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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1913, p. 4

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April -24 1913 THE I? 1 1- K S II E R r O N ADVANCE T H 12 An 5ii'U'|>'ii'l"!it iirwspaper, puMi-lu 'I every t tl.e orl-.ev, Colliii(?w.nKl Strott, F.fili'Mt '!!. Sul- -ii|.ti .!i i>iic M iH-riunmiii. wh.-ii ii.'ii'linixlvHiirt; Si..", i \v i.. 11 n.-t *> l^i'l .YdwrttuB? r:ili- "ii :ip|ilii'!itittii. ' lirculatiuii 1.100 weekly. VV. H. 'riiui-rtton '- 1- .litor THE LOVE CASE \\\< give belw n f, prest .I'ppinu' 1 ' dealing with (lie l.vr H.M- m.-l tin- M *"! taki-n liy tlii* jn|>ei- week Icfi.rc lis ' Most i.f tin.-..' <|ii..t:in .us Uj Mr. s< i [I'M the f.n-t that tin- eviJflicv i> ll circum- K'. i, tu!. Sow, we have hem-il judges ducl.iro llut eircuimliiiitiiil I' WHS lhclwi kind of evitli-we. Nii.ely |i-r cent, itf the inuriK-ror* niv Uuuyhl li> justice liy circumi>tantil euleiief. No jilnmieJ murder i- ever done drfore H grand stand full of people, ai.d few inuruYrt-ri would be f.mi.d out if cicuin- iii;tiit ml evidence were eliminated from our courts. The Ooderich decadent WHS hunted on such evidence, so was Hur- ch.ell tnd many others. Let us ask these doubling Thomases how they would interpret Love's peech to IIIK diuxlitcr, when he said : "If it should come to my memory that 1 did it, could you forgive me !" Another cause ol complaint is that no motive was shown. Tlie people here have their own iJra wlml the in .live was ami FO Mi"..;; t- their toni ictioii thai no move has been made here for comuta- tion. If oilier section* of the c mntry feel like making ueli a move, weel itnd good; but suiely su:h' uciion would come with more race mid urenter force f 1 1. in the 1< c.ility where the circumrtaoo rc better known. The Fleshe-t.ui'lav week iu u able and lunely artie'e, e itiJeuux ihe attempts of a portion i>f tl.e O. Soiiml ,.reKS lo work i:p hyri.pHtl y fr (he Iiiurilerei Luvi nnd to hint tint Mimethint; aliout the ti ill as n. i rjuile fair. h denies lli'it a " wave of hyiupilliy" is spreading round Ceylon. Tlie Advance cliirn, and we rirhtly, that na lontj a> capital puiiisliineiit i a tt-nct i.f Bnlish jiMki-.Mich crime iislhi-i sh'.u'd seethe full penalty exacted. - Durham Review. C.illiiinwi.od I'.ul c-lin "The FIcuhiM Ion Xdvaii li-i.-iii--" that portion i.f th.- I 'ies llul hns iccvived the veidicl in the Love oiao w.lh dis- uclioii .-inj^ iloul.t ud 'ijs tlrit 'any ttempt l.y i'-\vp:ipuf* to create a tic- til ioua yuipattiy und r.-is; aliruad f,le iinprccs HI,.-, :.- . U-l.riv li.-n been dona is in -H( unseemly ami ill-advised.' journal in line "ft!."-' l!..v hs U"'i!,t in repaid to the verdict and it is not beciiuse of sympathy for Love. His rations,- though nut tin; innrdert-r, deterve puniihinunt of mne HOI",. He was cruelly calm un-1 iim.cincemi'd throughout all I hi- t.-rrililf | in'i'.-ilin^s. \Ve have little sympathy f"T him. but BH we Hve it the evidence adjured was pure- ly circumstantial, 10 much so tli it in our humble opiuion he Lever should t<) per- mitted tu go I" ill" Billows. To iin- pnvii him for thu remainiux yeais of his lit".- will be the safe plan. It will ilo the taU i no injury ami it will lave a cold, dflniera't- murder iri (lie unme of the law in the couit yard at Owiii Sound in May. The Advdin: further argues that 'the enormity and bruulity of the ciime under consideration cails for justice Hud no iiiuudlin setitiment should he allowed to interfere with it* TOUIHU.' of slander bu>ie-; in lilt oivn ueighlii^f* hood whether he be innocent m null y. Evidence submitted at tbo trial is thu only .-al" basis upon which t.t l.-nn an opinion in any c.ise wlieiher civil or Crim- inal. In the trial of Love, there was an nl III- laek ol evidence to thuw what motive he Co jld have hail for sl.iyin^ liis ite. Til i fact along was s'lllicient lo justify the Owen Sound pipers in (heir expressions of sympathy, and fur- nishes nlso a .sniiiid reason why executive clemency rhoulJ Iu t-xtindeJ to llm condemned man nnd Ins sentoncc com- muted t i im;)iisiiimie.i,( for lif.'. The Advance should no', forget tlmiaUrey County man was hangt-d in tin; \Veitrrn Stales, many years ago, on much stron- ger evidence than that sulimiitetl^ii the L-ive murder, Hi.d yet, twenty years after wards, his iii:io.ence was cleaily established bylhe dying OOKtoHtpB the real murderer." 1'his ,>uite no, but there thuuld Im tm chance that 'justice' wa IjeiiiK meted out to the wrong parly. Circumstantial evidence ii loo weak in any C'tte to permit a judi- 'cial nnii. Ki. hence the I et of leitHoim for the Department of Jugticn to com- mute Love' sentence to lifu imprison- ment." Owen Sound Sun Stepe an- l.i'iii'j taken in Harris to petition '.he Miniiiter of Justice to have I.'ive'ri sentence commuted to life imprii- onntent. The Sun ii in receipt of a .letter from Barrio staling that a deal of feeling has bt*eu created there for the unfortunate IIIKH and it is ftlt that he was convicted on the evidence of a child who had been under police surveil- 1 inn for some time. A petition w.'ll he circulated there at once and the letter r<si)ii nu tin', thj s tliuu be d. m ? in Owen H tun I. Burka Fall* Arrow ''Tin 1 Kleshi'i t'.n Advance linds fiult with so.nB (wen Suuud papert becnuse they uipresi Rympi>iliy with a man nam cd Love, whom the jury adjured guilty of murdering his wife, and who has l<een Heiilenei'il to die on the gallows. We did mot follow the Irial very closely, but it Appeared lo us thai two facts stood out prominently, viz., tl) that Love and his wife lived happily together for twenty- five years, and (2) that nhnolulcly no motive whatever was shown for the com- mittal of such ;.ii ,i f .il crime. A.s to the f,iel thut Lo\e' son to d one story be- fore he Maw the ilo'retivi- and ipiite a d ll'.-reni one afterwards, we do not put inn. Ii strops upon it onu wny or the oth.r. And KO far in the opinions of |Jibois aiv i .IKI-I ned very little ni..| i-|...|lt bf :itl d of any > llieill. Till* llriir.- lli'it iiii|>ht WHAT THE AFFINITY ? For ft couple of days last week Toronto was up against a water famine mid tht milk men were the greatest squealers. .Ins! whilt the connection is butweei Toronto milk and water we are not in a pnmtion to s;iy. I'erhaps tliu S;ar could enlighten u-. After Better Prices To the Kilitur of The Advance I'u Sir, U there a man in the count] of Grey who doe* not want to sjet belter prices for his apples than he is getting t the present time, ol thitii hu not lasi fall? We do not belrive there is one Then if there are bone such we are al to work together for the toou To tffl these I etter pi ices we must look iiheit! n liille. If we do not tlien -ve will secure ivi'y the same prices we secured Insi fall. l'i Hie tirs' )!.,. l.t IM niuuiunce tin fact ilni nn apple exhibit from th' County of Orey will be made at the To ronlii Flower, Fuiit and -Honey Show next full, mid we nil want to be it. read iiiess f : it. The county council have generously dmuled 820'J tu this end, an it IN up to UB as fruii f unier* to tset busy and make the best use of the money lo the lirsl place, have we our orchards properly pruned/ If not, then it is HUH we wen- getting busy with that job M.IIIJ of iis cut out ihe limbs we car reach from Hie centre of ihe tree. This in not tlu- propel- im tITod of pruiiii x. ' sh.Mil 1 h-ave all the centre wood possible aH I'-n; as tin- sunshine u. N into the tree and thin out the outer eriitea of the h In let (lie air and sunslii e in as fur as we can. There are some men who iniiko u practice.' i.f doing the pruning; for others but we can ail do our own if we set at it And wlmt about the splaying' llavi we iievcr dune any of it' -\\ e NhonU give at leant, three application* nf tin s|wav. This will assist us in driving ou the imtcts iid tho fin. gus> diseases. Ti i l.r-i application of lime Hilphur shoiih te given ju-.t bi-fore the young buds open not loo loon before, orjoii muy injm (lie buds. \\ le n the wood is iloiinaiit i tlie pinper time. This will kill . II I h OysU-r Shell Hark and other in cects that harbor under the i. n;h lur! of the trees during the winter. Th , .'.>!i>l applicali in should be bonleau mixture sprayed on tl.e treiH jurt a'tf the buds are open and ere the lilossom show their petals. The last applicat I i. ilil be given just after the blosioin fall. I) not ipray while the MOMKOIII are open because you will kill the bee and Mill iiot have the blossoms proper! fertilized and your fruit crop will b small if this IK the case. This lust dote of pry is specially suited to meet the codling moth and get it out of thu way. M.iLe the |n iy solutions as follow: Lime Sulphur, Shike 20 pounds of fresh lime in about 15 gallons of boiling witer tn a kettle or some other boiling appiirn. lus. Whils flaking add 15 pound* of sulphur made into the form of a paste Stir .1 1 !l and vigorously for OIKS hi ur. Dilute to 40 gallons with ciiher hot or cold water. Strain ai d apply at once. This nhould not lie appliid to anything but the dormant wood. Bordeaux Mil- ture: Dissolve 4 pounds copper sulphite (bluestone) in a wooden or brass vissel with h')t water, pour into a barrel and add cold water to make 2(1 gallon*. .Slake 4 pounds lime with hot water and I'.'iir m to a s, enn,l baric', diluting to _'() galli'iis. Sin both barrels well an. I p<,ur the lime into the .sulphato "barrel. To lliii mixture ndd 2 poundH of .usrimle of lead. Let UR all uet to work and make i lie fruit glow the best is - . ih ,i we will Ii iv.' tlii> lir-t exhibit possible in Toronto. This exhibit will show the world that we can and do gum- the best apples in Ontario. Then the buyers will come here and we will _" t the bigger and better prices wo an; looking for. For further information write to the Secret nry.Orey County Hoarcli of Agricul- ture, Mr. H. 0. Ilufl' at Maikdale Ontario. Mm. Laura Anhworth, a seveiitecn- year-old bride of \ week, near Harrow, fears foul piny has canned the disappear- ance of IIIT liusbuiiil since Thurti'ay He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might, havtj prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. Flesliertoxi Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDltY Bisket leaves Tuesday noun, delivery Fiilay evfiihg. CLEANING ami DYEIXCi We are cents fur I'arker's Uye \VorkR Clt.thes le.aned nnd dyeil, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHI1R, - PROPRIBTOR F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. House Cleaning Time Pure Prepared Paints for inside and outside work all colors half gallons, quarts, pints and luilf pints. Pure Floor Paints (juick driers, hard glass finish -all colors, Varnishes anil Varnish Stains, Alahastine ami Jellstone, Paint Brushes, Kalsoniine Hnisihes, Sand Paper and Shellac. new New Wall Papers A l>ig ran^e of'ncwd n siyns and colorings from 10c per deuhle Roll. Window Shades, all colors, plain or trimmed with lace or insertion. Curtain Poles. Oak, Mahogany or White finish. Tapestry and Velvet. Carpet Squares-Sixes 3 x 3, 3x 3, 3x4 yards, colorings anil designs at special prices, from $7.50 to $2.~>.00. Japanese Mats and Mattings Floor Oilcloths, 3fi, 45, ;">' and 72 inches wide. Linoleums, fbral and block patterns, '2 yards and 4 yards wide. Stain Oilcloths, Imitation Hardwood Linoleums, Hearth Knggs, Door Mats. Curtain Muslins and .Bungalow Nets, every pattern, new this season. Another shipment just arrived this week. You can't afford to pass these values. Prices from 12| to 50c per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If yon do yon will hi* wiso to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the hea'l of this advertisement will only cost yon , $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get simic'iliin;: nice aud comfortable on which to luy . your weary head. Of course we have oilier beds nt ntlicr prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Uedw such as everybody wants. Springs utiil Mattresses to! fit nil bc.'lc'. Kxamino our stock any- , way, before purcliamog your sluj | inclncers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in .store . for you some of tho nicest jjootls in Grey County. Don't fail to see these ^ood.s. Every- thing; fp-To-Date as usual. Pressing atul Cleaning <lone in the most .s>iti.sfaclory man- ner : : : : : : C. BLAKELY Hesherton's Lcadini< Tailor Standard Bank Building CEYLON^S STORE Have jou <;ot all the Clover and Grass Seeds you require, if not, get I bo Hot Gntdwat I'a'tisi.u'.s, Ceylon, at prices you can't beat, consult-riny <nulity. We have also Dutch Setts, Potato Onion?, (iardcn Tools, Poultry Netting, Black and White fence Wire, Spades and Shovels, and Fork* Everyming required for sprint; work. Also fancy things for decorating up the house, .such us Now Wall Pu;>pr, Floor Oil Clolhs, Linoleums, Curtains, CuiUin Poles. PiUDt and Varnishe*. For the Ladies and Girls N.- A- Suit Lengths, Dre9 Lengths, House Dresses, Embroidery for Dresse, Pi-'n..u'ss.Slips and Corset Covers, Lace c"lUin and Cuff Sett.-, nutoy Wnists, I'nrk-rskiris, Spring and Summer I'nderwi-ar, Boots ami SboM, in low ur lii-h tan, Patent or Dt.nsolas, Kid and Silk Olo'es, Hose in silk Lisle or Cotton. For Men per galln ODftJfCTTU- -.Small Prulits and < t >uick Returns." Jas. Wattison & Co., on VARICOSE VEINS CURED NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "ITeayy work, severe stralnlne and orll bablU In youth brougbt on V.u .r,,.,. vault. \\ i.< H 1 wurked hard the acliior would becomo Bevvre and I was often luiJ up (ur a week at a tuna. My family fliy slclau lull mo ua operation was my only uono Lut I dreaded it. tried uuvcral bpcciulists, but noon found out all they wanted was my money. I c onraencud to Ionic upon all doctors as little bolter than rogui-s. Ouo day my boas asked mo why I v.-as off work o much and I told him my comli ion. llaadvlsod me to consult 1 >rs. Kennedy & Kennedy, oa be hail t.-il;en treatment from them himself anil knew they wore square and skillful. I wrote them and jrot THE Nw METHOD TBEAT.MUNT. My profrrosa was somewhat slow and during tho first month's treatmunt I was somewhat discouraged. However, I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete euro. I could only earn $14 a week In a machine slum liefom treatment, now I am earning (91 and never loose a day. 1 wlnh all u Here rs knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the moat prevalent .and moot mrlotn diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and unlom entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications. Biwuro of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms our NEW METHOD cures all blood disease*. TOUXO OR MIDDLE AGED HEK-Impradent acts or later exetMea hnve broken down your gystm. You feel the Bymptomi Btcr.llnf? over YOU. Mentally, pb.ylcally anil vitally you are not the mau you ural to be or Simula be. Will you heed the danger signals* DClflCD Are you a. victim? Have you lost hope? Are you Intending to marnrr Baa IlLHULn your blood been diseased? llave you any wBocneuf . Our NEW METHOD nunun will cure you. wliat It has done for others It will do for you. Consultation Fnt. Booki F NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No nunw m FREE FOR ' C " d - ntU1 ' Qu " tto " "* " d * . o matter who baa treated you, write for an honest opinion Fre of Caarc*. r* "lioyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated; on lilaeasea of Men. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- meiit in Windsor, Out. I( you desire to see ua personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patientt in our Windsor offices which are for -Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. .Write for our private addrau. J. &W. BO YD GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. House Cleaning Time . . . Now i* the time to buy fine Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., Notwithstanding the fact we are selling, out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. Rugs in T.,pe S t.yB,us Se !3,,d Wool, HMH 2j x 3 to 4 x 4. Price FARM FOR SA1.F. In tlm t<>rtKliit) of Artfiii' "ia, in the Ununly of Grey, Ifrt IS, nm. a, anil lotn 12 nnd III, cnn. 3 N.D.It., uuiiUiiiing 10O acros ; Imno IIKIIHU. Apply In N. Mc- Fnytlen, I'nn 1'itik, Out.., or A. N Mor-. pan. New LisluMi ' or ,)lin Mcl'Xvden, City Inn, Out. 1 j Pure Bred Holstcin Dull Ctlan^eliiii' Prince Joe Hreil liy Qh^ngclinR IJii'icr H"y out / Tuly AliKrlii'ik Prlnoem .Imi iiliim-. i The :iv.iir .1 butter making strain Uiown'. 'I er vx nl set-vies !:.' lur urnden, 85 for piiro bred. OKI I. .MUdltK A- Siu\, I',,,p , IF OI-.14 !V.',,.. Station. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 Bores, Lot 132, con 3, Artemcsia, never failing fpring, well feucfd, 15 acres f Timber, the roHt in pa' urn over 15- .^ciirs. good stock farm. Would m>ll on lasy teriiiN fur i|iiick 8!ilo. Apply to J'jines Nath, Irish Like, P. 0. j uaiiicil will aU-nyd find tho 'onguo morning. Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OllloeanJ Resulonci;-48, ittli St. East/ Owen Sound, Out. Hours !) to Id a.m., L.'fO to 4. Hi.) p.m. ' 7 to 8 p.m. Other In ms liy B|i|ioiiitinen CH Cm ' A,so Oilcloth Mt,i,, K s Ht.d.u.d prices: Curlail18 ' L-ice in? for 43c to . ...... KnngHlow Nets from 15 to.... Muslins from 12J tu ..... .....' ...'. $4.00 40c. 15c. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J.&W: BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. :

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