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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1913, p. 1

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SUtoonte. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIA'CIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32 No. 44 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, May t, 1913 W. fl THURSTON EmTOB and 1'hCP Eugenia Paragraphs The regular monthly meeting of the 0. W. I. will meet on Wednesday, May 7th, at the home of the president, Mrs. Len. Latimer. All members are request- ed to be present. Election of officers and other matters of busines?. On account of the wet weather on Sunday, very few were ut to either churches. The Presbyterians are luving painting done by Mr. Ed, Sproule of Markdale, and other repairs done by Wm. Sloan of Kiuiberley. Mr. Ed. Smyth of Shelburne, visited the past week with Mr. Tudor. Mrs. P. Munshaw is visiang at C. Rolands, A'andeleur. Mr. Abe McMaa'.er and Ruasel Park r threshinfcin Dornock, at present. Mr. Albert Armstrong has been laid up with a sore hand ^for several weeks, but is improving with daily treatment ot the Dr. Mr. Rob>. Williams pent the week end witb friends iu the city. Mr. Wesley Cooey has gone to Meafurd. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradbury have the sympathy ot the community in their hid bereavement in the death of their daughter, Edna, on Tuesday last in Moosejaw, Sask. The remains were brought home to Tborubury and buried on Sunday. Mr. Cbiu. and Albert Stewart of Fieclioi t 'ii, visited friends here ou Mm day. Miss Bertha Williams has gone ti Markdale un visit. Missel Barbara Armstrong and Leone Pedlar visited friends at Kock Mills, recently. Vandeleur Quite a number hate started seeding. Miss Je;tu Wright is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. S. Dunlop has returned to the city, after (pending a few days visiting friends heieabout. Mrs. Kdith Pritchard, who spent the past three months with her nephew and f unily, left ou Thursday for her home in Toronto. Mies ElaWarling has returned houe, ,iftei- spending some time with her sister, at Colpoy'.i Bay. Fever sham Items Messrs. R. Brackenbury aud Jts. 'elch hive returned from the West. Times seem to be dull out there this season . The Her. Mr. Campbell if Toronto, a-eached an excellent, temperance sermon n the Presbyterian churcli Lere, on Sunday evening last. Mr. U. S. McGtrr has purchased a Walkerton Mr. Walter Boo'. h, au ex-Walkerton barber, who it few yeartago got into tbe tmie-lixht fur being the piouJ sire of new bom son that tipped the scVes t l:< pounds, In i- weight, is aga : n in print for being presented at Port Elgin on April 2nd with a ten-pound luaauulitie gender und H protective Canadian "White Hope." Bertram Leslie, ho was charged witb committing perjury while giving evidence as a witness at the McCartney h>iu< >r trial on Saturday last, wan ar- raigned before Magistrates Toltou and llicbardson on Tuesday, who considerec that the testimony adduced aguius 1 ; Iiin w,ia sutticient to wairaut him being senl to a higher court for trial, which was accordingly done. The accused, who cut on bail, will be dealt with by Juds Barrett. The Walkerton hotel-keeper* formic in association on Monday ni-lit. am airong other things drew up a list of th< habitual drunkards in to*n who are no ou tbe Indian List. These will ta de Denied boozt at a all the bars in town ttud thus prohibition will bu enforced where it is most needed. Tbe villg4 of Cargill bids fair to ex- perience a rail Western boom this year, and a decided step forward is what is decided for that burg. Practically all the industries there for ye%r havo bet-n promoted by the firm of H. Cargill & Son, being founded by the late Henry C.tiw'ill in the tirst place, and cariied ou under the direction of his son, Mr. W. Cargil 1 , but urn now to be greatly ex- tended and developed by a joint stock company known as Carxill's Limited, captiliaod t $1,000,000. The entire business and ,irportios of the present tirm are In be brought tip, consisting of a planing mill, s;rht mill, foundry, stave mills and model farm, on which a herd uf shorthoiu cattle of exceptional quality is stationed. There i) every indication u a genuine boom in the village as a -result] of tbe busings change. Over &> houses will likely be built th's summer. Bruce Herald aud Times. Wodehouse Doings The fair sex are busy these tine spring days house-cleaning, while the me.i f->lk are just at" limy in the ticld, which no duuhi is safe retre.H for them. Mrs W. Abercrorobie returned to her home in Rocklyu, after a pleasant <<ek'g visit wi'b her son, Bal., out genial b!acksmiih of this place. The annual meeting for the election of lot in the village, on Victoria officers in our Epworth League WHS held Sr., west, and intends building a resi- Jon Wednesday evenin? last, when the 24th, at Ha MI ton, It uce in the near future. Died, -Oil Thursday, April he residence of Mr. Era. Ins. Vickers, aged nine year*. AJes-rs. Juhu tludaou, Robt. Croft and Matthew Cunron are working on the isprey Telephone System, which is >eing extended down the 8th line, east. We think that the ci weather of late will make the grain that is sown and the grass glow fast. Mrs. Captain Hustler of Toronto is pending a few days with her husband here. Durham following officers were elected: Presi- dent, Nancy Wiley ; 1st Vice-President, Ella Wiley ; 2nd Vice-Preaident, Irene Fawcett; 3rd Vice- President, Nettie McAithur; 4- h Vice- President, Stanley i Wiley ; Cor. Sec'y., May Lanktree ; Secretary, Alma Wiley ; Treasurer, Jas. | Wiley ; Organist, Nettie McAnhur: Assistant organist, Nancy Wiiey. Born On Thursday, Ap il 'Jlth, to ( Mr. and Mrs. John Liwson, a sou. Mr. Wi'l Woods left on Wednesday of hst week with his clover threshing out.'it to n'nUh a few jobs left over from last fall, in the ne^hborhodd west of Mirkdale. Miss Kernahan spoilt the week end with her friend, Mi.ii Thiatlethwaite, Mr. J. C. Xiuhol, proprietor of the teacher at Beaverdale. Middauh House, was ;-n trial Tuesday M, S8 Hannah Birch of Toionto, came b-fore police magistrate Telford. He home Saturday last to see her mother, as charged wilh selling intoxicating Hn o h;is been critically ill, but is, we are liquor.but the evidence wa not sufficient pleased to say, somewhat better. t. justify a conviction and the cise was Mr Rijy Woo(Ja ig ^ ^ a[ pregent accordipgly dismissed. ' whh Mf j Bu8kin On Tuesday .fternoon, John Gibson Mr. Herb Wiley and siater, Louie, of was trad en a charge of being drunk ou Riwdlll e. 8pent Sund(|v with their public street in Durham on Tuesday cra , ldpHreutSi Mr . aud Mr8 . G)J0 . Ulr . evening, the 15 p .h insf. A conviction SOD w is secured and a tine of twenty dollars . Mr. Alvm Fawcett is;it present work- nd coats was imposed. ing in Armstrong < veneer factory, If anyone thinks that golden orna- Jjirkdale menu may be hung up on the streets of , _. , * , , Mr.K. Jawcett of Heathcote, supplied Dai-ham na not be stolen, he may as ... . , at >ew I-.iul.iiut appointment on Sunday last. HLs splendid address was enjoyed Henry spring East Mountain Seeding is the order of the day. Mis-i Thomps.n of Eiin has teturned home, after an extended visit with Mr. and )lrs. H. Thomson. Mr. Thos. Harbot'le of Derby, is visit- ing his brother, George, atpreient. Misses Hrtz.-l Allen aud Sadie Sum, t ;>f Flesherton, visi ed at their parentil boiue.a, recently. Miss Eha Lever spent ihe we.'k ei d with Miss Elsie Martin. Mr. Hohmer Glenn of- Thombury, ited r Mr. J. J. Maiti.i'n a few days ecei.tly. Call ai;iu Hohnier. ilr. John O'Brien yf Tront>>, visited t Mr. W. humberslone's. Mr. Wi.l ll.ii uu and Mr. ii.'heen of Duudalk are doing rork on the former's farm here. Mr. Uobt. If o Mul en had a very successful wood beo at which Mr. Harris f Kiinberley, did 'juick work with his ouzz sun . Two uf our esteemed young ladies iOuk a pleasure trip on Saturday to visit 'enu friends. While there, and on their way, they used their field u viewing the i-leal and piciurestjue scenery of the surrounding c juniry. Mr. J Kn Martin has purchase! a mndaome new horse at fancy price. A celt tin young gentleman living not twenty tuiles away, visited in our vicinity on Sunday, but could ml wait in h.s boy friend who w.i- wilh him, and determined to walk the return trip back, as uu I bought that hij "fair one" would be anxious to sue him. Never mind your boy friend would not "holloway 1 anyone from their best friend. Fishing seasuu will soon be at lun i. Mr Elgar Gorley of Eppinu. visited at bis parental home here, last week. well get rid of the ideaal once. a i ash.ifter. worth about three cuuts. and left it beside the ash pile for conven- ience, ralher than carrry it in and lock it! up in ihe safe every time we used it- It was undisturbed for a long time, and we thought it was <]uite safe. Recently it was cairied i rl'. and the one who toi.k it must feel proud of his job. If wo can raise the necessary twenty cents to get a new one, we will leave it out for him next winter and keep him supplied. Cbornicle. by all. Little Current to Boom. The Algoma Eastern Railway which is giving Manitouliu Island its rirst railway ' personally to present Love is Resentful Negotiations are under way to have the sentence of dea'li which was passed on Henry Love for wifj murder commut- ed to life imprisonment. "An effort, will ba made, "said Mr. \\ . H. Wright to the Sun this morning, "To have the wntence commuted and the matter will be laid befjre the Minister of Justice. That is about H!! that can be done.'' It is under stond that Mr. Wright will go to Ottawa the case to the ter- chis connection will spe;id $300,000 on mi::al facilities at Liitle Current year aside from the bridge which is con- necting Little Currentjwith the mainland. The contract is practically let fur the foundation work of docks, engine house aud other terminal buildings and t li,i l work would be commenced almost im- Departmont. In his cell at the gaol. Love still m rn- t.-uiK-il the air of stolid inditf-re-ice which characterized his actions throughout the trial and talk!; to the death watch freely ab:ut hinging. The unconcerned de- meanor of the man a.stonislies those wli are in closest touch with him ana they Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am ii.v prepared tu du chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and evevy week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and dour factory is always at your disposal for anything you w.n t in our line p'aning, matching, etc. FloorJ iiv.'. sii-h and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at teas- onable rates. Get estimate). T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl5 13-ly Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundalk Wednesday, April It) Fltsherton \\~eJnetdty, June 18 Duudalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 . .Flesherion Wednesday. Oct. 15 Duudalk Saturd-.iy, Dec. 15 Fleshertou W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Going Out jf& * Our stock of No. I Mammoth and Red (.'lover Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed and Orchard Grass : : : mediately. This coiistiu.-tion will not i **J ll)at Love is on of th strangest bfl curried on immediately at Little Cur- i characters they have ever met He rent, but on Goat Island, which is across the channel, and which is owned l>y the Algonu Eastern Railway. Large ter- minal yards will be laid out there, in- cluding a four stall engine hme. A c >al dock, four hundred feet long, will also be built on Goat Island, und * modern u al handling plant will be erectid on it. Storage facilities, capable of looking after 75,1X10 or 80.UOO tons of coal.will bo pro vided in the rear. A 40')-foot com- mercial dock is to be built on Go it Island as well, and will have a warehouse 'M by j "* >n<! *'"" 40 fett on it. A station and freight shed < thu snould he be for local business will be erected on Manit uliu at Little Current. In con- nection with this work the company will havtfsomo 30.000 or 35,000 yards of solid rock dredging to do. In thi* they expect to secure some assistance from [ fie Government. Niirttral t .""- s he . ha! as)tea f<n ' * klllfe . i to cut his h'nger liai s nii'l when given a pur of nippers, he Hew into a vioVnt License Commissioners Meet P" 33 ' 01 '- He "pressed the wish t,. one | of his gaolers that be might d e before The annual meeting of Cei<ti-e Grey the clay arrives ou which he will be called LVccusc Commissioners- was held in , whether innocent or guilty, lo meet his M-ukdale on Tuesdny. The following Maker; and the belief in otpresscd that are the Commissioners : Missrs. Jos. he would commit suicide if he could pro- Prinjjle, Jos. Ferguson and H. Hercer, i cure suna instrument with which to in- also inspector Halbert. Mr. Mercer was flict a death wound. (). S. Su:i. re-elected as Chairman and Secretary. Applications for renewal of licenses' wore received fioin Messrs. F. Maher> , Chatsworlh ; Lou. ScKwan, Dcsbo'o;| J. E. 1 , and J. S. Kelly, Markdile. '[ These were grunted ! occasionally exhibits an^er and the Sun was told by one of the watchmen that ;it times he is like a c.iged lion wlose tierce passions have been aroused. He cits and -li r|.s well and apparer.tly feels no sorrow f.>r the .iwful fate which befell his wife, neither does he s-'cin to aniicipule wilh dread the terrible do >m which awaits him on may 27lb. Ha is very resentful aguiust his old neighbors in Flesherron and considers that be did not have a fair trial. The belief has been expressed to some of Love's neighbors wed hi* freedom he would take a terrible revenue on some of those who testified against him. They further declared that they would leave Ceylon, should L >ve I e Leg Amputated John Ho't, a married man about twenty -nine years of ae, was the victim of a distressing accident at the Imperial Steel & Wire Co.'s plant on Satuidxy morning. He was working in the wire mill at tbe drawing block when ho be- cania entangled in the wire and in a twinkling it kinked around his ri^ht leg, catting the limb in two just below the knee. Occurring us (juickly us it did no one saw the a.ciden', indeed, did Do notice anything wrong un'.il he fell on tbe Ho ir when his fellow-employees r n to his assistance, but to find '.he foot lying wholly separated from the body. A tourniquet was quickly applied by the workmen, thus probably saving the man's life while .nediiil assistance was summon- ed the ot*ice. Later Holt was remo\ ed to tho G. iV M. Hospital where, he is resting easily and making as favorable progress as possible under the circum- stance. I' will.hjwever, be a louji time before he will be able to Iv out and ag in take up any kind >( work. Much sympathy is Kit for Mr. and Mis. lloh ho apparently are having lo bear a veryjarge share of sorrow mid trouble. Last year their home was dark. ened by ihe serious illness of their little three-year-old girl with infantile pir.ilj- -iv After :n my wedks of careful nursing bhe recovered but during the past winter fell a victim to pneumonia, which proved fatal, -bulletin. Coming In Seed Corn, Shelled and on the cob. Rape Seed Millet. Carrot, Mangol. Turnip and ali kinds of Garden Seeds, Dutch Setts, Potato Onions, etc. A good supply of Bran. Shorts, Corn, Chop Five Roses, holipse and Pastry Flour, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN Died SARAH Bt-RNETT, At the residence An application f her brother-in-law, A. White, O.D.R., An Auto Fatality. \ Wilkerton, April itj Daniel Con- nors, p.-op.-ietor of EL-n Grove hotel, was instantly killid yesterday, and Robert Hunter, of Kincardine, s-.-i-iously injured, when the touring cir in which they were broke through a culvert near DunkeUl, which bid been undermined by the recei.l rains. Mr. Huntei's recovery in duubtfu 1 . from Mr. Jerry McAssey for a license for the Murphy H mse, Markdale, ac- iMiiipamed by a petition by John Hannah and 12C otheis, wu* not on'ertiiined.-- Stamkfd, onTbursdiiy, April .'4, five yem's. Interment took Evergreen cemetery, South Saturday, April 2th. tiity- plice in Line, 0:1 What was probably ihe best calf ever shipped from Arthur was delivered the other day, ace n-dm^ to the E iterprise, t'i John Stoitz by Robert Mc-Queen, of tne 16thof Peel, for which Mr. McQueen received S70,whjch is a hif? price,when it is remembered that the >oung animal was but nine months old. However, though only three-ciuarters of a year old tbe you'ig animal had made excellent use ft the time at his disposal in the matter of piling on beaf, and when weighed be- fore being shipped, tipped tin acv'es at night lu-ndrrd and eighty pounds. This is a record for a nine months old calf in this vicinity at Uasr, und Mr McQueen must certainly tu alout as well up in tbe citt'o feeding ;irt ;is it is possible In ^^^^^G^^r^^ TRAVELLER.-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - = Ont. REPAIRING AS USUA. Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns : : : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BLOCK, F ESHERTON, ONT.

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