* November 7 I ft It! T H F. I-' L E S H E It T O N A D V A N C E F SAM ABA OENDING money to any point in |J Carada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditiou* when this Bank's draft* and money orders are used. TORONTO FLESHERTON BOB CEO. MITCHELL, it OnHum od Harratao. BRANCH Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. leave FUshercon Station as c Train 'follows : Going South 7.43 a. ui. 4.X5 p.m. , The mails are closed at Fleshy-ton a, y ears of *S e - Thd Mi.lerv.-i-l ilj>ire- to tl- ink friends i .1 neighbors For their kindness, syrap+thy and aia-stance during the re. cent illnesn and death of my brother Going North | Wm. Hrinphill. John M. ore. an old 11 2 ^edtleman 87 walk from hi.- follows: For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ' home, t.vwnline Arteir.ef.ia and Proton. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoou mail south at j on Thanksiju ius* day. to his son's home 3.40 o'clock. For morning ti lin south [ ln tl-9 Orai.ge Valley, a distance of nine unil cloe at 9 p.m. the previous ev g. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. \Vm. Smith of Foreutville. N. .. is visit iny old friends ! er*. Mr. Joe PhiDip* of Toronto is holi- diym? with friends in thus vicinity. Misi Kdna Pa'ton left for Tor. nto ou M <nday where she will take :i si'u>tu>n. Mr. John Sharp of the Bank of Com- merce, St. Thomas. U h.>iidyiuj at the |uieiit;tl Lome. Mi*-> Lillian Aru.strung and Mtsa Florence Thurston are vintinj KtiuWr- ley friends thii week. . inn CM. H* becanie exhausted when uear ; hia journey's end ml wis picked up by a | ^entlen.an who t'>i>k him to his s'n's 1 house, where he tuok tu his bed. He gradually sank nd passed aw iy Sunday I aioruinj. Ha leaves an aged wic'ow and a U'ge. family . The funeral t;>ok, place t.i Salem i/n Tuesday afte.rn.uu. The Municipal telephone system of Osprry liaa now 75 phones on the line, thirteen m<-re '4011:3 in. and the promot er* expect to have the number brought up to 100 before wm'er is over. These are all in connection with the Flesheitvii exchange. A recent item published in Tile Advance .*hould have mentioned that these 70 ['hones belonged, U> the Osj'rey municipal system By r.eit spring there will likely be tome hunJfd phones on the free Fleshertn exchange and another hundred in Osprey. which will lu'ikc a Woodrow Wilson Is New Presidenij HILL BROS.. MARKDALE 1 At the Presidential elect ii>iu held in Wfl . .. ^=^? ' ' the Tnitei States on Tui>sJ;ty Woodruw Wilson. Democratic, wis elected to the Presidency by a piiuality of i:K). The figures are : Wilson IW". R>osve!t 107, Taft 27. Thu week wears offering many seasonable lines of Merchandise at Money-Saving Prices. If vouare looking lor Weekly Report Of Flesherton High School ^| '$& FOKH 111. ; |j| Chemistry L. Ellison and L Bunt !)3, j i, . \V. Kernahan and X. Li* .- $4. A. ; J Wrijrlu 81. II. Allen t>8. M. S<a*.rd, I. i --J Mitchell and K. L-.ucks til. K. Wi'cock ! U$ CO, H. .Shunk 57, I. Wilson .V,. T,. Ijjj Legate 4'->, L Whewell and D. Thurst.m 47. I! Furs. Clothing. Underwear or Fall | M! & ' H Footwear - - I Odds and Ends AUCTION SALES It will pay you to look over our larire range in these special lines. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! This Ye-ir vt lave a large ;u-ortinent of First-Class Furs at rock botto-a prices. The collection i* made up of Mink Setts, Ofjpossum set's.Persian Lamb. Sable and Marmor. We are particularly strong in the t>ove range. and would Le ple-i.-ed t.. shovr you through it if yoi; ire interested iu Furs. Clothing Uur Clothing Stock vra never more coiuple'e than at present. If you w*.'-.: i .:. d suit i' ovarc'.-at we hve it. and our prices are rLjht. A.sk t--> see our soecial black beaver cc : v. with fur ooliar ac - $13.00. Snics moderately price*! from 9S.50 to f 13.0" A credit auction vile of farm stock and implements will !>e held i,ti I..; 27, con. l'. Ospiey. on Friday, N.,V. tf. when a Hr-ne lot - f stuff will be offered. Sale at jp in. Jauie* Curran, proprietor; \Vni. ia. auctioneer. A credit auction sale of firm siock rd implements will be held on lot 0. cou. 5. < *prcy, the pro|>erty r.f Mr. Edward Mc- C.tliiim. mi Friday. Nov. 15. Sale t 1 p.m. -hari>. D. McPhiil. auciioneer. SOCIALS AND CONCERTS L. <>. L. No 5tW. (r>u.ae Valley, will hold :i box soc 1 on Si>v. 13th. Ad- mission 15 cents. Ladies *ith !:.,xn free. Boys' Fleece Underwear ,'Wc per Oannen: Thi.i week we orf'er 10) pieces B.-.y' HeTy Fleece I nderweir, all sizes 24 t--> :'-'. Shirt and Drawers, specially priced at per garment I5oc. Shoes ! Shoes! We have juat receired shipment cf .Ladlei' Pi:e:.l Button Bt>rs. in cbenewett !.v.t. These werebou>ht a: a low price, and we .tre oiering them a; wb_'ie*a!e I't ices While iliey Lidt per pair $-^. i". \\ Uv. Mr. McLaren of ltu> Baptist church gave a tnuch-anpreci-ited addr*s | service all round second to none in this The Flrshetton \V. C. T. I', will hold lor meeting at the ho.ne of Mr-. AOHUlMBi yu the afternoon ot I ' DRESS GOODS before the Epwoith League on Monday j county wit |, an all-night service insugu- evening- I ri ted the first of i>ctober !;u.t. A number of y.ung people held a H il _ 1'iwe'en masqui ride party it tin Ii .me of Thuisday I Sturdy --Ru tied ge Nov. Xih, when we will hue an udiires* by i-ur w.unty ptesiden', sis- music uiU levitations by home Ultur. after which :i dainty luncli will be served. Adroit-ion 1'V. Luie.s .fall deni'inin-ttiun* hearti- ly welcome. Special Lines of Press Goods to Clear at per yard la this lot you willSnd nearly every shtde in e'.oths wor'h u;> to 7">>; i yir-i. Twe*d, S.it. and Series. All the broken nu^es iu our Dre.-s I r'*ls Deputiuent. c;eir .-it per ytrd Clotlm. Venetians . . :wc Quilt Linings Mr. and Mrs. Mark cvenin - Married it 1 o'clock LI. \V<:diied.T, i Mrs. Creo. Stuart and fur childten ' Oct. 30, at the residence of (lie bride's | ai'e spending lo weeks wi:l. l!i? former's . m .ther. Ceylon, Lilian Gertrude, young parent^ in Tliornbury, Mr. a:id Mis. \V. j e st daughter of Mr-. Robert F. .1 !,n-: M Mt>. Hobeit RutKdge leave. Monday f .r Silt Lnke City, where sli* wi.l spend thi winter with her d.iiijshter. Mrs. (.Jot- 1 d m (iuplill. ARTICLES FOR SALE : Mr. J. \V. Stanley of T.noiito. The ceraiuouy woa peiforu.ed by Rev. Mr. Morns ot Orauievule, the I. tide's pastor. The wedding march was played t ) Mi>.s KJi.a Pal ton. The b:ide wa.-. ^iveii ; away by her brother, Fied. acd was twenty youim people, when most enjoy- able time was upent. The ^!. : walked at 12 o'clock, and laier an unknown f..r- tuna teller nppeartd ri, ihe see in. i.d fiireti-ld good fortune fir everybody. Rev. Menitt Price of M.-i.-..<ii' wi 1 tnke the MTV ices in the ftlct|-i>.i:.it chuich hire '>n Si'nday next. Tl.is is known M the woild i temperance Sui'.jiy jr.'l the sermons will be in keeping with the spirit of the dny. 1'ev. Mr. \\ellwood take anniversiiry servic-* . ;. Mi Piice's Councillor Thomas B!ake!ey iret wi:h il- painful ux-idcnt on WeJue- ly if lt week while at work in t!.e plii.;i . tory. His left hand cm e> with a saw with the re.-ul p half i>f th 1 ; iliumb was auii'ut ved. ar.d I :iiidpun-^Usa i luauien: in her hair, and [ cat lied -i ihower Li'U.jUet if white msev ] l:he> of '.he v.iiley itia m-tuieii hair fern. Lut e M irjorie Bellamy, niece f the btide, acted as rtooer '411!. mi carried pink and white tarnations. The blide'f :rvelliui! suit was Law whipci-rd, with n-i\y bfaer h*t and wlut* i'sj>rey. The li-|i[>y coi.ple left On the evening train for iheir new home in the ^v>t, where Mr. Sturdy intends staif.nj a jewelleiy business. Morrison-Wiley I'TlVrddown Kauis for sale '4 hearl- 1114 r ims rit 912 XN I (,i $10. I'D )s r ; lm Utnbs at *l to $U', all mri-l by import- ed rams. Lots :'.! and :<'.'. 3 S". P. R . Opivy. Robt. Aruott, Maxwell p. i. Fur Sle Good '.(-ronmed frame dwell- i"i and stable, all co-npletf, iu first L -Us i-.iidiii<.n and lepair, wiih lunl ;.nJ >,.f; witer. \\ i 1 sell very -luvip if >,.id this moii'h. Apply R. J. Sj.rouie Fles|,r- t,.n. Out. y,, 7tf Colt. heavy di-au^ht. ri-in,' ::. frnni Dunmuir Mck. Aptly t. i:,.l,,. r t W. Cevlon P. ( >. We purchased 100 <JuiU L inu- u. de from ends of Print, S.iteer. auu price Joe not represent the making. While they last, per lining. ... in ^o<..d coloring* *r.J si.v. The POULTRY \\"e wnt y n r j tul'ry. nini will { y luahest c.-h '.r trade ''rice f.>r it. '.i get :ht? ;, ;i [ri:-'. l-..ive tlte [ >ultry far and dry picked. ^OHiiird md'ii in Poultry w-i.l i>e bought or.lv :it a big d:iwoi::i: HILL BROS. MARRDALE. the wounds. b<) laid ort' work for The home nf Mr. ;mi Mrs. ,1,-hn u, conract _ \Viley. 4th line. >-;.:e> w i-, the tcene of that about a Vi;r y Iuppy event on \\ediiesday rven- - in.;. Oct. .'it', when at 4 o 'cl-ck their elJ- tluee buyers badly lacerat-.-d. Ur. C:irur> 8t d,nhter. Nancy, was united in mar- Mr. Bl.ikeley will I ri , 8- tv) Ut. John A. Mc.m.-mt. e!de-l me time. sou i>f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mirisnn. The first snow of the season wme on j Mxwel'. The bridal paity entered tl.e Thursday last. Nox. 1, whet> sufficient , p-trlor :o the strains of the we-ldin..- fell to wl.iteu the rouud. The same march played by the bride'* cousin. Miss night we had our first freeze up f .r the j Nettie Wiley of WiHlehou.-e. Th briJe full. Previous to that coiu-i lersl.e ten- j*d g'ovm tot k their place-, bene.th au der stuff was still in th.. jreii Ute. On ! "eh of evergreens and maple leave-, and Oct. ol Th Advance man picked roses j banked with hou* plant*. Tl)e bride, in h's own garden. Dariug t!ie lust j who was unattended, looked charming in wek in October we had Iw.h pink and!* gi>n of ivory satui-de-chiue wi h white roses blooming. ! triniminsf of lace and bll ftin K e, = d wore a veil with a wrea.'l, i.f oramje bios- Mi Florence Thur.-t.n^ve a "little ,,,. , nd ^^ , lel of c l r , Mn . S ,,U " party to some U .. y-upj themun|s- Rev . j,, ue , PhimUter " p.ts- women, muting HI H* from 8U -. wr of |he ., Me . Uw|lst chLC ,,,, including couple of uiirned Udies. on . j. . . w:* Hie omcutini' I'lerisyman ml per- Friday evenins' of lost week. Ill at- , , ' , i formed tha ceremoi.y ia the pretn^-e of MMMtMMiag the attenujted clotbioj i . about sesenty jiuecil.-. After of earlier days, and carried tecdy Urs, doll* and other thiugs d,r t. giilh.Hn). Fjr the tiuis beina they were little aul.s a 'ain, and found that theycoull still yell , as ljud us ever and scrap ore-r their play- ' as they did " when you aua 1 were , Maggie." The fuo * f<st aud furi- ... , recipient of tinny beautiful nd coMlv ous for three hours, or until luocMM presents. The groom is cue of (>s( rcy i euterprisinj and pn>spetou youiii> f.irm- is. The best wislu-s of large ciicle . f lions the company repaired to the dining roooi. where a dainty supper was served. The bride, who is ;tn active, worker in the Sabbath school and Kpwoith League, H member of ihe choir, and who is oi.e ot our most estimable youu..> l.-kdies. wiis the was served, when She dear little cherubs cilned d.iwn. One little girl sail she had nine cups of cocoa nd fourteen pieces of cake. The aff.iir w .< * howling success, very unconventional, you know, dresses cut high and all that, and thoae who were allowed to peep s*y it w:is the uinsl fascinating event of the social sea- son, from a male point of vio. About ll..'!0 the bin brothers arrived u> t*ke the infant clivss horns. The (jirls ilueateu t . do it ng^iu, but we advise ;beu, a^iinst such a proceeding, or if de'o; mine.!, to take it to some \ i mt hnu.He HI tlu 1 sub- urbs ui the boys do when tli ") oat illegal frieiuUand ,c.|U.ii.itances go with the young couple to their new home in M.-iX- well. The bride's travelling suit as a bi-'.wn tweed effect witli trimmiiiip, ami hit ti> match Farm For Sale or Rent HH) *cre in the 7th concession, loi 31, Artemisia, about (!'> rods from school, !>us'omo", and store. On the (.impel 'y is :i l.'i{ hi. use and noml b;irn. two wells and a g'-id spi iu^ ; about T."> .'icre- I ducks- where ihe noUo will BM>t disturb Will rent if i"-t s .1.1 Apply to |*oe-loying citixen.t i 1>. WHII'Fi. Knvk Mil! Pftrm te Rnt 150 acreft, '!! cleared. Apply t, . \V. .1. Bellamy ,.r Mi. James J.iu:ies<.n, Fle-hertoi'. Purebied I.eice-ter rain laiuU *nd shearlinss for sa!e mi l.-r 4."i. eon. -, Mel.uicthon. Box li. Dundalk Telephuie in house. J. H.Nichi.lU.Prpp. I havo .VMi winter fruit tre*.- whii;li I will sell at lOc oacli t.> ^et lid of them tl.is fall. ,n I have sold my property. E. A (Jr-ilmni. MISCELLANHOIS Wanted A eoutpictor to cJt two hun- dred curds 'i' IIHTO <>f four f. -i>t w..cil -n^i a i|Uantity < f shi.it wood, also man and te mi to deliver wood at .Smiueen Junc- tion. Apply at GeOJue Watsuli's lesi- deuce, Fbsheitiin. Firm wautini ti- rent i.r shares. Apply to Jiues erton P. o. H i'uld take mi pp. Flet.li- For Sale -The undersign* >1 otters for a'e three lots in the village "t Oyl'>n,oil which :ire erected a gcod one md a half flame dwelling. !< rooms, i'h sfune cellar, and a ^...n ; . frauid > i ', - This will make an excpllent home for liny persnii. Terms easy, price right. Apply to .):. Ashdowu, Owen Sound, or W. J. I'-'lUn.v. Flesheiton. FARM FOR SALE Lul H'. Con . Ii, l >sprcy. '.<S acreo : u-nul sii^-iv bush : a iiinninsj stream mi lck ..r s-irm, the re>t a' tlu- luidiii goodbtte of cultivation : ban; with -'.one fiui;ii<- ticu and stabli!'a ; w.iter utnlei Cur slock; pi. wer wheel fur nrindin uraiu : dwell- ing house, brick did. '2\ storit-s. ! n'oiiis and attic, with modern ci'iivenience-* : bath rouin with i-old and hot water, s.-ft water supplied : w:li ri'oiu wi'h cold and hutMift w.iter alsu cola lru iter supplied frmii well : furnace : Veraiii'nh ami balcony ; i!M.d wi-11 well with wind mill: telephone: about tiv* miiiu-.M walk tu schoul, Presbyterian. Meth.nii-r and English churches, store and |..'<t- ottice and 1>1 icksmith sliof.. Apply "n iiroiuise*. w.a. \VRK;HT. Maxwoll p. . ST AY ED From th.- premises i-f the uudersiuned. twn two-year-old cattle sreer aiv.l heifer l>otu rvd wi-h wliite spct-. The he fer hud three hog rums in one ear ai.d the steer two in one ear. Finder will he re- ! warded. -JAMES MOOKE. Singhmiip<oii. Out. R. D. Mcldrum. m mi i:e liceis s. P.irtlaw. issuer f -A gold locket. Uetwei u Xi'i-tuan Hindlo's and Dr. Hyckiiun's. Maxwell, on Oct.'Jth. Will the finder please leave ar N mi. in H'.n.t'r - Maxwell, or Mrs. Will P.K.le, I.dy B*nk p. o. Lost On Oct. 8, -it Fevershnm. $IW. A suitable reward will be uivri, f..r its return. Leave at Eli Robinson's store. Hodason, Feversh-nn ji.u. PROPER1Y N)R SALE II IK.' with two It- iii i tnui acres, p.trk lois in Ftesherti'ii f,n- 'e. r.oud fruie hi>UHf, s'alile. fruit, etc. Al?<> one 4-year-old eeueral purpose uriro, broke t... single IT d'Mib e. Ajiplv i \\'m. Ueul, Fleherti>n, for pwtwuhuifc Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ortiee aiul Ui-^idenco- 4iW. <t(h Sf. Kast, Owen Siiitnd, On;. Ho ' ti. 12 a.i , l.:H. p.m. 7 t>. S p.m. Other hmu* by t|.['ii uttnoiit Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors We. Aim to Give EutireS.vtisfsction LAl'XDRY Basket leave* Tuesday niisht, delivery Fiulay eveui-ii;. Omega is Coming All the Way From Switzerland CLF.AN1SG andDVElSi;-- We are ! ; gents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes i cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated, i T. FISHER. - - PROPRIETOR ' H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable TailormiS Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --Also A line of Keailv-MaJc Clothing \Vliioh wi 1 put ^ltcrAHon> iu fu-t* i it ie<|Uired. The fruit season is now about over and we have had an enormous sale this season. We are still selling- Grapes at 20c per basket. Oranges, Lemons and staple fruits always on hand in their season. Kivsh Groceries at reasonable prices our staple. Also Flour in M-veral bmn<i.s to Miir all tast-.'S and several branns n> and pockets. Cbe Flesberton 6rocer W. L, Wright, Grocer, Fesherton