^April 3 1913 THE F L E S H E 11 f O N ADVANCE TH K /tcobcrton An independent newspaper, puulinlieil every Thiimday at th* nrtic, Ciillingwuod Sirvct, Kleslierton. Subscription price ill IHT annum. when |id In advance; tl.W when not *<> ] :iil .Vdverluiuft rU? "Q n|>|>licatiun. Circulat on 1. li>" wrkly. VI?. H. Tliumtoii - Editor A Chance for Fanners The IJinrd i.f Agri-u'ture is an organ!/.*' tiuu toinp. bed nf representatives from n\ the fUnnei*' I'lub* in the c 'Unty i.f Giey. The object of tin* Bourd u to pivid the goud agricultural possibiliiies of the county to every crrHtuiv. nnd u> induce others to come and inke up our vacant farms and make tliviu bettor than they Ma. The Hoard ii'ti" hopes to give yeatar incentive tothu firmurs lu> are at present in the county nd auixt them to d'> bettor wcirk thin tlity are doing no*. Il was thought liy the iiiL-inljeis of the Board that n applo exhibit ;it the- To ronto Klower, Fiuit and H.-ncy Show and prizes oft-red f.-r the best sto.k from the ciuoty at lliu Guelph Winter Kuir would lie im iiulucement for Grey FarinerK to put forth their bel elloiU nod hrlj> In adveitiae theouelvM and thu county to ibe ret of the prorino*. T< further thia end the County Cotinc.l w*s ppr<*ch*d.and asked for grunt cf &( Tli'K the intmheiH of the council gave nd now it is up to ihe farmers of tht county to do thier -h.-ur. One Hundred 1> !;.i- are divided us follows UK pi i/.es at the Winter Fair to be held in Gueiph in December 1913: Sheep, bin)? \Vi),,l-lst W.UO; '2nd $4.00; Medium Wool -1st 8tt.W>; 2nd 94.00. Swine, Best Bacon II j r.i y breed lt, 110.00; 2nd, &>.<>. Beef Cattle i - i o( hrifci) 2 yr. n> d under- 1st *10. L'nd *.Y Horses, (ny draft bierd) Mnri! 01 <Soldine-l.it 10, 2nd *.'; Stallion* lit 912, 2nd *H. To b raiM-il in <5rev I'.ui.'y. and to be owned by cxliibitur at UMS! three in-mihH previous tobhow. The flJOO Ins I..-, n pet uside for the (facipi^of uu apt li' exhibit in Toronto IB November hurt- U it hop.-d that all fruit {{rowers I! nsitist with thin work. JJore about tliii la'er. In Memoriam R biiiHon- Tn loiiujj iiiemo'y of Mr. K i Hob -iifoii, be'ovrd daughter of Mr. mil Mrs. Gi'iu'ijf Whilooak, Fevenlmili. Si. mi- day, 801110 time, our eyes slinil MO The face wo loved no well ; Some day our hands hll cUsp in hera Aiid never say farewell The tluwpis vi- lay iipun the ({rave May wither and decay. But the love f'T her win. sleeps l-iu>ath v\ ill nt-ver fade away. Al : J*T to MAIL CONTRACT SKA LED TENDERS addressed the I'ostimnter General, will he received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 25ih April tl)13, for the conveyance i.f His Mnjeniy'.s Mails on a proposed Con- tract for four year.", nix times per week each w:iw between Eppitigadd Rocklyn and Six times per week over Rural Mail Route from Meaford, Via Griersville. Ontario from the I'nst Master General's Pleasure Printed notice rout lining further in- f 'filiation as to conditions f propom'i Contract may be .- -n and blank furnib of Tender may I e obtained at tho Post Olh'icen of Eppinu, Mt-iford, Grii r<ville, Kocklyn, Kairinoiiir. un 1 at the OHi.'e oi the Post Office Tt.s|wctor at Torcmto. Post OHice Depiirtrn-n', Mil Sertice |-.,i.:.. Ottawa. M .. . .'ith, l!U"i. G. C. ANDKUSON. Superintendent " Looking back* I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Fleshier-ton J*- Tonsorial IT- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire .Satisfaction LArNDKY Bisket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We are agenU for Parker's Dye Works CI'itlieN cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, PROPRIETOR MAIL CONTRACT SK\I,H> TKN'DFKS it,j<ln-so(l to the I'J't- master Ciuneral. will bo received ot Ottawa until no., ii. on Krl.lav tlio 2nd Mav. r.i|:; for theconvevance of Hit Majoiiy'* Mails ou a |iro|iot<l Contract for four j-)r ai* times per week each wa\ Over Rural Mail Route, from Fleaherton, Portlaw way .Ontario, to commence at tho Pleasure of the Powtumstur (ifueral !';.' 1 notice*, containing further ioforina- tion ta condition* of |iro)>uii.Ml Contract may I)., -.-i n and blank fornn ol Tender may l/o obtained at the I'oul Office* of I'irtlaw. Plesherton, and at thn Offlcu of the MM OtHcu 1 Director at Toronto. I'oatOirii'o Uo|iarluii<nt. Mali Suffice Uraiich. Ottawa. -.iJtli Mar i'li, I'.n i O. C. UiDEItSON, F. R W. H1CKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Suggestions ALL NEW GOODS-ALL REASONABLY PRICED The lines mentioned below just hint at some of our New Showings We slmll be pleased to have you coma in tul see them. We are mre you will be pleastd. D. & A. NONRUSTABLE CORSETS Xew 1913 Model perfect fitting-- Stylish and Comfortable. All sizes from 1 H to 30 \vaigt Prices from .~>0c to $3.50 Snr&Ut*t Foot Wear* We're showing a ve'y .-utiactive 1'i.nue of Spring Footwear lor men and women this season. T*n, Gun Metal .u il l'i>. nt l.i'H'hris ure the fnvorites the high toe and the new receding roe are both represented. The .i-'i.n mi H' of mx-'s IH coiiiplrte, anl cur purchnsti were nude before the recent advances in leather. Our values are exceedingly good. -See oui- Ladies' Sp<cial >t S3. 00 Sec our Men's Special t S4.50 'Tin- Siniirtest Footwear (or Littlb Folks ever shown here. You must see them. LADIES' WASH DRESSES New Styles made up in Prints, Zephyrs, Perhaleg and Cham orays Colors include light, medium and dark Hues, greys blacks and whites, tan, red and pink, beautifully finished stylish fit and cut. Size 32 to 42 Bust, Prices 31.UO to.., . 13.50 new Ulall Papers This nek we pi <c our I'M.'! selection <>n rale You'll tii- i 'l.r-,- inex pensive ami very nrtistic. New Designs and Coloring*. Prices from 10c to 50c per double roll Curtain IHuslins and Bungalow nets Our new patterns include the prettiest designs in white cream and drab shades. These goods are in great demand . Prices from lOo to 60c per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Look ! Listen ! i Goats Are Wanted During th- put few iii'.nlhs Ilu Live KtocV JSrancli .,f the Dominion Dopart- MOt <>f Agriculture hat betn in receipt of nuinerouH inijuirieit as to where it <ni"lit be |i(ishibl<: t purchase i-iiher An- yiiorMilch ij'iaU. I'- would appear that in many pnits of the Uuminioii thu 1 for these useful nnd prutitiililc ix rnpidly developing nnd I lint i who :il pruuent hive iiny surplus fstock run liud a ready sale for thorn if a channel "f communication between sup- ply und demand n etabli-heil. Accord- ingly na a nii'.-in- of >',-n tinj n convenient liriT'ory of Canadian Invedvrs of An^orii goals and Milch iinatii, the Live Stock CojmiiiHMoiir.r will lie pleased to receive fii'in -i.i Ii bn-fliTM intornmtion ri'nard- in;< their reipcvtive Hocks covering the following [mint* : 1 Kind mi. I number of goaln kipt. 1' I 'MUM! number for sale unch year. '' Approximately the jj.-icia asked. 4 -If p ,-,,1.1. a brief ntntenitrnt rcgnid- ing i' |, i-ii i found ntcuuaiy and 'he re- t iirn.s which may he expected by one on- uaging in this c!n* of stock. ('miiiiiunications Mipplying the above information should be addrcmed t : tho Live Stock O'oniiniihioner, Ottawa, Out. -Suc-li letterK do not rrquire p'i>t;ige. Frequently a cliallfii|t lin* been in Mini by poiiliryinen to bent cvtlain re- .".nl-- in the -i/ of ...... Them has also been km n compi-titioii in the M/.- of P int. !><, turnipH, pumpkins etc. Mr. Aaron Cobcr of I'ntlinch, now comoa foi -r<l nnd chnllfiigcH any fiirinor to In-lit I In- i.'d.td ho i stalili-.li.-d in another line. Aaron IIKH 11 :filf which ut two dityii >,lil weiglicd lil'l piiiiiiils Ii inollier >v i a h ilf Jfrsoy and its iri. H Holiloin. \Vithout dolilit the aliovr i.i mil will be hai-J to In- it, n- thu nviTiige calf at biith doon not weii^h more 'in, Imlf that in, my |K. mi.]. The . ilu. of tho cnlf, taken at veil )iii<:i-s, $H.50 to 910 |>er wt., would '.. 811 to tl.'i. Ex. I'olico Magistrate ('niwfoiil, of Krnnip- ton, imposed H linn of 8.100 and costn or iiiipriai:nhiunt for three monlhfi on C. J. Mooack, n Brninp'on botelkcoper, for .. violation of lliu Licence Act. Mr Al- ack ha left town and il id mid will not return. Walter Lines, Hiinover's new livery in in, Inii! a lensatioinil mid huh-rninim wlperionce (luring tlio mini iliiro huiri cane nn Onod Friday. Ilo Intd driven out to his farm on thu South Lino in Ibt morning nnd wa* returning to town when he wn ennui'! in lliu storm. \Vhilu , oroHsin^ (In- Mnpli 1 Hi'l bridge a lerrilk |Uttt of wind pickiid up !iis liorso niu and hnrh'il I'H.III nil into Ilu river. Koi-hi'iii!i h llm ati-i water WHS not- \n v 'In r -i;.-i.> lln-y lund e,"l BIK} \Vnltoi m.d tin- -'ii-i'd csciiper without u niTairh. The budly wrecked. IV t. MAIL CONTRACT SI-:Al.KI)TF.SI>KKSaiMri-<]to the I'oBtiiian- tr (iencral. will harecolvi.il at Ottawa nutll no-jn, on Krnla", the -Jml of My IUl:i for tlio oonvevanci) o' III" Mjont'H Mall* Oil a propound Contract for four yearn nix tiim-x por wook Over Rural Mail Route from Hopeville East, Ontario, to commence at he pit-annul of the roHtuiaBtor (lonural I'rintO'l notice* containing fnrtlior Infornii- ion at t> en ditiniia of prn|ioii<id ( 'ontract lay bo Hoeii and blank forms of Trailer may ie ohtalnud at tho 1'oat Ofticim nf Hopuvlllu au.l at tho UIDco ot the Tout Ollku Irn>t>fctor, at Toronto. I'ontoflli'ii Uiipartiiinnt, Mail urvion llranoli, Ittaw*. 19tb March, I0i:i. C..1-. ANDKKHOS. Hupuilnteuileiit. Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the hea'l of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.0*0 .lust received a .ot Spring Suitings. of .Suits selling at $19.50. Also a new range of Overcoats and Spring and Summer Pantings. Conic early and get your new $5.00 5.00 (let Bomctliing nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we liave otlicr beds at ntlier prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody want*. Sprinifg and Mattresses to I fit all bod*. Lxamine onr stock any- j way, .before purchasing your sit < i j Flesherton's Leading Tailor iudncci's. W. H. BUNT' Sta "' u " 1B " lkB> ' iWing Spring Suit at the Up- To- 1 )ati> Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY CEYLON'S 'TH E HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS FLESHERTON, ONT. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS MAIL CONTRACT SEAL.KD TBKUBRS kMiMMd to tli i,t. Mi.t.'i <; .n-inl, will In* I'bculvnil at (Ittnwa .niil noun on Krldav tlio Uml May. IUI:i, 'or tbe conveyaticft of Uit MajuKty'rt inailH cn a i>n , .1 contract for four )oart. fix IOM i<i i week Over Rural Mail Route, from Priceville, l.ail. Ontario iii tho I'oHtntaiter (MINI-IUI i pldKBiiro lint .1 notlrim coiitiiinhii; furtlir tnfoinin- I..M HH to i-onilltlonii of proiioHetl Contract IIIAV in HCM.II and lilmiU fni-iim nf tnmlnr may l>n ol>- .uinnd At tlin Pont OtliottH of I'rluovllle. i . Inn, i'rotou Ktttion anil at thr iHir of thu 1'nfl Illllco lii pi i-tiii At Toronto, I'oHtollic* lii-i'iiituii.iit, Mntl Hprvloullrmucli, Ittuna, Mm rli 'JO, l'.ll:i O. C. AXDKKKON, Ciirr.t br (tip New Method Trtinnt MO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONS-NT .a NERVOUS DEBILITY Thoufandi of vounn and mldJIo-aBdl ran ar anmmlly swept to ft pwrnnturo through Earlr Inii.cr.llona, J - " d Blood Di..a. If you havo nny ;;f t IpwiiiK .MI, in in coniult ui I.. I... - it u I." j Uta. i-i I . I.-,,,, dent m , ._ Ai-e you t>ei : ou and weak, di-apon- ln.foro the evea, with dark niivlog under tlu-m. wau . .* . -*- t. ... . T _ _ II .... . 1_ MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KH TKMUCIIX .uMn SM'I! to ilm I'oM- (ii'iimal, will lie ri'ceivuil HI Ottiuvn nillil niinn un I . - I n, tint Dili M.y, IKI.'t fur tlio I'onvoyiuuMi of hit M t ! U .M n! . "ii .1 |ii "i !.! CiUltl'HCl fur fnur yearn six tinii-n JUT wei-U ouch Epping and Fairmount and aix time* per week over Rural Mail Route from Meaford, Ontario from tlio I'oMnmtter (ii'ru-rnl'i 1'lwitime I'IIIIM il niilii-i", i i. ni iii.n,.' luillii'i inforomtion AS to oowUticxii t propoira i u i i, i nmy )H> Hren am) lilnnk forms nf Ti'iuli-r nmy lio oblaincd nt tliti I' ! ' Kin i of I 1 in iii.miit, l-;|,|nii... (iiinrarilU niul Mcnforrl Htid nt Iho Ollioo of tho I'- i i '!,., I !! .. i i ui Toioniii. 1'iinl OllicH Di'[mr(ii.cnr, Mnil Service Hrnnch, OttRwa, Mnnli '. n!i, HUM. O. C. ANDERSON, Supt-rintciidoiit. FARM TOR SALE In tln> tnii>lii|) of Aitviniixin, in thf I'niiiily i'l Icii'V. I. I III, cull. '2, .in I IntH I'J Hinl III, roil. )i N.I) It , iM.iininiii^ liX) Ir-iiin- In ni-. Ap|>ly tu N. Mi- i, I no I'aik, dni., or \. N Mo; Ni-w IJikcait', nr ,li-!i!i Mi'Kivili'i^ Cry Inn, dnl. . 1 juyl3 kiilwyH in liiihl.'. pahiiiution of the hnf t. bashlul, drcama and loswa, wxliment In urine. ulmploHonllio fni-e, oye gnuUen, hollow cheoka, careworn exprvasum, poor V.IPI lory, lifalBus, (limruatful, iai'k euurcy ami strenRtb, tired niornln(fn, ri'si loss ui;,""ts, rnanf**. >io moods, weak uiuuuooU, proinatura decay, bono paiua, liuir KKISO, *ore liiruat, en.. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment cnn cnrti ymi and niakn a nmu of you Vmler Its Innu encp tint hi aln III.COIIWHBCIIVO, the blWKl purllled, fa tlmt all pimple*, blotcjiea uml ulccjj I.^i .A ,i, , ,,...,. ,., -,,-.,^ I.-, .liiitliif.HH ami (loft* the -no w _ _ hard earned duUura. We will cure you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READCRi No matter who hns treated you, write for an honest opinion Free cf Charce. Books Free- "The Golden Monitor" ( Illustrated I on Secret Dinaa of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRS.KENNEOT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. mm gvm | ** f All letters from Canada inn-.t be addressed H U I I W t to our Canadian Correspondence Dcpart- _ _ ^^^IB in.'iit in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call nt our Medical Institute In Detroit as we see and treat o patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. AddreM all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Wind.or, Oat. . WrIU for our prlrate address. FARM TO RENT Lot 2, ('on. 'A, S. D. II. r. .llt.'Ulllii" HO Hun'H I'f Illtul ill I' Oll KttO ot ' ciillivuliini, lirsl-clHHK will 1 1 ill drilled well, u,on<l 1'inl'hi one null) from Prioovillo. Apply 10 MRS. DONALD McARTHUR, Townln o. 1'iicevilJe I : ARM FOR SALE OR RENT Pure Ilrcd llolstcin Idiil liy >'li Prince Joe in.' Hii'tt-r liny out of Tidy Alilii-kfik l'iinci---M .liiv>|iliiui'. The (ri-.'il-.-t.t luit I or in ikint;. "train known. TorillK i if 'IMl'C I id . ' for pure brtnl. (JKO. Jin. >U|.; A. M'N, i'.cn-., 14 !'l ' U 60 airoa, Lot 132, con 3, novi-r failing fpiiiiK, wnll funuvil, ITmores nf Tiuihor, tho rest in prtstun'i over l.V ycni'H, KOIK! slock frin . Would soil on imsy irrniM for iiuick lc. Ap|)l; to \ i-li, liisli l.iiki', P. O. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH i Ofllco and K< ni.K'iu-o - -JOH. !Mh -St. Kist, Owon Sound, Out. ll.'.im il tn I. it. in , l.lIOto 4.30 p.m.! 7 to 8 p.m. Oilier limnv liy ,i|ipo:iitiuctit STORE Spring Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday March 28 and 29 and Following Days You arc cordially invited to attend. MISS FEE.MILINER IN CHARGE Mis-s Fee has boon visiting millinery openings and wholaale work rooms, trin.niinj,' and copying from the Mast Imported Milioery from I'ati*. London and Now Yoik styles, therefore we are prepared to gire you the very latest styles in millinery and prices will bo fully 25 per cent, less than in l.-irger towns. Jas. %>attison (f- Co., General -^Le/ fi/lon J. & W. B O Y D I GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. Notwithstanding the fact that we are selling out still we continue to receive shipmeuts of goods that have been bought for Spiing Delivery aud which we are putting on sale at very close prices- Every depai-Uiitut fully sorted up with new goods. For the next thirty davs we are offering goods at prices never before heard , of in FIcshertOD, Everybody come aud get a share of the bargains at Boyd's closing out sale Millinery Opening -ON Thursday and Saturday MARCH 20 and 22 A full range of New Stock . j wear m&de to to order on short i-otice or sold to you from atock. MISS ANDREWS In charge of the show room. We guarantee satisfaction every line of goods we sell. order 1U Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J.&W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. ' 1 1 -i 1