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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1913, p. 5

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April -24 1913 THE F L E S H E li T O N A D Y A N C E ! I E THE ESTABLISHED 1873 QECURITY tot both principal and O interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second, judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is en ideal form of investment. "37" TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BBB Branche also at Durham and Harriston. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. ... _.. ,, , . , ,. Miss Ella Karstedt entertained a few f her friends at a thimble party on Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: (Thursday last, in honour of Miss Ella Going South Going North | Barnhouse. 7.43 a.m. 11.28 a.m. j , 4.30 p. mi. 8.58p. m. i " The mails are closed at Fleshevton ad i AT L' I - i follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and | A * OUChmg Incident 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south atr ~ " 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south I A touching incident in the life of the mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g late Herbert Stiaio was related to The ' , Advance the other day, which is well t worth recording. It occurred while Mr. Strain was doing business at Williston, daring the building of the Great North, ern Railway through Montana. One Sunday H party of miners came 'n VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Wilfred Phillips of Palmerston called on friends here last week. , j from fifty miles away to make some pur- Miss Maud Richardson is visiting - sister, Mrs. Tit, at Lucknow. HesrThe Southland Sereuaders Fles- hn-ti n high school auditorium, Saturday, May :i. Born--In Paliuerston, on Friday, April 18, to Mr. and Mis. Wilfred 'Phillip?, a d*u;hter. Mr. Fred McTavish left last week lo accept a position as trimmer with the Brantford carriage works. c'lases. Mr. Strain refused to sell them a cent's worth on Sunday, but said he would open for them at the stroke of 12 o'clock at night, and they had to be con- tented with that. The men called him a d fool for his scruples. Some time afterward a man came to Williston liding on horaebtck carrying tho duad body of his little boy. He en- quired for the man that wouldn't sell on ) Sunday. He wanted him to say a prayer Mrs. Gordon Laird, who has been | ovel . the ren ,aim of his boy. He had no visiting here for a or so, returned lust week to her home in Regina. Rev. Mr. McVicar occupied his new pulp t on Sunday'and prenclied a much appreciated strmon from John 12-34: "Who is this Son of Man/' filth in "parsons," but lie thought the mm who would not open his store for gain on Sunday was sincere. Mr. strain otticated at the grave and the father re- turned home with the solace of knowing his duty done. Married At Wayne, Mich., on ^ day, April 21, Dr. K. Basktrville of De- tioit to Mii-s Georginn, daughter of Mrs. J. S Richardson of Wayne. Mr. W. Barnhouso and daughter, Miss Elsie, of Toronto, visited with friends j roller proved fatal to the four-year-old here for a few d-ys last week. They left on Tuesday of this week fur Edmon- ton, where (hey will in future reside. Child Killed at Meaford Meifurd, April 20. Childish curiosity to know what was inside a heavy iron The Southland Serenaders will give an son of Thomas Bumstead, a farmer near here. The little boy crawled part way into the roller at a moment when his father's attention was taken up with oil- entertainmeu'-. in the high school audi- in g a bearing, and the tatter then started torium on the evening of Saturday, U P Ilia horses, not knowing the child".- May 3, under the auspices of Flesherton Hockey Club. There are six members of the company and their work 19 M-ry h'gli'y spoken of. Rev. Jumes Buchanan has recteved n predicament. Uoy House, a neighbor wh'o was pass- ing, took in tho situation at A glance, and instantly shuutud lo Bumstead to halt. The roller, however, had already unanimous call from the Presbyterian | begun tu revolve, and the child'a head congregation of Elmvale,_Siiucoe County.. * nearly severed from his shoulders. This is a large and prosperous* church and resulting in instant death, the salary promised, we understand, is materially in advance .if that Deceived here. Mr. Buchanan is considering the call and in all probability will accept. Dundalk Herald. Mrs. Sam Hawkins uf the 8th lino had a painful experience when driving to town on Friday last, the harness gave away, Sm n5 part of tho team ran away and Mrs. Hiwkins was thrown out, sustaining some severe br-ui*ts. ,Nn bones were broken, howdter. The team ran around. a mile and a quarter block aud home. Mr. H . C. Duff of the Department of Agriculture returned on Wednesday of last week with his parly of over 100 young Scotchmen to distribute among the fanners of Grey county. About twenty of the party were destined for Markdale. There were none for Flesher- ton. The young men chosen by Mr. Duff arc said to be a superior class and just, such as are required to make good fatm-iis. Rev. Mr. McLaren of the Baptist church will leave on Tuesday next for his new charge at Pelerboro. The fun ily will remain here until after summer j holidays in order that tho children may continue their schooling without inter- ruption. Mr. McLaren's new charge lies between Laken'eld and Peterboroand consists of two churches. Mr. R. Wiloock got the fore finger of his lift hand into tin- gearing of a wind- mill on Monday and had that digit nearly severed. ' The injury ' was a painful on but under Dr. Carter's careful handling, Dick will still be able to count the entire four fingers when making calculations. The Advance is pestered every few days by western real ettate linns who want us to secure them an agent here. We pay no attention to these requests because, from what we can Uani, most Cheap John Back Again J. M.Davif, Deputy Reeve of Euphra ia Township, as was 'reported in this paper a fe-w week* ago, went to Toronto looking for a printer that would work cheap Tho kiud of printer that is designated by the printing fraternity as a "Rat." The cost of printing this year to Euphrasia township had to necessarily go up, and the Deputy Reeve ridiculed such presumption on the part of ihe nearby printers, and was simply going to get that printing done in Toronto at easily one hlf what was being asked by the local printers, so down to Toronto he went, came back again, but oh! how quiet he was when he did come back aud how fortunate it was that "Jack" did all his knocking before he went, for lien he returned there was not akacklo in him. Why, the Toronto printers turned out tc be as btrefaced robbers as Ihe local fellows were, for the very best he could do WHS $100.00 for the Auditors Report, Votera'List and the December Statement, all other printing that tho township might want during the year would be extra. Just imagine how cheap "Jack" must have felt, after all hit bo&sting that HE would get the work done for half, to have to come back and admit that he laughed too soon. Not only was he humiliated at his firilure to find tha. cut- rate printer, but he felt badly to think that the Clarksburg Review had caught on to his move, and to publish him as a "Cheap John,"j and still worse The Flesherlon Advance actually copied the "Cheap John"article. Jack think) some of bis collegues on the Council board must have given him away. But he need not blame any of hi.s .associates at the Council table, he had better blame him- self, for as Ions as he takes the stand against paying a fair wage fur a fair day's of the monied farmers in thi district hold all the western real estate nuw that j wor k, or a good price for goud wok, just they wish to carry, and we do not caie ' ao i ong w j|i his words and actions leak to as'sist in piling up the load. Fur some out, and just s-> long keep the muni- time past western real estate has boon j c jp a ]ity he represents uiiligniriol before s ,ld in great quantities tlu-oujiliout t!ie | t l,e pooplo. Kuphrasi* township ia well Dominion and now everybody whobought ; a i,i e to pay proper pric J f,ir its wants is anxious to turn it over at a profit, nnd ! aiu i we believj tho nitepayers of thw there nre not enough purchaso.'s to go ( town.sliip are samlied to pay a living around, so that is sorrow among ' pnce to all who work for them, -darks- the speculators. j ou ,g Review. Entrance Test S. S. No. 1, Artemesia Olive Henderson, Lottie Muir, Archie Wliyte, Duncan McMillan, .Muiiel Henderson, Robbie Dingwall, Walter Williamson, W. Patjslow, (rec.) J. WILFRID GUEKSWOOD, Teaclier. Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale A quantity of goud potatoes. H, Fenwick Eugenia. For Sale Two fresh cows, U-ypar-old tilly cult, and quantity of White Daubin Oats and a few Ions good hay. Apply on Jot 175 Gravel Road M. G. Oriy Flesherton P. 0. Car of B. C/Shhu'les to .arrive about Thursday. 83.50 per thousand off the car. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. For Sale- Seed Buckwheat, (Prolific). Good clear seed 81.00 per bushel. T. Henry, east back line, Fleaherton P. <). Pure Bred White Wyandotte eggs for hatching \V. A. Hawken, Flesherton. K. I. Red pgs for setting S. C. $1.50, 11. C. 91 per setting W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. To Rent- Port'aw store and dwelling to rent, or will be sold on moderate terms. Possession can be taken at once, For particulars apply lo Goo. Thompson, Chatswurtb. junel For Sale cheap and on easy terma.good 9-rooir.ed brick dwelling in Flesheiton, with sood brick-lined stable or poultry bouse, and two sood lots wilh same, young bearing orchaid. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acres. Will be sold cheap. \V. .). Meads, Ceylon P. O. For Sale Good 9-roonied frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first claps and lepair, with hard and soft water. Will pell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Fleshcr- ton, Ont. XovTtf MISCELLANEOUS Painting and paper hanging orders left wilh me will teceive prompt attention. C. infracts lakeu. C J ISdlamy, Flesher- ton. WANTED a man who knows the disu-ict well and Ima a iiood connection by a large Western Realty concern. Good commission. Apply stating full particulars tu H.Bu'.turwoilh, 3!t 3ros veii'ir St, Toronto. Purebred shorthorn bull for service Terms 81. (M) fir pure bruds or grsdon. Cows must be returned twice or will be charged whether in calf or not. Walter Akilt, Gravel Rjad, Kock Mills p. o. 8201") priv.ttu funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. ./. Sproulo, Flesherton. Farm to Kent Etat halt lot .'"3, con. 4, Artemesia, o<) acres ; frame house and frame barn. Foi further particulars apply to R. Little, Wareham, or Mrs. Wullington Badjerow, 23 Chnrlei at., Toronto. For Sale Tho undersigned otters for sa'e three lots in the village of Coylon.on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with btone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, prica right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. r-pllamyrFlesherton. Roofing tor Sale Brantford Crystal Roofing, Asphalt Roofing, Rubber Roofing, Steel Roofing and Siding : : : : : JOHN MCDONALD, Ceylon 1 June 13 AROUND THE WORLD Via " Empre.. of Alia" The " Ernprew of Asia " will leave Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira, Cnpe Town, Dm ban, Colombo, SNnna- pore and Hong Kong, arriving" Vancouvei August. 30th. Vvssi'l remains 14 days at Honw Kong. 'Kate for entire cruise, $t;:i!>. 10. " Exclusive of maintenance b 'tween arrital time in England and df parture of " EmpreMi of Asia" and stop over at Hong Kong. Particulars from Canadian Pacilic Agent* or write M. G. Murphy, District Paaiengur Ajjent, Toronto. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IB ADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ao. Anyone lending a Bketeb and deaorlptlon mn? qiilcklT iu>i:orialu our opinion free whettior au Invention n probably pate.nt.nble. Oommunloa. M<mii rioi.lrcoiifliioiittul. HANDBOOK on Patent* Bent free. Olileit agenuy for aecurliiffpateiitti. Patent* taken through Munn 4 Co. receive i notttt, without oharuo. la the Ily Ulntttratod weekly* Lonrert olr- any scientific Journal. Term* for u year, postage prepaid. Hold by Farm for Sale Lot 134, T. S. R., ArtemosiH, fiO-noitu, al-Miil. nil clriiro.l, good fromis burn, tin biiiHp, MiwU orulvird, good lard, wo'l fi-ined. Will be sold ehii;i|j anil mi easy UN in*. App'y to Frud Mathcwso;i, 1 June 12 I I rti I I I I i !!i i! 1 ifi i I I! I I li li ii i ' B 1 I II II II I i I II II II HILL BROS, MARKDALE Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes! This week we will offer many hues in Shoes at Money-Saving Prices, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes in good sensible lasts ami serviceable leathers from 25 to 40 per cent, of a saving for you on each pair you buy. We carry the largest and best assorted Shoe stock in town. See us before you buy elsewhere. Misses' & Children's Women's Shoes Fine Shoes 100 pairs of Misses' and Children's Fine and Medium Weight Shoes, sized froix !> to 2, buttoned and laced, regular value up to SI. 30, priced for quick selling at pw pair !(8c. 1OO pnirs Women's Vine Shoes io Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Tan, Calf and Fine Dongolas, all eizag represented in this lot. Values up to 84.00, priced tor quick soiling tt per pair $2.48 Hosiery Specials NO. 1. We have just opened a new line in Heavy Ribbed Cotton Wove, just the thing for the Boys, stand any wear, Special value per pair 18c. NO. 2. 25 Dozeu Woman's Plain Cotton Hose, good weight. Special, 2 puirs for 25c. NO. .'!. 10 Dozen Women's Fine Llama Hose, guaranteed all-wool, correct .spring weight, Regular value 40c, Special I?5c or 3 pair for Jl. 00 Corset Special 50 pair Fine White Corsets, with suspenders, all sizes in the lot, good value at 75C per pair, mark- ed for quick selling at per pair 58c. New Silks and Dress Goods Our Dress Goods Department is full of new Spring lines, Whipcords, Serges, Bedford Cords, one yard wide Silks at p8c. per yard in Navy, Tan and Black and Black and White Checks, are Ai value and give good service. HILL BROS. MARKDALE. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 82500 twenty-five hundred dollars- will buy the west half of lot No. -' and pait of tho north west quarter of No. 1, all on the 4th c.m. of Eiiplmisia, cnntnip- iuu about 125 acres. There IK supposed to be ninety aerfis cleared, the balance goi d hardwood bush maple, beech and elm. There is on the prtperty a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw houNO with slonn foundation under it, hlso wood shed, driving shed, pig pen and hen house. There are also two or- chards on the farm growing different kinds of fruit apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and patent fencing. It is alo well watered with water in nearly overy field. There is a never-failing spring within 40 yards of the house This Jarm is within one mile of the thriving village of Kimberley. For further par- ticulars apply to JAMES STUART 1 Apr Kimberloy P.O. Farm For Sale or Rent Fifty acres, lot 133, West T. S. road. Artemisia, 35 acres cleared, balance bush land, good for grain or pasture. well watered, cedar log house and barn. Small payment, balance to suit purchaser at fivo per cent. Apply to 20martf T. GRAINGER, Markdale. Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthill Nurseries Orders now being "aken for Spring delivery 1913. Prospects bright for the season's trad 3. Exponent;* in.i**u:f. We instruct our salesrnjia liow to sail Kruit Slocks in the co.miry and ^rnArnor.lal trees in the town. START NOW and have your twiitory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free outfit. Write for terms. Une Stone & Wellington SEEDS ! SEEDS ! Come here for your Seeds ! Five Roses Flour, Dundalk White Kcse, Markdale Perfection Brand, Morning Glory, Bran, Shorts, wheat, chop and ch icken feed, Fresh Oysters, Fish ane Herring, Canned] Goods Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, and aDkimlsof fresh groceries at lowest prices. W. L, Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. TORONTO, O 3S.T. DR. BURT SpecUllnt In dlioaiet of Ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 lOh t. east, Owen Sound At tho Rovore house, Markdale, 2nd I Thursday each month from 8 to a 12>i m. ! Dundilk, 1st Thursday of each month. I Careful! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon

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