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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1913, p. 1

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T * TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRItfCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32 NO. 45 Fleshierton, Ont., Tliursday, May 8, 191TJ W. fl TfiURSTON Kimberley Budget The Beaver Valley certainly present* a gorgeous sight to the eye at present. The beautiful green foliage of the stately maple and the melodious notes of na- ture's great orchestra makes it a veritable below. The East Grey telephone construction gang was in this neighborhood the past week and installed a telephone in Geo. MeConnell's residence. Mr. Edward Baker of Vandeleur was a e.iller in our burg one day last week. Mrs. L. Kells and son, Ernie, of To- ronto, visited at Mr. Jas. Stuart's the past week. The pastor, R*>v. Mr. Trotter, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon and preached a very forcible sermon to a large congregation. Master Thomas Neely of Beaverdale vbfitetl with his cousin, Stanley Reid, on Saturday and Sunday last. Inspector Hurl of Meaford was a caller in our burg on Monday. Mr. and |Mrs. Charles Haggard and son, Floyd, of Clarksburg, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett of the Traveller's Home on Sun- day last . Mrr Wm. Stuart made a business trip to Eugenia one day lat week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson vis- ited friends in Flesherton on Friday last. Mr. Glazier of Markdale was a culler in our burg on Saturday last. We are sony to report Mr. E Boyle mi the sick list at present. Miss Ottie Fawcett of Parry Sound visited friends in this vicinity the past week. Quite a nuuil>er of fanners in this lo- cality are spraying their fruit trees this year . We think this is a very com uend- able thing as it will improve the quality ..f the apples to a large extent. Messrs. Win. Lucas and S. J. Hallwrt of Markdale visited friends in our burg one day last week. Eugenia Paragraphs Wedding bells are ringing. Win. Fred Wiggins spent the week with Mrs. Fnmk Weber. MLss Annie HLslop is home from city on a visit. past, the Walkerton Mrs. L. Latimer and Mr. Geo.Latimer visited friends at Ravenna recently. Miss Lizzie Williams has gune to Markdale on a visit. Mr. George Williams is home from the city for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond of PriceviUe were the guests of Mrs. M^Mul Sunday. Died At Sanlt Ste. Marie, on Satur- day, April 2ri, Tlielma Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Mr. and M rs . Curtis Scott, aged 10 months and six days. Mrs. Scott W.-LI formerly Miss Lillian Madill of this place. While attempting to bmrd a hand-car heavily loaded with e-irth on the C. P. R. track near the Bobbin Factory about 7.30 o'clock on Saturday morning last, David Uiggins, boss carpenter at the new rail- way bridge here, had Uie misfortune to slip and fall under the wheels of the car, which passed over his left leg, crushing it against the rail and breaking it in two p'aces below the knee. The injured mm was at once hurried to the hospital, and Of. Fraser, the C. P. R. physician nuiii- moned. At rirst it was feared that am- putation of the injured limb would be , rer necessary, but at last reports the frac- ( tures had been set and hopes were en- tertained of saving the leg. The uoiii'4 into effect of Local Option in Kincardince to-day and the consequent banishment of booze from the scenery there leaves Walkarton and vicinity Riverdale A number in this vicinity have com- pleted seeding operations. Miss Gladys Gilharl. of St. Catherines yisited friends here last week. Mr. George Thompson, professional comic vocal Ut of Glafg>w, Scot'and, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. Davidson, at present. Miss Mildred Cutting, pleasantly en- tertained the Riverda'.e Society Jewels to a dainty birthday party on Saturday last. Mr. James Baird recenly purchased u magnificent new Ford Auto. W T e under- stand that several others will arrive- shortly. House cleaning and gardening is the order of the dvy. standing out conspicuously as the wet Miss There** Armstrong is home from territory on the u)ap of BruC(J How the Ceylon, county as a whole is drying up maybe Girls, did you hear that Stanley had gathered from the fact that in 1874 thero purchased a $200 {>ny ( we r e issued in Bruce no less than 180 Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart and chil- tavern and 2<> shop licenses, as auaiint ilren i >f Kimberley visited friends here 24 tavern and no shop licenses for 1913, Durham over Sunday. W. U. Graham is visiting at Mr. Wal- ker's, Euphnisia. Mr. and Mrs. Foester visited Price- ville friends over Sunday . Miss Jean Graham visited friends at Portlaw recently . Miss Pearl Cairns of Ceylon spent the past week with her uncle hero. The public school held the opening picnic of the season on their grounds on Friday last. The parents left their house cleaning for the day and joined with the children to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. At the close they sang " Jolly good fell- ows " and guve .t hearty cheer for Miss McMullen, the teacher. Taffy was served R lect ln fallln 8 to the children after luncheon. A g<K>d time was spent by all present. Mrs. Woodburn is the guest of Mrs Fred Jamietion. attaca 01 ( nTf ., Mrs. Fred Gi-iha'm of" "BuiSl lYiver is visiting friends here. the lst liquor store and the station hotel beiui; doomed to shortly vanish from the landscape here. Of the -I licenses lint will thus be issued in the county for 1913, it is probably singular thit 20 of these should bu granted for VValkerton and immediate vicinity. Asa result of the autu mishap near Dunkeld on Friday last in which Mr. Dan Connor of Eden Grove wax killed and Mr. U lit Hunter of Kincardine was piinfully injured, it is reported that an action for damages is threatened against the township of Brant, foo^ a'.legvd ue- _ to cepair the washout on the road, and which it is claimed was directly'>iisible for the acc:deut. *' *tt and Times. Portlaw Durham Road Intended For List Week The majority of the farmers of this A happy event took place on Wednes- , vicinity are busily engaged in seeding, day of last week at the home of Mr. S. ' Weather has been kind to the agri- Sheatdown, when his eldest daughter, ; cultural labourer. Annie, was united in marriage 10 Mr. Our S.S. met in a pivl.miuary meeting John W. Haney. The eermony was per- on Sunday, April 27. ^aile a few formed by Rev. H. E. Wellwoxl of Fles- Attended, though the weather was un- hertou in the presence of the near rela- favourable, and organisation was made lives of the contracting parties. Their ; lwl iy f or operation on May 4th. Mr. many friends units iiv. wishing 1 p e ter Muir, assist an' Superintendent Mr. and Mrs. Haney a long and happy W QJ officiate next Sunday, owing to Mr. edded life. They will reside on the Greenwood taking the EugenU circuit. His horse becoming unmanageable in the dark, Allan C>meron of the Central Hotel was thrown fiom his buggy and sustained severe injuries nn Saturday niglu. In cnmp-iuy with George Shiers he w is driving on Lambton street eat nf the town towards his homo when the horse became frisky and both men en- deavored to leave the vehicle. Mr. Shiers lud cleared successfully and his compiiiion was in the act of d >ing so, when (he anim il gave a lurch and he was tossed to the road.side. Mr. Cameron WHS pick. d up by passersby and taken home where medical attendance was rjndereu by Dr. Jauiieson. O:i examin- ation ic u- is found i hat a thoulder was dislocate I, a rib broken and that he had received a scalp wound in addition to a seieie sh iking up. Latest rep. its an- nounce that he is making progress to- wards recovery. John Noble, employed at the Furniture company saw-mill, sustained severe in- juries to his left urm, a small scalp wound and a severe shaking up, as well 11 h iviug the clothes torn fn in his body into shreds as a result of an accident while at work on Monday afternoon. Mr. Noble wa< about to replace a bebt on the pulley connected to a bolting machine, in the mill, when the sleeve of hi* shirt c;iu_ht in a revolving screw. He wai unable to remove his arm and the screw wound his clothes anund in a ball Mr. N ' wts rapidly caught in the mashes of the belt, hauled ceilm^-vards lud was pitched be- tween the shafting and the ceiling onto a pie of sawdust mi the far side ot the machine. HU shirt, vest and overalls had been lorn from ins body md were cue into ribbons. ED ploy .-os assisted ivi secured his other garments. \\'l,ile still suffering to some fr**^*^^'" 1 tne accident, from which he considers lie *. / caped miraculously. Mr. Noble is re- covering quickly in I expect) to be aMe to return to work within a week's time. He reeeutly camu from New < 'nt ,nn and is roxidiDg with his mother, Mrs. John Noble, Sr., in upper town. Review Flesherton Planing . And Chopping Mills J C W 6 IF y I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you in our line planing, matching, ere. FloorJ in:.', sa*h and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- unable rates, Gel estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febir, i:;-i y A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. l! Dundalk vVednesd.-iy, April IH... Fltsherlon Weiine-day, June Irt Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesherton Wednesday. Oct. 15 DumUlk S*turd-iy. Dec. l> Fleshertou W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. - W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, Centre Line. Mr. snd Mrs. We regret to chronicle the sudden Abram Blakey have j d e(lt h of .Miss Sai-h Burnett, resident given up storekeeping and removed to , f or ,,, t j llle p ast , t Mr. S. Whyte's, their farm on the fourth line, Osprey. j ner brother-in-law's. Our sincere sytn- Mr. Alex. Andtrsuu has sold his farm [ pathy g->es to relatives o'er such a lo. Ceylon Mr. J. Collinson, Durham, is a visitor at Mr. G. Collinson's. Mrs. J. Hodgson, Homings 6Iills ( visited her sister, Mrs. T. Chislett, dur- ing the pas'; ^^iik. -.-Mr. and Mrs. James Ridley went to the city Saturdy, returning Monday. Miss Vera McMullen leaves Wednes- day for Toronto. Mr*. R. P. Legato left Tuesday for Durham to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. Coleridge. Rev. Mr. McLaren preachd his fare- well sermon week' ago Sunday. His many friends heie were indeed sorry to learn his intention of leaving. But we hope whtt is our lo-is will bo others' gain. A Rev. Mr. Kerr took this appoint- ment on Sunday and left a very favor- able impression on the people. Mr. ({. Collinson is speudiny a few days with Port Dalhousie friends. Mr. A. Purdy is having his house im- proved by meUll'c siding, also Mr. J. Patlison the front of hi* store. Eighth Line, Osprey Soedinn will soon IH^ a tiling <-f the past. The trees are also pulling on tluir green garments onco mare. We sro sorry to report Mr. John Fenwick's little boy quit* ill at present, Mr. Mark Madden of Chicago \isitcd his brother recently. to Mr. Richard Allen and will give up possession shortly. Mrs. D. Gordon who has been very ill for considerable time and receiving med- ical tioatment, is now reported to be in a ent stale. Mount Zion church Ins been provided with excellent supply during tho pastor's illnes. Mr. Greenwood of PriceviUe conducted the service last Sunday. Rev. H. E. Well wood is expected to tk the service next Sunday and sacrament . Everybody is taking advantage of the fine weather and rushing along the seed- ing. Truly said: ''In the midst of life we are i>i death'.' Mr. Will Oliver returned to Thamcsforu un Thursday List. He is engaged in the Royal Bank there. No.7,have started school-gardening on a small scale A garden ItU feet x IS feet has been marked out, andjwe trust gar- Going Out & & Our stock of No. I Mammoth and Red Clover Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed and Orchard Grass : : : Coming In 5^ Seed Corn. Shelled and on the cob, Kape Seeds Millet, Carrot, Mangol, Turnip and all kinds of Garden Seeds, Dutch Setts, Potato Onions, etc. Victoria Corners Mi. James of Priceville visited liis neice, Mrs. Heart), a few days la&t week. Mr. Hugh Wtrner is digging the cellar for new house. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Walter .... ,. ... Acheron is very sick with appendicitis. Boro-To Mr. and Mrs. Chas fc Moore on April 2lst a daughter. Mrs. Miners the misfortune to lose her best cow a few days ago. dening with tbe pupils will be an educt- tional assistance. M*8. S. Whyte, who was visiting dispense the j frjnds in Glenelg, relumed home last week, on account of the "illness of her sister. Mrs. S. Henderson left for Oiaugevi.le this week, to viit. her brother, who is seriously ill. We ve waiting patiently to see re- sponses to the article "Nanking" occurr- ing in last wiek's Durham Chronicle. Tue article on nagging is a gem, but why use this with particular reference to Cey- lon's murder' A-; ihe evening train nit the Durham b'iuicli cf the G. T. R. was about a mile an.l >\ half out of Palnieist.-n one niuht recent lv> a heavy S'CVHO WHS thrown throu.'h ciio of tbo eoaeh 'windows. Fo"tuuat.>ly the missile did not hit any-, but the Hying pieces of yl.iss cut the f:i"e cf one of the passengers' Mrs. Browp, of Toronto, whn was MI her way so iiviccemiblo 1,0 Durham. An :nvestig>ition will be, hiM. Police Ma-istrate- W. J. Watson of to Oshawa was cuiiimitted fr trial i>n a Tho trauedy in which C,p'ain Scott lost his life gives u new point to the ques 1 ion a* to whether these Polar ex- peditions ave really wiirth while. Cap- tain Amundsen, Ihe m.-vn who lirst reached the South Pole, in an article in the New York Independent, says theie U no life- of aoy kiud in tli-ic desolate region, either in the air, water or Laid. In fact auiiual life, so far as lie hi! li- serveil. dues n. i-Ur >U nnv j' within 700 miles i<f tho pule. Neither are ilieu> apparently, nny natural n-soimvs in that deslto region Cai,-l. Aimnu'.seii s;ti.l he found no evidence of tho presence of gold, silver, copper or iron. Kven it there were sueli tile resmicfs would bo that nothing c u'd le made oi tiiem ax minors eould no* live ttieie, and if life were p.-s.siblo there , would be no way of getting the pndueis Tho lowest !em|>vni!m'i> around tho Polo was below zero. 9ot only is there charge of bigamy preferred by Ins tiist lnfl .,; S o c..|,| there, but it is reg : oil of wife. violent sto'ins :v> well. Pure Bred Male Animals Realising that inability to secuie tho Use of well-bred nule animals it at the present time one of ihe greatest difficul- ties standing in the tvay of live stock de- velopment in many parts f Canada, par- ticularly in the newly settled district?, the Dominion Department cf Agriculture, through tbe Live Stock Branch, is this year undertaking a widespread distribu- tion of pure bred stallions, bulls, rums and boars. The original cost of the ani- mals will be borne by the Department and they will be placed in the hands cf such local orjfiirzitious as aj;ree to the condi lions governing ihe distribution. In a word these sires will remain the property uf the Department, but the local associa- tions will be respons ble for their proper maintenance and management under the general supervision of Officers uf the Live Stock Branch. lu the c*se of stal- lions, the members of tho associations will also be required to pay a fee cover in:; an annual insurance premium. All aniumls distributed will be bouvlit from home breeders rind will be Canadiai bred. as possible, they will In purchased in the province in which the; are to be placed. In this way Canadiai breeders mill receive cncouragmient am their market will be increased not on!) tjiiectly but also indirectly through th emphasis Ktven throughout the counirv to the value of pure bred sires. It ma be added that it is not the intention t place the animals in district" where suit able nu'e animals of the same c'as: are a!redy cwned by piivate individuals The aim is rlher to ail sections wher puiv bred MU-S -ire lacking and as well t encouiat( new cuinmunties in following a proper and itelligeut system iu breed- ing. AH bulls distributed will be purchased subject to the tuberculin tf^t -nid mi'y tollicns which hive passed a r'gid veteri- nary invi.iee.tion for soundness will be selecUxl. In order to tako ;i<U u-t u r " ! this form of assist-iiKv, r will lie neevs-iary f.,i in- teres-tt-d parties, in -my sod ion, to uiuU-r- tnke tile er-'ini/.Uuii uf a loci I ass eiati.m in whose haiuU such sires ai nr - rn;nired iiiay bo pi-iced. Cc:n;'!ete informiti' n ro^aiuin;; the rules and rebuilt i us ' I governing the di-trilnilioil may be had | ! upo opplieitioiis to the l.iv St x-k t'.ini- | missi'iner, Oti.-tua. Wln-nuxer \m~MiiIe, I a-i UlKjev i>f ilie H anch will render as- - st mo.' ill llic local org'ini/iti m. A good supply of Bran, Shorts. Corn, Chop ; and Pastrv Flour, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN j m ,-J TR AVELLER, -NOTICE !! ^ For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING ASUSUA Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BLOCK, FLESHERTON,

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