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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1913, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." _ PRINOJPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 3-J, NO SO Flestierton, Ont., Tlmrsday, .January 3O, 1913 W. H THURSTON EDITOR and 1'KOPKIKTO Kimberley Budget Drawing saw legs is the order of the i!ay. Mr. Wm. Best and family of Edmnn- on, are renewing old acquaintances i n this vicinity at present. Mr. Russell McMullen of Eugenia, visited Kimberley friends on Sunday last. The annual meeting of the Centre Grey Farmers' Intstitute was held in town hall here, on Wednesday, Jan. 22, in the afternoon and even ing. In the afternoon Clark Hamilton of Dundaa county, spoke on thu d.Vry cow and ensilage question. 1 1 strongly favored the Hoist CHI as being the best breed for dairy purposes and aUo urged every farmer to errect a pood fciln. In the evening a joint meeting of the Farmers' and Women's Institute was held. Mrs. Norman of Toronto was the lady speaker. She spoke on "Personality" and hand- led her subject in a very able manner. Mr. Hamilton spoke on "Weeds and their eradication." A good program was uiven by local members of the F^rmera' and Women's Institute. Thu meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Miss M illie Harris of West Toronto, is visiting friends in this vicinity at present, Mr. Asa Hurlburt of Moosejaw, Sask., visited Kimberley friends the pasr week. He left for points further east, where he is going to buy t, carload of dairy cuttle. Mr. Hurlburt is an old Kimberley boy and has done well in the West. Mr. Will Carruthes of Toronto visited with his mother, Mrs. T- Carruthers, sr., the past week. Special Cruise Around The World "~~~ Canadian Pacific Empresses of "Russia* and "Asia." An unusual opportunity for an around the world cruise all under the Canadian Pacific flag with its consequent standard of service is ottered with the adveat of the great quadruple screw turbine engine steamships "Empress of Russia" and "Empress of Asia.' 1 The "Empress of Russia" will sail from Liverpool April 1st and will call at Gibraltar April 4th,VillefrancheApii 8th, Port Said April 13th, and will proceed via Suez, Colombo, Singapore, Hong K-ing, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, and iirrive at Vancouver Saturday, June 7th. From Vancouver to Toronto, passengers may travel via Canadian Pacific main line or Crows' Nest Pass line and may also travel from Fort William or via (ireat Lakes route i Port McNicholl. Vessel remains 10 days at Hong Kong. The moat direct connection to make for the sailing from Liverpool April 1st is via "Emures of Britain" from St. J,hn, N. B.', March 21st, 1913. The rale for the entire cruise is fliJW.lO exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of the "Empress of Russia" and stop over at Hong Kong. The "Empress of Asia" will sail from Liverpool June 18, particulars of trip will be anounced later. For information apply to Canadian Pacific Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Fever sham Items Registrar Lauder Dead After a year or two of invaliJisin there parsed away Siuurduy night last at the home of his son one of Durham, s promi- nent citizens, Thomas Luuder, Registrar of the south riding of Grey, in the 85th year of his age. He was appointed un- der the s.iinliii'lit Macdonald government in 1871, and has held the othce continu- ously me.'. He issurvived by three sons, Dr. Edward Lauder, Cleveland ; Thos. G. Lauder, and A. W. H. Lauder, of Durham, the latter bema Deputy Uegis- i .if. Four daughters also surviva. Deceased was for years an elder in the Presbyterian church, and a regular at- tendaut at its services. He came to Can- ada in 1801 from Cumberland county, England, and engaged in the mercantile business in Port Colborne till 185(5, after which he removed to the county of Grey, engaging in farming till his appointment to the Registrarship, his brother, Abra- ham Lauder, being then member for South Grey in the Legislature. A bro- ther, Joseph, in British Columbia, is t,ho only surviving member of a large family. Toronto Line North Held Over from Last Week. The weather looks favorable again. A number from this locality attended the District L. O. L. meeting at Eugenia on Tuesday of last week . Miss 'Allie Williams of Eugenia is attending Fleahertou public school. She is staying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart. Miss Mary Pritchard of Markdale, visited a few drtys with her sister, Mrs. R/>br. Richardson. Mr, ud Mrs, ,T*7t |i 8ec roft viniied with Ml'-, uni MM. K. Wickens, WOently. Miss Elva LeVer of Rome, Sur.dayed at home. Mr. Arch. Ferguson of Ceylon, ac- companied by his sister, Miss Maggie, visited at councillor HrownX the first of the week . Held Over Last Week The mild weather of the past week made some think spring was commit and ! we understand Jack and Hugh are in ' Thornbury lojking after spring millinery. I We wondei it som of.Che ladies will be i wearing bells in their bonnets next season I Sorry to'repoit little Johnny Holiii,- son very ill at present. Mr. Ed. Hanuiiell of Singhaniptoii has taken charge of the O. F. mill here. We welcome tor. and Mrs. Hammell to our village. We understand that Geo. Thomson of the suburbs has rented W. T. Julian's farm and Mr. J ulian intends going west this coming spring. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Priddell of Ha- wardun, Sask., are renewing old acquain- tances here. Their many fiicnds were glad to sea them once again. Will objects to his horse being har- nessed in such a way as it was when it arrived home on Monday morning ia.-i bells upside down, etc. But Jack suys it was not his fault, it was the weather. The School Board have not secuied a teacher for our coniiiiuatiuu school yet. This is too bad, as a number of scholars who wwre boarding at home havu had to go away to other schools at an extra ex- pense ati our school is closed at prevent . Mr. Will Coulthaid has arrived home from, s.-isk., on visit. Will looks line Tho West certainly agrees wi'h him. This Week's Items We understand that Mr. D. Widtnmii, who . inn- from Thornbury last October to act as manager for Mr. Pedwell in his general store here, has resigned his po- sition and intends to try his lurk in the West in the near future. We are sorry to lo e Mr. and Mn. Wideman, as we found them god neighbor*, of good business ability and highly respected by tliefvillagers and the surrounding c'-un- try, blways courteous and obliging in the store, and we Are sure they will cany with them the best wishes of all who knew them here. Little John Robinson is reported a little better at time of writing. Miss Arlene Buckingham spent .Sunday with friends at Rub Roy. Miss Alice Fenwick spent Sunday with her brother, Hugh, on the 8th line. Mr. Nui-man Eves of Cabri. Sask., has returned to Newmarket after a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron. Mr. Robert Buckingham of Poituge La Prairie is renewing old acquaintances around here. His many friends were glad to see him once again. Mr. and Mrs. R, Colquette spent a couple of days with their daughter in Culliugwood last week. Mr. John Kaitting, his daughter, Queenie, and Miss Rela Osborne, visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. liwin McKo >n at Duncan last week. Tin- annual meeting of the O.sprey Farmers' Milling Company was held on Tuesday last, Jan. 21. The auditor's re- port showtd the Co. in good financial standing and the earnings of the mill greatly increased in the past year under the management of tho late Alexander Davidson as miller, and the shareholders returned the directors for the past year to otticu again, viz., W. T. Julian, Geo. Hawton, and Joseph h- win. A. J. Con- ron aiul I;. J. Colquette were appointed auditors. Messrs. J. Adair and Hugh Davidson visited a couple of Melntyre young ladies ou Sunday. And still it rains, boys. The postponed carnival came oil' on the rink here Thursday night last but was not very largely attended owing to the bad weather. The prizes were paid in full to tho following winners : Best skating couple, R. Whiteoak and Annie Kaitting ; best gent skater, Matthew Connor ; best lady skater, (Queenie Kait- ting ; best boy skater, Henry Pelch ; best lady's costume, Miss A. Weller ; ladies' race under '20, Lila Alexander ; clown, W. Perigoe. Maxwell The Misses Bessie and Artie Wrisjht, and Messrs. Harold Spoftbrd and Ray- mond Wellnr of Collingwood business college spent Sunday at their parental homes. Mrs. Fred Spofford visited with her sister, Mrs. Hopper, in Creemore, lust week. Rev. Roszell of Buffalo is visiting his brother. Dr. Roszt-ll- Rev. Koczell preached an excellent sermon in the Methodist church Sunday night. Mrs. O'Brien, nee Miss Nellie Mad- den, left for her home at Khedive, Sask. We wish the young couple bon voyage through life. Mrs. W. H. Guy mid Mrs. Mclntyre of Claresholme visited with the formot's sister Mrs. McLean of Mclntyre and other relatives. Miss Myrtle Radley of Ceylon spent a fnw days last week with hei cousin Mrs, A; Pftllister, \\ i' extend OUi- sincere sympathy lo Ml-, ikttd Mrs, Lcvi Pallister in the los.s >)f their infant son aged '' mos. Mr. Will Guy has returned lo Kenorn. Eugenia Paragraphs Held Over Last Week Miss Cieorgina Smilh Ims returned to tlie city, after tpund-ii!; a month with liri friends here. Mits Alict) Gordon has heen visiting her cousin, Miss Wilson. Mrs. Ed Oarr and Mrs. E. A. Graham spent the past week in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bakur of Markdale, visiied with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Williams, recently. Mini Mandy Stewart of Fleaherton, was the guest (if her cousin, Neah Williams, uver Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franc s Genoe visited with Mr. mnt Mrs. Tester, of Vandeleur. A apron si cial is to be htld at Mr. H. Williams, on Tuesday, Jan. 28ih. Miss Cora Williams spent the past werk with friends at Rock Mills. Master JeraYl Large has gone to visit friends in Onen Sound. Miss Gertie Paul and friend visited th* put week with friends in Ueathcott. Miss Bnrbra Thompson has gone to tisit her grandmother in Paisley. This Week's Items Mr. mil Mrs. McMastrr yihited friends t Portlaw the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris "f Kimher- ley gave friends here a call m Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiggins of Kirn- berlev were guests ol Mrs. T. Genoe on Monday. Mr. Emerson Smith has returned hum* from Whitby. Mr. Gibb of Stratford was the guest of Mr, Win. II i-in|i the past week. .Missus Alice Williams and Florence Parliament are attending achuol at Flttherton . Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Turner visited the tatter's parents at Kimberley the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond of Prictjville visited with Mrs. McMullen over Sunday. Vmi e a number from here attended the hockey match between Flesherton and Markdale on Thursday last. Mr. Beit Graham has gone to the city on a visit. Miss Cooey of Flesherton visited with friends here over Sunday. C'arnea Williams spent tin- week end with her friend, Myrtle Parliament. Mrs. Badgurow of I'ortlaw was the uest of Mrs. Thompson the past week. Wake up boys ! Why are you allow- ing the young men fr. m the West to come and step ott' with * many of our young ladies. Miss Mary Branitl' ol Markdals and Mr. Will Bran iff 1 of Sash it -!n-w -in were the guests of Mrs. Franes Genoe the past, week. The tegular monthly meeting of the W. I. will meet Feb. 5, Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. E. A. Graham. Pro- gram Cake demonstration, by Mrs. Frances Geuoe ; paper by Mrs. Fred Pedlar on some advantages of a country home. Mr. A. E. Walker of Daysville, Sask., has returned home. Master Erniu Graham of thnt place, accompanied him and is visiting with his grandfathe in the valley. Portlaw. Mr. Art Watson is recovering from severe attack ot pneumonia. Our school was closed a few days lust week on account of the teacher's illness. Everybody is glad thar Miso Cornfortlt is able to resume her duties again. Dr. Morns und Mr. Derby of Hanovei were cullers recently. Mr. Ellmrt Cornfield, who has been in Vancouver for some limp, arrivec home recently. Mr Art. Chard arrived home fron the Went lately. Mr. Albert Poc-U of Buffalo, visited with his cousin, Mr. F. Fletcher. Mr. A K in McKenzie is attending the Northern Business Colleue, Owei Sound. Master Wilfrid McMacter of Eugenia, spent a week with his unclei of this part recently. The trustee board of our school is now composed of Messrs. T. Taylor, W. G Jamieson and W. H. Hemplnll. Mrs. Hector Mclntyre and.'two child ren of Alberta, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy of Maxnell visited with Mr. and Mrs J. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton, who hat recently moved into their tine new resi dence, were surprised by a number o; their friendH, and presented with an address and a beautiful oak parlor table as a token of good will and the esteem in which they aro held. This is duly appreciated by the recipients. Hog cholera has broken out afrcsl near Amherstburg. Canada's tiolJ crops in 11)12 totalled in value |509,eOO,,QQO, Kimberley Poultry Show The poultry fanciers of Kinilierley held their tiist poultry exhibition on T. u sOay of last week, when a vry nice little show wai the u-suli. The competition was not vary severe*, however, except in bar- red rocks and the single comb leghorn varietit-H, -if which there was <|uite a large nu.ubrr of entries. The exhibition A'as a one-day affair and did not enable .hi 1 judge to do full justice to the biitls, although he gavt* ijeiieial sUii-faction so :ar as he went. Only one bird was scored a barred rock be!ont>ing to Mr. liicob L'mghexd of Wodehouso and it was allowed H"^ points. The judge also u deinoiibtrntions in each clan which were invaluable to the various breeders. There is a movement in this district look- ng towards impruved feathered ntock and more tano met hods of handling them, and this .show, thuul'li .viii.ll, will give an dded stimulus to the movement. The varieties shown on ibis occaMi-n em- only utility slock, there being no for fancy breed.-'. Among the va- rieties, and which ate comparative stran- gers here, were Cornish Indimi (Jinne, xhowu by Mr. H'clding ; Langahaus, by i Conn and 8. McAslin, and IndJHii Gunner ducks by .-. McAslin. These >irds attracted considerable attention roin those who weie not fam'liar with :hem. The directors did not charge an tdmission fee, which xe think was a nislalte. However, after pay ng all ex- jenses they have a neat surplus for urxt rear's show and have also gained experi- ence that will lend to make the show a greater succei; m-xt year. The bunch was judgfd i>y Mr. Geo, Robinson of Jtlitwn, an expuit government judge. following is the PRIZE LIST Silver Laced Wyandottes Urn, T. MI 1 1- 1 1 and 2 ; cock, T. lUrret. 1 and 2. White Wyaiidotte Hen, Geo. Proctor , A Carruthers 2 ; cock, Geo. Proctor 1, i. Conn 2 ; pen, Kd. Baker 1. Golden Wyandott* Hen, C. Knoll 1 ; cock, C. Knoll 1. Pailridge Wyaiidotte Hen, J. Arm- strong 1, G. Knoll 2 ; cock, J. Armstrong ., C. Knoll 2. White Leghorn S. C.-Hen, T. ,'ninack 1 and 2 ; cock, T. Camack 1, S. Fawcelt 2 : pe.i. J. Plewes 1, T. Ca- nack 2. Cornish Indian Game- Hen, F. H. W. Hickling 1 ; cock, F. H. W. Hickling 1. Black Laiignhau Hen, H. Conn 1 ; S. McAslin 2 ; cock. H. Conn 1 and 2. A ncona- Hen, John Plewen 1 and 2 ; uock, J. Plewes 1. Brown Leghorn K. C. Hen, J. Plewes 1 and 2 ; cock, W. Buiritt 1. But)' Orpington- Hen, Geo. Procter 1, MM. Hutchinson 2 ; cock, S. Eawcett 1 ; pen, W. Kurritt 1, K. -Sloan 2. Rhode Island Red-S. C. Hen, W. H. rimiiiHii 1, A. I'uMii'i. i- ! ; g. c. cock, W. H. Thurston 1, A. Can-uthers 2 ; r. c. hen, W. H. Thurston I, A. C*rruthers 1 ; cock, A. Carruthers 2. Barred Rock Hen, S. McAslin 1, H. L'onu 2 ; cock, J. Lougheeil 1, Kd. Baker 2 ; pen. W. Cullis 1, J. Lougheed '-. Pair Toulouse (ieese, G. H. Walter 1, T. Camack 2. l'i . Chinese Geese, M. R. Hammond 1. Pair Bronx.o Turkeys, T. Camack 1. P'lir Rouen Ducks, T. Camack 1. Pair Indian Runner Duckf, S. Me- Asliu 1 and 2. Pair Common Ducks, G. H. Walter 1 and 2. A Reason Why The mail order houses, insane specu lation, and the trek to the Wet,t are the three great influences which aro sapping the life out of the itiral sections o Ontario. But there will bo a reaction some time. The rural population wil awake some day to the conclusion that i in time lhi-i- ' ii.n .- should stop. Main of the piosptrous villages MI. I town? that used to cover the province ar< gradually falling by the woysido, simply because the rural population has beei sending ihe money that should go t< support these towns away to the city li let ihe big moguls of mail order house buy sleani yachts and endow hospitals Only thore towns ithich have developed into manufacturing centres and to i certain extent are self-supporting, have not felt the effects. Would it not bi fairer il this money was kept at homi and distributed amongst the numerou: busins places which indirectly snppor the schooli", the churches, the librarte. and "id, i institutions that make life iu the rural sections more pleAsant, mor< especially whon the local merchants can in nine cases out of i en, meet the com petition of the mailorder houses and cai frequently do better. O. S. Sun. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 1!) Dundalk Wednesday, April U!... Fltsherton Wednesday, June IH Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 . .Fleshenon Wedhwdav, Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturd-iy, Dec. ti Flesherton W. .1. BELLAMY, Clerk, Fleshorton, Out. FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. :5, S. D. R. Artemesia, cont.iininij 80 acres of land in good state of cultivation, fitst-class water in drilled well, good building*, one mile from Pricoville. Apply to MRS. DONALD McARTHTR, Townline. Priceville Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. 'ure Bred Holstein Bull __ , Changeling Prince Joe W. A. Armstrong, Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk PrincesM Josephine. In- greatest butter making strain known. Terms of service 82 for grades, #"> or pun; bred. GEO. MOORE & SON, Propj.. Feb. 14 Proton Station. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office nd Residence --U58, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours fl to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 ro 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment A Word of Praise From the Clarksburg Review The Flesherton Advance last week published a well written article by Mrs. W. G Pickell on tho "Discovery of Eugenia Falls." The Advance was for- tunato in getting Mr. Pickell's contri- bvttion titled. !> above, and the Advaocu spoke truly when it said ''Mrs. Pickell is gifted with a clever pen," for the article is interesting from start to finish. The illustrations and general appOAMUiGB of the Advance through tho article referri'd t.o was enough to m:tktt tho pofiplo "f Flesherton cock-a-doodk-do not. a little for their village paper. O O O o e CO CD OS ou bl O GET SOME OF PRATT'S STOCK Pratt's Poultry Regulator and Oyster shell m.ik.' hens lay. Wo rmvejlyour supply!!'* Fin Haddy, Smoked Hen ing, TLake Superior Trout and Herring, Honey, Syrup, Mince Meat, Ch.'wi-. Ui.cuif. Bread. FLOUR Five Hosts, Cream of the West, McGowan's Eclipse, and PiiMtry. Bran, Shorts, Low, Grade, Chop, Linseed Meal, Oil C*ke ami a full line <>f Groceries, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY O pn H CA in O n n O O a W. BUSKIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you arc in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with- out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do. Your Tailoring ! ^BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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