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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1913, p. 4

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January 23 1913 THE F L E S II E R f N A U. V A N C E f Iceljcrton An inili-pr>nl"iit MI-W..I -.ii ii-i, |>ubliHheil evsry 'I'Mn i.l.iy at i U 1 ' office, Cojlmgwood Street, Klt-shiTton. Subscription price fl |wr annum. whn |>aid in advance; $1.50 when not BO puirl Advtrtuinpr.rate* un application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. H. Tliuraton - Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Manitoba Grain Growers The Advance < Correspondence t Last week if ws my privilege to at- tend the annual cnnveution of the Mani- toba Grain Growers' Assomaiioti, anil listen to them in business. Believing that the readers of your puui-t luight be inten-sli-d, I am writing some of my im- pression* of tht convention, which is of . interest to u great many people. In its work the Association coined nenrer to the Farmers' Institute than anything else in Ontario that I can think of, but in the three days of the conven- tion I did not hear one word as to how to raise ihe fattest hen or whether wheat would (jro* better with the embryo up or down, or whether sowed by a Singer levring machine or by li mil. Seemingly the farmer was left to him- self in this regard, and so important an atfir as an meeting w.-is not tangled up with ti-clmicil questions con- cerning actual farming. Thai matter is attended to at the rvKiiNr meeting* of the local associations, iiuJ the annual convention is devoted t. thu big things of the day, There was present the aged originator of the movement, J. W. Scallion of Yir- den, becumir.g feeble and Iwrd of heiir- iug, but atill with tirv in his eye and a ring in his voico that would briiiK tin- great gathei-ing of fi UK-IS to their fort in ringing cheers. That itselt WH-J one of the main impressions of the gathering to me, the enthusiasm. Tuna tu>d again there were ireat loumls "f apiiUusi-. As I was accustomed to 'hi- apiihctic auili- MM of the But I wondered in Unit - and to think thai they \\vie nil farmers, ' stern s-ma of," :is thu pnet calls them. When the convention uiJ i <>t I'.ti mini; methods what tliiiid d tla-y uil of / One of tlic main topics was the C. 1'. R. A repreiirir;itive of that com- pany was there l.y im i^tion, mid he was heckled most uniiicrcifully. The Grain Growers' Asaociuli'in Imtoa the U. P. U. more than anything else in the world, it u.mldMem. Then they talked on the Canadian uay, un British preference, on demurrage rates, freight rules and so on. It wai k sort of unpatriotic stand, KOIIIU would say, which the fannuiH (or grain growers) took on 1 In; navy <|uestion, but n.> one can say that it WHS not practical Tho argument was, that if we spend 83S,0<)0,U(W it will mean the wrini/ing of a siniilai sum from the poor peanantH of (Germany. < >ut hero ou llie plains then- is not much of a war scare-, and the Ur- iii in -in -- would t md a poor uhanco t>> uun a living. Everybody in ton busy tn be bothered by such nonsense. That I-, tin; Went of it. Hit; things were disi-nsunl .it the con- vi.-nti.jn, and the delegates were not wfiaid to tackle the big things. 1 won dered, as I sat in the hall and looked at tho busy (;.!. liorin,,', it Artcmesia funncrs could lie placed in u mmilar petition and talk about such tilings, discuss them in- tulligehtly, and thuii havu Iho i-tt-rtiiil ' factt ''Jto draft a resolution to be MTU to the uieniburH of p.-irliaiuent mi'l Cavbi- lift tiiiiiittcrx, anil then on top of that subscribe some 81iM<) nf their Imi-il- . .incil c.isli t pot thing* befor* th ROT- t .i linn-Hi and in it nioai-un- " luve tlu-ir O wn way .''' Hut it was not i->i>-i]li thnt. the Asso- ciation should pronounce up"ii Canadian jn.litici. They i-xpri-M-ii-d n Heiitinient iigainsl any (gnllttoOB which wnuld rv- ult in a higher price f-u bread in niv;it Britain, even thntiyh it worked to the advantage of the Canadian wheat giowi-i 1 . In the three days i>f ihc ..con tout ion a largo amount of business was put through, nJ it is safe to t'iy tliat tin- great majority of thin was cliruclly ox- jiresiing i In mind nf,the entire West. Here is fouud the Nucrot of (ho spirit of the Association. It represent! 10,- UOO farmers in Manitoba alone, and Hpeaki the mind of practically every man of them. Similar orgn ; ntiona in each of tho other prairie provinces will meet, shortly, when tho scenes will bo enacted ---. . i a-, un The same clear-out argu- i .. MI will be madu, nnd Ihu Name force will onoo more ho exerted on the law- uiakurs at Ottawa. To my mind tho organization is a great thing, and breathes the greatness of tho West in it every act. Nowhere is there itH equal in i In. world of th tillers of the oil, and it in iiccninpliHhing great things on the prairie. A. 8. T. the dams of I'ontitc Kag Apple, 31. <>2 Ibs. a cow that sold f i s-t.oim, our I'ontiac Clothilda De Kol 2d, 37.21 Ibs. butter in seven days, 1.271.0 Ibs butter in a year, of our Pontlac Jewel 30.74 lb. butter in seven days, 9!)2.1 Ibi. butter in a year.and of our Pontiac Artis, 31.71 I' 1 - butter in seven days, 1,076.9 Ibs. butter in a year, COWH of fame as producers and splendid individuals. Mr. Moore's bull is backed by very largo producing strains, and can be countud upon to sire both Wgc produc- ers and lino individual*. We own his dam and twenty ot her sis'ers, also a number of sisters to this bull, and larue records can be expected from them. We are proud of selling Mr. Moore his bull as we had a great deal of competition, but we aim to gi< e in iv value for the money than anyone else in the business. Yours very respectfully, STEVENS BROTHERS CO. ** Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Moore, late of the Township of Proton, in the County of Giey, K'.i iirr'i . deceased. Notice is hereby given, pmsuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897, Chapter 12!), that all the creditors and others having claims against the cst-ite of the ahove named JoLn Moore, who died on or ubout the third day of November, A. D. 1912, are required on or before the twenty -second day .of Feb- ruary, A. D. 191.'?, to eend by post prepaid or deliver to William H. Huddy, 1'rice- ville Post Office, or tn Charles Moore, Markdale Post Office, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said John Moore, deceased, their C'lnis- tiau and surnames, addresses and de- scriptiouB, the full particulars of their claims, the Ktatenient of their accounts and th nature of the Hecurities (if any) held by them. And further t*ke nutic? that after tucli last meniioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute tin- a"si is of Ihe s'i d deceased among the (nil ins entitled iheieto, navhi!( reiianl lily to the claim* of which they .-hall >h n hate notice, and that the said exiv utors will not lie liable for the said usseiH or any part thereof to any person r pern -in of whom c'aim notice t-liail inn have I teen recemd by them at the time nf mch distribution. WnniiiT, TKI.FIIUI* & Mi, Owen Sound, Out., Solicitor for tin* said Kxerut-ns. Dated the 2>ih dy of Jan. A.D.,l'Ji:5 When Doctors Disagree Consult Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitl.'ti gUssei da. W. A. Armstrong. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY B.isket leaves Tues.l.y night, delivery Friday evrni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We HIV aguutH for Parker's Dye. Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvena-ed. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR F. R W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING ai COST Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Reefers, Men's Fur-Lined Overcoats Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats The recent mild weather has left us with a large number of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, Men's Fur-Lined Overcoats and Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats, than we desiie at this season of the year. We offer them for speedy clearance AT COST They aiv all this season's garments and if you are looking tor can't afford to pass them. genuine snaps, you i The Best $300 Bull From Holstein-FrieHian World for Jan. Dec. :tl, 1U12. Editor II. F. World: Home time ago (Joo. Moore A Hon of Proton Station Canada, advertised in the World for the l>ost f.'iiin bull that could he offered. High clasw hulls at low price* are our Hpeciitllty, and we sent Mr. Moore very hitnditonie young bull sired by (Mmnneling Duller Hoy out of Tidy Abbekerk PrincoHH Josephine H 17.62 Hi. two-year-old da|;htor of Tidy Abhekerk Prineu. This lu-ifer wo own mil will not price, we expect to make a very largo record on her an she matures. Her lira i* a line individual nnd lii* oiFHprimi inlmrit this quality. His dam, Tidy Abbokerk, WH IIIIIK known as the Canadian Champion. Shu |I:IM an A 11. O. record of '27. '^1 lln. and law two 98-lb. diughteti, both of thom tine show COWH. Chn(jiilin Hiiltor Hoy, airo of Mr. Moore's bull, IWM over forty A. U. O. dau-'liWH now with others conn UK. HIM fullitur, Hi-ady Change, Ravo 110 llw. milk in n day, III. 1 15 Ibn. hulli-r in thirty days, and in Miow cow of merit. His UUnjilitw, '"' " hll " w ( '" w "' 1JOO It's "'ilk in a day days. Hi s bhillier ti> SKAIJ--I) TF.NDK1C3 n.MroKse.1 to the I'.ist- inkntor Uuuuial, will lio rtioiivuil at Ottawa MID! noon on Friday, tlis Tth Mm I. r'l i. for in' convuyaucp ol II; . MajctHty'ii inailn on a imi|ioi'il ii ontract 'or lour \.-iu . six tiniAH PIT week OVHII i-iticE\ii,i,i: ui u\i- Mur, IKIUTK To coiuuieucu al tlin 1'ontinaster iCIenerare l>lonure 1'iliitait noticeii contninlnx furtlirr Infoinin- MOBU to condition! of propoMd ConttMt nmv IIOKUUII and blank forms nf ti-mli-r may In- <il> iiiinwl at tlin |V.,t (Mlici't nt 1-. loi'villo. Tuiiriuit', Bunewau and ut tlm iiivo i tho rOFtOfflOfl Insin-etor nt iToronto. rriHti,iri<-i< Di-pnrtuiunt, Mail Snrvio v I'nuch (iitnwii, Mtlula) of Junuary KUv! (i. C. AXPKItSON, . BuptrlatoQaaBti Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. I am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Got something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody want:*. Springs and Mattresses to lit all be:ls. Examine 0111 stock any- way, before purchasing your slc-er iuclucers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. XMAS. STOCK COMPLETE Order vour NEW C'HIUST- MA8 SUIT NOW and got the best that can be produced and at a reasonable price. WE SATISFY EVERYBODY in Work- manship, Style and Price. Pressing and Cleaning care- fully attended to at the Tp- To-Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY Fesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CARCFUL DRESSERS CEYLON'S STORE LOOK! ! Goods given free to any person buying ten dollars worth of oodsat onetime, and paying for them. Sugar. Flour and Feed excluded, will receive their choice of a large assortment of goods that is put on exhibition at our store for the purpose ot away free for the next month, giving commencing Thursday. January 9th. C MING! J as. < (on nunar GmMnu; will in- ir .i-.,i t uttann Until noon, on Krlilay tho 7lh Mmcli. lltls. f'M tin- <-i>iivi>yaci> of His Majcuty'n Mails on a tirunoHi'il Contract fur four year* nix tiuiei l"'i u . i i. IM. h Wft) Over Rural Mail KouteFrom Priceville' Ontario, to commence at the I'OHtmastor (u'ural' Pleasure l-rlutml notlcDfl. conUjnliiKfiirthor Infornia- lion tit* to condition* of prupOHod ('ontrnnt may ho Hfti'ti unit lilank forniH of Tiiinh-r inny l><* olitiilned Kt the IViKt (micm i>f 1'Hcu'vlllr, I'ou.una. dli'i i l ( MIIII-. lluiii HHIIII nn.l nt tlin OHIci- of tho I'oRt UUIcu iDxpoctorM rurnnto. 1'OBt Oflli-n I ejiarl nil-lit. MaliHi-rtiut-llraiuli i n i Ji .\.i. lltli Jauintiy, 1:11:1. (I. C. ANDIUtSON, I n. In i- lii. 1 1 limtiuclimi ut thu 1 1. -i HIM . . t ii-li ill i I u U --in with US any day. Positions nuanintoed In ^'1 I'lilill '-<. .StllfT <>f |M-I I ill-.' H Inforiimtinii free. C. A. FLKMlNtt, F. O. A., 0. D. FLKMING, - Secretary! OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO CANADIAN ^ PACIFIC AY. SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World I. MI presses nf 'Russia' and 'Asia' INfWC. I'. I: l-ii, ih,-:-.liiiiii lu|- i The l-'ni|ii-t-Mrt of MtiHia will lonvt- Ijtver- pool A prlUal, oaillDS &t (lllnaltur, Vllli- tiitnt.liii iinl I'tirt Haiti, prnrf-mliiifj vlit Sun/ ( 'oIlllH IO, I'Mlfl II- , 'SHn-ll|i: -I . Hi. in: I .11.; slniiu;li ni. Nni:ii-.nki. KI.I-I- .mil Yokohama, ru i . i r . Vattuouver May .'lint, 101M. Kuijtrod* of Asia will sail from liiyprpool Mat -mil, makllig n Hlmllcr nniliui. MOHt (Itruet tioiiiH-ctlon i--i \riil Int Hail- I ill) In via I'.iiii'U-sB ot llrltahi doiii Ht, John Marcli Hint. Rte for Entire Cruiae $639.10 H-luiilvof inaiiitiiiianoo brtwern arrival time In I :ni;!iiii I mi. i dnpartur* of l!ni|<n<si> of IliisAla. ami Hliip ovoi nt llnn^ KODK. Ili-l |iltlllrlllill- fllllll I -in. nl, .in I'l.-il'u- <Mitsoi write .M. <! Ml'ltAHY 1-. I' V.. f .!'... T.ironto S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton PROF. FRANK R. PEMBER Of The Pember Hair Store, Toronto, will be at the MUNSHAW HOUSE, FLESHERTON Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 1913 With the largest display of hair goods in the dominion. Switches, Braids, Putt's and Transformations, nianu- tiicturod by us from hair of the finest quality. PROFESSOR PEMBER Will also diagnose free of sharge, all Hair and Troubles, and his advice may be relied upon. For Bald men Scalp Tho Pember ventilated weight toupee and wig light- is the finest substitute for ones own hair that has ever been pro- duced. Call and investigate yourself. Ladies who cannot visit the Professor kindly write or phono and he will call. REMEMBER THE DATE Munshaw House, Tues., Jan. 28, '13 For Mail Orders Address 127 Yongo St., Toronto. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Wednesday, Kob. lit Diuulalk \\ i'tlni'H(l:iy, April 10 Klmhoiton \\ i- iiii-tiliy, Juno 18 I 'i mi I .ilk Wudiit-ndny, Aug. 27 Flenhorlon \\nlm-silay. Out. 15 UumUlk Sat unity, Deo. 6 Fleshortou W. J. BELLAMY, i'lerk, m, Cut. DR. BUFtT 5peclallft In dlacairi ot iho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 lOih it. eail. Owen Sound At tin- U>-vi-n- lii'iiso, Mavkilnlo, 2nd SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Sutemeats made by patients takiog the New Method Treatment. They know it Cuts tf No N.mei or TMlimoaiab w*d without wriltm coucal CONS rrrrnoN \i. BLOOD DISEASE. Pmtlent No. 16474. "The apota art all one i : my IKI and arm* and I feel rood now. I am very grateful to you and ihall never forget the favor your roedlclnei have done for me. You can uie my name In recommending It to any aufferer. I am going to get mar- ried toon. Thaoklng you once more, to." SATS TWO MONTHS CTBED HIM. Patient No. 167(5. Age 33. Single. Indulged In Immoral halti 4 yeara. De- poilt In urine and dralna at night. Varlcoie Vein* on both (Idea, pain* In back, weak Kxually. He wrltei: "I received your letter ot recent date and In reply I am pleaied to i iv that after taking two month*' treatment I would consider myself completely cured, a* 1 have eeen no ilgna of them coming back (one year). THE WOBU) BKKM8 DIFFKBENT. Patient No. 1EW3S. "I have not had regular Bmlulon I don't know when and am feeling line. The world leem* altogether different to me and I thank Ood for directing me to you. You have been ao boneit doctor with me." VARICOSK VEINS CCRED. Ca*e No. 16SM. Sj-mptomi when ha atarted treatment: Age 21, single. In- dulged In Immoral habits several years. Varlcoie \\-lns on both sides pimples on the face. etc. After two months- treatment he writes as follow*: "Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Vein* have completely dta- appeared for quite a while and It seems a cure. I work harder and feel les* tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your klad attention." etc. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No. u.v;?. Thl* patient (aged 6S> had a chronic ease of Nervous De- Illty and Sexual Weaknes* and was run down In vigor and vitality. After one month'* treatment he report* a* fol- lows: "1 am feeling very well. I have Rained 14 pounds In one month. *o that 1 will have to congratulate you." Later report: "I am beginning to feel more like a man. I feel my condition I* gelling better every week." HI* last re- port: "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the last month's treatment that I will have to get. I thought at one time I would never be cured but I put con. tldence In you from the Mart and you in*. " have cared me. CURES GUARANTEED OH NO PAY FREE. Blank for Home Treatment BOOKS FREE. U uaahk to caU writ* for a Qu..tion * N OTI CE ^u '''r?** froB1 S*"*^" 11 " 1 > <MI ow Cat- * ^V^ 1 IN^El din CorT.p<.ndrnce Department a* follow* DRS. KENfTCDY A KENrf-~" ~" DY * KENNEDYrWlSbsOR. ONT. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Are. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ThursiUy wic-li month. from 8 to al 2m 1', 1st Tluiisday uf each month.. Farm for Sale at a Snap 81,800 will liuv 130 acres on the urs road between Kleshorton nd M Tho timbor nlone on this property worth the price asked. Amity to Jos. UK.VTY, OI-.HXJ vii,- y , M:l k-l-l'l-. pi. 20- Farm For Sale or Rent UK) iu-n-.s in the Tth conuMon t lot 31,, Avii iiu-si i, nlioiit liO rods from school, nnstiittK'", ;iul sioi-f. dn t !u- is :i K>K In UM- and a -.-.iiiiil IMI-II, wells and a good aprintf. ; nbout 75 clearad xu 1 70 ncrea undt-r cultivittio Will ront if not sold. Apply to D. WH1TK, RookMit,

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