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Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1913, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' VOL 32 NO. Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, May lo, 1Q13 W H THURSTON EDITOB nd PKOP Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. Henry Fenwick is home from her visit with friends in Toronto and Ohesley. Miss Lime Williams has returned from her visit in Markdale. Mr. Geo. Williams has returned to the city. Misses Allie Williams and Florence Lever of Fleiherton spent the week end with Miss Neah Williams. The annual meeting of the W. I was held on Wednesday, May 7, and ap- pointed the following officers for the en- suing year : Pres., Mrs. Len. Latimor ; Vice Pres., Mis. Wallace Armstrong ; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Fred Pedlar ; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. J. A. Williams ; Director, Mrs. D. McMullen ; Com , Mis. E. A. Graham, Mrs. Alex. Cameron. Mrs. t'red Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fenwick of Flesherton were the guest's of Mrs. Joe Williams recently. Rev. Mr. Campbell is expected to Uke up his work on this circuit aguiu next Sabbath. Ree. Mr. McVicar bus commenced mid week meeting", to be held on Wed- nesday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher of Port- la* were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .l.mi.-s Lint on the past week. Miss Hot;. Lintou has gona to Portlav on a visit for a week or so. Mrs. Wm. Walker.jr., who has been laid up in bed sick for the past two weeks, is recovering nicely. Walkerton Hen y Stjrl 'njof thePort El<in brush and broom factory.was i;iven two months in the Walkerton jail by Judge Klein on Tuesday for assaulting his foreman, whom he is alleged to have attacked and and broken three ribs when the Utter undertook- to dismiss him from itervice. The prisoner, who is an Englishtnao, appealed before Judne Klein some months ago, for the offence, but on account of the illiiCRt nf his wife, sentence was deferred until May (ith, when he was again ushered l>efore the Judge and committed to the cells for two months. The neglect of the late James L. Lloyd f'jrmer'y of Walkertou, and who built must of the cement sidewalks here, to make a will before his deith hi* resultfd in his widow losing $1,000 of insurai.ce he intended her to have. Lloyd wiu married twice. During the lifetime of his first wife he took out a policy of in- surance for $2.000 with the A. O I". W. naming his wife and one dc<ugh'er, Mary, as the beneficiaries. The wife predeceas' i'il him. He married again but failed to notify the company. On his death the daughter, who is now Mrs. Eli Birch, . 'mined the whole of the money. His Lordship Justice Middleton said he regietted to have to order the whole of i he money to be pitid t* the daughter, but it was lirr statutory right. Herald and Time.'. Durham Road Out Sunday school opened on May 4 with .in attendance of 52, and a collec- tion of $1 74. No less than -- formed the Bible class, showing clearly i be ap- preciation re our new organization. Mrs. Henderson returned Saturday from visiting her brother in Orangeville. We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. Harry Oliver, who died last week in the Western hospital, Toronto, as a rc- suh of injuries received in the wreck near Woodbridge. The funeral took place on Thursday lust, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Mends, Messrs. James and Joseph Oliver, Hubert Oliver and James Vause from th : s locality at- tending. Our sincere sympttby goes out to the young widow and soirowing rel- ative*. Mr. Hugh Walter* viiited hi* tester near Tbornbury, who is seriously ill. Misses Muriel and Olive Henderson visited tlie week end at. Chw. Watson's, Sadgeen Junction. Arbor Dity was observed o<i Friday last. The pupil* and (eacher were kept busy until 5 o'clock. Mrs. Smith is vititing relatives and friends in Proton for a few weeks. Mr. Greenwood visited 'lie wek end at his home, returning for Sunday school dutiet 01 Sunday. Messrs, i toward and Jim McLean of attended Sunday ichoo) Suodny. Vandeleur Happenings Messei-s. E I. and Rob. Holley of Meaford spent the week end with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Johu McGee and Miss Viulet Gillert of Kimberly were visitors at M. J. Hutchinsnn's, recently. Seeding is being rushed along rapidly with ihe^ioui.d in splendid condition. Mrs. Leslie aud son Harry, of Mark- dale, visited here the beginning of the week. Minn Mabel Love of Toronto is visiting her sister, Edna, at J. H. Holley's. Mr. M. Beard, Jr., has moved his portable saw :ai has secured a lumber. Kimberley Budget Mr. Ed. Alien of Meaford vis ted wiili friends in this vicinity on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. f > ilfrid Hall of Fairmount occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening Ust. Mr. Hall is a very logical speaker and his address was listened to with interest t>y a large con- yieyation. Mr. S anlt-y Walters of Toronto is Bpei.ding summer holidays at his paren- tal home here. Messrs. George luiteliins m, Ja->. R. Fawcett and Geo. Burritt attended a I lo Duncan, where lie beard meeting of the Methodi.-t church big contract of cutting at Epping on Monday afternoon. Mr. Vim. Hmiuond, accompanied by Mr. Robert Lackey of Berkeley, was R nuniuo r of Meaford friends, motored a caller in our burg on Monday. ; 1)vel . to KJ.uberSey on Saturday aftern.joa Mr. Amos Smith of Meaford visited lust, returning tlio same evening, friends here recently. Ml ., Wul . Par |, 3 of Heathcote was a Mrs. Geo. Pritchard visited friends caller in uur burg on Monday last, at Orangeville a short time ago. Mr , ll)d Mrg David Weber visited at Mr. Ross Alcox of Markd*le spent Hand Brady's, Cheiry Grove. Sunday. Sunday at the parental home. Mrs. A. Dunlop left la-it week to it- tend her mother, who U very ill at her home, near Bramptou. Mr. Dave Graham, who is attending Mr. Joseph Weber moved to Flesher- toti on Tuesday last. Joe was a good neighbor and will tie much missed in the community. Mr. Laidla* nf MI.II . township is vw- business college at Owen Sound, spent iting wi h his son, Mr. Jamos Laidlaw. last week at the parental home. Megsr8 Thomtts Mtd Jaiueg c.oiack, Sunday being Mother'* Day, appropri- two of Cuckoo Valley's most proin-ewive ate services were held in the Meaford au d prosperous farmers, moved into our Road church. Mr. Holland of Flesher- village the past week. Both these "en- ton ably assisted the choir in rendering tlemen arc hij-lily respected and will b* the s'lfC ions suitable for the occasion. a valuable acc|iiis.tion to our village. Mrs. (Dr.) McArthur and Mis Math- i ews of Markd-tle were visitors at Mr. _,. . -, I he Late b. rotter Heron Geo. Warling's recently . Mr. Charles Boland of Winnipeg is visiting his uncle. Mr. John Boland. , A cm-respondent send* The Advance * clipping fr m a western paper announc- Mr. P. Munsha* nf Eugenia visited ing the death of Mr. Foster Heron, who friends in tliu neighborhood tbe begin- ning of the week. Thu Vande'eur branch of the W. I. will hold their annual meeting in the Forester's hall on Thursday, May '21'. removed t.> the West from Oaprey seven years ago. The clipping read* as follows: Last week the Key Wet district lost one of its pioneers, in the person of Mr. S. l<'i.f>lr Heron, who died at his home on Sec. L'O 8-'J2, on Friu'ay, April 27th, after a paiuful illness of several months' j duration, aged 53 years , 8 mou'hs and Thursday asm-ill doit, tagging 10 days - along after a womui who went up to! The fum,-r,l servi , s were held in the Harrison Park for the afternoon, began - el " ;l Methodwl church, o.i Monday Owen Sound to chase one of tbe deer the parks commission secured last full. The little 1 animal was so territied that it rushed af eruoou, and were Rev. A. Armstrong against one of the wire fences and with , P re9t>ut to such speed that it broke right through the teuce and took to the woods on the full bound. It apparently wandered all conducted by tbe A large number of of the town aud district wera their hist rrypects U> the deceased. Interment was made iu Oxema cemetery. Samuel Foster Hron was born in the night and days following. On Monday township of York, county of Yoik, somtone saw the auinul and tbe intelli- i Ontario. When he was two yenrs '.Id, gence was conveyed to members of the 'he family moved to Osprey, Grey parks commission and they took stops lo county, where he resided until he moved have him brought back to the park. The '<> the deer was terribly lacerated and toin about the legs and lived a day or so after. This, reduces the number of the deer the parks commission have in the park to thiee. In the your 1884 he was married to Miss Kcz ah Kernahan, nf Osprey, who survives him. About Seven years ago, the deceased They are takingsteiw to have all the do8 lurne<j , is ,. yc8 towards tho ,, old(jn Wes r, kept out of the park, as a deer is too aud jn the ytM vm he movo(l nilf fsmi)y costly an animal to have at the mercy of tu McT:1 ^ arti s^., wllere he re8i j ed every cur that-, comes along and sends him scampering into the fence with which the park is surrounded. The members of the commission state that the deer was worth fifty d lUrs. The owner of the dog that was responsible will settle. Times. Dundalk John Russell, of Esplin, was elected I o Proton Council nt the nomination meet- ing, held at Hopuville on Thursday lat, to till the vacancy caused by the death of Ales'. Gillespie. About 10 o'clock Tuesday morning fire in a pile of sweepings in tbe cellar at J. E. Richards' store caumid considerable smoke and excitement but little damnge was done. How the tire, originated is unkiiowu. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas iVfoJSop and family moved lo Toronto Moudty, where Mr. Mvssop has secured employment at his trade. We are sorry to see these ! good citizens leave town, but wish them success in their new b >me Herald. for a year. Fnnii MvTavgirt he moved to Key West district where hy resided till tic,- time ol hio death. The late Mi. Heron was the M-I post- master of Key Wts 1 , which position be lnts held since the om'ce WHS opened. In religion the deceased was a consistent member i -f tlie Methodist church. He always t'.ok a keen interest iu public aflxirs, a i ul wii.i independent in tbe exeicie of his franchise. BeMilvs his widow, two sous and thrt*e dnutrhters icrimin to mourn their \<ws, namely; Mis. Hartley, (if Key West; Clarence, Etta, Clara and Ernefct, all at home. He w survived l>y his father, Mr. C. S. Heron. Mr. Heron held a wa-ni place iu the hearts of the residents nf the district, by whom h was regarded asa most estim- able, upright and honorable citizen, and a model huslwud and father. He will Le by all Eighth Line, Osprey Mrr Geo. Burk spoilt a few d.tys at his home here. He returned lo the city on Wednesday. Mr. S. Hawkins, who has been ill, is able to be around again. Mrs. Fred Spoifard visited Mrs. J. 0. Madden lecently. A rather exciting scene was enacted Monday morning when a team owned hy No. 4. Co. of tho 31st. Regt. will ttill be stationed in Durham, despite tho re- , parts a few weeks ago tint it was to be , transferred to Hanover, providing that at least dvzen vvlDit'ers a i bw recruited Wodehouse Doings Our warm spring weather cime to sudden end last week and became too cold to be en joyed by ourinhabitanis Let us hi-pe the fros's of the past week will not have cnueil serious harm to fruit biossom*!, etc. Miss Trsula Brown of Markdile is spending this we^k with old friends here, and is the zuest of M sses Annie Wiley. Mr. Wes. Bulk in of Flesherton paid a short visit to his brother, John, and farn- amily, "Green Hill," on Thursday last. The Epvvorth League gave asocial time on Wednesday evening of la t werk. Ice- cream was served and enj .ytd by all. The evening was principally a f..rewell to the former president, Mr. Will Lawson, who left Friday for Toronto, where he will spend a shoit time before leaving for the west. We wish Will every 'hing good and will look for his safe return in the not too distant future, f .r he will be greatly miane', u >t only as a League Worker, but in the neighborhood in gen- eral. Miss Kurnahau spirit the ee'< uhd with her trieud, Miss Flossie Thurston, Flesherton. Misses Ek-a a-id Ella Buskin, accomp- anied by their sister. Mrs. W. WiU-y, spent a day with Flesherton mends, during the past week. Mr. James Wiley and sister. Miss Nancy, vi-iited friends in M ...:.- on the firs' of the week. we are pleased to see Mr. R. H. Wiley abln to bo out again, even with the aid of a cane after being laid up the past six months from a hurt he sustained in his knee. Mr. Lucas is Prov. Treasurer Thtt Toronto world of Tuesday iiys: Xo thnt the legihliiturc ha come to a conclusion, the ,-iir again IK full of rumors <if ihan^oi in the provincial cab- inet, which crop up every year. It was stiitsd that the Hun. J. J. Koy, altorn y gcnuril. would be appointed to the senate but this is not proUble. Since the death of Hon. A. J. .M i; Ill-Mill, his place has b 'en i ccupled by Hon. I. B. Lucas, and tliert ia every probttbility that Mr. Lucas appointment as provincial treasurer will be announced very soon. It was tumor- el that if Mr. fc\>y went ti the -sonate Mr Hauna would become attorney-general. and Mr. Lucas would be appointed pro- vincial secretary. This, however, iU not come about just yet. There is every reas'in to belie-'e, however, that Mr. Lie is will lin.-i iiu.- permanent provincial treasurer, and that .-> by-elect an will be in Suuch Grey on the same day as the one is held in the iiorth'ridiug, to till the seat v,i M'I.M by the resignation of A. U. MacK*y. La'er Mr. Lucas WHS sworn in mi Tuesday. The eleceiou is set for June-. Flesherton Planing * , And Chopping Mills J 6 W 6 I T y I am now pn-pared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Oar sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anythinu you want in marline planing, matching, etc. Floor^ insr, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onab!e rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley. Prop. Febl513-ly hsre. Sound Companies. etoneof t,ht 0*en Mr. Juhn McG!ir has been appointed captain of ihe locnl Co. and will endeavor to enlist a ! c-,1 ahowiuj. We learn Messrs. Win Me- Gojrau and JILS. McLachan will like'y go as lieutenants. John Kverets, a farmer near Everton, succumbed to bis injuries after beiug Mr..! . Burns became frightened and tan gd l 'J cow fl ' w w etls *S- away. Not much damage was dune. Remains Were Petrified Mr. Jo!m McDonald, a prominent C. P. R. contractor <.-f West Toronto, was in this week, and the remains of his parents, Mr. and Mrs McDonald, of Eden Grove, exhumed from the old Presbyterian cemetery here unl removed to a plot in the pres- ent Walker! on cemetery. On opening tie grave of hit father only a few crumbled bonus remained of the parental side of the house, but in the grave of his mother was discovered a stono iniHga of her whose features he could never forset, and which might easily have been set up as a .statute to her sainted memory. The head, face and body of the woman were featured so natural, that had the son not known that his mother had de- parted this life some forty -five years Kg 1 , he could entity have imagined that ho wai confronted by the living instead of the stone image of his parent. It ivas one of the most remarkable instances of humau petritkution ever known in history, tud were it not that Mr. Me ~ n.i''l doesn't care to have the minted image of his mother placed on exhibition for the gaxo of the curious, the stone corpse might readily occupy a place and command attent'on in some great museum in the land. It took the united eft'oits of four able-bodied men to lift the human rock from the ground a'ld place it in its ner- grave in the Walkerton cemetery. Bruce Herald and Times. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundulk Wednesday, April Ifi Fltshertori \Vedne:day, Junu IS Dunditlk Wednesday, Aug. 27 . .Flesherton Wednnsday. Oct. 15 Duudalk Saturd ly, Dec. ti Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. SEED CORN I ! All the leading kinds, both shelle<l and in the cob. Our corn is tested. Get your Rape seed, Mangle and Sugar beet. Tty our Derby Sweeil Turnip. Corn, Chop, Bran and Shorts. Five Rose and Pastry Flour -AT- THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a gcod neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. THOS. CLAYTON Flcshcrton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USU A Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings aud come in and see the New Patterns : : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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