anuary 9 1913 T THE FLESHERT ON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS ICUUXJUQH & YOUNO Banker* llarkdala general banking buiinenn . Money loaned at reaonabli! rate* Call 01. ui. TCHI8LETT, , I'cutindtUjr, Ceylon. Commissioner ID H, C. J .Conveyancer, deedi, i mortftweB, leat>, will* etc. carefully drawn up oIleetlorjB mads, charges reasonable. Alio roceria*. flour, teed etc, kept in itock, Pricei lht. DMi-l'H Ml,, Licensed Auctioneer (or HID County of Orey. Ternia moderate and aatittlacuon guaranteed. The arraiiftemeutf and date* of alos can be made at TH ADVANCE oHJSo. Uaoideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telepboue oonnection. Dec. 6*7. EVERY GRADUATE! PLACED With the Unrest attendance in i's hiitory, The Collingwood Business College has placed in a good posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from January 2, 1913. Bond for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal WM. KAITT1MU, Licensed Auctioneer foi the couDtfea o( Urey and Bimcoe. Farm and Stock tales a specialty. Term* oioderate. natlifactiou guaranteed. Arrange- aients for date* may be Diade at the Advance jffite, or A: T. Hutchlnsoa's store, leversuam byaddreatini me at Feveraham, Out. RUDD MATHE'.VB. Markdale, Licensed auctioneer lor tbe county of Urey, Gooc* aerrice at reuonable rate*. Dales can bo made at Tue Advance. 008 MEDICAL DK CAKTKlt M i r 4 s ON t . Phyileian, Surgeon etc Office and residence Ptter at., PUsnertou Farms for Sale 00 Acrei West half lot 8, oon. 11. Towuhhlp o( Osprey. 00 Acres-East, Township of Osnrey. BO Acres West half lot 7, con. 11, Township of Osprey. aOAjren East htlf lot?, can. 11, Township oJOsr-rey. 100 Acres Lot 32, Con. 10, Artemesta. 100 Acres Lot iu. Con. 11, Artemesia.i HO Acres -Lot 3, Cou. 13, lot t. Con. Osproy. IdOAeres -Ix> con. 14, Artemesia, 100 Acres Lo > , con. 14, Artemesia. 100 Acros East half lot 7, con. 2, Kupbrasia. j-'.j Acres Lots 24 and 25, con. H Arteniesia 109 Acres Part Lotl44, 145, 146, Con. .1, N. E. T. 8. K., Arteuiesia. 200 Acres Lot :< I, anil 40, con. 12, Artemesia. :>5 Acres 37, con. 12, Artemesia. W. A . ARMSTRONG, Flesherton June MH JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary College refideuce second door eoutb west. on ii.ry etreet. Tbis street runs south Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. ,'. 8., dental surgeon hunoi Kraduate of Toronto Uoi?eraity and Koyal College ol Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Oeiaduiiaiuiitered for teeth extraction Ufflc at residence, Toronto Street. Fleeierton. j LEGAL I UCAB. BANKY & WALLACK-Barristers, | L" riolicitom.etc. I. B. Luoas, K. C.; W. K. lUney J. C. ; J. H. 0. Wallace. Offices, Toronto. WA'J Traders Bank Hldg., phone , main 1412; Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 3 A. i Kraucb office at Ouudalk open every Saturday. ) ^ITH. WRIGHT. TKLFOHD & UcDONALD W Barrister, Solicitor*, A-c. unices, Urey * Bruce, Hlock, Owon Bound. (Standard Hank Hlock, Kleberton. (baturdavai. W.H. Wright. W. I', 'il-lfoi'l J'., J. C. McDouaH, L. i.. .H. SOCIETIES A U W meets ou tho last Monday O m each montb, In their loago room Clayton's ball Fleeberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Hellaniy ; Kec.. C. B. sfuuehaw; Flo., K. J, Bproule. Visiting brethren) Invited Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strict!, paid in advance subscriptionsonly. W have no accounts with other papers. Fleoherton Advance $ I Youths Companion 2 (K Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News , 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 7i Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advooata 1 iX Weekly WitoeM 90 Saturday Niht :< 00 Home Journal 9C Poultry New 26 Poultry Iteview 4( Hod and Gun magazine '.M FINCH ABTRUB LODGE, No. 388.A.PA A M. uientH m tbi Masonic ball. Arai- trons'a Hlock, Fleeberton, every Friday on or|before the full moon (i . A. Watoon, W. M.; Thosj. Clayton, Secretary. f OURT^FLESHERTON, MS, 'I. 0. F. meets ID v Clayton's Block tbe lait Wednesday evening of each innntb. Visiting Foresters heartily nil-mi i <'. K., Q. Bellamy ; A. B., U. Cairts; Kin. s.- ( . W. lluakin. Pleaae pay due* to Flu. Ben. before tbe nrst day of tbe uontb. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A lint of Ready-Made Clothing U we put alterations in free o charge, if required. pIIOflBN FhlENOB-r'saberton Council " Choaen Friends meets I Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of HM month 8 p. m Fay aaaeesments to the Recorder on or before tos first dayof each month. Chief Councillor T. HlakeleviUecorder W. H. Hunt. flit Kariner'sClub wests In the high school * building on the nrst Thursday in each luobth at H o'clock p. m. Young fariueis specially invited. K.Cliard President, C. W. llnllauir. Hec.-Treai. Tamworths for Sale llotli aei nearly ready for breading. Prices right lor quick sale. ' . i ' . W. KOSH. Maxwell 1*. O. Bull for Service Thoroughbred 8hnttli.,rn bull, lirowlliiMil- H I ..t'l, fur service on lot lo, con. !), Ouprvy. J'li|re! on application. .Service, fl.OO fur grades thiipiiivlilireds, iT>, $8 at time n! eervic*. I ''ill prir- illinrx<*<l fur cow* nut .1. M HUK.NS Boar for Service A large white Yorkshire Hoar for service ou lot 1(6. Dril range W T. A N. 11., Arteuietla. Terms 91.00' H. WAI.I.KH. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas.'s BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bulls for Sale I'm.- I. ifi| Hereford liulla for p*\o on !..:I7I. '. w.T. A 8. S., ArtonieiiA. 1 Mnrch W - T. k. J. WATSON, Proton Station. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. A^ent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Itiixui"- , Culteii', Sleighs, inn! Gaeoline Enuinea, Meloito ('ream Separators, I-..I-. i Wind Mil's, Pumps, Piping and Pipe FittiuuH always on liittid BeHtty Rrns'. of Fergus, Unrn Tracks, Litter < u i H IN and Htnlile lit|.ini(H. Cockshutt nnd Front & Wood Hepnim nlwnyN mi hitiul. Wardroom Wellington Street. Ontario. International Stock Food D c kON'T let your horse* f run tliiM-n during the wiiili-r nnd crt i> that Iht-y will lodr !i. ) Uicilv whin you nlart yti;:r -.] rin.: ]li.u inj;. If hiirsi-it ore nut worlltd rMttltrly during the winltr. it,. r nad lh splendid tonic ffccl> of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, lo I' m- up Ihr rliirestltt nrgaiis, HI' UK in i<> 1-1-1 nil tin- gntHl cut of Ilitir feed, prevti-.t Hi.: lil.xxl frmu 79 l*o)ining overhcjitril, and UIK- \r,tr<l nfl ili-,f^f.e. \ .1. KAKK., I .n KSttt. 1911. "ll.i t-fi.l INTERNATIONAL STOCK KOOU for many yean I alwayshava 25 pound pail I'undinH In my burn. I lioupllt n utiir of Hirer year <-M t . .11 . ;uitl Ihev wcit KI worked. !', n thai my lielg-nhorn -, .1.1 1 hnd lu-eu Whru I !. n-..lii Ihr coltn, liny weighed joo lli. I plmiglu-d ai IICII-H iintl Ihrv welght-d y.'i^ili.n I )inrvf(l it, i IHT< ami il. in. lit .1 and hauled one carlocd to town, Smile*, I welglied them ut;ui:i mnl MH -. wrlflhed aKfto. and 1 mid "Tlu-y di.ll wtlgll JOOO before, spting' . N<'K, Hit Nt Iglilwn wntlt tulmy Hum but tin u H u.ifh .in '. J. G. KKMI'KI,. V'<r Mile l.y (It itlrrn rvrrywllt If. I nir f -. t**nT, St. t V: llfoW ftrlll Irt-e \\ lit M We* receive ynur IIMMICUI .1 nd.lrtia, mERMATIOINU STOCU TOOU CO. I IMIII.n. TORONTO. For Sale by John Fisher Flesherton, - - Ontario, ON Sat, Jan, 11, And Continuing Every 13 Days WE CLOSE OUR STORE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 For the purpose of marking down the stock. There will be a tremendous slaughter in prices in all kinds of Dry Goods. $40,000 P Worth of goods will be ottered at prices, many of which are away below cost. Come and see for yourself. No trouble to show goods, as we have our staff increased during the sale. Below we enumerate a portion of the stock anc prices. Dress Goods CiiHhinerutc, H -..-i ..M wenrini; ni'ttvrial, rrg. 'JOc, clearinn nt 14o A laj^o variety of Plaid Stript-N .mil plain material, rg. Wjo 40c, clo.tring at 21c A very pretty range of Twee<l Suitinx, reg. 50c, clearing at :Kte All our Fancy Tweed Suitings- Venetian, Semes, Cheviots, re. Hoc for 67c. Some xpecinl priccN in Fine Black Dress Good* Wrappcrcttcs All our TH. 12jc, clearing at.. 9c All our re. 15c, clearing at lie All our reg. 20c, clenriug at 18c Mitts, Gloves & Hosiery 11* k Cashmere (ilovrH, Fleece Lined, reg. 2oo, clpaiing at 17o IJn L'v njiil (Jloves, Ukck, White and Fancy colois, reg. 30c jfur 19c. Women's Huiivy Uiblied Wiml HOI>, toy. 25c for 19c I^dios' \Vot)l Mitts, Innn wiisl, reg. :MK) for 19c Ladies' Sweater Coats In Several Colors Regular $1 75 for $1.50 Regular $J.!}5 for $1 (HI Ueular |:t.OO for f2.1ll ('hildron's Hoods anil Aviation Caps, All greatly Reduced. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLK8 Ladies' JhcketK, rcir. $15.(HI for $11.00 Udies' .Jackets, reg. 12.0<> for $8.25 Uilics' Jackets, reg. $lt>.(HI for . .$7.50 Vlisies' Jackets, ages J4, 1, 1H, reg. $11110 fur ., $ 00 MISSOH' Jackets, reg. $H .55 for $5.50 Gent's Furnishings Men'n Sweater Coats, reg. $1.50 for $1.1O Mun's Sweater Coats, reg. $2.00 for $1.60 Men's Sweater Coals, reg. WOO for $2 H9 Men's Fancy Shirts, sizes 14 to W i . . . . Re*. $1.00 fir^ 69c Ties. reg. 50c. for 26c Cashmertt Socki, rt%. 25c for 17o Heavy, all wool Socks, reg. 25c for 19c Men's work Sliiri-, reg. 50c for 39o All \V..,il Shirts and Dittwers, u-u 7-V for 5ttc All Wool Shirts and Drawers, ree. $1.00 for 79c Fliece Lined Drawers, reg. 50c for ; !'i- PURS Flesherton Mm - ' "".ii-. Fur, Beaver Shell, Curl Lining, Kubber Intprliaed, Penita Lamb Collar, Reg. 16.00, Clearing at 111.76 Men's BUck China Doi>, Reg. $22.00 for $17.00 All our Caperineo, Kul!-. Mutt'i, OauntlAts, Cap*, all greatly reduced. Ready-Made Clothing Men's and Boys' Single and Double breasted Suits, .% to 44 Itrg. f7.:>0 nnil t) (X. f-r. , $4 8 lleK. 10.00 and $11. (H> for ..$7.8l Boy' three piece fiiiiM. reif. $5.50, for , ..$3.H}} Men's Pants, fancy patterns 'eg. $1.75, $2.00, for $1.19 Men's Heavy Panm, re. $2 25, for $l.btf Men 'a Overcoats, ConverUble Collar, reif. flO.OO. fr. . . . $6.9-5 Men's Overcoats, t'unverlable Collar, rv. $12. tX), for '.$7.8- Meu's Hey Reefers, Sheep Lined, mid Do Skin Lined Coats all marked away down. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Men' I'.nxt'alt, UoiiKttli, Bal Blucher, reg. $2.50 for $l.i.!i Women's DontfoU, IMucher, Pat. Tip, reg. $1.8ft, for !'.'.$!. 3 Women's DoiiKolu, Bluchor, WHJ. $2.5t> for !.!..". !$ 1 W Misses' DonvcU Blucher, icg. $1.00, for .'.'..'!.'.' !!fl.l'.i Misses' Grain (lloves and Grain Bal*., reg $1 :!5, for !!.'!!.'!! !!$l!oft Man's deny Kublwra slaughtered. BOYD - Ontario*