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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1913, p. 8

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March 20 Ml 3 THE F L E S fi;E RTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS IOULLOUGB A TOUMO Banisn Markdal* (ooeral banking buslDSSS. If onsj loaned at reasonable rales Call on us. TOHIBLiBTT, PottmaaUr, Ceylon. OotnoilMionar In B.C. J .Conveyancer, deed*, mortftMM. lese, will* etc. rareiull v drawn up elections mail ?. ebajTBcs reasonable Also roeeries, floor. lead etc. kept la stock, Price* *bt. DM.-r.lAll.. Llc*na>d Auctioneer tor the Uoauty of Grey. Terms moderate ud Mitklaeuon jfuarsnloed. The arrangement* ind date, of b made a>. THE ABTAJ.CB office. KeileneandP.O..Cjloii. Telephone MfjMetton. Dee. tSfl. WM. KAITTISO. Licensed Auctionssr foi th. eoonties of Urer *>nd Bunco. Farm and Stock sale, a peciJty Term, moderate. aa,tUlactiou guarmUed. Arrai .- a,,ts for date, may be madeat tbe **' SB., or I 'entral telrbon ofl.oe eversbauj orby addressing ni* at Feversbaui, Out. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the largest attendance in its history, The Collingwuod Business College his placed in a pood posi- tioa, every gradiute of the present year. Winter term from January 2, 1913. Send for handRom* Catalogue. Collwgwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal RUDD MATHEW8, Warkdale, auctioneer forth, county of service at readable rate.. Date* wade it The Advance, o OB MEDICAL Farms for Sale ' 90 Acres West half lot H, con. 11. Towiibbip of Osprey. i W Aorta -East half lotH, cou. 11, Otowusblp ' of Uiprey. SO Acre* West half lot 7, cou. 11. Townsbip of Osprey. 30 ilf Iot7. eon. 11, Township of Osprey. 100 Acres Lot 39, Con. 10, Artemesia. 100 Acree Lot S3, Con. 11, Arteinesia.> OH AcresLot:), Con. IS, lot <, Con. Osprey. 100 Acres - con. 11. Artemesls. i ' 100 Acres Lol , C'D. 14, Artemesia. 100 Acres Kast half lot 7, cou. 2, Kupbrasia. 2W Acres Lots 44 and >, cou. M, Arteuiesia li Acree I'srt Lot 144, 145, 140, Con. 3, N. E. T. H. K., Aremesia. 200 Acres Lot 3 . aud 40, con. 1U, Arteiuesia. :, Acree 37. con. 12, Arteuitsie. jjB CA 2"[.p A80nt .physician, Samson tt \V. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherlon Office ud residence-Peter >t., Flsieberton i J une m i Jp OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College) reideac - sscond door south "-P ae , lre t. Th , ,,,., runi south I i, ->.> -mirou. DENTISTRY P C MURRAY L O. R., dental inrgeon J 1 - hono ; * ""at? of Toronto' Uoi i varsity am. Br-val SoluS ot U.ntal Surgeons rfOataiio, Gas aduilsinatred lor tetli extraction Cttkce at residence, Toronto Street. Fleeberton. 11 LEGAL , VCAB. KANKY * hKNUY-BarrWer.. L. dolleltOTs,tc.-l. B. Lucas. K V Office. li.m-1 K t W. D. Henry, B. A. OniceH. BSffio, waTtf ! Tia*; Hart' BWlfc. l*on. mail. 14 r2;Marku*I.Luca Hlock. Ph o ' * Hraucboflice e.t UULdal< open every Baturday. WH.WKIOHT. TKLFOBD 4 M* D( > X * L J? Barrister. Holloltor*. ic. omces. Orov A Bruce Block. Owen Hou iirl. Standard Mann rilock Klesherton.lUsturtlajrsl. yt.ti. wri|,ui. W. I', -1'elford J-..J.C. MeUonaH. L.. 1* B. SOCIETIES Our Clubbing List The following prices ire for Htrietly paid in advance subscriptioiiKonly. We hare no accouiun with oilier papers. Flenherton Advance 9 I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily .'! 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe Mail-Empire Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 Farmer Sun . . Farmers Advocate Weekly Witoesr Saturday Niht Home Jourr-,1 Poultry N , - ws 26 Poultry Review 40 Hod and Gun magazine !K) 1 A) U W niests ot. b last Monday o eaoh mouth, in KxJge room n,tou'i hall Flesbsrton. at B p.m. > I- W.^, W J Hellauiy : Rc.. C. H. Munh Via.. U. J, Hl'ioule. Visitiog bretOTSM mrited BBINCB AKTHUK LODGE, No. aw, A.F ft " A U. meets in tba Masonic ball. Arm- .roDB'. Hlock, Klesb.rton. ewy Kridsy on or bforsthe full mocn d. A. Wti-on, W. H.; Tbo. CITton,Bstret*ry. rOOBTyLEBHEBTON, 9B6. 1.0. F. irsstsln V Clay toc'i Block tbs last Wednesday eveniDd of each month. Vtillinir Korfster* heartily welcome C. K., O. Bellamy ; K. B., U. CalrLs; Kin See.. W. Huskio. Pl* pay dues to Kiu. See. bstore tbs first da? of tlm moutb. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -- ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wo put itltrratioiiH in free </ if required. LMD]| Cliosi.s KhIEKDB-FleebertoD Coansll CboiMD Friends meets In Clsyton'elislinrst and tbinl Wodneadey of a,cb month 8 i>. m Pay aeBiiuient to the Ks>-ordr oo or before tr- Bmt day of e*ch month. Cblef Councillor T. HIkelev:Keeorder W. H. Buut. tptie Farmer's Club mets in tlie l,ili sclwil T builrtiog on tlie Hrst Thursday In sch mobth at 8 oVIw-k n. ni. Younu faruiois .upriiilly luvlUH. P.Chsrd I'renldeut, (.. W. liellaiut. Scc.-Tiesr. Tam worths lor Sale Hotli sri nearly ready for broediop. I'rlces rUilit for quick nle. OKO. W. HOSS.Maiwelll'.O. Boar for Service A larso wl-ltd Vo.kililre Jlosr for scrvlcB lot 1W, Mrd rD( \V T. & H. It., Arteli.utis. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale Pum liri'd Urn-ford Imllnfii' lu:171..:U. w.T. & S. S., 1 Mnrcli 1,'i - T. &. J. WATSON. Priit-ii Station. For Sale 100 i!Ort-- Lot 8tt, (nil. ti. AUfiintMa (Hoiicro* cli'Ht I'd , . r >() HCI CH ini(ier < ultiva- tun, ll.i iv h trdtvixi I ,,n i SHIII|>, null f. mi ii Mil wittfrt'd. ({(uid luiut-e, new fraiiu- Iwilli with Ktali'inj; iindi-r, alao |iii^ |>en, lnM.liouse mill slier p |Mfn. Itiual 111 III .1.1;'. y. Apply l(> AI.UKKT HLACKHI'IIN, !; . k Milli. ,, o , R. J. COLQDETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements. S\HK"iiH, IJnxniu-', CirtUK, Se ; gli<, in d Gu-oliin' Kiuinen, Mc'lo ti: Cioini Se|>iiiatiiiH, Ball*! Winil Mil s, IVniji . l'i|iing and Pipe K.ltiniiH always oh liiiud lieatty Br('. of KerU", Hani Tracks, Litter i ,i 1 1. i.-. iinil stable litlinua. Cdckxhu t anil Frost ( V Wood Ki'pnii-.-, uhvHj.s on hanil. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fcwrsham, Ontario. International Stock Food 79 DON'T let your horses run down during the winter and yet so son that they will lose flesh badly when JTOM start yoarspriaf plowing. If porats) are not worked regularly during the winter, ihrv need the spleitdid Ionic rff.cii el INTERNATIONA! STOCK FOOD, to tune up the digestive organs, enslile them to get all the good out of their feed, prevent the Mood from becoming overheated, and thii ward off (liw IfcaveM ^TERNATIONAI, .STOCK m a 2S POUM) pil I wrrc so worked ilowu that ... I bo.idht a pair of Ihree yesr old collTaml " hey . coam ey my neiRlihors id I rmd l>eeii l*ai. When I Umght Ihe . e pluughcd ss acres nnd they weighed 26so-lhei. I receive your name and ad<!rca. . .,.v, iK oo-sen ree wr w IN rtBNATKiMI STOfK FOOD CO. I IMIim TMONTO For Sale by John Fisher IPlesherton, - - Ontario The ROYAL SAILORS. ' Served In the Navy. fact that Prince Albert. King MOUNT SHASTA. now Banners f the World's Most Inv preseiv* Mountain. Travelers declare that Mount Shasta to tbe most impressive mountain in tbe world, for It stands solitary and lone. Unlike Pike* pe*k aod many otber of tbe world's great mountains, it Is not surrounded by a number of lesser ones, and its tremendous beight-14,140 feet is appreciated by tbe eye. It is sublimely grand and yet grace- fully beautiful. Against tbe blue of a California sky its curved outlines seem to sweep in tbe perfect segments of n circle from tbe apex of tbe cone to tbe horizon. Far up on Its base Ibe dark green of the timber line Is met by tbe virgin whiteness of Sbasta's snow, and tbeo on, up and up, far past tbe summer clouds, points tbe alabaster pyramid. Shasta la nn extinct volcano and bos two large glaciers. Tbe Whitney gla< cicr is visible from Ibe railroad. It looks like a niirrow streak of snow, but it is over a mile In width nnd Is seam ed with great fissures nnd crevasses. At times a ustural banner Is unfurled from Sbusta's peak. This is called tbe "snow banner of Shasta." It only oc- curs when tbe gale attacks tbe summit imd blows the snow In great gusts "streaming against the sky," as tbej-.- z --KT* i'7~ railroad book bus it The banner is 1 "^J.^.Duke^ Clarence, spent Uvo seen most frequently in St. Louis Globe- Democrat George's second son, has embarked upon a naval career by joining H.M.3. Cumberland M a cadet shows that past traditions in regard '.-> the naval training of British princes are being religiously observed. Apparently it is intended that 1'rii Albert, like his father, shall be thoroughly trained in naval matters. His elder brother, the Prince of Wales, it will be remember- cil, spent some months at Dartmouth studying seamanship; but it was ulti- mately decided that he should not follow the naval profession. On the other hand, the naval train- ing of Prince Albert, who is now mak- ing liis first cruise at sea, will cover some considerable time. And it is an illustration of the thorough manner in which this training is to be under- gone Unit . when the King heard that preparations had begun on the Cum- berland for accommodating tbe prince in a cabin, His Majesty promptly vetoed any such distinction and directed that his son. during the ensuing cruise, should be in every respect treated as an ordinary cadet. So for some time to coma Prince Albert will sleep in a hammock. The sending of the second son to sea is quite in accordance with pre- cedent. It will be remembered that with his elder brother. QUAINT WILLS. A Parrot and a Russet Cob That Were Wall Provided For. The making of queer wills Is a sub- ject prolific of good stories, and some world in the Bacchante. But after that voyage, while his brother left the sea, King George remained in ilu navy, ai|d during his naval career conformed closely to the usual cus- tom. Indeed, so far as promotion was concerned, he owed little to the ail- vantage derived from his exalted rank. Therein his naval career differed remarkable examples are given by Vlr- from that of his nnclc, the Duke of gll M. Harris in "Ancient, Curious and Edinburgh, who was a pupil of Capt. Famous Wills." One Caroline Hunter! Harris in the Illustrious, the predeces- who - to hl an elderly spinster, left 1,000 In trust 8 < r of the for her parrot Tbe money was to pro- vide It with n home and to guarantee Hi cam( . ft captajn in tlle attention ut the hands of n custodian. I at Uia navy . a! , e O j twenty-two. who had to be of the female sex nndi Vrince Henry of Battenburtf. who ii.-ni to undertake not to leure England, recently Biicceeded Sir Francis Briduo- The will included this clause: man as First Sea Lord, is the mo;t "1 will and desire thnt whoever tries 'notable instance of a royal personage to frustrate these my Intentions shall attaining a great position in tho naval forfeit whatever I Uave left him. her! world - Jt is interesting to recall, how- or them. I owe nothinf to any one. ever - that Prince Kdward Augustus Many owe me JSSJL &t^i^fSS^i^i but none have paid me either." , gted in the fo if owing year, and af- A rustic of Toulouse about 1781 wrote ter only four year5 . Mr "vice hoisted a brief will in these terms: ' |,is flag as second-in-command in the "1 declare that I appoint my russet | Channel. According to The lime!!. cob my belr, and I desire that Prince Edward was entered on the he muy belooc to my nephew, (Jeorge." ship's books as a volunteer for waxes This was contested, but was con-i ntl victuals, and his original coin- Urmed. as it was clear that the said mandt-r. who afterward* became his George In owning Ibe horse would 8^"Ptain. was Lord Howe. have control of tbe money; also be would not be able to transfer or dlssl- Chloroformed Before trio Evtnt. i Mr. G. P. Huntley, the London HC- pale the cash for the simple reason Ulf ja about to grt in plint . H e that he would require tbe horse's con- sent, tain. which would be difficult to ob- Burma Pagoda* Ar* Reminders. is collecting his reminiscences, which will be published under tlie purpla title. "My Fearful Life," and IiU friends anticipate that it will be the most fearful production that has Irawadi lKirin ii >d of the old Burmese town of Sagolng the hills aro dotted all over with pagodas. These are not temples, R but are built by pious people a* offer- Ings to the supreme power, it being Eight or nine miles below Munda-i pered humanity for many a day. Mr. lay. In Burma, tbe right bank of the, Huntley will relate his experience* Is billy, and In the nelgb a " d , , trav<!ls in various paiU of ths 1 world. Strange to relate, though Mr. Hunt- ley id prepared to reveal in.- p.-i-i :-r very modest sum interviewers do not exactly give him joy. "An interview to me is almost as generally believed that such acts of bad as having a tooth drawn, and you devotion count to the builders' credit | can't have gas or chloroform during In the next world. The pagodas are the interviewing process. And talking of all kinds, according to the meana of chloroform reminds me of the story of the builders, from primitive white- of tlie ver y "uniane mother who was found fault with by a lady friend tor washed structures to ornate erections -vilh grotesque gilded lions. The lions have various meanings, but M.I ml chiefly as a reminder of unselfish de- votion. An ancient Burmese legend, tnught to all Burmese children, U that of a lioness who nursed aud guarded tbe baby son of a king and who died of a broken heart when tbe prince grew up and went away. Wide World Magazine. using the birch-rod to her children. "'Oh. yes, my dear.' she said; 'but it is not quite so severe as you think, because I always chloroform the chil- dren first'." Weekly Report Of Fle.herton High School FORM I. Dictation Winnie Sciltoy 66, Florence Buot40,| Rebecca McLaien 10, Xella Benlharo 15. Literature Elraw Wrihf 67,Fk>rDce Bant 6, AdoUide Oaudin 64, Winnie Scilley 62, Zella Bentham 57, Maurioo Wright 65, Lillian McPhail 51, Rebecca McL.rensK, Minnie Winters 41. Nettie Teeter 37. Sadie Smart 2(i. Ltd* True- man, aliarn'. FOAM II Dictation Mabelle Hendeison 7o, Sidie Hawiua 85, Harry Field 53, Gladys White fiO, Valeria Stafford 45, Maud Boyd 60, S. Orr 50, Elsie Wright 4-i, Preston Beattie 35, Viva Scilley 25, 1) II Thurston 20, Tominy Orr 20, Hazel Shu. ik 15. Shrink 39, Sadid Hawkins, absent. FORM III. Geometry L. Ellison N)U, W. Kerna- IIHII 80, A. McMillan 77, X. Lawlor 74, H. Ailei. 67, L. Bunt 60, L. Legate 63, K. Wilcock 61, A. Wright, 40, Accident at Thornbury About 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon an accident happened at the Reduction works, Thuruliury , which nearly coat one of tlie employees, James Smith, hi* life. It appears Smith was washing out a kiln with a hot *ter ho*e, when the exceed - mxly nigh pressure blew off the nozzet, allowing the escaping scalding wnter to be forced with such an impact againat tho unfortunate man as to almost tear the thirt from the body. Ha WM badly scalded under the arms, on the back and both kg* and suffered intense pain. Dr. McCalium was at once summimed and did much to relieve his Buffering. Smith who is a married man, with a wife and family in Scotland, is a good work nmn and on ibis particular occasion was really doing a work that usually takes two. He Ins the sympathy of the entire town and it is hoped that the Literature Harry Field 73, Gladys Cooipmiy will do* he right thing with so White 73, Stella Orr 72, Preston Beattie diligent a workoun. Kefleetor. 71, Elsie Wright 67, Murray Legate t!7, Tommy Orr 66, Lohta Beattie til. McMillan 61. Maud Boyd 57, Mabelle Henderson 55, Ruth Spencer 53, Viola Corn field 50, Eva Spencer 43, Valeria The l tention of ihe Division Curt Stafford 45, Viva Scilley 44, Harvey here on Thursday was principally oc- A Horse Case Sir ChaiJes Tu|'|>er who is now nearly uinety-twn years of age, has arranged for a |Mss:ir to KngUnd by the Kinpress of Ireland. He will mul from St. John on Muy '2nd. On Friday night a man was caught the itct of stealing fur-lined overcoat an I other merchandise fioni it general store in Teesw ttcr. After chas* of six miles the constable .succeeded in tu 1 . in'.: liia i|it-irry, but lint without difticulty. The prisoner give the name of Jno. Carman but afterwards admitted cupied hearing a dipute over a horse deal, in which EngTie Semler of Brant townnhip, Ki-iiiii;hi action ro recover I40.CO frrni Jchn O'Neill, a Brant Farmer, the sum claimed being the amount chat Semlrr alleges to hare lost on the dorse. The animal was a big handsome looking steed, was sold liy O'Neill to Semler for 8225.00, but the purchaser, it seems discovered later that it was noinewhxt ln/.y and wouldn't do the work for whirh it was warranted. He 8ubse<|ueiitly *o'd the horse by injauction on the marki t square here for $185, ami entered suit against O'Neill that that wax Dol I.I was sentenced on light name. H Monday by Judge Klein in Wslkerton in eighteen months in Central prison on charges (if robbery and assau'ting a constable. When, at fourteen, she went In scliool The> boys, a tot of chattering parrots And not too courteous, as a rule. All called her "Carrot*." A few brief yea rs passed o'er her head. I. live proved himself a true magician The boys found out that fiery red Is "brightest Titian." -Puck. Father I can't understand why you want to be n prizefighter: Son Easy! Kecause it's all prize and no flgbt. Judge. for the |40 00 difference between the sum he had paid and the amount he had received for the beap. After hearing rhe various arguments adduced on the matter, Judge Klein fnur.d in favor of Semler and awarded him $40 and costs. Bruce Herald. Tho Fanner's Institutes of East and West Peterborough and Emt Durham have decided to abandon their annual excursion owing to the action of the Railway Coiiipanirti, who raised both transportation tickets and the guarantee. No Chance Work at the Songs arc suns; to the brave and fair Over the foaming beer and win*. Bo why not a toast to that hardy pair Th Andiron boy* on the) firing line? -Life. JimsoD I do sprlug cleaninc at all Reasons of the year. Jackson How's that? Jlmsou I'm a watchmaker. New York Americau. r I % "May I may I kiss you. dearT" Bald he. "First I want one thins; mad* clear." said a lie. No Th Marching Song. one knows the Inspiration of a SOIIB hotter tlmn the soldier. nn.l most regiments have their flivor- It. u,r, which the, love to ,. when on mnrcli. Tho men of the Mnuehes- tor nitVant Imve a flue reputation . for sliiKing on the innrch, nnd two of |t r() | of the machine, his hands acting ' Has Special Cycle. Anstey, a twelve-year-old cripple, of Leicester, Kngland, is one of tin; ni'i-t remarkable eycltott to he (..mi. I in lUitain. Both his legit are j withered and useless, but the Leicester ' Cripples' tiuild has provided liim with I a two-wheeled pwlalless machine, with | H P ail<lctl tube covering the axle-bar. Al ; ross th " lle ]le * fa t()ren ' ost - '"' l| . lie treet3 ,, roa(ls jn ft niarvi ., ou ,, y ru p it i nianner. lie has compK-te con- , tbolr fnvorlto sonRS are "U'llliiloe"iind as pedals, steering-gear, and brake "Brian Hum," both of which give op- portunity for some hearty shouts at Intervals. Similarly the Yorkshires, when route nin rolling, enliven the way with "Dan Tucker," n bong In which the words lire of no account aud the tune n series of diabolical yells. Lon- don Chronicle. coinhiiu-tl. Anstey prouilly states Unit be now frequently gives his little, sis- ' l< .' r r ' ( l<-' l "> his back. "Fourpence the Grab." London possesses a curiosity in th - Southwark eel market, which is said to have been held regularly for over three hundred years. It is little known except in the neighborhood where it Seen In a Menageria. is held viz., near IHackfriars Urid k 'e. "I hnve heard of haughty strides nnd Originally the eels sold vere caught graceful glides, but the heroine of this off IHackfriars Bridge, but now they tnelodraniii has a sort of zoological come mostly from Holland and Seot- wnlU." land. They arc not sold by weight, m "Whnt kind of walk Is that?" ia usual - bu bv tnc >'ndful. the "Why. the uuthor speaks of her pur- >rice "*.'" "fourpence the grab." suing her catlike tread with a dogged determination! " | nit |t.d Six Sent. .. . . . . .... . . __ At a meeting of tlie Robert Mitchell Lodge held at the Polytechnic, Kcgeut Something In Keeping. intreet, London, recently, VVorsbiplul "Tun pamper this cat too much," said Urother E. A. W. O. Easton, P.M.. ini- the teterlnarlao. "You keep him too luted his BIX sons as Freemasons. much in the house." :It is believed to be the first case in "But, doctor, this la a Persian cat 'which a father has initiated so many cost $1000" i sons at one meeting, though there "Wel'l. build him a mahogany wood.; ha ^ e bee " , CM t e , in w , hich , fatl ' .hed to gambol B ." B h Po.t rlh * "Have you cr Nlsjed maid bfor Or trteJ?" "No," lie answcred-sha ivai aura) He lied. Then with willing llpj ahs> whispered. "Well. Yes, you may. since you don't kls* And tell." Pittsburgh l'resn. "The case bud to be postponed agnln." "Weren't the lawyers ready?" "Yes. but the dressmakers demand- ed more dine." Hartford Post The oyster In the stewpan stirred Attended strliMly to Ms biz And never said a single \vord And yet see whnt Ills (Irtish is! Washing-ton star. "It seems she did something rather odd -wedded her tirst love or some such silly thing." "No. It was far more remarkable- loved her first wedded." Smart Set There was a young fellow named Mose, Who adopted a "cold cynic" pose. But one chill winter's day Jack Froat caught him that way And he (rose In toe poie tnat be chose. -J-un. OWEN SOUND, ONT., Every graduate guaranteed n " position. Thorough courses. Lari^e staff of Specialists. Best equipped Uollege in Canada. ] Enter any day. C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., BrincipaL G. D. FLEMING, - Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Holstein Bull, Kortidyke 'ivtertjo Clothilde, N... 14780, whose m, Trizie's Clothilde Pietertje 2nd, No. 988, IMS produced over 80 llw. milk per ay. Terms Grnc'e eows J 1.50, pure bred iws $8. All cow.* not returned will ba hargud. Also reuistered Yorkshire boar. No. 4681 .Termi SI. HENRY HOLM AN jot 40, Con. 4, \itmn-.-m, Portlaw P.O. Cm irtf STUDY AT HOME l ; e your sparo time and become a gnud Bnoumptr. >r a Stenographer, or li-nrn so Draw and Deiixn, nr take a course in stdry Writing or Journalism an.l i|iialify tii earn a Kmid Halary. W can (five y<m just the ri|{ht Omrsp. Write us tor Catalogue. W. H. SHAW, 1'renident, Shaw's ,s, I.....I . Toronto. Snsbs and Snobs. i.tttip gnob-1 don't see any waltero. Why don't tbey went uolformt? Too can't tell who are gentlemen and who are nut, can you? Superior Walter (sarcastically)- Wti wallers Hnd no dif- Bculty, airl London Oplrloa. Net Ncdsd. "Do yon carry burglar Insurance OD your borne, Blldad?" asked Wiggles. "I n~-' to, but since tbe twins came I've Klvpn It up," said Bildad. "No- body sleeps at our house after dark, o wbofs Ui use?"-Uaruer's. A Wild Throw. In Dawson City some years ago a colored man, 8nni Jonej by mime, WHS on trial fur felony. The judge asked Sam if he desired tht! appoint- ment of a lawyer to delend him. "No, *Hh," said Snni. "\'a gwine to throw uiytelf on the itfujrance of tl-j cote." CANADIAN PACIFIC Hug* Piece of Ambcrgri*. A piece of anibcrirU estimated to e worth about $150,000, recently brought into Victoria, B.C., was de- clared to be one of the largest MIH--H of this utrange sen treasure ever found. EXCURSIONS atchewan, Alberta To Manitoba. Sas HOMESEEKERS Low Round Trip Rate* each Tuesday, March to October Inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other point* In proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST LHPIN0) 0AM on all excursion*. Comfortable berths, ful'v equipped wi ,'i b'ttdir.e. can be secured ut moderate rales thiough lcc<>l agvnt . SETTLERS For settlers trave 1 - ling with live ttock and effect*. sreciu TiAiNs Will leave Toronto Each TlitSDAY HilCH AND trilL 10.20 .ss. Settlers and families without live stock should use IEGULAI TIAINS Leaving Toronto 10.30 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers COLONMT CARS ON ALL TRAIN* No charge for Berths Home Seekers' Truins I,ea\o Toronto lO.aOp.nt. d winy March. April, September nnd October, nd at a p.m. and 1O.2O p.m. during May, Jun, July and August. Thronrfh Trains Toronto to Wlnolpcf} and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent. Toronto

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