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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1912, p. 4

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Octobers THE K L S H I T ON ADVANCE An independent new|>|>*r, rmblinlied every Ti>inday at thi- office, Ouilmgwixid Street, Flmherton. Sul)ri|>tioii price *1 |*rannuiii. wb>-u paid in advance; $l.!>.) wli-n not " paid AdverliinB rti- nn application. CirciiUlion l.lOtt weekly. *7 Tliureton Kdltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Jaffrey-Douglas The nurriagc of Mi-"* Margaret All: V,H. ..tily daughter of Mr. and Mis. .fas Douglas Ke\iT.-lmi,, and Mr. .Kini- <jiieg.JaHi.-y of S,leia, Montana, was celebrated in tli bride's li'iine t t>Vlok on Wednesday. September 25, I'.M'J. Tin- In. me WHS beautifully deco rated for the occasion and an aisle of rib- bon led to an arch of white, figured with ferns ami autumn leaves. While Wr. JerreU played the bridal music, Mr. Douclas brought in and gave away his who WHN preceded by two relatives, Wmifiid McMullen and Hi-well, carrying baskets .f pink < und white carnations. The bride 1. oktd lovely in cream satin with garniture. Her bou | uet was shower of pink and white carnutioiis und her v-il wns fas- tened in cap f.shioii with orange blo- v>m?. She w.,ic a '.-old pendant sei with pare.'.oit Mmie.s and pearls, the (lift of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Doualaa re /a wedding suj)|*r A dainty and delicate variety to more limn six'y uue.-U. I'mk and white carnal ionn. mingled with MIII- lax and maidenhtir frn. were the --hief feature of the di-coraiimi'. At the cbse of the banquet Kt-v. J. Phimister pro- posed the health of the bride, and Kev. A. Siftoii made u neat coinplimen ary JtL. Mrf. .leirett received from the a gold brooch and each of the Eugenia Paragraphs To .show the .s-iliiliiiiy "f the climate of Eugenia, ripe icil la^pbenies have been (ticked cm several farms around Eugenia. Why shuttle! people UK to bouthein parts tvhuii there is tuuh mild ctinmte at home, when Mrs. Robert Gorurley, Si , can go nut and pick a nice in.--.- of ripe liertiea for Mipper on HIT farm in tin* valley. Mrs. Wuodlmru has been laid 141 for the past week with a seven: cold. Mita Adit TtuunuHin of Fleshertun vis- ited ;it Mrs. Woudhurn's the p'ist week. Ditckftt'ii fresh lime is uoinj! like ht cake.-. Call early. Miss Slavic Wilson spent tlie past . k with friends at Maxwell. Mr. St v.-njion "? M.tple spent the [MM i wo weeks wi;h Ms*, i. Itcv.) !* OJunplwU. Mr. K;ed (.-uhaiu of Hliud Kiver i*> \i .:.. ..,,,ii> here nt present Miss t'eail ''*irn.* of Kleahertun is vis- itii^ her uncle Tiere. The ladies of the Presbyterian con-jre- _'iii,'ii intend having it fowl supper and entertainment on the evening <>f Thanks- day. Kimberley Budget *. " Toronto Line North fatrn- flower Rirh. eold bracelet. The display j y um i 14y wi ,|, f,j en( j s of v '* f t'4 gifts was unusually line. Mrs. '' ./ will be at home after Sew Years t Siletia, Mont., where her husbvid owns exterutive ranch intereM*. She Iea\ ' utnd many friends and will be eep*!tally nmsed by ihe church whne her services as orv,*m>>t have been much Wedding bells are ()\vin^ to the wet weather n:itny er have grain uut yet. Best Bro.>-. threshed in our \icinity during the |nst week. Walluer Muthewion and Harold Vorke of Markdale spent a few dny.s recently with the former's uncle-, Fred. Mr. Glen Daris ia eniaged helping hi.- brother. Wes., of Markdale, at p.-iinting. Brown Bros, have hai concrete rluors put in their stables by T. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. KiiieiM-n NVickens speiit t \'ntidel*nr. Mrs. John Boliind of Vandrleui is vis- iting her daughter. Mr^.. Will S wanton. Harvest's I early over; Threshing time i.- her.?; Man are at their testing. When the women are not near. If Ihe wet weather continues we will t>ooo have to build another ark. Mr. Christopher Kuott of Thornbury is visiting friehds in this vicinity. | Mr. Tlionms Keid visited friend* in i I Thornbury one diiy last week. Mrs. J. E. Corbet t of Dundnlk, who hs been visiling with her motlier. Mrs. .1. K. Fa wcett, returned to her home on Saturday last. Mr Allan Ferguson, accompanied by Mr. Earl (Jnudin of Heathcote, left on Monday morning fur a visit with friends in II mi !':.. Another one of Euphrasia's pioneer* has pa" ed away in the person : f Mr. Edwaid Burritt, who die.', -it liii home here on Friday, Sept. L'7. Mrs. Simon Fawcett of Colling wood is visiting with Mrs. James R. Fawcett. Mr. Kiln* MuYslin uf Healbcote was a caller in our bui'g on Monday. It is with pleasure we report that Mr. Johnston, principal of our school, who was on the sick list for a few days last week, U able to wield" the blue beech once more. Mr. William Hamrnom. 1 of Meafi.rd, accompanied by Mr. Kobert Wallace, visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Hammond, a few dys List week. bugh Knott of Markdale visited Kim- berley friends on Monday Ut. Peter McAslin of H.-athcote occupied the pulpit in the Methodi-a cturch on Sunday evening last. 1). I.. Weber is on .t business trip to Toronto. Mrs. McMullen f Eugenia visited with her daughter. Mrs. Jasper .Stuart, ou Sunday. F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. shades tans. No two alike. Fall Business With the advent of the Fall Fairs comes the commencement ol Fall Business in earnest -we're ready for you with a fine showing of new goods Everything Reasonably Priced. Ladies' Fall Suitings New Diagonal Weaves in whipcord, Serges, and Tweeds all the leading rowns, greens, blues, wii.e color, plain and fancy.exehisive patterns, Prices from ">0c to $1.">0 per yard. Ladies' Fall Coats Y<>u rf'iiiPMilifr ..ur fine showing last fall. We've a better range than ever this season. New color combinations, stylishly cut and tailoredair the new effects featured, reversible cloths. Prices all moderate, $<).".> to $18.">o. Fall Footwear , Our purchases were made before the recent heavy advance in leather prices von read so much about, so we can ;ive you exceptional value in Keliable Foot- wear. The range ot sizes in Men's, Women's, Youths', Girls, ane Children's styles is complete and you have a wide choice, in Patent, Tan, Gun Metal, Dongola, Box t'alf and Kid. . Specials In Men's and Boys Heavy Boots. Furs, Overcoats, Men's Suits Boys' Suits.Raincoats,Unibrellas, Sweaters, Rubbers, Gloves, Mitts. Wool Blankets. Fancy Neckwear, Utess Trimmings. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. appreciated, and have made public some Terf rfliy trii's of her character, m.>M ,..!> fidelity t" duty. Every one wishe* her and her CIIOMMI all that life on ive them. An-i-ng the many guesti were present : Mi. and Mrs. H. Smart, fjniiiuwood ; Mr. and Mrs. l. A. .ler- reV Mr. :.nd Miis Mc-Mulien, CMarks- burg ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Cirrulhers, Mr. and Mrs. K. McMullen and family, Kimbtrley ; Mr. and Mrs. Chard, Mr. L. and Miw M. Chaid, Kk Mills ; Mr. and Mrc. W. .1. Chard. 1'oitl.iw ; Mr. I. Doujjlan, Uundalk ; Mr. A. and Mis A. Douglas, Mclntyre. The hnpp.v Coup'-.- leave by boat next week fi>r an ex- tensive tour lo Chicago and ether cities in the t nit i'd Stated. Mu> Hi ine Colleges close (or vacation during tbe aunimer ELLIOTT One man has htd two feastt,, While hia wife a visit Ah! when hi* wifti returns, "Oh Dear,- My goodnesi sakes." The houie is iipiide down, Feathers are everywhere. Look, I. mil. around and fce, The furniture needs re|>air. Oh host, d>> tidy up the, ilrfore your wife retnrus, For she will surely ak What nil this fuss concern.". Now hurry up and have your game Ere holidays ro past. Von know the wife will sonn be home, Then the fun it c-tnnot but. Mills-Colgan Thf marnae of Mi Margaret Alice C'olgan, secund <liai>htf rn of Mr. and Mis. John J. C'olgan of F'lenherton, to Mr. Charles Kdward Mills of Melancthon, wan oleinni/el at hi|{h noun on Sfpt. 25, at the bride'n.home. The ceremony wai perf Tined by the llev. H. K. Well wood, the bride'* |ator. The younn Couple were irurrivd under HII arch, the home bein prettily decorated with nulumn leve. The bride WH attended by her aitter, Mins Sarah, and ihe groom by hid brother. Mi. Herman Mills. The wedding wa8 <|uiet, only the immediate reliitiven beinu prencnt. After the Her- vice a dainty wedding brcnkfatt wa aeived. Mr. and Mrs. Milli will reside in MeUncthnn, near Diuidnlk. The best wishes of their many friends follow them. Blackburn Banks Riverdale I- 'li fairs are the order of the day at present. Mr. Jos. Weblwr of Kimbcrloy SKALKDTI'.SUEIia <lclreMe<l to the Pott mat ter Geuorsl. will be received t Ottawa in-tt- ooon. ' Frida-. the sUi November. lli. lor the oouT^vsiice O" Hi f.UJoit) i MalU ou i propoed t'outract for Jour vri six times per weslieacli w>. between Kltli.M'OUF, and KAVKSNX h'i am tlm I'onUnaster GuDaral'ii fldaiiurr. 1'rioted noticei coutaiuing turMier iiilomta. liau * ii . -O'lituin- of |.i i'i>'i>"i Cauiract may be n*n and blank forum of Tomlor may ii.i obtained at the font Offices of Kala-orv, lUveouftind at the Office of ttiel'oat office InnUBctor. at Torooto. I . - .Hi, Department. Mail Horvlcx Hrtacb Ottawa, 'Jl.Ui Ssjitouilier. IHU'. ti.C. ASDKKSOS. Hu|ierintn.let. TORONTO. OCT.. das* aot Now is an excellent time to commence a course Write for catalogue. Farm for Sale at a Snap $1,80(1 will buy l.M) acres on the gravel road between Flesherton and Marfcdale. The timber alone on this property is worth the price asked. Apply to JOS. BF.ATV, Oranste Valley, Markdale, p. o. Sept 20. CEYLON'S BU s s T Y f STORE pruning apple trees for was Mrs. The residence of Mis. S. K. Banks, 4!l Kirtt street, Oranveville. was the scene of a very pretty weddin on Tuesday Sept. '14, when her daughter Heta, was wedded to Mr. Kobert Blackburn of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mr. Blackburn of Klesherton, the ceremony being per- formed by the Kev. W. O. l;.iinn>c.ii. The bnde who was j^iven away by her brother, Karlc, WIIH attired in apricot satin with p>- irl trimininj;8, and curried ,i bouquet of bridal rotes. She was attended by her sinter, Robina, gowned in pile yellow dut'liens paillette, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemum*. The groom was supported by Mr. Uert Buniese of Toronto. The happy couple left on the oveniny train for < >weu Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn ipent a few djy-, with relatives here. East Back Line t^uite : number from here attended Fleaherton fair on Friday. Mi. and Mrs. W. J. .xhmthill of Mark dale spent Thursday with Mr. .ind Mrs. 1'. Teet;r. Mr. William Cirmm upt-nt Sunday with his bnither Wi-s. ut Vanilelour. Mr. and Mrs. .(ames Kerria visited tlm firnir r's brother Bloomlield one day re- cently. Mr. Thornton Toeter anil W. Burnett of MM .i ile called i'ii mir him Hunday |Mt. ^^. an. I Mr*. M-irlin TiM-ler spent Suiirl.iy with her brother iit I'mt Lw. : i . on main street, last week. Miss Knsey Sewell of the Went line, M-i'i-il on aecond avenue east recently. "A thing of lieauty is u joy foiever," I. ni with the recently installed 'phones in this vicinity, its a thing of heimty and a nise foiever. I'riveville <W. to his medical sJvisei "Look I,, ili doctah, 1 luve taken youah advice and tried a csntah wound the |mrk liefore bipakfast, but it doaeu't do my In ;.li a bit of good." Kmininent M. 1). I'll ! I in. afiaiil the good ettfcts of the canter betorc Im-.tkli-: are counteracted by the had efl'ects of the stimulating contents of the decanter after dinner. Speaking of juicy weather, we have R.-1 '!.! li TENDKfl8ddrMJ to tli(> i'ost- " General, wtll be reeeird at u tawa ;intil noouou Friday, the Hlli NovrmlMr. 1'Jli. (or tbe couveyauceof Hi> Majoty'i DUUli ou a PI, 1 1 1. >. .^i contract 'or four \ ->! . >ix ronn'l trlpi per week between MAUKDAL.K and MAKKDALF. Kmal Uail Delivery from the I'ontmaUer (ionerar* pleasui". ITintert notice* containing further lut 'IH>- tion a to<ot,diiou ot proiWMdCoutr.. may !,, "ueti ii'l t.tank forms offender ma\ '.eob- tmd t the I'ost Omcei. of Markda:.. and Vaudelaiir, u1 at the oftic* ot the POM 'XBce l.i .|.. !.. i Toronto. I-...I..M,.-.- Deprlineiit. Mall Service I'., mocb. i ,,.-. tith Si-pteinber. 191i!. O. ('. AKDER8OV, HiiperlMtf.ulent. t>su redly received our hhare i f the lamp goods this sesHoti to dute, NO much so that the ><"> in iln- vii:mity ate ing wcbli-footed. Corn harvesting operations will be in full AMI- next week in this vicinity. lliverdale is enjoyini; OIIP of the great est corn years in it hintory, the immensity of the crop U actually pheiininenonial, and we understand Hat corn binders, having proved a failure, experienced buhhmen will be engaged to fell the giant stalks, Maxwell vicinity ia evi- dently a "",il corn growing 'cmmiiunity. Corn nine feet high in Riverdale. this season is considered it nieitsely crop. How about your cabbage mid water Max well r FOR YOUR FALL&WINTER SUITINGS & OVERCOATS Now to ham 1 . Leave I'S Your Order. Also in Ladies' Tailoring, we are unexcelled. Pressing and Cleaning cvre- f'ully attended to at the I'p- To- Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY Hesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building "THE HABIT OF CAREFUL. DRESSER*" Do You Ever Sleep? ! If you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all etjually low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wauU. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST ARRIVED! \ lari;e coiiHi^oineut of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats latest styles. Men's Women'**, and Children's Sweaters and Sweater Coals, Waterproof Coats. Dress Goods latest weaves and shades and prices to suit everybody. Cur pot-. I'nrpet Squares, Linoleums and Oilcloth, lyd, 2yd* and 4yd** wide. Nice rituee of Lace Curtains, Scriinms und cuttain Muslin. All Wool Blankets,. Flannel Blanket^. Comforters and White Spreads. Ladies' Top Skirts and Underskirts. Medium weight t'nderwear for iJuc per garment. Nice range of New Wall Paper for fall Border and Ceiling to match, and in order to make loom for thi larae fsll stock we are going to make a sale of all summer goods, such a Muslins, Foulards, I'nderwear, Ladies' Vtbite Waists, white Lawn Waists, rea. fl.75 fur 81.40. White Waists reg. 81.00 for ". 80c. Nice White Waitfs Luce and Insertion trimroedfor. 40c While Dresses trimmed with Lace and Insertion, reg. Ki.75 for 14 T. r > Todies' Cotton Hose, reg. 2 for 25c for lOc Ladies' Cotton Hose, reg. 15c, 2 pair for 25c Al Kinds of Fruit for Sale. - (Zeylon WANTED A LIVE AGENT FOR Flesherton and Vicinity To sell for The Fonthill Nurseries \ Notice Nulice M hereby given that u Ky-Ltiw was pa^ed by tint Municpi|)<il Council of the Township of Artcinetim, on the 7th day of September A.D. 1912, pr*vid ing fur the issue of debentures to the amount of $800 for the purpose of re- piinni( and improving the school hous in School Section Nn. i) i,f thti siii 'I ,wi .-lci|i, and i li it such By-Law WAN registered in tho reaistiy oHicB for the South Hiding of the C'ounly I (trey, on '-':rd day of September, I'.M'J. Any mull, in to ,iin -li or i ti.-tide the s'inie or any part thereof, tnujt be nmde within three months nftur the lir.-.t piihlHMl ion Hi this iiiilii-i- , anil oinnnt he made Ibwufttf, Hated this "."! h day ..f Sept. I'.tU W. .1. BELLAMY, Clerk. and take advantag" f tne development of the FRt'IT BUSINESS in Ontario t the pi-e.sent lime, which is creating an extraordinary demand for Fruit Trees, &c. (!ood territory reserved for LOCAL & GENERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Write ior He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss < f sight Timely attention mi;:ht have prevented it. Examination f:.'e. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstreng. IJtin Stone Outfit free. particulars. & Wellington Corrected Each Carefully Wheat Uat. ...................... -M ^ p eas ........... 1 10 to 1 Bailey .................. 70 to Week j to 85 i 10 70 J. & W. BOYD PlesKerton, - Ontario. Millinery Openings ! ON- Wednesday. Thursday & Friday September 25, 6 & 27 MISS NAPPER Again in Charge of the Show Room EVERYTHING READY for FALL Ijaili's Jackets, the Newest and most complete Range we have evor 'fthown, and prices very low. DRESS GOODS- We are showing some very pretty Dress Goods in Diagonal and t'Uin goods, also Velvets and Silks in the yard wide. See our All Wool Serges 48 inches wide, at 55c. SWEATER COATS In Men's, Women's Boys' and Girls'in nearly any co]*r and combination . I'NDEHVVKAU Ladies, and Children's We have some Extra Value Vests, Drawers und Comhiimtion. Mri^i and Boys' We are still showing the Celebrated Standrielvi's, whicn cunnnt l>e equaled for wear and comfort. Hay .......... 10 00 to 10 00 Butter .................. -':' >< -'' Eugs, fresh ............. &"> '< Potatoes per hag ........... 1 SJT> 10 1 Oeesc.... ................ 10 ' Ducks .......... ..... 10 .o Chickenn ................. 10 to Turiseys ....... ............ ' 8 to Wool .................... 20to l| CLOTHING Now ia the time to buy your Suit, nd Overcoat for fall. We hlmw you the prettiest ttm^ you ever looked at and prices which surprise you. I'.nys' Clothing in all Colors and 1'nUerns in ,'! pieci 1 , 2 piece, ami llloumer, Norfolks and Buster Bro'tns. can will Pant -

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