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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1913, p. 8

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ItfarcU 27 1913 THE FLESHIER! ON ADVANCE m 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS SJ OCLJWDUGH ft YOUNO wa Bankera Markdale genera) banking buainesii. Money loaned at reasonable rates Call oo ui. TCHIBLETT, Poatmaster. Oylon. i Ommiaeioner in B, C. J .Conveyancer, deedi, irteaced leaaea. wills elc carefully drawn up ' ollectlona mads, cliaruee reasonable. Al.o . rooeria*. Hour, (eed etc. keptiu atock, Prioei iflhl^^ I * D. .-. Weened Auctioneer for the iiny t Orey. Term, moderate aud * The rr.n.nt. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the lareeet attendance in its hiatorv, Tho Collingwuud Busineon College has placed i a good posi- tion, r\ri-y graduate of the present year. Winter trm from Jsnuary 2, 191.S. Send for handfiomu ^ Cataloijue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE High School Standing T. E. Hawkins. Principal Farms for Sale ' 50 AoreB West half lot 8, con. 11. Townohlp ot Oijirey. ! 60 Acren-Rant half lots, oon, 11, Township 1 of Uaprey. SO Acres Weet ball lot 7, con. 11, Towuablp ' of Osprey. 50 Aires East h lU lot 7, C3U. 11, Township ' of Oar>ry. 100 Acrea Lot 3-2, Cou. 10. Arteuieila. 100 Acres Lot .I'l, Con. 11, Artemeila.t Juo Acrea Lot .l.Cou. li, lot 4, Con. 1 Oprey . 10(1 Acres- i oon. 14, Artomoeia, 100 Acres Lo: . cou. If. Artuicsia. 100 Acrea Kant half lot 7, cou. 2, Euphraaia. ii-J Aeree Ixrte Ji and 25, con. H, Artetnesia. yy Acrea Hart Lot IM.llj, H6, Cou. .1, N. E. T. B. K., Artemeaia. 200 Acrea Lot 3 >, anil 40, con. 12, Artemeaia. o Acres .17, cou. 1-2, Artoiuteia. .. ,,,"*{ t Pnyaiclan, Bur.eon etc W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton Offlc. and rwldence-Peter at., Fleeberton j Juue i: lt f f p OTTEWELL & Ckorob. DENTISTRY B c MURRAY L. D. H . dental surgeon .LcT; K ^"te It Torouto V y and ons of Ontario, Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in Hdvance subscriptioniiouly. \V tinve no aucouutH with other papers. Flesherton Advance ... ____ f t 00 75 LEGAL RANEY & hKMlY-"rrUtr. .r,. Je. OBo... fa.y 4 Bruc. Ulock, <>w<.n Bound. Btaodavd MaK Btook.nbertoo.j8atur(tay).W.H Wright. \V ! i'elfordJ-.,J. C. McUonaH, U IJ..H. Youths Companion Toronto World, daily Toronto Dnily News Weekly Globe Mail-Empire ..... Family Herald & Star ...... 'JO Toronto Star .............. 1 50 Fanner Sun ............ '.Ml Farmers Advootta ....... ... 1 50 Weekly Wit.iew ............ 90 Sat nrday Niht ............ 3 00 Home Journal ......... ... HO Poultry Nuwn . . . .. Poultry Ucviow It- "I mid (iun magazine SOCIETIES O U W meete ou Je laet Monday in acb uonth. In tbelr loage ^rooin Fl'n.. J K. "j" rn'r'oiiie. Vii'iting brethren invited" I A H. ALEXANDER 'MERCHANT TAILOR - Ont. nnivi-K AKTHVR LODGE. No. S, A.P.ft P A U tteettln * |i. u ,,iahall. Arm- trorm* mock,Klherton. .Terr, Friday oo or belore tb lull moco <. A. WaUon, . HV Tuo. I lavton, Betretary. <1 OVJUrFLKHHEKTON. 085, I. 0. F. meets In i G Clayton Woek Wixlmwdav even dav ol tbe month. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --AL.SO-- ;!",'" 'A ling or Ready-Made Clothing ,iev uMVtlly l.,o. flahrts; \Vhith wo put alteration* in free of -jlmiL'r, it' required. lsr|>12 Standing of itudenUof Artemesia high school aa per weekly examiimtion for the term January to Enster. Over 75 per cent, honors, 00 75 pass, under 00 ia failure : 'FORM I. Pass K Bunt 71, L McPhail <55, '/. Bent ham <>0. Failure W Scilley 54, A Oaudin 52, E. Wright 51, M Winters 43, R Me Laren 40, H LeOard 34, N Teeter 33, M Wright 81. M McTaviah, S bmart, Rrtain parties, but there is nothing defi- nite as yet to bate a conviction upon. Conviction means a penitentiary term. We understand the liquor is stored in .lie vault in the town hall awaiting the tension "f >he Pu) Mngiscrate a to he tvialti r d ntly held. Dundalk Jerald. Eighth Line, Osprey Spring, apparently, in with ui again. A number of friends and neighbors of VI i . imd Mrs. A. Heron gathered at their of the term. Tue final examination for the d;isM will take pluce the Utter part of May. FORM II. Honors White. Pats Elsie Wright 68, H Field 67, V Stafford 0, Failure M Hoyd, K McMillan oil, H Shunk 58, P Beattie and T Orr 5, V Scilley 6D, R Spencer 53, L Beattie 52, M Henderson nl, Stella Orr 50, M Leg- ate 4!t, Viola Cornfield 48, E Spencer 46, S I l.nvkf us 45. Jr. Form 111.- Hazel Shunk 41, Thurstori 50, M Stafford 47, Irene ton 44. FORM III. . 8... biter, the flr,t flHOSEN FMKSi>8 Flesherton V. aD ,'i i l i C H ?ho.c.> Friend, Iu Clayton'.,.I flr-t and'l Wrdnoaday of each month B |>. m I-av Sae-njenti to tn l< B .-ord,;r ou <>r b,, tor. Kflrrtdayol cad, luontli. 'l,ll Councillor T. Blakelov; Recorder W. H. Hunt. ThaFeruior-aCIubuieote in the blKh school ftauSRS .. the ftrat Tburwlay lu .acn mobtli t M ,,,l,,,.k |>. l ,"-., x "". 1 "' 1l " .uceiallvinvtl*). r'.Charil 1' Bellamy. Si-c.-Treen. Tamworths lor Sale "''ly * *y lor hrH"B- l>ricel P.O. Boar for Service A laruo t ilo Vorkulilre Hoar Tor acrvloo oiilotlrti.*<i range W T. &. M., Artemotla. j Teriui el.OU- U.WALM'Ii. | CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklifi's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale Pure l*rfd llcii'fui-d liulM-ir ,: 171. :; a. w.T. & s. s., .' 1 March 13 ! --T. A. .1. WATsi IN. Proton StHtion. ! R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. "" Agent (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implement!. S ci Mel' 'arm For Sale acn/s Lot !/, con. <>. clraicd, W) icies under cultivn- | tiuii, lulu'.' birdwiod ini'l SWHIIIJI, well | f.-not'il and watered, ^IHK! bouse, new j Iniinu Imrn with otnhliiiii undi-r, :ilso pi(i pap, henhouse and slu-p, jien. lluml ' .nitil iteli\!>y. Apply to ALI5KKT HLACKIU'ltN, uock M,ii- p. o , Feversham, , mil (lasnline i' Cicini l'i;. i i Wiinl .Mil . 1'nnii. . Piping and Pipe F.llintK always oil liund l!ciii(v |5i-,.h'. nf U;ini and Cocknlni't nd Itpp'tir.-t iilwjs Wareroom Wellington Street. Ontario. International Stock Food n DON'T Ut your hones mn down during the winter and get so soft that they will lose flesh tiadly when you" aturt your spring plowing. If li"i -i n are not worked repilarly during the winter, ih .pUnd.d tonic effect* of I STOCK FOOD, to tone ter, their need the INTERNATIONAL ojT**. dlgmt ve 79 JlJf. (O I 'Ilf U|l **9f UIJIK orgaim, enahle Ibein to get till trie good out of their feed, prevent the blood from becoming overheated, and thus ward off disease. LANOHAM, SAK , Jan. j'.ili. 1911. 'Iliavr'fnl ISTBRNATIONAI, STOCK i>OC)l>"for*maii)- \cars. I always haja^ ' ir old. cnltn nnajpfy were bti \vorKr*i no\T ii i in, my m .Kin.. ~ .^.ti.i . ...... ...*.. ....... \ ncn i l^ypnr" colt*, they weiKl><-'<. acw <*>. ' ploiighrd as acr nnd they Weighed *r^ I hArveMed 161 acres ami threshcU and nnttlccl one rftrUiad to town, b mum, I wel . * , . i._i a _^< ._ k S* : _i i.-ri -t... 1 1 ...:<vt* *<wu *u>f AW rt- a 26 pound pail .t.ndin. la my barn. I bought pair of three > were an worked il.iwu that my neighbors said I bad been bent. plou tl/cni nuain n'ml they weighed >Sjo And I iwid "Tlioy ahull weigh jooobefotr upring". Now theJ^riKbhom want to Imy tnrm l)iit there's no cliiince". J. G. KF.MPKI,. For mle liy drnlem everywhere. Our oo Him k I),x)k Kent free wli.-iiwc receive y.ur name anil addrcM. INrERNT1ON*L STOCK rOOB CO. LIMITED. TOWKTO. Honor* Wiuslow Kernahan 8!>, Lilt hoi 'days at the parental home Kllison 8, B Allen 77, Lillian Bunt 76 McMillan 611, K Wilcock fiH. Failure M:nio McLougHry L Trueman, absent for tbe UrRest part h(tme ThurHday livening. March ,20, and jresented them with an addrest and two oliaira in loken of ox>d vishes. Mr. Heron and family intend moving, to the West. ft] r. James Barns and daughter spent the 17ih with Wareham fricnda. Mr. Mark Maddnp and Mr. Parrel called on relatives here lately. Mr. D W.CIinton'ssaleou GbodFri. was postponed owing to the very setere wind storm. It will take place on Tuesday, April 1. Dell Dird At Dundalk, Thursday, March Wil-20,'Mr. Joseph Madden. Mr. Harold Spofford of the Colling- wood business college, is, apending fche A considerable amount of damage was Pas* X Lawlor and A Wright 71, A dupe by the severe wind storm. Barn* belonging to J. Fenwick, J. Burns and L Le- For Sale by John Fisher Plesherton, - Ontario gate 57, Iv* Mitchell 46. E Iuck-4o. _ _ f Weekly Report Of Flesherton High School FOKM I. P. Somers were unroofed. Mr. Ge.. city again. I Si irk has returned to the Ceylon Algebra L. Mcl'h%il 94, F. Bunt 77, Tho willd Ktorm Frid y W. Scilley 7:, 2. Bentbam C7, L, True- >d huv,,c of a good many buildings munlU, A. GaudinStt. E. Wright 00, *"d fenc. We understand the-ioof. of M. Winters 49, S. Smnrl 27, R. McLareu " 4, N. Teeter 2. Geography L. McPhail 63, F. Hunt (i.'i, X. Benlhamti"), E. Wridht ttO, A. Gaudin 57, W. Scilley 47, S. Smart 44,1 aud Thos. McArtbur's, Atex McRao's McMillan's barrs were badly , and the fiont of J. Me Olucklin's icehouHe was blown out. The la 1 fur part of the week Messrs Minnio \vinters40, Herbert LeGa!d 4Q,\ J *- K'Hy, J. McDonald, and Mrs Maurice Wright 33, R. McLaren 30,1 s - Hemphill and Miss Millie Cook were L. Trueman and N. Teeter, absent. FORM II. Algebra- H. Shunk y.'J, V. Scilley 93, <i. White !J, K. Spencer !1, E. Spencer M. K. Wright 80, .V. Stafford 80, H. Field 72, M. Bnyd tW, T. <>rr 69, L. Bea'.tie 54, K. McMillan 4u, M. Hender- loti 34, S. Hawkins 'K!, V. Ourntield :?2 1'. Beat tie 26, M. I*Kutt: 25. ' FOUM IT. and Jr. III. GeiigMpby Gladyo White 81, FielJ 7ii, Kate MacMillan .i, Stell called to i iw.'ii Sound as witnesses in .he L.'>vc murder case. j Our geiiinl a^ent, Mr. S. Rind, wears a broad smile these dayx. Hia wifi presunteU him with a daughter on the 24th. Mr. Kobhvr of Toronto supplied f i liev. Mr. McLarvn here, on Sslibail afternoon. Th'.-r ivho ontto()en Sound la.l tu boar iho Love rase, were OrrMi'ssis. J. J. Pattison, Fred Chislett, Eugenia Paragraphs Wedding bi>lls aga ; n. We are sorry to loge another of our old neinhbors in the person of Mrs. Thomas Paul, who intends making her lome in Paisley, for which place she left on Good Friday. Born To Mr. and Mm. W. Gordon, on March 18,a daughter Hilda Lynelte. Mr. R. Haney has returned from his visit to Paisley. Miag Lizzie Williams accompanied Mrs Paul to Paisley on Friday, Mr. Robert Williams is visiting with Itiends in Toronto fur a couple of weeks. Mr. McMaster is drilling a well for Mr. J. E. Williams. Mr. V. Ellis of Hamilton called pn friends here the past week. Aigyle Campbell is spending his holi- day with his parents here. The wind of Friday caused much dam- age here. Honor Rolls Portlaw school lot M rcb CUss 4 Albert Wilkinson, Harold Thompson. Sr. 3 Murray Cornfield, Robert Tay- lor, Reua, Sliiar, Georsje Udell, Roy White. Jr. 3 Willie Taylor, Florence White. Sr. 2 Laurie Pedlar, Lula Pedlar, George Blakey, Lix-zie Thompson. Jr. 2-Hariy Udell, Howard Blakey, Jiminio Wilkiuson. Class lR<y L.y us, Johnnie iShier. Toronto Line North The hitfh winds recently did consider*. able damage in this locality. Miss Kathleen Manning has returned' to her home in Brutsel* after visiting: friends here for a couple of weeks. Miss Bella Brown has recovered after a severe illness. Miss Allie Williams spent the Easter Miss Addie Wilson is home from her holidays at her parental home, Eugenia. visit at Priceville. J Mr8 John Ho ,i ey , nd 8orl) Charles.. The regular meeting of the Women's visited at Thos. Lever's recently. Institute will be held on Wednesday, April 2, at the home of Mrs. Fred Pedlar. Program Keeping a l)iary for a Year, ..-,,. ' . ,,. I spent Easter .-.t her parental home Mrs. UcMullen ; Daughters Room, Miss, Utimer ; Spring and Its Work, Mr.. ! The friends iu this vicinity extend Mrs. Fred Mathowson is ill. Miss Elva Lever of East Mountain (Rev.) Campbell. Mrs. Scilley of Dundalk was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Armstrong, the past week. Mr. A. E. Walker returr.ed to Days- ville, Sask , on Tuesday, accompanied by Master E'uio Graham. I their deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hulley of Markdale in the loss of their daughter, Mis. McNea. East Mountain The viulcut windstorm last Friday did slight damage in this part. In the valley a large number of barns wera unroofed. Mr. Alex Cm rut hers ^was called to Ltstowell last week, his uncle being very ill. Mi-* Nettie Martin of Markdale is spending a short time at her parental home. Mr. John Welih went to Owen Sound 11 niii..y. It/lit* Alma Huinberatuna is spending her vacation at her home heie. An <rrme fending a ketch and dracrintlon mar Tnlcklr ascertain our opiulou free whether an IIITBIII Ion ii probablr pateiitabULConiiDuiiIea' ttonaatrlotlf confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* ent free, ulden Metier f >r lecurtnkpatenu. Patent* taken tnrouyb Mo>- 1 * Tu. receive epectal iwtkf . without chanrt, .a the . Scientific flmericait. A h.n .Isomel T illustrated weekly. Largest oir- enlatloo of any adenttnc journal. Terma (or Canada. a&K a year, punuge prepaid. 8oU by e<H. r at, WaahuwM XX N6W York uwM? XX C. (>.'!, K:.-n- Wright 63, Hazel Shuuk (i2,;Alex Collinsuu, Max. Bannon Hiul Jiis. Dell Thurstdii 01, Murray Legno CO, s , u , ir . Irene Wilson GO. Ruth Spencer 55, M r ,j as rUniphill, Toronto, spent Maud B.yd 52, Minerva Siafford 51,1*^, holidays with his brother, S. Viva Scill-y 51, L->Iit* Beattie 50, Kiidielg,,,,^!,^^ all j ol j, ur f r i ellt ], here. Hawkins 4H, Viulii ConiKeld 47, Valeria^ SUff.iid 45, I'resti^l Bialtie45, Mubelle llenile-sun 44, Eva Spuuuer 42, H>irvi-y Shunk 42, Tommy < >rr, nbsunt. FOKM 111. bciencj A. MiuMillan 7C, '/.. Lawlor ner f,.i k ,,,a. Miss I'uarl 72,L.EIluu 71. W Ki-rnnlmn 70, H.Allen ... .,, ., ,. ... . " ac;uplc t>f days of thu pmt week with In, bio'.her, here. Mils Willa McLeod ' i Toronto, is visiting her patents. Fee of Omemee has charge of .Mr. John Cuslmiii, Toruutu, it a visitor I Mr. Auvly Kennedy pper.t Kastcr week with Thornton frii>mU. Mi-s UurnBide, Mark dale, is visiting <>7 L. I. _ i'i' <il. A, Wright ill. UtinKil. K. Wil:ock 5!l. M. McLoi^luy 51, I. Mitchell 2H. Rock Mills Mi>s A. PtdUr, whu Inn linen at < Iwen , is now with hr pan-ilia, Mr. and Baso " M,v W. T. IV.llar. M ' . Jennie liny is viMting her sister in Toroni >. Mr. .1. Piittis in' Millinery parlor this Young Man Killed Durin.; the heavy wind storm on Fri- day last Harold Hill, son of Archibald Hill, of Mexford, was terribly injured on the street liy a falling roof thrown from a storu. He was taken to the hospital at Collinxwood and died shortly afterward. The young man had been living in Toronto ai:d ha I taken a situation in his home town n few ilajs ago. He left Toronto Jtnuiry 14th for Meuford. He w;i> :i steady wur'-er and of the very best habits. When the Kru alarm rang he ran out nf his hoiiiu to 6pu where the trouble was, and .in ' H.S he got on tht> street hit by n falling roof, which smashed his head (o a jelly. Ho Wiis agwl about twenty-five years. Na Chance Work at the Mr. (ionise Cnpp has returned to our A Regular Old Sherlock. 'Poor glrU" snld the gcucrul manager as the young wuiiinn who bad just ap- burg, where lie in onJs to Kpund ainithcrj piled for a posltrun us steuograpber walked out of bis otUce. \Yliufa ber trotibleV asked bis sec- retary. "It's too bad thnt a girl who Is o pretty one who uilgbt be llviiu; In lux Mil. Fri'd Field ami ecu, 'OfinrRe, <rf II. i. ml: mi ui't) vititing her | m-n! - . Mr. iind Mw. R. Akitt. Mr. and Mrs. Dnr^nvrl spent Kasler Sun I, iy ut Dornoch. Mi>s Pulli.rk is (pending vaciition at hur homo. MIKS 1 1 \ :. I'.u I. i . visiting liar sister ;it Shulhurne. Our men are liusy jetting thu mill i:> running i>rrlrr. We liDjte to henr the whlatle this Mr. John Pliillips uf Toronto is spend- ing a few days with his brothen, Martin itud Tucker. Burglaring For Booze A must daring attempt \v<>* mitdc last Fiidny night ahuut 10 o'nlock tu break into the residence of Isaac Traynor, .1.1'. For over a month he haa had the custody of three case* of liquor which were seized l>y Uigh Constable t'ook, and thu is the l, Holy that is lupposed to have ln-on Knught for. With a hi-acu and hit a hole *ta nruli' in the ouUide cellr dour at the ic. u uf the house )r t e enough to ad- mit uf hand being passed through t release the fastiiinj( on the inside. The miscreants (tuppoaed to be three of them) got into the cellar Imt could nut Hr.d thr liquor. The noise wat heard tiy Mr. and Mrs. Tiaynor and their visitor, Mrs Trayiior Jr., but they were not aUrnied till ihry examined the cellar KIU! found the door liroken open. The Ii nl Down after failing in their There is no clue HK to the identity of th< burglari other than foot prints around the cellar door. There is utpiciou ol Fiesherton Public School Report Report of class f >ur for term ending at Eister, 1913. Figures denote percent- age. Elda Knrs'eiU 8O, Clara Lever 7li, Percy LcGid 74, Jennie McLhrcn 72, Flo. Lever 67, Florence Parliament (ill, Millie \\ii.i i 5l, Aledu Mitchell 65, Mlir Williams 53, Aliue McLe<><] Jim Stewart 47, Mabel Frnwick Wilfrid Watson, 32 52, 47, OWEN SUl'ND, Kvery graduate guarauterd a pusition. Thorough courses. Lari>e staff of Spcciiilist^. Uest r' |Mi|.|."il (.'.ill.' jc- in < ' Knt rr any day. <-\ A. FLKMINf), F. C. A., brinci|>al. G. D. FLEMING, - Secreiaiy. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Holsteiu Bull, Korndyke Pitlertje CK.thilde. XL. 14780, whose darn, Trizie's Clnthilde Pietertje 2nil,Xu. 2988, haa produced over 80 llw. milk per day. Terms Grade eows |1. 50, pure bred cows 8J<. All cows not rcturnud will be charged. Also reeisteied Yorkshire boar. No. H4W1 .Term. fl. HENRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Aitemesia, Portlaw P.O. Uniartf nry-la compelled to go out looking for work because sbe refused to listen to ber parents. Vou beard ber Buy slio was married, didn't you?" "Yea. but I didn't liear ber mention ber parents." "Evidently you have not develoi>e'l much ability In tbe way of making de- ductions. Why would a girl with such eyes, siu-b Imlr, sucu a complexion, such teetb, such n beautiful face nnd such a figure as bet's hare to go out looking for work K she hadn't married against ber parents' wishes '/"Chicago Record-Herald. Population In United State*. The United States at present Is to no danger ot overpopulation. The Japa- nese empire has about 00,000,000 peo- ple, mid the Japanese empire is of tbe same area as the single stats of Cali- fornia. Tbe German empire bus 04,- 000.000, and tbe German empire Is 00,- 000 square miles less than tbe state ot Texas. Tbe United States of America could furnish room and support for lit least a billion human beings. It will be a long: time before tbe danger Hue is reached In this nation and (be popula- tion begin to encroach upon tbe means of subsistence. There Is no cause for Immediate worry. Exchange. AROUND THE WORLD I Via "Tniproi of Alia" Tho " Kmpre> uf Asia" will leave! Liverpool .limn 14, ea'lini; at Marleira, i Cape T>>wn, Durl>aii, (.'ulombo, Sinsia-i pore 'ii'il llnn^ Kong, arriving Vancouvei August .!<)ih.! leumins 14 Honu Kong. ' Kate fur entire cruise, >C.::M. in. ' Kxclusive of maintenance hel ween n ii ill time in Eng'and mid departure uf " Kmprew uf Asia" and stop over at Hi<ng Kong. Par'inulaiii In 'in ('.in i<l MM Pacific Agents or write M. (I. Murphy, District Passenger A<jetit, Toronto. STUDY AT HOME Ve your spare time auil Ix-vome a K""d BoOM*eper, >r it Stenographer, m- learn tn Draw and Drugn, or take it courae in stnry Writing or Journalixin an J i|imlify to earn a K""<t salary. We cnn K* v e vou" j\it the right C'UHKe. Write u tor ( 'uUloKUf. W. II. SIl.VW, t'resUtent, HLaw'.i Siho,,ls, Tnrontii. At to the Dog, "My doe understands every word I ay." "Dm." . , "Do you doubt It?" "No; I do not doubt the brute's in- telligence. Tbe scant attention he btt- itowi upon yonr conversation would Indicate Unit he understands it per- fectly." Kansas City Journal. CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS tatchewan, Alberta To Manitoba, Sas HOMESEEHERS Low Round Trip Mate* each Tueeday, March to October Incluilve Winnipeg and Return $39.M Edmonton and Return - 43.04 Other point* In proportion Return Limit two month*. TOURIST SLEEPINQ 0AM* on all ocurtlowi. Comfortable bctihs. fully equipped witVi brdding. can !>** aecured at moderate ratei through local afeat. SETTLERS For aettlers travel- ling with live stock nd f fleets. SrKCUL TIAINS Will lean Toronto Kach TUESDAY MAIL'S iHO ArilL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and families without live stock should use 1E6UUI T1AWS Leaving Toronto 10.30 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tounvc Sleepers COLONIST CABS ON ALL THAIIM No charge for Berth* Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, aud at 2 p.m. and 1O.2O p.m. during May, June, July ami August. Through Trattta Toronto to Winnipeg aad Wat Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton. *. * _ -T t -I

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