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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1912, p. 2

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A GOOD HABIT Te wljjen you *vre tired, particularly if it's UPTON'S TEA Goes farthest for the money CHINESE LAUNDRIES. Manchester Sees Them Increasing Rapidly. Manchester, England, is about to take measures to bring about hot- ter hygienic conditions amongst the Chinese laundries, eo many of which have lately been established in the citv. The Manchester correspon- dent of the Lancet suys : "It ap- pears that the number of small Chi- nese laundries conducted by China- men has increased at an astonish- ing rate, and at present about 40 are established within the city aroa. On the advice of tha medical officer of Health, the sanitary committee has now decided to issue special no- tices hi Chinese character* warning against spitting on the premises, and pointing out that penalties will 1 be imposed for any offence in that direction. There is a prevalent : belief but whether baod <"" fact or not, it is difficult to a.i/ -that spitting ia very prevalent in some Chinese establishments, and that this act is not confined to spitting on the floor. Spitting is said to be a part of the process in some laun- dering businesses, as in the ironing ! process it is stated that the opera- I tor expectorates freely on the arti- I clea which are being dealt with, and | that a* an aid to tho sustained se- I cretion of saliva chewing gum is ! largely practised by the laundry men. 5{pRONounceo EASY)*-* USPENDELRO BROWN'S WRITE H WRITE FOR FOR CATALOGUE fiAQENCY | : BRO'iYfTS NURSERIES. WELLAND COUNTY, ONT. Now is the Time to Thin^ About your Maple Syrup Business Consul! any of your neighbors whe have used the "Champion" Evapor- ator. Thav <vi!l tetl you to install bolore th KIIUW is on the ground. Coets no more to buy now than in Marrh \Vrile for free booklet. THE CRIMM MFC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., MONTREAL. QUE. YOUR HAIttS NUMBERED! Mcdioil Fns Boon Dvised For Planting Scalps. Dr. Sr/efcely Ferncz ha* dvied a mthod of implanting hair into the scalps of bakl-hp.adxl persons. In carrying out the process th scalp is first carefully cleansed and anesthetized with a solution of vovocaino. Th operator uses a number of small hook. mad of gold wir, and In the eyelet of each hook a doubly folded hair is insert- <d. TTi hook is then pushed into the ecalp with the aid of a Pravatz needle, of which from 300 to 400 are in readiness all prepared with hook and hair, and, of course, thorough- ly Bterilized beforo use. When the needle has been pushed into the ncalp it is turned at a right angle and then puUd out, leaving the hair under the skin fastened by the outstanding end of the book. As at one sitting not more than from 300 to 400 hairs can be implanted, a full head of require* from twenty- five to forty sittings, assuming that from 10,000 to 20,000 hairu will cover a h<?ad. Dr. Szekely ia some- times able to apply the treatment every alternate day. If there is an inflammation around a hair this is pulled out and the inflammation promptly ceases. Oil was used for burning in lamps *o far hack as the twentieth cen- tury before Christ. At the tender ago of three, rnaa- oulin conceit hod gripped that mall boy with a relentless clutch. Be had kissed a littla girl of three, rid she was nibbing her lips vigor- ously. "You mustn't do that again," said tho boy's mother, "She doesn't liko it. Just see how hard sLfi is trying to rub your kiss off." "Oh, no she ain't," said tha boy, "she's rubbin' it in." It is Criminal to Neglect the Skin and Hair THINK of the suffering entailed by neglected skin troul >les mental because of disfiguration, physical be- cause of puin. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essential to happiness nnd even suc- cess in life, arc often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effec- tive remedial agents. Cuti- cura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment do so much for poor complexions, r e d, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi- nal not to use them. Although Cuticura Soap nnd Oint- ment art; old by druffgita and dealers everywhere. A postal to "Cutioura," pept. M, Boiton. U.S. A., will Knrure a sainplf of each, . with 32-paga . ,11 Hkhi ui ,.l Butlp Troaliucut. MOTHERS RECOMMEND BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers having once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones will always be found using them aa long as there is a baby in the home. The. Tablets are acknowledged by thousands of mothers as being their best friend in kcoping the lit- tle ones well. Whether it be con- stipation, colic, indigestion or worms ; whether baby is suffering from cold or has simple fever, or whether his teething is difficult, the Tablets are the one safe remedy which will speedily cure him. They are guaranteed by a government analyst to contain not one particle of harmful drug and may be given with benefit to tho new-born babo or growing child. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. True. Romantic Husband Ah, how I'd like to be back again on the old farm. Prosaic Wife Huh ! But I notice you had no desire to be back until you knew tho harvest work was done. Cur* For Consumption.- For oononmp- U' n. weak luiurn, lingering* ooiurhp, lnryn- ritla and bronmiitii. Names nnd addrpne^f of thoi* only given n iw dayi to live by ti>oiallt and doctors, after taking thin euro are alive and wnll. will be lent on rcqueot. \Vrilo Wm. H. Oopeland, 611 Pap* Av., Toronto, out. Far Bettor. Miss Waflce "George said I was the best singer he ovor saw." Mrs. Hilt "Wouldn't you rather be the best singer he ever heard 1" Mlnard't Liniment Cunt Colds, Ac. Mutual deception is a popular game during courtship. The following conversation once took place between two Quakers : "Martha, does thee love me1" ask- ed a Quaker youth of one at whose shrine his heart'* holiest feelings had been offered up. "Why, Beth," answered tihe, "we are commanded to love one another, are wo not?" "Ah, MnrlliH, luit dons thee regard me with the feeling the world calls Wo?" "I hardly know what to toll thee, Both. I havo greatly feared that my heart is an erring one. I have tried to bestow my love on all, but I may have eoine times thought perhaps that then wae getting rather more than thy nharo." Mlnard't Liniment Curii Dlittmptr. WEAK STOMACHS Ne-d New, Rich Blood to Restore Them to a Healthy Condition. Actually in need of food to nour- ish the body and yet afraid to eat | because of the racking pains that follow. That is the condition of the . sufferer from indigestion a choice | between starvation or merciless torture. The urgent need of all dyspep- tics, of everybody whose organs of digestion have become unfit to per- form their important duty, is for stronger stomachs that can extract nourishment from food. Br. Wil- liams' Pink Pills giv weak eto- machs just the strength they need by enriching the blood supply, thus giviug tono and strength to the stomach and its nerves, and enab- ling it to do the work nature in- tended it to do. Thousands of cases of indigestion have ben cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, of which the following is but one hutanoe. Miss L. A. Brown, Port Albert, Ont., says: "For a number of years I was a terrible sufferer from indigestion, and as a result I became completely run down, and suffered from backaches and nerv- ous troubles as well. I had to force myself to eat, but never enjoyed a meal owing to the awful pains that followed eating. Life was becom- ing a burden, and as medicine after medicine failed to help me I felt I was doomed to go through life a constant sufferer. Finally a mar- ried ister strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have reason to be thankful that I followed her advioe, as they have fully restored my health, and I can now enjoy all kinds of food with- out the least discomfort, and rny friend* say I am looking better than I have done for years. At all events I know I feel like a new per- son, so shall always praise Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills.'" Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxe for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. REISDEER FOR CANADA. Experiment Suwwwful In Northern Districts. Shortly before Earl Grey left Canada on his return to England he suggested the establishment of a herd of reindeer in the northern parts of western Canada. Earl Orey had always taken a deep in- terest in the work of Dr. Qrenrell on the Labrador coast and in north- ern Newfoundland, mindful of the great boon the reindeer has been to the poplo ther in furnishing transportation, meat and milk. Last year tb forestry branch of the De- partment of (he Interior at Ottawa purchased fifty reindeer from Dr. Orenfell and ehipped them into the Qr*at Slav* Lake district. Now that xperienc* has shown that the deer can be shipped with a fair de- gree of suooess and that the animals can quickly adapt themselves to the climatic and other conditions of the remote parts of the north-west, the hard will be increased by other large shipment*. There- is now no doubt that the reindeer will b a hoon to these northern districts. The policy which the United States Government is following in Alaska might be laid down in Canada. The plan followed in Ala-ska is that any responsible man who wishes to es- tablish a herd of reindeer for him- self may do so by making applica- tion to the Government for as many as he can feed and care for. Ho is givon over twenty or thirty animals, aa the caws may be, and at the end of a certain period three or five years, a agrtyid upon he muet re- turn tha tame number to the Gov- ernment, and keep for himself all th surplus stock bred and raised from the herd during the allotted term. London Glob*. , afr Tho Strongest Argument. \ He What, in your opinion, is the strongeet argument in favor of wom-an suffrage. Clever Suffragist The mental calibre of the women who oppose it. Love and reason are seldom chums. Ike Pilsin is authority for the statement that if the fellows who bragged that their words were as good as their bonds paid him what they owed he'd be able to keep his word oftoncr. NOT MUCH LARGE TIMBER; But Much Pulpwood Found In Lac Labiche Region. The Forestry Branch of the De- partment of the Interior has had a number of parties out during the past season continuing the exami- nation of the unexplored districts to find out tho supply ol timber on Dominion Lands and determine the lands which should be reserved per- manently for timber purposes. These parties are generally in charge of graduates of the Forer.t School of the University of Toron- to. The work for the season is al- most completed and the parties are now returning from the field. Two of the parties have already re- ported. Mr. 8. H. Clark examined during the past season the district lying north of Lao Labiche and east of the Ath'abaska River 'n Northern Alborta, which is along the route which was proposed for the Alberta Great Waterways Railway. The e*son was wet, and, as the district was found to be covered largely N by muskeg, the examination of it was difficult. The muskegs wore almost impassable, and the few trails^tha-t were found are in poor condition. In epite of the condition of the trails quite a large number of peo- ple were going in to Fort McMur- ray to locate. It had been reported that there was considerable large timber north of Lac Labiche, but the examina- tion brought out the fact, which has too frequentlv been the case, that the quantity of large timber is small and only in a few scattered areas. There is, however, a large quan- tity of immature spruce and jack pino, which needs only protection from fire to be a valuable crop for pulpwood or lumber. The land is generally covered with muskeg, and the soil, nowhere first-clas, be- come* lighter and sandy towards the east, wh^ro it consists of sandy jack pine ridges with muskeg be- tween. The undrained muskesrs make the timber growth slow, but the whole district is more suited for timber than for agriculture. III). I. ISSUE 45 '12 And Toot it From a Motor Car. "If you were on the horns of a dilemma between a nice poor young man or a horrid old rich man, which would you take ?" "I'd take the horn of plenty." A drnirrlet can obtain an imitation of MI.NARD'8 LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low prioe, and have It labeled hie own product. This creasy Imitation Is the poor-eat on* wo have yt *'n at the many that arrry Tom. Dick and Harry has tried to intro- duce. Aik for IIINARD'S and yon will get it. Not a Permanent Return. "I see your married daughter is iio no again 1" "Yes, but only for a visit, my dear, onljr for a visit." Mlnard't Llfilmnt Cures Diphtheria. Vegetable Battery. Scientist* tell us that there has been discovered in the forests of India a strange plant which pos- sesses in a very high degree aston- ishing electric and magnetic pow- er. The hand that breaks a leaf from it receives instantly a shock equal to that which is produced by the conductor of an >m)uctive coil. At a distance of six metres a mag- netic needle is affected by it. The energy of this singular force varies, but in times of storms ks intensity increases in striking proportion. One never by any chance sees a bird or an insect light on an electric plant; nature seems to warn them that they would find their death. Bad Blood ii the direct and inevitable result of Irrejutar or constipated boweU and clojucpil-up kidney* and akin. The unJicetrd food and other waste mat- ter which ii allowed to accumulata poisons the blood and the whole ystfm. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills ct directly on the bowels, regulating them on the kidneys, giving them ea*e and strength to properly filter the blood and on the skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood nd good health take Dr. Morse's Indian R.oot PUls avr TJ i it- ORBOSGTB Protect - Prnaarva Beautify Sample* and Booklets on Application JAME8 LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 18741 Bkthumt Street TORONTO Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With Maypol* Soap thrie ii no double and no rmm in home dynng. Dyet cotton, vrool, ilk o> mixtuta. 24 colon-will give any hade. Colon lOc. Black 1 5c--at youi dealei't or poitpaid with booklet "How to Dye" fram F, L. BENEDICT 108 & CO, Montreal Stckhadch* neuralgic headaches splitting, blinding headaches all vanish when you tak* Na-Dru-Co Headache Wafers They do not oonuln phenacetln, ftcetanllld, morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug. 25o. a box at your Druggist's. 123 NATIONAL Duua . CMIMICAI.CO .orC*OA. Lmrrce. Children Should Have Good Light for Studying A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may last for life. An oil lamp is best The light from the Rayo Lamp is soft and mellow. You can read or work under it for hours without hurting your eyes. The RAYO i* constructed scientifically. It I* th best lamp made yet inexpensive tad economical. The TF^ ^ I nmn m " de of iolid brass nickel plated. " JUanipa Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made in varioua tyles and for all purposea. D*al*r* Eiifrywhtn THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Un TORONTO. _. ST. JOHN tOMPLETtCANDY STORE OV8 AND CIHLS. OWN A nil >laMnt Ware U the craatMt non7 IB** 1 "* la to day Mlllarf Lb aaest oandlM 19 all you Eaah of laM wonderful toree eoatA'.a. a ?amplt stock of An* Cbocolatca. Uca- "ons, Buttvr Bootcb. I-os.-n.. . c., all In i i > (lac* jw ud metal otnJy ea*v, ta *-n M la aaj bl* o*ndy MM W *!*0 provide * in* ccaatar wiita drawcn for itoek. ta m*ntfioat tw4 of c ixdr o&:< >a * a*aT. rMaplM* with wttigbU *a4 j tfjcm, Hn Ml of brUl- 1 n-t-vi ooa* to aarva the ctndjr wttk, a ilaok ol Bon tHjfi ">, and / *( aad fact -; / mauaMty * -n n 1 r dor* tauttncaa AM b* thfawoa Irrfnl of . < li<- and .- T, OtUnn, CANDY STORE OP YOUR OWN. l*latf uttt **cr*4 *ad 7011 e.n i It U aM etaot Me! Ot tl* b'l Oh r*K*eia r. costing Sinoooraoh andrt*ca npeverr aalamaae II Ii mat p'-tcwid la lixlt. BOTB and ftole. gat thle Oan4r Btorfl and oa wtn be) tha OUT? of *U Ta* frlanda. We will giy 11 loToacoia* pUte wl'li tha eletfont caeh rrtfUtar and all. U you wUl Mil aiauag your frind.unly 30 bottl*o( our.leil.htltil Roral Japaiuaa Parfuta** at oolf 10O. *. h. Tlttr oom* la ttx lovclr odor* Whlta UMIJ, CamatlOD, Lily of th Tallar. HelioLropo. Wood Violet and Jookey Clab. pot ay In flno !iU4 bqtlla with boaaUrul cold floral ubalj. XT^rybodr want* thlA lorelj aarriuaa a& ontj Ko. a It aulla Uka hot ca&*M. :aa prfuv fa aar- W tract TOO wtfa ouxmw.r. ou!r S3.OO, anJUM (MTHJ u*o-lr itora, xaatlr a> i] iu-r,--. r .1 htxj '.. coh r;.-- and ail, will ba aant lo roil ABSOLUTELY FREE. Thi ! a wonderful oS.r to brlilit borl and (Ills. Bv the flrii La your aalaaaorhuoU to let tlUA wuadartal aUra. Addreai. NATIONAL PRODUCTS, LIMITED Dept. O. S0. TORONTO, CANADA. B*nA and It :k II. Waamael*. rMa MALE HELP WANTED. T0 * 100 MO.VTHLY WAITING for yonnt men a> Telegrapbri nd .Station Aron'n nftar six months' at- tendance bore. Advancement rapid. Day and Mail Coumos. Write for free txx>k 18. Dominion 8cllnl Ra ilroaaine. TorontQ. MISCFLLANEOUS CAM KK. VDMOR8. UIM-H .to. In ternal and exteraal. cure,! wi*1iot pain by oar kotn* tratmnt. Writ* before ton lute Dr. Bellraao Ililieml Co. . OlMrood. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborn* Str.aft Toronto. HCSDRED ACRES-COUNTY HAIiTO.Vl Oond Houso; Buildlncn Orchard. Cheap aad pa a<y tarmg. . LEARN SILVER PLATINO PARTU'D- Inra free. Bpeoialtiea Agency. Box 1836. Winnipeg. ^ FEATHER DYEING CUauing and Cnrltac and KM OIOTM cUan*4 Ta oaa be lent br pott, Ic per 01. The belt place ii BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Cft MO.HTUK.tL. NEW FOREST RESERVE. In 1'i-iiicc \llii-rt Dis- trict, in Saskatchewan. The Forestry Branch of the De- partment of the Interior has again, during the past summer, had par- ties out examining the timber on pome of the regions still in the hands of the Dominion Govern- ment, with a view to reserving from se-t/tleanent lands more suitable for forest growth than for farming. Some of these parties have finished the work_ assigned them and have made their reports. Mr. 0. H. Morse made an exami- nation of a district north-west from Prince Albert lying between the Shfllbrook hra,nch of the Canadian Northern Railway (on tho west) and the third Dominion meridian (longi- tude 106 degrees), and recommends that the tract between the meridian on the and the Sturgeon River on the wost should be made, a forest reserve. This land is not pure sand, but has some stretches of sand among lands of better quality ; none of it, however, can bo classed as good agricultural land. At the. present time this tract carries, in places, ft good stand of spruce, as gtuxl a stand n* will be found any- where in the country. The rcpro dnction of the forest is good, and this should make one of the most v.iluablo forest tracts in the west. The rate of growth is good. As it is calculated that I he present stand of timber, which is hold under li <vnse, will bo cut out in ten years. it will be K/Tii that the necessity for looking for a future supply is close at hand. The tract lying between the rail- way and Sturgoi'ii River was found to be of good agricultural quality, and, as the timber is pre.tty well cut out, it was not considered ne- cessary to recommend any further reservation beyond the time re- quired for the removal of the pre- sent stand. n _ a, _ It takpfl a truly great man to con- vince other people that he ia groat. Mlnard'i Liniment Cure* Garget in Cow*. SKVENTT-fX ACR1W WITH GOOD buildingg and apl* orchard: about flTf milri from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSOM, Teronto. O<> ACRES FIVB MILES FROM LOX, *' nt don market, loll *lay loam, twa acreu orchard, frame houoe, bank barn. Will vichan( for oity, town or riling** property, or for larger farm. The Wet/- ern Real Eitat. London. Ont. Neglected Duty. "She blushed for shame." "Why?" "When someone questioned her I the other night she had to admit | that her children had kept her so busy rshe hadn't had time to read* j the latest novel." Cold-Sores Are your hands chapped, cracked ot sore? Have you " cold cracks" 1 which open and bleed when the skin ia drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times makes it agony for you to go about your household duties ? If so, Zatn-Buk will give you relief, and will heal the frost-damaged | skin. 'Anoint the eore places at nigtu, Zam-Buk's rich healing essences will J sink into the wounds, end the smart- j ing, and will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellon, of Portland, says : "M/ hands were ao Bora ami crax'kud that itj was agoixy to put them near water.) Whu I did so they would smart an<f burn an if I had scalded them. 1 aeeme quite unable to gb rcliof fiom anything I put on thmn until I tried Z.uii-liukj and U succeeded whu all sine failed. It cliraed the big cracks, ga/vj me ease, soothed tk* inflammation, ana in a very short tia ht><vled my hands, j 2am- Bui otto curet oha/lnf, rasJut, wintt ee&ma, i>iiet, ulfert, ftttrt*\g goree, tort MO* ami 6aa*<r, alatttiei, pimplei, ritig-irarm, tt euti, tittrnt, bruiut, icaM, prai'n. Of drvggiiti mid itcrtt, or post free from (M Z B'tk Co., Toronto. Prwi lOe a 60*.

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