TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOB." PBINCJPLEb NOT MEN.' < t VOL 3-2, NO '26 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, December 2.Q, 1012 W. H. TBDBSTOM tramp you saw mi 111 mi- to '!i-M-r:ln j 'Tje LOVE: HOME, The Love Tragedy Still A Mystery Official Report of Arnel Love's Evidence There is nothing oUrtliugly new in the Live case, and the uifstery remains as deep as it w*s last week. Absolutely BO motive has been diccoveieJ for the hus- band U commit the deed, although every- one admits that all ihine* point to him a the culprit. The story Love tells of seeing a man running across th field has been exploded. Mr. Geo. Beecroft. who was with Love that Tuesday, *y t wan a local young man going i - - ( daughter house and they both knew him. I'nder the circumstance* why should ; Love dwell on this insignificant incident? It will be noticed in the verbatim report mind but that yiMir father was there and your mother WHS not there '. AN". Q_ You had your breakfast and took your lunch to school / A Yen. Q_D you ever go down to McL:en s to get lunch or to eat your lunch >. A- N. Q Does your mother go there to work every week '. A- She dots not go there at all. Q Did your father tell you not to go down to Rev. Mr. McLaren's ! A Yes. Q--He asked you to eat your lunch at school aed not to go down to Mr. Mc- Laren's ; A- Yes. how to describe the the r>ail '. A He t him. <j What do you think your father had asked you to say that for ' A- I do not know. Q Did you ;isk your father why you were to say that '. You knew your mother WHS dend and it l<H>ked as though she was murtlered ? A Yes. (J When your father asked you to tell tliis story, which was not true, 1 suppose you had some thought* in your mind about the same .' A Well, I did not hare time to think about it. O, Well, you knew that the next morning when you told the story ( A I Yes. . Henry Love reappears anil <|uestions Arnel : Q- Who did you eat your breakfast with on Tuesday morning, Arnel '. A I. ate it alone, I think. Q You are mistaken, my .son. You ate it with your father and mother Tues- day morning and she wan standing there knitting when you left for .school. (J What time did you leave for schuol on Tuesday morning, Arnel '. A About 8.30 or 20 minutes to '-'. Q Who was there then < A Xo one. Love I am sorry. John Colbert Killed on Railway John Colbert, A Glenelg farmer, iged 57 yers, w.-n killed on the rnilway track below Markdal* station by the Saturday night eipreas from Toronto. Colbert had started home in a cutter. The horse appears to have turned down tile tricks [m-t the gtation, and down near the water tank the runners became fastened and the horse broke away from the cut- ter, leaving Colbert in it. The inau ,i| !-i .1. - to luve teen afaleep. In any event he reinaiiieJ iu the cutt.-v and, the night express coinini(al'<ng he was dallied into terni'y. A coroner's jury is silting on the case a* we m> to pi-ess in order to find out if any blame is attached . any- body. Colbert Itavis a wife bu no family. l- What did yon understand mother was doing down there .' A had spoken of making a visit there. j You thought she w-as out '" visit ! A Yes. The witues then described his nients after cowing home from to 111* j Tuesday evening. He said his <x' your "She that move- school father home Q ut vour mo- A I asked him if she had come leyet and he said that she had not. - Did vour father ask vou not to let i your father ak you not t< of the boy', evidence which e priat U- ou to anybody that nlie had gone away uj me u"j . . ,. Tim.ulv in, .iimi'' ItetoiY low that th. father said the mother ' t*ndi..g there knitting when you went | Q _ Y((U l>ef < >re 1 Tuesday night with to tchool." If Love left the liouse ', your filler t your home with no word A Yes, and We.l- mother mother. <j You had cold lireakfant nesday morning > A Yes. The witness descrilied here how be went to school Wednesday but left at J.:JO Waiise he " was not feeling well 8 10 as he says, how does h* know what j f n , m y tiur the woman was doing -he., the boy left j word from for school? Beecroft also s*ys that; Hindle did not come to where they were unloading coal,' and the conversation, quoted by Love could not have takenl place there. All that the authorities now I Hn | l ^ " Mlx j,", UK a ) h , ut mother r- He want is a motive, nd the conflicting j t hen described, at length the search and ..cries told by the accused man will go how his father went down cellar while he stood at the top of the steps, and after- fr towards fastening the crime. I wards searched the rooms. After Mr. Theby, Avnel, is in charge of the | Collins,,,, left Wednesday night both , *,iind father and son sat around the stove and Children's Aid Society at Owen BwssA - ^ ^ ^^ . .. He Wrtlkell The preliminary trial is expected to take a ,. ()lln j t i, e |,,,, IH e, tixik off some of his p'ace at Ceylom Orange Hall on Monday , c l,,thes and then went to go in the bed- nex t by which time the authorities hope , room. He made aUnit two steps in the ' J . ... , bedroom and then exclaimed. '<>h. Ciod, to uneaith some new evidence. ^ ^^ ^^ , , ^ t)u-u came l|(W . k in , hl . In all this case the son'* evidence isi,., M im where I was, said he most important, .she flatly contradicts ' heard a noise .us soon as he got in hi, father *t many points. We give ; %^ ^' " hen Uid'T ld below a verbatim report of all the import- ij g ] lt the lantern and l.M.k all over the ut evidence given by the boy before the j u -,,j ur part of the house. " coroner's jury, so tliat our readers may , y About what hour of the night judge for themselves what the statement j would this be >. A- 155 o'clock, really mean* to the man charged with j g. How far down did he get before he the awful crime. : -"M something ? A- He got down off ! the Ijottom steps and was standing on Q Were you at school on Monday, ' the ground. Dec. ( A I was. j ^ Was there any delay lieforc there tV 1 You went home after school in the was soutethingtosny ! A- He held the 'rtwry way ! A Yes. j_ Was your mother there then 2 A Yes, she was. Q Where did your mother spend the evening ( A She stayed at home . y.- -Was your father there? A- I cunnot recall. (j What is your time to go to bed '. A- Between eight and nine. Q And get up about what time ? A About seven. y Do they have to call you in the morning ( A Father generally calls me. lanteru u|> and looked over ajjd Miid. "Is that her !" As soon s he said that I went down cellar as quickly as I could andsaul 1 thought it was. < % > How far from the Isidy would you lie then > A - About 12 or !."> feet. Q Did your father take the lantern and go clone to the body .' A Within two or three feet. (j- What did he do then ' A He said, " My God, there she is," and came upstairs and went over to Mr. ColliBBoa's as fast as he could and told him. Then he came laek in the house and asked me Wodehouse Special to The Advance. A merry Christmas and a* bright and happy New Year to the editor of Th Advance and iu many reader*. A feeling of horror in felt in ilus neigh- borhood by the terrible cataslr ophe that haat befallen the Lovt family at Ceylon. Mr. and Mr*. J. J. Cherry and Alice aad -lolin arrived her* from Kindersley, Sank., Saturday laat. They have spent the past tix years in the Wett and pak in glowing termi uf it, but owing to Mr. C's poor health (hey have decided to re- turn Eat. Born Ou Friday. Dec. 1:5, to Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Cullis, a daughter. Sorry to report Robert Wiley still cou- tined to his bed, where he has Wn for the |>HM month from having fallen againtt a nail iu a board, which pene- trated his leg just above the knee. W V . r for a change fur the better very soon. Mr. Thouuu Riddle ha* gone to Owen Sound 1 1. attend business college. School closd Friday for Christmas va- cation. Our teicher, Mis McMullen, has decided to relinquish duties here at thfct timi-. The new teacher has not yet been decided on. Threading is jmt being wound up in this neighborhood, Mr. (iejrge Wiley happened with a nasty accident one day last week, when he and hi* brother, Frank, wer shutting the Iwrn door. There was a very high wind blowing .ml George was iu the act of putting in the standard when one of the dinirs came xinUlriiJ; shut, giriking him in the face and knocking him seuin ten feet. Frank says he thinks (icorge saw tears, all right, for he did not know him for some minutes. It was a hard knock and Ueorua mill has a few marks to remind him of In.- experience. Mr. Aaron Birch vinited hm sister. Mr. Vic. BOWKS, of .Slrathnairn. on thu tirst of the week. Rev. Mr. Bovendge of Temple Hill preached in New Kngland church on Sunday, week. He was dieted by a large couitrega'Jou who lulencd with in- terest to a sp'endid sermu. Mr. James Kirkpatrick had a tuccess- ful wood bee one afternoon recently and treated the young people to a paity in the evening. Wicker j- Gcno e A very pretty home wedding - ii)leninixcd at the renidence of Mr. and Mrv Thonas tJenor, on Tuesday even- ing. Dec. 17, whr. about sixty guests were assembled to witnaw the marriage of their only daughter, Isabella Martin, liy the Rev. Mr. I'.mpbell, to Mi. Fred Wickens of KimberlfV. While the wedding march was being played by Mrs. (Rev.) Campbell. The stately groom took his place under the arch f everifreen, prettily decorated with fancy decorations ami Christmas bells, whila th lively bride followed leaning on 'lie arm of her father, vowned id pearl white silk with over Uce and bead trimiait. After the usual omgralulatiuiis all re. paired to the dining room, which WUH aglow with Christina* candle* and hand- toiuely decorated for the occasion, and a table Udun wi'b the choicrnt viandr. After sup|>er the evening wis spent with music aud other amusement*. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue corded velvet with lace and bead tri-nmingfl and hat In match. The happy couple left next moming . spend their hoiiwy tn.'.m with lifir iiumeroUH friends in Stratford, and after their return will rtftide in tlir valley. The young cuuple received many useful and costly prevents, signifying the esteem in which they are held, and all wish them a very liuupy and prosperous voyage through life. Village Council F)eherUin Village Council met on Dec. lth with all the members prenent, the Reeve in the chair. By-Law No. 15, appointing Dep. returning elticer and poll clerk was paused. The Treasurer presented nlalemcut of account)) of the village to date. Murray Watson Th.rt Mr. Blakelej be allowed a icfund of $3.nO, overcharge fur top coat of his private walk. Canied. Murray L. A. Fisher- That a grant of 110.00 be given to the East Grey Agricultural Society. --Carried. Fisher Blakelry That this Council desires to express i( appreciation of the able and courteous mai/ner in \vhic ihe Deeve of this niunicipali:y l:us presided over i his board and conducted the attain* of the municipality in general through! the mouths since incorporation. At this last meeting of (he year we deiire to express our thanks for the attention to and time he ha* spent in attending to the affairs of the village Carried. G, C Muniv, Chairman. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Q Do you have breakfast with father j if 1 had met anyone when go and mother? A When I get down I school on Tuesday morning, stairs they are at briakfast. <J Can you recall who called you on Tuesday morning >. A Father. y Who was there when you got down ! A -Father. Q Was your mother there ! A 1 am not certain, I,) How long did you remain there ? Did you have breakfast ! A Yes, 1 had breakfast Q Had your father his breakfast .' A - I suppose he had. -Well, do you know ! A -Well, he may have had it before 1 came downstairs .' A They Q- Were the dishes on the table Some of them were. Q- Where were the vest '. A- were in the (wntry. Q Your father told you that, your mother had got up early that morning I A Yes, Q And went to Uev. Mr, McLaiVns > A Yes. O/ Then you are jierfectly sure your mother was uot there ( A Yes. Q Then there in ne doubt in your ing out to 1 said that I caught up to the Adams boy and walked ''lit with him, and also saw Mr. D. Muir down at the stable. He asked me if I met anyone else and I said No. Then hu told me if anyone asked me about it to say that 1 met a tall, stronjj looking fellow coming around tlu> new n uul . Q-- Now did anyone ask you ! A I told that story but do nut know whether anyone asked me or not. y- What condition was the floor in when you come in on Tuesday > A It WHS swept and chairs were n'l in their places. Kverything wan in good oilier. Q--You slept with your father the night after he was arrested? 'A They say 1 did but I do not know whether 1 did or iu>(. V|--Why ' A Well, if 1 did it was after 1 got to sleep and he got up liefoiv I awoke. Q Have you not had any tlk with him since he was arrested ! A Only to 1ml him goo dday. (j- Did he sy anything to )v b,.ui Maxwell On the eve of her marriage to Mr. Robert Aruott, .'Ird line of Oaprcy, Miss Alice Field was viiited in her home by the Maxwell Methodist choir, who pie- senteJ her wi h a purse and I he follow- ing address : To Miss Alice Field : Dear Friend, Having learned with regret of your removal from our midst, we, the members of the Maxwell Meth- odist church, with a number of your well wishers, avail ourselves of this op- portunity of asking you to accept this purse, not for what it contains but to show you th.t we hve spprecia'ed your valued services durin? the past ten ytius you have been a member of our choir, and during the past year mid a half you have ably 611ed the posilion of organist. Wtj have ever found you willing to lake part in anything pertaining to church work, and our prayer is that you may long be siiartd to use the Ulent <tod IIHK yivfri you in His service. Anl you can rest assured you will be foll.iwed to your new home with the best wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Signed on behalf of the choir and well- wisher*. East Mountain Mrs. John Smi'h is laid up with pleu- rsy. Mifs Clinton of Flesherton is nt her bedside. Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is the guest of her mother now. Some from this part sttended Mr. Gumey's :ile IB.HI Wednesday. Mis* Hoskins l.-ft on Thursday for her home in Campbellf rd. Her ninny friends wire irry to learn of her de- parture. Mr. <ier<!8 Allen is <>n the sick list and is unable to do anything. Mr Gordon < >rr of Manitoulin Wand i? the guest of bis unutdpirents here. Misses Sadie Smart and Haw? I Allen of Flexherton hiiih school, also the Mieses Huinbers'one of their respective schools, are spending the holidays with their par- ents here. A merry Christmas und Imppy year to ye editor and .ill readers of Advance. Miss Cor* Martin is spending Christ- mas in Owen Sound. Mr. John Smith is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham of Owen Sound are vniiing at John Welshs.' Mr. and Mrs. W. .). Martin and two children, Wilda and Orville, spent Christmas at the letter's parent*) home in Beaverville. Reginald Huberts of Allandale, a 0. T. R. braknnan, w.-is killed while coupling cars at Midland. HURT .specialist in ditoaao* ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to al 2m 1 Mm, i ilk, 1st Thursday of each month . Christmas Decorations Do not fail to see our supply of Holley, Paper Gar- lands, Wreaths. Bells, Jardineers, Streamers, Fans, Wax Candlesticks, Sparklers for tire works. In candies we can suit yon from 10c to ti<)c per pound. See our Bon Bon boxes, Suts ot all kinds. Cranberries, Grapes. Oranges, Bananas, Lemons. Cigars, Tobaccoes and Pipes. You will find Lots of things You Want, if You drop in AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY BUSKIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers.High or Low, or with- out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring i S.J. BOWLER, THE VIiI8k DATE BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.