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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1913, p. 5

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May 1 1913 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E m THE ESTABLISHED 1873 OF TORONTO KEEPING a bank account for "household expense*" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. FLESHERTON BRANCH LxiT/>uct f m m in u_ GEO. MITCHELL, H EH Branches aba at Durham and HarrUton. Manager. Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. in. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Rev. T. A. Roger of Owen S>und has Flesherton Station as , been iovited to the Cowtn Avenue Presbyterian church, Toronto, and will Going North \ probably accept. 1 8^8 " '"* ' At theclose of 'he service, Dr. Murray, p- m \ ou behalf ot tho Literary Department of The mails are closed at Flesherton aj , . _, , _ follows: For the north at 10.40 a.m. and I the Epworth Letgue, presented an in- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ! dm <"l communion service to the Tras- 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ) tees of the church. It consists of three mail close at 9 p.m. the previous fv'g osk traySi each contm j ning thirty-fire J glasses, and nn tho outside U a silver plate suitably engraved. It is a gift of which the congregation may be well pleased. Miss HcPher, an exezpert in bread raiting, gave a demonstration in the town hall on Friday last before some VICINITY CHIPS WM in M. A. A. Gabriel of Toronto town on Monday. Mr. D. Wright of Dundalk was in town on Saturday. The sucker harvest has been in full wing during the past week. On Sunday morning Ust apleasin(?cere- monytook place in the Methodist Church. Arteinesia Council will meet in the town hall on Saturday of this week. Read H. Pedwell's advertisement on last psge of this issue. ) Institute. Mr. Esdale Walter of Kimberley is I viiitinghis parental home this week. Miss H. Hell spent the week end at her home in Owen Sound. fifty ladies, and now, for a short time at least, no doubt the baker receipts falling off. The will tind hii lady demon- s l rated how bread could be made in four hoars and *sys if her ideas sre followed the day of sour bread is past. The Nssons also included brown bread, bun and pastry making, and embn:ed many useful hints. The demonstration wss the auspicei of the Women's Miss Lillian Armstrong U spending a couple weeks in Toionto. Service in the Methodist church at 10.:U) on Sunday morning rament Sunday. next sac- Circumstantial Evidence To the Editor of The Advance : Dear Sir, I am enclosing a clipping from to-day's Owen Sound Sun re the Love murder case, which one paragraph in particular attracted my'attentinn as misleading and false, as rvgaitls the tirst The O^en Sound Sun and Herald have j and only hsng : ng we ever had in Owen amalgamated, the Herald going out of! Sound. The Suu must know quite well, existence. and if not they could easily net the de- Mi<s May Jamicson. trained nurse, of si d information, regarding that cunfes- Mt. Clair, N. J., is vUitinz her mother ! won made on a djini: bed, that not only did r.d wil probably remain in " Canada for not c!e - r the roiuJerer, Cook Teat, and most df the summer. i cause him to become an innocent victim, j bjt it made it known to the world that Three hyd.o-olectiic euziooers are at j i lstead o{ two lllimicrers bt , ius hun? for Eugenia this week completes the survey , M . Jsin(? the dcalh of ftn imioc;nt pel ,, opj of that power for the CommLssion. The! only ono nlld the penalty . for if my work will occupy about three weeks. j meniory H , vo- mt) rif . hl it was C()ok Rev. Mr. MoLa.-en left on Tuesday for '. Teats' mother -ill-law that made tho con- his new field of labor at Peterboro. He foswn that Teats procured tho poison drove all the way. The distance is d.U iilmiuister it, but as I was so about 145 miles. Tho on train Saturdty iiuht wss three hours late owing to the hre.ik down of an engine. These litile accitlems are becoming alarmingly frequent of lain. you MI; at the lima I don t remember if tlii! uii > her to admit she had -id- iirnisteiod it, or if she really paid who did administer it ; but ;is the victim wits poisont'd todeitth for insurance money, that much is ccrtaiu and wluth.-r Teats Will the Saskalclievan subscriber who | administered it or not, is of no impil- scnt in a short term subscription for the ! ance, for having procured it, knowing Mail-Empire please send his udiiress 1 for what purp.-ne it was itendeil, nude once more to The Advance office. him .mully guilty with the pmty that The bachelors and ht-nedicts- treated ' dld ; " ll " ui;stl ' 1 ' lt - *' if that kinU ;>f a themtolvos to a dance in Norris'llrck on j criminal constitutes an innocent man, Friday night last. hen about -0 couples ! l ' le Suu must h * ve a AH who partic pated pr-.- of whilt colistitutlls were present nounced the attV.r a success. conception guilty man. It much as though the Sun was i trying to frustiate the ends nf Justice, Dominion | ,, ut on , he g ruun j ()f se ntiment nlone, but ou tlmt of false representation as well. The presiding Judge un the Love murder vase said that Love luJ received a vory fu;r trial, as fair us ny liniish subject could |ios,-ibly receive. Bu- A repre entutive of the Alliance, Rev. John Bailey, M. A., Field Secretary, will preach in the Flexherton, Rockvale and Ceylon Baptist churches on Sunday next, May 4th. Everybody welcome. We neglected mentioning Isst week { bee mse tho twelve good men ai.d true that Mrs. Uflo. Kutledge hail returned I had relumed a verdict in accordance from Mont Clair, Jf. J., where she has j with the evidence (* thin< which they bfen during the past winter visiting her I were compelled to do in keeping wiih their oath,} t lie Sun would wish to see t ha*, verdict set aside, but how h can I ignore it with bis conscience, by wishing daughter, Mrs. Mueller. The W. I. will meet in the Hiijh school on Wed., May 7th., at 2.30 p. m. full attendance is requested, as election of officers will take place. Refreshments served at the close of meeting by the members. Everybody welcome. presumably an 'innocent man' 1 sent to penitentiary for life ia inoit amazing. For if Loe is innocent the only alterna- tive is freedom, any other sentence would be miscarriage of justice. Did One day roceitly Messrs. . las. Turner not Biitish law condemn and hang the and Jcs. Oliver of the O. D. R. hied j perpetrator of the most sencational themseles to the bush and dug out a murder case England has had in modern foxe's den, capturing sven littl* foxes times on circumstantial evidence ' and which are all doiniz well. This is Mtssrs. does not British law recognize Turner and Oliver's chance to form joint stock company and go into fox raising on a commercial scale. Dr. John Waugh, Inspector of Con- stant ial evidence as good British juris- prudent) 1 Now Mr. Editor, I did not scribble- this for publication, but you -an with it as you wish, only I want th tinustion Schools,pent a couple of days j Sun * ud Burks Falts Arrow to have their in the R. H. S. here last week. Dr. f " l8e ^aiement nailed. Waui;h was highly pleased with con- ditions ami stated that there was no bettrr all round continuation school in the province. The official report has? not yet been received. Mrs. Percy Neithercut of Dundnlk dropped dad on Saturday morning. She A FP1END OF JUSTICE. Owen Sound, April 25, 1913. Oaviu Wilson, of Tumberry, near Winyham, had two cows calve recently and they both brought him twins, thus adding four head to his herd. Mr. \Yil- had only been married about four ; , (though a good Liberal the Advat.c moenths. The young couple had recent- ; s ys )U fair, and good-naturedly fives the ly moved to Dundalk and had>.t yet got j Bordui Government credit for a lot of 9tt!od. When Mr. Noithercul got up ' g OO d thinas, but is really elated over this to light the Hi-o he K-ft his wife in bed. | last evidence of their beneficent rule. Sb.,illy afteiward srmethinjj was h. -aid if th,- l?orden Government continue 1 1 fall upstairs and Mrs. Neithereut was showi ring blessings like th's on Gavin, was fuuiul lying on the floor. She ex- he'll be supporting their c.uulidate (vt pire.l immediately. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale A quantit* of gocdpotatoas. H, Fenwick Eugenia. For Sale Two fresh cows, 2-year-old tiliy cult, and a quantity of While Daubin ' OaU and a few tons yood hay. Apply on lot 175 Gravel Road M. G. Orr. ! Flesherton P. O. HILL BROS, MARKDALE Car of B. Shir.vles to arrive about Thursday. 83.50 per thousand oft' the car. F. G. Karstedf, Fle>herton. For Sale- Seed Buckwheat (Prolific). Good clear seed 81.00 per bushel. T. Henry, east baolc line, Flesherton P. O. Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes! Pure Bred White Wyandotte eggs for hatching W. A. Hawken, Fleaherton. R. I. Red *ggs for setting S. C. fl.50, R. C. fl per setting \V. H. Thurston, Flesherton. To Rent Port'aw store and dwelling to rent, or trill be sold on moderate terms. Possession can be taken v. once, For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson, Cbatiwortb. mnel For Sale cheap and on easy terms, good 9-roorced brick dwelling in Flesheiton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two aood lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMarlf This week we will offer many lines in Shoes at Money=Saving Prices, Women's, Misses' arid Children's Shoes in good sensible lasts and serviceable leathers from 25 to 40 percent, of a saving for you on each pair you buy. \Ve carry the largest and best assorted Shoe stock in town. See us before you buy elsewhere. Misses' & Children's Women's Shoes Fine Shoes For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 3l) acres. Will be sold cheap. W. J. Meads, Ceylon P. O. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all co-uplete, in first class condition and lepair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. \o7tf Eggs for hatching Black minorca and White Leghorn best s'ock. B. Welton, Flesberton. Which Leghorn, single comb eggs for hatching, $1.00 per hatching. Eddie Oltewell, Flesharton. P. O. MISCELLANEOUS 100 pairs of Misses' and Children's Fine and Medium Weight .->!.. JM, i/ed from 9 to 2, buttoned and laced, regular value up to SI. 50, priced fonjuick teliing ac per pair 98c. 100 pairs Women's fine Shoes in Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Tan. Calf and Fine DongoLw, all sizes represented in this lot. Values up to f 4.00, priced tor quick telling at per pair f2.48 Hosiery Specials the next election. Painting and paper banging orders left with me will receive prompt attention. Contracts taken. C J Bellamy, Flesher- ton. WANTED a man who knows the district well and has a good connection by a large Western R-alty concern. Good commission. At ply statins; full particulars to H.Bu'.terworth, 35) Gru-s vennr St. Toronto. Purebred thorthurn bull fur service Terms 81.1") fr pure breds or grides. Cows must be returned twice or will be charaed whether in calf or nut. Walter Akilt, Gravel RjJ, Rock Mills p. . $20>0 private funds to Ion on farm mortgage security s> lowest nres of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Fles-hertrn. Farm to Uent Et half lit 'SI, con. 4, ArtemesU, ~>O acres : frame house and t'rviiL 1 burn. Fui further particulars apply to R. Little, Warelmni. or MK. Wellington 15*dj*row, '2'l Charles St., Toronto. NO. 1. We hare just opened a new line in Heavy Ribbed Cotton Wove, just the thing for the Boys, stand any wear, Special value per pair 18c. NO. 2. 2i> Dozen Women's Plain Cotton Hoae, good weight. Special, 2 pairs for 25c. NO. 3. 10 Dozen Women's Fine Llama Hose, guaranteed all-wool, correct spring weight, Regular value 40c, Special 35e or 3 pair fur fl.OO Corset Special 50 pair Fine White Corsets, with suspenders, all sizes in the lot, good value at 750 per pair, mark- ed for quick selling at per pair 58c. >i New Silks and Dress Goods !MI Our Dress Goods Department is full of new Spring |j lines, Whipcords, Serges, Bedford Cords, one yard H wide Silks at p8c. per yard in Navy, Tan and [! Black and Black and White Checks, are Ai value ; and give good service. M I 8 ! I f ' IMl Flour! Flour! Don't scold the cook buy Five Hoses Flour per bbl. >: Itiinvlcnn's White Lily S5. Sold by > M. Osborn'e, Mnx well's clieip c ish store. MARRDALE. li HILL BROS. lyi----^^.-^^-.^^-------^-.--^.---..^^^ For Sale The undersigned otters f.>r sa'e tliree lots in the village "t O'ylon.on which we creeled a yod or.e and a half 1 friine dwelliiiK. S rooin^, i'h s-'oue cellar, and a ^ood frame s'able. This will make an excellent home for any piM-.'Ti. Terni< eay. price right. Apply !> .la*. Ashdown. Owen Sound, or W. J. r.pllaniy, Flesheiton. - Roofing tor* Sale Brantfurd I'ryttal Ronfini;, Asphalt Roofing, Rubbi-r Roofinc;, Steel Uoo fini; and Sidinj; : : : : : JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon 1 JilUd !'' AROUND THE WORLD Via "Empress of Asia" The " Empress nf Asi.i" will leave Liverpool June 14, vailing at Madeira. Ciipe Town, Durban, Colombo, Singa- pore and Hong Kong, arriving Yaiicouvei August 30th. Vessel remains 14 days at Honvr Kong. ''Kate fur entire cruise, JNKjy.lU." Exclusive of maintenance h.-lween srriial time in England and departure of "Empress of Asia" and stop over at Hong Kong. Par'ioulars fr.'in Canadian Pacific Agents or xrite 11. O. Murphy, District Pnsjenger A^ent, Toronto. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE s-J.-iOO twenty- five hundred dollars- will buy the west half of lot No. - and pa't f tho north wost <{U:irtcr of No. 1, all on the 4ih c->n. of Euphrssia, cimtain- in.' about I: 1 ." acres. Tl'.ore is suppi'sed to be ninety acres cleared, the balam-e go> il hardwoi d 'oush-iuaple, beech and elm. There i- on the prc pcrty a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, strmv h"U' with si,.n fouudatitui un-ier it, alsn woi.iJ shed, driving pij pen ami hep house. There are also t*o or- cl'.ard^ on t!ie farm growing dirt'eieut kinds of fruit apples, pears, plum*, cherries ai.d grapes. This furni is well fenced with wire and parent fencing. 1 isaUo well watered with water i" nearly every fielJ. Theie is .1 never-failinjj >p:iiii{ within 40 yards of the h.n;*o Tins tarin is within one mile of the thiiving village of Kimbrtrley. For further pitr- tic-n' irs apply to --JAMES STTAUT 1 Apr IvimWley P.O. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! Come here for your Seeds ! Five lioses Flour. Dundalk "White Markthile I'ert'oction l>r;unl. Glory. . l?ran. Shorts, wheat, chop and chicken teed. Fre<h Oysters. Fish ane Ilerring, C'anued (roods Salmon. Tomatoes. Corn and Peas. and nllkiiulsof fre?h irrucenes at lowest prices. W. L.Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE AnrotK lending a ttotflb and dwcrlntlon m jul.-kly nirertmla our opinion free w h.-t Mjurtaf nil AC lutha IUT >ii I lorn. I nntfn Vateuti taken ~ iMMc*, wlthoo* A bn JsomelT Uliutntml wwkly. Luta <:ir- CQlatlon of any aclentidc jourrml. Torma for Canwte. *i-"5 rwr, pusuwa pnipalO. i<old by all aewidaalera. Two people were killed in Toronto on MiniKy ev<>nii>4 ami t*o others .-riou.s'y injured by a street car erajhing i'.t an. niit' mobile in which there wvre four per sous. Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To %11 for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthiil Nurseries Orders now being aken for Spring delivery 1913. Prcspacts bright for the season's trnJ.\ Experier? ia^*!'WUy. We instruct our salesKi^ howb3 tli Kruit Stocks in the coiir.Wy nd .\Hawir.tal trees in the town. START NOW and have your reniiory referred. Weekly l'y. Fre outfit. Writs for terms. Una Stone & Wellington TORONTO, ONT. DR. BTJRT 5pclalUt In - . o! iha Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat j Office-30 lOh it. east, Owen Sound At the Rovere house, Markdale. 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a tn. Dundilk, 1st Thursday of each month. Farm for Sale Lot 134, T. S. R , Arteiiioiin, 50 v:rsa, about all cleared, good fr;nn_< l>rn, nv house, small nrchvtl. gond land, we^l fencud. Will be sold chwi|i and <>n ensy terms. App'y to Fred Mathewnnp, Fleaherton. 1 June IS Careful! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon

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