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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1913, p. 5

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-January 16 1913 THE FLESHERTO NAD VANCE B THE ESTABLISHED 1879 OF CANADA PORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque hai many advantages. It shows the balance oa hand , the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large depoat to begin with. GEO. MITCHELL, BDH Branch** also t Durham nd HrrUtoa. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 8.58p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton aj follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Professor Pember is coming to Flesh- , erton on the 28th . See advt. R. T. McGirr of Moosejaw, Saak., ' culled on friends here this week. Mr . I McGirr SBVS tha y have Dot nad more than j * a i 110 ' 1 f snow at Moosejaw this winter and no severe cold . VICINITY CHIPS3 Mr. Johnston Martin of Wainrinht. 7p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at, ... , , ,. . . . .- 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' Atta " V18lted huj uncle and aunt ' Mr ' mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g] a nd Mrs. Isaac Sinclair, iu town, for a ' few days last week. '"" ' " "" \ Miss Loliia and Master Preston Beattie of the high school entertained the Second Form pupils at their home on Wednesday evening of last week- About twenty drove out to Mr. Seattle's ind enjoyed their hospitality and an ex- tremely pleasant evening was spent. They were accompanied by their teachers, Messrs. H. S. White and H. D. Brown, who seemingly believe that all study and no play make boys and girls dullardi. Mr. Septimus Merrick of North Da- kota was the guest of his cousin, Mrs v James Cargo, in town last week. Mr. j Merrick is a son cf Stephen Merrick, who lived at Kiraberley some 45 years ago. He is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr Merrick is a pronperous farmer liv- ing in Dakota on the border of Manitoba. Mrs. Pickell of Markdale favors The Advance this week with another valu- able contribution to the early history of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt is visiting friends in Elm wood. An 80-11) lynx was shot in Thompson Elliott's swamp, east of Dundalk, last week. Later figures give Meaford as having lost local option by only one vote. Mr. W. J. Taylor of Kuox College, supplied the Presbyterian pulpit acceptably on Sunday. Miss Ruby Aikenhend returned to To- ronto Monday. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, who will remain for a month or so. Feversham skating rink will supply the first carnival of the season on Saturday evening of this week, Jan. 18. See bills for list of prizes. Mr. Blakeley will have his new chop- ping mill iu rurniug order the last of this week. The new wheels are now installed. Mr. Jaa. E. Russell of Prma, Idaho, is visiting his father, Mr. Jas. Russell of Rock Mills, with whom he will lemain for a few weeks. Married At the residence of John Muir, ''he bride's brother, on Jan. 11, 1913, by Rev. J. A. Matheson, B.D., Robert Campbell of Albion to Sarah Ann Muir of Artemesia. The crti/ons of Kirnberley will hold a poultry and seed show on Thursday, , Jan. 23. Prize list* can be had of the ) Artemesia township which we have illustrated and placed on our front pbge. Coming at this time, when the Hydro- Commission is about^to change conditions so radically at the Falls, it is very timely and will be much appreciated by oui three thousand readers. The officers elected in L. O. L. No. 88:5 for the year 1013, were as follows W. M., E. Thompson: D. M., Fred Wright ; Chap., Jas- McMullen ; Rec.- Secy., C. Thomson ; Fin.-Sec'y , Geo. Stewart; Treas.,Geo. Snell ;D. of C.,Jas. Sargent; Lect., Jas. Radloy ; Tyler A. Wb.itta.kor ; Cora., R. Moore, D. McLeod, R. Brown, R. Whittakei. W. L. Wright. The Durham Chronicle sys : Wo nt secretary, Mr. Siul Fawcett, Kimberley. ; tended the Methodist Sunday school en- teituiiiment in Fleshcrlon on New Year's night, and felt perfectly delighted at the magnificent elocutionary add musical tal- ent displayed by the children. !> was on Get one and seud in your poultry. Miss Irene Wilson guve a party after rink Saturday night to twenty-five of the young people. A couple of enjoyable hours were spent and on the btroke of i N " Dear's night, 1886, that wo firsc lis twelve tb party broke up after siugiug | tencd to an entertainment in that village Auld Lang Sync. ! anc * m tHe S)line church. For the next Last Wednesday night Harry Fella e ' even years, we believe, we were present had the misfortune to full on the ice and injure his left foot pretty badly. At tint on every occasion, and, after an absence of sixteen years, it^ is only natural it was th'oughVTJ b7broke"ir''we"Vope \ think we would like to dr P roun ' 1 nd soon to see him around again, though at a former acquaintances present he canuot use it. Miss Lulu Mitchell entertained about thirty of the young people afior rink Thursday evening last in honor of the Misses Aikeuheod prior to Miss Lydia's return to the city. A few jolly hours were spent by all present. acquaintances and many others whose faces were not at all familiar. The church was packed with an audience of interested listenorb who must have been delighted with the program. Few places, if any, can uxcei Flesherton in getting up a good, clean, c*tchy entertainment. We wish their j continued prosperity, and we have n< Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling entertained a | doul)t they will continue , merit tilB popularity they have so lung maintained. Rockvalu Baptist church held their an- niversary services on Sunday, Jan, 5. Rev. L. F. Kipp of Montreal conducted the services morning and evening. Large congregations were present. On the Monday evening following a very pleas- nuniber of young ladies on Wednesday afternoon last with a thimble party in honor of her nieces, Misses Ruby and Lydia Aikeuhead. A very enjoyable af- ternoo u was spent. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong was called to Toronto Saturday owing to the sudden illness of her daughter, Laura. We are glad to report the latter improving and that Mrs. Armstrong will be able to re- turn home very shortly. At the Arkemesia Council on Monday given by the Revs. McLaren, Wellwood R.D. Meldrum was reappointed assessor, )and Kipp. Special collections were taken J. McMullen and A. Harrison on the at each meeting, the proceeds amounting ant evening was spent when the church was packed, the program being made up of solos, duets, music, recitations, dia- logues and tableaux. Addresses were Mc- The continuation school board, and R. Gill and T. Chislett as auditors, minutes will appear uext week. Mr. Archie McDonald of Froude, Sask., waa a caller one day last week. Archie and his brother own a three- quarter section at Froude, 36 miles east of Weyburn, and during the past nine yean that they have beu farming it out there have done well. To the Electors of Artemeaia : Ladies aud Gentlemen, I hereby tender you my sincere thanks for your support in tke recent election. I will endeavor to look after the interest of the lownihip to the best of my ability. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous year Yours respectfully, W. J. Caswell. Mrs. W. H. Bunt was seized with a paralytic stroke while in bed Tuesday morning, depriving her of speech. The afflicted lady is held iu the very highest efl'oem and the news of her serious con- to f 50, for which the officers are grateful. Court Flesherton, No. 1270, C.U.F., held their annual election in Clayton's hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday evening of last week when the following were duly elected for 1913 : J P C R, R 8wanton ; C R, Silas Shunk ; V C R, G L White Chap, J E Wright ; Rec Sec, F Mathew- aon ; Fin Sec, E Thompson ; Treas, [J Fisher ; S W. Ben White ; J W, R Stanton ; S B, G Clark ; J B, W Flynn; Phy, Dr. Bibby ; Fin Com, 3 Shunk, R Swaiitm. Thos Fisher. The installations will take place at next regular meeting. Institute Meetings Farmers' Institute meetings will be held as follows : Holland Centre Jan. 16. Walters Falls Jan. 17, Rocklyn Jan. 18, Heathcoro Jan. 20, Ravenna Jan. 21, Kiuiberley Jan. 22, Eugenia Jan. 23, Priceville Jan. 24, Hopovitle Jan. 25, Badjcros Jan. 27, Maxwell Jan. 28. The speakers will be Mrs. M. N d,t,on wa nceived with the deepest re- j Noniuni P Tor onto, and Clark Himil.,-,,.' gret by her many friends, le trust that ) p or subjects of both speakers see bills the trouble may be but temporary. and handbills. HOCKEY PL1MHKRTON nil Ms MARSDALB By "a score of -4 the Flesherton boy* won (heir first game ot the season OIL the sheet of ice here, last Friday evening. Brown, F. McTavuh and Sullivan are guilty O f the deed. Both teams played a good clem game. la the first half the mitors showed signs nf winning, the score then being 2-1 in their tavor, but later the tide turned acid Flesherton held the vUitora down. ID waa a large and enthusiastic crowd that witnessed the game. The teams lined up as follows : Flesherton Cairns Mitchell G. McTavish H. Sullmn F. McTavish Brown Croasley Roal point c. p. centre r. w. 1. w. rover Markdale Staples Mercer Young Roche Bushfiald Haskett Merriam Referee Sliver Mercer. Croft-Howard A vary pretty wedding wu solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Howard, Lady Bank, on Monday, Jan. 6th, when their second daughter, Margaret, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Robt. Croft of Maxwell. While the wedding inarch was being played by Miss Flossie Simmons, cousin of the groom, the bride, who was charmingly dressed in white silk, trimmed with satin and over- lace, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother, and took her place beside the groom, under an arch of evergreens, prettily decorated with festooning and flowers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Js. Phimister of Maxwell, in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends. After the usual congratulations, a dainty wedding repast waa partaken of. The bride's travelling dress was of navy blue empress cloth, with coat and hat to match. The young couple received many useful and pretty presents, am^ng which was an organ, the gift of the bride's parents. One of the pleasing features of the evening was the christen- ing of the bride's nephew, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ferris, Feversham. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Croft wish them a happy and prosperous journey through lite. The bride who bus been organist in Providence church and Sunday school, will be greatly missed. HILL BROS., MARKDALE During the Balance of this Month We will offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to reduce our stock of Seasonable Merchandise Before Stock-Taking SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Fifty Ruffs and Call&rs in different clasies of Fur. Values in this lot up to three dollars, stock taking price 500 White Tailored Linen Waists 25 White Linen WaisU, extra fine quality, slightely soiled, regularly priced t $1.75 and 32, Stocic- taking price i.QO Men's Underwear We will put on sale all broken lines of Men's Under- wear and make it all one price, values up to fi.25 Stock Taking price .................... ^ Men's Top Shirts 4-dozu Men's heavy Tweed Shirts, all sizes, 14 to 17, valuos up to $1.60 Stock Taking price ...... 78c Special Sale of Ladies' Coat Sweaters at nearly Half Price i Cardit " 1 and Wonderfully Improved True to promise, the publishers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- treal liuve vastly improved that already gret paper during the past few months. It is .said several new editors have been added to the staff, and still greater im- provements are contemplated. Tho beautiful picture, "Mother's Treasures," is in grcnt demand. Every one who sees it wonders how such a picture can be <{iven with such a great paper at one dol- lar a yenr. It is the best dollar's worth to be had, and those who miss it will re- gret it. Old subscribers should see that their renewal subscription is sent at once to guarniUue the picture. II FURS! FURS! Our stok of Furs is still large and a good selection is offered. To hurry tbem out wo will offer 25 per cent, discount on every Fur you buy MEN'S RUBBERS 10O pairs Men's One-buckle Pine Gum Rubbers, all sizes. to 12, regularly priced st ?1 73 Stock Taki P rice ! - HILL BROS. MARKDALE. a ! I II ii I ii ii II ii Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Purebrdd Aberdeen Angus Cattle for Sale 3 young bulls, ten, eleven and fourteen mouths old, ready for service, also females df different ages. G. H. Walter, Kim barley, p. o.. Cnt. For Sale 1 cutter. 1 sett single har- ness, J. robe, about a dozen good pulled', ilso nffe pair geese. W. W. Trimble. A car load of brn, shorts and Five Rosus flour Doming. Get it off the car. \V. Buskin, Flesherton. High-grade Holstein cow, three years old, just freshened, for sale. Geo Moore, Proton Station. For Sals Good 9-roouied frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, iu first class condition and icpair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. N"ov7tf Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH , Office and Residence 4t>3, '.Hlx St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4..'iO p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment FARM FOR SALE LoU 74 and 73, ' Con. 3, north of Durham road, Artemesia, containing 101) acres, 80 acres cleared, K> acres tirsc-clnss hardwood bush, l>aluncu hardwood slash, all good land and in good state of cultiva- tion, well fenced, i acre orchard, lirst- , class water in drilled well, brick house] nearly now, '2(5 x 3'_' ft,, S shape, barn 54 x 40. Five acres of fall wheat. Farm will be sold. For further pir- okxihtra apply to S. SHEARDOWN. Proton Station, p.o. Farm to Rent 150 acres, all cleared. Apply to VV. J. Bellamy or Mrs. James Jauiieson, Fleaherton. For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 .acres Will be sold cheap, W. J. Meads, Ceylon p. o. tf Good rock elm frame of barn, 30 x t>0, 18 foot side posts, for gale. Apply to Hugh Warner, lot 178 179, T.S.R., Arte- mesia. MISCELLANEOUS Lost- Fur lined coat, Persian collar, muskrat lining, on or about Jan. 3rd. Reward of $5 is otfered. Finder please leave at the Manshaw House, Flesherton. C. Wolfe I am prepared to do chopping again this winter in Maxwell, avoiydiy excepjt- in? Wednesday. Kveiybody come. M. Kan on. For Sale The undersigned offew for ale three lots in the village of Ceylon, on hich are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with btone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms e;uy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Oweu Sound, or W. J. . -<>Uflji>\ , Flesherton. R. D. Mi-l.lrum, Portlaw, issuer of i licences. Mr. Wesley Carson, Meafjrd Road, will hold au auction sale of farm stock ud implements on Monday, Jan. - J7. 'PC advertisement in another co?umu, lao bills. D. McPlwil, auctioneer. Annual Meeting The annuikl meeting of Arteineiii Ag- ricultural Society will b* held at Prico ville on Saturday, Jn. 1>*. UttS, T. A. FERGUSON, Sec. Fresh Goods For Everybody ! ! ! Five Eoses Flour, Dundalk White Kcse. Markdale Perfection Brand. Morning Glory. -l>ran. Shorts, wheat, chop and chicken feed, Fresh Oysters. Fish ;me Horrinj,', Canned Goods Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn and Teas, and all kinds of fresh groceries at lowest prices. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Buy A B.T. Litter Carrier FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lots7-80, 1N.D.R., Artemesia, con- taining IK) acres, 85 cleared, well fenced and well watered, in good state of culti- vation, one milt) from Wareham school sod post office, four miles from Proton station ; good frame barn 56x38 on stone foundation : drive shed 20x30, good com- fortable house, small orchard. Will take small payment down. -.Feb -W.J.HE Or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton Apply 15Feb -W. J. HENDERSON Farm For Sale 100 acres Lot 80, con. 5, Artemesia, 65 acres cleared, 50 acres under cultiva- tion, balance Iwrdwood and swamp, well fenced and watered, good houe, new frame barn with stabling under, also pig pen, henhouse and sheep pen. Rural m \\\ delivery. Apply to ALBERT BLACKBURN, Kock Mills p. o. FOR B.T. Stands for the Best AND The Be*t is None too Good. THE B. T.LINE OF GOODS ARE FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. 3, S. D. R. Artemeaia, containing 80 acres of land in good state of cultivation, lirnt-class water iu drilled \voll, good build i n , one mile from ille. Apply to MRS. DONALD Me ARTHUR, 'JfuTvnline.. I'ricevilU. ( Hay Carriers, Horse Forks and Slings, Litter and Feed Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Water Bowles, Load Binders, Back Clamps. ForSale by 5. Hemphill, Ceylon, Ont. -

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