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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1913, p. 7

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r Items of News by Wire Notes of Interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World J Canada. Acton citizens hewe decided to es- tablish a Fall -Fair. Kingston plumbers and tinsmiths will get 25 centa a day more. Montreal's civic debt exceeds $62.000,000, or $125 per capita. Gait Hydroi customers are to have substantial reductions in rates for light and power. Executions are being served upon Farmers Bank shareholders in Middlesex under the double liabil- ity clause. Harry Kennedy, one of the best- known farmers of Kingston district, was killed in an accident at Cut Knife, Sask. Two boys, aged seven and ten, imitating a shoot-the-chute per- formance, were drowned at Mont- real on Friday. J. W. Barnes, ex-Councillor of Steelton, was fatally injured in the rail mill of the Lake Superior Cor- poration at Sault Ste. Marie. G. H. Unwm, assistant professor in English and lecturer in German at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, will go farming in Alberta. Half a million acres of land are asked by the Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway in a bill introduced in the Legislature. Charles- Hough, a young English- man, was killed at Copper Cliff by a locomotive. His fiancee is cross- ing tho ocean, expecting to marry him m Sudbury. Port Dover ratepayers carried a by-law to spend $10,000 more on the high school, in addition to $22,000 previously voted ; also sanctioned submission of a Hydro-electric by- law. The counties of Lambton and Middlesex must pay $5,000 damages for the death of W. C. Dillon, whose auto was ditched because the roadway approa-ching a culvert was not of legal wid>th. The new C.P.R. Austria-Canada steamship service was inaugurated by the arrival on Thursday at St. John, N.B., of the steamer Ruth- enian from Trieste, with 700 pas- sengers and 2,000 tons of freight. Groat Britain. Suffragists committed more actf of incendiarism in England on Sat urday. Miss Emerson, the American mill tant, was released from Holloway Jail on Thursday. The suffragettes have received big subscriptions to "their campaign fund. Kebty-Fletcher, Unionist M.P. will reiterate outside Parliamen his remarks in Parliament as to Lloyd George's alleged illegitimate speculations. United States. The International Railway strik at Buffalo has ended. A woman waa shot and a man stabbed in the strike riots at Buf- falo. The remains of the late J. Pier- pont Morgan reached New York on Friday. General. The first Parliament of the Chi- nese Republic was opened in Pekin. North Atlantic steamship lines have agreed to a still farther south- ern route to avoid icebergs. The great powers are anxious to hasten the conclusion of peace be- tween Turkey and the Balkan allies. NEW LIQUOR LICENSE LAW. Bars to Stay Closed Until S 0* Clock Bottle Goods Restricted. A despatch from Toronto says : Two hours taken off the time dur- ing which liquor may be sold in hotels aud the prohibition of the sale of bottle goods over the bar to be taken off the premises, are the principal amendments proposed in the Government's liquor license legislation this year. The bill to amend was introduced by Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, in- to the Legislature on Wednesday evening. It contains four clauses. Clause 1 seeks to define what is meant by "tavern license," which it is declared shall mean a license for selling liquor for consumption only on the licensed .premises in which the liquor is sold. Clause 2 amende the section of the act respecting shop licenses. Mr. Hanna pointed out that in Toronto a tavern license cost $1,600 a year and a shop license $1,000. The dif- ference between tavern licenses and shop licenses is carried through in large cities, but in smaller places it was the same for either. This amendment brings the price of shop licenses up to tavern licenses, and the Province takes possession of the increased revenue. In clause 3 it is provided that "any livery stable or other build- Ing to which the public are in the habit of resorting" is included un- der section 50 of the act. This makes it possible to prosecute where liquor is found on such a place, as the law now applies to boarding- houses or other places maintained Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded Breadstufls. | do., secondd. $4.90: do., strong bakera'. $4- 15 Ontario flours with i '0; do.. Winter patent*, choice. $5.25; do., me W to $1 95 Mon" I stnuitht rollers. $4.85 to 84.90; do., straight reai'or^for^nui'freiithts' Manitoba* Frst j rollers, bage. 2.20 to *2.3S. Rolled oate. -- '-bin 8435; do., bags. 90 Ibs.. 203. Bran $20. Shors-822. Middllngs-125. Mouil- patents. m~juIe"baBS."SS367Beoond pat- bblj... I4J5: do.._bags.. 90..1bs.. . . ent*, in -jute baits. 4.80; strong bakera , in jute buiSH. (4.60. Manitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northern. 98!-2c on track. Bay ports: No. 2 at 9554c; No. 3 at 9J 1-Zc, Bay porta Ontario Wheat No. 2 white and red wheat. 94 to 96c. outside, and upruuted. 75 to 88c. Oatg Ontario oat*. 33 to Mr, outside, and at 37c on track. Toronto. Western Can- ada oats. 41 l-2c for No. 2 and 39 1-Ze for . . lie. 8JO to $35. Hay No. 2. per ton. oar lota. 811.50 to 812.50. Cheese Finest West. TI:K. lie: do., finest Ea sterna. 121-4 to 123-4o. Butter Choicest creamery. 32 to 33o: do., seoondn. 28 to 30r. EKS Fresh. 22 to 23o. Potatoes Per bag. uar lot*. 50 to 65c - Winniwit. April 15. Cash prioe Whea* No. 1 Northern. 893-4c; No. 1 do.. 871-8c; No. 3 do.. 841-Scr No. 4. 807-8c: No. 5. 76o; good No. 6. 701-2c: feed. No. 1. 601-2. Beiected No. 3. Bay DorU. Peas 90o to $1. outside. Barley Porty-oig-lit-lb. barley of . . . . . . duality 51 to 53c, outside. Seed. 40 to 50c. for seeds- No. 1. 051-2c: No. 2. 81c: No. S. Corn No. 3 American corn. 611-2 to 62c. 78c Rejected t<-nh No. 1. Kl-tc- No. 2. all rail . j 81e; No. J. 771-2o. Winter wheat No. 1, Rye Prices nominal. I 92o: No. 2. WJ-8c; No. 3. 863-8c: No. 4 Buckwheat No. 2 at 52 to Sic. outside. !831-8r. Oat--No. 2 white. 341-c; No. S Bran Manitoba bran. $20. in bags. To- white. 32c: extra No. 1 fed. 33< No. t roii to freight. aborts. 821.50. Toronto. feed. 32n: No. 2 feed. 29!-2c. Barley No. - ; 3. We; No. 4. 481-4c: rejected. 42c: feed. 41o. Country Produce. Flax-No. 1 N. W. C.. 81.111-2. Butter Dairy printa. phoic-e. 26 to CTc; do tubs. 25 to 26c: inferior. 21 to 22c; ; United State* Markets. creamery. 32 to Sic for *ol!t. and 29 to 30o Minneapolis. April 15. Wheat Mar. for solids. 871-R to 87!-4c; Julv. 893-8 to 811-2c: Sep- KBBH Case loU sell at 21c here. and 18c t ember. 90 1-8 to 90 l-4c. Caeh No. 1 hard, outside. '89 l-8o; N-i. 1 Northern. 871-4 to 88c: No. I ! Oheese 14 l-2o for larce. and 143-4c for Northern. 85 to 861-2o. Corn No. 3 yel- twinB. ' low. 52 to 52 l-2o. Oats No. 3 white. 31 J-4 I Beans-Hand-picked, 12.35 per bushel; to 32c. Rve No. 2. 56 to 58c. Bran 815.58 ; primes. $2.25, in a jobbinic way. i to 816. Flour-Price* unchanged. Honey Extracted, in tins. 12 1-2 to 13c per Buluth. Anril 15.- Wheat On tmark. No. Ib. for No. 1. wholesale: comb. $2.50 to 1 bird. 885-8c: No 1 Northern. 875-8e: No. 83 per dozen for No. 1 and $2.<0 for No. 2. 2 Northern. 8458: Montana No. 2 hard, MAN WHO OFt'KRS TO FLY ACilOSS AILAMK. S. F. Cody, the English aviator, who has entered as a contestant for the $50,000 prize offered by the London Mail to the first man who crosses the Atlantic Ocean in a hydro-aeroplane in seventy-two hours. for the accommodation of the pub- lic. Clause 4 makes it illegal for bars to be opened before 8 o'clock in the morning. The present law allows bars to open after 6 o'clock. MISTRESS OF SEA AND AIR. SEVEN PEOl'LK KILI.ED. And Thirteen Injured in Montreal Traiu \Vreck. A despatch from Montreal says : Seven persons are dead and fifteen are injured as the result of the de- railment of an excursion train on Sunday afternoon on the Chambly branch of the Central Vermont Railway, about four and IETTEI FBOI TORONTO Poultry-Chickens, 17 to 19c per Ib; fowl. 13 to 14c; ducks. 16 to 18c per Ib: ireese. 17 to 18c; turkeys, 20 to 2!c. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. Potaoea Good Ontario stock. 60c per bau. on track, and Delawaros at 70 to 72c per bag. ou track. ,^ Provision!. Bacon Long clear. 15 to 151-2c per Ib. in case lots. Pork Short out. $26 to 127; do.. mi's*. $21.60 to $22. Hamn Vcdium tu light. IB 1-2 to 18 We; heavy. 161-2 to 17c; rolls. 16c: breakfast bacon. 191-2 to ZOc; backs. 221-2c. Lard Tlercee. 14 Me; tuba, 141-2c; pails, M*4o. WHAT ,3 INTERESTING THE PEOPLE OF ; f THE CITY AT THE PRESENT TIME. 885-Bo : May. 88 5-8c bid; July. 90 l-4c ankd| September. 90 '-4<- bid. Linceed On track, 1.261-2 to $1.27; to arrive. S1.27; May. *!.- 271-2; July. $1.297-8 bid; September. IL. 311-4 bid; October. $1.311-4 aeked. > Livo Stock Markets. Montreal. Anril 15.-Oood steers. $7 to $7.25. fair at $650 to *6.75. and the lower eradon from $5.25 to $6.25 ner cwt. Choice butcher*' oown, $6.25 to $6.50. *ood $5.75 to *6. anil tho more common tock nolrt from that down t<> $4. while bulls ranged from $4 to $6.50 ner cwt. Rheeo. $8 per cwt. and lambs at M to $10 each, as to tise and quality. Calves ranged from $1.50 to $11 each, as to dire and ouality. Haiti ol selected loin of hogs at $10.50 to $10.60 pel cwt.. weighed off car. Toronto. April 15 -Cattle Thoico. $6.51 to $7.00: choice butcher, $6.50 to $6.85; gond medium, $6 to S6.50: common, $5 tn $5.25i cows. 5.25 to (6: hullo. $5.2S to $6: can- ners. $2 to $2.50. M.25 to 83.7S. OalvcB- (!<Kid veal. $5 tn $7; choice. $8.50 to $9| common. K to I3.2S. Stockeni and feed, eni- Steers. 700 to 1.000 pound*, $4.50 t $5.75; yearlings. $310 to $3.50; extra choir* heavy feeders. 900 pounds. $5.85 to *6 em. No. 2. 41 l-2c: do.. No. 3. 381-2 to 39c: Milkers and stirimters-From $50 to $7S do., sxtra No. 1 feed. 40 to 40 1-Zc. Barley I Sheen and lambs- Lijtht ewe, $6 to' $7.25| -Man. fed. 51 to 52c; do., malting, 70 to heavy. $5 to $6: lambs. $8.25 to SlOi buck* 75c. Buckwheat-No. 2. 56 to 58e. Flour- $4 50 to $6. HogH-$9.60. fd and watered! Baled Hay and Straw. H:iicd Hay- -No. 1 at $12 to $12.25, on track. Toronto: No. 2. $10.50 to $11, Mixed bav ii quoted at $.50 to $10. ' BaU-d Straw J8.50 to $9, on track. To- ronto. Montreal Markets. The Suffragettes ar* Disappointed A Real Man gprini wheat patents, flrsts, $5.40; '$9:25 to $9.3oTo.b.."and $9.85 off cars. Militant Quiet In the Legislature- | __ , The Wall Street of Canada. are frankly disap- to i their iwats. 'Phone who are will be read- ; III* newspapers and writing letter* for the moat part. Here and there a member will nothing but listening to the Enoruioua Scheme IMannrd to Aid ^British Defences. A despatch from London, says : Claude Grahame- White announces that he has submitted to th Gov- ernment a scheme for putting avia- tion in Great Britain on a sound basis. He has undertaken, with a group of financiers, to find $10,000,- 000 with which to establish aero- dromes in all big cities, buy hydro- aeroplanes and dirigible balloons and train every year 500 pilots for the arniy and 600 more for the navy. The Government Ls considering the offer. >0 MORE MEKT1NUS. , I I f t! T I ' IHJluiell til '11*1 rrWlUlB ''I .11* ' TJOW,I p i,,. UUIIIK II,HM..IK H a nail miles out 01 Ot. Lambert. I obtain uonrowious irom Use Provincial speaker, but not doing that very atten- The tram was carrvi/lir about TOO ! legislature at thi SOMIOU. They had tiv.-ly. This apparent inattention does not ii *"""> ' > llo d ul | oai , t UIBt ll)e iranc-uiou now bother Mr. Studholme in th least. He passengers who had taken acivailt- granted iu muiin-UMi anaira would bu ex- m .,vi thu chairs in the immediate. viciu age of .1 free trip given by real es- tate agents to prospective purchas- tuudoU to it wider aphuro of politicn, and itv of his denk out of the way and then on wore tbaii one otx;uion. when there proceeds to walk up and down the ipace an a powibility of a discussion on the provided, talking as h moves. 8om of at Alh-ii idivisici I nutijoct iu too legislature, they hava at- the member* of the Cabinet, anxious to LDQivision, I lsnut . d tlw UoU8B , lu n 1(jmj> filling the along with biwimws. used to show im- aild was returning to M'JUtreill at j nubile galleries anil overflowing- into tho natience at Mr Studholme's loquacity, but utu parti ol thu L*;giBlative now they know what to expect, and as In any caso It ie useless to try to bead him a speed between 20 and 30 miles an hour, when from a yet unknown cause the engine and the three first coaches left the rails a few hull- 'nVil'ifaiit'lieado'rs i"r'Eiiitiuiid. vn when oourwe. labor subjects, and on man <lwl vj.r,U th ntVinr *\t\P> nf fchi U go to Ui length of bomb throwing theH he bus views to which, in thi retl yarus tne Oin - aU(J oth<jr 8erioU8 duglrUL . t iun of property, little exception can be taken. Sunlight C'lty subdivision, near i Almost unanimously, however. Lauadian ; Most of the leaders of the Canadian off they have to let him have hie nay with HUIfraKO movement profetts to be iu ab- as good grace as possible, olutu sympathy with the tactim of ^he Mr. Studholme^s spi-ctaltii_ _are, of eory. ('ro.nfi,.l<l stitiiiti The i utfraTefU; declare that militant methods OreenhelU Station. lne Hremed as r.,000 To Buy Five Feet Squars, 1X! nol. required in Caniida. Hremed as : Another high figure has boon recorded dead: J. Moses, fireman, Mont- 'to whoro the dietinction comoe in between f or (j owu -town real estate. Tho Canadian rani T T -i,. , t- Mil Dnili-t Strppf Canada and Britain, they are not always n a nk of Coramnrcii has i;ur< liased the pro- real , J. L.acoste-r'JUl eu, doiir m th(jjr allltwt)rt , rho U premo con- o ,, rly whu-li the M.-Omkcy restaurant. and the olhr i on|t a i a ,,,i lna rk on King Ht.. ia situ- vote U right aUM i. Th uri.-o paid wa $11.060 foot tol . a won iun as much an it f ,,,,,1 ago. While thin ,s the M-...I.I lugli- Montreal; Margaret Deer, 10 years i tuiitiou of ar. Fankhural ,A,I tna ( ,.i.,, ^trt.f P<,int <^f null i-aico JciwIcTM is. th;il UiS <w ftret folllt OC. ,A,I tna ( ,.i.,, old, 109 <_onwaj Drastic Order of Police Prefect of St. Petersburg.. A despatch from St. Petersburg says : The prefect of police, on Wed- nesday, issued a drastic order pro- hibiting meetings of all kinds, and also street demonstrations likely to j disturb public trauquility. The prefect declares that this regulation is binding on the whole of the popu- lation of the capital, and warns the people not to participate in suc-h demonstrations, bu', to obey the or- ders of the police. Otherwise, ht says, t!.e most rigaJ measures will be taken to prevent disorders. thu fatt is that Canadian women are just wn ere tho nnco ner b<juara foot WHM high- inuvk without til* tranchise a are women in Britain. _.. Tlie MoTonktiy property ruii clear through frnm King to Melinda St. and has, 'therefore, a depth abo\ the average. wo.) oticci., KWUIU ... ;o| t . ltil[eljgllll) tor a wynian an much as it ir ,, n tago. While this is the second lugli- Unideutified man, sup- ; in lor man. On this statement the elU- ea t price ever paid for properly in To- , he rhrinHp (' P R en i '' content to bane their DSJJi.onto.lki far ** frontage Is concerned, p<M>ea to DC <- linslie, V. . r. n. e for whal , hl . y je*:ribe as justice. And there has rwi'.ly oeun several ginecr, The Glen, Que. ; unidenti- fied man, supposed to be named Ro'_-hon ; Martin White, Lafayette Avenue. Montreal South; unidenti- fied man. The injured : H. K. Raymond, Roscmount; Harry Ray- mond, Rosemount; J. Richardson, Parthenais Street; H. Tremblay, 206 Mullaley Street; Elizabeth Tho record for hiirli figures in Toronto as a retail district, in which capacity II formerly excelled. Here are now congre- gating? banks and other financial iimtitu* tious, and Toronto likes to have it describ- ed CM the Wall Street of Canada. Canadian Womsn Have Advantages. There are, however, reaitons r' ly "'i 1 ; is'held "by" tW'Mich^e property' at 5 King I tant incthode have not been i J street west, which wu sold to the Do- his life up to now. LADY SCOTT RETl RXS. Pathetic Meeting Kelwecn Her and Her Little Son, Peter. A despatch from London says i Lady Scott arrived hero on Friday afternoon, travelling overland via Brindisi. Nobody awaited her re- turn more anxiously than her three- year-old son. Peter. All morni'ig little Peter played nlxnit the house in Buckingham Palace road, run- ning from room to room, peeping excitedly through the windows. He knew his father could not come with his mother. Ae few days ago his grandmother told him "Daddy" would not come back this time, but !>erhaps would come some other time. The meeting of Ladv Scott and Peter is the greatest event in The mother Into Canada. Canadian laws are in i sev- mjni()n ]lHI ; k at , trem endou8 price of reac hed homo short] v aftor tli oral instances much more favorable to wo- $;;05 pff MQUnrw (oot men than iru the laws of Ure*t Brilnm. Jn muny pnrls O f Ontario a hundred acre o clock. Peter stood on the d For example, iu tho matter of divo i.oe. f ^ b<)UKnt r<ir $ii0 00. In the ; t rpndv tn m*ft IIPT T,i Canadian womon are on equal fooling vj ,. inlty of the corner of King and Yongo ! with men. that ii. a reason wbicn WHI 8tlx ,,,, 8 ' j t wo uld buy a plot of laud five " ^ - i .entitle a man to a divorce is milBcient ">r fe< . ( a u uare . Blight, 3S1 St. Elizabeth Street; H. a womau. This is not the case m bng- Tnc Drtcflof MS per square foot i about Tn.riarrp all! Rtropr- Vn.- ! land .- Furthermore, certain laws "; 81.50 per square inch. And it ran be eas- L,ailiarre, 41U naroor OtreBl, rta- | gard ,, Brol)e rty ure iu Canada tnor lav- i)y geen th(Jt tn<( Job <>f wll . V eyors whu than Buller, G Charbouneau Street; jorable to women than^in K"j land ; A. H. C'herrier, 718 Bordeau Street; Walter Strange, 2432 Es- I a it IB ul ion havii to verify lot nieamireinente id to be 3!?K, done with the nicety of a dnifttmian. Canada, have ATTEMPT TO SLAY ALFONSO Spanish King, Confronted by Assassin's Revolver Saves Himself by Spurring Horse A despatch from Madrid says: For the third time in his reign, King Alfonso narrowly escaped on Sunday being the victim of an An- archist attempt against his life. Three shots were fired at tho King on Sunday afternoon in the streets of the capital by a native of Barce- lona, Rafael Sanchez Allegro, -who was immediately overpowered. King Alfonso owed his life to his own courage, quickness and skilled horsemanship. Accompanied by his itaff he was riding along the Calle do Alcala on the way back from the ceremony of swearing in the re- cruits, when a man sprang from the idewalk and seized the bridle of the King's horse with one hand, presenting a revolver point blank with the other. The King took in the situation at a glance. With lightning rapidity he dug his spurs into his horse, which reared violent- ly. His quickness saved his life. The bullet, instead of burying it- self in the King's breast, struck the horse in the neck, but so clone WM it that the King's left glove was blackened by the powder dis- charge. Before the assailant was able to pull the trigger again a secret ser- vice man sprang upon him. The two men fell to the ground locked in each other's arms, struggling furiously. The assassin managed to free his revolver arm and fired two more shots in rapid succession, but the officer knocked his arm aside and the bullets flew harmless- ly through the air. At the sound of the first shot the King's staff forced their horses on the sidewalk and made a ring around the assas- sin, who fought long and fiercely in the grip of four policemen be- fore he was overpowered and hand- cuffed. King Alfonso, as soon as lie saw that the man had been secured, raised himself in the stirrups, turned to tho crwwd, gave a mili- tary salute and shouted in a ring- ing voice, "Long Live Spain." He then dismounted and reassured his staff, s-iymjj; : ''It ks nothing, gen- tlemen." ix>r- step ready to meet her. Just a single hug and kiss and just a few expressions of supreme delight and Lady Scott and little Peter wont upstairs. TO WED CZAR'S DAI (iHTER. of tho kniser Ui'trulfpa Grand Duchess Ul-,i. ,..,.. . -. i.n.-n = -vv. - A despatch from Berlin says: The Igfh'eMs'anlBngiish woman, who. initil quite JJ !.", ""of "$126.7o" per Miunri' loot. On a ' r<?r)or f i s revived that Prince Adcl- , recently, was foremost in all tliu agim- ; >iruare r<>0 t bniH the r:ent pui-cnn^ by I , ' ., iu: _j _, iU _ T ,_. critical while the injuries are sen-;tion there. She hjiipeni thr t rl "' f ; 1 ' the I 1 jail, once for smashing windows, once r< r St)i ^ amUa niarre, t'herrier, Julien and the wtw in the person of Mitw Olivia - t i-/, , j j ; She Is an KnglifUi woman, wno. mill. M- niruro 01 sizo.iu i>er MII unidentified mail are regarded as recently, was fororaunt in all tho aglta- ^ ara r<>ot OHH1H the ru. critical, while the iniurics are aeri- ; tion there. She ha spent thr<-o tonne in the Bank of comuicrce .jail, once for smashing windows, once r< r 145.95, InkiiiK hold of tho reins <>f a policeman e rno rpm oviil of sucb landmarks a Mo- horse to prevent him riding down women. ous of Tremblay, Strange and En- IfMPB UJ I I i I 1 r> . I Tr * figures out at i bert, the third son of the Kaiser, an< l tlle Grand Duchess Olgn, tho gineer Bungs. PASSENGEK DROWMCD. Declared Hie Could Walk On the Sea .is Christ Did. A despatch from Plymouth, Ens- p< )n ii,,y' 8 restaurant and grocery in. >T' Anquith's office. Mi8!i Smith in n mild-mannered lady or about 45 or 50 yearn of age. She ie groy- hnirod and not at all A in a noil i an in type. By profession she in n trained nurse, him-o living in Toronto Hbo has been assisting in OHO of tho local tea rooms. Canadian "Men Lets Brutal. 8he hax been Active In tho local suffrage land, savs : A steerage passenger of organ iziuious. As one n-nson why mm- tl, n n ,n ,,f n,,r., n thp AmRrvan tant mothodB have not been i"tro<l\iced In- ii'i BU uv pt^Toiii' iiit .^ *u l.<Jlilt?y ii i ?i*t,*i iiv **in ini^n' *" and thus interfering witli nn offloer of t a Bl<)rfl 'from King street marks tho death law on duty, and the third time for chain- knell of tn |, section of that thoronglifaro Inir herself to Uio railing In trout of 1're- ^^^^ eldest daughter of the Czar, are about to be betrothed. nnmf> i.f ITur., nn th. Amppirin name ot JMiro on tne American t<) l . allad , l ^ ,j lT08 v <>ry curious iilue- lilier St. Paul, which arrived here i tration. She say thnt Canadian men are on Friday night, who declared -W I^JfjJS^^ua* ^^jft he could walk on the sea as Christ : This i a somewhat radical ntatameut, did," jumped from the vessel 'in mid- ' ^ wh " er ^ \tt**ttBb& ocean on April 9. He was rescued u.un. but died later from the shock. He | Humors In Legislature. had read the Bible throughout the JJj ^^'^T to'tho"^ o'f voyage. DC EL WITH KNIVES. I which hae not been particularly event- 1 ful. While thero have been ulouty of do- IbaKs on various auhjects closely affec-ting tho Jlvos of the people, there have been few occasions when the parties have rel- ! IT coma to grips in nny spectacular man and Woman Have Terrible : K h * n T r y uld conimR " d tho 8 attention Just before the c loss of the scnsion Uiere ASSESSMENT LAW CHANGES Government Introduces the Measure Raises Income Exemption Farm Lands Section Repealed A despatch from Toronto says: ; limited to a householder or head of Hon. W. J. Hanna introduced into a faml ! v - It will deal with cases where tin the Legislature <5u Thursday a bill total income from all sources is not to carry out the recommendations | OV er $400, but if the income exceeds of the special assessment committee, that amount, say, $100 on real es- which met last fall. These amend- ; ta.te and $-100 from investments, the ments are throe in number: (1) The j e S snient. must he levied. Rural to'- phone lines which do raising of the exemption on per- 1 n<jt excce<1 twcll tv five miles Encounter at Fort William. ] J ^VSaore oT/ensB^on^cin-uTa'tinB''^!' I " "" K "' . 1 " 1U *'''t"" v " 'not exceed twenty five miles in . . iv-ir 'boUi ids >ra ubera l i8 "hoard report thai; sonal earnings in cities from $1,200| length, and have no more than one A despatch, fro. ' > ! i the Oovej-nmcnt had ^nothing u.oonceaj ^ $lt500; ( 2 ) and from 8900 tojswitch or party upon the same cir- s o ti - Mrs M Benjamine, 18, aim the Public Accounts Committee or o ., am rom > , ^Si a. "l,K m oo 'f.,,,;,x^i elsewhere, .nd that thoy w.r.^ther.for; 9l<80 o m towns and villages. This cult, are exempt from taxat.on. Persian, and Sam Jacobs, 29, fought I a duel with knives in the woman's j in a other hand, heard WBr9 home on Thursday. Both are. in | the hospital, the woman with a gash j purpose in the abdomen and the man with j Q,, C8 ' a(ra in Allan studbolmo, the labor 13 wounds in his chest and stomach. ;p;sib?r. or Jtyrd. ^arjv^a* ^Ji^ toj-jiN The woman may recover, but the j O f' man has little chance. Mrs. Ben- | n . i 3 u ^? gamine stated Jacobs attacked her. I applies t-o houeeholders or the heads | The clause respecting the assesa- families. ^3) X" r'p 6 *} ?t the : m.ont oMjind, JIIK|_ ]j^iW ; )igs is a_ui^ tion providing for the sjpecial as- j plified tu enable the n?*essors t' sessin*nt of farm lands in towns arrive more clearly at the intention . time <>f the Uouae. Fred McMahon, manager of the Chateau Lsurier, has been appoint- ed assist mil . ^ Ha.yter Reed, with jurisdiction over all the t'.P.R. ho- tels west of Winnipeg. He preout a with him come* ,,,. Ko has had a lona training in the labor movement and hn apparently ac- quired the habit of thinking aloud, whirh enable* him to deliver a siweoh of several hours with a minimum of preparation. When Studholme SpeaKa. To droo Into the HOIIKA o'van afternoon when Mr. Htudho>Inie in on tlft floor reveals an unueuaJ and Interentink* night. Per- haps -HKvt.bird of the membori will be la and vili' This will prevent large vacant area.s being held ftt a low asftes*ment waiting for a rise in price while the adjoining proper- ty pays it* full share of the assess- ment. Another oliange will be to raise the exemption on income derived from investments from $300 to $100. This applies generally, and is not of the law, and <liv!;ire-i what ele- ments h< iild be co isid.-rotl in de- termining the asnessme it. The law is to be made clear on the point of exempting property owned by public utility corpora- tions. This will remove any doubt regarding the assessment of nu;: - vei- pally-owned franchises like the Hy- dro-electrio.

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