V: May 8 1913 business man who has * customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH '33 GEO. MITCHELL, EBB Branches alto at Durham and Harriston. Manager, C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Mrs. Flyt>a spent Sunday with her son ng in Berkeley. Trains follows : Brigadier Adly, the DivUionul Coin- Going South . Going North tnander of the Salvation Army, will vibit 7- 43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. Feversham on the 17th of May, under 4 - ;JO P'" 1 ' 8lU8p< m< ! whose leadership special meetings will be The mails are closed at Flesheiton a, j h(jld . fc g _ OQ ^ follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j Sunday morning xt light at 7.30 ; Lady ui. Mies Hustler is VICINITY CHIPS 7 p.m. -and the afternoon mail south atj at ei S ht o'clock, 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south eleven o'clock, n> mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g j Bunk at three p ~^^~^~~^^^^^"^ ' assisting until May 13. The pastor of the Methodist church i will speak next Sabbath evening ou ' '' Mother's Day," gjviug a special rues- I suge to mothers. The second Sunday in Hn. Hodgson of Whittled is visiting | May u S(jt gpart M , t Mother . 8 D;iyi " lnd her sister, Mrs. Karstedt. ;, observed iu Canad*. Europe, Australia Miss May Jamieson lert on Mondy to j Africa, Asia, Alaska,,Mexico, Phillipine visit reLitives ac Shoal Lake, Man. i laUudw, Fiji, Madagascar, Barbadoes and Born at Proton Station, April 22nd, Falestiuc. The emblem of tho day is a to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lyons, a sou. i white carnation, that flower typifying the Born, -On April 28th, at 455 Welles I virtue of motherhood. Any white tfowtr leyt.,Toronto, tj Mr. and Mrs. Otto A" wil1 heI P ua to lhlnk of Mother. Wear a Cniiiwv white flower and enter into the spirit of \j ctiii*^ , ?i nun . 1 llie day. Mrs. Ho man leturned Friday from her ' ., _ , ,. , .. .,, . - ., , , . | M.iy Day came iu this year all ami lei daughter!', Mrs. Chard of Markdale, and dimples, and pink sunshine, with where she epeut the winter. i 'temperature ranging between iJand 80. The Maxwell Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual anniversary on July 1st particulars later. Mr. G<io. vVatson has moved his port- able sawmill to Dornoch. He recently purchased a practically new mill Th* trout fishing sensim also arrived tin- same day and a number of anglers let themst.' vea hose. were !! successful too. Among They those who brought in handsome catches were Mr. and Mrs. Will Armstrong and Mr. Mrs. I. H. Perigoe of Feversham Mrs. Mark Wilson (the ladies may be spent a few days during the p.-ist week i said to have "skirted" the streams while with her daughter, Mrs. A. Stewart. _ the male portion waded in), and Mo-srs. Hawkins, also helped Messrs. George ind Ksdale Waller and W. Walters left last week for Pnrry Sound di-trict to do some mining work. Mr- John Boyd returned home Tuesday >veuios from tlie We8t ' where ha has been for the past rive weeks on a pros- pecting trip. Mrs. John McFarlune.late of Durham, "J^', died recently at the home of her daught- ; * er, Mrs. Arch. B. yd, inTorouto. The | remains were interred at Durham Wednesday of last week. 0. Phillips and A. Hawkins. Th Advaiice cuiasina was also helped out with a few specimens of the spotted tit bits at breakfast ttble next morning. A n,o. -mi- to organize a Uuild was held iu the basement of Chalmer'a church ou Tuesday evening, April 28th, !!)!;!, Rev. Mr. McVicar actiug as l<ader. The ;e was read by Mrs. McTavish and Wright, after which Hie oHioers elected ad follows: Pns., M Lilly Thi>tlethw,iite ; 1st. Vico-PriM., Mrs. tl. ^.^ . o, u , Vice p reg ^ Mrs McVjl , ir . The Baltimore oriole arrived Sunday > ; , rj Vic|j p res ^ Rey Mr.McViciir : 4th morning, May 3, this year, ami wakened Vk , e p r(J(1 Mrj Gjldhawk ; Rec-Sccy., the .sleepers in the early BOIIMUg with R c Walker : Cor.-Sec'y., Donal.l Me- his cheery whistle. Ho was two days Vicmr . Tre , 8-t Gea Cairns ; Oi'ini*l, ahealof time this year. Last yeir his ,j [s Jo , B^^I.U,.,, Fi,, wer c..ra.- arrival was chronicled on M-iy 6. j y efa Loucks> M ur iel McTavish. Rota Mr. Arm-Id Thurston was home for a ; Buskin, Robt. Chard, Lawson While- lew days during the v^s 1 * eK - Arnold , head. Social Com. Chas. Stew*vt,Lena left Wednosdty for Hudson B:iy Junction ! Duncan, Eltio Thompson, Geo. Sn.--.vut. in North .Saskatchewan t put in tho'Mrs. McTavUh, Mrs. Wriht. summer with a -nvornmeut survey pirty An Explanation in the PIV<IUB Hills. The mail trsin Monday was a couplu of hours Ule owing to n run-off of the | K.litor of The Advance : Winnipeg express rear Woodbridi<e. j Deav Sir, In your paper of May first The fireman, W!M was the only person tt correspoudeiice from "A Friend of seriously injured, was b idly sc.ilded, and Justice " from Uwon Sound brands llu> died in tho hospital. The Southland Serenaders sang to a Burks Falls Arrow as telling something your untruthful. Now 1 know that, it Is good sized audience in tho auditorium of Owen Sound cor. th:t ;s not telling the the high school on Saturday evening and truth. There were two hangings and gave a very pleasing entertainment . The your cor. has confused them, and he is evening was not suittble for u large at- i wrong in both. I lived in tho imintdmlu tendeuce, still tho proceeds amounted i neighborhood from 1850 until 1897 and 1 to ,845. The visit of theso ^looted | know whereof 1 speak. Years ago there people was under the auspices of the lived in the township of Osprey a family, hockey boys. nne ^ tne l'y 8 f whom left home nud | was not heard from for some time. At A brood of about 25 Dagoes or Mexi- length his folks heard that he ws iu jail cans or something in the form of disrepu- ! i Buffalo charged with the murder of a table looking foreign humanity launched itself upon the longsutfering natives of this village on Thursday last and proceed- young woman. His mother and sister went to see him and he denied that he was her son. It was thought th:kt h ed to do us all up to the king's tasto by i wag trying to spare them the great grief telling fortunes nnd grasping anything | of thinking their son and brother was rnoveable that could be carried oft. The hung. A man at the trial swore point individuals were a dirty looking lot. For- blank against, him and he WAN hung ou tunately they did not stay long but too that man's evidence, long. Tho smell is nearly all gono now. About 26 years afterwards as that man The annual school examinations will Iny on his death bed, he confessed that be on shortly nnd pupils are getting ha was the one that murdered the young their nerves in shape for the ordeal, woman and that the man who was hung Principal White of tho high school in- j knew nothing at all abour. it. He swore forms The Advanco that he will have 22 against the man in order to clear himself, candidates from the lower torni and 11 j C ook Toat was hung for the poisoning from the upper. Out of those there are , o( D i, w ;f e an( j ,h e evidence against him only fifteen in the lower school recoru- 1 was giveu (, y his mother-in law. I livoJ mended, however, but Ihe others want to I c i ose ne j g hbjr to her for ym- and try. I from my knowledge of ht-r I would not Tho service in-lhe Methodist church last took that tho o u Sunday evening r.ithcr a uiiiMiif form in haii!.' my dog on her evidence, anil nlk' never confessed anything about the irur del-. She lest h. her reason some time bo- usual sermon was dispensed with nnd i fote ho died. It was generally lieliuved servicd of Scripture readings and snored that Teat was an innocent man and VV. song by the Southland Siironaders took its K. Fli-sher was confident that Teat was place. The church was crowded witlr a j nut guilty. Toil was Ihe only man hun very appreciative nudionce. A bass solo ! iu Grey, and I hopj there will be BO by Mr. Morgan, "Angel Lain)," w.jt* '. moiv ium 'r-nt. ban^inys ii, (MTV. It is it especially worthy of special mention, serious matter to hang n person it there Mr. Morgan has a wondeiful voice under is a doubt of his guilt. Yours respectfully marvelous control, this solo alone THUIU'K WHICH'! 1 . THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OddsandEnds>l|p ARTICLES FOR SALE For >ali- A quantity of good potatoes. H, Fenwick Eu^euia. For Sale Two fresh cows. 2-year-old riliy colt, and a quantity of While Daubin Oats and a few tons good hay. Apply on lot 175 Gravel Road M. G. Orr, Flesherton P. O. Sold Out, but will have another car of New Brunswick shingles in a few days. W. A. Armstrong, Flcsherton. For Sale Seed Buckwheat (Prolific). Good clear seed $100 per bushel. T. Henry, east back line, Flesherton P. O. Pure Bred White Wyaudotte eggs for hatching W. A. Hawken, Fleshertou. To Reut Port'aw atnre and dwelling to rent, or will he aold on moderate terms. Possession can be taken at once, For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson, Chatsworth. junel For Sale cheap and on easy terms, <jood 9-rooir.ed brick dwelling in Flesherton, with eood brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with .same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf W I ! i I I l II ill uijii iji ii i tol I! I B I i ! HILL BROS., MARKDALE This week we are showing many new lines in Hosiery, Linoleums, Curtain Nets, Wash Dresses, Women's Shoes, and Gent's Furnishings. Our stock of Summer Goods is large and the assortment is good. Look our values over. They will please the most exacting in every line, For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acres. Will be sold cheap. W. .1. Meads, Ceylon P. O. For Sale Good 'J-roomed frame dwell- int: and stable, all complete, in first class finditit.il and lepair, with hard and soft water. Wil cell very -?heap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Unt. XovTtf Whith Leu horn, single ci.mb eir^s for hatching, $1.00 per hatching. Eddio Ottewell, Flesherton. P. U. Hosiery Spe c i a 1 s We make a specialty of the Hosiers Business. We buy the best makes procurable in the 25, 35 and 50c. lines, an 3 this week our showing iu lace, lisle, and colored hosiery will be ex- ceptionally good. 100 dozen in the lot. All one price, per pair 2oc. Special Showing of Children's Fine Mercerized Hosiery, all sizes, 4 to 7 \; Al value, at per pair 2uc. We are also showing special values in flue all wool cashmere hose at per pr. 25 and oOc. Linoleums This week we placed in stock 25 new pieces of Linoleum. All the newest designs are sho\vu in our stock. We can show you 4-yd- wide Linoleums, per running yard from $1.75 to $2.50. Now is your time to pick a new floor covering ior your kitchen. Come early and get first choice. i : !*! i I II i 11 i i H II II I ! 1 i II 11 II II II II II II II II MISCELLANEOUS Painting and p'tper h. 1111:1111: orders left wii h me will receive prompt attention. Contacts taken. C J Bellamy, Flesher- ton. ii WASTED a man who knows the district well and has a cood connection by a large Western Realty concern. Good commission. Apply statint; full particulars to H.Butterworth, o".> Gros venor St. Toronto. was worth going a long way to hear. |327 l'acil'0 Ave., Toronto, May 3. Purebred shorthorn bull for service Terms 81. 00 for pure breds or gvsdes. C'ws iiiu.-i be returned twice or will be charged whether in calf or not. Walter Akitt, Grave! R .ad, Rock Mills p. o. $.000 private fuuda to loan on farm iuorti!ii!{e security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply Ii. J. Sproule. Flcs-hertoii. | Farm to Kent Eist half lot 33, con. i 4, Artemesi.i, M ;icros ; frame house and j frame barn. Foi further particulars apply ti' H. Lit*le, \\areham, or Mrs. Wellington Brtdj 'row, 23 Charles st., ' T-,rniito. Flour! Flour! Don't scold the cook buy Fae Kn>f.s Flour per bbl. S4>; Hamilton's White Lily $T>. Sold byS. M. O.-itiorne, M -n well'* chuap^ciah store. For Sale The undersigned offers for sa'e three lots in tho village of Ceylon ,011 which nil- erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with intone cellar. :m<l a good frame stable. This will iiiako .'in excellent homo for ;uiv person. Terms easy, price right. Apply t-> Jas. Aslidon, Uweu Sound, or W. J. .clliiiny, Flesherton. Roofing tor* Sale Brantford Crystal Uoofing, Asiihult Koofuisj, Kubbei- Uoofinc, Steel ItoofiiiL; and Siding : : : : JOHN MCDONALD, c ey ion 1 Juno I'! AROUND THE WORLD Via " Empress of Asia " The " Kmpres c>f Asia" will leave Liverpool June II. outline at Madeira, Cape Town, Durban, Colombo, Singa- pore and Hong Kong, arriving Yanrouvei August 30th. Vessel lemains 14 days at j Honu K'>ng. ''Rate for entire cruise, SOU'J. 10. " Exclusive of maintenance 1>H ween arriuil time in England and dt-piirturo of "Empress of Asia ' and stop over at Hong Kong. Par'toul'irs fn-iii Canadian Paeilic Agents or Arite ftl. I!. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Wash Dresses We are doing a large business in house and street wash dresses. Jus', thiuk, you can buy a house dress for one dollar. Why spend your time making them? Street Presses moderately priced from $2.00 to $6.00 Ask to see them ; they will please yon. Women's Low Shoes and Oxfords This week we are clearing out many odd lines in Wonieu's Strap Slippers and Oxfords. There are values m this lot up to three dollars. Special clearing price, $1.48 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii .; ii |||i HILL BROS. B 8 MARKDALE. | CHEAP FARM FOR SALE Upper Lakes Navigation via Canadian Pacific Steamships Thu Canadian Pacific, commencing My 10th norlh'xiuud, and Miy llth snuihliouciil. will opera'e Great. Lakes Steamship Expivas trniim between Torno- ti> and Port McNicoll on Ihe following schedule, with first class couch and Parlor C.r running through without local stops. NoRTHBOi'Mi -Leave Toronto 12.45 .m. ; arrive Port McNicoll 4p.n>.: each londay Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Hi.d Saturday, conneetiiiK with tho Pala- tial C. P. R. l"i>ji -r Lakot Steamships lonxins; Poit McNicoll on above days for SuiltSle. Marie, Port Arthur and Foit Willi.mi. SoLTHBorsn Leave Port McNicoll ech Siin.l.iy and Thursday at 8.45 n. m., uritviiii; Tinon',1 I'.'.IHI nnoii, n>id lenvina P,nt MeXicoll Mondays, Tuesdays and SiiMinlnjs at 11.45 a.m., Hi-iivina Toronto 3.l."i p.m. t'nt'l Steamship Expros* goes nit i. oonnHMJOQi conneotion is tn.tile with Upper Lukes Steamships by leaving Toronto 9.45 a.m. b'ull pariicular* from any 0. P. R. Auent or write M. ti Murphy, District Aifent, Toronto. twi-nty-livi.' hundn-il dollars will buy tho west half of lot No. 2 and part of the north wi >t i|iiarter of No. 1, .ill on the 4th con. of liuphrasia, concur.- in.: ,-tbout 12.~> acres. Tlieio is soppeMd to be ninety acre* cleared, the balance u. J. bardwiMid bush mnpli>, beech and elm. Thure is on the prt.pvrty :i fpiniH IKIU^U and kitchen, ;i fiMine barn, ,-tr-ivv li,,UMJ with Monti fi'iiiiiiatinn uii'loi' it, ..I.-*- 1 wooil shed, driving -hul. pin pun and beu house. There ;ire also two or- cliards on the farm growing ditlei-ont kinds of fruit-- apph's, peais, plums, ebonies and grapes. This farm is woll lonooil with wire and p<itcut fencing. It is :ilot> well wa'eivd with water in iii.irly every tield. There is a never-failing l>riii^ within 40 yards of ihe h"ii j e Tins t inn is within one mile of tho thriving village of K.imbi!rley. For furtlioi par- licul.us apply to .IAMKS STI ART 1 Apr Kiinberley P.O. Agent Wanted! -FOR- FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Foothill Nurseries Orders now being 'aken for Spring delivery 1!)13. Prospects bright for the season's trndj. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! _ Come here for your Seeds ! Five linsi-s L-'lnur. Dundalk Whitv K . Morning (il<>cv. I'l-an. Shorrs, wlioar, chop and ohickt-n iced. Fresh Oysters, Fish ane ILciTini:, L'a nned Goods Salmon. Tomatoes, Corn and Peas. and allkiml.j of iroh intfrics at lowest prices. W. L, Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. Exporienoff la.ia^w^A.'y Wo instruct our salestnki how to ?a:i Kruit Stocks in the co.iniiry nnd ^i-anis:ital trees in the town. START NOW ami have your tenitory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free out lit. Write for terras. Une Stone & Wellington TOIWNTO, ONT. Mr. .Ion. Wcl'oi ,f Kiintii'iloy moved t-> town on Tuisiiay and h:is taken up his losiilence in. the oil I'lesher housj near bo woullou mill. 5peclallt in dlsoia ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 lOh it. east, Owen Sound At the Uovere houso, M.'irkilalo, 2nd Tliursdny each month from 8 to a 12:> m. DuiuUlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Farm fur Sale Lot. 134, T. S. K . Arti-niesia. .">0 n:iso, ulu, ut nil cK'Hie-i. L;<">'! fniino li.irn, no I "u-o, small oix'lvird, ;,,' ; laud, wo)l fi'iiced. \Vill be sold c!u'a|. anil on easy terms. App'y '" t'red Mathewsmi, Ifshertou. I June I'.' FREEI---FREE! Goods Given Away H. C. Pedwell offers the follow- ing- splendid premiums to those bringing- in egrgs to his store up to and including July 5 next. The premiums will be given out on July 1O. First Prize To the person marketing the largest number of eggs in our store, a 42-piece dinner set.t .Second Pri/e One pair Ladies' Shoes, to be selected t'loiu our stock. Third 1'ri/e The person bringing in the nearest to 300 dozen eggs will receive four salail bowls. Fourth Prize The person bringing in the nearest to _'00:lo/iMieggs will receive a 4-piece cream and sugar sett.' Fifth Pri/e The person bringing in the nearest, to 50 do/en will get ten pounds of granulated sugar. The above are all good pri/es and worthy of an effort to secure. Hi-ing along the eggs. H. C. PEDWELL General Merchant Feversham ^ Ontario.