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Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1913, p. 1

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Jr. SUtoonce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRItfCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32 No. 48 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, May 29, IO13 W. fl. THDRSTON EDITOR and PI. OP Love Pays The Penalty of His Crime Henry Love was hanged in Owen Sound jail yard on Tuesday morning. May 27th, for the murder of his wife at Ceylon on December 9 last. The crime was a btutal one, the woman hav- ing been stunned by a blow on the head and afterwards thiown down cellar and dragged to the rear of the partially dug cellar, where a knife wss used to com- plete the horrible deed. Headers of The Advance have bcn kept thoroughly poste 1 on the case from the beginning and it is unnecessary to give further detailu. The trial was an eminently fair one, and from the evidence produced the jury did not hesitate to bring in a ver- dict of guilty without any recommenda- tion to mercy. There has been no shadow of doubt existing in the minds of the people here th<U the verd ct was a just one. The evidence, though circum- stantial, was too straight to be ignored. The Execution Love weut to sleep as n.suul Monday night and slept until :i.:J Tuesday morn- ing, when he awoke and asked a guard what time it wan. He then went to sleep again for an hour. At 4.30 he awoke again and dressed and ate a hearty breakfast of ham, eggs, toast and tea. His awful position did not seem to weigh upon him to any great extent, and he said very little to the guards. A few minutes before six o'clock Rev. Mr. Mullowney went to the cell and from that time until twenty minutes to seven the doomed man spent his time in iir.iyer. At thin hour Governor Miller of the jail entered the cell with Hang- man Holmes. " Well, Henry," suid the Governor, " I guess the time has come for us to part." " All right," replied Love, " had I better come out there now If " " I guewyou had better, " replied the Governor. Then turning to the execu- tioner he sjiid, "This js your num." Love submitted quietly while Holmes >-t rapped his wrist* behind his back, after shaking hands with those present in the cell. The little procession then formed and the niiu-eh to the gtillows began. The scaffold hail l**n erected in tlie south-east comer of the court yard and was cloned in with white canvas to hide the view from morbid spectators. In- Ktructiuns to this erlect had lieen receiv- ed from Ottawa. I'p to this time the least concerned person in the party ap- peared to lie Love himself, but upon catching Night of the gallows hi face blanched to the color of ashes. He showed no sign of fear, however, and his step was firm as he mounted the scaffold. In solemn terms the minister read a statement prepared by Love. This statement did not contain any confession of guilt. Death was practically instan- taneous, but the Ixxly remained susjiend- . il for eleven minutes. The remains were then taken down and buried in the jail yard. Statement of Henry Love To be read on the .scutfold and given to the press : It is not likely I shall say anything on ' the scaffold, but I want you, Mr. Mull (iwney, to tell the people, for me, that I M. nit them to take warning, that is when the spirit of God strives within them, they should yield to God and not put oti salvation to the eleventh hour like me, HIM! not be like me with 23 years ol wasted time serving the devil that shoulti have been for God. Over twenty years ago G od's spirit strove within me but 1 refused to yield. Look at me now ! But even at this Ute hour God has forgiven me and I die in peace. Yet I leave the world with this awful thought my life w is wasted. But He who has hat mercy on my soul is willing and able U save you. Come to Him now ! Rea< Isaiah 55 : tt-7 John 6-37 ; First John 1-9; Matthew 11-28 and Psalms 23-24 (Signed) Charles Henry Love. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliament of lockvale and Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'amison of eighth line spent the past iunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thou. 'enwick. Mr. Thos. Fei.wick. has improved his roperty by putting up a new wire fence along the front. Mr. Willie Gibson and sister, Mamie, Eugenia Paragraphs Kimberley Budget A very heavy frost fell Mond-ty morn- ing, wh ch did conrideraMe damage to the small fruits. Jos. McCullough and soi;, Emerson, of Markdale, visited at T. J. Reid's, ou Sa'uulay last. John Abercrouibie is visiting friends in Priceville this week. Mrs. Richard Howcll, ot Toronto, pent the holiday with their grandmother visiting friends in th ; 8 vicin ty at pres VIrs. Win. Walker, Sr , and other I ent elatives. County constable Cook, of Ceylon, was Wedding bells are ringing. lt Cll n el . j,, uur burg on Tuesday lait. is Don't forget, the meeting of the W. I. n the Methodist church on Saturday fternoon at 2.30 p. m., at which Mrs. Hunter, delegate, will speak to the adies of this locality. Born,- On Saturday, May 24th, 1913, Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Morgan, a .aughter. Mrs. Wallace Armstrong spent a few ays the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jhard, Poitlaw. The regular meeting of the O. W. I. will meet. ;it Mr. Geo. Gorley's on Wed- ebday, June 4th. The Kimberley branch are expected to be present and assist in the program for the afternoon. Mrs. McKechuie and daughter, of ilarkdale, are visiting her parents here at present. Mr. Fred Graham and daughter, nf Jlind River, visited friends here the M<; few weeks. Mr. Kerr of Duncan and Miss Thomp- son, of Flesherton, were visiting friends icre recently. Messrs. Alex. Fisher of Brampton ,m<l Serb Fisher of Toronto, spent the holi- ' 1 iy with their parents her.:. Will Campbell, Miss Smith, Miss V. McMulIen, ud Win. Fenwick nd sou, Stanley, all of Toronto, were guests ut R. D. Carruthers took the topic in the Euworlli League on Sunday evening. Roy Woods, cf Beaverdnle, visited Kimberley friends one day last week. <^uite a number from here attended the 24th celebration iu Rocklyu and all report a very fair lime Aumng the sports was a gaunt of baseball between Blantyre *nd Kimberley, the former sc .re being 16 15. I, me :iud Myrtle Stuart are visiting friends in Powatsan at present. Esdale Walter wh<> has been up in the Parry Sound district tor some time, re- turned home one day last week. Mrs. Chas. Bruwu, of Toronto, is, renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity at present. Mrs. John Stewart, of Regina, Sas.k., is visiting wi'.h her parent*, Mr. and Mrs- Henry Hurd. Lyness Fawcetl caught a tine speck- led beauty one day last week that tipped the soles at two pound -i. P r icevilleJottings Too Late for Last Week The farmer* have had fine weather for setting the sesd u cely worked in I he ground this season. We notice that the frost about tw o weeks ago.oipped the clover considerably, but it seems strange that the older mead- ows were affecied while first crop clorer alongside, rein lined c|uitegi'ee.". OUu K i. in, !il received a car load of fertilizers and oil cake, last week. A. D. McLeod is placing soiu shingle nachinery in the sawmill. Died, ;it her home, on Durham Road St., on Moiuhy night of la-t week, Mrs. 1 no. McAu'ey, aged 8(i yi-ars. Sixty ears ag i Mr. and Mrs. McAu'ey moved up from Caledon with two or three child- ren, and their home was the first house built in the village plot after it waa surveyed. Deceased was an amiable *dy, and much res] e^ted s a neighbor. She vita the mother uf Hi children, eight of whom still aie. living, tut nnly two res : de in tins vicinity. Mrs. Jno. Burnett, suu;li of village, and Mrs. Jno. O'Meiia, Ceylon, and others living in distaut pans (if Canada and United States. The husband and father died abou>. 15 years asjo. M us Mary was home for tome time before her mother died. Her 1/astor Rev. J. A. Matheson, conducted the funeral service on Thurs- day lath, at the residence and grave. The pall-bearers were selected from among the oldest residents of the vicinity. Ceylon Mr*. (Dr.) Uoluias uni little daughter, and Mr-. Holmer, >r., Owen rii'iul-i here fur the holiday. Mr. H. Foester spent the holiday vv-iih us mother in Waterloo. Mr. Johu Boland of Vandeleur and Munshaw of Shelburne, spent tlie eek end at the Eugenia house. Jake Williams, wife and children spent 1 Sunday at Ed. UarboUle's, Ltdy Bank. I Mr. Johnson, principal of Kimberley ' continuation school, was the guest O f Alex. Curruthers, receutly. Wes. Cooey, of Mcaford, spent the | eek end with friends here. Mr. Stevenson, of Maple, spent the : holid/iy at Re. Campbell's. Mr. A. Hawkeu and wife, of Flesher- ' ton, were the guests of K. Parks and wife, over the 24th. Dies From Burns In an uneffectual attempt to save his home from destruction by fire on Friday morning last week, Mr. S.C Greenawayof Holland received injuries which caused his death 01. Saturd* y. Early on Friday morning the family awoke to find their home in flames, and Mr. Greeraway made a bruve tl.uugh futile attempt to save his property. He was overcome by the flames and would have perished had it not been for the heroic action of Mrs. Qreenawsy who rescued him from the burning buildin. Mr. Ureemway, was, however, fatally burned and despite al, that medical aid could do, passed away mi Saturday. The Ute Mr. Gieenaway was one of Holland'* best knowu and popular Sound, were visitors over the 24th at Mr. T. Chislett's. Mrs. Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, called on friends here on Friday. Miss Ida Rutledge and Mrs. Chailes and daughter, of Toronto, were guests at Mrs. A. RutkdKe'*. Mr. J. Cushnie, Toronto, spent a few days at U. Cook's. Mr. W. Muir Uli-newen, Sask.; Mr. Fred Muir, Toronto, and Miss (irace Muir, Owen Sound, were visitors at Mrn. P. Muir's. Miss Hazel Menziea has returned to her home in Fevursham. Mrs. Johnston and daughter, and Mrs. Towuley and two sons, of Toronto, are visitors at Mr. J. Gibsons. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, Markdale ; spent the 24th at Mr. Bennett's. | Mrs. J. M. -Clock 1m and Miss Gertie are visiting friends at Colpoy's Buy. Miss Willa McLeod, Toronto, and Mr. Nixon, Caledon, visited at D. McLeod's. Mr. Roy Piper, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Torrey, Markdale, visited at Mr. H. Piptr'a over the holiday. Mies Bella McLeod, Toronto, .-.pent the 'J4th with her mother. Miss Ella Warlinir, Vandeleur, visited at Mr. J. McClocklin's. I Messis. Colmau, Owen Sodtid, at Mr. ' G. Collinson's'. Master Jnhtmie English, Feversham, is spending a few days with his sell' o mates. Marter Lloyd Rand, who has been in the Sick Children's Hospital, is home to citizens and was "born in Holland town- , spend a couple of weeks, ship fifty years ago. He was prominent Mr. Pen.-y McLeod's many fiiends are in municipal and frateinal society affairs pleased to see him able to be around and wss a member of Holland Centre again, after his long illness. Fire at Hopeville Eighth Line, Osprey Intended for last week Kara! mail delivery commenced on Monday. Mr. James Burn* and wife, visile* recently with Mr. Dand 8, of Lady Bank We understand Mr, Parrel spent a fe days with friends her*. This Week's Items Mrs. Fenland spent a few days with .friend* at Pleasant View Farm. Mr. A. Burns and wife of Wareham* spent Sunday with friends here. The 24th of May ws duly observed here. The weather was delightful Presbyterian church. Besides his wife, j Miss Jackion, Durham, five children are leff to mourn his loss. ' friends here on Monday. The funeral took place on Tuesday p. in. tn the Presbyterian Cemetery, Berkeley, ' ; and W.H the largest in the memory of those present. Itev. R. M. Phalen officiated, and was assisted by Rev. J. R. Wilkinson. The ol>8eo,uie8 were under the auspices of the Orange Order, of which deceased had been su my years a member. The deep sympathy of numerous friends and acquaintances is extended to the bereaved family. called on On Friday morning early, Mr. Harry C. Sterne, formerly of Mount Forest i who has been keeping store in Hopeville for some time, went over from his house to his store and put on a good tire o i packing boxes in his furnace snd returnee for breakfast. Alter a time Mr. Hock Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now pn-pnred to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anyt bins; you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor' ine, sash and doom, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- (inable rates, Oei estimate!. T. Blakeley, Prop. Feblo LMy Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 1!) Dumlalk Wednesday, April 16 Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday. Aug. 27 .Flesherton Wednesday. Oct.. 15 Duudalk Saturd ly, Dec. Fleshertcm \V. .1. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Dundalk The home of Mr. and Mis. Harry Pal- mer was brightened mi Friday, May Itiih, by the birth of twins (boy and girl). Mjther and babies aie doing well. Mr. Fennel) has been appoint- ed Police Magistrate for Dundalk (with- out salary) in the place of Mr. Fetrr Mc- Gregor, who now resides in Wtterdown. An order-in-council was passed in Toron- to on April 16th. This was followed by the official appcintment and Mr. Fennell was sworn in at Owen Suuud. It pays to raise and feed the better quality <>f catHe. Wm. Pride, of the 2nd concession, Proton, delivered to liwin and Sprott, the drover.*, in Dun- dalk ou Tuesday three of its tine fittle as have been shipped here in many a day. The three head brought Mr Pride $28 and any nun will be excused for feeling proud in bringing to market such tine aninmls. Herald. Business Man's Stationery The merchant encourages us always to buy a good arcticle in prelerei.ce to i which may be cheapest he U right, with- out doubt, but how often he fails to learn this lesson himself- -especially is this noticeable in stationery somes envelopes which reach us through mail are a dis- grace to the sender. We wonder if the merchant always understands that his business is measured oftentimes by the claw of stationary lie sendi out yes, even the quality of paper in t h bills he renderswe venture to say that there is nothing which points out a > iwiness man's carefulness and general make up more plainly than the quality and style of the stationery he uses. It advertises his standard it iinnour.ces clearly to the public what class of tioods they may ex- pect at his store. If the merchant sends out wishywashy rig of a letterhead, en- velope, invoice or s'a(enieur, the public may reasonably expect the same quality and cheapness in the merchant's stock of goods. Just think over the business hi ins you are acquainted with and notice the quality of their stationery. And Mr. Business-man, think thrs over too and see that; you do not su.Ter for proper at- ter.tion to this sometimes neglected but very mcessary detail. tidg?, a neighbor, noticed a light in the On Friday, 9ih. about 11.30 o'clock ' wm ,i,,w O f the store, and investigation a. m., tire broke out destroying the resi- prov ed that the place was on fire, and dence of Mr. J. B. Lougheed near the no thing could be done to save build ing Hemlock or Heithcote lideroad of Col-' or contents, except the books aud a coupl? linflwood. The fire which originated ' O f sewing ^nachihes. Mr. SteW, iu his from the chimney had considerable start efforts to get the door open, broke the before being noticed, and Mr. Lougheed p| a t glass in the door, and had his wrist who is an aged man could ronder but severely cut. We understand that there feeble wguM in extinguishing: the W48 af )0 stock in the store on which flames. However, the neighbors soon . , - ov , . . gathered and were successful in ' h e WM f IW$ <> that most of the contents. There was some the loss will be considerable to Mr. insurance. Refl< ctor. Sterne. - Confederate, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Five Rose and Pastry Flour THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER,-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL The ido of perpetuating the '-Queen's Birthday," May 24th, as a holiday was a mistake. It had been for two get. era. tions of Canadians the one holiday be- sides Chrisonns that must be observed. This was entirely due to the respect snd love, of the people for Queen Victoria. It now dawns upon uv, however, that the 24th of Hay ii not >uitable for a gala dty. a day for ou'd"or oports and festivities. It is too eirly in the season, too co'd. People have, tot yet shed their winter flannels or stopped burning coal. Dominion Day, our natal day, is a much more suitable occasion for a demonstration, as thing* have got Inetened up about then, and it is quite warm outside. Ei. Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. SEED CORN ! ! All the leading kinds, both shelled and in the cob. Our corn is tested. * Get your Rape seed, Mangle and Sugar beet. Try our Derby Sweed Turnip. Corn, Chop, Bran and Shorts.

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