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Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1912, p. 1

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i -. /tetyerijtrn TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PRIJJClPLEb HOT MEN. 32, SO 17 Flesherton, Out., Thursday, October Jlto' 1912 W. H TBDBSTON K T S FKOPHIETO Feversham Items Last week we mentioned that Mr. Jan. Ottewell was seriously iU with appendicitis and was under the cre of Dr. McFaul of Colligwcod. O'ir news item ihould have stated that Mr. Ottewell was under the ca:e of Dr. A. E. Roszcil, not Dr. McFuul. Further we are pleased to iay that he is out of danger and is proresint! i.ivorably. Mits Mae Whiteoak -A Toronto in bolrdaying at her paren-al home in this village. Thankcgivinn Day patted off very quietly in this village this year. In the evening a number of young people gather- ed ftt the Temperance hotel and tripped the light fantastic toe, until the wee sma hours of the morning. Messrs. R. Pedlar and H, Meldrum of Puitlaw with their lady friends, attended the Salvation Army meeting on Sunday evening last. Mr. Oenoe of Eugenia vi.ited at Fair- view fann last Sunday. Miis Liz/.ie Hudson of Collingwood ;s viiiting with her mother, Mrs. John Hudson sr , at present. Mr. Joseph Heron apent the holidays in Toronto. Miss L. Hale of Orangeville spent the holiday* with her brother, Fred. Muses Delia Heron and Eva Spencer are holidaying with friends in Owen Sound. Mil Ensign Plaiitt and children <( Owen Sound, have returned home, after a week's visit with Mrs. Plantt's mother. Mis. A. Heron of the eighth line. Mist Diion, our continuation school teacher, spent the holidays at her home in Brantfnrd. Mr. Fred liackenbury of the Kuphrasia telephone gang spent Sunday in our burg. Mr. Geo. Whewell has returned home from Arcula, Saskatchewan. Mr- Whewell was called home on account of their little girl. Miss Bessie and Arlte Wright of Max- well, *pnt Sunday with MMW Lillian Whewell of this village. Mis Alma Wideman and Master Klden Layman of Toronto have returned home, after spending a few days with the former's brother here. Mr. John Hudson of the suburbs jouioeyed to the yueen city hut week and with his bride, nee Miss F., re- turned home on Saturday last. The young couple will reside near this village, where Mr. Hudson owns a stood farm. We offer congratulations. Mr. Jos. Thompson and family of PortUw spent Sunday with Mr. Thmp8on's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. of the suburbs. Miss Cairie Kermihan o( Pretty Uiver Valley, spent the holiday at her parental home. Kimberley Budget Mr- John PItwes visited Collingwood friendt one day last week. Hamilton Conn of lieathcote purch- n'tieen had f cattle from Stuart Bros, on Friday lar. Walter Elliott of Markdale visited at Mr. Neil. Boyle's on Sunday. Fr*. John and Will Hammond of Meaford spent Thanktgiving at their parental Lome here. Mr. and Mi's. Tlioims Bail of Toronto accompanied by the former's mothei ,Mrs. A* Ball, also the Muses Annie and Es- ther Ma>4ee, are visiting friunds in this vicinity. Mrs. Simon Fawcett of Collini.'w.>od, who has been visiting friends in thia vi- cinity for some time, returned home on Tuesday but. Mr. Jake Williams of Eugenia was a caller in our burg Sunday l.i-i . Mr. Edward Fawcett uf Heathcote oc- cupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning latt. Miss Simpson of the public school auti' spent Thanksgiving at her parent-d home in ' ! i-ii Si'und. Mis. R. J. Stuart visited Collingwood friends a few days last week. Mr. tini Mn. J. L-ickhart of Proton, accompanied by the latter'* parent*, Mr. and Mi's. James Corbelt, motored over to Kimberley last week to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. J. R. Knwcett. Miss Elsie Plewes of Collinxwood is (pending a few daj* at her parental home here. Mr. D. L. Weber is making good pro- with his bridge contract in spite of the bad weather. Dave i* certainly H hustler. Misa .Mid. ilriu .i of Owen Sound, who ha* been visiting her friend, Miss Simp- son, the past week, returned home on Saturday last. Riverdale " Thu melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year, of wailing winds, and naked wood", and meadow* blown and sre.'' A large number from here l tended the gigantic fowl supper :tt New England on Monday evening last and report an excra good time. Mis* Olive Wiley viiited friend* at Wodehouse last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warlingof Vanduleur were callers in our burg on the first of the week. Mr. Jim Baird spent a lew days at the parental home in Thornbury lust. week. Question Why is the PriceviUe cor. like i waterwugon I Answer- Because the less there i* in it the more it rattles. Victoria Corners Your Victoria correspondent, like Rip Van Winkle, ha* just awakened from long sleep and appear* again before the public . Mrs. 1.. i. p "i' and little ron, and M Haikness, from Centreville, spent the holiday with their sister, Mrs. H. Warner. MM. Buhner of Flesherton in visiting with Mrs. Heard. Mr. Miners, Tilsonburg, and sou from Parry Sound, are visiting the former's daughter. Mrs. Steten*, and daughter- in-law, Mrs. Miners. The threshing machine has been heard In our neighborhood, but is about done working here now. Thankngmnit time is here again. How much we have to be thankful for. Des- pite the bad summer we have all a fair crop and no hurrictnes or greal wind torms have reached u* Juistioge anniTewary service* ojj gun- day werfi a great silcdess, RV. Ml', Wellwood preached an inspiring sermon in the morning, Re. Mr. Lee of Dun- dalk in the afternoon, and Kv. Mr. Campbell in the efening. The Milton Champion says the low game wtrden and two constables arretted two iiu'ii a week ago on the double cliarge Of illegally shooting on Sunday and shooting partridges which are being protected. They were eaoh tined$6.00 and $2.50 cots and H new $20 gun wan confiscated. Toronto Line North Thrething and hunting are on tap. Mr. Roderick Bell of West Toronto spent Thanksgiving wilh his uncle, Mi- Roderick McKen/.ie. Mr. and Mrs. Will Swauton visitei friends in Toronto over the holiday, Mrs. \\'in. Burnett and daughter. Miss Mary, of Flesherton, ipent Sunday witl Miss Itella Brown. M; v Mclntyre and children of th< Queen City spei>t a few days with he brother, Mr. Rob. Richardton. Some of the school children in this lo cality have chicken pox, to beware ! Meaford U " It " In the case of Johnston vs. The Geoi gian Bay Milling Company, the town o Meaford and Clark and Sons, contractors at the Assizesi n Owen Sound, judgemen was resevered, but the Geerqian !',' Milling aud Power Company was exoner ated. 'I he jury in their finding implicit ed the town of Meaford and Clark am Sous, hui ^ii n..l QO negligence on il>< Powei Co. The amouni of damkgel to be paid it $500 and the decision at to who iliould pay it as veil as the cosU waa left to Hi^ Lordship. It appears that the town of Meaford will be held respouible AH Clark and Son*, the con- tractor*, were in the town's employ at the time the accident occurred. Several knotty point* of law arose and the judge reserved his decision. Vandeleur Happenings Mrs. A. Wyville visited her hatband, who is ill in Toronto, !..-i week. Mr. John Boland returned home last week ufter i month's >journ in the Vest. C)ui'.e a number fi-on Vandeleur .S O. .rti-n Ird the district meeting at Rock- yn on Friday. Miss Lilian Mdiee is visiting friends ear R<>cklyn. Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Buchanan and laster Albert left on Wednetday fur a 11 11 il>'- vitit with friends near Lindsay. Mr. White of Proton spent Thanks iviny with his niec?, Mrs. S. (jilbert. Mr. L:mgdon uf Brock ville, who has >een visiting with Mr. J. M. Davis for mi- lime, returned homo last week. J. M. Davis has gone on a trip to iuit'ulo. Mr. and Mrs. Sm. Carson, Mr. H, truer and Miss Eva Gilbert, ..!! of 'IV- iii; i. ipent ThinktgiviiiK with the lat- er' parents, Mr. and Mr*. S. Gilliert. Mr*. Coleman aud two children of 'IV- >n;o are the Duetts of the former's sitter, Urs. Wes. Carson. Some Walkerton Cases Severn! interesting cases were tried at the Walkerton Assizes recently, re- >orted by the Heriild and Times. An action was brought by Valentine ierbricht and his wife Catherine Ger- brachtof Ayton to recover $10,0011 dam- ages from Dr. Geo Binphani,the eminent surgeon of Toronto, and Dr. Kvstmi of Ayton, for alleged negligence. The lUnii irts claimed that on June --'mi. l'-'|i>. an operation perforated by defendants on the said Catherine Ger- >r:tcht and an incision made in her back nto which was inserted a ijukiitity of absorbent cotton wrapped in gauze. The wound was alleged to have been bubse- juenlly closed mid < ijuamity of the ab- lorebent cotton left in her body. It was claimed that us a result i this she sutler- ed such intense pain and agony that she was unable to perform her household duties. < In in about June 20th, I'M 'J, Dr. Easton is alleged to have removed Prom her body some cotton and gauze which wits claimed to have been in there since i in- tint operation nearly two years before. It was further alleged that after the removal of the cotton she made rapid recovery and i* low able to attend her household duties. The plaintiffs asked 910,000 damages. The case wax settled, however, between the parties u|Kin terms mutually sitisfactory to those concerned, and I he charge of negligence was withdrawn. Uichard Acton, a tanner of Greouock, gave a stallion and Iwo promissory notes of $100 each to \Vm. Coli|uhoun of Mitchell in exchange for another stallion named "Hambury, 'which Colhoun iisiiid tohave warranted as sound. "Hambury," howevei, wac fimd to be badly diseased in the head, ;ind eventually died on Acton's hands. The latter thereupon entered suit against. Colpiihoun for $1200 damages and return of the notes for alleged breach <if warranrry. The Court j ordered Coul<{uhoun to pay plum! iff $liOO damages, return him the notes and [>ay county court costs. Portlaw. .Mr. Geo. Chapman has been seriuuly ill the past two wctks with heart trouble. Everybody hopes that h* may soon be fully restored t<j health. Mr. J. H. Watson attended the funer- al uf In* aunt at Button. Mr. Geo. Sheardown of Toronto, visit- ed with hit) brother, Mr. S. Shea>'don, last week .also Mr. McCormick of Durham visited at the same place. The service in Mount /inn church was withdrawn last Sunday on account of the anniversary service* at Inistoge. Mr. J. W. Lyons bus been in the West the past tew weeks and as a result hiis closed a deal lor an improved ,uarter section farm at Giiliert Plains, Manitoba. Mr. 11. D. Meldrum Ins rented his two huiidrrd acre farm to Mr. John Wilkinson. Mr. \V. (j. J.uiiieson lost a line Colt lst week througli Miss Annie t'undle of Toronto is visit- ing with her aunt* and uuclus of this place. Born Xo Mr. and Mm. Thomas Blakey, a daughter. Mr. S. Sheardown, jr., 1ms taken possession of the McCannel ttore at Proton, recently purchased. We wish him every huceet*. His sister. Miss Lydia, 1ms gone to assist him in the store. Mr. Wesley JamieKon spent Thanksgiving with here. The 'phone Hue ha* been extended a number of pla?es on the third line. Mrs. Heitmanand Miss Lillian Me- KIMI.-.K- who have been on the sick list, are both locovering. of Toronto, his brother to Maple Park, Osprey Very pleasant wea'her ; seem* like summer. Mr. Walter Hale and fiiend of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mis. Robert Stock. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Cmu i>*>nt Sun- day with the latter's sister at Mclntyre. Miss Margaret Hill spent a 1'ew diiys with her brother. Miss Lizzie Croft is spending a cotiplc of week* with her in jther. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H 11 >pv>nt Sunday at Markdale. Born T> Mr. and .Mrs. David Blkey i Cotton Bros, of Violet Hill delivered last week to Bates A- Skelding, cattle dealers, Sh.-lljurne, a three year old shor-horn I JU 11 ihat weighed ;>,050 Ibs. The .inhnal was bred !.y H. Gilbert of Mansfield and was puix-luued by Cotton Brothers when it ws six months old. Free I'rees. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler LESHERT ON, ONT. Ceylon has moved frr.m A. Mr, J. Ashdown's Weekly Report Of Flesherton High School AlberU hard wheat won the prizt Against the world at the lnter**iiona) Dry Frming Congrew. KORU I. Grammar L. McPhail 80, /. Beiitlv-im 84, A. Love 7!), F. Bunt 77, M. Irwin 77, M. McTavish 77, E. Wright, 70, A. (Jaudin 74, L. Truemaii 09, S. Teeter !, S. Smart 7, P. Carson <iU. It. McLaren 62, H. LeC.ard 00, M. Wright. FORM II. Grammar- G. While 85, K. Wright 80, SrCh-r 77, K. McMillan 77, T. Ovr 70, V Stafford 75, M. Boyd 71, M. Henderson 71, H. Field 70, L. Beattie >;'.'. A. Wright 07, P. Benttie 7, M. Legate 7, T. Corr.field 02, H. Shunk 57, C. Muir ; .X, W. Henry, absent, FORM III. A)elwi-L. KlliBon 100, H. Shunk 5, W. Kn-Dtthtu 0, L. Bunt 85, /.. Lawlor 70, I. Mitchell 8, A. Wright 0, L. I .egHte 55, M. Stafford 54, H. Allen 53, L. WheweU 50, B. Louck* 48, D. Thuwton 47, 1. Wilson ^0, K. Wilcock 14. Mr. A. Whittake McRae'a house to residence. Mrs. Gordon McMullen and Mrs. Will McMullen of Otterville, [Oxford county, are t isitors at M. Cook's. Miss Ella VVhitlaker has returned homo after a few weeks' visit with To- ronto friends. Mi-<s Furnettt of Toronto is u guest at Mr. J. Gibson's. Miss Kessa Collinson has roturned home from n extended visit at Saska- toon and couple of week's stay with her sister at Port Dalhousie. Miss Sybil, who has also been visiting her sister at Port Dalhoucie, accompanied her sister home. Miss Sharp is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. M. Ferguson is vititinu her daughter in Toronto. Mr. T. Chislett spent Sunday with his daughter at < )ven Sound. Mrs. Win. Wilcock is in Toi onto this week . Mr. Kmeisiin Adams Mid Miss Wilson, Tuionto, are guests at Mr. .1. Adams'. Miss Cnleniiin and Miss Sybil Collin- Huii are spending tlie holidays at Owen Sound Mrs. Pepper of Orillia in visiting her daujjhtei-, Mrs. S. Rand. Mrs. Alex. McHao and Master Gordon and Mis" Ella (iilchrist spent Thiuiki- giving with Mono Koad friends. Mr. Hand of Shelburne spent Monday wilh his son, Mr. S. Hand, agent her*. Mrs. (Di.) Holmes Hiid little daughter, Jean, mid Mrs. E. Dinuwall, Owen Sound, are guests at Mr. T. Chislett's. Mr. W. White it improving the tp- peariitica of his house by having it cov- ered with siding. Messrs. J. and S. McFadden are doiiiK the work. The s 1 1,],. -it 1 1 school held a tocial in the hall on Monday evening, when tea was served to all present, af'er which H abort program was aj\en by the tcholars and *n :i-lih rs liy Rev. Mr. McLaren. Died Walton - At her home near Kimberley, on Monday, Oct. -21. Mrs. Harriett Walton, aged 7:5 years. Interment took place at Markdale cemetery on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Arthur A. Kllw wa* found guilty of lh murder -of K. PoH/er tl Minden and to W. BUSKIN Our Fish Season" '" Trout and Herring in Now ! Get a Can of Honey for Your Cold! Grapes are still in full swing. Pickling 1 Peppers for you, HIM! Tomatoes. Horn and Feed Alwavs >n hand at AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. B U S K I N CLAYTO N'S FOR A GOOD Trunk or Suitcase and Mitts THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton. - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. ifcQg8ttQ8QettQ606tt8& 1 5p*clalltt In dUea*u f the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- -30 10th t. et. Or*n S jil At the Revere houoe, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to al 2m. Dutdlk, 1st Thursday "f *ch month. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! SI RrttA/I CP THE UP-TO-DATE . J . DVJff LJUV, TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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