- January 2 191:! THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE T H 1C An iudeuendent newapaprr. p orlioe, < Jin -Hi, I uric* i. i.-.-n paid in .1,1 . -in,v: .-$1 ..~-i when not so ;> :-t - f^~~ .u- Oliver, Jumes M I,, n and Willie M, Ken/if, in the i ecii in ; i-f which all ~*~ shoA't-d an mm mil ability in prinmry el- "Wished ever y ooution. A couple of addn-cses were de- ! liverod by the niinixters present ami u . . . AdvertSjng ratt-n on :i|>|>lii nri,,n. * 1,100 weekly. Tliuraton Editor blunt address of welcome wits <jiven by the GrKinwood. The assisted greatly in tab- TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN The Nominations The nominations for the township of Artemesia took pl.-u-e in the town hull on Mondty afternoon. The following namea were placed before the im't'ting : For Keevu-Jos. A. BUke'.ey, by D. Me 1*1x1 and J. Weber ; J. A. Boyd, by W. Sharp and John Blackburn ; T. R. MoKenzie, Hy H. Viilliums und W. (}. Jamietjon ; .J..an fl >l.'ind, by ami D. T. teacher, Mr. yoiiiiR people alo giving some atirring dinlu^ues and lean scrnex which addtd t<> the di<- loxue* given by tho pupils. Instiiiiiien- tiils were given by Mitis Ci>nkey, Price- villp, and a polo by PricevilleV most popular teacher, Mr. McDonald, not for- <{ettins{ tie excellent duet by Mia-ses Muriel and Clive Henderson. The fore- going, along wild tonic-sol-fct part ing, a couple of choruups and an original reproduction drill, and The Colony Band, which had in it the purpose of showing forth the strong imperialistic ties which exist it: present, and nuut through the debt Canada owes old England still ci lit III I III Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 8ii to 85 Oats 38 to 38 Peas 1 hilo 1 12 Barley 55 to f>5 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butler 25 'c 25 Eg*, fresh :> < '> Potatoes {>ei ban. 50 to 50 Geese 13 to 14 Duck* 13 .o 14 Fowl 10 to IS TuiKeys 22 to 22 f Card to Electors I . n'li-iy on! Gentlemen : Th/iiiigh solicitation of many rutep'iy have consented to iillow my name tytund for Councillor oi Artemesia for KeMieclfullv, -JOHN K. WILLIAMS. I Mr. M mi pruicnted to the niidienci liuTicillor.s - A. L). McLeod, W. maintaining perfect order. The concert J. Caswell, J. W. Breen, D. MeLeod, J. waK closed with the distribution of pres- I. Graham J. H. Vaust, John E. Wil- en t Bi the u*iml votes of tbauka and u limns, George Meldrum, Fred Bmwn. most appropriate selection en Mr. Mur- Mr. D. Wright of Dundalk WHS voted j phy' phonograph, "Uod be with you to the chair. The retiring Ueeve, Mr. j till we meet apum .' The proceeds of M. K'-n ..-..- the tirst speaker, and | the concert amounted to $17.40, leaving went over the yi-r' business :it c msiil- the^section that which is exceedingly erable length. He was followed l>y Mr. useiul in purclmsiiv,' necessarr fiipjilies BUkeley who withdrew, then by Mr. for the school. ink if Boyd, who did not criticize the the Council to any great ex eut, but de^lt with coumy finances mostly and said he was in the Held "M try it n- otber shot." Mr. Boland fallowed ai.d dealt some rather homy blows in his humoroui wy. He withdrew his name. The old councillors all spoke at short length on their work of the year and Mr. l.n.:-i McLeod withd.e* his name. ( >f the new names mentioned Mr. Or- well was ill at home ;ind Mr. Willuiii.s was not present. Mr. Brt-en aignilud that he was not in the held. Following ure the immes that will a) - pear on the ballot : For Reeve Boyd and McKei y.ie. For Councillor* Brown, Caawell,Grt- li.iui. Meldrum, A. I). McLeod, William', Village Nomination* The village nominations took place i n Monday evening. For Reeve D. McTavi.sh and M. K. Richardson. For Councillors K. C. Murray. S. Shunk, L. Fisher, W. L Wright, (!eo. Watson, T. A. Blnkeley, M;irk Wilson, John Nuhn. . Mr. Richardson ivtirrd, leaving Mr. MuTafish Heeve by (icclamstioD. The village council is by acclamation follows : Reev,', U. McTaiiah ;coun- IOM, BUkeley. Ki*liei. Nuhn and Wilson. Card to Electors Lidies and Ger^lemen : I have been urgetitfy rei,ueted to al low my name to stand on the ballot fo Councillor for the Township of Arteiuesi for the year I!tl3, and af'er deliberatio have decided to do so, and would re spectfully solicit your vote and influence Yours to command, -FRED BROWN Card to Electors OSFUEY NOMINATIONS For Ueeve John TlmtnpMr,, Win. Taylor. For Deputy Reeve Irwin K. .1. Tulbot. For Councillors W. II. (>ay, Joseph Henderson, John It. Minrhoiid, (Jeorge \V. ROM. Wareham Honor Rolls Rejiort of S. 5?. No. 3, Artemesia, Month ot December. Claas 4. Elsie Caswall, Wardie Har- rison, Huh Moon-. Rub Sharp. Sr. S.- Elijuli 1'rt-nth.un, Ruby Caswell Chrrnce Orr. Willie Irwin. Jr. :;. Hlioda Beat, Willie On. Sr. L' Mildred Sharp, Susie Clnrd, Al'ert Moore. Jr. '-' Mildred Caswell, Fied Irwin. Pint 2. Ida Bieen, Adele Breen, (Jioidon 1'W n, Mildri-il Mo'>re.. Primary J'argaret Mooie. M. \\'iloii. Teacher. Fli'sherton 1'ub.ic School fur the month of Drcember. KIHtU 1. Itesult* ol tt-rin examinations. 4 Kldu Km-stedt HI, Jennie McLaren I'T, Percy LCar.i '., Millie \VrijJit (N!, S Kdna Thompinn - r 5. Alice McLeod 50, 1 W. \Vtson41, C'Ura Lever T8, Pearl. i Whitney 71, F.'o Lever OS, Jim Stewart 1 62, A led* Mitchell 47. I! .sr Almcda LeGard, Reuben Cargo, .Shirley Murray. Mary Col-jan, Delbert P.itton. Wilfrid Ti-eler. Bobi Trimble, Frank Thurslon, I,:iw.oii Whitfliearf, Albeit Sparks. HIM HI II. I'.ji Olive McMullen. R. N. Corn- Held, Mabel Fields. 2sr-Kenil.il Boyd, Stewart McTavish and 1 'ti|uhart Shmik. 2 jr-- Flossie Rx-hardson, Hrry l.iv (!.-ird, lli!d (ioMliawk. rillHtltV I'KI'.kKTMKNT Promotion from Jr. lt. tSr. 1st. Kdna Fniis, Wilfred Lover, Jamie Wright, Harry Curriimton, Jim Sttf,nd, Mny i n;,: Mamie McTavish. Cecil McTavish. t'lasj* (4) of 1'iiui.iiy to jr 1. Jack Kirstedl, Norvil Stu;irt, Boyd, Lil'i.in MeMullen, Harold F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! To the Electors of Aitemesia : Ladies and Gentlemen,- Having bee so'icited by a \nrtie numlier of latepayer in all pirts of tire township !> offer ni) self as candidi.lt f--r Councillor, I'.M.'J. i hereby aolicit your vote and influence. If elected I promise to guard the interest of the tnwrsbip to i tin best of my ability. Thanking you for past favors, re^pt-ctfully Tours, W. J. CASWKLL. Annual Meeting The anininl mee'it'i! of Knat Grey Agricultural Sm-i -ly illl-held in the town l'll. FlfHhuiton, en Fri'Uy, Jan. 17, t 2 o'clock p in. J. A. Boyd. Sec. WE congratulate our customers on the measure of prosperity the year has brought, and the promise of still better things for 1913. Our own trade has been big and most satisfactory and in extending the Compli- ments of the Season to our friends, we add a hearty "Thank You" for your generous encouragement. The home .f Mr. uinl Mis. James 1 L'ttle of Wareham was tli fc-ne of a] li ippy family reunion on CluintniiiH day, ' nil the membeiH .f tbe family being nresant on the old farm and int.n.d *-.,, .. ,.,,, - ; Bellmy, VNillie \Mntney, Fred Mthew- moving to Dund.dk in the nei (uluie. , An important feature of the day was i-ll laden tree, nd Santa ('Inns called -, -.nii.l in lima to distribute (he eood.s, which delighted the little folk. There wjre present Mr. snd Mrs. \V. Gaud'n M id son, Murr*y and MUs K/a Cooper, t' Toronto; Mr. and Mr*. Au.sl,-uid and iitle daughter, Rhoda, Dundalk; Mr. K id Mrs. John Little and little daughter, Allie, back line, and Mr. and Mis. Vill Little, Warehum. A ve>y pleasant line was spent, the last selection bei.ig Clam K-KeiiiitflliKluait, Allie Fields, NeLson Mi, ml, . Iv-i,- Ki'ii i-. Allie Norrin, Dvid C'olifan, Kri-ol Trnein-tn. lie miL'io 1 .! of that familiar hymn, I- : with you till we meet again." "(Jod Making the Farm Pay Did it ever occur to you that very \ nge uuuilierof farmers are trying to do in! no other huineH men think (f I ling, that i, to run their business wilh- ., it a business paper. This Lould uot . and u disastrous. Farming in the J irjest and most imiwitant industry in his country, and every farmer nhould ch we*k hae th Utesl ptriiculars i .iit-rding his business. The Weekly Sun Toronto, is th farrcers busines* piper. I costs little and will repy yon many fine* Hi price. It can help make the i .rm pay all it can pay. Priceville School report for December. HRKKlH ROOM 0Jamei Curson, KJua Sackctt, Gordon Sackett. 4-- Ray M;Lenn, Vicie McMillan, Berta Aldcorn, V. Mathesin, .I.C. Sinill; K vi-i <.- attendance i'2. J. I. MriMiN 1. 1>, Teacher. M M.IK KooM :tsr Matthew (dinkey. Flora Mol.ein Dorolhy Ctrson, .lamrs Mt-Leod. I! jr Kffie MclX.ugall, Katie Mac Taggarr, Annie Moura. - l!i Clarke, Kdni Nicholl, Annie Mr I, .--in. Kdna McMillan. I si Stuart Monu-, Lome Sackett, (ieorttina Mitchell. I jr. --Alex. M. I MUI. Kata McDnlittld. l'i'ii.,-i Kmiov McDongall. Iteta McDougall, Vtitry Knold. * i-.'i !; altniiUnce 3'l. J*MK Kirn, Taachar. CANADIAN ^ "PACIFIC r\ SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World Empresses of 'Russia' and 'Asia (NewC. I'. It. 1' aciflc Staii'liip$) The Empress of Russia will leave I.iver- poo) April Ua, oatHra kt (iibralter. Vlllf- Ittntne aid I'urtBaiil. ptocaeJing viatiun.-. I liombo. 1'imsnK. Bdigapor*. Honit Kun^. v n(fl]l. NaaHki. Kobe and Tckobama, ririug Vancouver May :)lt, 191:1. i:iupre<aof Alia will ail from Liyarpool M.n mil. makli.g a niinilcr ctui*. tluit direct couuectinu for Apiil Ut sail- ing i- via Hmpreai> of Hritaiii from -t. Jol"i Maritli Jl*'. Rate for Entire Cruise $639.10 Kxclu-ifsof n .,:i. '.,.- lintween arrival time in I'lURlan'i aad dn|arturo of KuiprHait ,.t i' , .. net partloulara tro-ii <'iua liau ' ' nr.. M. {i. Ml I; \ll\ I). I'. A.. C.I'.B.. Toronto XMAS. STOCK COMPLETE Order your NEW CHKIST- MAS SUIT NOW untl get the best that can be produced and at a reasonable price. WE SATISFY EVERYBODY in Work- maaship, Style and Price. Pressing and Cleaning care- fully attended to at the I'p- To-Date Tailor Shop C. BLAKELEY Fesherton's Leading Tailor j Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CARCFUL ORESERS CEYLON'S STORE Special Sale FOR TEN DAYS Of Men's nnii Boy*' Owrcoata, Pea i ,,.--, and Ready-M>tde Clothing. Al" Ladies' Heavy Costs and Furs of til kind*. We htve i nice lot of remnants at big reductions. Heavy Rubbers \\"e have* / od Wdortmunt of Rubber Boots, sizes 7, '>, and 12 ia l.-tlH'r ii [>.->. Alsithw shurt ones and long Rubber B> ot and i ' . : -I- . , in 1, 2, or IS buckles us well as the !<>w Slipper OvAUfcoct f<>v men ^tnd women. V '... the Hockey Boot* and Sk*tei. Dress Goods If you sn? to get an up-t'i-dite evening drew risk to gee our new Dress l>i>ode. They ;vre just the ri^ht tiling. Fish K ynu want t("/t a No. 1 ke* of Herrtn? or Salmon thii i* the place to get them. A k S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton SKM.I i, TB.NDKHsVaddrveeed to tlio l'ot- nia6tr (ienem'. I bo ,*.*,. .-.1 at Ottawa until uoon. on rti lay Uie "tli Pol>iaarr. 191?, fur theconiravaue >t HU U*jml) < Mail* on projioaeit t'ontraci i,>r four vru i\ round u'!'< !' ' weak , wat batwvtu KOLAI'OIti: iu-i ItAVKNNA fi-oui tue lit April nit. I' MI i notloM, coiitninluRdirtlier iuforuia- tioa aa tocoudltlona "I i>ropo,l Coatraet may seen and blank (oi m of Tndr uiay I" obtained at tb I 1 " Offlon of Kolapor*. Katiooa, and at lb i n i of tbe Hot Ufflo* (Dtpector at Toronto. Po*t Office Uepavtoivut. Mail iterfice Hraiih Ottawa. <rd I)*uiiit*r. lu.'. O. C. ANDICKSON, bupar iutenilent. FlesH Durham Road Concert The young people, pupi's ind te-tcher of 8. 8. No. 7 held Hiioceosful ccnccit i>n Friday evening, Dec. l!t. The pio- vramme WHS a varied one, consisting < f i (citat'ons, peeche>, diilottticx. nong.s n id instrumenUls, Hmonjt which were iiiinRled lelections rendered hy the ex- .-.-llent phonoqtuph <( MBMIH. Reid and Murphy. Good rcriutiuus were yiven i > Olive Henderson, Uol> Me.uls, Far T. FISHER, rton Tonsorial Parlors Wo Aim to Givo Entire Mntijifactioii IiAl'NDttY Hiskct ICHVCS Tuesday nil-lit, delivi-ry Kiidiiy eveui ig. UT.KANMNd ami DY KINO \V ai-o for 1'nrker's Dye Hdrks Clotlies cleaned mid dytvl, fi-^tlu-rs rpjuveitated. I'ROPRItTOR SKALKI) TBNDBIU aMlWNt In the I',-' innt.il General, will l>e recelvml at Ottawa inn! nounon Friday, tha HUt Jtuuery, li'i '. for tne conveyance bt IIU Majestyi mail* on a lun|iiMini contract 'or (our . n, three tiniaa |)r week between Ovfr Kuial Mail Koute N'o I, (nin> Fover- .inn, Out., coiciiienoing at tbe tVatuiaiter General'* pleaaure I'i int il notlrna contaiuinK (urtber intoima- 1 11 MI a to condition* of proiraaed C'ontttot way be i)n 1 1 and blank form* pi tender 1.1 *-, be ob- tiuiiM.i at the 1'oat Uflioa of Kavetafaam, Lady Bauk. Klealierton. and at the ofVe of th Vnnt^UOice luDpectoi at (Toronto, Puttoftic* Ucpartnient, Mail Service l'tucb. Otrawa, ntii D*c*mbr, 1A1U O. C, ANDEUSOK. Supeiinttintivut. Winter Term Opens .lASl'ARY 2ud,nt the Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at tlie present time making s> Specialty of Iroti&eds. The original of the picture givea at the liead of this advertisement will only cost you Jas. Wattison & fenrr*af syfo/t $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice aad comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in prioe SauiUry Bds auclt as everybody wanN. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purcbjwing yonr sbep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Absdlntely "no chance work." Course* backed by I!2 years' experience. Kvery graduate unrnnleed n position. Buii>e.ss Shoithand and Pieparu'Kiy Dapsrtnient. Information free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., BriocipaL O. D. FI KV1INO, Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Agent Wanted ! -FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthil. Nurseries Orders now being taken for Spring delivery li'l.'S. Prcsp.-its bright for the senson'j trac"e. Exptrieuoe unnecessary. We instruct i'iir hklesm.tn how to sell Fruit Stocks in tli.. couutty mil Uiuamen'iil trees in the town. START NOW uml have your tenitory n-servfcl. Weekly 1'ay. Ftee outfit. Wr:te for terms. MM Stone & Wellington CNT. VARICOSE VEINS CURED] NT NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. I Confined to Hit Horn* for Weeks. | k 'Rarr work. MTCN ttrmlnlnR and eril haMt* IB rout h brought oo Varicuie Voios. When I worked hard lUe actuoe would becoma i -. re . i ad I was of ten laid up (or a week at * tune. My family fhy iiciao till me an operation was tnf onljr hope -but I dreaded it. tried nereral specialist i, but goon found out all they wanted wai my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as uttle better than rogues. One day my boat asked me why I was OH work K> much and I told him my condition. Ileadrised me to consult Dn. Kennedy It Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got TUB Htw METBOD TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the lirst month's treatment 1 was somewhat discouraged. However, I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn Jl-i a week In a machine (hop before treatment, now I am earning S-l and never looa daf . 1 wua all uffren kaaw of your Taluabto treatment. HKNUYC. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS ara the moat prevalent and most serious dlseeaei. They amp the wry life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from tbe> system will oaua* ertou* complications. Beware of Mercury. U may luppreia the symptoms our NEW METHOD cures all blood dlaeaaem. YOUMQ OB MIDDLE AQED KKX. Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. .You feel the aymptonu stealing orerjrou. Mentally, physically and vitally jrou are nut the man you uaed to b or ahoula be. Will you bead AreyouaTlctim! Hare you lost hope? Are you Intending to marryf your blood beeojlisoa .al! Bav* you_ any_ weakneasr Our NKW Mi .4 Jt Baa ItTBOD JINT will cure you. what it has done for others tt will do for you. Ceaenltatfea No matter who baa treated you, writ* for aa honest opinion Fre* ! Chme. Kxl, Manhood, FatherBOod." (lUustratedjoa5iaeaaesof Men. MO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. N* tefcfigaSri!?^ DRS.KEHHEDY&KEHNEDY CM>. Michigan Aw. and Griswold Si. Detroit, Mich. E^BEMpekH ATI I* F A11 letters f rom Canada must be addressed ^ llrl 1 1* Ei to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - W^^av* mammmmammm ment in .Windsor, Out. If you desire to see M aer jonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat > s>ab*ta in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DM. KENNEDY * KENNEDY, Wiadtor, Wrieafct avartvate address. A .k, A A A Farm for Sale at a Snap SI. si'" will l.uv 130 acres on the icAlbetvtc'i F'esheiton tnd MA'Vs 'I'd tuiit.t-r !> ue on th's propeity j worth thf prica sked. Apply U> JO>. Blr'ATY, Orn Valley. Mark !ale. p 8-|J 20. Farm For Sale or Rent 11X1 ai-ift. iii the 7th cnnecsi.m, lot 31, Aih nirsi j, atout '>" i' il- ti. in school, 4 postortio', :id stc'V- 1 . Un ttie property is n Ing hi use -unl n <_.( \mtn, twx> ^ wells unil a good sfii ing : itlumt 75 acres cleared nn<\ 70 ACfts umirr cultivation. 4 Will rent if not sold. Ai'i'lv to I). WHITK. Uock Mills * \