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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1913, p. 4

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Marih 20 1918 THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE * 1- H K- /Icsljcrtcm An inAiii*iiilrut newspaper, published every Tnnntdky ut tli-- uHice, Colliugwood Street, 'Kl. .-ln-ii.iii. Subscriptiou |>ric <jl pr annum, when |>ajdinatlvnc; $1.5o wbcu not so paid Advertising rsteii on application. Circulac.oo 1,100 weakly. W. H. Thuraton - Editor THE OTTAWA SITUATION Tlte situniion ut OditwH fur the tWO Weeks hlM Hut in II -:" ll Uli t ' I. -I'll r Hiiy iet enthusiasm thioughout the country fm the 1'iiili mi i>t iii-.-iiiaii.<lii|) shown by our legislator* over the Navy Bill. The liul.ting a\> of tlw cum.tiy's lj;ixiin-T- for ! wvukft \>y * tornado of iin-i. \ i'.; till on a question of this kind is liumiliitinx rather tlmn inspiring. Tin 1 niivy i|in'st inn IH tbHiired'y u Uj oi!t, but the point over which (he ,M u.-. Inn; has taken plsre is trivial nJ does not call for Mich lii-ri'ir- It all b^gnn urer the cUuse in the liill uth <ri/.ing the ex- penditure uf the f ::.,ini<i,tiMti. The Opposition offered btttle on this proposi- tion, claiming that it w:ta uuwie to allow lirvM Britain to spend tlui money "without ulwe(|ueat direction, criticism or review l.y Parliament." The Opposi tion would like to see the inooey spent in Canada and t Li- ships heic. The Government belimes that Great Biitiiu has ihe plant nud cjh l<uild 6Ucli ,v>!>e!.s an she .|imi"> with the money, and also believes thai the money will tie as safely handled hy the BrilUh Uuvernamnt it would be by any Cauidun government, while with the Liberal plan a large portion of it would lx> enten up in the conitructiuu of a suitable plum f. r the building of these three dreadnaughts. It is very doubtful if the country would endorse the draatic na-isuiea taken by the Ouj.osition in HtUtnpting to foice the Government t> gn tti Uie country. Both p.itics are agreed that the expenditure should lw n m> , :tnd the ordinary ratepayer who will h:ne to pay the shot 11 not * sen. in d t aoy ;.iv;it degree in exactly how ilia payment shall be made. II.- docs not consider the al- teruativa MitKoient'y importar.t to brrak .. government. If it meant pronounce- ment CD the whole question, including the wiwdoru of making .an large an ex- penditure, the maps of people would he willing jiind ready to give i decided nwer at the polls, but the main question IIM been i.-ikeu ut ol the rralin of politico liy both political psrties HLJI.-I- 'ii,' to the nec.wtity for nuking this ex- penditure. A.s matter of fact the present con- dition of affairs is recognized h~being in the nature ol retaliatory action, aiibioi; out of the Ka.-iprociiy proposals, when the Opposition then in p>>wer forced the </ iiriiinirnt to ii" to the people, with a uMili constitute* recent histoiy and need nut be onlnrgcd upon. die experiment srlevtt-d unJ with blank Forms on which to report the game. All interested in clean funning arc ask id t> co operate in this work. Address all coininuniciliona to .1 E. Howitt. Bo- I mi. il Ueparinient, Ontario Agiicultunl College, Ouelph, On'. Shocking Case* Mr. A. \V. Guuton, infpvvtor for the Neglected ChiMien's Department, was in town this ..-!, inveHtigatu g conditions in it couple nf homes here. From here I ho inspector went t Sliellmn e to look alter a coup'e .f >-h( irking cases that have bceu Lr n^lit to the attention of the Department. i >i in thtt of a mother and daughter who reside some ili-,:. in. T west of Shelburne in practically destitute cirrumstanc-a. Tl e daughter, ho is said 10 lie Bimple minded, is the moiher of two children, nhosu paternity it attributed to two in.-u in the lu-i^h borho'>d. The other c^se is even more shockiux and furnishes a 'amentahle in- stance ><f ii.n -il i'r|> :ivi'y. A married man IN said to be the father of the two children of his wife's tititer, who lives in the same house with the I usbund and wife. Cases like these are fortunately ol litre occurrence in this county una it is to be hoped tint the Deparlinunt will sue eed in p'ticinx tie unfortunate chit dreti iu an environment here they will have some chancu of overcoming the handicap uiider * hic't they hare m.-nl their start in life Oran^evillo Banner. Co-operative Experiments During 'In' -,1 i -.11 of I'M'.', the Ontario Agricultural Kx|)i'iiun'iititl I 1.1 n < .niu-.i un cooperative experiments in 'lie viadicittiiin uf I'fic'inuiil Suv Thisili', Twitch (Jras", DUdiU'i' '.'iimpion itiul UiM Miiftiiu.i. A ininibcr of practical iiiun took put in than experiment* Mid Home very lotflmliog mid vttuable ir- alu WUA obtained. A properly culti- vated crop of lapu was |. u <1 to be mi ex- cellent means i-f dtstiuyiiix pureniual i ilci ' i- and twitch (jriu. Kapit jiinii-il more L'tfuctive in dt'Mtr.'ymg twitch ^rais i hi n ihd ImckHlie.-it. Thorough i ml deep cult.' vai ion followed by pota- toes or TII pave good irttilts in the con- trol of lilmldi-r campion Spraying with iron ur copper Kulplntiu proved to be a heip and rll'uctivu ineuiiH of destroying niUHtsrd in glowing grain witlu-ut injury eo the growing crop. Those who took in these oxpeiimenti profited by the eipeiience. They cleaned llui tield experimented upon, demonstrated |j their own satiiifaction the effectiveiuss of the tried, and at the sime lime their results furnished piuctic-tl informa- cion to others. These co-operative ex peri neiits in weed eradication will be conliiuud i In , y. -HI I I'M ;;., ,!,!., hoped that n In-,-. number of men will tnku part in lliem in urder that sullicient data may be gath- n-d to warrant definite statement* being made regarding the beit methods of c>iii- troliing thoHO peminious weeds. The * inn in.r ii' -. aru a* follows : 1 The use of rape in the ilpHtructiou of perennial now thistle, 'i A system of intensive cropping and cultivation, using winter i > followed by turnip*, rsp and buck- wheat, for eradicating prennUl sow (hisllr. :t The usn of rape in the de- struction uf twitch grans, 4 A method of cultivation and cropping for thu de- tructioti of twitch grass. 5 A method (or i In- eradication of bladder campion ur cow bell. It Spriying with iron HII|- (ill.itr to ilr-.t n y inii^t nil in Cereill . 1 M|. , Tlii sn who ar troubled with any 4>f these wi-i-ils ire invited I i write to tin- Director of Co-operative Experiments in Weed Ivmlii ri .n, Ontario Agriouliu- ml C'ollegi*, i!in-l|ili. iin'.ii .... whn will lie glnd lo fiirnirh full infonnntinn con- ceriiirg tin MC i'\|i Miih'ii 1 ,ii..| in :,u|i|.i\ np|iln-i'i >n blink-, for ihe snine. All 4tsperiumitiers will In- MI|IJ>' i-il with fulj mill di-i.iili- I in-.:iii. . . i , f ,|- i-.uryiny on Gross Immorality At Hepworth One of tl 11 most sickeningly revultini, cases ever uneanhed in this district was ventilated before Judge Barre t a YValkerton on Saturday last, when in. iih residing near Hepworth ii Amabel township, weie shown to I* in a moat immoral and degraded state. The father of the family loti his wife some years agi i, and together with hia two daughters and one son has been living under the- on* roof in Amabel. The fact that both of his daughters, who are unmarried, had become mothers of children, aroused the neighborhood an-l MIU y letters touching on the inatttT, pourud into the oftice of Crown Attorney bison. As a ivbult of such tidings an invesiigulion was huld, and a charge of incest was lodx>* 1 agiinst the brother. On ln-iiig arraigned bi-fore the court the itccuxed pli-nded guilty to hav- ing had iminoi-i! relations ith his 17- yi-ur-old sisti'i', llio lalti-r <if wh'ini j.-m- birth to a chilJ on February 5th last. The -nl. who was sumimmfd, also ad- mitted ihe culpability of her broth.-r, and told a ri'V..ltiii) story to the Court. Asa result t.f such evidence, .li:il_,- Btrreti fouod Ihe brother , who is over .'10 yenis .f ae, guilty of inci-M, and enlBDOed him on SitnrJ iy to <ino in the ( ', 1'iison. year i , nwnoil and .icilic Uuilway, Homsseekcrs', Settlers', and Colonist lixcursions to the West These taking ad nvntagt ofubo-u Kx- riii-iiinis xlioulil lu'ar in mind the- n uny rxclusivu fratiin-Hiifl'i ii'-l by tbo 1'noailmn 1'itcilic 1'ailway in c<inri-ction wi-h :i trip !- tin; Wi-sr. It is i ho only nil. Canadian route. Only liliioptrn'liu tliiougli t ruins In \Vi-st, -in I 'iniailii No chniiijiMif di-po's. Only lino Operating through atiindard uiul tnur:st sK-i-pi-i-n t-i NVinniic^ anil Vnii- c iuvor. All >'i|iii|iment rpi-ralod Iy Ciiiiadnin I ufl' rdin^ tl.i- Iiifjln-Ki form ol emmency. lli'inesiukors ralos will bo in ettcct each TuvMlsy, Mmrh :ird to October S8th inclusive, ami round-nip sui-onil-i'lnN-< lickets will be issued viu Cuiailian I'auilic I; ..!.'... from Ontario points at very low rates -for exum;il, \\'innip-(;. and re- turn {.'... Ivi ni..Mh.ii Hiid ri-uirn (4-'!, *nd otluir puinU in proportion. Ittnurn limit two in i.i Ii Each Tuesilay (lining March onil April, the Canadian 1'acihc will run Settler's Kxcursimi tiiiinN to Winnipeg H nd Wont, for the accommodation of settlers traiul- ling with live stock and effects, a car will he attached to th settlwrM 1 i-ll'ects train. Tlii.i car wdl leave Tonmt > on reaular train at 10.20 p. in., anivini; u r West Toronto it will be a'tachod to set- tler's etfeclH 1 1,1 n an mentioned above. For those not travelling with and effects, special Colonist oars w ill be at- tached to regular train leaviot/ Toronto at 10.20 p. m. and run through to Winni- peg without change. No charge is made for accommodation in Colonist cars. Tourist sleeping ctra urtt also operated on rrguUi train leaving Toronto 10.20 p. in. One-way Colonist rains to Vano .urer, Victoria, Seattle, Wash.. Spokane, Wash , Portland, Or*., Nelson, B. C., Los Angeles. (,'!., San Diego, Oal., San Frausinco, Gal., etc , will b in effect daily March I.H Ii to April I5th,lnnlnsive. Full pnrliculars fn in any O.I'.U. Agent or writs M. G. Murphy, |)istr:ct PaNeii- gur Axnt, Torunto. When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing' can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That is what oar scientifically fUt.'d glasses d), W. A. Armstrong. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. 6O YEARS- EXPERIENCE INADE MAMKI DltlONS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention IspruhuMf putentabla. roiiimunloa- llmiiBlrlotlrroiillilcmtfir seal free. Olriott nuonrj takun tiirouu tibnutrlotjltonSdantU, 'rlANDBOOK < I'stnuts f securln uult si"- ml nodes, wit hout oliarxe, Iu the ry fur Mttrurliitf pat *.'ii Munii A Co. r Scientific American. liinli>imilv Illuntrateil iiiuti'Hi of any rtenrin Onuilii. IX7f> n your, poaii II nuwhilvulcrs. A handiiomely Illuntratud \n-klr. LamuM. rir i of any rteiuitio lournsl. Toriuii for ) i ! .! i i. Sold bj Flesherton J 1 - Tonsorial *V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDBY Bihket le*re< Tuesday noon, delivery Friday cveiii'ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We are gents for I'arkrr's Dye Work* Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR NEW SPRING GOODS This week we place on sale the first arrivals of our Spring ^oods. We think you will bo pleased with our selecuoiis and the good values we offer. By all m-aiih see them. PRINTS A big range of new patterns in a 32 inch wide, soft finished, English cloth, free from dressing, fast washing, in spots, stripes and fancy designs. The colorings include blacks, whites, reds, blues, greys and pinks. Special 10 and 12c GINGHAMS A wide choice in Anderson's Celebrated Scotch' Ginghams, 27 inches wide, fast colors, beautiful colorings, in plaids, large and small checks aid, plnin colors, greys, bines, pinks, tans and fancy designs. The cloth you usually pay lc for. .Special '2^c. Dress Goods and Suitings This season corded effects are supreme. The new patterns we show are largely of this design and include Bedford cords and diagonal weaves in a great variety of colors and textures. Tans, browns, blues, greens, reds and greys are all repretented. A large number come in individual dress lengths, no two alike, and all are moderately priced. 50c to $2. per yd. YA RD WIDE SILKS This is a most popular width as it cuts to auch good advantage. \Vc show all the popular shades, black, white, cream, tuscan, champagne, tan. brown, navy, sky grey, etc., in a Paillette, non-cutting silk, rich soft and lustrous in an extra heavy weight. Special $1.00 per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of (lie picture given at tlic head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something "ice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course wn have other beils at other prices, ail equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wanU Springs and Mattresses to fit nil bods. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sluj; inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Look ! Listen ! Just received* lot of Fine Spring Suitings. $23.00 Suits selling at $10.50. Also a new range of Overcoats and Spring and Summer Pantings. Come early and get your new Spring Suit at the Up- To-Date Tailor Shop CEYLON'S BI S STORE C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS Special for This Week in Furs ! Men's Fur Coat*, $28.00 for S22.00 Ladies' Fur Coat, $30.00 fjr.. $19.00 Ruffs and Stc.len, $8.50 fur .. 15.50 Ruffs and Stoics, 87.00 for f 5 CO Ruffn and Stoles, f6.5<) for $4.50 Clsck Fur urly Cuperine, lon$ front, with four UiU on, f or . .. |4.50 Muff, $12.00, for 39 JQ * * \Vr 1m e i ur new Clover and Grsss Seed in now. liet it early and get the best. j Pet are Jas. fPattison (f- Co., Cff/iffat -^le (on SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements made b; patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cores I w~ No Names or Testimonials used without written consent COXSTITCT1ONAI. BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 16174. "The spots are all gone from my legs ami arms uiul 1 fn-l food now. I am very grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines hnvo done for me. You can use my name In recommending It to any sufferer. I nm going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, etc." SAYS T\Vrt MONTHS C I Til I> HTM. Patient No. 16788. Age 23. Single. Indulged In Immoral halts 4 years. De- posit In urine and drains at night. Varicose Veins on both sides, pains In back, weak sexually. He writes: "I received your letter of recent date and In reply I am pleased to say that after taking two months' treatment I would eonstder myself completely cured, as I have seen no signs of them coming back (one year). THE WORLD SEEMS nil I KIIKNT Patient No. ISIVM. "I have not had a regular Emission 1 don't know whan and am fooling fine. The world seems altogether different to me and I thank Ood for directing me to you. You have bsen an honest doctor with me." VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Cane No. 16888. Symptoms when he started treatment: Age 21, single, In- ilulgcil In Immoral habits several years. Varicose Veins on both sides pimples on the face, etc. After two months' in- ii MI. n! he writes as follows: "Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared for quite a while and It s?ems a cure. I work harder and feel Irss tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attention." etc. GAINED 14 POrNDS IN OXE MONTH. Futlent No. l:i.v:;. This patient (spied 68) had a chronic ess* of Nervous De- Illty and Sexual Weakness and was run down In vigor and vitality. After one month'a treatment he reports ss fol- lows: "I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds In one month, so that I will have to congratulate you." Later report: "I am beginning to feel mor* like a man. I feel my condition Is getting better every week." His last re- port: "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the last month's treatment that I will have to get, I thought at one time I would never be cured bat I put con- fidence In you from the atari and you have cured me." ' CURES GUARANTEED Oil NO PAY We mat sad cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. IHLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES am*i all DisMses CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. U uaabU lo call writ, for Onsets* Blank for Horn. Kl g*^"T" I f 9 E* All UUon from Canada mutt t>. .<ldr..d to U r C.a- lv\s* T % adlan Comspono'eneo DepaHms*! as follows i SBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBB DRS. KENNEDY * KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. DRS.KENNEDY&KEHNEDY Cor. Michigan AT*. and Gruwold St., Detroit, Mich. FARM TO RENT Lot 2, (.'on. M, S. D. 1!. Arli-mem, nmtikininii 80 ncrun of litiul in oond -I <i r <>t cultivation, fiist C!HMH wti i in drilled >!!. I'liml lniililii.i'-, one null' from 1'rieovillo. Awily lo MRS. DONALD McAUTriTU, Tiiwnlii i>. 1'iiciville Pure Bred Holstcln Bull Changeling Prince Joe FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 60 acre*. Lot 132, oo 3, Arletnutia. IH-M i failing rprin^, well fencrd, I.'MT<". nf Tnnhor, I h rest in p.istuve over 15- yofH, fond s'ock funn. Would noil on omy terms for i|iiiok sivlo. Apply to Junes Na h, liisliLiike. P. O. Brrcl by Ch*.nflcHiifl of Tuly Alibt'kt'ik Tin 1 nii'iiti'dl . liult Wasliliisttm. 1>. rr '' \ <mt ^H Jotfuhine. .-Irsiii kiinwn. Terms uf s irvico $2 fur griiK'N. $."> for pun- liri'd (!KO. MOOHKK SON, r,..p<., I Kfli. I I I'li'li'i, MM iuii. Dr, J. Ralph Smith | OSTEOPATH Mli,'!- and Rvsiilonc*- 4rt8, Wli St. K.isr, ! ( >IMI d, Out. Mourn !> to Urt.m , I.Hi) to 4. HO p.m.! 7 lo 8 p.m. IHIicr hcius by sp;io utiiu'iit - ."".".". T^^^.r.riT-^^^gggjg J. & W. B O Y D " GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. Notwithstanding the fact that we are selling out still we continue to receive shipments of goods that have been bought for Spring Delivery aud which we are putting on sale at very close prices- Every department fully sorted up with new goods. For the next thirty days we are offering goods at prices never before heard ,ofiu Flesherton. Everybody come and gel a share of the bargains at Boyd's closing out sale Millinery Opening ON Thursday and Saturday MARCH 20 and 22 s i . * A full range of New Stock. Ladies' headwear made to order to order on short police or sold to you fronj stock. MISS ANDREWS Iu charge of the show room. We guarantee satisfaction in every hue of goods we sell. I . . > > : V- Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. &W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. P u !

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