterly review, and forty accepte-i the invitation. The A.liil' Itible class is an orKani'/.ition tint has swept thousand!) into ihe Sablisth -. lii,,i . and is one t !. i:. should bo in every coinniunity. A union choir assisted in the niu^ic at thu evening Hussion 'iiul a mule i|uar-etlH OOmpOWd I Messrs. It. II. II mil. It. Wilcock, 11. Sullivan and Rev. Wellwond rvndurod 11 select inn which delimited tho :iuilu-nc. The Secretary, Mr. W. H. liunt, In .u ; lii 111 the report of the nominating cointn -ttoe as follows : I'ros., Mr. K. Chard, l''le>lierton ; Vice-IVes., Ruv. Mr. Ijvuci-, Pricevillu ; Snj.-l'rcas., Mr. \V II. Hunt, Kifxhritoo ; Supennteinl- o.,t of Kli-iiii-ntnry i., ul. . Fiori'iice Thurston ; Supoiinteiidont of II mie n ut n i i;t. Mr \Nm. r... !, u. in, Vandeleui. Vandeli-ur was chosen as next placu of meeting. Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means something. We are not here to-morrow ; you to find us. Comfortable vision or your monev back. No guess work. Accurate, sci^ntitic measurements anf tests. Difficult cases i specialty. W. A. Armstrong. to-day and awav know just where H MIII ii i llio im in 'i > Id Ih II'XH (he Sootlnnd Yard ollicer.s ro liiylily iiinu.soil in mi inh cMiiuif uf out) if tht-ir nuniliur with two ciinrKlui>cotiick Hiiijl rs. Tho ollicci-,1 ulacuncl tif couiileii.inctt and look- mi', iinviliiii'; I. lit H deleotive, hnd tn vitiit, a wull known Wi>ht Knd luir. There, two men whom lie know to lie conh'duiit nii'lt- HiurF, l>ut who were uniiwni-u uf liii iden- tity, in. nil' friendly . . IMIH-. It wus not long Mion the thruc wpre i^liM.din hjii iilily to ono Himtlior. When th dt'ti-ctive nratlDMd that he was iilum lo viil a hosier to mnk<< n few purchases one of the triukatern u> ,i i.-.i o him lo n Uegonl-Htreitt. firm, und, further, would nut permit his new friond to di>- i-lni . the bill, hut did thnt hiuiHelf. After Much |{OiioruHity - the lull WHS lint n li;;hi ono -tho ilntvctive C'HiM not do le<< than im iii-ili,- men tofuilherhoHpitnlity. Then, Hfiiteil in it ronifuiUMd m'o m, il>,- tiickntei-H cinlinrkud on the tim tile which ncoDiiipmiies o\ery coutidunca trick. In the middle of it nnothoi detect- ivo entored. Thin ufl'icer wi known to llu< trickHlciH, and beftne the tirnt olliccr i IMI|,| iiilroducn In i r,. Mi- 1. MIT. they Inn) dUappenreil, leaving him the richer l>y n cuiiHidt-rahle additinn u- Ins wurdrube. An n roault of the visit <if i'rovinciitl l,i,'. n,-,.' Inipeclor Ayeamt to the village of Lucknow Home twnweeks ago fines of $100 each were imposed upon resiilontu of i h a M||.U;I- on churKon of Helling liquor in K loc-il option miinicipiility. The cor.- vicli' IIH weru <ilitnim<d through the work of "H| ottera" in the employ of the I'ro mi. i il !_..! rM !,. ,i Uno follow .Inn nv Hunter, refiiKcd to j-ny In.-, hue mid WM f an .ilii-niiiti- ! l,r-.ii.'li: to the \Valliorton -H.,| I ist week he:e lie will sp.'inl three ni Fleshier ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDHV Bisket leaves Tuesday noun, delivery Fri.lny evetii-ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We re n<;ent8 for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, fertthers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Felt Hats for Spring Your New Hat is Here ! Come and make your selection. Soft hats in the newest shapes and colorings Green, Brown, Tan, Kawn, Olivo Grey and Black. Prices from 75c to ^.50. Stiff Hats the newest shapes. All sizes from 6|- to 7 Prices from $1.50 to $2.50. Straw Ifats for Fine and Every-Day wear. Laces and Embroideries We're showing a splendid assortment in Valen. ciennes, Shadow and allover Laces and Edgings. The prices range from 2c per yard up. Our Emb- roideries are worthy of special notice. They range in width from the narrowest edging at 5c per yard to the full skirr width i ut $ I. f>0 per yard. Patterns and widths suitable for Corset Covers an; particularly strong and range from 20c tooOc per yard. Specialties in matched patterns. SWELL SHOES ! This week wo open up two shipments of new spring Footwear inostty Ladies' Oxfords, Pinups, Slippers and white canvas goods. These include Don- <jola, Tan, Gun Metal, and Patent Leathers, sizes range from l l\ to 7. They were bought early, siving t lie recent advances in leather, and are all closely figured, rso old styles or lasts in the lot. Prices from $1.50 to $3 00. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture gi\ en at the head of this advertisement will only c?3t you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have oilier beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wanU. Spi MIL;- and Mattresses to fit all borle. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sltq~ iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you s-jiiie of the nicest jjoods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these good&. Every- thing l T p-To-L)ate as usual. Pressitt}: and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building CEYLON'S BI S 1 STORE HHVH you not nil the Clover and Gruss Seeds you require, if not, yet the Bei-t Gmdes at Pa'tUi.u's, Ceylon, at prices you CHU'C l*at, i-oiisideiinj; quality. We have also Dutch Setts. Potato Ooioiif, (iHrden Tuols, Poultry Xating, Black and White fence Wire, Spades and Shovels, and Forks Evejy.ning required for spring work. Also fancy things f.,r decorHtirg up the house, such as New Wall Papers, Floor Oil Cloths. Liroleums, Curtains, CuiUin Pules Paints and Varnishes. For the Ladies and Girls Ne*Suit L,ens!th8, Dress Lenifthn, House Dresses, Emhroidery for Dresses Princess Slips and Corset Covers, Lace c^lUrs and Cuff Setts, Kaney Waists, Underskirts, Spring and* 1 Summer I'nderweir, Boots und Shoes", in low or hiiih tan, Patent or Dunwltui, Kid and Silk OtO'M, Hose in silk Lisle or Cotton. For Men YOU PAY WHEN CURED] Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Currd t>7 the New Method Troatmrnt tS~ NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT -CJ NERVOUS DEBILITY Thnuianrii of younjr nnd mldJIe-aced mnn arc annually swept to a promattit* cn\v thrniiKh Earlr lndi.crlion, Exccuet and Blood Diicue*. It you buvo auy of the ft* lowiin; ym|ii(iiMS contult u* before U U toa Ute. Are you nervc.UB anil weak, diMpop- dent ttiiif k'liHiiiiv, :!'..!. -i Ix-fore tile eyes, with durk clrcloa under tlivm, wuak back, kiiini'VH in iiai. 1,-. pulplintlou o( the henrt, busliful, dreams aud lu^srn, mdiuiant In uriuo. iiinipi.- . on Hie fare, cyoii iiinkrn, hdlow cltei-lu. raroworu exprawoni' po r moniory, lnvii'ni, ii i ,u u .! ml. Inuk oniTgy ami >t rcnRtli, tirod mornings, n'silcs* ui -lit!, iMinnRciiMa moods, weak, prouiaturo decay, bono paiiu, li.ur loose, sure throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make A man of you. Under Its Influ- ence tlin briUu iMtconiea active, the blood purilled, so that all pimples, blotches ami ulcer* illimppi-ar, the nerves bocomo strong aa stool, so that nervounni-ss, bnshfulucss anil des- poinlnncy vanish, tho eye lwoonii-9 briRht.tUo face full and clear, encrRV returns to the body liaa the moral, pliyBlcal and sexual systems arc Invigorated; all drains crime- no more vital waste from th system. Don't lot quacks and fakirs rob you ut your hard earuiHl dollars. We will cure you or no par. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READCRi No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Fra* of Chan*. Bookt Free -"The Golden Monitor" I Illustrated) on Secret Diieaiei of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRS.KENNEW&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Dcpart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to ice its personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat be patient* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory lor Canadian business only. Address all letters aa follows: DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Windsor. Got. .Writ* for our private address. and Kid Tiees. riire twapie syrup tor sale at $1.50 per gallon OCR MCTTO- "Small Profits and Ouick Returns. Jas. Fattison & Co., NOTICE FARM Hill SAM. In ilm township of Artotm>si:>, in tlir County of (Iri-y, let IM, 0011. '.', and lots 12 niul W, con. :; N.D.U., contniuint; 100 ueros ; frnio hniiHu. Apply to N. Me- Kityilnn, I "no 1'nik, Oni., or A. N. Mor- van, NHW I i -ki-u .', or John McKnvdon, Oitylun, Ont, 1 juylU Pore Rred Holstein Bull Changcllnd Prirce Jce Uri-il liy OliMiiRi'liiiu HiiltiT I5ny out of Tidy Alihvkeik I'rinrosH .lo<ifphiiie. Tho Krnatft huttor inkiiiR rtrain known. Term of service IS! for guides, f5 for pure Ured. OKO. MOOUK&SON, Piops., IKeb.U IVoton Slut ion. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Onicoanil Iti-sidonov- 4((8, Vth St. Kast, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to S p.m. Other hours by appointment Roofing tor Sale I Ihniuforil (Vv-tnl Iliuifino, Acplixlt Roofing, Kiii. i., i Roofing, Steel tin I Sulii ; : : : : : JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon 1 June 13 Wool Wanted ! ! We wi nt unlimited quantities uf fleece washed and unwaihed MerchaiitiiMe Woob The price this year will be a little h-her { t [^ lllint f " r t'ct that I he highest price is youra if you sell at ( >nc car of cement also two cam chesnut coal to arrive this week. 1 1 irties wai'tum close prices please call and arrange to take these lequirnionts frodi car, thereby iwvi.mcirtage. Ourprices *te xuaran- iced agnniMt any competition und the ijuality is the best. House Cleaning Now is the time to buy fine Carpets, Hugs, Linoleums, etc., Notwithstanding the fact we are selling out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. Wool> Carpets ii, , BruVsels,''tr y ; Wool; Linen.' ' and Hem'p ' t troiii Hoc to. ... . ... ... , he'st. A!o Oilcloth reduced jtrim! ' ' Also ttlnx ire ' LwM Curtains, Bunslow Nets, Screen Lice Curt Bins for 43c to ft4 no ButiMlow Nt from IB to 4tte Muslins from 12J to ..'.".'." Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. &W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. 1

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