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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1913, p. 4

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Mays 1913 THE J.< L E S II E II T N ADVANCE '/ V TH K An iii'lei>emlent iie\vpa*.>fr, publistiixl wery Thiii-mlay >t th' 1 ullice, CulUogwood Strict, Klt-sliertnn. Suii..-i i|> \>ria $1 iwr annum, wh-Mi paid in :nlt in !: 81.0 J wbn nut i>i*,i"l Advertising ruti "ii :vp[.lirutiim. (.'irculat.on 1,100 weekly. W. If. Tlmrston - Editor RURAL MAIL BOXES A motion in tho Council minutes thU week in ikes i' in- .,-inry for us to ny that in regard to plvoi'ig of rural m ul boxes we merely copied a legal opinion from the Mail Kinetic, snyini; thai ac- cording to that opinion th-i iiriiion WJIH hiipi'rrluous. Wi- did not sen the opinion expressed liy tlie Municipal World, and expressed no opinion one .i\ or the other, therefore the urn* inn shou'd read, 'P.-iy i.o h'ecil to the M.iil-Kmpire" n it The Adi unco. The resolution further stj.s the opinion <rf the Deputy Postmaster-General is that the posts In u'il not intrude upon the highway. The resolution of Comic 1 referred to warned all [iirties that they would be re eponnible f T any Jum.-ige resulting from placing Imxys ou the h'lnv,iy. The postal di pirtnicnt pi.. i idi*- that auch posts must be plac.-d near enough to tho travelled highwxy fm (lie courier to bundle 'lioni without dismounting. The biglnv.iy is from fonco to fence und in Older to comply wHi i>overniiu*iit u*g uliitioiis they nmvt. ..f no .-easily lie placed on the highway, though not on the trav- elled portion. \Vu venture to say there h*s inner yet b>iMi ,i cue where cm- pliiiici- with gilt-em m jut rex-da i >H8 put man in fur dmnas/is. In order th it the public may know f xictly wlnt th s nu- illation is wi|iiiu cl-iu* >, wl.ich reads aa full. IMS: "Tlr: p *t toivMch the to x is to In-, ].> luanciitly ntlsclii il, ami which is t lit* provided by tin* paTon, may ID either five inches Nipi ir.t <>r ri-e inch .- inj diameter, must lie at least three fert in the ^r .iiml, ai.d approxi- mately four fet*t six inrlu-s u'mve the road level, and limit be erected up m the ruidnida no .t-, tn lie conveniently reached by the courier it h .ut l.-avin^ lidrs*.*. During the wiut-T H-IKHH il... nuds iiumt be kijit iipcn nnd llie apprmicli to the box tutlicentiy clear of snow to enable the courirr to cover his route without lcing uimccessaiily delay ol or iuco:i .-i ni- Artemesia Council tin- town liin- bt'tWMuti i lir, township nnil it.' township of Proton, unless notice luu> In-i'ii -;u t-ii to this CMIIII. il anil or- leivd t Li' il.. lir, ami tho suvoral com- uiissiniioit inU'i'ii.sU'il aiv rt-i|iu;.sled t" settle up any expenditure on said town line in the year it is done, and a copy of tho notice be forwarded to Proton ('uuiiiil Carried. Mel.eoil Brown That this Council |..iv wai-es while expending appropriation on roads For ordinary work, men $1.7"> day ; fur man -mid team, ordinary, .'i per day ; for man and team on grader, {.'{ . .*>0 per day Carried. (irahan. ('.'iswell That the domestic animal- hereinafter mentioned are, pro- hibited from running at large upon the ays of this tnunieipalily Hiibjoct to impounded : Horses of any de- M-ription (.r ae, entire animals of any kind, geese, turkeys hens and .-ill other poultry, and the owner or occupant of any land shall be responsible for any diiinage caused liy any animal or pmdtiy under his charge and keeping, notwith- standing that any property may not be enclosed by fence Carried. (irahuni McLeod -That Mr. Traynor be rt-i|uested to report to this Council as to the condition of the contract let to Mr McDonald and as to the cause of the present defective, condition and he have the contract completed according tn contract without further delay- Carried, (iniham Caswell That we would advise the ratepayers placing or about to place mail box posts on the highway not to heed The Advance that our resolution of ;i former meeting .superfluous, in view of | he opinion O f the Municipal World advises that posts upon the high- ways are an obstruction, and the decision of the co Hits eshitc of Dillon against the eoinitii-s of Limhton and Middlesex where damages of giiOflO were, awardcil owing to the road not being t'2 feet wide, ! and alsi> the opinion of the De] lily !' stmaster (ii-m-ral the pust-i should not intrude upon the highway, the instruc- tions to patmns mi rural routes do not i>-'|tlile the boxes to be near the trav- elled portion of the highway. (iraham McLeod That the iirst ,-it- tiir.'i.f the Court <if Hevision on the as- sessment of 1U1I! he held at the town hall in Monday, Jutaa 7| at 10 o'clock s and tiie Clerk give tin- necessary notice. t '.'iried. He who has lost his sight best knows its value. I Hundreds suffer loss of sight j Timely attention might hay* I prevented it. 1 Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. Flesfterton. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'XDllY Bisket leave* Tuesday noon, delivery Friday evrni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We me events for Parker's Dye Works Clothes aleuned and dyed, feathers rejnvi-initcd. - PROPRIETOR F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Specials In Waist Silks This week we place on sale a big range of Fancy Silks in the correct lengths for the pin-pose of making up Waists. These include Shots, Stripes and Fancy Patterns and more than a dozen new shades of color. No two ends are alike, so a wide choice is assured. Price per length $2.:>r>. $50, ,2.85 and $3.50 New 4 yard wide Linoleums KTW Floor Oilcloths New Velvet and Tapestry Squares New Curtain Nets. Prepared Paints for inside and outside use, Floor Paints and Varnishes, Boiled, and Machine Oils, Turps, Brushes of all kinds. Raw, Bovs' and Men's Clothing, Felt and Straw Hats, Overalls and Pants, Trunks and Valises. See our New Spring Footwear Styles for Everybody. Prices Kight. HIGHEST PRIES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Conn. -il ailjoimieil. ^ _f~-^ f ~ A Miscor Misconception -i.i Coiini-il nut iii tin- town liall i/ii Saturday List. The nii'iohc-rs V.- iv ..II juvM-nt, I hf IJi-i'Vi- in the chair. Minntfs of last nifctiny UITU ivacl and fMiilirnn d. ('oiiiiiiiiiiii.-iti"iis as follnws \v >!> u .ul W. II. Tluifiton. avcuunl for print in:; Andiim-.' Ui-|, ?.".<; |ii ; \V. \. \ i ur I:"],..., acconiit for i \.-|i.uiL;r on draft ! r..iinty i.i!o, $1..MI; ( )wi-n Soiiinl -. M. ami ii,;iiiiic- liospilal, no- I iee a* t" t i\c oiMUJsd for |uitii-iit.s ; the I!. . \c and ( 'Icrk, n-jioil us lo r\pi-tidi- tlircon lun line .\it.-nn-si-i :.inl I'ruton; 1 Kislin .mil :M otlii-rs, pi.iU'stiii.< against ..jn-nin^ nj. .if .tu-rt.s in Ku^i-nia now ori-iijiii.d hy I!,,|.,.ii \N'illiaiiis ; I'.y- I.IH Nn. 7i>l. 1i.a!i)hori/.f a loan ,if g4t">ti) for (iin.-iit cxpi-iidiliuv, \vim paused it!, i red nil.'.' ils si-M'ial i-t-adini{s. M.'l....d |:,,,HII \V. l|. Thurs- t oil's an ..... nt, ?.'!(>. 40, for printing Audi' i.-|,i,il nf r.l|. h,. paid Ciin-i,-,!. JJroivn CasHi'll That I In- Tn .-isiiu'i In- alliiHi'd 91 oil, -\i hiiiiL;.' i. n draft rr- iiintin^ ci.!!!.!}- uit.-s I., founty trenKiircr - ''arr'i'il. laMirll McLi'inI That $75 !M. (jnint- - .1 tnuiirils laying cement t,idi:wnlk in Edgeilia, |iiii\idt'(l tli eoniiiiissioner for Div. 4 expend '.',> of hi.s apprnpiiatioli for name, .iinlthr x ill.-i^i. uX|icndiiH much as |M.s-ild,. ,,f tlu-ii stuttite L-ihor for thu hfinu' purpose, and the coiuniiKsinner for J In- division have t ho ovi-rsixht of the Work mill make written report to this ' '-iiinril ( '.urii'd. Iflown McLcotl That tin- ivport of the Itocvi- aiiil('h-rk a.s to NKtlli'inciit of nmiii-yti expended <>n I.,HH lino Artoine- HM and Proton hi- ivo-ivi-.! and filed, and llo'V lir {.aid ilir Mini of $:i uarh for tlieir uervici'H- ( 'arricd. Grahiiiii Cahw.-ll That Uolii'rt.Ciuiip- li.-ll In. |iaid |1(K) for rii<|,t ,,f W ay for road on lot JJ4, con. IL 1 , in lion of 12 on linr upon him fm nisliinj4 tlu.s ('. .1111 <:il with title totlm same Carried. lirowii (iruhiini -That ('olh'ctor .1. K. .laiiiii'Hini he rcfninleil $10, Imiiuj; .up. mil overpaid on ciillec'tor's roll for HtlL' Carried. (iralmm Mi'Li'od That this C.,un,il hii\inj,' viewed the ci.ndition of I ho In iil:,'e at I'rii'i'Vilk- when im-'i't ing there and coiisiili-iiiiK that il will stand for "UK t me \el, Ih. Clcik notify llu- IV. lier Tnisii is of Priieville thai rertain repair. ..In.nld ) niiiili- liy llioin to Htl'i'ii^llien the ditpporls to make il safer I'.inied. < '.i -'.\r]| liiiliaiii That l!y)a\v ;p poinlinx i.M.'iMi'i for H'Kt lie inne.iuled liy iiiMiirtint! the u inn '. i.I \\ . T. (i.'iioe IIH palliin.i -tr ill Di\. No. L'7 inxteail of <ii'..iL,'e Siii-ll, anil .lohli Sldaii instead of Nelnoii Kii'Vt in^' in l'i\ No. .'if Carried. ( ,~m.|l Mi'l.e..,! this Cnimeil will i ol Kicogniise any expenditure on To the EJ it or of The Auvaiic.': Deur Sir, -The Arrow's cditoiiaj refi'renci 1 i" the Lovr ra-c bus e> idently been very much misuiiilfi'stood liy " A Friend of Ju*lic*9," whose letter ftppwtcd in list wtvk'.-i .\ilv,inci'. The miscini lyo of justice allmlril lo in Thv Arrow had no ivfoienco to the Cook Tcet'ti case whatever. In the Litter c. ., not only the cuili'iu'i: ovi'i-whelniit.uly stroni both t (hi! Cm'' iii'i'.s in.|ui'Ht in Fleahei" tun and :t tin? timl heid at O.VCM .Sound but the motive was clo:ir, i-niiclusivi' and cdn\inuiiig. I M-HS pulilislu r of Tl e Ail v.iitce nl llmttiinc and not i-nlyl. i o n di--tict rvcollectioii < i the fm-ti of ilu rii', but, more imj intuiit Htill, I Mil| liavi- i he lylos i f the Advance which ion- tain a full ivpoit i.f tlm ,..',ii. ' ni'l tin* m.-ilti.s well HH of the l;ir. act in tint i. i '. 'v.u:.' t . .1.1 iiy. The citiiu nlludod In in Tho Arrow in i hi* iiim i f tliu lictini of ju- <i i : 1 uiL'.'-iin 1 ' vuiM cle u ly i - 1 i l.h -li.'ii by llio dyinn coufi't'Miiii of the rt-.-l mur- dnri-r twenty ytirs iifti'rwnnl.s was tried in the I'niled Stii*s. The youi.'^ in n who wrongfully |lid tho cxlii'inr pennliy of the I m on thiil ocra-ion W<IH a I alive i f thu C'lunty of Uruy, ainl, bel'oro going to thu Sliitei, ipxiilet) a few mili-.s EnBt of Kle>herti>n. Aw to ihe Lovo case, I nm more than ever convinced ihattne slroiiiji-ht kii d of an ap|it-al bhould bo made for exmnite clemency. Py coiniiiulinjt the * n'lince to inif.ri.iniiinciil, tho ends : jn-li" wnuM hi) Ntirved and nt the Name linu; On- b. n.M . ii.ul.i'. of a In:-,.' numlier of people Would lo rc-npoc!ed. The Advance itself snys "We know of not one who did not think that Lovu would !<ut cli-ar at his trial, Afterwards (hoy considered thu veidict n just one." So that Tho Advance itself HUpplios one of tli HtronueRt riason.s why thu ncntenco of tint i' .mi Hhould lie coiinniitod. Any newspaper man with a gram of cominoii nense knows that it rarely hap- pens that direct evidence is tuhmiited at iiiurder trialH. In nearly all such CHRIS Ilii! 'videm:o is iit'cenNiii ily and obvioiiH'y cii'cumitanlial. What 1 contend is ilia! unleHi tlm motivu for tl.e crime, is clear and ruimiii in;., (he jury ii.s<inneH a giavu lespnimiiiility in Inin^iiiL; iii a verdici of "Kiiilty." TrUBl ing yi,u will find NJIHCO f.-r the iiiHiMlior. of Ibis lultur and tliankinit yon in ailvaiici! for thu couiteny, 1 reir.ain, Kaitlifully yourn, A. II. FAWCCTT, Editor, "Tho Murk's FIU Anvw." I ne day lust week as Ihn (. T. I!. Ii I'M w -.. u itH way frinn I'-ilno-i. l.m to Ktncaribne, il ninoier noil kil!oil a two- yca'-old iliibl of Kob't Tovcy, a former ii'solm.: ln'iwrrii Dlutn ale anil Itiusiclu. I lie liiili- 0110 I, ul i'ii.|it under a ijiiti. uml en tin; Tom iTiHiinj; bufon) it -iis msKi'd ill t IIH hunie <T Menu liy the .' Thi) 'mill I'iDW, uliii'h i . id-, S.IMII- n-i H''. - ilUilyriiiia i.vir the 1 lanch to Moi.iv H'oreHt, incluiHnu CiinduUoi- t'ox, WIN ill' luliti).' I hi* invn-tit;ilii.n blame oVild IMJ nl (ached to anyone. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will lie wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time iiiukiiis 3 Spocialtj.of, Imp Beds. Tlio oriijtnal '6f the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get Romcthin" nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary hoacl. Of course we have other Lt-cis at other prices, nil equally low in price Sanitary Hutls such as everybody wantri. Springs and Mattresses to fit all Examine our stock nnv- way. before pnrchaMiig your slu^ itulucers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, CNT. JUST THINK What wo have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing i'j)-'.l\>-l)atc as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : ' ' C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building CEYLON'S BU , S T Y r STORE Have you -^ot all th" Clover and Grass Seeds you require, if not, get the Be.-t Grndes at Pa'tisi.n'n, Ceylon, at prices you can't beat, ronsiderniH i|U;ility . W have also Dutch Setts, Potato Onion*, Garden Tools, Poultry Netting, Black and White feneo Wire, Spaces und Shovels, nnd Forks Evety.nin:} required for spring work. A'so fancy things for decorating up the house, such as New Wall P.i;ifrs, Floor Oil Cloths. Linoleums, Curtains. Cutt-in Poles. Paints and Vnriiislu-j. For the Ladies and Girls Nf* Snii Lengths, Dress Lengthx, House Dresses, Embroidery for Dresses Pr'iiccM Slips und Corstt Covers, Lace cellars and C'utf Sells, b'ancy Waists, 1'nderskirt.s, Spring and .Summer I'nderwear, Boots and Bboct, in low or hiuh tan, Patent ur Donsrolus, Kid niid Silk G'o-'i's, Hose in silk LLslu or Cotton. For Men Sprins; Caps Pel* Hats and Now Styls Christies, also Panama) and Straw Huts, Kain Coats in different styles shades and prices, Kid Gloves, and rmbrellas, Suit Cases and Trunks, fancy So^ks and Tiees. Pure Muple Syrup fm gale at SI. 5*) per sjallon. Ol'R MCTTO "Small Profits and ^uick Returns." YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Jas. Wattison cF- Co., (Ceylon XVc doslre to call Ilin attention of all those ii ..... t tvitu any Blood or Skin Ducua to our New Method Treatment us u |aHWMM euro for these comptuiuts. Theru is nu ex- cuse for any person haviof; a ilistleure.l face from eruptions and blotches. .' matter wliothcr hereditary or acquired, our Riicciflo romci-liea unit treatment ncutriUixo ult poi- K .in in the blodl and nxpvl them from the nystem. Our vast exp^neneo ia the trent- inout of tluMisouils of the most serious anil cmnplicntud cases enables us to perfect a cure witlioutexiicriMienting. We Uo business nu the I'liin- py Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult US Frro of Charge and let Uf prove tO you how quickly our remedies wilt remove all evidences of iHsease. Unilerthe Influence of the New Method Treatment the skin bc- oomt-s clt'ar, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, riiiiin-f I glands are reduced, fallen out h:\ir prOMS in Bgnln. the eyes become IH i^ht, uml. iti. .u and energy return, and the victim realizes a uw life li.u opeued up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Dtwuet of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question List for Home Treatment , DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- 1 1 H nt in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patient* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for oar private addreeB. FARM FOR SALfc In t.ln> tnwiiHhip of Avtfiiues'.i, in the Ci.iiniy i.l t.i.A. li'l 13, con. . . .""I Intx 12 and IH, ci.ti. II N.D.K., cn'>tiiiii>g 100 ;irri"( ; fi-tmu li"UHt*. Apply to N. ^^l!-'ii, I no 1'iiik, Oni., or *. N. Mor- 1'iin, Ni'\v'Hl'J, ur .lolin MoF*\Tden, Ceylon, Out. 1 .juyltt Pure Hied tlolslcin Hull Changeling Prince Joe Urnil liy ClmnKolimj Iiiini-i- I'oy nut uf Tidy Alilifkiok l'iinn'>s Ju3>'|.liiiit*. 'llu* mv.-iti'nt hulter inukinig >lrain known. 'I'i'riii of Ksrvico- k'2 for gt ul's, s*r> fur purr bred. CKO. .MOOUK.V SON, I'.<-p., 1 I i'!i 14 I'rololi Sl.'ilioil. FARM FCRSALKORRENT 50 ac OP, Lo l.'W, C'ui 3, Arlcmosi<t. 'ver failii R opritij.*;, wt-ll fitnurd, 15 HCIVS of Timber, the rosl in (usiuro o>'i-r 15- yi rs KOOC! stock farm. \\ i.uld sell on naay Ici'tiiH for i|iiick r:i!r. Apply lo J'unes Nnh, Iiisli \..C-> . I'. O. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflk-o ami Ui-suloiice 468, Oth St. K i ,t, Dwon Sound, Out. H. mi's-Olo 12 iv.m., 1.30 to 4.^0 p.m.' 7 to 8p.m. Ukfcpr houu by .pp. iitineii J. & W. B O Y D GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. House Cleaning Time . . Now is the time to buy fine Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., Notwithstanding the fact we arc selling out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. Rugs in Tauestry Brussels and Wool, s'zes 2| x 3 to 4 x 4. ** ..,, -, T.^try, Woolj L.n e 'n,' ' M.'d ' Hemp ' ' Carpets in HruwiB from 2oc to.... .......... (i x 4 ,u,d 12 x 4 widlhs Price 820.00 .$1..1o -some very pretty patterns, best. BOc per xquare yd. at reduced prices. Also Mats and Door Mats in Coooa Matting Wire. Lace Curinii-s, Bum-alow Nets, Screen Muslins. Iv'H'i) ('iirta'iis fur 43o to HuiigHlo.v \tn tiom 15 to Rlusliiis fronv 121 to j5 c ..$4.00 ....40c. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. & W. B O Y D FLESHERTON, - ONT. . ^ ._+ . ^ ^ ^ ;; T"

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