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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1913, p. 8

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March 13 113 THE FLESHiERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS IOUUXWQH * YOUNG Hankers atarkdal* general banking business. Money loaned at reMonault! raiet Call on us. TCMIBLETT. Postuianter. Ceylon. Commissioner in B.C. J . Convevaneer. deeds, i nx>rtafle leaMe. wills etc. carefully drawn up ollectToii. mad>. charges reasonable. Alio roceriea, flour, teed etc, kept In stock, I rices ibt. DMcl'HAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for th County of Grey. Terms moderate and atl.iwtioi guaranteed. The arrangements Md teaeVof sSea can be made at THM ADVANCI! office Residence and P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone code action. Dee. 6.0T. 'ATE! EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the Unrest attendance in its history, The Collinpwood Business College has placed in a good posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from January 2, 1913. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - w_ c?te<ldresiug me eV Keversbaui, Ont. RUDD UATHBWB. _- auctioneer for the county -. ---'- srvi at reasonable rate.. Dates can be made at Tbe Advance, o 09 MEDICAL aS Ont, Physician, Bnnieon etc Offlce aid residence-Peter .t.. l.suerton f P OTTEWBLL Presbyterian Church. Farms for Sale fiO Acres West naif lot 8, con. 11. Towofcbip ol Oeprey. 50 Acres-East half lot 8, oon. 11, Township of Osprey. 50 Acres West half lot 7, COD. 11, Township of Osprey. BOAjrea BasthtU lot 7. can. 11. Township of Osprey. 100 Acres Lot S2, Con. 10, Artemesla. 100 Acrea Lot XI, C'on. 11, Artemeia. i 900 Acres- -Lot a, C'on. 13, lot t. Con. Osprey. lOOAcree - c cou. U. Artemeaia. UK) Acres Lo I , oon. 14. Artemesia. 100 Acroe Bast half lot 7, cou. 2, Kupbrasia 332 Acres Lots 21 and 25. con. 8, Artemesia irg Acree Part Lot 144, 145, 14G,Con S N. E T. 8. H., Artemesla. 200 Acree Lot 3 >. ami 40, eon. 12, Artouiesls. a Acrei 37. con. 12. Arteuicsia. W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton June Mtr i D' Royal DENTISTRY MliBRAY L D. fi.. dental surgeon .Tad'at? of Toronto' University and one ot Dental Surgeons of Ontario, LEGAL KANEY * hEMtV-Barri.ter.. ' I'"""" WH. WRIGHT. TKLKOBD * McD()NALD Harriiter. Solicitor. . Ac (imce ; " & Hruc. HloSli. OWOD Houtid. hundard I lank Hlock. Klhrtpn. (Haturday.i. ." Wrlg ht, \V P. Telford J-.. J. 0. McUonaM, \... L.. .. SOCIETIES , n U W nieeti ou be 1* Monday A ,n each month, in their lodge room Oayloii'ahall FleaUertou at I..IB. j w^; w I llelltuiv Hoc., C. H. Munnnaw, &L.k J, h|"rouie. VialtiOH bretureD iDVitai AHTHUH LODfiK, No. H83.A.F.4 .*".t.l"tl, t M..omcba.. Arm- troo*'* nr before the full uiocn ' . A M.'; Thos. Clayton, Becre'.nry. nOUBTTLEBHEBTON. 995, f. 0. F. meats In V OavtoB ' lock the last Wednendar evening of each month. Visiting Foresters ^g*8 welcome'C. K., (1. Hellamy ; B. B., U, I irt, Our Clubbing List The following price* are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We liuve no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t I 00 Yo'jtha Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News ,. 1 50 Weekly Globe UO Mail-Empire , 70 Family Herald & Star IK) Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun !X) Farmers Advocate 1 .~>0 Weekly 90 Saturday Nilit .'! 00 Homo Jouru^l '" Poultry News ..j, iJd Poultry Review 40 Rod and (inn nini<aziue 90 H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wo put altc rat IOIIM in free of Bill day ot iliu IOBKN FhlENOB-Flesherton yon-";" , - Cboeen Friends meets in Clayton shall first and third Wednesday of eacli month 8 p. m | Pay a>sn<ii*nta to the Kecorder on or oafprt , |M| Onl 'lay of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Hunt. The Karnier'sClub meets in the IilKh school bullrtiuK on the Brut Tuiininey In racli uiobth t H o'clock ii. in. VoiiiiK '>*' .iw.'iallv invltB'l. r.fbard 1'reni.loii*, . W. I'sllamv. Sc.-Tica. Tam worths (or Sale llolli n- nearly raaily lor l,i IMI.IHM: Prices 10, Roafi . Boar for Service A ln>. wl'it* Yorkihiro Koar (or *i*rvlca eji lot im.Srd range W T. 4 B, H., Artemeela. I I..WAIJ.FH. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale I'm- bred ll< n t"i.l InilU f'ii' : iii- on lot 171, if a. w.T. .V S. S ., Aituinosin. 1 Mnnli III -T. &. .1. WATSON, I'rotnn Station. ('arm Tor Sale !00a<mt l/<il )IU, con. li. Aumoemn li."i;ici.iti cli'arod, .V) ncres under iultiv- iimi, liil.n.i li ml vMni unl smnn|>, well t. in iii and watered, ". -i |H>IIM>, new Ir.inn' bam with Hlnlilio^ under, alio pig jx;n, lir i, In. u-,1' mid shm-p pen. Kuril intil ileli\ory. Apply to AI.IJKUT HLACKHIIIN, Hock Mill* p. o., R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements WttglHM, HilKHi"", t'lHtoiK, S'II'(,'|H, ;n,il liiisoliiii' I n .'iin--. Meluito Crenn Si'|inrutoiK, Itukiir Wind Mil's, Pumps, I'i;.,, !,- mid l*i|io I i : 1,1 ulwayn oil liiind Iti'Klty HiW. of KerniiH, llarn Tracks, Hi tor 1 H i ,. i .in.l stillllu li'lnu Ooclislni't and t'limt >V Wood Uepnim id \vays .11 linnd. Wareroorn Wellington Street. Feversbam, Ontario. International Stock Food D' ON'T let your horses mil down during tin 1 winter and gel < ,n M: ,i llu-y will lost- fli sh i , i , 1 1 wht-ii -.1,11 Klnrt your spring t*'iin-ini(. If hnrnci* are iforkea regularly diirinj; the winlrr. ihcr nd lh splendid Ionic . ll^c i, of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, to tune up the di(rsllvg -I;;., n , i-n. it. 1, thrin to Ret nil the ffu'Kl out of their feed, prevent the blond from 79 txcoming overheated, anil thus ward oft disease. I.ANIIIIAM. MM, , Jan. -, ih. 1911. 'lli:ni f.<l INTRRNATIONAI, STOCK POOD for many yean. I always bT. 25 pound pail sUndinH in my barn. I Itoiiftht a liuir nf Ihit-e year ol<l rolu und they 1 had h.-e . ere MI woiVed iluwn that my m u:hU T-. .-en beat, When 1 hunght Ihe . , lts, Ihey welu'icd at"" Ihi*. I ploiialu-d a.s IUK-H nu.l tbcy weighed zdv tlu-n I d 163 acres ana tin i-fchr.l nnrl nnnle.l one carl";:d to town, 6 niilrs, 1 wetaheii .' . . a";: o o, irs, Ilii-iu iikiiin and i In') weighed M.y>, and I wild "Tin v hh ill eigU 3000 before spriiu; . Now, tin: Neighbors >< ot to buy Ihi in hut there's noilmiicc". J. O. KKMI'lvl,. Fur Rile hv <!' ak in < verywhc ir. iiur f ,.vi . n Murk Hooksent free lun we eceive nni-ie and address. INTER \ UIIIN U STOIK FOOD CO. I nil M It. innflNTU. For Sale by John Fisher JFlesherton, - - Ontario A MITE OF A REPUBLIC. Moreenet la Only On* and a Quarter Square Miles In Extent. Tli- smallest state in Europe, tbe autonomous republic of Moresnt't, Is OD tbe boundary between Germany and Belgium. Moresoet has an area of barely one and a quarter square miles and a pop- ulation of 3,500. It owes Us existence to a boundary controversy for tbe con- trol of a oace Important zloc mine. A boundary commission si-nuns tbe fron- tiers of Holland oud Prussia after the fall of Napoleon lu 1814 was unable to agree upon tbe ownership of tbls tiny piece of land, with Its valuable miniug rlgbts, and finally left tbe question for future settlement Neither power was to occupy It, and It was administered jointly by tbe two states. In practice the joint administration soon resulted in an administration by neither state, and tbe community be- came autonomous under tbe protection and tutelage of Prussia and Holland and later of Prussia and Belgium, la 1841 tbe two guaranteeing countries regularized this and formally gave the district Its own Independent adminis- tration. It has no courts, but litigants can choose between tbe Belgium and Prussian tribunals in beginning litiga- tion, whlob is subject to tbe laws nei- ther of Germany nor of Belgium, but of tbe ancient Code Napoleon. Chi- cngo Inter Ocean. PRANKS OF A POET. De Muet Had Mania Per Destroy- ing Women'! Cloth**. "I was once at the Comedie Fran calse. but us a spectator, not as an nc- tress. I bad on a white bat, irblcb I bad been told suited me quite well. From tbe box In wblch I eat I noticed Alfred de Musset, and be caught sight of me, too, ao be came to see me between tbe acts. "He planted himself in front of me and said rudely: 'You're got a hideous bat on, mademoiselle. I can't imagine bow pretty women can dress badly. It's sheer stupidity for any one wbo lias a white akin like yours to go and spoil tbe effect of ber complexion by wearing a white hat' As be spoke be gave me a bang on tbe bead wblch quite crushed my bat, turned on bis beel and took himself off. "When I told my friend, Roger de Beauvolr. who knew De Musset well, of the incident he said: 'He is rather addicted to such pleasantries. The oth- er day he was at Tortonis with La Mo- gador, who was wearing a light green dress, when suddenly, without the slightest warning, be seized a bottle of raspberry sirup and poured Its con- tents over his companion's clothes, completely ruining ber toilet He seems to be afflicted with a mania for spoiling women's clothes.' ""My Autobiogra- phy," by Mme. Judith. PRIMITIVE ARAB LIFE. Desert People Still Have the Customs f Abraham's Time. In the wild deserts Arab life Is as primitive as ID Abraham's time. Sheep are still slain to sen! a TOW. Tbe salt! or bread covenant is observed, and , when a man dies his tent Is torn down and destroyed. Old names such as Joseph, Moses and Alexander are still In common use! among Arabs, though pronounced | "Yusuf," "Musa" and "Skandar." To divorce bis wife a man may re- IM-.-I t tbe formula Ent telek three times. Usually saying it once makes tbe wo-j man behave, and Its repetition is not necessary. The "evil eye" superstition Is com- ' m. in, and the first injunction given a ! visiting foreigner by experienced Ara- bian travelers is that he must not point at animals or persons In Arab settle- ments. Arabs say s man gifted with this, mnlign power can look at n bird flylug 1 In tbe air ind that It will drop dead; that If he chooses to cast bis wicked spell on a camel It may go lumc or a child so selected will be struck blind. None of the lower class can read or write, but the Arnb Is noted for his rendy wit and bis habit of speaking In allegory. Christian Ilerald. HE WAS A GROUCH. And He Furnished a Good Text For a Good Sermon. "I bad a little lesson several weeks ago," remarked tbe man with the gray mustache, "and it called me in good shape." "Go ahead," said the stout man. "I was ift the garage where I keep my car and happened to overbear a conversation among the boys. A cer- tain man had been injured \vtiile trav- eling abroad very badly Injured, it wits reported and one of the boys was telling tbe others about it 'The story in tbe paper says be can't get well,' tbe youngster went on. 'Did you know uim, Pete?" And the boy addressed promptly replied, 'Sure, I knew th' old grouch.' "Say, that l:'.i ue pretty bard. Here \v:is a leading citizen dying, and all tbe boy could remember about him was tbat be was a grouch. Yes, sir, it made me sit up and think hard. And I got in my mind that when I passed out I'd like to be remembered for something different" He paused. "That's worth considering," said the other man. "Good text" said tbe first man. "Good sermon," said the other. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Kuman Brain. In estimating tbe size of tbe hum:m brain In comparison wilu the bniln of other animals we must figure on not only the positive size, but the relative. Were this not the case man would stand below tbe elephant and whale, as tbe brains of those creatures far ex- ceed man's In positive size, while us regards relative size Ihey stand so far below him tliiit, while the brnln of the elephant amounts to about the live- hundredth and that of the whale to three-thousandth part of tho bodily weight of these animals respectively, tlio brain of man varies from one-thir- ty-llfth to one-till rty-sevcnth of his en- tire weight This shows the Immense superiority of the hitman brain as com- pared with the bralnx of the lower ani- mals. New York American. A company <>f O*u [Sound business ,men re arranging to put on a line of jfreii'lil steamers Wtween that port and Fort William. Dogs That Hunt Crabt. A collector for the London r.oo has succeeded lu capturing several crab hunting and cnil> eiitlng dogs in Hrnxil The dogs are half fox, but they do not seem to care very much for poultry. They have been known to turn up their noses at nice, fat pullets and go fishing for crabs instead. The (logs hunt In (incks alung the banks of the rivers In (lie Amazon valley, and tbe crawfish anil land crabs of thnt region are thei." especial prey. The crabs often put u,> a vigorous light, but the dogs hnva a way of turning them over anil biting thorn In a vital spot jnst as the thr >r I'i'i.-.l terrier polishes off a rat-" New York Herald. Unfair Advantage. A school Inspector, examining a class In Hlble history, asked, "Can any boy toll mo what bird Nonh let out of the ark?" There WHS a long silence, and then the smallest boy lu tbe class put up his baud and answered, "Please, sir, n dove!" The Inspector expressed his surprise that only the smallest boy In the class knew the answer to the question. "Hut, please, sir," replied one of the boys, evidently touched by this reproach, "bis father keeps a bird shopl" London Telegraph. A Letiun In Pronunciation. "How do you pronounce that word 'divorcee.' professor?' 1 asked Mr. Slab- sides. "Is It 'dlvorsar' or 'dlvorsee?' " "Tbat all depends, my young friend," smiled tbe professor. "When Mrs. Jones-Sinythe Wiggles got ber first divorce I should have called It 'Divorce A,' but now that she has come through with o third I should say tbat 'Divorce C' U a justifiable form." Harper's. Good Busineee. "That Is a One business man," said one waiter. "He must be." replied the other "He's the only man who comes In hero who can get n dollar's worth of politeness for a twenty-live cunt tip." Washington Star. Honor Rolls S. 8. No. 4, Arteinesiu Sr.4 M Heard, L Stinsun.D Nichi.)h. Jr4-M NicholK M Ilnnley, L Xich- o'ls, Mabel Nicholls, W Nit-Lulls, K Stevens, 1 Ni.'holls. Sr :! 1 Stiimin, U Stevens, L Luck- hrt, L Lve, E Scot*. Ji -:i-\V Heard, W NichoIUt. J Stin- 8on, U Achesoii. Sr !>-E Stiison, S Ludlow, O Lock- b.ut, W Nixon, R Stevens, O Stinsou, P ISooH. Jr2 V Miners V Nicliolls. I E Stiimon, M NI. !'..;;. S Ai-henon. L Sicln.lU. A Little. U U Stevens, U Heanl, M Miner*, V Moore. Aveinge 32. L B. \VMKK.I:, Teacher. I'.'lll MV S, ). ,| till Clues- llarulil Thompson 84, I i ronce Lynns 7">, Alteit Wilkinson 7J, Aid j Lyons 111). Sr .'! Murray CornhVM 70, Robert T*yK r "(i, L> iil Jatnieson 70, Harry Thonipio!, UK, llfim Shier 07, ftoy White C>4, lieurfgu I ilcll oK. t Jr 3 Willie Taylor Hj, Klortuice \Vliito 75, Sudia Shier tiH, Violi-t McNully (JO. Sr -'- Lulu Pdlar !8, Laurie IVdlar 07, Floronu" H:ulk>orow 5f>, Geo. lllukey r>4, l.i ^ > Tl)oiii|isnn 04. ,lr '2 1 1 1. . u.l ItlHkey 00, Hurry 1 i.-ll (U), .i.n, mi,' WilkiiuonOU. Class 1 Il-y Lyons 90. AHA CfiHNKoKTii, Teacher. S. S. No. 8, AiUMiuvsin Clags48rD Wilson, W Lutimer, C Parks. Ji 4 H Armstrong. 8r3--W MfMwter, W Arnmirong, L Pedlar, W Walker. * Jr3-M PnrkH, O Wilson, N Wil- ll llll-., W l''l ,lu'l I i|'l.ll I'l.lSSl' M llilli\, 11 11:111. \. Sr. I -P MoM^lor. K l/ir.-e, 1 llnnry ,P Tjatiruer, M McKoe. i ,lr II William.. E Williams. M(J MoMu'l n. 'IViu-ln Oawon, Matthew Conkey, Mry McKin- n, Kate McTaggart Class 2lleta CUrke, Annie M Mac- Lean, John Warlicg, Edna Nichol. Sr Fart 2 Lawrence Sackett, Stuart Moore, Robert Carton. Jr Part 2 Alex McLean. PrimerMary Konold, Reta Mac- Douga.ll, Fanny MacDougall. Average attendance 32. J BATE, Teacher Jr Room. Individual Instruotiun at the Me S 8 No , Opry Sr 4 Vernoi Holroyd. Jr 4 Maurice Douglas, Mabel Mullen. Sr 3 Clara Short, Leslie McMullen. Jr 3 George Holroyd. Bertha Short, Stewart Weldricb. Sr 2 Stewart McMullen, Frank Hoi- Hogshead, Ilebn Weldrick, Leslie Fields, Victor Weldrick. Jr 2 Lily Hambly, Richard Howrd. Sr 1 a -Lois Short, John Buckingham, Rex Ho'royd, Ivy Izard, Dorothy Poole. b Fred Hollingihead, Sidie white, C cil White, Yerna Roberts. c Irene Hambly, Jimmy Thompson, Ctareuce Holroyd. A v attendaace 18. K nri. E KBARNS, Teacher. S. S. No. 6, Osprey 4- Harold Fenwick 78, Herbie Poole 72, Mibel Hawkins 64, Weiley Beattie 04, Dean Clinton GO. Maggie Poole 93, Jamrs Murphy 50, Mabel Mc- Mullen, 44. K.-n.l .1 Hawkins 40. Sr 3 Tessie Roberta 81, Irene Clinton 74, Adeline Muiphy 73. Jr 3 Lome Wright 51. Jr 2 Maurice Wright 75, Lola Smith 49, Elda Sayers 40. First Eugene Clinton M. Primer Freddie Beatty 82, Willis Wright 74. Average attendance 15. GKHTKCDE MOKKAT, Teacher. OWEN SOUND, ONT., permits ctudentsto begin with us any day. Positions guaranteed to graduates. Staff of specialists Information free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Brincipal. G. D. FLEMING, - Secretary. OWEN SOUND ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Ho'stein Bull, Korndyke PUtertje Clothilde, No. 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Clothilde Pietertje 2nd, No. 2988, hati produced over 80 Ibs. milk par day. Terms Grade cows f l.fiO, pure bred cows $3. All cows not returned will be charged. Also registered Yorkshire boar, No. 34681 .Term* II. HESRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Aitemeiia, Ponlaw P.O. Cinnrtf STUDY AT HOME Uw your spare time and become a goud Bookkeeper, >r a Stenographer, or learn to Draw and l)egv. m take a course in story Writing or Journalism .mi qualify to earn a good galaxy. We can give you just the Hgbt CoUixe. Write u tor Catalogue. W. H. SHAW, President, Shaw'n School*, Torontot Will Give $500 to Sick Readers 01 Advance Famous Scientist who Originated the Now Wonderful "Home Treatment" Otters $/.00 Package Free to Sick and Ailing. In order that vvery reader of The Advanue who may not have heard of thu wonderful "Houie Treatment" may have .in I'piHiriunity to tent this celebrated medicine, the now famous scientist, Dr. .1 iim'.i W. Kidd. otfers to give absolutely free a full size S1.IK) package to h'vo hundred readers ..f thii pnjer, to prove the wonderful claims which have been made for it. In making this otter the scientist snid : "I know that there nre IIMII v people who hare been MilliTin^ for y-ti-i with Home chronic diiease and ni:in v of them have spent large sums of money leekin*! cure. I know tbat these people hrsita'e about investing money in modicino because they have dn|mirid of over iieMiliK well. Thous- ui,i-- have tol-1 me that atory and ir.any thouHnndH of the Hame people have told me afterwards that my trentmenr had cured them after doctors and everything else had failed. I want to prove to a limited numlier no matter what the disease, in mailer how long they may havo sntli-H'.l. no matter how blue and discounted that my treatment renlly mid actually iloea accomplish the wonder- ful results that have been reported." People who wilt'ec ffoni Kliuiti*ui, Kiduey Trouble, Stomach Trouble, Liver 01 Bowel Diaorders, Catarrh, Bronchilw, Asthnu, Chronic Coughs, Weak Lunoe, Lumbago, Piles, 1'iinary Disorders, Fe- male weakne*e of any kind, the *'. worn out, broken-down and deRpundent will l^ delighted at the effect of a few done*. This wonderful treatment oreute* a tine appetite and help* the digestive organs to carry on their functions -ts they should. It strengtheni (he kidneyi. too, ana diives rheuiuatism poisons from the blood s if by magic. That is why people who try it become to enthusiastic. Any leader of The Advance who will try this extraordinary medicine that has created o much excitement by it- curea cunt>btaiu absolutely free a full" |1. 00 treatment by simply tilliu? in the COUDOII below or writing it letter deicrib- inK their case in their own wordi, if they prefer, and mailing it to-day to James. W. Kidd, Toronto, Canada. No money need be sent and no charge of any kwuli will be made. As this offer is limited, you should wiite at once, in order to be lure to receive your free trraNnent. Coupon C 1 J-125 For Free Dollar Treatment Dn.tlA*. W. KIDD. TORONTO, CANADA. Please -.'ill me a full 81. IHI Course of Treatment for my ctau, free nnd post nisi- paid, just as you promise. Name Post Office , . , Prn v inc? Street and N . A ire How long Afflicted? Mako a ciotMX) befor . UlieiiinatiBni . Catarrh . Constipation ...TH ..lliarrhoea . .ToruMLiver ...Stomach Trouble (live any other fly e disbase you have. T vou suff Kidney Tron l>ln I'.ladder Trcuble Weak I.UI>K .Chronic Couuh Maleria ...Asthauia Hay Fever . Heart Tiouble 1'oor Circulation uptoui.4 on a separate wo orossus (XX) b i most. .Impure Klooil .. Anemia Pimples .Kczauia ..Neuralgia .Headache .. Nervoushens Obesity sheot . t ' Mrjspon efore tho oue from whirh. Kouialu Weakness ..Womb Trouble .Ovarian Trouble fainfiil Periods Hot Flashes Bearing Down I'ains Isnce in all . l.\ui:iiaiie . I Fnncy require* iniirh, oecesslt.T bill Ci'iin.-i i I'lovuiU. Plici'villo Sol o J C.'nw6 John Nlo' l,y>hi MfKin- IIOII, ('.n -.... duns 4 Yii'torin Mi-Millan, li->noMc- l.i'in, Hay McLean, I'mie Mittlii'sun, Berta Aldcnvn. Avo. attmidnnco 23. .1 li MA. PON.M.II, Teacher Sr Kooni. 1 'UtH :! MI n n J{ MnvLcan, Dorothy CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Homeseekers I ( ow Houuil Trl|> Kutes leach IT uesday. March to Cct>ber inolus'.TS Settlers For settlors travelling with lire stock and Edmonton and Kfiurii - - 94:t 00 Other poin'N in pvoji ution lletnrii Limit 00 tlayp. TOURIST SLEtPINC, CAR8 on all excnrfaionH. Couifortablo flllly f.|lllpp0.1 Wltll I'.-ililiiir. , alt 1,, ,- at nunleralD ratu< tlirongti 'n 1 Wjciit SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto EACH TUESDAY, MARCH & APRIL 10 W p. in. as| and fikinilieH without li\e- stok >li mid u<o REGULAR TRAINS rini>ni;li Co)onit and Tourist Sloeperp. Tiirongh Tr Sinn Tor ( mo to W<iini|HR ami West. (' ilminta Can on 11 Trains Nu cliaiiio (in Kcrths. AROUND THE WORLD via ' EMPRESS OF ASIA " TlMI* ( BBI9reaaoJ ASIA" w 111 IPRVO Liverpool Juno II, calling lit Mnderia. Cape Town Durban, *'i)lonil>", Siiiuiporo and llonu Knim. arriving VanoOHvai \ir;u-t Hi. VeHt-l romalna '|4 days nt It >n Koiu , "It'ite for I'lntirn I uie, *ttl. 10." F.xvluMiye ol iuaiuUn> <.! In -twi'on t.m i in Kmlan I ninl douai ttiro of "Guiyivi^of Asia," and stop over nt MonijKoiii. 1 . Full partlculais from nnj C.l'.tt. \Kont or writ* M. O. ll'jrp'.iy, Du trict I'aisougerAgont, Torautai i

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