'TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." _ PBINCJPLEb MOT MEN.' WL 32, NO 37 Flesherton. Ont., Thursday, March 2O, 1913 W. fl TfiURSTON Kimberley Budget Quit* m number from here attended the poultry lecture in the <own hall ( Fleaherton, on Tuesday afternoon las'. Mr. McCullough, lecturer of the poultry department of the Ontario Agr'cult m-*l College, Guelph, wai the speaker *nd he delivered good practical address on the different phases of the poultry busi' ness. The regular monthly meeting; of the K.inberley Womcn'a Institute will b e held at the home of Mri. Jas, Walker, on Thursday evening, March 27th. Mi<8 Manary of BeavenJ;le is visiting at Mr M. R. Hammond's, at present. Mr. Einest Proctor visited friends in Toronto a few days last week. Mr. Jno. Spewrs of Feversham, was a caller in our burg one day last week . Mr. John Plewes of Honeywood, fisit- e I *itb his failicr, Mr. .1 rim Plewei, f r a few days the past week. The auction sale held by Mr. John Fawcett on Monday, was a bumper, debpile the extremely cold weather. Good prices were realized on the stock and implements. v Mr. Rich jnl Ho well of Toronto, ac- couipinied by Mr. John Hurd, visited friends in tnis vicinity a fen- days the past week, returning home ou Monday. We are extremely surprised that the farmers along the Beaver river whose farmi suffer from the spring frethets have not applied to the Ontario Government this spring for a grant to dredge or clean the river. They applied las', y.-ar and were told that it wan too fore but that they could gtt a itrant by applying the fallowing year. Hundreds uf acres of Euphraata'a best soil is lying doruiant at I i rsc at on account of it being inundated moHt of the year We will have te form a boott club and get busy light away. Mr. ' liei Irwin of the Park House, Fle.mertou, waa a caller in our burg on Monday. Mr. Albert Latter occupied (he pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday ev- ening last. Mr. Ainoa McClung of Cheexeville vU- ited At hit parental home tor a few days during the pant week. East Mountain Intended for Last Week Miss Elsie Maitm returned Ir-mf. after a two week' visit with friends at lledwiiig. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin and two- children visited with the latter'.' father in Baverdale, last Sunday. Oh Fell. 27th the grim reaper of death, called one home, in the person of Mr. Geo. Allen. Deceased had been a great sufferer fur it number of years and death was a happy reletse to him. R< v Mr. vYellwood of Fleeheit >n conducted the funeral service at the house, which was a very impressive one. The funeral look place to Markd.de cemetery, where the Rev. Mr. Dymond took charge of the burial service at the grave. The deceased leaves to mourn bis lo<s a widow and three daughters. Hazel Auiiie and ^Perle. Much oympaUiy is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Howson of tteJwins;. visited with Mr. and Mr- Tom Hull one day lust week . Victoria Corners Mr. Win. Heard is making in.i|-V syrup and reports a good time. Mr. Max B-tnnon is at home. Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Acheson guve a party on Fhursduy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Orr gave a parly on Thursday evening in honor of Mr, \Vns. Orr, who wsnt went on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Mr. Campbell has not beeu able to attead Inisloj(ue appointment for a couple of weeki, ou account of illness. Mr. Mttheral occupied the , pulpit kera last Sunday. The bright faces ami open puries of the Miui.inary culleotora wr to be teen in our 1'iirt; last week. Wa. llnwuh. 4 well known fartuer of the eait aid* of NuUawaaaga, met a very tiudden rail u Friday evnning. With a sleigh load of neighbors he slatted to drive to T. ktarkholder'n, ou the second line, when a furewell party was to be held. He ot out uf the sleigh to walk up a hill on the lideroad near his own firm, inn after getting back into the uleif h again h expired in a few momenta with HI ipeakinf. Creemori Star. Eugenia Paragraphs Tapping f reei i* quit* in order these days. Misn Etta Latiuier has returned hooie from the city fur the holidays. Mr. P Munabav li.is returned from liis visit with friends out west. Master Kenneth Large entertained a number of his Mhoul mates to a birthday party on Friday, March 14 Mr. Benry Fenwick has gone on an extended vieit with friends in Owen Sound and Paisley. He expects (o at- tend the Love trial on Tueiday. Mr. Hi-lit. Hanry his gone to vi-u friends in Paisley. The roads have been impassable and the mail convryance had two days off duly list week. Quite a number are suffering with severe colds. The social committee of (he Women's Institute here hare withdrawn the social stated in last week's items until soma future dste, on account of the' weather and bad roads at present. They will decide the future date at the next meet- ing, to be held at Mrs. Fred Pedlar's. Mr. A. E. Walker returned lust week from Caledoti. after spending i week with friends there. Mr. Chas. Stevenson of Maple, is visiting at the parsonage. Rev. Mr. Campbell has been un the sick liataud unable to take his work the pat few Sabbaths, but is recovering. Dundalk Mr. Joseph Madden, of Maxwell, who Ins been lying ciitically i I at the Grand Ceutral, with a nursH in charge, is some- improved to-day, Wednesday. Mr. J. F. Vandusen shipped Ins car of furniture, jewelry slock, showcases, etc., on Tuesday, billed for Medicine Hat. Included in the shipment were six Jersey cowf, which he will diipose of on arrival at his destination. W. Bryce went with the cor to look after the live stock . Mr. Fred Roonie, formerly of this place, wade a good sale of |-i..,-,-i iy at Weyburn, Susk. Ho w.n fortunile in the selection of his homestead when he went out Weet tome ten or twelve years ago. He got cluse to Weybui-u and now the growing town is coming out to him. He sold 155 acies a couple of weeks ago at over 1175 per acre, netting him 5-'7. -<::,. He expects to realize the same rr.r, or higher, for the balance of his land. Councillor Uockridi;e, Proton, has sold nut his business at Cedarville, intending to go to Vancouver He haa tendered his resignation to the c uincil and nomina- tions for the vacancy will take place at Hopeville, on Mar. 19th.- II. MI 11. Wodehouse Mrs. John Morrison uud sister. Miss Mary Wiley of Maxwell, who have spent (hi- past week visiting old frionds here, 1'eturncit to their home on Monday last. The Misses Mary, Annie and Iteiia B>.-8t of "sunny Alberta." who hive been visiliug I'ncu.ls here, left Thursday for Owen Sound to visit friends there and at Woodford, lastly at Thornbury, where Mr. Best will join them and they will leave for their home in the. West about March ''<). Our Epworth Lcnguers journeyed to II uk i. iy on Tin sil iy evening, where they were Iroyally tnleiUiued hy the League of that pluce. Miss Nettie McArthur h is returned i'n un a week's visit with friends at Mm ford and Thornbury. Mrs. 8ani Wiley and children aro visit- ing friends t Maxwell. Miss Annie Wilt-y of Vandeleur spent Sunday under the parental ro'if. Hr. J. W. Wiley, one of our most en- terprising young fanners, purchased * number -f those white-faced beaut us (Hereford*) at Mr. Pulton's nu'e at Kock- lyn recently. The assessor is making hi* annual round in this vicinity. Mrs. K. Norwood viaiied hr aunt, Mr*. Will Ward, the past wek. A ground hog cam* out of hii hole at MIIM! in Amaranth Usk week but seeing th hixh coat of living was DO; slow in making an uttort to fet hack. He Wks run down and killed hy Gilbert Richard- on of Shelbume, who is unite a sprinter and with the assiUnc> of his dog. * Free Press. Ceylon Mr. Rout. Brcddie, Toronto, spent part of last week in town. Mrs. A. McLeod had a wood bee on Wednesday afternoon and in the evening gave a party 10 the young people, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Fred Muir, Toronto, is spending a week with his moiher. Mr. T. Colquettc, Regina, visited Ceyloc friends for a couple dsys last week. Mr. Bates visited Dundalk friends last week. Mr. T. Grainger, Markdalv, WHS a caller iu town on Wednesday. Mrs Muir and son, Fred, visited Hunover friends for a couple of days. Miss Lilly Radlry returned Thursday, after spending a fortniuht wilh Fever, sham friends. Mr. O. McLeod attended Grand Lodge at Windsor, lust week. Mr. Jim Sargent had the misfortune to have his knee jammed between some logs. Mis* Ma>y<ie Ferguson, who has been home for the pazt couple of months. left for Toronto un Tuesday. Mr. Frank Collinsi-ii made a business trip to Toronto last week. High Constab-e Cook paid Dundulk another visit lut week. More trouble is expected there. This village was shockid on Thursday, wlien word WJM received from Saskatoon that Chas. Kutledge, former boy of this village, had died of pneumonia. His brother, Fred, operator at Wood- bridne, left I he same day to bring the body home for burial. The Love murder trial will commence at Owen Sound this Tuesday at 2 pi m.. when some twenty-one witnesses will be called . Those who go as witnesses from this village are Ui|(h Constable Couk, Messrs. G. Cullmaou, S. Hump- hill, Alex. McDonald, R. McGill, John Cbisletr. T. Gilchriat, Mrs. J. Kennedy, Mrs. A. Rutledge, Mis, J. K.ul i-\ and Mrs. D. D. McLaughlan. Mrs. Jubn Chialett is on the sick lisi. Detective Reburne mid lawyer Gambtn of Toronto spent Monday in town inter- viewing witnesses) in the Love case. Rock Mills Wedding bells are ringing arnund Rock Milk Mrs. Paiks gave a> i]uilting last week t which a very enjoyable afternoon was siient. The box social held at Mrs. Roy's was very succes-ful, the pioceeds amounting to $115. Mr. W. T. Pedlar gave n birthday party last week, *b which a very nice evening M us spent. Mr. Chas. Nuel WHS home for a few d.iys last week. Mr. \.-\i IVti-. is not so well again. Mis. John Wickens xnd dau^litur of 'i l.-v .spent a fiw dsys last week with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Mr. mill Mrs. Joseph Thompson lm*e moved to Rock Vtill. Mr. and Hr. K. Wickens visited nt Mr. \V. T. Pedlar's last week. Eighth Line, Osprey Mr .l.i'in Mitdden of liuiks Falls visiting with relatives here. Mist Rose Chirk of Ch'C'g'', spent a few d-vs renewing old ac>|iiaiutance3. Miss Lizzie Mm jhy lu hits been ill for ilie piu-t. week is getting belter. Mewrs. Miclmel and Ed. Midden of liiungo si ent a few dnj s with their Drotliors. Mr. K;u i-o. ,it Duudtklk, called on friends lere. leceutly. Mr. Joe. .Minlili-n if still very ill. One of the saddest sights in iiual Ontario, says the Hidxetowu Dominion, H in tho neglected cemeteries and privitte jurying places to be fouud here and the:u along the roadways. It does sad- den emu to see, amid the rank weed growth, or unprotected in a open Held he overt urucd tombstones which in nan; places mirk the Ust resting place >i those who (misted in settling ami clearing the cuuntry and laying the iulutmiia of t nation. A deplorable example of this gd nejilect it to be scon >y those traveling by 0. T. R. to Toron- to, on a f<u in n the right aide about a milo Iwlotv V>vl, and similar ueglected spots of "Ciod'u Aero,' Hre to bo seen on almost any leading highway.- Acton Free Press. Riverdale Intended f..r Lwt Week. Spring is approaching ob, let it be aonn . Misses A nnie, Mary nd Kana Best of Albert, who have been visiting Ontario friends during the put few- months, were the gues's of Misses Louie and Olive Wiley last week . Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee pleasantly enter- tained the ioctely jewls of Rirerdale, recently. The telephoneitis epidemic which was prevalent in thi* vicinity * few months ao, has evidently been effectually eliminated by time. Mr. F. Birch, the star checker player of Wodehouae,(.ive us it drli^hiful call on kVidsy, during which several hours were devoted to a practical .study of ihe capt.- vatinsj art. Mr. W. C.mley had a very successful wood bee and quadrille on Tuesday. Mr. \V. Lee of Wadenn. .S*sk.. who has been visiting friends in and around this vicinity during the past three inuotlM, took hisdepaiture for Warehain, Ont., on Saturday, whrre he will nmku a brief - iit, prior to leaving for his home in the west. We reuret to report that Mr. Chas. Conlry, while working in the woods recently, had the mUfortune to receive a painful iii jury which will inc-tpaciiale liim for locomotion for several weeks. An enthusiastic meeting uf the Euplirasia Municipal Telephone System was held in our public school on Friday, and the followin;* installation of otticera took place : Commissioners- Charles Devit r, Rocklyn : Henry Erskine, River- dale ; lUo Braly, Cherry Glove. (Sec'y- Treas., T. I. Fawcett, Wodehouse. Mr. Jacob Lougheed, Ex-Sec y-Treas , having been obliged to resign. Auditors W. Douglas, Cherry Grove, and N L Cherry, Rocklyn. Durham On Monday evening, Mr. Ueorge Wakerield, a i-esident of upper town, took a dose of iodine iu mistake for caotagra, and the lesult wai a hurry-up -all for the doctor. From last reports we learn he is recovering, and not likely to sufler any serious consequences for hii mintake. We learn as we go to press that an agreement bus been arrived at by which M -NSI-H. KnrW-r & .Jacobs, foiuierly of Guelph, will start a factory here fur tl m tnui'.ic' urc of wtidther strips, screen door% and other in tides fur which there .- a large demand. The old factory be- to G. & J. 5lcKrclinie will le . und about twelve or ta'fteen men will be engaged from the start. Opera- tions, we understand, will leyin u once. We rejrot again t,o report an accident on Friday lat>l to Mrs. C. Firth, who hd the misfortune lo have her arm broken at lire wiist. For several wei-ks the axed lady hns been unable lo help her- self because of a bro'xen l-g. On Friday she was silting in a c'.inir, and, becoming tired in tlmt position, tried to raise her- self by pressing both hands on the arm uf tho chair, when unu liaml slipped, and tho wuii{hl prtisxint; 011 it, suildcnly ciuscd a very serious fracture. She haJ just sutKcicinly recoveml fioin her pruvioui accident to help herse f slightly wth a clutch, but now she is iiuulilu to do even thin. Chronicle. The Spring Assizes The Spring As-s 7.0* opened in Owen Sound on Tuesday. H. D. Ganibla of Toronto m the Ciown Counsel. There are two criniiual ca.ses to be lieaid that of Henry Lov fr the murder of his wife here, and i.ne McDougitll of Hanover, who is char<ru<i wilh arson. I Two civil cases will be heard McLean v. McLuan, nit alimoiiy ciee, aiid Proud v. Spence, au action to annul a marriage. The woman, whono maiden name was < Spence, is mairied to Proud aiul she oticu claimed alimony. It was then discovered lliat she had a husband living in England and such it complicated nuze of cuctinistancu^ has since cropped u that l he caao is sure lo be plentifully pioed with ioterrst. Dr. Arthur Jukri Johi stos of Toronto has been summoned to give .%pert evidence. 4 la ge number from this locality tire attending the s*iz, either in the capicily of witnesses in Ihe Lore case or a* interested spectators. Flesherton Planing - And Chopping Mills J 6 W 6 I F I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your griats. Our sash and door factory is always at , your disposal for anything you w*nt in ' our line p'uning, matching, etc. Floor* j ing, sa*h and dooro, and all house fur- ! nishings supplied prompt Iy and at leaa- onab'e rates, Gel estimates. T. Blakeley , Prop. FebJS 13- Iy A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Fifth Division Court IZZZZ County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: W'ednetsoay, Feb. 19 Dundalk \]IT Wednenday, April li... Flesherton YY f\, Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk 1 Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesherion Wednesday. < >ct. 1") Duuditlk S.t ji<i-iy. Dec. ti Flvshertou W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CAR OF FLOUR COMING! I will have a car of Five Hoses Flour, Bran and Shorts about April 1st. Come and jret your supply oft' the cur. It will pay you. Did you see our No. 1 Red Clover Seed. The Government Inspector stated 1 have the best display on his route this year THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN &&&^ TRAVELLER, -NOTICE!! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling, or for a pair of Never-Slip Ice Creepers put on for 25c per pair. Try us, AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we willhavesoinething worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.