.-.'V MMflPV TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCiPLEtj NOT MEN.' 32, SO 11 Fleshertcm, Ont., Thursday, September 1O, 1O12 W. H TECRSTON I'hCPU IETO h Priceville Jottings McLean Bros, commenced thretbiuu on Monday morning last, sou'h i.f the Tillage. Rev. J. A. M*lbes.n conducted uuion service* in the Methodic church last Sunday morning. The house was well filled, notwithstanding the heavy down- pour tf win at the time people were go- ing to church. The congregation seemed o give perfect attention and received a b enn< n that all w< uM, no doubt, appreciate. N. E. McKinnon wem to his school at Button West but had tu cum* home at Ihe *nd of the week. 'H is very ill with typhoid and pneumonia. Jaiues \V:Uion vixitcd Walters F*lln and Owen Sound friends Saturday to Monday. T. Nich.,1, D. i'ampbell and A. D. Me Lend were >u Owen Sound Friday la*t and in the evening they looked up the group of collegiate pupils from Piiceville and endeavnri-d to make .1 ple-tiant hour for them. > ;i f 11 fair is the chief topic of con- versation. The :ird uid 4th ' >ct. will be the busiest days of the year in Priceville. C. .'. James WAS in Owen Sound Fri- day and Saturday last week. P. P. McArthur. J. D. M^irath mid other* attended Walkerton f.ur on the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison, Ceylon, at- tei.led church here <undiiy iiiumin;;. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley of Corbett. n spent (Sunday with Mrs. Linley. Rev. Mr. Diani >nd i.f Maikdale preached .m < -xcellunt sermon in St. Miiiy's church Sund.iy nmruinu. Mrs. (Dr ) Kyckmau and tji>n, All. m, visited List week in ll.imilto'i. Mrs. Walter Kertou and two sons left this week lo join her hu.sliaml in their i.ew home in Sudlmrjr. Mr. Lome i'ameiea of Newberry, Mich., is- visi'ing relatives here. Mr. Well wood of Dundalk spviit Sun- day at Mr. Ferguson's. Mrs. McLctn of Mclutyre vi-.ited her sN'er, Mrs. W. II. (!uy. K-'.nniiiH up ."id ili'wn :-tuir<. -e-|>intS and btii'ling over making Led* will not inak n uoiuaii healthy i.rjwaut.iful. She must <et out "f dimrs walk' u mill- "t tw e\i-ry day ttf.<\ take Chamberlain's Tablet* to imprne hri lit;f!itii;n an<l ixydatr hi'i" ^M.\\eN, rr ..'! ' v ,.!i i!i .ili-i-s. Toronto Line North The gre.u downpour of rin on Sunday prevented harvesting from piovTicssi It. also caused many disappointments among the young men. Mr. and Mrs. F- A. Yorke of ihe Or- ange Valley spent Sunday with Mr. an Mr". Fred Mathewson. Tie 1'irown Bun. have matle their cosy little home more comfortable by replac- ing the shingled rmf with Krantfon: asphalt roortrg. Mr. Lyall Mithewsor., who has ben with his uncle. Fred, for th two months, returned to iiis liom near M*rkdnle lust week. Mr. John Holand cf Vandeleur was caller in this vicinity Satui-day. Ceylon MIT. R. P. Legate visited, Owen Sound rieuds a couple of days Ust week. 'Mr. W. J. Cushnie and Master Cecil, who have been visiting friends in North )akota and Kansas for the ]ust three nonths, letnrned to Ceylon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rands and family re- urned Monday from a two-months' trip o Winnipeg aud ihe coast. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chislett attended the ilver wedding annivertary of Mr. and Mrs. H. Down at Hather'on on Thurs- .ay of L-iSt week. Mrs. Muir h-ts put-chased a Hne Doch- rty organ. The Sabbath school intended holding ht-ir rally day last Sunday, but on uunt of the d iy being so wet it was >iistponed until next Sabbath, when lev. Mr. McLaren will give an address o the children. Sjiecial music will be jjiven by the scholais, who *re looking rward to having all the parriits and riiiidg of the school present. Miss Graee Mnir is visiting Egremont riends. Messrs. Tiniii.ins of Glenelg spent Monday at Mr. James McClocklin's. Miss Sharp of Toronto has returned to take charge of Mr. .). Pttison' milli- nery department. Kimberley Budget Eugenia Paragraphs Tin implicit confident* that many |n.>oplr baye i" < 'liaiuberlain'* Colic, ''Imlvra ami rrliorA K>-nu'ly i* fi.iiniliil mi tlirir ex- ii'iire in tin- u.se i f chat reined v ami their wlnlgc "f the inanv r<-iuarkl>le urfs of ci'lii-, di;w rlii.ni anil ilysentrry that it has effected. Knr sale liy all dmler*. Gasoline Launch Exploded i In Friday eveiiir^ "f lat week Mr. Wesley Ward sustained the loss of H tine motor boat which a.- completely de- stroyed l>y tire and now lies at the bot- tom of t lie harbor. Mejsis. K. Murray and K. ll-ickett had obtained the use of the Ivnt for the evening and intruded takinc out a p'U'ty for a pleasure cruise. When they were a short distance out in the harbor the engine stopped and all their ert' rts to suit it amin were futile. Mr. W ml, who lud in the ineaniinio come down to the water t'mnt, called fur them to come lu.-k to sh*re and he onld .see what was the tnaltcr with the engine. After reaching the west .side of the harbor they proceeded to overhaul the a . h.im-iii of the engine, when sud- denly there was a lerriKc explosion and the bi at was enveloped in .1 blaze winch spread s . rapidly that the oceupniit.s could do nothing to extinguish tlieriamcs. ! was indeed .1 lucky chance that the *<- cident happened while they were close t j shore and the occupants enabled to reach tcrr* til-ma. As it ra. "Cap! ." Murr:<\ of i;a.'oline faille was precipitated int the water and had to reach shore by menus uf a tie rope attached to a tug. It is supposed the accident was canned bj the carburettor back-tiling. Meafou Mirror. Threshing Is the order of the Jay. Mr. D. L. Weber visited Vandeleur friends on .Sunday l-is. Mrs. J. K. Curbett of Dundalk, is the guest of hei- mother, Mrs. Ja.s. H. Faweett, at present. Mr. Oeo. Stuart of Flesheilon was a caller in our burg nn Monday. Mr. R. Ferguson of Thui-ubury viii'.ed at Mr. R. J. Stuart's on Saturday ai.d Sunday last. The pastor, Ilev. Mi. Trotter, occupied le pulpit in the Methodist church n unday evening last and preached a ery forcible sernnn to a lar^e con- regation. Mr. Harold Proctor who has been siting friends in Durham leturncd -mi- on Monday. Mr. Jack Taylor of Kocklyn xisited at Ir. Jas. l..in-1'i-iierS on Sunday last. Mr. Richard and Robert Saul of ironto, visited with their sister, Mrs. is. Fawcelt, on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will b held at the ome of Mrs. .J. H. Mageecn Sept. -to. Capers to be given l>y Mr*. .John I'lewes nd Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. Meeting to iimmeilce at i.."50 p. 111. Mr. .'.nd Mrs. Huvh Hxinmond and amily of Priceville visited with tha ormer's paront>. Mr. and Mre. M. Hammond, on Sutuid.iy and Sunday ast. Mr. Ueo. I'nictor h.-is secured the ontract tor the erection cf the new- armories aC M.ukii.iii- and MeaK-rd from Jr. \V. A. Thorn A CVllingwoixl. >fr. llobt. Reid of Rocklyn visited ti(h Ins brother, T. .J. Ui-id, "ii Sunday ml M.nidity Ust. Mr. \Vill.-ird \\iley ,,f \Vodclnnt-i', isiteil at Mr. R. '. Stuart's .m Sunday. Mr. John Plewrs made A business lip to Owen Sound mi Monday. Miss Kll.-i Knott ' f Thorn bury, who us been Mailing friends in this vicinity, returned h >me on Monday. Mr. Kii\r:u-il Bunitt is very low >tt itesent. Mr. David Weber has secured the on'iact for the new cement bridge to )e built over the Beaver on three and >ur sidermul, concfssioii rive. East Back Line, Artemesia Mr. Watt Elliott of Mnrkdale made a basiiiesR call on our line jn Friday. Mr. Kit. and Miss Ver L.iuck, ao- cojiiuanied by George|Stii:ri"and Mtbel Hollaway, '.visited -*t t'. Ti-i-tct's i>n Friday night Ust. Messrs. Ed. and Liiwson NVlutehead re vwitiiiR t Ilrnntpton this week. >Ve are pltased to report Mr. Ohas. MacKinnon recovering after his severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. .lake Holl-.-y sj>eiit Sun- day with the twiner's brother, Will, Mis Minnie Gilbert of Colby's By w vUitiog at W. J. Lever's. Kw, K any, niedu-ines, have met with the uniform sueceaii that In- attended the uae of (bainbrlm' Colic, Cholera and liarrhoe Remedy. The remarkable enr of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost very neighborhood have given it a wide reputation. For sale by all dealer*. Dr. Allan Cameron, a veteran physi- cian of Owen s mm), ilit-d Ust week tit thsag**'*! years. Dr. Cameron fol- lowed tn> profession until the lt. He in Owen Sound in 1885. Slashed With a Razor On \\ediiesday while Mr. NiTinai Eiyles ^iin if Mr. Suimd Katies i Gibralter, was working on what is know .i- the Kdwaid 1'entlHiid farm mi th Tenth, now owned by Mr. Collins, h cnue in fur a drink. As he was uetlin a cup in the kite-lien, he states that slant, stout man sprang from behind th In n- and slashed him with i u/.m Sometime .il'ter the young man w;i found ty a niejjhbor. He itppeared' h.ive been lyinj; unconscious for si in time aiul had bled profusely. As <>pee<i ily HS possible he win brought irr'K) th <-. \ M. IL's-iital, where his wouiid were attended to. He K still there an. it is expected that he will recover. 11 is ajljouiij.; man of about '-2 years Hi father is making an eager search for th perpetrator of the deed and is utierin a reward of "-'''" for information tha will li'.ni V thtf conviction of the ott'enc ei . So far no definite clue hat bet found, but wvwtl vf th ucighbovs J ate said to have seen a nmn, wh^ answers to Mr. K.i^le's ik'si-m i ion. in the neigh- borhood that afteruoon and we Me iii- furmcd that t lacks cm be seen in the soft earth in the direction in which the iniH-ieant is naid to have encaped. As Mr. Battles' sister wa out of house at tin time, no person saw what occured.- Collingw-H>d News. If ymikiiru "t the real \alue uf ain's LiniiiK-nt for lauir back, <oi-ein>- "I .he inu-i-l". |iiainaiiil rh-Miinalic pains. y<m mull.' ni'M r wish t" l>e wilh"ut it. K"r sale v .ill il'-al<-i<. East Mountain To.. Late for last Week Mis.- Klie Martin is visit ing fiinds in ( on Sound. Mis Thompson nf the county town i-nt 'he past few days as the ^nest of hei sister, Mrs. John Martin. Mr?. John Smith has returned from l. whete she visited friends. Mr Fan el of Dundalk spent Sat in day a' Mr. VA'.ii. Humberstone's. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Martin and iittle sun, U| uil.', spent Friday and Saturday with friendi in Thornbury. Miss Violet Feijjuson and Mrs. Hny Sloan visited at \V. J. Martin'* Sunday. Mrs. Sloan left Monday morning for Califoinia, wl.erc sin- will rtside with her husband . Mrs. (irahmi) i' Owen Sound -tent last week with her sister, Mrs. WeNii. Miss K'.sie Martin i.; nttendiiur ?ch. ol in Kimberley. . -- - " Miss Mary Welsh of Kppmg livs re- turnc'-l homo. Misses Evelyn Smith and Beile ijenoe have gone on a visit with friend* ..t Glencairn. Misi Bradbury of Mont Ciair, X.J., was the guest of Mrs. II. McMaKitr the past week. Mi-x. E. Morgan spent flic p*t week with her fiiend, Miss S. Cnlfrcy of Meaford. Messrs. Jack Campbell, Albert Wil- liams and K. Morgan have taken j-os.- tion> in Meuford. Mr. Oeorae Sloan of Winii'p'g i* the guest ol his aun', Miss A. Heecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Jmnrs Linton visited with friends at Rock Mills over SunJ.iy. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond of Pricerille were the quests ui Mr*. Mi-Mullen the pact week. Mr. Jnhn Parke visited friends in New llainbuig the put ween. Miss Millie Mi-Mullen r:.-iicd her mother here over Sunday. Mrs. John Par ons is very ill -it pn-- ent. Dr. Carter is in attendance. Mr. Ab. McMaster and *!eo. 'i>i:pi.!-i. at present busy with 'heir clover ma- chine at Heaverdnle . Mibs Susie Taylor of Markdale visited her sister. Mrs. W. Uuckett, rec.mtlj . Mr. (.'aims n putting ail adtiitum t" his store. We think Jack has smut 1 no- tinn of starting -i niillint'ry business. Autoist's Liberal Action An instance whcie ''the milk of human kindness w.-us not siraincd, " liaa come lo 1 j;lr in connection with a rev; iv: table accident wln.-h occurred on August J'.'4. in Hi'spUr, a^ a result i.f which Frederick J ipis lost his lire. The unfortunate man was run down by the auto truck of R. W. Humphries, of Uuelph. when he lost control and it bucked ilown Lewis street hill. It has been learned t.hat the protestatious of regret of Mr. Hum- phries, who i.s a well-known tea avient. did i:ot end with mere words. According to information vjiven to the Halt I\ ( -|' rt- iT he not only ahouJdered llie rinancial burtlen .if the funeral, but also presehletl the widow with a .-ulisLintial check abd oll'ered to provide her with a home for life. When the lady did notjwish tn lake advantage of this l:it HC; of (ieiierosity, Mr. Uun.phics reouested her to have no hoitalion in applying to h m ul -my lime should she need In'lp. In this wny did a whole- hearted man try to u,ko every possible rcciunpenee for the irn-paiabli 1. ss he lrd inadvertently CMStd. It will be remembered that Hitci the ac- cident, Mr Huiuphr es yave himself up to t'i'e authorities at Heslper, buf was later exonerated from any blame whatever in connection with the ud affair. Cheap ^VireIe8 yui'f a hit of excitement w caused i i Menfoi-d by a couple f IMJS who had An apparatus which IIIIIL'S wirelem b^en playing and sailing .thout the ly telegraphy within the reach of everyone in a punt. A sudden wind-storm cinia has been invented ly a French scieniist, p and (he Ixiys were earned aay out M. l''i.i i.iiier. His insiruiuinent is a. to sea and Mr. Alex. Kennedy s tuvt had detector, which needs no wires and is to be requisitioned logo af'er and rescue more sen-itive dian any now in use. M them.- -Minor. Durncjuier discovered a substance which Blasphemy is a ciumsy attempt to be far exceeds any at present in use m emphatic, a mark ..f low intellectua4 NeiMitivems* f,,r leceiving the soundjpoirer, and a sign uf imiounce. The Whve. This is incoriiorated in a new-most verbal speaker of profanity in the patiarn drteetor mounted on base 6 in.lextr.-iue time of one's unholy zenl, ou- ches by 4 inches. With the u=e m^not compare 10 |>nwer with the sober yes ordinary telephone recieveis of 500 ohms ,,r no. Sweann? ii the langua-re of resistance mrssam-s can be received (stupidity. fiom over the woild. A visitor to II. _ _ _ Dun ifuier listened recently to interest- ing messages -ei.i from Ireland and! Gibraltar Hid bulirtin sent night, sunds can even lie heard from Canada. read the Marconi news oiu to ships at sea. A 1 J ewelry antennae or wires are ry. only tlje sensitive detector, the coil for "rinding" the sutk.ii, ; md the hem] rcce.ver*. the whole apparatus costing al.-out f 10. By menus i.f this 1 new apparatus the farmer could listen to the latest weather lepmrts, watch-makeis 1 and i 1'iA.iy companies dnild "ake 'ireen- with tune hourly if nrcessary, .md inven- t.,rs cuulil K'ceu'e the latest ."-I. ck Ex chauitu in-*- in 'heir home*. T.->mti) Daily Mail. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Speaking .>f the ri ported discovery oi li-il^ers showing that it cost C..luniliu S7.IH O to .ii-c. vt-r Anierica.tlie New York link-pendant makes a curous calculation. It says that if < v >uetn Isabella, instead of awning her jewels 'o invest in tliis wild e>l -cheine. h.ui put the money in sav- i.:- bank at 4 | e. ci-nt., compounded emi tniiual.'y. tlm same woulj have The money you cn maku -iliinii Fr-nt mounted by this lime to rive hundred Tn-es 1 The prt-s^n: demand I. Nur-j- ,nd .-hiy seven and one .,uarer billion "? at " ck ' the -rc-ate,r in the his',-ry ,,f iollaro. It say-, the total wealth of the 'lilted States is mily otic hundred am] _ _ _ , j hir'y billion dollar,. This calciilaMr lV C VVAUt 11 OW h|;Mr.-s that the yiu-en was out -.mie- K ,, r fall lli(! w i liu .,- m .,,,ths a reliable hint; over four hundred and rifiy-seven m >n to -i-ll in F!'>'hertoii and surround- lillion dollars by her VL'inur*. in: distnct. 'iood pay. t xc!u-iv<j ;cr:v- Johiist :n. i M.n.-ciliMiian M'ciio f (J.-or^etown, died of i tract iiri- The larjjttet f-mg ever caught near Onll wss capiuri-.l .'ii the east bank uf the river belo* the town limits by Jidu. l.ee a JOUD&; in:in on the River road. The frog measures exactly 13 inches frni the Kd. Kidd, M. P. for Crlto >x>uiity, sustained a second itruke of fiaralysis and ii i'ul M a rexult. in niiih, i)d weight 4 1-2 pounds. When it croaks it makes a noise resembl- ing an auto horn. Mr. Lee has the flog ID a cage it hi. home. Walkerton While vliiubinx a telephone p-de near Walkcitmi on Saturday af-emmm, Mr I'liiniincr, fore nan f tin- local liuenien. struck Iiis spur m * knot whieli c.iustd it tu sli^j and spike Iiis n'her fcot. The iojumd man "ii heinii removed tn a di>c f .nr's w:is t'.nind to sii.stiiinod painful wound, the sum -having |ien?tral-d almost through his entire foot. Daniel Wolfe, the Cavriek fanner win dn>ve in frnnt of Mr. <!. 1. Smith's aut( in W-ilkerton on lh*.'.tftt:riii>ii of Sundk] August llth, and joekoycd tho autuisl all the wuy from t'le Lutheran Churel to the posturtice corner, /.i<;-/..njgiiiu .the roail in front nf the c.n 1 in -'K'!i ni.-tunor as to prevent the nutois- Ii |)s.sin^, was niu'elcd to the extent f(i.t>0 on Friday for lh:.s cirpil-le am vexalous ennduct. .Tames lui .!..-. itn ludain 'rum ih &tui(<*ii lleservi-, w-ts brought to the Walkerton j.iil liv^t week to serve six months for assisting to free another Indian from the clutches of the law. Seeing a brother red-skin tussling with a policeman who had airested him in Southampton for being drunk, Ritchie lushed Lo the rescue of his tribesman and succtodud in enabling him to got away. The rescuer, however, diu'l fare so well, as tbe officer captured him and placed him in the lock-up over night. Herald- Times. Do You Realize the businr-s. Ki-erytmdy who laiui i.- iilaiit:!!^ i.r pnpszng :.. pliint. kull, received in jumping t.uy. and all th>- advantages in represent- IOK an old e-:alilihed rirm. Over tiOl i. n 1 " nn-ii-r .-u'tiva;. n. Established 05 1 ''"'"- ^''" tf Cuponto, Oomrn CLAYTON'S For Cool and Comfortable Summer .Shoes In Ladies' Woha v Tan and 1'. and Ties Latest Toes. We are elearini: out some HIK- igolu Oxt'onls Hlutfhei- Style. Sixes. :!. :]\. 4. regular $1.40 to $1.75, reducefl to $1.00 per Also some misses, in blaek ami rlnx-olate Sixes. 11. 1 l'. '2, elearini: at 7-V. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. of Ladies pair. strap. REPAIRING AS USUAL. . BURT In di...n. ol lh Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Offic--30 OlK St. West. Owa Sound At the Ki-vt-rr house, Mai-kdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to al 8m. Dunihlli, 1st Thursday of each month. An ai tide that has re*) merit, it ~)>. n!d m me tMcnui (Mpular. That *nh \s the ease with Chamberlain's Cough Keninly has been attested hy many delcr. Ur is on* of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, lu.l . writes "rhMiibei-UiB'" Couh Ueniedy in tb best for eougbs, colds and croup, ^nd m my best s Her." Kor nl "v all <leler BOWLER For that New Fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate. We are here to do Your Tailoring ! SI RniA/I 17D . J . D \J ff LiElx, BUSKIN BLOCK, FLES UP-TO-DATE TAILOR ERTON, ONT.