- - t . - ..--..-. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PBIflCJPLEb NOT VOL 32, NO is Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, November 7 191 -J W, B. TE CUSTOM KDITUR cci PHOPIIIETO Feversham Items Of late we have not iiuticed^any corres- pondence fru.ii Maxwe'.l. \Ve therefore take the liberty Dt hidduie welcome to I>r. arxl JMis. A. K. Ros/ell of that village, more so, b;cauie lio understand that only a short tiines^i they entered into an agreement tif J life paxtaeubip. We utlVr congratulations and wish the young Dr. ihe be*t of success in his choferi profession, :md tilt younu couple a happy and prosperous j.wvney through life. Mrs. Robett Brown, ST., of this village, <Le<i n .Sunday last, after :i lingerii)^ illness of several months, from dropsy. More particulars next wi,. Miss Vernn Mullen <if(Jl<piet, Minn., U. S., is visiting her cousin, Sadie Pelch, at present. Mr. Will Brackenliiry has returned from i li West. Mr. Alex. Mullen of Toroii r .o, has re- turned home, after ^pending a week with Mr. ami Mrs. John Ottewel of Lady Bank. Mr. .Ja>. mil-well is improving nicely, jai. had IK uiiu.-j ;_ ' operntion for appendicitis Us' week, but is out of il.u !_;!- i,..w, we imdersund. Hatherton Mr. .in 1 Mrs. John Lougheed and u.;.s;l.! i. \ i, ,'|" n'_ Sunday with the fanner's brother, .JTif, near Siiiyhamp- ton. Mrs. .lames Gordon *pent Thanks- giving with friends in Toronto. MiK CruHtlier spent the holidays in Toronto. The ^l:.vse.s Alice nd Itrrtlut N\ inters, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with theii b.'other Jaiuei, alru> Mr. and Mm. Uobt. Seelry, JiUjrner, au<l Miss Wright and \Viliinl Henry, KleNlieiton. Mr. \Vldoiikiid little daughter, lint h, ofToronto, weie tlt guest s of Mr. and Mm. <. McMixtrr. over Thanksgiving. Mi>.- Maud Black, 'ollinj;wojl, spent the holidays tt the parental home. Mi*n "Crowther =nd Mr. and Mn. Down attended the Morrison Wilty wedding last week. Mr. and Mrs. t'ainenni of Kohruy, v 'ri ; with the former's cousin, Mr. .). 8' Winters. H-ii . -M West, Charlie UroJi-j and Win. 11 )'. Maxwell, ~|..'iii Sunday with A '.'. Down and attended Snndiiy Ijdi'MjI. Mi-. S. 1'nll.n i.i.l daughter. Lulu, and Mr . \V. J. Ch-ird and little son Clarence, of Portia w, spent Sunday with Mr. *n<! Mrs. Down, also Mr. and Mr. i\ G. Karslrdt and children -if Klesher- tou. Miss Elsie Uuy, South line, spent a few day* with her sister, Mrs. A. How, last week. Mr. ..! Mn. (jeorge Lnughecd, spent Sunday wilh his brother, Mr. John Longheed, recently. Mr. mid Mi--. I >. mi attended ihe funeral >f her sister- iti-law, Mrs. J. K. Fawcett, Kimberley, unOcl. --. We are lurry to learn of the illness of Mr. Howard Uordon of West Toronto, but hope soon to I" i of hit recovery. Mr. .John Arnoit's house had .1 narrow cocnpe trooi bemi; burned last Friday. The pipe, by some means, came out of the chimney. A stand stood directly under it with pHprra on it, which became ignited, and two ipjilts on .1 bed near by and some clothing in a box was burned. Luckily the threshing machine was at work in his barn anil help w*s ijuickly ut hand and succeeded inputting the lire out before any great clamnye was done. The Mi.' Karstedt and T<<>Dg, ac- compaaietl by Messrs. George MeTavish, Fred and Harold Karstedt, Fleafaerton, Bncnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Down. East Back Line Intended fur Last Week Thrcshinsps nearly finished on this Jinj, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shortill and fan;, ily, of MatWile, and Mrs. J. Shortill of Erin, e^cnt Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr*. Vrice Teeter. Miss Kttie Lever has returned to To- ronto f tr spending the holidays "at hr paiental home. Born -To Mr. anxi M. Mw-tirt Teeter OB Oct. 23, a o.iv. Kimberley Budget Fall ploughing Is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. N. '. Hewsoiiof He-ith- cote, visited t Mrs. John Starl'ord sr., one day last week. Messrs. Kubt., Jasper and Charley Stuart, accompanied by Mr. Kobt. Mc- Mnlli-'ii and Alex. Carruthera, left last week on the hunters excursion to I'arry S?und district. They will no doubt bring back some tine specimens of the an tiered beaury. Mr. John Tuylor f llocklyn, viaitud at Mr. .Li-". I. .n i. in r on Sunday last. Mr. McC-innell of Epping was a ualler in our burg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Hut/cliinsuu at- tended the wedd'ng of their friend, Mis.-' Acheson, to Mr. Rodman >{ Harkaw ty, one day la.st week. Another one it Euphrasia's old pioneers passed away, in the person of Mrs. Kdward liurritt, who died on Tues- day, Oot. 'JO, in her T"tl> year. Inter- ment look place tu the union cemetery, Thonibury, on Thursday last. Mr. .uid Mrs. Richard Howell nf Detroit, Mich., are vMitinu; friends in this vicinity at present. Mrs. Oeo. Stuart .if Fleshert'm, was a caller in mir burg one dny last week. Mrs. Jus. McOulloiigh is risiting her sister in St. Vincent, wlio is ill at present. Itev. 8. Trotter conducted the sacra- mental services in the Methodist church on Sunday inornint! lat. Mr. ami Mrs. Ashley McCalluni of Vancouver, B. .'., visited the former's sifter. Mm. Js. M. Fawcett, during the past week. Mr. \Via. McOlun^ was breaking in a yoke of oxen the past wi?ek. Hill says he IIMII'I lid to apply the whip yet and they will go along as good .is any old yoke. "Now buys, I am telling you," look out for some hi-; logs pulled this mrcr. When it ci>iues to breaking in ' x>'ii, Itilly is in a class by himself. Mus Lena S. .nl of Duiu-anis visiting at, Mr. B. C.-irruthers', durini; the p.tst week Toronto Line North With th exception of the clover, .ill the threnliinu is accomplished in this vi- cinity for this year. Ploughing is prMgressin^. Mi<. ('harlun Stuwari and little .laugh- ter, Uetsie, have returned home after an extended visit with friends in Foiest. Mr. T. Bell, accompanied by his dang li- ter, Mrs. Davidson, and babe, of U'est Toronto, visi(ed the former's brother in- law, Mr. Roderick McKen/.ie, this week. Some empty-heads in this vicinity are sticking up posters on thc-ir neigh) <>rs gate post, advertising the chickenpox. Nothing smart about thai, eh Portlaw. Miss Ilia Lyons has gone to Toronto fr some lime. Mr. and Mr.s. Keniicy of Durliaoi, .spent Thanksgiving with Mr, ami Mrs. U. Badgerow of the fourth line. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Graham and little daughter, Helen, and Mrs. Geo. Graham of Eugenia, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Badgerow. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowser, Onpers- ville, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. II Hobnail. Mrs. Dorwin Davidson and son, (iordoi, ofToronto, are visiting with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. U. McKenaie. Mrs. Mdncosh and daughter, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. W. JA. Morton. Quarterly communion services will be '.>beryed. next Sunday in Mount, /ion church, Bom To Mr. and Mrs. David Hlakey, a daughter. Victoria Corners Mrs. Wm. Patton >vhu hiW been on the sick list, w iniprovm. Mrs. JIM> Hesl is'<|uite ill. Mrs. Wrn . Heard gave a ipjilling and fowl sup^W on hallowe'en tr> some of her Eugenia Paragraphs Too Late for Last Week The annual fowl supper and entertain- ment held in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening was a great success. The basement, was comfortably ar'-anged for the lea, which all enjoyed, as the ladies- had provided a goodly .supply of fowl for the occasion, and the young people of the congregation served the guests. The program commenced at H..'!0, Rev. Fow- lie in the chair. Mr. Fowlie also gave a tint address on his trip to Knglaud. Thu choir g;ive some fine selections ijuite ap- propri:ite for the Harvest Home occa- sion. Thi; Ceylon string band, assisted by Mrs. Buskin of Flesherton, gave some tine iiixtrumenlals. There was a duet by Marjorie Park and Neah Williams, and H solo by 4 Ihe Williams. Mr. Alex. 0r- ruthers and fmir children gave some mouth oraan instrumentals which were highly appreciated, also i|iinrtct.s and rec- itations. Miss Leone Pedlar gave .1 leni'thy recitation. The proceeds amount- ed t) T.V.")0. Mist* Florenca Parluinenl .,f Maxwell jpeilt tbe past week with her friend, Mi*- A Hie Williams. Mr. Henry Feiiwick and son, Tjin, have returned from iheir visit with the former'* daughter, Mrs. K. Le4; ilr d, ;i , t he Wesi . Mr. Allan Coi/ey of Tuiimto and .John Little visited friends here the past week. Mr. .J. H. Paike and family have moved to Uornoch. Mr. and Mrs. Kernaghan uf Toronto are guests of Mr. .1. H, Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Hillock of Maxwell spent Sunday wilh friends at Eugenia. Messrs, Wen. Jamieson ofToronto and Will Jamiexiin of Pcrtlaw, and Mr. and .Mrs. Watson .if Proton, were guests of Mr. anil Mr.s. Mc.Vlaster on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Misses Kit* l.aliinei and Virgie Me- Mullen of WodehoiMp, and M. McMui len of \Vodeh, nise, Messrs. Herb. Fisher and Ueorge Williams uf Toronto, and It. McMullen, Albert Williams, Wesley Cuoey, Wihiter Turner and Jack Camp- hell from Me.iforu :ill came home In spend Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Maggie Johnston of Griersvillc i visiting with Mrs. Len. Latimer. This Week's Items Mr. .in, I Mrs. Jwrry Thoiii|wn of Flesherton visited Sunday at Mr. Joseph Williams'. Mr. MoLaugMiii ami sun, Hugh, of Priceville, were the guests of the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. 11. Park, this week. Mr. Win. Smith of Buffalo is visiting at present with his brother, Adam Smith. Wedding bells nr-s ringing. When this paper is distributed Mr. and Mis. Lewis lieiioe will have settled in Rugonia. .Mrs. Teeter of Vandeleur spent a few days at the parental home h-ir Mr. K. Smith and daughter, Mis. Mimtlmw, visited the past, few days with friends lit Yandeleur. Rev. Mr. Muir. H missionary, wll conduct service in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and likely will 'remain for the coming year, as pastor ' if the congregation. Miss Duckott is very poorly al present. Mrs. \Voodliiirii is still eoiil'iied to the house with a >evure cold. Mr. Wesley ArmsiioiiK is laid up it present with pneumonia and under the Dr's fire. Mrs. James Magoe, M li line, is laid up the past week with lumbago. Mr. Kllis attended a masuurail party at Mr. M. Wilson's, Flesherton, on Hallowe'en. Mr. Wesley Coney i.s attending to Mr. Mnnshiiw's business, while he is away hunting. The regular monthly meeting of the >. W. I. will be held at the p'ir.sonagu at 2,.'!0 o'clock on Thursday, Noveml tir 7th, Pajiei-s will be given by >lr- Len Burned to Death Near Chatsworth Owen Sound, Oct. :1. Mrs. Charles Tubbitt of Berkeley, near Chatiworth, was yesterday removed to the General and Marine HoKpiirfl here, siifl'eiing from terrible bums, the result of a vain but heroic attempt to rescue lur seven- months, old child from a burning house. Mrs. Telibilt left bur baby alone in Uie cradle in the kitchen of her home and went out to the barn to do the evening milking. She was in the barn less than an hour, and when she cam* out saw smoke and ll.uu.-s inning from the house. Her tii-it thought, was for her little oi:e, and, with the mother's instinct, blind tj her peril, she lushetl to the kitchen and threw open the dour to tind tlm room a mass of rUine. Inti/this she plunged in nn attempt to gut ilu; baby out of tlia cradle that she knew was in i In- IHIM-I of the riif. She was untUCCMatui, and before she could regain the open air her clothing hiid been Ltirned almost eniirely on her Soine neighbors reached her, and medical ail wasar onc(> called. Her condition is critical, and in ill hopes for h-r recovery are enteriainud. The remains of the little chi!d witre not re- covered. .Mr*. Tehbit is a dnuijlitur of the late John Murray, i-x-C, iimcillor of Hollaii'l t> Hii-bip. The Late Mrs. Fawcett Death once more called one of our number tiom us on Oct. HI, in the person of Mis-. James li . Fawcett of Kiinberlcy, but it came as a relief to one who had mirt' ! 1 grtMt pain for some tiuii'. As (he nrareil the end she fell into a calm sleep and parsed peacefully away. Her maiden name was Annie Kli/.tbcth Saul bom May l!l, 18.V!, in Peel county, near Brauiut Hi, being the s-.'-oul daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. John Saul, who, with 'IT parents, moved up to dlingwood town- ship n I s;:;. taking up fanning near Heathcoti!. She way married on Jan. 17, 1877, und has resided in Kimberley coutiauously sincH ISXO. She was a kind and loving wife and mother and ever ready to sacrilice her own comforts 1 01 t hose of her loved out's. She wa* a lifttlong member of the Methodist church and leave* to mourn her loss a husband and live children four sons and one daughter Iliu'beri and Simon of Col- liijuwood, K. K. of Toronto, Mrs. J. E_ Corbett of Dundalk, and Saul at home ; two daughters, Margaret und May, beim.' deceased. Besides these remain five brothers and three sisters (ieorge, Rich- aj-d and lloliert of Toronto, John of Win- uipe^', Albi-rt of Moalhcote, Mrs. . I'tsa- cock, llumber, Mrs. (I. H. Cnukslimik snd Miss Martha Saul of Hdalhcote. At the funetnl on Tuesday, which w,is con- ducted by Kev. S. Trotter, aminMd by Ki-v . J. K. \\ilkiuson. a large iiuinl>er of sympathising friends paid their last tri- bute. The remains were interred in iln> I'ni'tn ojinetei-y, Thonibury. Guileless Walkerton Farmers S iino i/inlt'li'ss farmers around Wnlk- erton, says the Herald, who wouldn't so murh as whistle ;< psalm lime on Sunday an -aid to be putting through more smooth business on week days than a laid rendering Ut]9*0XMM factory. The Bell Teluphoiie Company claims to be the latent victim of tlusir slippery smoothness and unless there is a change in the wea- ther that bloated nu'opus threatens to beconif as shaky on its lei's as a newborn calf. < ne farmer was found using the battery of his phone on his gasoline en-, yine. The mailer has been reported to heail.|iiarlers -'ind trouble may result. Another farmer near Emiiskillen, who coi.nects will^the Walkerlon ccntril, was found to have impaired his phone l>y con- tiiniiilly shutting ort' the switch for the supposed purpose of preventing his wife from holding long-distance conversations during hi? absence. T;lie ,fOnwu in Born Nov. 1st to Mr. and Mrs. John 'Ccrrbitt, a daughter, * | 1 i 1 "---"o ' ".. --T-^--T; Lsuu.ci-.on "Apple,, their fooU value ] CiSa Mportedlrou , llc h) the Cen i ra | aud and how lopreptrn Uu-m:" "Bow to 01 BI1 inve , t | glU i 011 i^g ma de huoby's keep youns;," by Mis. P. Munshaw. Asl* . e|1ui , y WM detected lilld lhe allied business of importance is to be dlwnwwd, tlie President re(|uests a full aMendtmce of the meniliers. specialist In drccMe* ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OHfc-30 10th it. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd 'Thursday eatfh month from 8 to al 2m. t Thursday of e*ch mouth. revealed to his wife, who promised to teach him 'i lesson in etiquette that he won't toon forget. Townspeople who have been thought so wicked that ten couldn't be found to save Sodom, ure still able to If ii n a few things from the less fjJimers when it. comes to phones. Durham We A i-e picked to learn that Mrs. Donald Mcllvride is recovering from the erlt<"N of her recent railway accident, 'he WMS taken home from Vanity ,,u Fiiday hut, bin it will be some time yet b'jfore -he will be fully restored t j her usual health. We regret to learn of the ill:icss uf Mrs. J. M. Brown, who is supposed to have received a paralytic stroke some tima on Sunday or Monday last. Mrn. Brown is well up in years, and in eim- fortable circumstances. She has been living alone, and, not seeing her around, one i.f the neighbors effected an entrance to Ihe house on Monday and found her lying beside the lird. She liad evidently been there some time, and was ooii(>ciou- wht- n discovered, but unable V> help her- self very much. She fancies that she h.id been there tinea Saturday, but this is scaioely probable. Chronicle. Jninea Goldie, a poineer of (iu.-l|jli. died tliure in his eiuhty-eirhth v'ar. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. W. BUSKIN BIG VALUES IN: Flour, Feed, Grain, Honey, 5yrup,Canned Goods, Groceries, Fancy Biscuits, Confectionery and Fruit, Tobaccoes, Stock and Poultry Foods Everything Up-To-Date AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN i 0*?-'si^&i%./*f*/*^STf\S*^*tK./*i\/*X./ S?V\?^r ^FV?VV?WV/^F\/VV^F\/^P^xW^^^^7wS^*'V^'^V^J CLAYTO N'S FOR A GOOD Trunk or Suitcase and Mitts B THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Murray McQueen of Windsor had 2,oOO volts i>f electricity p.w thro(th him and is recovering, Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! SJ-BOWLERT' i52sF V BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.