February 20 1913 THE FLESH ERT ON AD VANCE Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS [OULL.OUGH A YOUNG t Bankers M.rk.lnln general banking buslneM . If ono; loaned at reasonable rate* Call on UN. TCMI8LETT, Poituiastcr, Ceylon. Comraiislonur in II. C. J . Conveyancer, ileeda, mortgage*. 1ean, will* etc carefully drawn up olli'Ctioua mad?, charges reasonable. AUo roceriei. Hour, leed etc, keptiu stock, Price* ight. EVERY GRADUATE! PLACED With tho laruost attendance in iis history, The Oollingwuod HusmesH College lias placed in a good pom- lion, every graduate of the present year. Winter turn) from January 2, 1911!. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE D. Mcl'HAII.. Moensed Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Terms moderate a,ud *atilactiou Riiarmteed. The arratiijeiuentu anddatetof alescn be made a, TUBAHVANCK office. Residence aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. T. E. Hawkins. Principal \\'M KMTTISO, Licensed Auctioneer foi > ' t 'i.e coumi.. of Cirey and Simcoe. Farm mt Stock sales a specialty. Termu aiodt-rate. fatislactioii gutranttod. ArrauKt- jieutsfor dateauiay be made at tlie Advance .iUi* t . c,r Central telei-Honeoll.ee teverebttui or by addressing me at Keversbaua, Ont. RUDD MATHK'.VS. Markdale. Licensed auc'.ioneer lor tne county of Grey, Goo* 1 bervice at reasonable iate. Dates r,u be aiadu at The Advance, o 09 MEDICAL D K A M C P & H Ont, Pbyiiclan. Surgeon etc Ottlce aud residence Peter t., Klesburton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary College rnideuce sscond door noutb west, on jTIry street. Tbi. street rune south Presbyteriau Cliarcb. Farms for Sale 50 Acres-^Vest halt lot K, con. 11. Town*bip ol Ofii>fy. HAMCM BM| lialflotM.cou.il, Township of Oaprey. 50 Acres-West half lot 7. con. 11, Township ofOsprey. W A :res East h il/ lot 7, cju. 11, Township of O*ITOT. 100 Acrud I/ot :ii, Con. 1(1, Artomosiu. 100 Acres-hot :ti. Con. 11, ArteniuaU.i aw AcresLot :i. Con. i:), lot 4, Cn. t isprey . 1UO Acres- ( con. 14. Arteinexlc. ItXi Acres Lo : , c'iu. 14. A > torn en a. 100 Acres- Kast half lot 7, con. a, Kiiphrasiu. Kl AcrtB litB '2t anil >:>. con. H, Artelnesin. H !l Acres-Part Lot 111. 14.">. 14(1,( 'on. :t, N. E. T. 8. K., Ar'uuittBia. 200 Acre-Ix>t :t i, anil 40, con. 12. Ai-tuinnsia. : Acres 37, con. !_', Artemisia. \V. A. ARMSTRONG, Flusherton June l:itf DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY U D. K. dental surgeon 'bouo. tiradunte of Toronto University and Koyal Collect! of Dental Suriiuons of Ontario, Gaadnii8imteiedfor teeth oXtraction Cthoo at residence, Toronto Street. Flesjorton. LEGAL KANKV A -- iSo. MM T,a,U, I0.uk H1..1I.. jUo ue nj.in Hl-j; Markilale l.uca. Wock. Hione - A. Hraucbomce t Uuudalk open every haturaay. WH WKIOHT. THI.KOHD A MiDOXALD Barrister. Kolicuorn, Ac. >ii-es. Qry A llruo" Hlock.Owuu Hound. SttJ<lmd Hank Itl.H-k. Kle.ti.-rt..n. iKatur-Jav^. . " Wriubt. W. P. i'ellonl J-..J. C. McDonaH. i.. U.B. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in iidvancesuhscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flenherton Advance * 1 00 Yo'jths Conipniunn ii 00 Toronto World, daily .... Toronto Dnily News V\'eekly Glohtt Mail-Empire ..... Family Herald & Scar. . . Toronto Star Farmer Sun !K) Farmers Advocata 1 .">0 Weekly Wit.ieip 00 Saturday Nilit :i 00 Home Jouri'"! !MP Poultry New* . . ; L'o Poultry Jieview 40 liod and (iun IN t-: 1 t.-iiu . ... 1M) 00 1 ">0 '.10 75 !K) 1 50 SOCIETIES An U W meets on the laot Monday in each month, in their loilljo rooiu I 'la> toil's hall Flesherton. t 8 l'-". M. W., W J lu-llaiiiy ; Kt-r.. C. H. Monihawj tin., II. .1, Sjnuiili'. Viitiu brotbrOTitvitod H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. l-ashionahlc Tailurui)! PKINCK AUTHfll I..OD<iK, No. :CO,AK.V ,. A u ineets in the Ma.onic j.aii. Ami Seasonable doods, first class trotni'H lllock.Kleshorton. every Friday on or before lliH full iiiocu ('. A. \*utKOii, \\ . II.'; Tbo. Clayton, hecre'.nry. Workmanship. ALSO n OCBTKLEHEKTOS, OW, I. 0. K. u-eete I w ClaMi.n Hlock the ].i~l \\ eilueHflav evenil of each immtb. Visitiuc ForrBtern lieartily ' \V|,i, I. walconiu C. U., ('. lli'llBiny : K. H. , ti. I ion."; Kin. Ki-c . W. IliiHkin. Please pay duns to Fin. See. before tno firm day of tbe month. n A line of Ready-Made Clothing iillentt lolls in free if we put ' shwi/e, it required. PHOSKS FhlKXOK Kleshei-ton Council v Cue. MM KiifinlH MM ! III Clayton shall flrnt anil tbinl \Ve-liitisday of etch mouth B p. ui Hay a'Mi>"it to tne Uiwordor on or before tcenrm ilayuf uach month, t'hltif Councillor T. Hlakelev; KiMwrder W. H. Hunt. The Farmer's Clnh iniM'tH In tin! lil^li buildinu on Hie ftixt 'IJim s.lny in .-urli niol.tll at K 0'rliH'k p. 111. Voliliu lilllii.-iH >|i...-inllv invitivl. K. Charil 1'n -tiUoiit, < '. \V. llcllaiii\. SIM-. Ties*. Tarn worths tor Sale Hotl\ sc'K nearly ready for ureuiliui:. l'rli''i> 1 U'l't for (jlll<-k Nlc. (il.(l. W. !t(S8. Maxwell P.O. Boar for Service A 1m:-' v.i i'.- Vorknliire Hoar for erviu onlot KM. rrl raiiKu W T. AS. It., AltiMnupia Trrun I.HO' I{. WAI.I.I K. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale Bereford l>ulli fur Je en ln:17l.:i. .T. Si S. S., AiteineMH. . 1 March 1 :< ' - T. it. .]. WATSON, ('niton Sluliou. | | 'arm For Sale !<K) Deter Lot :.''. run. 0. AitcineHia i i'uacii'i cleaied, iV) 'icicn under rultit'H- | lion, lnl.i' i hardwood ami SMHIII|I, Hi II fenced li'l wiitered. good li.iii-r, new li .ion i '.n n with Molding under, aim pi-j I 'i-ii. lienhoiiKe nnd nlienp pen. ltur*j in ill delivery. Apply to ALIJKHT ItUCKItCltN, Kock M,i|.. ,, o , R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Ai;cnt for the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implement*. \Viigoiis, liuxuie^, t'u'te's, S'vgli<, ami (!;iMiliiie Kii'jines, Mt'lottu t.'ruiin SepaialoiH, ll.il. Wind Mils. I'l.mps, Piping nnd Pipe !' 1 1 in- -, alwayn oti hand I le.it i \ I:,.. . i Fni'xus, 'Hnrn Tracks, LiMer 1 iiin-i.- mid Ktalile h in. Ciirkslurt and Front V Woi-d Kepiiirn il.n-, mi hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ontario. International Stock Food DON'T let your horset run il'.wu (lurjncr the \vintc-r and ; t IQIOll 1 1 t tlii-v will lo.sc tl( >h Imillv l.i n you start yonrfprfltg pliu ini;. If ImrscH arc nut wi.rkul regularly iliiriii^ the winter. lh<-y ncd Iho pltndid tonic effects of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, ...... nc u|> Hie ili K ,sii >L urgnns, cnut>lc them ' > jfct all the pimd ot:t of tht-ir fceil, prevent the l>l<x,il from 79 becoming ovcrhcatt-d. and thus ward ofT ilisease. T.ANr.iiAji, SAKK . Jan. jnili. iuu. "I ii.-n-i - f, .1 IXTRRNATIONAI, STOCK POOD for many yean, I ul.v.y.haTe a 25 pound |-il tandinu in my barn. 1 I .11 -hi a jtair i-f t!ui-c yt-ar old olts nnd [In wrreco n-orkul ilntvii ili.il my niwhbeni sniil 1 find Inch lira). \Vhni I bought the coltl, Ihry weighed n<n His. I pluiiKln il is, ntnn ami tln-v n-ci^luil .'..-.- then t harvest* 1 1^1 acrt-H anil thresln i| nnd liatilcd one c-arl<i;iil to town, (i mill H, I wcii'lu d UK in iiaaiii and Ilii-y wi-ixliecl aSjn and I *.n,| "Tin v Khali weigh 3 before snriilg' . Now, (lie Ni'lKliI** ur.nl to liny I fir in hut there's nil eh.uioc". J. G. KIvMI'Kl,. K.r sill l.y dt-iileis < vcrywluip. tiur (),ii i-<> M k Ilixik mit (rrc when we leceivt- > mr iiMite and u l.lresa. INTERN ATIIINAI. SfOfK FOOD CO. I IMITI D. TORONTO. For Sale by John Fisher Flesherton, - - Ontario Will Continued We take this opportunity of extending our sincere thanks to our many customers of'Flesherton and surrounding country lor the very liberal patronage so courteously given as in business during the last eleven years. After seriously considering the matter of going out of business, we have now definitely decided to go West, consequently our Clearing Sale will be continued. Every thing must be sold. All accounts due Thos. Blakeley & Co. must be paid to us at once. Provision must be made for all outstanding accounts at once. To those having accounts which are well kept and - regularly settled, we respectfully solicit a continuance of your custom, while we are here. Everybody come and get the benefit of greatly reduced prices. The Sale will be continued: $40,000 \\mlli or,'otnl.s will lio :>ttore<l at prices, many of which art' away lielowcost. ('cine and see for yourself. Xo trouble to show ^ontls, as we have our staff increased during the sale, liehnv we enumerate a portion of the stock anc prices. Kindly Pay Your Accounts by Feb. 20. All This Seasons' Styles Fancy Linens Piiif I'ill.'W Sliain.s nnd DieK^er Scurf, rv-f. Jjl.fitl, fur Knil.y'il S. |5. Se'.uf 1H x .'ill, n>^. fiOo, for. Draw n Linen IVi.lu-, IS inclicH, r.'i;. 7""', for .... Kinliy'il I.inen Talilu ClofliK' .'t(i x :l(i, re". 7"'C, f.^r Knil.y'il Ijiiien Tal.lu Drawn work, .'HI \ .'ill, ret'. $1 AH Mm n Thle Cloth, L'yiN. I.JMK, re". L'.."i(), for Hmli T. llaili T. Hiu-k T All Lin (itU'ht 'I n T.-tlile , l'| yds, I-'N, ii x 4A, ri-i;, (iOc per p-iir. for. . . ., . % |M, IS x .'{(>, ie^. Il.'io per pair, fur. vein IS x .'Hi, rotf. ;!0c, for (Jili'st Tmvels, Rfg. 'Juc, fur Talile Liiic'iis mid Towlin^s all greatly reduced. for.. 1. 1 1 per set ooc !.i.vw ....2tc ____ Site .!! its Clothing AU Wool lilanket Clutli, Navy and Red, re. SH.S. r i, for S7o All Wool Serge CoMin/, Red nd Crwim, reg. tl. 60, fur SI. Hi Ail W,,i,l Itlaek Chevi.i', lei;, f I. OP, for Wc A 'I Wool Itlikfk MroMlolotli "ri-ir. *1.75, for Sl.:!4 Fawn Itioadu'olli rei- . ?l.7n, for 81 ^5 Hlaek Pony Clmli ITJ; $:i 00, for $l.:t!> li."> Mi-n's Suit Len0tna in fancy Woistctln nnd TweeJs, reg f III oO and II. <M(. for $5.55 25 Lfiiutlis MPII'N IVntinjj, Fancy Su-'pen, rig. *<:'> '.'o, for $1.SS L)idie>' Kniicy Silk Cidlar.s, re 50c, for , .'We Ladies' K.iiiey Collarn, ivi>. L.">c, for lilc Comforters Qhints Coiuforten, sixes HO \ 72, reir. 82.75, for .... Fancy l)own ('.nuforterf, leg. #(1,00, for Wrappers One Pied-. Dress and I'lidiuvskii Black Sateen I ml.-i il. n i-., Deep Fkuince, M MM. for. \\ ..ini-n's nut- piece Mouse Ih ITS, i:-;j 81.^5, for Women's ono piece HOUHO DICKS, reg. ftl.7.'l, for ... Women's one piece HOUBP I)roN, reg. $2. 2ft, for Women's o:-e piece Houe Dross, reg. ?;t.OO, for . . 7c .#1.09 *2 35 I.adie L.d.c MlSSl 1 .l.u-kets JMekets Jackets n-j{. $15.1X1 for Sll.OO- rejj. $12.00 for ?> jr. reg. SlO.iM) for.. $~.:*n ages 14, Hi, IS, leg. !H>0 fur #<i 00 rcR. 8 55 for 85.50- Children's Bearskin Coats Kuuular 94.0U Joals, f.ir. Ros-u'itr 8:<..'u Coats, for... lleaiilir *!.OI Coats, for Kt'KtiUr liLM Coats, for . . Kenul\r ?.'.OO Coats, for. . . . ..*->. Ill FURS Men's Coatc, 1'entimi I.ainl) I'ullar, Curl lined, rul)lier Interlined, reg. 91C.OU for ....................................................... 811 75 Men's Coats, German Otter C' dlr, res'. $17.00, for .................. $1'J.7.> Ladies' Beaver Shell Quilted Lining, dyed Coon t'olhr, reg. 81i.0<), for $12.50 Ladies' Itat Lined Conts, dyed Cooii and Salile C'ullars, all oing nt eost: , All our MuTs, Suuf*, C'apeiine*, Gauntlets and Caps, all nitrked away down. Ready-Made Clothing Men's and Boys' Single and D^ulile hreusted Suits, sines .'ili to 44 Ueg. *7.">0 and 8.tMI, f.,r Ue. 10.00 ;md I1.H> for '.'.'.'.'.'.'. Boys' three piece ?tiits, reg. ^.*i.U, for $;t Men's Punts, fancy pinterns. ieu. 81.75, $5^.00, for .' . .' $1 MOII'M Heavy Pauls, resj. $2 iio. for '.'..'. ' #1 Men's Oven-oats, ConvetUlile l'ollnr, ree. 10.00. fr ... .$fi Men's Overcnii's, Cnnverlalle Collar, reg. $12 (W, for '..'.... f7 Mun's Hey Ueefers, Sheep Lined, ami Dog Skin Lined C iats all marked i . v down. 89 19 69 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Men' l!ox C.ilf, Dongi.U, Bal Uliivher, reg. 82.50 for.. $1 o<| Women'M Di)nol<, Itlucher, I'at. Tip, leg. xi 85, for ...... " ] }<> W.niien'N D..ns,'ol;i, Ulucher, i-t^. 8 2 50 for .... ...... <!1 > Misses' D.msjoln Blucher, ietf. ?1 tiO, for. . ....... ...... ...... *] i< Misses' Grain Gloves nnd Grain HaN., res $l.:t3, for. '. " ' f j'ofr Men s Heavy Kuliber.s slaughtered OYD Flesherton Ontario.