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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1913, p. 3

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BT 1 ARE GROWING IN FAVOR EVERY DAY 'DODD'S SIDNEY PILLS PROV- ING THEIR VALUE AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. . Quebec Man Tells How They Helped Him and Cured Hit* Nephew of Kidney Disease. South Ham, Wolfe Co., Que., 'April 7 (Special). There is fresh proof every day that as a family medicine l)odd's Kidney Villa are growing in favor with the people of Quebec. Just to quote an exaffiple, 'Ainable Pinard of this place says, in an interview : "Dodd's Kidney Pills helped my rheumatism, backache, gravel, and heart disease, from which I suffered for twenty years. "They have not yet cured me completely, but they did completely cure my nephew, who suffered from kidney disease." ** Dodd's Kidney Pilla always cure kidney disease. They will com- plete Amable Pinard' s cure, because all the diseases mentioned are the results of kidney disease. They cured the young man's kidney dis- ease quickly, because it was taken in its early stages. Amable Pin- ard's troubles are of twenty years' standing, and take a longer treat- ment. The moral is, that if you cure your kidney disease early with Dodd's Kidney Pills, you will never be troubled with rheumatism, grav- el, arid other diseases that are caused by sick kidneys failing to d > their work. ^ Over Conscientious. Dumpleton "You're sending your daughter to a fashionable school, aren't you?" Von Blumer "Yes." "How does she like it?" "Fairly well, but she complains that she has no time to study." . MRS. LANE. Wife of the Canadian who is Minister of the Interior in the Pre- sident Wilson Cabinet. Mrs. Lane was born in Elmira, N.Y.A her dis- tinguished' husband in Prmce Ed- i ward Island. When to Wed. January brides are likely to be- come widows early. February brides will never have very happy married lives. March brides will probably make their homes abroad. Anril brides will have live* of j change, and experience many ups j and downs. May brides will enter- ; tain many strangers. June brides will find life a long honeymoon. July brides have bitter-sweet mem- ories. August brides are lucky in finding a real friend in their hus- bands. September brings a smooth and serene future to its brides. Oc- I toberonly gives a future of toil and hardship. November brides will be happy, and those who, according to the rhyme, marry "in December's oheer," will find that "Love's star burns brighter from year to year." WHEN APPETITE FAILS AND INDIGESTION IS BAD There la Danger Ahead For the Man That Neglects Nature's Warning. Dyspepsia Tendenolns art Serious and Should bo Treated Accordingly. KEEPRABYS SKIN CLEAR - I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by VISARD'S L1NIMEXT. Bay uf Islands. J. U. CAMPBELL. I was cured of Facial Nurajgia by MINAEDS LINIMENT. SDTinghill. Jt. 8. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by HINARD'8 LINIMENT. Albert Co.. N. B. GEO. TINOLET. There is a strong; moral in tbe statement of Jamea Schrum, of I'V :-ant street, Dartmouth. N. fl. Like thousands of peo- ple, lit- wat* failing in health because his stomach and digestive organx were out of repair. Hia vitality waa slipping awuy; he waa losing ground every day. ' "I could not have held 0:1 much longer. ; I was wanting uway simply be -au.'- no r remedy I muni fravu tone and strenerth to ; mv xtomach. Thn vital forces of my BTB- j tern wro dead. I was advised to try Dr. 1 Hamilton's Pills. What hidden weakness ' they searched out I dou't know, but in a miraculous way they li.iv- made a new j ' man of me. My utomach troubles are > ' cured, rk-h blood now runs through my i veinti -clear skin and unmistakable evl* dncoi of health and vigor I feel every | ' day. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have certainly i mastered the *cr*-t of curinu the uickJy enervated man and I strongly urge every- one in fiii'iniTor lost health to use this I gr:i<id remedy." Dr. Hamilton's Pilla of Mandrake and Butternut are purely ve>fetable25c. per bcu. five for $1.00. all druiRit-tH and store- keepers, or postpaid from the Catarrhosone Co.. N. T.. and Kingston, Out. | * CUT1CURA SOAP Alif etime of disfigurement and suffer- ing often results from the neglect, in infancyorchiklhood, of simple skin af- fections. In the prevention and treat- ment of minor eruptions and in the promotion of permanent skin andhair health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment- are absolutely unrivaled. Cutlourm Soap and Ointment an - I ! thnmthout the world. A liberal (ample f each, wltD 32-paca booklet in the CATO ana iremtnient ol tbe skin and aualp, Mnt poat-free. Addrws Pntuir Dratf & Cbem. Cora., Dapt. 13D, BtKttiu, U. S. A. She Was Prepared. He "Will you marry me?" She "You must si>eak to mamma first." He "But you say she has gone away for a month." Sb.e Yes, but she left her consent in the phouograph." Hlnard'i liniment Curet Colds, Eta. Sometimes. "Do you think a woman believes you when you tell her she ia the first girl you ever loved?" "Yes, if you're the- first liar she ever met." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qninina Tablet.. Pruf girte refund money It it (all* U^oure. Vf . Kc. UROVE'3 viguatur* it on each box. An Anful Strain. "Remember. Arthur, you are the son of a gentleman 1 . Try to behave like one for just one day." "All right, mother, but it will spoil the -whole day for me." When Trv "urine Eye Remedy fj^4 fm Try ttfur Red. Wwrt, Wtry Kjriviimi f V U Onuulttxl Kyellds. Hook __ In .,!! IVkxre. tirKINB It con- f_ ^/ 1Q ^S pound**] b/ uurl'cuHiile- not A'-fBtent mm ^f ^_ HUlrla >1 bMtuiircllniucrawrulPh;il. MM ^ ^ fM eland' fn.'! for many \ ->un Sow |W 98 IS U dedicated to t'i PubMo and - .! by ~~ DragBUtBatSbo-SOeper bottl*. Murio^ f^ 3 f* C '>" balve In Aaptlc Tuheo, -...:.^\ T Murlne E>e Remedy Co.. Chlcu* The man who stands on his dig- nity never gets so tired as he makes other people. Mlnard'i Liniment Curei Diphtheria. The Easiest Task. Probably the easiest task is for a poor man to tell what a rich man should do with his money. "Let us go into this department store until tho shower is over." "I prefer this harness shop," said her husband. "You wou't see so many things you want.'' TRAIN KD M'RSE Remarks About Nourishing Food. "A physician's wife gave rue a package of Grape-Xuts one day. with the remark thai she was sure I would find the food very bene- ficial, both for my own use and fur my patients. 1 was particularly attracted to the food, as at that time the weather was very hot and 1 appreciated the fact that Grape- Nuts requires no cooking. "The food was deliciously crisp, and most inviting to the appetite. After making use of it twice a day for three or four weeks, I discover- ed that it was a most wonderful in- vigorator. ' I used to suffer greatly from exhaustion, headaches and de- I pression of spirits. My work had been very trying at times aud indi- gestion had set in. "Now I am always well and ready for any aniuunt of work, have an abundance of active ener- K.v. chet-rfulness and mental poise. I have proved to my entire satis- faction that this change has been brought about by Grape-Xuts food. "The fact that it is predigested is a very desirable feature. I have had many remarkable results in feeding Grape-Nuts to my patients, | aud 1 cannot speak too highly of the food. My friends constantly com- ment on the change in ray appear- ance. 1 have gained 9 pounds since beginning the use of this food." 'There's a reason." Head tho 1 little book, "The Road to Well- I ville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new oni appears from time to time. They art genuine, true, and full of human Interttl. Revision. "Did you ever tell that young man that late hours were bad for one!" asked the father at the breakfast table. "Well father," replied the wisn daughter, "late hours may bo bad for oue, but they're all right for two." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druxKtxt will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro auy case of Itch- init. Blind. Blooding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 daya. 50o. He'll Need That Miu-h. Hipson I've nearly fourteen thousand dollars saved. Nipper What arc you saving for? Hipson I'm going to build a ten-thousaud- dollar house. Mlnard'* Liniment Cure* Dlttinoer. PRINCE MAY VISIT BKRI.IN. His German Is Less Serviceable Than His French. Th? Prince of Wales' s present, visit to Germany is to b* th first . of two visits, the second to take place during the long vacation, when it is probable that he will visit Berlin as well as Mecklenburn-Stre- litz. The Prince's Qernmn is f&irly serviceable, but it is lean BO than hia French. This is natural enough, for de- spite his ancestry the Queen has ne- | ver carried his -German education [ very far. the reason probably be- i ing that her German governess proved antipathetic, while her French lectrico, Mme. Bricka, be- 1 came aa intimate friend and is still the most frequent guest at the small i private dinners ut the palace, when the conversation is carried on in French. The King's French, as is well known, is not very good, nor is his! German remarkable. It is under- , ! stood that King George determined ' ; that the Prince of Wales, when his ! time came, should be trained in i language* so that he could follow King Edward in the round of Euro- , pean visits. EMIGRATION FROM BRITAIN. Increasing Tendency to Move to British Countries. The annual report on the Emi- grants' Information Office states that '28,156 letters were received in 1912, a decrease of 6.9 per cent. Enquiries leading to the United States decreased by 14. S per cent, and were only 1.1 per cent, of the total number of enquiries received. There was a net movement from the United Kingdom for places out of Europe of -2B8.486 passengers of Bri- tish origin in 1912. as compared with 201.809 in 1911. The net move-merits to the various countries were as fol- lows : 1912. 1911. Canada 133.531 134.765 Australia 68.683 58.337 New Zealand.. 11.054 9,432 United States . 45.847 49,732 South Africa .. 4,233 7,52 - There is an increasing tendency, the report says, on the part of Bri- tish emigrants to proceed to other ports of the Empire rather than to foreign countries. The number of immigrants enter- ing Canada increased from 350.374 in 1911 to 395.804 in 1912. Of the latter 145.659 were of British origin, 140,143 were Americans, and 103.- 602 were of other nationalities. Thirty-four per cent, of the Ameri- can settlers were of the farming class, and the actual wea'.f'i brought into Canada by American immigrants exceeded 4,800.000 during 1912. Thoroughly Ventilated. "What you need most," sakl the physician after he had examined the patient, "is plenty of ventilation."; "Gee, doctor," the sick man re-] pl'ed, "you must be mistaken. I've ' beeii operated on three times in the past year and a half." DODD'S KIDNEY 'i. PILLS .^ t>. 7. liSSl'E 15 '!. Find >c\v Silk Worm. A worm ha>s been found in East Africp. which produces in th wild state quantities of silk, and fac- tories are being put up to "utilize this silk. The worm in quostion is the larva of the anaphe moth. From a do/en to a hundred of them make a net in common an<i thus the co- coons are prcduoed on a wholesale scale, &ays the "Pathfinder." When the butterfly ia hatched it secretes a liquid which unseals the cocoon ami it then e-scape.3 without injuring tho silk. Thus the amount of human labor involved is much less than with the Asiatic silkworm. True greatness never goes to a man's head. If you utilize the time wasted in waiting, it ia not wasted. i ~The Fhinilv Friend fbr yers." A never relief for Croup nd Whosin Cough. Vll.I.AGK WITHOUT SUNLIGHT From November I" mil Feb. 14 No Hay Penetrates the Valley. In the valley of the Lyn near [Lynmouth, North Devon. England, there is a quiet little hamlet called Middle-ham, where for three months in the year the sun is not seen. The cluster of house* forming the j hamlet is surrounded on all sides by hills so steep and high that from November until February the sun does not rUo high enough to be seen ovc.r their tops. The first appearance of the sun is eagerly looked for. and a it is first seen ou Feb. 14, the- inhabi- tants call it their valentine. If the day should be - f oggy or cloudy, so that it cannot be sen, there is great disappointment, espe- cially among the children. For the flrst few days after the 14th the sun is. seen only for a very short time, but as the sun risea higher in the he-avons the- time it is in sight increases daily until its height is reached, when it gradual- ly begin to fade from view until in November it entirely vanishes from sight for another three months. ^ i|, ^ _^ Another Caso of Blond Poisoning lvn- : , , ,1 In paring hla rorim wliji a rarer r-'nniuh wliQ vure U no Diiilp|.o and oure with Putnam's Corn Eitriwtor. 1 T I'lHiiam'n only -It's OH- best-ic:\r- imtwil and painlew, price ffio. at all deal- ATI. HE SENT HIS -BEST" REMEDY The young daughter of Mrs. T. S. Dougall. 5L'3 Flora Avenue, Winni- peg, was arranging some of her doll's washing on a clothes rack, beside the stove, when she fell, and her hand came in contact with tho hot stove. She sustained a serious burn, and her screams brought her mother quickly to the spot. "I sent to the druggist for the best remedy he had for burns." she says, "and he sent back a box of Zam-Buk. He said that there w.-is nothing to equal it. I applied this. aud it soothed the pain so quickly that the child laughed through her tears. 1 bound up the hand in Zam-Buk, and each day applied Zam-Buk frequently and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. "The little one was soon able to go on with her play, and we hnd no trouble with her during the time the burn was being healed." All druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk at fifty cents box : and Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. A woman visiting a butcher shop called for a piece of beef. The butcher, in weighing it. had his hand on the scales.- The lady, pick- ing up a sharp knife and handing it to the butcher, remarked: "I. haven't any use for it, but you may cut it off, and I'll take it along, anyhow." "Cut it off! Cut what off!" asked tho butcher. "Your hand ; you weighed it." BURIED TREASURE FOUND. I-'iie Jars of Gold Dug Up In Sur- rey Is Reported. A story of buried treasure on a large scale comes from Haalemere, England. A Burbiton resident, writing in * Surrey newspaper, in responsible for the details. "Certain information," h write*, "regarding some private property in the vicinity of Haalemere haa re- cently cease into my possession which I think should be made pub- lic. "Some years ago my informant, while working on some land, un- earthed a large earthenware jar. se- curely sealed. On account of the great weight and curious design he at once took it to his employer, the owner of the property. Together they opened it, and found it to be full of gold coins. "The owner, realizing that the great value of this find to him de- pended on secrecy, promised my friend a third of thia and any other treasure they might find. "A fence was put up, and excava- tions have been quietly carried on during the night until recently, re- | suiting in the discovery of five more jars of gold and two containing an- cient jewellery of immense value. In one of the jars a document was found written in Latin giving an account of the treasure, and stat- ing that fifty jars altogether of jew- els and gold were hidden, being buried in the form of a circle." New Treatment Now Advocated For Bronchitis Is Having Wonderful 8u:ces, and Is Making Matt Remarkable Cures. For bronehltli a different form of treat- ment iM now advocated. It <-ousi: ;ii of tH'ientinVally devised vapor that HVIU- trati'8 to tho uttermost rer<v*n of the limits aud bronchial tubes. livery cpoi that is sore, every surface that is irri- tated ia at once bathed with seining. li.i'.t- 'HUM aud iu>ai.iiK ..i-un that ui.iki- chronic bronchitis an impossibility. This treatment uow so univerrully em- ployed in bronchitis, throat trouble?, eolds. etc.. Is colled CATAURliOZONE. It acts .just us air of the pino vroodu acts, aa a heuliiiic antieentic remedy for all diseaaee of tho broaching oreann. JUKI think of it a remedy ran be carried with the, very air you briMtho to tlia Bt-iit of bronchlr.J or r:itarrh;il In- flammation. A remedy powerful enough to kill germ life and yet en healing thu! disease flees before iu Calarrhoione i truly a wonderful remedy. In many liindH it baa won its way. and in afford- ; iue irr:ind results to suirerern from ooldu. catarrh, throat wcakuep;<. .11:111 aud bronchitis. There IB no miffuixT from a *ripuy cold or any winter ill. Uiat wna't find a cure in Catarrhoione, which ia eJi- ( ployed by physicians, ntiniatoro. lawyers nd DUblic men throuahout many foreign ; lauda. Largo size lasts two months and rorttx 81.30 and in guaranteed ; small cite i 5Cc., fmmvlti *::.e 15c.. all sUirokueucru and drufrffists. or I'hc Catarrhoficnu Co., Buf- falo, N, Y-. and Kingston, Canada. LKA1HKK BEING INVKM'ED. fjcrtnnn Substitute Is Fungus i.ii'.\ili ou Gelatine. One cf the latest German patents ! protects a method of preparing a substance which it is asserted can be used as a substitute for leather. This "all leather" substance is prepared from a special mil-dew or fungus grown on gelatine or a simi- lar substance. Various kinds of fungi can be grown by planting their spores on tho gelatine surface "and then keeping the surface wet. Some of the growths are colorleae, others have red, brown, gray or even bluish tints, and all the lighter shades seem capable of taking dye. The leather produced up to now | has been thin,, very soft and rather weak. The inventors are, however, now ' working to get a stronger material j by the addition of white of egg or glue, by means of which it is hoped that several thin layers of the new product may be tanned together j and that there will be no limit to [the thickness of the new material. The New Way. Clara "They say that one even- ing's dance is equivalent to walking 10 miles." Maud "That was the old stvlo. ; Now it's equivalent to climbing | about 100 trees." A GOOD HABIT Tea when you are tired, particularly if it's UPTON'S TEA Goes farthest for the money Long Wearing GLOVES If you are looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican S:iake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or a new pair frea ask your dea>r for E.B.K.Pin'oSheUGloves These are the bst wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for interesting story "The Pinto'e Shell". HUDSON BAY IKNITOMG CO. CanxU'i Expert GUte and Mill eUkeri. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALC. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Coiborne Street, Toronto. fl OOD KTOCK KAHM OK WO ATUK9 f with Tlirec TTr, use . : lnrjr<> Dank Barn. Must be KiM nuick Prlro In ry low. SE EVKRAL DKRIRABLK FARMS IX 'ibn Alberta anil Hiskatchewan that ran !>e bought. Worth the money for qtilok M! THAVE OVER ONE HfNDRKD HOOD farms in different eeetionn of Ontario nn my lit. If you want a farm consul! Toronto ONK HfNDKKD ACRES IN LAMBT'lJ? t'.ui'ty: i"iil rlay and r!ay loam: 2 acri'H tijibar: 3 ucres orc.hard: bi'lldl'iga in :!..- condition. Clow to market and Ka:'.wsy .Station. Anxious to nell. The UV-,rrn K..t.i: t - KxchaiiKt>, Londun, Ont. IJV\KM IN SASKATCHEWAN -Eljrip. 1. ped: iu crop: mun! sell; u-rma eney. PtTrv Lovp. Hnwnrden. 9ask MALE r*?LP WANTED. 4 T ONI i: MI:N TO LKARN j^V tr<nie: rijHTt instruction: oon:itaM. ur-tioe: t4Mjl trw; alwnys mire employ- ment for barber. Writ<- for catalogue. M.-!pr (.Vlli-gp. 221 f>uwn K.. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS ^J TAM1> COLLKClOKw-liCNUttKLi D1K- 1^ Icrctit Koreign Stamp" Catalogue. Album, milr Nrvan Cent* llarki Blamg Comp.uiy. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUft. CAM'KR Tt MO:i> LL'llr"*. KH,. Internal and eiiprnal. cured with* out nain bv our home treatment Wrlti in beforo too tt Dr Bellmnn Mciliotl Cr\ T.'TT>i**d Cot M n "Tf>AH Ont (1 il.l. nlU.Nr>3. MU.Nt.l A.NLl KLAlv T der Blones. Kiduoy trouhle. Qrael. Lumbago a:id klndrrtl ailmont^ pnpitirely cured with thn new German Remedr. Rauol " price Jl.SO. Another new remejf for Dibete-M**l! Inia. aud pnrn cnrfl. te Kanol'e Anli-Diahi-teii." Price 12.00 from <(--:L- .-: or direct The Rinnl M i:i,i'> turinK ruiniinnr cf Canada. LiuiiteJ. Wtnnlppff. Ifati MAXWELL'S la In a c'aaa br Ittelf -the aisles) running, liie most stibeiantsaMy built, Ihs most lalislaciory INFLAfWiUKY RHEUMATISM Conquered by GIN PILLS Mr. W. G. Reid, Hamilton, Ont, wtites: "I have bceu for the last two years a cripple with Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I tried almost everything known to medical science aud nought change of climate without relief. Your manager in this city rcoomtrcuded Gin IMHs and I have since taken ri^ht boxes and am now cured. I consider Gin Pills the conqueror of Rheumatism and Kidney Disease". joe. ft box. 6 for $2.50. Sample frj if you write National Drug ami Chemicnl Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. i JJ quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heals ho throat and lungs. :: :: .3 cer.ta. Man Who Mitd 100 I'ipes. A wife who oltained a judicial separation from her rmsba-ixl told a curious story at the South- western (London, England, 1 ) police court. She was Annie Traves, of 15 Farlow Road, Putney, and she stated that her husband, a master carpenter, would only allow her twopence a day to get dinner, though he had about 180 at tho bank. "What does he do with his money?" inquired the Magistrate. "He spends it in clothes, pipes and other things," was the reply: "He has 100 pipes, between fifty a:id sixty wYkini? sticks and innumer- able pairs of boots." Comparative Values. Knieker- A bird in the hand is worth two i'i tile bush. Rocker And a bird in the bush is worth two in the cat. Mlnard's Llnlmont Curci Garget In Cov Why They Fail. It takes sn'iK- people so long to be sure they are right that they never get time to go ahead. Honesty is a sort of boomerang, with a delightful habit of coining home to roost. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are just the right medicine for the children. VYhrn they are constipated when their kidneys are out of order when over-indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken orgripc, like harsh purgative*. Guard your children's health by always, keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Rout Pills in the house, They n Hoop the Children UTU

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