Complete particulars and current prices on selected Issues of Canadian Government, Municipal and Cor-y poration bonds are contained in our QUARTERLY BOND LIST ' OCTOBER. ieia Investors are under no obligation in obtaining this list. KINO ST. CAST TORONTO LLMJXEO. CBTADLIBHCD 1001 LONDON. ENO. .CANADA UIKF BL-DO. MONTREAL A WHOLE FAMILY WIPED OUT Toronto Man, Mother, Wife and Two Children Per- ish in Pigeon River, Near Omemee. A despatch from Omemee says : Five persons, a family party, -were drowned on Saturday afternoon in the Pigeon River, near Omemee, when their canoe was overturned by the pull of a 14 pound muskal- lonje en a trolling line held by Wil- liam McCaffery, asiiitaat supply manager of the Canadian General Electric Company, Toronto. The dead : William .McCaffery, 41, 16 South Drive. Laura S. McCaffery, 38, his wife. Mary McCaffery, Qrwimee, his mother. Grave M.-ix- . McCaffery, 12, his daughter. Howard Bouthby McCaffery, 8, his son. Mr. McCaffery, who was a son of ""Iharies McCaffery, of Omemee, veut with his family to that village on Friday at hie old home. With his wife, mother, and two children, hi 1 Parted down the Pigeon River o.i Saturday morning on a fishing expedition. The weather was fine, arid though it came on to rain to- wards evening there waa nothing in the nature of a squall on the water during the day. It appears that no member of the party was ever tteen alive after the canoe had passed from sight down the river, and it is believed that BO person actually witneuscd the acci- dent. When the party did not re- turn to Owemee towards evening, according to his expectation, Charles McCaffery, father of the drowned man, became alarmed, and .(_>!! !.<! a search party. Sev- en miles down the river the canoe was discovered, floating bottom up- ward. Dragging operations were commenced immediately. The search continued until three o'clock on Sunday morning, by which time four bodies those of McCaffery, his wife, mother, and son had been recovered. The clue to the position of the bodies wag afforded by the splashing of a large fish. The body of the little girl waa not* found until 10 o'clock in tho PIE!! OF FARM PRODUCTS KEPORTI FHJM THE LEAOINtJ TKABI CENTRES f AMEKICA. Mess of c.ttie. Grain, cn and etM rreeluee at H*me na Aftrei* BREADKTOFF8. Toronto, Oct. 1. Flour Winter what. INTERESTING GOSSIP FROM ONTARIO'S CAPITAL. Disposal of St. James Square St. Clalr Cast Peculiar One-Toronto's Phenomenal Growth. Quite a tempest hag been created about tin- prospective disposal of tit. James Square, the valuable block of land bound- ed by Gould, Uerrard, Victoria and Church itreuts. iu the centre of which frauds the vrruTftblu building housing the Kducation Department and Normal School, for rea- sons of oouvenleuce the Kdurution Depart- iii in to fornake the precincts that have known it ailce :Jn- d.tyn of Kgerxtn Byar- ou. iiinl haacefor/h will be housed with the UIT s>)i:ti.i-ni.* f gereriuaent in the Parliament HmUnicu, a section of the new wing being designed for that special purpose. As U> any removal of the Nor- mal School or Provincial Uuxeum no an- uoanceuieut baa yet ben made. But an ofttuial statement, the other day, calling for offers for the whole Normal Hohool property caused everyone to jump to the conclusion that the Government was of- fering it for sale. Immediately the city press and officials and citizens generally, perhaps with uouietbing of the spirit which haH earned for Toronto th nickname of "Hogtown." began to clamor that the property shonld not be sold, but that it should be pre- sented to the corporation of Toronto as a public park. The modesty of the request is appreciated when it in stated that 8U James Bquare is wor;.h approximately one million dollars, although it is only a little patch of land bounded by one city block on each side. TOBONTOH MORAL EIGHT. Toronto's argument is that originally the Provincial government paid only $.8.000 for the square, that the tremendous increase ban been brought about by rea- son of the city's growth and improve- ments, and that therefore the "unearned increment" in the city's by moral right. It is also pointed out that the property has enjoyed exemption from taxes, which POWDER MADE, I IM CONTAINS NO AL.U CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARO OF GILLETTS GOODS LIFE SENTENCE FOR MURDERER W. A. Ferguson Convicted by Jury at Detroit for f the Murder of Herbert. according to thu sensationally displayed prices easier. *v \v K r^' l &&. h -?ti ta ""* perts. and No. Z <U., , ^ mt of tfce Normal f KduoatioB. OaMe^pS".rr, and -taH &*?*- *?!- firm. New Ne. 2 oats quoted at 41 here, and old at 47 to 48o. Toronto. West- ern Canada oats, purely mominal. Peas- Nominal. Barley Trade dull, with offerings Forty-eii ' Corn for E ift of lhe te ask Their only re< > ue t wa that the ci;y be given m <**> buy before the Hquare was sold to a*prlvate individual, and this Sir Jamo readily assented to. There is a U8P'cion that the Premier has no inten- " ' "* Property and that he D Ul American quoted at I2i:2c. on track. To- 1 ""i* w If ,h- ,h K US *,' ront/i anri .t ?* tur nort. alue Is. If this is the case h must be enjoying the storm that is being waged. Everyone ig agreed that it would be a ronto, and dull, with No. 2 quoted tt morning, when a party recovered it. second search EIGHT WOTNDED AT LECTURE CormcriptN Started Free Fight In I'., i i- II. ill. A despatch from Paris say* : The announcement that Prof. Qus- tavr. Herve, the Socialist, who had just been released from jail be- cause of the utterance* of hit paper during the railuay strike-, would deliver a lecture on Wednesday ninht on "Our Country," stirred up the militant Anarchists, who re- gard Herve as a backslider, and they determined to prevent the de- livery of bin address. They gath- er eJ in large numbers in the hall and Marled a disturbance beforo the time for the lecture to begin. Chair* flew and revolvers were fired, nnd before the professor flt.'iru-<l to MM ;ik eight wounded men had been taken to the hospi- tal. When he took the platform and failed \*i advise the conftcripts to desert, the radical anti-militarist fa<t;. i, and Anarchists, who present in great strength, raised pandemonium. In spite (if the racket Prof. Herve pr'K-eeded ot deliver his address. Tin- noise and turmoil were so great however, that it was impos- sible to hear what he said beyond learning that he explained his Cam- on- phrase about, planting the fla-g in (i manure Jhfap as a reference to i. imperial. m,t a republican flag. Be declared that bin sole error had been in allowing himself to be si ul> bed an ti- patriotic. He denied that he wa* an aViti-mijitariat, and aid he believed that it was only possible to effect a social revolution with the assistance of the army, and to* secure this the schools roust be captured first. COAST PLANS OP C.N.R. Olllri.-il- MM,e Anuniioeeinents of \\\y. I' Btatementi rvcntl\ mnde by Col. Davidon and Canadian Northern officials in the west show the com- pany's intentions regarding its Faeifir terminal at Vancouver and Port Mann. The former is to be the passengrr terminus, while Port Mann will be utilized for the freight end of the business, and will also be the site of the com- pany's car and locomotive repair hops. In addition it will likely b the steamer port at such time aa the Canadian Northern decides to perate a trans-Pacific service. No less a sum than ten million dollars is to be spent on the C.N.R. location at False Creek, outid fanoouver, and the connection be- twei-n the station there and the elowntown depot, which will be by pans of a tunnel. Work there will begin at the earliest possible loment. The foundations of the enachine shops at Port Mann will be tnrl<-<J within a month, according to a statement issued by Col. D /id son. M to 70c, outside. Buckwheat Nominal. Bran-Manitoba bran, $22 to $23. in bags, Toronto freight. Ijhorts, >... BALED HA7 AND STBAW. Baled Hay-No. 1 new hay. 112.51 to Si 1. on track, Toronto; No. 2, 110 to 111; clover, mixed. $1 la t). Baled Straw- The market is quiet, with calamity if the property passed into private hands, and this breathing spot ia one of the most oongeted districts was cloned up. But if it is to become a city Park the difference of opinion arises as to whether the oity ought not to pay for THE CASE OP BET. B, B. ST. CLAIB. One of the strangest prosecutions To- A deapatch from Detroit says: Although himself admitting that he had shot down a fellow man in cold blood and notwithstanding that the murder was witnessed by at least half a dozen persons, William A. Ferguson, slayer of Herbert H. Herbert, the Canadian immigration inspector, will escape the death '. Ferguson's trial ended at Jock Friday afternoon when, concluding arguments by the Government and the defence, the ca* went t the jury. Deliberating a little more than half an hour, the verdict waa returned finding Fergu- son " guilt v of murder in the first degree without capital punish- ment." Judge Sessions them pronounced sentence a follows : "The verdict of the jury is a fair one and there is only one sentence which I can pronounce. The sentence of the court is that you bp confined in the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with hard labor for the ret of your naturaj life." The prisoner displayed not the slightest sign of feeling. His hard, lined face, which a eeveral day* growth of beard only made appear the more dogged, was turned to- wards the bench where the judge sat. His gnarled fingers twitched convulsively once or twice, but be- yond this there was nothing to in- dicate that he had a full apprecia- tion, of his position. In his closing plea for the de- fence, Attorney James H. Pound painted a word picture of the cir- cumstances which led up to and which caused Ferguson to take the life of Inspector Herbert. "Here waa a British subject longing to get back to his native land," he said. "But as he touched foot upon Can- adian shores he was met by these petty officials and turned back, re- jected amd insulted. For this, and for the affection ho showed hie coun- try, William A. Ferguson is being put behind walls of steel and stona for the remainder of his life." The main argument of the counsel for defence waa justification. plemeat the substantial salaries they draw in the summer time as ball players. Some are dentists, others have shops and others are in other lines of business. "Joe" Kelly, the manager, lives in Bal- timore. His father-in-law is th a nuuii. a ronto j, M - oen in - , - ti . timore. His father-in-law is tne o>mo- priues of good straw quoted at $11 to tria-1 of ^ K B J t nli/.," ,",? crati " OO88 " there nd 8ncn u 8aid ill.W. o> track. Toronto. an organisation kaownM the Toronto * hold in * h ""Ho" <>' h " n nd th " W J ; 1 _ _T VWJ l,-*r . I I . I ., ,1 . t I. ...... . ....... . , . . r COUNTRY PRDUOCB. Butter Dairy rolls, choice, 25 to 26o; Vigilance 'Committee.' on a charge "of "ci I municipal and other patronage of that culating obscene literature Many per- Hie ci ' T - They do say that "Joe" him- sons who have oone in contact with Mr. I If" * 8 on the pay roll at the rate of bakt-m'. inferior, 21 to 22c; choice dairy'. 8t. Clair and the Vigilance Committee I * d T and that hu omclal title is that tubs. 1U to 24c; creamery. 21 to 25c for rolls w hich hu brought into being, have not and to 27c for xillds. been disposed to take him over seriously. Case lots of new-laid, 27 to 2lo . He has not been in Toronto long, and of meMenger. Next year the championship winners will all be bark, barring arrideiitR. as the per dozen; fresh. 24 to .::. Cheese New chevsR, 14 1-2 to 14 J-4c for larsje. and 14J-4c' t 15c for twins. Beans-Hand-picked quoted III )ll nt*im* ** V\ Uoney- Extracted, in tins, quoted at U to 12c per Ib. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, ,<2.5 to 43. wholesale. I'oultry-C'hickciiH, 16 to lie per Ib. : hen), lights. He attended a serfarsBaaee 13 to 14c; dticklingK, 13 to 14c; turkeyH, i one of the burlesque hoises and wrote 17 to 19c. Live poultry, ubuut 2c lower ""< a description of what ae saw, whioh than the above. !' maHed to a number of m*n aid wo- Polatoos-75 to 80c per bag. on track. . Aw.wiavw wtiH, nun , 5 . j V ._ Lt i since his sojourn here he hae evinced only ma " <lraft ' by the big leagues was something like a monomania OB the sub- , Flsh * r ' catcher who did not make good ject of clearing up vice. This is the kind " ld wa " f a ri "*l out to a minor league Of course, some of the stars may ___ _ m _^ , kut this Ig unlikely, as the own- done with a BiiiMttsu if publicity "" at i *" ar * understood te have made money, ansong many activities Mr. At (Hair did ! "* therefore art not likely to liquidate one thing that got him >au> the .,i- j tBair talent. So that the prospects for at tS per of Job that ssaay very good people prefor 1 !**. to leave te sesie n else, and wish it i PROVISIONS. Bacon Long clear, 141-2 to 14J-4o per Ib., in case lots. Pork-8ho: to $25: do., menu, $21.50 Ham good ball in 1913 nr- rosy. LACBOBHE IN THE DOLDRUMS. In ^intrant to the prosperity in base- men, rhfefly clergymen and others speci- ball is the financial difficulty that all the ally interested in the suppression of vice, lacrosse clubs flud >heinselves in. , . Now, tin.- performance had been passed Without exception they have IOKI money. upon by the local police officers as a fit They have paid fancy salaries and have - o -o pe Short cut. *24 50 " nd accent show, proper for public pre- : drawn poor gates, sometimes only a I Bins -Medium to se "' auon - But immediately Mr. St. Clair hundr..d people. Mr. R. J. Fli-iuing few got t*i -ruv . uir., lu-no, 9B*,UW II. ,111:- all-.lltlul l.. Q ^ M . , . .. - . . , . - . . i, . ._ i , m iltht. 17 to 171-2c- heavy 151-2 to Moil!*"* a <l <>wlrl l>tion of it to a few friends tho coveted championship with his To- rolls 141-2c- breakfasi bacon 19c' barks' ' wtts arrested (not summoned) by the rontoa, but he is reported to have lost ""- ", '*' , *<v mn, UQ ,, U ,vrtl( ^A n n_*.Al . l_ _. . < I ., .... - .,*.... n f . il U~_ _ V. _U , . 21 i . . 21 1-ic. . Lard-Tierces, 141-2o; tubs, 143-te; pails, 15c. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. : mir imllce department on the charge of thn most money of all, because he paid circulating obsrcne literature. the high<.*: salaries. Friends of lacrosse THE LATE RT. HON SIR CARTWRICHT. RICHARD THOUGHT HE WAS MURDERER Cobalt Youth Commits Suicide as a Hi-Mull. A despatch from Cobalt says : After shooting three time* at George Wilkes, proprietor of the Ottawa House here, this evening, and thinking lie had killed him, J. K. (Ourley) McDonald, a young American from tho Adirondack re- gion, stepped outside and shot him- lelf through the brain, dying in- stantly. Wilkes had ffarnmheed MH)onald's wages at the Nipissing Mine, and McDonald's grievanees roso over the action. Wilkes threw himself on the floor, exclaiming, "f'm gone," when Mc- Donald fired the third shot. He es- caped the three shots, one barely burning the skin of hi8 hip. The affair oocured in the Ottawa House, and the suicide wa8 committed a "ow fret from its door. McDonald a.tne to Cobalt and lived for some hue under the alias of H. 0. Mc- Carthy, giving the reason confiden- tially, it is stated, that he had for- merly committed a depredation. He wax well educated, although in- clined to aef, strangely at times. In defence of the police action It is stat- ' are earnestly dieniKsing the qucstjpn ol ed that Mr St. Hair's description was ! what is wrong with Canada's national not warranted by the actual perform- " allle that it has lost Its attractivencs< ance, but as to this there is conlicling to the public. Rome advocate a lacrosse Montreal. Oct. 1. Corn American No. 2 1 evidence. Substantial witnesses support- commission, which would keep salaries yellow. Mo to Sic. Oats- -Canadian weHt- , lug Mr. St. Clair's drastic condemnation within bounds and control other matU-rs ern. No. 2, 64c to 55c; extra No. 1 feed, of the show were not wanting at conni-i ted with the game. But this, while . , 54c to 541-2. Barley-Manitoba fwd. Me the trial, and the whole affair has served It mii:ht save some money would H> 61c; malting. 75c to 0c. Buckwheat . to arouse much bitter feeling against the! overcome public apathy. No letter of No. Z. 74c to <5c._ Flour- ^Manitoba spring | class of performance put on at these bur- ! planation of that indifference has REAR-KM) COLLISION. Fireman Killed, Conductor and l.'iiL'inn-i 1 Hnilly Injured. A dcpatch from Kenora says : A rear-end collision causing the death of fireman C. A. Clark, and ptossi- bly fatally injuritig Conductor J. H. Ne-al and Passengc.r Engineer G. H. Olst, occurred early Friday morning west of Busteed bc-twecn Extra No. 4, compofted of <lea<I- head coacheg running east, and .1 heavy freight train also going ;<,!. wheat patents, firsts. $5.M; neconds, (5.30; strong: bakers'. *5.10; winter patents, choice, (5.26; straight rollers, $4.l& to $S.. 40: do., bags, S2.25 to 12.30. Rolled Oats- Barrels, $5.05; 90 IDS., 12.40. Mill- feed Bran, |23; vhorts, $27; middlings, $28 to $29; monlllie. *30 to $35. Hay- No. 2. per ton, car lots, *13.SO to $14. Cheeso Flnost westerns, 131-2o to 1334o: flnoit eastorns, 131-8c to 133-8c. Butter <"hoicest creamery, 273^c to 275-8c; seconds. 261-20 to 263-4c. Eggs Helected. 29c to 30o: No. 2 stock, 21o to 22c. Potatoes -Per bag, oar lots, 65c to 70c. Dressed hogs Abat- toir killed, $125* to $U'.75. Perk-Hoary Canada short cnt mesa, barrels, 36 to 45 ptfOM. $28; Canada shirt cat backs, bar. rels. 45 to 55 pieces, $21. Lard UoBijsomid tierces. $10.25; wood nails. $10.75; pure, $14.50; pure, wood pails. $15. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. l.-Good steers, W.25 to $6.50; medium, $5.25 to $5.75; common, $4 tn $5 per 100 pounds. Choice butcher cowi sold well at $5.25 to $5.50; medium at $4 tn $5, and common at from the Inside price down to $2.50 per 100 pounds. Bulls, common, $2.50 to $3.50 per 100 pounds. Lambs. $5.50 to $6 per 100 pounds, while sheep were quiet and unchanged at $3.50 to $3.75 per 100 [lounds. The trade In calves was active at prices ranging from 12 to $10 each, as to quality. Hogs, $a.75 to $9.10 per 100 pounds, weighed off cart. Toronto. Oct. 1. -Choice butchers. $6 to 1*25; good, $5.75 bo $6; medium. $525 to >5.50: common, $4.75 to $5; inferior, $3.75 to $4.50; good cows, $4.50 to $5.25; medium cowe, $4 to $4.50; common, $3 to $4; bnlli. 13 to $5. Htoc.kers and Feeders Steers, to 1000 Ibs., sold at $5.30 to $5.75; steers, 800 to 900 Ihs., nt, *5 to $5.25; stookers, $4 to $475. Milkers nnd springers. $50 to $90 each. Veal c4\-es $3 to $8.50 per owt. Lusbf $5 to $6.10 per cwt.. with an odd lot now and again at $6.15. Light ewes, $1 to $4.40; heavy ewes and rams. $3 to $3.50. Culls. $4.50 per ,-wi. lot y**t theatres. They'are attended I "chiefly j been fnrthooming than that the game . by men and boys, a wnman bing only killed by loug yar of mismanage- , ocranlonally seen in the audiences. They ment in which foul tactics were tacitly druw MUM ranging from 1.000 to 1,500 enoourngaged finally resulting in public ea<-h at each one of 12 performances a : dlsgnt. Now it is found the game can- reinstated in a day. It will pro. ake many long year* of consci- they iiro veritable gold mines for the pro- ! entlous work to overcome the effects of . Wix-k, cvory afternoon and evening, and i not ' K ' rein an their prices are not particularly cheap I bably take prletors. Rmoking is allowed, and the whole atmosphere is not particularly ele- vating, to say the least. TORONTO GROWING LIKE A WEED. The raneletlei ef the olty's asuessment on which taxes for the year 1*13 will be paid shows that the total assessment has Increased In a year by th remarkable tit-urn of f.83.0M.OOO. and the aggregate now stands at $42,000,00e. These figures are loqnent of the city's growth. Over half of the increase was siade ia ward tbree which lacludes Tonge street, where there has not been se mnch actual growth as the period of former disastrous policy. 4 . TURN TOUR TIME INTO MONEY There Is a Arm In Toronto whe> give him slrnds of men and women an opportunity to ear* from $25000 to $1,500.01 every year with but little effort. This firm manufac- tures reliable family remedies, beautifnl toilet preparations and many necessary household goods, such as baking powder, washing compounds, stove, furniture mJ etal plishs. in all over one hundred there has been increase in values, caused i Preparatiens that every home uses every FOOD FOR THE VILLAGERS. Old llrokcn-dnwn HOFHC Which Fell on tirrmun Street. A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many. Bays : The Vorwnerts in sup- porting its meat campaign prints a story of an old hmken-down horse whioh dropped deud in the Village of Maer/xlorf, in Silpflia, where the food scarcity is extreme. The vil- lagers skinned the animal, stripped the flesh frorn the hones, and car- ried it to their homes. by the gennral growth of the city, and while in some Instances oa Yenge and nearby streets assessments have keesi doubled over last year, they are. In all ca son, still far below selling values. The asBossors' estimate of population IF 410.000. It Is admitted, however, that assessors never get them all. so that the police census of 425,100 probably Most ac- curately represents the present sise of this centre. The increase In a year has heen 35.000. and this does not include an- nexations. In a decade Toronto's popula- tion has increased by IK per oent. a re- cord not. equalled by any other city of 400.000 popnlfltion in America. Detroit, which in that period has become the "ca- pital of tho automobile industry." has the next best record, namely 1 per cent., bnt Toronto's growth has not kcc co. fined to any one Industry. Then pomes Pittaburg with 16 per cent., Cleveland with 70 per rent., New York with 47 per cent., Buffalo 42 per cent., Chicago and St. Louis 33 per cent.. Philadelphia 23 per I'i'iit . nnd Ran Frannisro 22 per cent. I, ... Angeles U the only city of approximately Toronto's si that has enjoyed a higher rate of growth and tn years is now the twelft ... boastings an to growth and size are be- uomintr the everyday stock in trade of the average cltisen's conversation, but under the circumstances a little boasting mar L e fergiven. BALL TKAIl'B JOB ENDED. The winning of the, pennant by the To- ronto Baseball team does not secin to have created tho enthusiasm that the same ft-at did flvc years igo. But the performnnce wim clean-cut nnd altogether eri'ditnlilc, :ind the fans are happy. Meunwhile the players, referred to jocul- arly us the "hired help," have hurried off to their respective home?, nil far *outh of the boundary lino, with tho excpip'ion of the solitary home brew, O'llara. who day. Just one person In each locality can secure exclusive right to distribute these preparations to their neighbors They pay 180 per cent, commission to their agents. Write and pecurc nnle agency be- fore It Is too late. Address The Home Supply Co., Dept. 20. Merrill Building. To- It, SEARCH FOR WEAPONS. Brautford Rrnnil Jury Advmo.s Per- iodic Kxaminntion. A despatch from Brantford says : The Grand Jury at the Assizes here in its presentment to Mr. Justiee Riddel 1, the presiding judge, made the following recommendation : "Owing to the prevalence of crimes of violence amongst the for- eign immigrants by reason of their MARCONI IN AUTO WRECK. Wireless Inventor Suffering From Serious Injuries. A despatch from Spezia, Italy, say* : William Marconi, of wireless fame, was injured in an automohilo accident near Borghetto, in tin valley of the Vara River. The ex- tent of his injuries has not been disclosed, but he was brought back with bandages around his head. He was suffering from a wound of the right eye and hi* right ch^ek and temple were badly bruised. Marconi was motoring with his wife when in turning n, sharp curve the machine cnrno into collision with another automobile. Both cars were overturned. Mrs. Marconi was not injurtxl. but Marconi's sec- retary and chauffeur received slic+it injuries. . I^u the nther car were five women, all of whom were found to be suffering from severe bruises and shock. BM KJACKKTS LANDED. Will Proteet Foreign Properly on the Island of Samos. Constantinople, Sept. 28. Bri- tish arid French bluejackets have been landed at the Island of Samrvs to protect the Conciliates and for- eign property during the fighting between thev Turks and the rebels. The town of Vathy is now apparent- ly peaceable, the insurgents having withdrawn to the hills when the Turks landed. TWO CENT RATE TO Cl'BA. Letters Go For That Sum Now to North American Nation*. Ottawa, Sept. 27. A convention h.%s been concluded between Can- ada and Cuba, bringing into force between the two countries a postal rate of two cents per ounce. Cuba wa almost the only country left in ^ T orth America with which Canada had no such arrangement. n of firearms, knives, and th. It has now about. J75.000 : other dangerous weapons we be- i *33l?%SZ F!K i; " vc ' th "V f " r the. protection of the i community a |>enodical search for! and confiscation of such weapons | would he advisable, and we would | accordingly strongly recommend the, same." OKSPONDENT. SEEKS DEATH. Hangs HiniMolf on Hearing He Had Consumption. A despatch from Montreal says : Despondent because he had learned that he was suffering from con- ~ * ie a product of our ow corner lots rn '"' "'"" ' Three firemen wnrp, iniiir/l K tho wlllt * r tim<> "Bill," in partnership I sumption, Jacob Atlas, who came , i injured hr with "Jack" White, another baseball star, here from Sudhnrv fW lling from a ladder at a hliuo on n a hmiani a ,,d pool room in hi, home" I;- ? m _ b . M i h " -v. 9_ nt ': falling Bay street, Toronto, on Sunday. .town. Most of the others like-wise ha I prontab ie winter occupation, whioh 'I.A i -j /N committed suicide in a Craig Street west boarding house by hanging. e.ffr, aubleet to >rier l<e> St. Lawrence Fliur Mills Co. Limited 6% 1st Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds U Pricn : l2 ind Interett ranada Securities Corporation, Limited Mentreel, Toroeito, Lesides, Cng.