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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1913, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIflCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL 32 NO. 43 Flestierton, Ont., -Thursday, April 24, 101C3 W. fl TEQRSTON KDITOB nu. I I'liOP Priceville Jottings The roads and fields have dried up nicely and farmers have been busy plow- ing during the past week. On April 7 the remaim "f Mrs. D. McKinnon, who died at her daughter':) residence in Detroit about the beginning of March last, arrived on tlio noon train and the funeial took place iu the after- noon from the residence of her eldest daughter, Mm. G. W. Try n. Her hus- band, Donald McKinuim, died while they lived here about :lu yeais ago. VVm. McMillan, who is engaged in railroad construction on th* G.T.P., took the train for the west last weeK. Don McL-'im, town 1'no south, and Neil McLeod, went last week to the Michigan Suo. John McTagart went to Durham on M<>iulay to work in the furniture factory. At the meet ing in Kinross Hsll ou Thursday evening of last week, Mr. Otto Konold ave au excellent piper on Feitilizers and how to apply them. The reui.-iinder of the evening was taken up in discussing other topics such as drain- ing land, inspection of clover, and other seeds : cultivation and marketing of po- tatoes, etc. The program was inter- spersed wiih vocal and instrumental mu- sic. The next meeting will be My 1. A large number of Conservatives . uround here regret very much the Rogers- .Borden insult to Sir Wjlfrid. We are pleased to see budgets of news from the Sout Line and Durham Kuad. Our railway men report that they have i great deal of trouble at the sink hole near Saugeen Junction. D. G. McLean and Win. Aldcurn have each .secured the service* of mi obliging and attentive saleslady in the drygoods department of Their respective stores. MIHH M. Watson has been visiting friends in Duiham for tho last few days. Stanley Ferguson, who lusbeen teach- ing in Huron street bchool, Toronto, for the past seaso.i, has been placed on the permanent staff and his salary raised to tlL'OO. The body of Miss Jessie McLean, who was aufl'ocated by gas in T< lonto last week, WHS brought hero on tho noon train Monday and interred in the village cemetery. Kimberley Budget A few more Hire warm days and need- ing will be in full, blast in this vicini'y. M 1 '. Rufus SVickeus left on Tuesday last to visil friend* in the prairie pro- vinces. Mr. and Mrs. John Shute of Markdale were cillera in our burg on Monday. Mrs. Win. Fawoett and son, Wellin- ton, visited at Mr Ed. Baker's, Vande- leur, on Sunday. Eugenia Paragraphs Hoygirt and daughter visited friends heft, Mr. and Mrs. of Thornbury, recently. Miss Louie Hyslop visited her uncle at Ceylon. Quite a number from here attended the induction service of Kev. Mr. Me" \ r icar, Flesherton, oil-Thursday last. Mr. Richard Smith is visiting his daughter. Mrs P. Munshaw. M.iM r Willie Williams -hag gone lo At a nineting of the Epworth League on Tuesday evening the following officers ' Paisley for the .summer, were elected ; President, J. H. JoJin- MUg Cl)o( , y ,. eturiled fl . om ,, el . vi!jit . in slon ; 1st Vice President, Lucy Walton ; \vj Hrton 2nd Vice, Mrs. S. Rurtitt ; 3rd Vici-, I ... . , , . Miss Join (jrahim has returnel from Literary and Social, Miss Simpson . 4lh . . . . , an extended visit with friends in Llior- \ice, Ci'usenship, Mrs. R. D. Carruth- , era ; Rec. Sec., Vera M.igee ; Cor. Sec., Kinross Boyle; Treas., Walter Burritt : Rev. Mr. C.-inpboll and family are Organist, Myrtle Camack ; Forward } visiti " friends "' M "P lu - Movement Sec., Miss Maud Plewos. Mr. and Mis. McMaater visited thu Mr. and Mrs. Thorns Uoggard of &>'" sister, Miss Gordon, of Port Law, who it very ill. Clarksburg, accompanied by Miss Jean Graham, visited friends in this vicinity a few days the past week . Mr. George Proctor visited Me.iford friends ou Monday last. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Trotter, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning laat. Master Laveme Oarruthers of Toronto isvisitina friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond and Mrs. Welion and daughter, of Flesher- ton, visited friends here the pant week. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Graham and family visited Mr. Kobt. Graham of tho valley. Mr. Card. Graham has gone '" ''"-' West for the summer. Mr. Rowan of Vancouver was the guest of friends here, the past week. Mr. Frank Weber and family of f.nuyof Pri.ville. accompanied by Miss Kimberley, have moved to the residence Patterson, viiiled with the former 1 , par- " f Mr ' E - Grall ' n ' "' tlie valle y- ents, Mr. and Mrs- M. K. Uaiuinolid. Mr. Ashley Mc','allum of Duncan, visited at Mr. Donald Wallace's ou Sun- day last. Victoria Corners Warner has returned from Castor- Mr. E. A. Graham has moved his family to Mr. I'lanu < residence in the village. Mr. Kred Stewart of Stratford ind his brother, lierk. of Klesdieitnu, visited their aunt, Mrs. Jacob William*, over Sunday. Fell Off Train Feversham Items Much sympathy is expramd for Mr. Eli Rubins, >n and fiiends in iln- loss of bis little son, Lloyd, by drowning, on Tuesday of last week and though Dr. Uos/ell of Maxwell hurried to the home and did all that could be dono to restore life, yet jt was not possible, and the sad news was w hisperod from neighbor t<i neighbor, little Lloyd is dead. A large roiicimrse of people followed the remains to the cemetery od Thursday, where they laid him beside liis- mother, who died a year ago. Miss ('lintmi visited with Miss Rfla Ushornc. last week. Mrs. John Buckingham spent t few diiys with Mrs. Chester Long, in Ravenna, last week. Mi-s. .lobn Hudson, sr , is visiting with her sistvr. Mrs. Chris. Thomson, on ihi' lllth line. Soiin' person of tiemlish disposition attempted tn. set tilv to \lr. PcJwcll's store one nigh! last week. I>V suit ini{ tin- t ) the wood casing of the coal oil tank in the baseiiifiit .wliiuli contained fi.ur or live, libls. of coal oil. Luckily the. 111111** awoke .Mr. Fred Pi-dwell, who was sleeping up- stairs, in time to gi-t bel|i ami put the tire out .before it reached the oil. Fred King, a young man who is \>rk- ing for Chris. Thorn pson, luul a narrow osenpe from dentil the other day, whi-n he fell from a scaffold in the kirn, to the tliior below, .1 distance of about eighteen "feet, where ho lay unconscious for some time liefoiv lie was found, but he is re- covering nicely under the cure of Dr. Rosw-11 of Maxwell. Mrs. A. Stewart of Fleslu-rton. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iw Perigo. Miss Kutti I'.n .k 11 of Flesherton. was the guest of Miss Lyla Alexander, over Sunday. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared do chopping every day in the week except Sundays .Hid every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal fur anything you want in our line p'aning, matching, ere. FloorJ MI-,', "..i-li anil uoors, nd all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- miali i- rales, Get estimate*. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl.'i lli-ly Jewelry Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are datet for 1913: W.'diH'.sctay, Fob. 19 Dundidk Wi diiesday, April Hi... ... Flesherton WoJnod'iy, June IS Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesherinn Wednesday. <>ct. lii Dundalk Saturday, Bee. (t Fleshertcn W. J. UKLLAMY. Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Going Out & ^ Our stock of No. I Mammoth and Red ( ! 'lover- . Al-sike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed .and On-hard (Irass : Coming In 5(5 3S Seed Corn, Shelled and on the cob, Rape Seed, Millet Carrot. Mangol. Turnip and all kinds of ( l.-inlen Seeds, Dutch Setts, Potato Onions, etc. ville - Mrs. Walkerton Mm. iSamuel Brown, tcsiding on the 12th on. of Carrick, about :IJ miles "jutli of Walkei tun, was thrown from her rig on Monday last while diiving to to the home of her brolher-in-law, Mr. Adam Quanz , and in the mix-up her !e ; was badly broken below the knee. Win. Murphy, the man who stole the pwelryut Harriston from Mrs. Win Uulnmge (neo Amy My, formerly of Walkerton), and i.tinunictcd numeious other burglaries, WHSsenienced the other Jay to twelve years in the penitentiary. A costly gold chain that wa) ptoleu and sold to a lady in Detroit, was returned t o Mrs. Dulmauo by the woman, who on reading about the theft, concluded that she had some of theiiuods and of her own free will mailed them to Harriaton. While carrying a big heavy dish frtm his bedriiom on Friday afternoon, Mr. John Frame, who i* moving to another dwelling, tripped oer tho edge of the bedstead and fell with the crockery in liis baud. In the fall the dUh was smashed and Mr. Frame had the mis- fortune to tstrike his neck on the sharp edge of the broken vessel, which cut his throat in a ghastly manner. On a physician being summoned it was dis- covered that hi.s wind- pipe had narrowly escaped being severed, which would have made a grim fatality out of this un- fortunate happening. As it was his in- juries were sufficient to require many stitches to close, liis hed which also came in contact with the door during the fall, wa-s damaged to the ext.ent of sevoial biuises on the forehead and to small cuts above the eye. Tlie injured man is wound again, looking the part of a real survivor from the fall of China. Herald and Times. On Thursday evening K. Stewart, ex- Fred Brewster with baby, are 1 prefcK raesH(>|1 g el . ,|, e c p ft tra ; n Her parents. Mr. A. '..Stephens. frolll Toronto toTteswsier, had a narrow Mrs. Stevens haa returned from a trip escape from death or very serious injury, to her old homo, near TiUonbuig, wlrere between Grand Valley and Arthur. she a( tended her brother's tuneral. , About four miles east of Arthur, ho had Kev. Mr. Wellwood of Flesherton and j occasion to jro from 'lin express o*r to RBV. Mr. Wilkinson will ocupy Inistioo , the mnil car,- A new car had been put pulpit en April '.'0 and 27, respect ively. ', ' with the door on '.he opposite si.lo to cuslomed. In coming out of his car in the darkness he t ick the wrontc turn and j pitched head forward* down tho steps at Ceylon Ihe ide, clear of Ihe car, mid into the ditch which was full nf water, out of Mr W. McH'.iberts relieved Mr. R-ind which he was fortunately able to get for a few days last week. Mrs. Sellers and two children, h*ve spent the winter months with her \ the train up and Stewart was met walk- sister, Mrs. S. Rand, has returned to her ! i"g the track to Arthur, not much the home t Kingsland, Ssk. | worse of the epin.Je, though , ( .. a lie WAS not missed till the train cot to who i Arthur. Conductor Osbornu backed Mr. James Gardiner, Owen Sound, was a caller in town Uet week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Collinson visited Durham friends Thmsdy. Messis George and Joe Snell spent a c.uiulo of days of last week at Mt. Forest. Miss Janie 0'Melin, Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her parents hero. Mr. and Mrs. Swart/, of Buffalo are guests lit c.i|il. McLauchlan's. Mr, S.'Rand was in the city last week I On .Sunday last a lud named wiih his little son, Lloyd, who underwent ; Sullivan, who has made his home at Mr. an operation We hope Master | James McA vela's for tint past few year, the train hud been going at the. rate of 25 or :tO mile an hour, except tlmt ho was wet and chilled. A doctor from Toronto, who was on the tiaiu, itavo him some at- tention, and a traveller furnished him with some dry clothing from hi.s iip, HO that he was able to look after his car to Teesw-iter.- Confederate. Boy Dies From Exposure Llnyd may be much bonentted. Austin McMullen, Toronto, met with a sad death, arrived^ came to tho town in , The y liny chap the evening and home Monday to spend a month with his secured liquor fiom some mo unknown pirents to the aiuhori'ies. About 7 ..'50 ho start- -' got down in While working in a gr.vel pX then of Prince at Sandwich, near winu;<ur, (Int., Joseph Muronci uncovered an iron hound chest in which he foun 1 $!'(), in sil\er half dollars. The money wat^all ..f the o!d 13 star variety tf Vnitod States coins of tile period of nearly UHj years Mgo. The propeity was formerly by Jol. Prince, on-s of the earliest i) ni VViiUrr, Ontario- Born To Mr. and Mrs. GJO. Suell en tho Kith, a daughter. Eighth Line, Osprey Seeding is the order of the day. Mr. U. Brown of Foversham is visit icg his daughter, Mrs. F.. Bi^ckenbuiy. Mr. Harold Spott'ord is borne from the Cullingwuiid buslnets college. We un- derstand he intends remaining for a .short time. ed for home, tut when lie the vtet In 1 Hiis so drunk that he fell i into the ditch and could not cxtricnte i himself. Mr. Jos. McNamara h>i|>pened | alonu and seeing the boy assisted him In his feot and put him in a buggy, with a couple ot lads !i > were goini; dy M i Aveht's home. Sulliv.iii aefuscd to (jo j home and after a scutfl) with the boys in the riy he gut out near Dupuis cornur and stalled buck to town, tie lmd only i gone a short distance when he tumbled into thu small creek at lhat point, and point, Mr. F. Spofrbrd has been improving ! 1)(ji|)g unnb , e ti) fiot OUN dje ,, f ,., m ux . posure. The body was not found until oing to woik Monday nioniiiit!, and the sumo evening ojtroad. Mr. F. liriickenbury is Mr. Ii win's farm on the 10th lino and an inquest was held in tho (own hail, Mr. H. Fenwick intends working Mr. A. j hut no evidence could lo procured to Maxwell's. ' tell where the boy got tho liquor. It too bad that wo hive people who In a letter to the Mayor at Stratford, will stoop low enough lo purchase liquor Mr. J. W. Leonard made the statement for boys that cannot got eiimc al tlio t'.int the Eiubro-Li'.woi'd line had been ' hotels or liquor store, and doubly worse given up by the C. P but that UieOuelph that the pi-tson cannot be l.'dtcd.- Bilton extension will lie pushed to Penetmig riend.l. c mipletion it oiice. This will be another line of railway crossing tno county of! Thos Murray, who had lived to the Peel, probably from Inglewi.od to Bol- age 'f hundred and four yeir-, pnesod I,,,,. wy at ^ow Uinlwm. Induction Service The induction of Rev. Mr. Me Vicar to the Flesherton cb-nge took place, in Chalmer's Church on Friday afternoon of laht week. There was a la*g-> con- gregation preoen*. Rev. Mr. Mercer < f Singliiiiiiptou, the moderator, presidtd and rel.-itud the CHUNUS thtt led up to the [innil induction. Kev. Mr. Hurk- holJer read the lesson and Rev. U. K. Well wood lead in prayer. Ri v. Mr? Matiliewsdii of Price- ville preached the induction sermon from Hebrews 1" : "Obey them tlmt have rule over you." Tl.e si no n was an able one and was lis'emd -to by tilt) !ar* cungregation with detp attention. In the coin se of the sermon Mi. M i lliexson Jonlt. with a <|Ucsr.uii that id extfcismg tlio church to-day why mure young men do not inter the ministry. Tlio reasons usually given were, the long course of education iMpiired, HUT.' mi 'in- y i i other unllinus mid the fact that some cnnyregatii.ns did not 'Jet along well with their ministeis. The speaker said that twenty yoais a^o when he attended U'lllegu he did not heur any man refer to these reasons, or with whom thufe iiigununi.s weighed; the sole <|iies-- lion WHS, had tl.ey tho grace and ability to take up tho responsibility? K -v. Mr. of Corbettou related the steps taken to till the vacancy and questioned the candidate, who was then welcomed by ihe presbytery. Rev. Mr. Rose Vs' addressed the new minister. Dr. Melven/.ie of Sliolbnrnn addressed the congietiHtioii, administeiinij some sound lulvico in a pleasing manner. After service Mr. MoVicar was pre- sented 10 a liu-ge number oftho congre- gation, and a tea was served in the base- ment when the new minister and hia family m:id the an|imiiitance of thrf c'.iurch inoinbeis and other inv. ted ucts. A gas l.iioy pliicud to mark the wreck pier in lilll, at Levis (Quebec, curried nway by ice and thnnuht to have beon sunk, has bten picked up ia New Si'Utb \Vules,a dn-tanea of 1S,0<K) milos. The meat amaxing paitcf it is ill it it was never reported as being soon. The drifting of iho buoy, could it bo re- corded, would break ail rt cords for dere- lic'.s. Caught by tho currents of the Nonh Atlantic, nppirontly it travelled south until picked up by the ei]imtornl currents and was borne to the Kuuther- iii >st ci)' 1 vf 'he contincnf, thence Hround Capj Homo to lllu point wlii-.e H WHS finally p'ckid up. Two little g ila in PalmorUiin: were struck down and tiMinpU'd by tin miinan- hoi's-i while crossing th<) stn-it. A good supply of Bran, Shorts, Corn, Chop Five Roses, holipse and Pastry Flour, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER.-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of SuitCases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Our Spring Stock Will arrive ou March 1st, when wo will have something worth showing you in Spring Cioods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see tins New Patterns : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. one having lu-r jnw fii^hifoily smashed.

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