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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1913, p. 3

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(CAN LAUGH AT LIFE'S MINOR ILLS [SIXCE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBED HER KIDNEY DISEASE. Brunswick Woman Tells How She Was Rescued from 111 Health by the Twin Remedies, D odd's Kidney Pills and Dodd's l)ys pepsiu Tablets. Neguac, Allain P. O., N. B., Mar. 24 (Special). Mrs. Joseph G. Savoy, a well-known resident of this place, whose ill-health has been a matter of much concern to her friends, is telling of the cure she [found for all her troubles in Dodd's Kidney Pills and Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets. i. "My health is fine now," Mrs. feavoy says, in an interview. "The pains are gone from my side and back, and when I go to bed I can sleep. Before I started using Dodd's Kidney Pills and Dodd'a Dyspepsia Tablets I could not eat anything heavy, such as meat, but now I can eat practically what I please with no ill effects." ; Mrs. Savoy was in a generally run-down condition, and her cure came about by using the natural remedies. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured and invigorated her kidneys, thus purifying her blood and im- proving the circulation. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets insured proper digestion of her food, thus furnishing the body with the nu- trition it required. Women with healthv kidneys and sound diges- tion can afford to laugh at the minor ills of life. One Good Thing. "Success is very difficult to at- tain." "True enough." "Fortunately, when a man does attain success his entire family can go through life hanging onto his ooattails." Marlon Bridue, C. B.. May SO. '02. I havo handled MINARD'S LINIMENT fluring the piist year. It ie always the first Liniment asked for here, and unques- tionably the beat seller of all tb differ- ent kinds of Liuiment I handle. NEIL KEBGUSON. A Smooth Manager. "I don't know how to refuse a girl employment. I hate to send em away feeling downcast." "I always send 'em away smiling. Tell 'em frankly they're so good- looking they might disturb the of- fice work.' Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 15th to April 15th In- clusive, from all pointa in Canada to LOB Angeles, San Francisco, Portland. Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson, Rowland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable I-..IIHY: Liberal stop overs. For full in- formation as to rates, routes and litera- ture, writo or call on B. H. Bennett, Ueu- ral Agent, 46 Yonge Street. Toronto. Before and After. Stella I take my husband along to choose a hat. Bella I take my hat alcng to choose a husband. Mlnard's Liniment cures Colds, Eta. A WORKHOUSE GIBL. Became the Wife of the Right Rev. Thomas Thurlow Palatine. A lady residing at Lymington, England, was in want of a, liibtle girl to weed her garden, and sent her footman to the workhouse to select a little pauper girl for th purpose. John brought hock a tiny child, about eight or nine years of age, and pointed out lier tasks. The child set to work, and began to smg_in tones of morn than common sweetness. The lady's window wan open, and she was struck with the voice. The little songstress was sent for to the lady's apartment, and she was much pleased with the intelligence of the child, and took steps to remove the little maiden from the workhouse to her own kitchen. After a short time the lady pro- posed to her husband that they should adopt the waif as their own daughter. Every attention was given to the education of Miss Here, for that was her name, and she be- came a highly accomplished young lady. Her humility and modesty never forsook her. Shortly after a young vicar visited the house. He became very fond of Mis Bere, and offered her his hand and heart, hut as he had nothing more than a small living to offer her they agreed to wait a while. After a. year he returned with the title of "very reverend" to his name. There was now no obstacle in the way, so the pair were united, and lived many years respected, beloved, and es- teemed by all around them. The death of her husband, who iod been elected to a bishopric, severed the happy connection. The lady survived her husband sonic years, and at last the little warb- ling Nancy Berp, the orphan of Lymington Workhouse, now the la- mented widow of tho Right Rev. Thomas Thurlow Palatine, Bishop of Durham, quitted this life, to join her beloved partner in a better world. Anaemic Mothers Here is Relief ! You Can Enrich Tour Worn-out Blood and Quickly Renew Your Health With Dr. Hamilton's Pills. NO! u Complaint. There is a good deal of complaint Tjecause people don't walk more, but it doesn't come from the head of a largo family with shoes to buy. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch log. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilot HI I to 14 Jay*. SOo. Economical Host "Alice, just play some popular song that our guests can all join in singing. They are doing nothing but eat and drink." THE KNOW HOW To Feed Children and Get Good Results. There are more nervous persons made so by undigested focd lying in the stomach than the average individual would suppose. If focd remains undigested in the stomach, it begins to ferment, set up gas and & large portion is thus converted intu poison. That's why imperfectly digested food may, and oftcu does, cause ir- ritation of the nerves and stupor of the mind brain and nerves are really poisoned. "My daughter had complained For some time of a distressed feel- ing in the stomach, after eating, which set me thinking that her diet was not right," writes an anxious and intelligent mother. "She had been fond of cereals, out hod never tried Gripe-Nuts. From reading the account of this predigewted food, it seemed reason- able to try Grape-Nuts for her case. "The results were really wonder- :ul. The little brain that seemed at times unable to do its work, took in new life and vigor. Every morn- ing, now, before going to school, she cats the crisp little morsels and is now completely and entirely well, she seems to have a new lease on life no more distress in tho sto- mach, nor headache, but sound and well evervw.iy." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Out. Read "The lload to Well- ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They ars gtnulne, true, and full of human Interest. *& If you have dyspepsia try a con- tinuous treatment of hand-made la- bor. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In Co9 Sufferer of Twenty Years States Dr. Hamilton's Pills aro a Real Cure. "I can't remember any time during the past twenty yeara when my heart wasn't aching. If I boot over, dark spwke would come before my eyes, and it seemed a9 if all the blood in my body wanted to rush to my head." Thus opona tho letter of lira. Enoch S. Spry, of Putnam P.O., and continuing her interesting statement she eav;i : "Work or exertion made my heart beat terrible, and going upstairs causod such shortness of breath that it fairly frichtened me. I toll you how I feel to-day and you can understand what ureat cure Dr. Hamilton's Pills havo mudo. I foel strong enough now to work like a man, as for going up stairs on the run, It dcecn't bother me at all. I eat and steep as any well ricrson ought, and as for dizziness which used to frighten me so muoli, it has entirely disappeared. Or. Hamilton':) Pills aro a wonderful medi- cine. They helped me, and I know every woman that uses thorn will havo comfort and good health. Refuse anything offered you instoad of Dr. Hamilton's Pills* of Mandrake aud Butternut. 25o. per lx>* at dniEifists nnd storekeepers, or tho C'a- tarrhozune Co.. Buttalo. N. Y.. and Kiu e - stou, Canada. On Arms and Legs. Caused Running Sores, Would Tear Himself Till They Bled, Like Open Wounds. CuticuraSoap and OintmentCured. ^ t>3 Stewart St., Toronto. Ontario. "When my baby was nine months old ho had a lot of pimples come on his arms and legs which used to como to a head, then break and cause running sores. They wore bright red spots. which itched and burned so badly that he would tear himself till he mado them bleed and they wero all like open wounds. They wero on his faco nnd arms so bad that I did not like to take him out. II o could not sleep or rest anywhere. I tried several things at home and lots of different things people used to advise me. but he did not get a bit better. "I bathed each placo in warm water and Cutlcura Soap and then I put some of the Cutlcura Ointment on and bound them up in soft rags and he slept better that night than he had for throe weeks, and he did not scratch himself once that night Idldthatforthroo days, night and mora- Ing. when we noticed tho sores wore get- ting drier and healing, so I bought a caUo of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cutl- cura Ointment, and after a week and a few days there was not a blemish on him." (Signed) Mrs. F. Wast, Feb. 29. 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere*. For a liberal free sample of each, with :w-p. book, send post card to Potter Drug 4 Chem! Corp., Dept. 39D. Boston, U. S. A. LIGHTNING IX THE TUOP1CS. Storms in CenlnuTvfriou; In Matin- j Tfl EilSC Tjgllt gasrnr 3(10 Deaths H Year. Thunder storms never *ccur in the Arctic regions. Nearer the equator the more severe are the electric manifestations. In certain parts of Central Africa the average run of thunder storms is 250 days a year yet. There are some very curious exceptions. In Sumatra and Java, both very li<>r climates;, there are only ninety-two storms yearly, and in Borneo only about- fifty. Tho Gold Coast of Africa has only about sixty a year, BIG GOLD FIND IN INDIA. Prince's Estate Found to be Bit-h With Deposits. The London Daily Chronicle's Bombay correspondent states that a romantic discovery of mineral wealth on a vast scale is reported from tin area covering 1,200 square miles in the Dalbhum district, about 150 miles from Calcutta. Ex- tensive deposits of gold, copper, coal, iron, asbestos, mica, and man- ganese are said to havo been located. The estate of Prince Mahomed Buktear Shah, who died a month ago, is in the hands of an official receiver, who engaged an expert geologist, Phillip Billingshurst, of Vancouver, to survey the property and ascertain its value. Mr. Bil- lingshurst asserts that the estate possesses immense quantities of iron, ore, some millions of tons aver- aging between 45 and 70 per cent, of metal. Several important gold finds are also reported. The expert discovered a Santhali woman, reputed to be 110 years old, earning a competence by working free gold in a secret place she dis- covered fifteen years ago. She was induced to disclose the source of her wealth by a present of a silk shawl and a few rupees, and the ex- pert, sinking a trial shaft, found quartz yielding 139 ounces of gold to the ton. He says there are rich leaders and stringers of auriferous quartz which would yield fabulous amounts and concludes : "I was on what is potentially one of the world's greatest gold fields, and it was w ; th great regret that I had to leave so much ground unex- plored." Mlnard's Llnimont Cures Diphtheria. "Would you mind making a noise i like a frog, uncle?" "And why," said the uncle, with an amused smile, "why-, Tommy, do you desire me to make a noise like a frog?" "Because," replied the urchin, "whenever I ask daddy to buy me anything he always says, 'Wait till your uncle croaks.' " ED. 4. 1SSUK 13 -'13. "That's a heavy burden you have got, my lassie," said a gentleman. "It's no' a burden," replied the girl; "it's my wee brither." Try Klurine Eye Remedy NoKrjarllnK Feels Vine Aruyuk'kly. Trjr 1 1 for Kcil, Wonk, Walrr.v K>..H and I r,l mi'Ui.i I . li.l-. !l!Uftr*t<d ItOOk In oftch 1'arUnno. MUltlNR 10 com- pnumtfil liy our Oenllatv oot a 'Tutent McUiclue" but used in Miccraftfiil 1'byBl- vl.uin' PraotlM for ninny yearx. Now tledh-Ateil to tho Fiiltlla nnd Bold by llrugalRtB t 'iV- rtOt- pi;r bottle. Murlno Kye Slvu In Aseptic Tubes, IKe-Wa. Murlne Eye Itemed; Co.. Chlcaao A man is apt to be suspicious of a pretty girl who talks only com- mon sense. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. MISS ELAINE JENKINS, Younger daughter of Lord Glan- tawe, is a director of the Swansea and Mumbles Railway Company, attends the board meetings regu- larly, and usually figures as the proposer or seconder of important resolutions. She has just recover- ed from a serious illness contracted while traveling abroad. She was born in 1879. JBj Oveirwiie by the Heat. "I hev come to tell ye/., Mrs. lla- lone, that yer an accident." "An" -what ia it now?" wailed Mrs. Malone. "He was overcome by the heat, mum." "Overcome by the heat, was he? And how did it happen ?" "He fell into the furnace at the foundry, mum." His Trouble. Hobo I haven't touched a thing to eat for three days. Lady You should see a doctor and get him to prescribe something for your appetite. IT SATISFIES MILLIONS OF PEOPLE Worth your while to test it UPTON'S TEA Sustains and Cheers. GLOVES That Are Guaranteed Why take chances In buying a pair of gloves when you can get a positive guarantee backed by Canada's largest glove factory in the H.B.K. Pinto Shell Gloves made from specially tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and heat proof. Send for illustrations. i HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Canada's Expert ('.ore and Mill Makers. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W OAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. OOD STOCK FARM OP 500 ACHES with Three House*: large B".k Barn. Must he sold quick Price ie very low. G SEVKRAI, DKS1RABLE PAKMH IN Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can he bought. Worth the money for nuick sale. THAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different eectione of Ontario on my lUt. If you waut a farm consult ID e. H. W. OAWSON, Toronto. 1 which is less than occur in Florida, though the latter country is out- side th? tropics. In Java there is a thund.'r htorm every day for five months. IVv- hftfM till! HKJht astonishing fact in ! i used every day. If regard ti> thunder .storms is that [ a sick cstomnrh, juet the Island of Mauritius, which is only 550 miles from Madagascar, has on* an average only one thunder storm MI eighty years. Yet in Madagascar the lightning is more destructive than a.nywho,re else in tlw world, the annual num- ber of deaths being more than 300. . is, YOLK U.UIY'S SKIN Is the most delicate fabric in the w ir id. You may cause it perman- ent harm by using poisonous min- eral ointments for the little rasheS and eruptions that every baby suf- fers from occasionally, Don't take And Cure a Cold Rub On Nerviline Xo Remedy Half So EiUeient. "I diitu't have to suffer lone with a sore, whzy chest. I had a mighty bad nold- it held nie like a vise, hut I knew what to do I took half a teaspoon- ful of Nrviline in hot water and rubbed my nock ixnd cheat every half hour dur- ing tht evening. You would hardly,. . . _ credit the way Nt-rviline loosed up thai Album, only Seven Cent*. Uarki Stamp 7MFTY ACRErt IN BRANT COUNTY- Frnme house, number of outbuild- iiiBF. Owner anxious to sell, going to Northwest. The Western Heal Estate Ex- change. London. Out. FAR IH ARM IN HASKATdlKWAN KQtJIP- _ in crop; must sell; terme easy. IVr< v Ijov4>, Hawarden, Sa?k. STAMPS AND COINS TAMP COLLKCTOUS-HUNDKKI) Dif- ferent Foreign Rtamp ; Catalogue, any chances. Use babv's best balm. Zam-Buk, tho tight I'tut.t, enabled me to breathe like a free man, nave* me comfort in a few hours." This Is tho eipcrionee of J. P. Durand. a well known resident of Burton's Cor- ners. In thousands of homes Nerviline a little child 1m a few drops will euffloo. If there is any bowel disorder or diarrhoea, only a email dose is require:!. Inwardly or outwardly, wherever there is pain or inflammation. Norvilinn will al- ways relievo ijn. .!.<-; and euro surrFt of any renwdy known. Family hiie, 50e.; small bottle 25e.. at all storekeepers and druggist*, or The C'atarrhoroue Co.. Buf- falo. N. Y. ^ Wj NATION FOR AUTOMATICS. Germany Addicted (o Devices That Save Time nnd Money. Germany might almost bo called "the land of the automat." Auto- matic devices of all kinds ar<> jHipu- lar and are used for 1.000 purpose*. At all post-ofliees stamps and post- cards aro sold by automatic ma- MISCELLANEOUS. BKES FOR KALE ONE HUNDRED first <-lap colonies of Bee*, partly Italian, in Eight frame Laugstroth Hives. Delivery in May. H. F. Holtermann. Brantford. Ontario. Canada. C A.NTKK. TUMOKS, LUMPS. ETO, Internal and internal, cured with- out rain bv our horn* treatment. Writ* UK before too late Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collinewood. Ont. GALL STONES. K1DNKY AND HI/AD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. OrTL Lumbago and kindred ailmeoti podtlrelf mi.'.l with tho new German llemenf. "Banol." price $1 50. Another new reuiodf for Piabete-Mellltu. and iure cure. U "Ranol'i Anli-Uiabete," Price 2 00 from or .I'.rrc; Tijs SlSl U SBSSy o Canada". L Mnn turn,* SBS CHENILLE CURTAINS * i <'. all kinds of ! u it, hanging*, aico LjlCC CURTAINS DVED A * CLEANED M^^^M^^MHH^^B^^^^^^^MN LIKE NEW. Write to in ih.iut yur<i. OoM Medalist. IRITI8H AMERICAN OVCINO CO . Boi ?33, Montrc.,1 Zam-Buk is made from fine her- i chines, at the. railway stations plat- bal extracts, and is free from any harmful poisonous coloring matter. husband met with j Like tlle B ra * scs a" d ^ he flowers, j nature has colored it green. It is glass ot beer, wine or liquor, ! nature's own healer! j sandwich, square meal, cup of < Just put a little Zam-Buk on baby's skin, and see how soon it is absorbed, showing con- clusively that the pores of the skin aro greedy for it. Use nothing but Zam-Buk for baby's skin troubles and wash with Zam-Buk Soap. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Z.iin- Buk Co., Toronto, for price. fuse harmful substitutes and imi- tations. DOGS ATE CIIHUH. I.aa! Frost Fair on Thames. The Thames, Enji'.-uid, was last frozen over in January of the year 1814, when the ke wa-s so firmly fro- zen that it was soon secure for footing, a-nd thousands availed themselves of an opportunity which had not occurred for a century. So thick was the ice at Greenhit-he that booths were erectod for refresh- ment. B"(',\' . i ' .11 nid Black- friars Bi\d^" awi.njja and games of hazard wero mu<'h in ovideiice; a s-hei'p was roasted and .-"1-i at so much a piece. Musicians and danc- ers were there, and altogether the scene had the appearance of a Greenwich fair. v If you would get up in the world. quickly stops couBhs, cures coles, and heals the throat and lungs. :: :.- 25 cents Steady. "I waa two years in my last pl.-iee. mum " >,!d the applicant for the job in t be Kitchen. "That speaks well for you," said her prospective employer, "and where was that i" "In the reformatory, mum. 1 ' Mike "Oive a konoiindriim fur yea to-noight, Biddy. If a man's born in Oircland, lives in England, an' doies in Glasgae phwat is 'e?" "A karpse, to b' share." Mike (with an air of annoyance) "Ach, somebody's b'n telling yez." Regularity- of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Sails and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills entirely vegetable icgulare the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's * Indian Root Pills V:>.('.- He-fell House of Wor- ship V.. ..1 of Hudson Hay. Of all the things that may befall a church, nothing could be much stranger than the destruction of a little house .of worship north of Hudson Bay, as once reported by the bishop of the diocese. He had attended a synod, of the Canadian church at Winnipeg, and there had seen a missionary bishop who had been six weeks on the way, having oome most of the distance in a canoe. The missionary bishop reported gravely that tho of a brother bishop had "gone to the dogs." Being asked for an explanation, he said, that the Esquimaux in the diocese had built a church with whales' ribs for rafters, and cover- id it with walrus hide. The little church held eighty persons ; but in tho time that elapsed between two services, the building was sot upon by a pack of famished dogs,, which actuallv devoured it in a few hours. form tickets, and suburban tickets are. sold by automats; automat restaurant-s, when one can secure a a i cof- fee, chocolate, tc., by dropping a. coin in the slot, abound every- where, livery city of 15,000 or 20,- 000 population and over has from 100 to several hundred such res- j taurants. At railway -stations automats sell chocolate, candy, picture post- cards, and even a little kit of "first aid to the injured." containing a. j^ c | few drops of pain-killer, bandages, needle, thread, etc. Ten pfennigs in a sfc>t opens the door of toilet compartment , delivering a towel or piece of of soap. A coin in a slot obtains a cigar, a tune from a mechanical music box, a pair of Maypole Soap THE CLEAN HOME DYE Give4 Mih. even colon, (tee limn itreaki and absolut- ely tail. Dors not stain hands 01 kettlei 24 colon, will give any shade. Colon lOc, black I5c, al your drdcr's 01 post - paid with booklet "How to Dye " trom 107 F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal shoe-strings, a collar button, a visiting rard, name plate for suit- case, tells one's fortune or -weight, etc. Thinks Swearing All Right ProvidinR tho provoontion equals tho of- fnncn of .Tones stopping on Hmith'n corns. Far Ix-ttor to use Putnam's Corn Extrac- tor;- it dooa cure rorns nnd warlH in one lay without nnin. Try "Putnam's,!' frco from noide, and polulueu. price 25c. at all dealer* After a man lias taken a it sometimes happens that he would be only too glad of a chance to put it back. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take LAXAT1VK IWOJ10 Quinine Tablets. DruRtfisH refund money if it fails to mire. K. W. UUOVIi'S :.i(.'n,,tui .i is on rn, ii box. Kc. Clumsy Partner. "I thought," he remarked, "you said you could die dancing." "So I did," came the reply, "but I didn't say I wanted to be trampled to death, did 1 :'' No Walking for Him. "What walk in life has your son adopted?" "No walk at all ; he's in the auto business. There are said to be fewer sui- cides among miners than among a^iy other class of workmen. It Pays to Clip Hor*t, Mu ! and Cow*. 1 lit-v nn healthier -M ; render I- u.-r IMTtQv, Whtmtbe ! .1. > coat that holdJi tho wet we*t and rtlrt ! removed, thvy art>iitur*vaily keptctoan, look t letter get more good from their fet*l and ar I-.U.T in every laeltt a "'The Stewart Ball Bearing Clipping Machine : tUti Bharp Kmgpr than au, other, Oe&rt are ail MO tiant And cut from Bolld Meel bar. PRICE Thry aro unclosed, pro- *>,**.-... rxt-vr- i t i run in oil; 9Q' 5 imiiu mrtlon.tittlewcAr. V" ^llas Fir fot'tcrnewetrlucasy running flexlKo sliat! and the ceiehralrd Stewart Unit la teuton clipping ha>l highest (im-l*-. Ctl nit lrt.n fuur rflei; crry nu< Llue euarautcet to plo. CHICAGO FLEXIBi-E SHAFT CO. 693 La Saile Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. Writ* for complete nwcAtlorue nliowlng world's nont nuMlern hue- of horse flipping nod UMivtelilorp, mailed f r. na rcquect. Mr. Kitson "I suppose you think that a man never deceives his wife?" Miss Kidder "Oh, no! Whv. it would be impossible for the, average man to get a wife if he didn't deceive her." CONSULTING ENGINEER ENDORSES GIN PILLS 29 Broad way. New York. "I l>ouglit some of your GIN PILLS t Victoria, Il.C. last September. Your remedy I find, n t 60 years of nge, to give perfect relief from the Kidney and gladder Troubles ifti-iikytlQ SW pf my yeonunen , to friends as being the one thing that does me good." K. O. \VOODKORD. 500. a box, 6 for $3.50. Money back if (.UN PILLS fail. Sample free if you write National Drug and 'Chemical Co. of Cauada, Limited, Toronto. 13J

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