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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1913, p. 7

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SPRING IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD : A Tonic Medicine is a Neces- sity at Tbis Season Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all year round tonic, blood-builder and nerve-restorer. But they are especially valuable in .the spring wheo the system ia load- ed with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months. There ia no other season when the blood is so much in need of purify- ing and enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to make new, rich, red blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired-^Dr-. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor Dr. Williams' Pink Pills de- velop the appetite, tone the sto- mach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and Loils Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles are moat persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously neda at- tention. Some people dose them- selves with purgatives at this sea- son, but these only further weaken themselves. A purgative merely gallops through the system, empty- ing the bowels, but it does not cure anything. On the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make Dew blood, which reaches every nerve and organ in the body, bring- ing new strength, new health ami vigor to weak, easily tired men, wo- men and children. Try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills this spring they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or lent by mail at 60 cents a box or ix boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- Hams Dnt. Medicine Co., Brock ville NEW COMPASS FOR WIRELESS Clever Contrivanoe Tells Sender Dim-two of Distant Station. With the new Telfunken wireless icimpass the direction of a distan firel8 station may be found. T< tarry this out, th sending post is provided wHh a certain number o tntenna, each of -which nenda ou raves in a certain direction on the orizon, go that by connecting the ipparatus on to Antenna No. 1 th< waves travel north, No. 8 to north ast, and no on. In reality there re used as many aa 16 differon points of tho compass. To connect in each antenna in turn there i used a contact drum rotated by an electric motor. separate antenna sends out a time signal in tall directions. Just afte the time signal is sent the dirurn ro tates eo as to connect on one an tenna after the other. At the dis- tant station the operator has a watch device with a hand rotating around a dial at exactly the earn rate as th drum. When he hear the time signal he presses the watc button and the hand commences tx rotate. At a given time one of. th signals comes in his direction, an< here the sound is loudest, so tha CURE FOR H HAD At' HE. Slight Operation Removes Cause of Disturbance. Those suffering from violent leadaches will be interested to tear that, according to a commu- nication just made to the French Academy of Medicine by Dr. Qui- iez, the well known Paris physici- an, a cure has now been found for a large number of cases of this dis- order, hitherto declared to be in- curable. Dr. Guisez finds that the frequent and annoying variety of migraine, which starts from above the eyes and spreads, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is caused by a malformation of the upper part of the nose, known as hypertrophy of ;he middle horn, which, under the east provocation, causes conges- tion and a disturh^nce of circula- tion at the base of the brain. The doctor says he has cured more than seventy cases by a slight operation, the details of which he gave to the academy. He recom- mends all persons suffering from requent he-xlaches to have the in ierior of the nose examined. This communicat.on is considered by the academy to be of great importance. The Origin of the Heel. It is aid that the heels now worn on shoes had their origin in Persia, where they took the form of flat wood on sandala to raise the feet and protect them from the hot sands. It was many years after- ward that this fashion was intro- duced into Venice, but the reason :or its adoption in this case is sai<i to have been quite different. Here the originators of the fashion were eaulous husbands, who reasoned t their ladies thus equipped would not venture -far outuide. the precincts of their dwelling. Jfcese leels were called "clogs," and ia order to satisfy the vanity of the wearera and perhaps to sweeten the pill that in. the discomfort of ap- [>earing in them they were elabor- ately adorned, sometimes being en- crusted, with gold and silver. The height of the clogs determined the rank of the wearer. Were Tried and Stood the Test DODD'S KIDNKY PILLS MAK- IMi A REPUTATION IN THE WEST. Saskatchewan Man 'IVlls now They Cured Him, After Four Months' Suffering from Backache and Other Forma of Kidney Disease. St. Phillips, Bask., April 21 (Special). In a new country, where changes of climate and im- pure water are among the difficul- ties to be surmounted, kidney trou- ble is prevalent. It is the kidneys, the organs that strain the impuri- ties out of the blood, that first feel any undue strain on the body. Con- sequently, Dodd'ti Kidney Pills have been well tried and tested in this neighborhood. They have stood the test. Many settlers tell of backache, rheuma- tism and urinary troubles cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Otto Olshewski is one of these. In speaking of his cure he says : "I suffered from kidney disease for four months. My back ached, I had heart flutterings, and was al- ways tired and nervous. My skin had a harsh, dry feeling ; my limbs were heavy ; and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. "I consulted a doctor, but, as I did not appear to improve, I de- cided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used six boxes, and now I am all right." Dodd's Kidney Pills always stand the test. Ask your neighbors. DR. TALKS OF FOOD. I'rcH. of Board of Health. "What shall I eat?" is the dailj inquiry the physician is met with I do not hesitate to say that in judgment a large percentage of dis ease Is caused by poorlv selects and improperly prepared food. My personal experience with the ful ly -cooked food, known as Grape Nuts, enables mo to speak freely <>f its merits. "From overwork, I suffered sev eral years with malnutrition, pal pitation of the heart, and loss of sleep. Last summer I was led to experiment personally with the new food, which I used in conjunction with good rich cow's milk. In a short time after I commenced its use, the disagreeable symptoms dis- appeared, my heart's action be- came steady and normal, the func- tions of the stomach were properly carried out and I again slept as soundly and as well as in my youth. "I look upon Grape-Nuts as a perfect food, and no one can gain- say but that it has a most promin- ent place in a rational, scientific system of feeding. Any one who uses this food will soon be con- CLEVER NEW BUBGLAR TBAP. Placed in Front of Counter, Auto- matically Imprisons Thief. An ingenious device is the inven- tion of Mr. William Norreys, of Yattendon Road, Horley, England It consists of a false floor, which may be constructed in front of the counter or whatever other part of the shop or office a thief might be expected to staiul upon. This floor, which covers a pit, is supported by projecting pins, which can be with- drawn into their sockets by means of a lever worked by a brass rail on the ahopman's side of the counter and running along the whole length of it. The floor being set free to fall, the thief upon it sinks quickly into the pit, alighting upon spring or pneumatic ehock-absorbers, thai he may not b injured. His weight works another Lever, which causes a sliding door to close over the mouth of th epit. The device can be set at night for burglars or safe- breakers, the retaining pina being so adjusted that the false floor wil fall under the added weights of a burglar. A teacher asked his class what the four seasons were, whereupon a little boy replied, "Salt, mustard, vinegar and pepper." he stops the watch, and vinced of the principle upon soundness which it is of the manu- the hand .point* to the direction of the other station. The time of each rotation is one- half minute, and he can repeat the observations so as to arrive a.t an accurate result. It i aid that the method is accurate to within three or four degrees. factured and may thereby know the facts as to its true worth." Name given by Canadian Fostum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Koad to Wellville," in pkga. Evor read th* abova Utter? A new on* tpp*r* from tlm* to time. Th*y an lenuln*, trui, and full of human Inttrasl. Are You Droopy, Tired, Worn Out 1 Her is Good AdTlce to All Who Feel as If Their Vigor and Life Had All Oozed Away. Ttili Condition Can b Quickly Cured by a Good Clsanslng Medicine. Tour experience in probably somewhat similar to that described by Mr. J. T. Fleming In the following letter from nig home In Lebanon: "I think I must have tho most slugglch sort of a liver. In the morning my mouth was bitter, and that foul, oft feeling that tells yon 'No break-fast needed here this morning.' A cup of ooffae would sort of braoe m up, but In two hours I wan disposed to quit .work, A.I1 energy having ooxed out of me. Supper was my only good meal, but I gnee I didn't digest very well, for I dreamt to beat. th band. A friend of mine put me wleo to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I think they muet have taken hold my stomach, too. start they made t things go right. Look at me now- not Icepy In the daytime, but buotllng (or the mighty dollar and getting fnn out ,<>f llfo every minute. That'i what Dr. .Hamilton's PiUs have dono for me they have rebuilt and rejuvenated my entire To keep free from headaches, to feel .roung and bright, to enjoy your meals, 1*0 sleep eouud and look your best, no- jibing nmi help like Dr. Hamilton's Pills, too. per box, five tor 11.00 at all druggists and itorekeepere or ponlpaU from The .Catarrhojone Co., Buffalo, N. T., and Kingston, MASY UISAPPEAB. qulckly stop* couch*, cum cold., and heal throat and lungs. SO cent. Refuting a Slander. itjiui can thread a needle ui right if he feels the sewing has t< be done and there ie no woman around. Mtnard's Llnlmant Curti Carget In Cows, The Solution. "Ma has solved the servant gir problem." "That so? How?" "She's decided to do the worl herself." of my liver, perhaps at the very Nervous Breakdown and Overwork Account for Some. No fewer than 30 clergymen of the Church of England have been missed, since March of last year, with no explanation of their disap- pearance, according to the experts now engaged in the preparation of the new edition of "Crockford," says the London Chronicle. An the other hand, 10 incumbents aud curates who had been missing from their parishes before they have been discovered by this many- eyed semi-official directory, so that the church has lost in all twenty of its ordained members in the last twelve mouths. The compilers of "Croofcford" express the opinion that nervous breakdown of hard-worked clerics and disappearances while travelling abroad account for some of the mys- teries, while the solution of others has been found afterwards in the transfer of clergymen to the world of business without any intimation having been made. The list has grown so large, conv prising now some 400 missing clergymen, that the edition to make ita appearance next month all those who disappeared more than ten years ago are to be taken out. "Before she married she was con- stantly on the look-out for a huu- band.'" "Weil?" "And since sh. ;ot one she is still constantly on Tour druggist will refund money if PAZC OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch ng. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6 to 14 daye. 60c. ITCHY ECZEHAJ FACE Very Bad Case, Little Blisters Broke and Formed Scabs. Thought Would Be Disfigured for Life. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- . merit a Month. Completely Cured. Cold Brook. St. John, N. B. "Cuticura and Ointment certainly cured my little girl of a very bad i-.-wn of oczeruu. Hhe had eczema on her face fur al- most two yours. First little w.'iito blisters covered her face, then tho&o would break and form scabs, and they were very Itchy and burn- ing. I used to have great trouble In getting bar to sleep at night. She scratched BO I had to do all I could to prevent her, for sometimes she would icratcli the scabs off and then It would be very sore ad burning. She wu certainly a great care. I treated her for It and also used different kinds of blood medicine, and ointment but got no cure. I thought the would be disfig- ured for life. "It had lasted about two years when one day I <aw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Outicura Ointment in Mia paper so decided to give them a trial. I had not used them for more than a month when she was completely cured. I cannot pralaa Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment enough. Of course I continue to use Cuti- cura Soap a* I find it the best soap on the market for children." (Signed) Mrs. John Newman. Dec. 30. mil. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are aold by druggist* and dealers u very where. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Uept. 3OD, Boston, tl. 9. A. TO GET GREAT HORSEPOWER. Lay Trial Tidal Plant at St-hleswig- Holstein. Millions of. horsepower are going to waste which the sea could fur msh us if only some practical way of running a tidal plant could be found, say the PolytechnicaJ Re- view. The idea is in. the air at pre- sent and there are several projects in handi whicfc are likely to be taken up before long. One of these is brought out by Engineer Pein, of Hamburg, and he proposes to lay out two large basins on the iwa coast in Schleswig-Holatein. Two tidal basins are used and the water takes a swift flow between the ba- sins on somewhat the same plan as Ha* been used on a modern scale and for running as large a, plant as the- 5,000-horsepower one which he is now designing. Part of the work ia already done by a 1%-mile jett\ in the sea connecting with Nord strand island. The basins will have 2,300 and 1,000 acres surface an< the height of the waterfall between them is four or five feet, so thai with a great volume of water it is possible to run a net of 500-horse- power turbines, ten in number, so as to have 5,000-horsepower. This is only a trial plant, and should ii succeed a much greater amount o: power can be obtained in this way by using larger basins and in greater number, as the sea will give an unlimited amount of power. KEBUCHADNEZZAR'S PALACE. Priceless Treasures Lie Buried Everywhere. From the engineer's camp I folr owed the course of the old river of Babylon down to the famous City of Nebuchadnezzar, where the Ger- man Oriental Society is digging up the records of 4,000 years ago, writes a correspondent. I saw the 'amous atone lion; the bas-relief of Nebuchadnezzar himself, with his quaint curly beard ; the stone goose which was the standard measure of weight in Babylonian grocery stores; the odd tribe of kinky-tailed cats ; the thousands of queer dishes, urn, vases, utensils, figures of men and beastB, bath-tubs, bowl-shaped loffinn and cuneiform tablets which have been' unearthed by the careful Germans. They showed me the ma- gic name of Nebuchadnezzar stamp- ed on numerous bricks, and I woJJc- ed through the very banquet hall where, peradventure, the handwrit- ing came on the wall at the feast of Belshazzar and "a thousand of his lords." On the perfectly pre- served walls of the palace I beheld the strange figures of mythological beasts and the everlasting bull, which held a high place in Baby- lonion worship. Under German guidance a host of Arabs have toil- ed toiled for a quarter of a cen- tury digging carefully, as they dig a-t Pompeii, not to crack or ruin the priceless treasures which lie buried everywhere. And each day brings some new surprise. If Breathing is Difficult, If Nostrils are Plugged, You Have Catarrh IT SATISFIES MILLIONS OF PEOPLE Worth your while to test It UPTON'S TEA Sustains and Cheers. GLOVES That Are Guaranteed Why take chances In buying a pair. of gloves when you can get a positive) guarantee backed by Canada's largest glove factory In the O.B.K.PintoShell Gloves made from specially tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and heat proof. Send for Illustrations. HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Caaios'i Expert Glore and Milt Hikers. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALB. H. w. OAWSON, Ninety Colborn* stri. Toronto. GOOD STOCK PA1IM OK 503 ACRES with Three House*: large Bunk Burn. Hurt b wild quick Prl<- i verv low. SEVERAL DKSIIIABI.R PAHMH IX Manitoba. Alberta and Raskstchewan thnrcsn be bought. Worth the money for qnUik nnlo. IUAVE OVKR ONE HUNDHED GOOD farms in different Mctlona of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consul* me. It was never meant that laz people should reach the top of th ladder there would be no place for them to sit down. CURES COUGHS &COLDS A fool says, "I can't," a wise man gays "I'll try." Mlnard'i Liniment Cum Diphtheria. got the look-out for him." Til As It tell me la Now. big brudder on you. "Aw, me big sister kin make him jump through hoops. See?" Mlnard'a Liniment Curei Colds, Ita, Ignorant. Mrs. Kaller-^Cooks are such ig- norant things now-a-days. Mrs. Justwed Aren't they. They can't do the simplest things. I asked mine to make some sweet- breada the other day and she said she couldn't. ED. 7. IS8CE 17~'18 lii'n. m. Mill,. [lliihl ritti'il Book In ,. ii I'x'kiiiin. ML'RINK It oom- 'iii.l...! bv ourOou!lt-notft"t > fttne edlrln"D\iluiiMl Iniuooewful Pb A sensible young man never" throws himself at the feet of a girl who throws herself at his head. Try Murlne Eye Remedy NiiHi.mrtlHK 1-Vi.HKIn.- .VlHiJilli I '- *-r mm mm Try Itfnr Red, Wk, wtery KietMid W O U r Q, ' ' ' mmm In Eyo8$ m\g mm mm mm <^ln' Fntctic* for many v-'an. How IW V U d9d1<Ud to ll.e Pnbllo and Mid br L>nMgi*t**tfto40tprtwMM, Miirlii".- SI*O K> " B* |T '" ***ptti Tuiiiw, asc-Mta. _____ Murlne Eye Remedy Co.. ChlcsW Looking for little faults in your neighbors enables you to overlook a lot of big onee in yourself. TO CUM A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BBOMO Quinine Tablet.. Druggists refund money If It fail* to cure. K W. GHOVK'8 eignaturs is on each box. tie. Gone to the Bad. Frayed Philip Wot' s become o' Pete? Gritty George Pete ? Oh, he's gone to de bad. F. P. In jail, is he? Q Q._ Worse'n that; he's work- ing regular in a factory. GIN PILLS DRIVE AWAY Thoso Pains In tho Kidneys. Mr. Thomas Stepheusoa, of Lackute Mills, P. Q., writes: "I was troubled for many ytars with Kidney Disease, and a friend told me to take GIN PILLS. After taking a few boxes I was greatly relieved, and after finishing the twelfth box the paiu com- pletely left me. My wife U now using GIN BILLS and finds that she has been greatly relieved of the pain over her Kiduejs. ' SQC. a box, 6 for $2 Jo. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical. Co. of Canada, Limned, Toronto. 133 At Last a Remedy That Already Hat Per- manently Cured Thousands. Perhaps you haven't heard of tliu new remedy It's so pleasant to use- -fill a the none, throat and lungs with a heuling balsamic vapor like the air of the pine woods. It's really a wonderful remedy utilliet that marvelous antiseptic only found In the Bine Gum tree of Australia. The name of this grand wiwiflo in Catarrhorone. and you can't find it* equal on earth for cough*, colds, catarrh or throat trouble. You see it's no longer neoeeuary to drug the ntoma<'h that spoil u digestion juBt simply inhale the balsamic eseences of Catarrhonone. which are RO rich In healing thnt they drive out every trace of Catarrh in no time. "I look upon CatarrhoKone as tho mot valuable modiciil (iiwwvery of reoent yara." writes H. V. Potter, of Prince Albert. "As a long sufferer from nnpal and throat catarrh I was obliged to take oonsidprablu inodirine, and, although it helped me. my digfstlon wc. always dis- turbed and the catarrh didn't go uv.-ay. With Cntarrhoione It was different. It cleaned my none and throat of all phli'gm and discharged, ennbli-d me to breatho freely, relieved a Htuffy feeling in my none and frontal headaches. To-ilay I am entirely free from catarrh, and I uw my CatarrhoBone Inhn'.or a liftle every day in order to prevent the diseaue from re- turning." With Ontarrhozone oiperimenting ends. A permanent curative action begins. Last- ing relief from Catarrh results. The large eiee COKIB 81 00. last two months and is guaranteed. Small size 50c.; sftmplo sire 25c. All storekeepers and dniggims, or The Cutiirrhorone Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.. and Kingston. Canada. GERMAN AIRSHIPS CAN HIDE. Produce ft Vupor Which Renders Them Invisible. Capt. Faber. M.P.. nt a recent meeting of the- British Navy League in London made some remarkable statements as to the capabilities of Germau airships. A German officer who had made the voyage, said Capt. Faber, had told him that the vessel had travelled 1,600 miles, re- maining aloft twenty-nine hours with a crew of twenty-eight men. This airship could, in case of emer- gency, produce a vapor which would prevent it being seen and wns also provided with a covering which ren- dered it invisible. By the side of the helmsman was a map of the country beneath which automatically unrolled as the air- ship went forward. Moreover, the airship was provided with a camera with a special Goerz lens which, when turned down enabled an ac- curate view of the country to be taken. Germany has now thirty- eihb airships and thirty more on order. THE SQUARE DEAL PAYS. And square with the enemy every tnau irets when he separates himself from hl corns by Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years "Putnam's" has cured every man it treated use "Putnam's" only it's painless and sure, 26c. at all dealer*. Kffoi-tivc Remedy. A prominent physician was re- cently called to his telephone by a colored woman formerly in the ser- vice of his wife. In great agita- tion the woman told the physician that her youngest child was in a bad way. "Whnt seems to be the trouble"!" asked the doctor. "Doc, he swallowed a bottle of ink!' "I'll be over there in a short while to see her/' said the doctor. "Have you done anything for her?" "I gave her throo pieces o' hl< it- tin paper, Doe," said the colored woman doubtfully. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. F' IFTY ACBEH-7 MILES FHOM LON- don market: ooil gravelly clay loam; 2 acres orchard: buildings fair. Price Four Thousand. The Western Heal Ktnt Kxchuuge, London. Ont. FARM IN SASKATCHEWAN - ped: in crop: must sell: terme easy. Percy Love. Hawarden. Bask. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE MEN WANTED TO LEAHN wiTV Barber Trade. Oreat demand. Good wagon. Twenty to thirty advertised for daily In Toronto paperH alone. Can tench you in six to eight weeks. Hend for Cata- logue. Holer College. 221 Queen Bant. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS o TAMP coLLEcruits HUNDRED DIK- io ferent Foreign Btampt. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cent*. Uarke Stamp Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCBR. TI'MOKrl. LUMPH. KTO, internal snd external, cured with- out DRln b onr home treatment Writ* nn before too lat* Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllnirwnort Ont ft ALL b'lOMKS. KlD.Nti* AND HJ,Al> TT der Stone*. Kidney trouble. Gravel Uimhagii sad kindred allmenU pnoitively rurpd with the new German Ilemady, "Kaiiol " price tl.MI. Another new romedf for Diabetef-MHlltns. and mr cnre. U "Hanoi's Anti-Diabetes." Prise t? 00 froi druKiti'to or direct The Banol Mannfao* luring Company of Canada. Litnitod, Winnipeg. Man Maypole Soap THB CLEAN HOME DYE Gives rich, even colon, lice from lUeaki and abiolut- ely hist. Doei not itainbandior kcitln 24 colors, will give sny ihsde. Colon lOc, black I5c. si your dulei'i or poll - psid with booklet "How to Dye" trom ^ 107 F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal If woman makes all the trouble in life it's woman who makes life worth all the trouble. Mlnant's Unlminl Curs* Dlstsmpsr. A woman's husband doesn't so often come up to her ideal as her ideal conies down to him. T consider MINARD'B LINIMENT the BEST Liniment In use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MTNARD'8 LINIMENT, aud it 'ii- ii" well at) ever next day. Yours very truly. T. U. HcMULLEN. 'Twaa Kver Thus. "My sou has become acquainted e*rly with woman's perfidy." "How now?" "A little schoolmate persuaded him to lick her slate for her, and then declined to kiss him on ac- count of possible germs." Bad Blood U the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and skin. Ths undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisono the blood and the whofo ayetcm. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill* act directly on the bowels, regulating t'lnii on the kidneys, giving them i-.i -o a i H| strength to properly niter the blood and on the akin, opening, up the pores. For pure blood and good health take Dr. Morse's - Indian Root Pills

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