TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 32, NO -27 Fleshier-ton, Ont., Thursday, January 9, 1Q13 W. H. THURSTON I Kimberley Budget Held over from last week Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lawrnce of Po- waisan are visiting friends in this vicin- ity. Noble is an old Kimberley boy and has made good in the north. Mr. Reginald Fereuson of Thorubury accompied by Miss Ella Knott, are visit- ing Kimberley friend*. Mr. Thompson of Erin is visiting his brother, Mr. Harry Thompson of East Mountain. Mrs. J. W. Ferris has gone to Owen Sound to see her mother, who is very ill John Taylor of Rocklyn visited at Mr. James Lawrence's on Sunday. Mrs. John Plewes, who has been visit- ing friends in Collingwood, returned home on Thursday last. Miss Elvie Bishop, who is attending Toronto university, is spending the Christmas holidays at the parental home. Misa Mae Hutchinson, who ia attend- ing Normal in Toronto, is spending the Christmas week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson. Robert Lawrencs, who has been visit- ing friends in Parry Sound district, re- turned home ome (Jay last week. Mr. and Mn. Hugh Hammond and family of Priceville spent Christmas at tho home of the former's ;rents. Miss Creightjn of Hamilton is visiting at Reeve Ellis' at present. Mr. John Smith, who has bten visiting friends in the far Went for a couple of months, has returnid home. Mr. Sindford Knott of Thorubury vis- ited at R. J. Stuart's Sunday last. Win. Plewes of Collingwood visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Plewen, a few days last week. Hatherton ; Held Over from Last Week. Christinas has come and gone and to , Mr. Editor and staff we wish a happy and prosperous New Year. i We extend our heartiest congratula- tion* co Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnott, who are comfortably settled in their new home. Mrs. E. Seeley and family spent r Christmas with her daughter. Mrs. Findlajr, near Markdale. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grnmmett had a Christinas gathering numbering twenty- m'x. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weatherall and if family spent Christmas with Lavender friends. Mi.s- Alice Seeley of Toronto is boli- - 4 _ ' daying at the parental home. Miss Maud Black of Colling wood, is , spending the holiday* at the parental home. , Mr. Robt. Seeley of Melancthon has rented the farm belonging to Mr. , Frank Winters. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon of West- . on visited centre line Hatherton friends. Miss Min n iu Anderson of Wareham, , spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. Down. L Mr. aud Mis. Will Beaty had a family gathering on Christmas. Mrs. Jas. Winters, who has been very ill during the past two weeks, is speedily recovering under the care of Dr. Koszell, Maxwell, while nurte Bremner of Owen > Sound is in attendance. Wilma Down arrived home from Toronto on Saturday, Dec. 14th, and is rapidly recovering her usual health. Miss Wright of Brycehill has been engaged as teacher in the public school for the ensuing year. Messrs. N eil McKinnou,and J. Jamie- son arrived home from the West hut week, Messrs. Robert and Alfred Down are visiting Collingwood friends this week. Percy and Harold Lougheed vmited with their uncle, James Lougheed, near Singhauipton. Toronto Line North Misi Elva Lever has been engaged as (etcher at Ktst Mountain. Much is to be attributed to the A. R. H. S., as a number of ita last ye*r graduates have secured schools, five being in the *ur rounding district. F. Brown has been elected as council- lor. We must join in congratulating you, Fred. Glen Davis spent th holidays with friends in the city. W. Sloan and wite, of Kimberley, visited friends in this vicinity. Messrs. Lever and Brown are engaged working in the bush for W. Armstrong. Abe McMasUr of Eugeaia threshed clover in oui locality last week. The Hillsbuig Beaver has quspeuded publication. The Beaver was founded by the lat ,Geo. A. Lucey twenty-six years ago. Henry Adolph, who has been living with hi son iu-law, Mr. John McCart- ney of Vesta, and who is partially blind, fell our, of the haymow on Friday lant onto the tl >oi aud broke his nock. He died shortly after the accident. He was a man of upwards of 7" years of age, and was a pioneer i.f Elderslie township. He leaves a large grown up family. I n i on n "ii i to >k place in Elmwooi.1 cemetery on Monday. Bruce Herald. Yandeleur Happenings Held over from last week Mr. Amos Smith of Meaford was a caller in this neighborhood the beginning of the week. Miss Belle Gilbert of Kiuiberley is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Will Hutcbinaon. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright enter- tained a number of their friends and neighbors on Saturday evening in honor of their niece, Miss Alice 3ilray of To- ronto, who is spending her holidays with them. Messrs. Herb. Baker of Sarnia and Fred Baker of Collingwood visited their brother, E. Baker, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Holley and two children of Meaford spent Christmas at the old homestead here. Mrs. Jones of spent Christinas with her aunt, Mrs. John Holley. Mrs. W. A. Hutchinson of Markdale spent Christmas with her father, Mr. W. "ullis. A happy New Year to you, Mr. Edi- tor, and in. my more of them. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker and two sons, Harry and OUo, spent Christmas with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. Stafford, near Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchinson visited trieuds at Kimberley recently. Miss Annie Riehardson of EuphrafUi was the guest of her cousin, Miss Tillie Buchanan, recently. This week's Items Wesley Church . Sabbath school held their annual tea and entertainment on New Years evening. A large and appre- ciative audience listened to a splendid program consisting of drills, recitations, and Minsk' by the scholars. The teach- ers and otticers are to be congratulated on the succeso which crowned their efforts in tra n : ng the children. The pioceeda amounted to $.11. Misa Kate Davis has returned to Oril- lia after spending * week tt the parental home here. Otto Baker returned home Saturday afrer spending a few days visit in;- friends at Collingwood. Miss Leslie resumed her dull ' at the school here this week. W. B. Buchanan aud W. L. Cullis fvive gone to resume their si udies, the farmer at the University and the lather I Victoria College. S. Buchanan has also returned to Owen Sound business college. Roy Richardson of Chatsworlh is re- newing acquaintances here. Win. Hutchinson vuited his niece, Mrs. Lew Bowes, at Kiverdale, recently. East Mountain Mrs. Gorley and daughter. Lulu, re- turned from West Toronto last week. Cora Martin returned from the county town on Tuetday. We hear that Elva Lever ol Fleaherton it to wield the birch in Rome school. F. G. Martin, wife and baby, of Clarksburg, spent a couple of days in these parts. Held Over trom Last Week. Mrs Geo. Gorley and daughter, Lulu, spent Christmas iu West Toronto. Miss Nettie Martin of Markdale spent the Christmas week at her home here. Mr. John Smith arrived home fro.n the Wea' last week. Mra. Simons dropped off very sudden- ly on Christmas night. She had been in failing health foi some time. She was a strong and hardy woman and had suffer ed the hardships o f pioneer lift!. Th funeral took place oa Saturday to Flesherton cemetery. R. McMullen and wife had a family gathering on Christinas day, when about thirty-one of their friends gathered to enjoy a fowl dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have returned to Owen Sound, after a short visit here. Ern. Moore of Owen Sound is visiting at Mr. Welsh'* at present. Mr. Geo. Allen is very low, no hopes of his recovery, Mr. Thompson of Erin i the guest ol his brother, Harry, at present. Thompson Allen is the new trustee, Charlie Martin puts in the wood and Willie Harbottle pins in the cedar and cleans the school. Ceylon Wedding bells are ringing near Ceylon. J. Colliuson, wife and family, of Dun- das, aud Dr. T. Collinson and wife from the West, were visitors over New Years at Mr. G. Collinson's. Mrs. Legate spent a couple of days in Owen Sound the past week. John and Myrtle Hemphill spent New Year at Fevertham. Master Jackie Gibson aud Willie Corrigan are laid up with a touch ol pleurisy and pneumonia. Mrs. S. Thompson, Vandeleur, is a timtcr at Mrs Rutledge's, thi rfeek. Mr. mid Mrs. I. Sargent and tin children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sargent am three children of Oweu Sound, spent New Years at E. Sargent's. Mr. T. Gi-inger, Markdale, was a enllet in town on Monday. Miss E. Small, Berkeley, spoti Saturday in town, kjuest of the Misae Collins'iii. Eugenia Paragraphs Held Over from Last Week. The Preabytfttian Sunday School Anniversary on Friday evening was a mge success. In the absence of a pastor, Mr. Alex . Cameron ably rilled .he chair and gave out tha many numbers which pleased the audience. The children inarched on the stage to the music played by Mra. Williams, and ang the opening chorus, "Everyboy's lappy." The Carruthers band gave nstrumental music. Several recitations were given by the smaller children and one special selection by Miss J. Roszell, niece of Mr. Walker, superintendent of he school. This young lady certainly las the qualifications fur reciting. The 4 Uses Henderson of Proton rendered ome choice singing, which was loudly applauded and appreciated by all present. The Misses Pedlar of Rock Mills, winging the clubs, accompanied by Mr. '.ike Williams on the violin, was also lighly appreciated. The drill by ix giris and six boys gave great credit to heir teacher, Mr. Ellis. Two tableaux were displayed, one by three little ijirls, entitled "Nearer the Cross," and another >y six little girls, entitled "Nearer my Jod to Thee," these beine'very effective. A splendid duet was sung by little "i ilrfa William* and Master Fred Large, mtitl d Jack and Ji 1. A motion song by our little junior scholars wai well done fen was served in the basement aud the ii uly of the church was beautifully decor- ited" with Christmas bells. The Christ- mas tree was tilled and set on tha stage. At the close of the program the children marched abound singing " All Hail the Shining Ch'ristmas Tree." The presents were then 'distributed to the children and the program closed by singing God Save the King. Proceeds $34.00. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul, Miss Eva Tamieson and brother, Jim, are home rom the West. Mr. and Mrs. R. Purvis and son, vl win, Miss Georgina Smith, Mils A. iyslop, Will Campbell, Geo. Williams, finite McMullen, M. McMullen, Etta .timer, Charlie Smith, Emerson Smith, Kfessrs. Herb, Alex, and Fred Fisher re visitors from Toronto for the holiday. Mr. aud Mrs. John Walker and daughter. Pearl, of Caldwoll, spent "hristmns with friends here. Mr. L. Munshaw was home for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart of Fleaberton, were guests of Mr. and Mra. .like Williams. over Sunday. Miss Barbara Thompson of Proton, spent Chrit tmas with her mother. Mrs. Hugh Hammond and children of Priceville, visited tha past week with her mother. Mrs. McRlulleii. MissG. Smith and Mrs. W. Arm- strong are suffering with the grippe. Miss A. Williams spent Christinas with her aunt, Mrs. Chat. Stewart of Flesherton. Mr. aud Mrs. Joe \\ lilnnn gave a Christmas party to the young people ot the neighborhood on Christmas evening. .Mr. and Mrs. Watson and the Misses H enderson of Priceville were t he guests of Mrs. McMaster, the past week. Mr. H. Cairns spent the past week ith his Urother at Ceylon. Mr and Mrs. E. Orr and Wesley Orr from the Wrist, were guests of Mr. and Mi's. A. Cameron the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham and child- ren of Fletherton visited with thelatter's parents, Mr. ind Mra. Paul, on Christ- ina*. The children remained for a few days. Mrs. Len Lat'iner gave a parly to < number of young people from Kimberley and Eugenia on New Yeai's evening. They all had an enjoyable time. On their way honid the horses decided to make it moie interesting and slartt-d ti run, upsetting the sleigh and sending the occupants in different directions. One of t he young ladies was missirg, but when they turned the box up they found her patiently waiting to be rescued. They all hope that the rest of the year will not be so exciting. Mr. Earl and Irene Gordon of Toronto spent the past two weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Chas. Turner. Feversham Items Held Over from Last Week, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette and daughter. Mrs. Horton, .-isited with Mr. and Mrs. Murrit Kerr of Duncan, last week. The Hydro-Electric engineers, were lere for two weeks, at work along the Beaver river, where the Georgian Bay Power Co. had options on the river for .eservoir dams between here, and Eugenia Falls. Mr. .ind Mrs. Geo. Thompson spent msiMiiis with their son, near Portlaw. Harold and Miss Reta Osborne spent Sunday at Bitjeros. Mr. Hugh Davidson has returned rom Regina, Sask., where he spent the summer. Mr. Sheldon Heron of Toronto spent a few days at his parental homo, nea r lere. CARII OF THANKS We hereby express our heartfelt chunks > the friends and neighbors who so tindly assisted us during our la'e bc- eavement Mrs Alex. Davidson and inii'y. RESOLUTION OK CIINIM1LENCB To Mrs. Alexander- Davidson, and 'aiuily, We the Board of Directors of the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co., Limit- ed, in meeting this date, feel it our duty to you and family to extend to you a resolution of condolence in your deep affliction. Therefore be it resolved by he said Board of Directors that we ex- teud lo you and your family our deepest sympathy in your loss of husband ana '.it her. Ami wo fed the loss is not only pours, but we have lost a valued miller, unli in the company and community at arifr. We would also commend you lo hat higher power who sustains all in their darkest, hour. Signed on behalf of h,- Board of Directors and Company \V. T. I i HIM. President. Maxwell spent Christ urns at the toiler's home, Mr. Edward McCalluin. Mrs. C. M. Field and non, Wilton, vmited with friends in Meaford. We are pleased to hear that Miss Rose Osborne in recovering from her iu- juries, hafinjj been kicked by a horse. Mr. Jos. S-.atford of Moiitieal aud two daughters, are spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Win. Wright. Among our Christinas visitors re Mr. and Mrs. (Jamey and two children of - , nee Miss Edith Morrison: Mrs. H. D. Mclntyre and two children, Claresholme, Alberta ; Mr. W. J. Guy, Kenora ; Mr. D. H. Guy, Toronto. Born- -To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kerton, Dec. 22, a daughter. Mr. Roszrill of Suaithville. visited with his brother. Dr. Rnszell. Alsc Miss Warner of Smitln illi-. is spending couple ot weeks with her sister, Mrs. Eighth Line, Artemesia Happy New Year to all. Kilborne Magee ind bridi 1 , of Swift Current, are visiting the former's parents. George Benson visited friends in Owen Sound the past week. Mr. .mil Mrs. Uuu Wilson of Toronto, spent the holiday at W. C. ey >. John Parsuu is slowly improving. We are pleaoed to hear that Mrs. Will Magee is able tu no around again. John Paul, wife and son, Lome, are visiting at the ir old homes here. .Jim and Miss.Eva Jamieson of Liura, Sask., are visiting their father here. Miss Mina Benson visited a few J;iys with her sister, Mrs. ,S. Murphy, <>f Singhainpton. Miss Ella Geuoc is visiting friends on the line. Fred Mtirtin, wife aud sun spent the holidays :il Mr. .las. Mace's. Kd. Hillock and wife spuut a few il-iys it J. K. Jamieson's, recmnl.y. Miss Gertie 1'aul ai>d friend, from K-ilive, Sask., are visiting at the I'Tnin's p.u-ents, on the 10th line, A very Pleasant evening wan spent ill the home of Mr. Edward Linley <>n Dec. 21, when the congregation of St. Mary's church met aud presented Mrs. Robert Arnott (nee Miss Alice Field) with the blowing address : ii Mr*. Robert Arnott, organist of St. Mary s Church. Maxwell : The members of the congregation, be- ing desirous of showing you a small token t our appreciation of the musical service euderetl as organist by you during the past year, present you with this gift, a china tea set and set of silver knives and forks, and pray that you accept it in the spirit in which it is given, of love, es- teem and good will. The beauty of your style and elegance of playing have ever given the soft, tender influence helpful in divine service. Yours truly is ii mu- sical spirit. To Uod, the I'niversal King, Let all mankind their tribute bring. All that have breath your voices raise In songs of never-ceasing praise. \Ve want you to know that we fully underHtiind llow deeply we are indebtei' to you, not only owing to your efficiency asa musician, but your zeal in the work, which hiis helped to give to the service* of the church their highly spiritual sig- nificance to which during your term ol oHice they have attained. " Not all the nobles of the earth who boast the won <lrrs of their birth, so high a destiny n claim, ."is those who )>ear the Christian name.'' Especially when the music* part of the Christian service is executei under the sweetest test of religious sin eerily. We also wish to express our besi and highest and sweetest wishes in yoiu new environs. From maid to matron is a long step, which you have recently taken, and onr hearts' best wishes are with you Mild your dear husband, am: our prayer shall ever l>e that God in hit goodness may shower his best blet'singi upon you : that his presence may ever g< with you. So please accept this gift as coining from warm, loving and true hearts. Wishing you a happy Christmas and New Year and the star of ho|e for ever. Signed on behalf of the church, Edward Linley, John Hargrave. On the eve of the departure of mires teemed teacher, Miss McKcnzie, a largt. number of her young fliends gathered a the home of Mr. S. M . Osborue, when she was presented with an address and hand-painti-il china chocalnte set and bread and butter plates. Raymond Wellar and Hurold Spotlbri leave this week for Owen Sound lo at tend business college. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ker tun, a daughter, on Sunday, Die. 2t). Llewelyn Leopard leaves this week to return to his home ill the West. fcUldOver i nun Last Week. The ivguUr monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will bit held at the htmie o Mrs. John Wiley, 4th line, on Tuesday, 7th, at 2 p. MI. All members ire IB- quested to be present sharp on time. Mr. Robt. Wellet, who spent Christ- mas with his mother in Kleinburg, re- turned home on Sa'. urday, Mrs. Wesley G.tmey, accompanied by her husband nd three children are visiting with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison, at present. The regular monthly meeting of the Women * Institute will be held at the home i f the Secretary, Miss Daisy Ferguson, on Saturday, Jan. 11, at ".so p. in. A full attendance is expected. A cond urogrnin will be jjivon. Mr. ami Mrs. Stephens, Deslion^ Mr. and Airs. Walter Kerton ( f Sudbury are vi-iting with friends here. Mrs. Thos. Guy and Miss Sadie Guy f Oijenia, Susk., are visiting with rek- ives here Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT: A Great Chance I will have a car of Bran, Shorts and Five Rose Flour to arrive next week and will sell close to cost if taken off the car. Come in and leave your order before it is all gone. THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN esx83xawrexesce*^^ This is . . Rubber Season! I! you are in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with- out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. BOWLER I For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very M oderate We are here to do Your Tailoring \ S.J. BOWLER, THE lI8iF* BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.