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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1913, p. 4

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January 16 191H THE J< L E S II E K r O N ADVANCE i ii i /Icsljerto An indeperutnnt n>- p.ipiT, published every Thnrxilay at th 1 " office, Colhngwixid StreH, FKwIit-rti >n. Subscription price ll |>er annum. when \'M>\ in advance; 91- M when not BO paid Advertising rates on application. Circulation 1.100 wrekly. MT. H. Thuruton - Editor TRU fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Feversham Items Things luvts <iuicted down aRain after the municipal elections and wo think the outcome wilt tit* n - i'i~f ..-(.. ry municipal board. Mr. Hummel of Singhampton has been engaged s millur in the <>. K. null here. Mr. Wni. Cuulthard of Kvt;ina, Sask., is home on a visit tint winter. Will is looking well and is welcomed back by hosts i <f friends. Mr. Wm. of Elbow, 8sk., IB alio renewing old acquaintances in thi neighborhood. Mr*. Alexander Davidson has had i evere spell of i'.!n. .^ but is recoveri( nicely under the caro of Dr. Uoszell o Maxwell. Messrs. Klwood Osborne and Cliarlef I'erinoe of lleniim. Sask., who are visit IHL; friends here, spent last week wit] friends inCoUmgwood. MIM Ferguson of Duutroon is teach iny, '" tne public school. No teacher fo the continuation school has been ureurei yet. Mrs. R. Y. Burk of the eighth lin has gone to Toronto to spend the winle months with her (laughter. MM. Win Hainlm. Her grandson. Matter Harr; Bark, accompanied her and will atUn chool in the city lor a time. We understand tint Miss Lizzie Hal has been engaged by the trustees i chool section No. 0, for the comin year. Mr. Ueo. Julian is rushing out hi lumber to the C. P. H for shipment Wo understand that about twenty-tiv thousand feet leaves hero every day. Mr. Archie Adair nearly lost 11 h able driving hoise last week froi paralysis. Kimberley Budget Wedding bells are faintly ringing. Miss Maggie Knott of lUvenna is vig Iting with her cousin. Misi Kditli Hun uiond, at present. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Georg Allen of the East Mountain in very low but hope to soon hear of his Fpei-dy rt covery. The pator, Hcv. Mr. Trotter, occu piod the pulpit of tin- Methodist churc on Sunday uiorniiiu I^st HIH! preached vt-ry forcihlo sermon to a larj-e con^i gMotv. Mr. Samuel Irwin of Flcfihurtmi, -A: couipanit-d tiy Mr. D. Murphy <>f Kc j<iii : '. S.isk., visited with Hie f"inH'r brotli'T. Mr. O.iver Irwni of the Trux vllnV Hniiii' on Situnl iy last. Mr. .John Stuart of North Buy is vis itnig fri.-iiiK in this vicinity. Miss Maud Pli-wi's h h;is bi-en vis- iting CollingwoiMi fiiciuli, returned home one duy laii week. Tim Ti'UNli'i's' Asinciiit inn of the K'iKt <ii,'y inspt'tlorale ]\M n vi-iy lurKu ;uiil enthusiasnu meeting in the 'own hull here on Wednehdiiy last. There were rc|iieson(nlives pri-nont from all parti- i f the inspoctorato and much valuable work KOIIC ovei t llif IBMting, Mr. Oliver Irwin and Wm. Stuart Hindi; a luiMiii'as -trip to Flekhcrton on ijitturday hut. Mr. Kuhsi-ll M'.-Mull.'ii of Euni'iiU purchased a valuablr tlrivor from Stuurt Bros, oiii- day last week. Mr. Win. I'lowcs of Collin^wood, visiicil Kiniht-rley fiiends on ThurHday hint. Mr. .1. W. Piitlon of Hocklyu was a caller in our burc lt week. Kinibfi'lcy poultry mull aro holding a poultry exhibition on Thursday, .Jan. 211, in the town hull. An expert poultry judtfi' will ho on hiind and nil birds will be judged ly tho score card. Wo think this is * vory cornmcndublo thiim, as it will stiniulsto an interest in the pro- duction of better poultry and more of it. We were extremely pleased to imjpy the hearty liandshako and genial smilo of Mr. Alfrud 1'lewus who returned from tho Went on Thursday last. AH is an old Kimberley boy and is dying well in the Wetit. Mr. Hullodge Stafford and S. Fawcett iniida a business rrip to Markdale, on Monday. Twenty-five years of local option or prohibition and wo make tho proud botst of having one of the best kept tempor ance houses in Oroy county. Village Council At the village council Monday even- in were present the Reeve, D. Me- Ttvish ; Councillors Fisher, Wilson and Nuhn Accounts were paiseda* follows: JohnNuhn, tile, etc., $41.05; W. H. Thunton, printing and stationery, *i:j.5 ; W. Field, half day with snow plow, 7Bo ; W. H. Thurston on salary, 17.50. J. P.tton wi given kh job of removing (mow at 25o per hour. Jos. Ulackburu and Oeo. Mitchell were ap pointed auditori, J. P. Ottawell mid l)r. Carter wcn> appointed to the Board of Health slid John Holand as trustee of the Artomtiiia (,'ontinuation School. D McTnvinh was refunded *2, over- ehur^e (.nd.ig tax. A resolution ws passed looking to the getting of the liru apparatus in working order. Toronto Line North The children of thii neighborhood have inch i-i-j viiii-Mi during the i-venings kalinp on tho pond in Mr. Sled's front eld. The boys Ueep the ice in tirst lass order. IPS Kate Clock of (irnnge Valley re- newed acquaintances in our vicibity last eek. Mr. Thomas Sled !.* buy at present [rawing home brick from Clireieville. tie intends to erect a new house this coininc iiurainer. Miss Klva Lever, teacher in "Sunlight jollege," East Mountain, spent Saturday and Sunday at her parental home. A special meeting of the Fanners' and Women's Institute was hold at the home f Mr. Chas Stewart Saturday evening, An Extensive AUCTION SALE -UF- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Will be Held on Lot 22, Con. 9, Artemesia -ON- Mon., Jan. 27, 1913 s il.- to Commence at 1 o'cluck eihaip. The Chatels are as follows : One general purpose hurae rising five yrs, 1 aged mare. 1 aged hoisi-, 1 well- bred cow due to fmrow .Jan. 17, 1 grade cow 7 yrs old due t > farrow Jan. 17, 1 grade cuwr risinu 5 due to farrow March 18, 1 urade cow rising (5 duo to farrow May 31, 1 grade cow lising 4 due to iar- row Juno 4, 1 grade heifer rising 3 due to fnrrow May 28, 1 grade cow rising 4 farrow, .'{ ipring calves, 8 pig* three nios old, a quantity of hens, ) wagon, 1 dem- ocrat, 1 single bug^y, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 cutter, 1 Nnxuii seed drill, 1 Massey- Harris mower, 1 hrse rake, 1 turnip drill, I scuffler, 1 Fleury plow No. 21. I Wilkinson plow No. 4, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 urain cradle, hay rack, turnip pulper, ^0<>0-pound scale, disc harrow, cutting box, two crosscut saws, scylliB, a f|uan- tity of turnip*-, a quantity of good liny and st i ., a quantity of mixed ruin, 1 set single harness, 1 sot double harness, '.': co'larx, forks, shovels, chain', it .'{00-11). beam with two weights, I Alpha Daisy cream scparatjr, 1 washing machine. All sums of 83 and under, cash ; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given on approved joint notes ; tive jer cent, off fur cash in lieu of note. MKS. WK.-LEY C.uisox, Prop. D. Mrl'llAli., Auctioneer. In BXJRT dlioaie* of the .peclallit Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OHIce--30 10th at. eat, Owen Sound At the Uovcro hoiise, Markdale, 2nd Thursday onch month from 8 to al 2m Dundlk, 1st Thursday of each month.. When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and di/ziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do. W. A. Armstrong. Fleslnerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket leaves Tuesday niaht, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING mid DYEING \V e are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to Sii >ats 38 to 38 Peas . 1 ll! to 1 12 li.irley 55 to 55 Huy 10 00 to 10 00 liutter 25 ' < -'." Kui,'s, fresh 28 i 28 Potntiieiuer ban (( tn 00 Geese J;l i,, ]4 Ducks 1.'! .o 14 Fowl 10 Ho II! TuEKcys 22 to 22 F. H. W. H1CKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A Welcome Addition to Our Large Stock NEW CHINA OPENING UP THISWEER. This week we place on sale two large consignments of China Tea and Dinner Ware. These goods come in Open Stock Patterns that is, you can purchase any quantity, make up a Tea Sett or a Dinner Sett, or if you wish only a dozen or half a dozen Cups, Saucers and Plates as you need them, and if you break any article belonging to your sett, you can always depend upon being able to replace it. Eer y housekeeper knows what a big advantage this means. The shapes, decorations and colorings are quite new and the ware is English Semi-Porcelain ol guaranteed quality. Our Prices are Right. See Our Window Display SPECIAL Austrian China Dinner Setts, 97, pieces, handsomely decorated and gilt in a variety of pretty colorings, regular $lf>.00. Special ~..$r2.50 A full range of Dinner ware in white and also in gilt clove leaf designs. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and (nmfortablc on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to lit all Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your sleep inilueers. XMAS. STOCK COMPLETE Order your NEW CHRIST- MAS SUIT NOW and get tiie best that can be produced and at a reasonable price. WE SATISFY EVERYBODY in Work- manship, Style and Price. Pressing ami Cleaning care- fully attended to at the Up- To-Date Tailor Shop CEYLON'S BI S STORE LOOK C. BLARELEY Fesherton's Leading Tailor W H BUNT 1 Standard Bank Buildin s FLESHERTON, ONT. Goods given free to any person buying ten dollars worth of Goods at one time, and paying for them . Sugar, Flour and Feed excluded, will receive their choice of a large assortment of goods that is put on exhibition at our store for the purpose of away free for the next month, commencing Thursday. January 9th. giving 'THE HABIT OF CAHEFUL DRESSERS Winter Term Opens .1. \M AKV L'nd, :it tlu- expvrienoB, Kvory BPvdaatt A^J Uimrunlreil . iiusition. Kn ;M r. *,2 Shi, rl hull il Department. position. rind i'reparatory Information free. C. A. FLKMINO, F. C. A., Brinolpal, 0. D. FLKMING, - Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO C O I N G Jas. $>attison <# Co., (on Senegal CANADIAN SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World Empresses of 'Russia' and ' Asia' :....('. r. It. PadflcHteaninlilpR) The 1 nip i i,: 1:1, i,i will luave Liver- pool A prll 1st, calling K| liil.nilliT. VUle franeli o at >i I'ort Bnid.'procoodinfi via Buat Colombo, renaiiK, HlnKApOTx, HOIIK Kong, Hliaimli in. NaKikHakl, Kobe and Yokohama, .11 ' n i ii !; Vancouver May .1 -t , 1013. KinprudHof Asia will sail from Llyorpool Ma> <f7th, iiii,ii' H iinilcr qrui. tfost illreat commotion for Apiil let sail- inK U via I'iinimiu at Itrltaiu fruiu Ht, Johu Bfarth J .1, Rale for Entire Cruise $639.10 Kxcltislvo of maintonanoo betwenu arrlvaj time in i MJ.I.I n i and dnparture of ICinprosB of Ituisla. and stop over Ht llonf! KODR. i:. i particulars from Cuuadlan Paolflo ii4;niixi..] write M. (i. MCIIAHY U. I'. A.. (M'.,, Toronto S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton i \j u> 'i i :. i ii i , atUlwavd lo tlio I'oit marter finuvral; will tin rr*<rvud at Ottawa uutil naoii, mi ! i ill.- 1 '! .1', FVIinuu-y, llil.'l, for th(iffl>uvyauw of Hln Ma.ii*tv' Maila on proposed (Contract for foil* yiacn six round {tlpH per wodk.encli waj lietwoen and UAVBNNA from Uie Ut April next. , l'nnUl notlocxionnlaliiinxfin tlioi- iuforiua- tlon '" ajMj'udUluii'. of proposed Cmitrnat may ho -<'n and blank fiu'ius of Ttndrr nmy ( obtfljned at the l"oiU- UlluioB ol Kiil*jor, liavpuna, mid ut Um Offlco Ot tlio 1'ost Oflli'u lli,j',*i.i in 1 j'u : . 1'ont i)ll'''' Knp.u-tiiioiit. Mail Horace llranli DM i)er.,iiitc.f. IUKJ. O. C. ANHKI'.HOX. Sti pcriuti'tiileut. PROF. FRANK R. PEMBER Of The Pember Hair Store, Toronto, will be at the MUNSHAW HOUSE, FLESHERTON Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 19^13 With the largest display of hair goods in the dominion. Switches, Braids, Puffs and Transformations, manu- factured by us from hair of the finest quality. PROFESSOR PEMBER Will Scalp also diagnose free ot sharge, all Hair and Troubles, and his advice may be relied upon. For Bald men The Pember ventilated light- weight toupee and wig is the finest substitute for ones own hair that has ever been pro- duced. Call and investigate yonrseh. Ladies who cannot visit ,tho Professor kindly write or phono and he will call. REMEMBER THE DATE Munshaw House, Tues., Jan. 28, '13 For Mail Orders Address 127 Yonge St., Toronto. The Artemesia Election by Polls NAMES Boyd McKenxie Drown Caswell I ii .Ii IMI Moltlrum McLeod \Villiamn Div. 1 Div. 2 Div. 3 Div.4 l)iv.5 Div.fl Div.7 Div 8 -Tota's 11 (15 42 17 (il 24 03 2fi 114 .'ill 17 i) 25 .HI 8| 1C. 4!i 4 12 18 S 48 45 54 85 23 :t;{ 45 21) 25 8ri 23 >s:t 44 aa ll 15 II 18 :ui 1!) SI 4ft !l (i 8 45 78 22 68 (M Hit ;ti 24 10 51 6 58 11) 33 23 7 YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT TVe desire to call the attention of all hffllctea with miy BUod or Stun Duc to our New Method Treatment a* a guaranteed euro (or these complaiuts. There is no ex- cuse for nny person having a Uisflgural face from eruptions and blotches, fio matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralize ail poi- sons In the blood and expvl thm from tho system. Our vast experience iu the treat- incut of thousands of ths most serious and complicated coses enables us to perfect a cure without experimental!?. Wedo business on the plan-Pay Only for tho Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of Chari* and let us jprove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences or disease. Under the influence of tho New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcera, pimple* and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows la again, the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new life has him. opened up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Bo*Uet en DiMam of Ma "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for m Queitkm LM for Horn* Treatment DRS.KENNEDY&KEKNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. H Qy | Q "" ^ lett from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in .Windsor, Out, If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat M pattestte in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory lor Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Wind.or, Oat. .Write for oar private add res s. 414 24(1 347 971 8M -T: % . Farm for Sale at a Snap 81,800 will buy 150 acres on the roiul between Plesherton and Maikdale. The timlx>r alune on this property is i worth flu- prif.' asked. Apply to JOS. BKATY, Orange Valley, Markdale, p >', Sepi 20. Farm For Sale or Rent KM) acres in the 7th concession, lot 31, Artvmesia, alx>ut CO rods from school, postoHice, and store. On the property is a lug hi'iise and a goo;! liarn, two wolls Hint (i jrc.od spring ; about 75 acres oletm'd nnd 70 acres under cultivation. Will tent if not noli!. Apply to D. VVHITK, Uock Mills

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