The destruction of the house fly Is a public duty. Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying oa a crusade against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body i s generally laden with disease-producing germs, makes him one of the greatest ene- mies of the human race. If the housekeepers of Canada will use WILSON'S FLY PADS persistently, this peril will be tre- mendously reduced. THINGS THEY DO IN SIAM. Dote on Porfumv and Chew Tea. Instead of Drinking It. Perfumery is extensively used in Siam. and eau de Cologne, Florida water, scented hair lotions and oils, face creams and cosmetics are in constant demand. German, French and English firms send out sales- men every year or six months to look after this trade. Few. if any. American perfumes are to be found on the Siamese market. The peo- ple here* prefer jasmine, rose and violet scents. Ordinary kerosene lamps are used In most Siamese houses outside of Bangkok, as only that city has elec- tric lighting and coal is too expen- sive for use in producing illuminat- ing gas. The greatest demand is for wall lamps, which are used in the thousands of houseboats which line the rivers and canals of Siam and in the homes of the peasants. Such lamps sell at 25 to 50 cents each. but. according to consular and trade reports, nearly every kind of lamp finds a sale in Siam. Only the most ordinary lamps are made in this country by the Chinese tinsmiths, the rest being imported. Instead of being used as a bever- age, the leaves of the tea plant, af- ter being fermented, are rolled into balls, one of which is placed in the hollow of the cheek and allowed to remain there until the soluble con- tents have been exhausted by the saliva. This use of tea is common in northern Siam. The tea plant is cultivated to only a small extent, but is found wild on hill slopes. In lower Siam tea drinking is indulged in to a considerable extent, espe- cially among the Chinese. Most of the tobacco produced in Siam. about 3.000.000 pounds f. year, valued at $500,000. is con- sumed at home, the exports last year amounting to only 10.267 Ibs., most of which went to Hongkong. The tobacco leaf grown there is said to be of peculiarly fine texture and would probably displace for- eign tobacco in the local markets if it were cured by modern methods. At pre-it-nt the leaves are kept in the dark until partly dry, then folded lengthwise one upon an- other, cut into cross sections and exposed to t''o sun for a day or two, after which they are ready for con- sumption. One of the chief uses for tobacco in Siam is for cigar- ettes. A considerable quantity of native tobacco is mixed with areca nut and betel leaf and used for chewing, the imported tobacco ne- ver being used for this purpose. Cured of Shingles and Eczema By Cuh'cura Soap and Ointment. Chest Raw, Bleeding and itchy. "I Just want fo say a Rood word for Cutl. ' curm Soap and Oimment. In November, I'.'iv. I had what the doctors call shingles and eczema. My was raw anil bleeding and itch;. I waa that way all winter. It was not so bad In the summer. In Septe;nbcr It got worse. I had the best doctors treatinc me. but did me no good, and I was all run down in health. In November, 1910. It got Worse again. I sent to you fur a sample cake of aiticura Soap. You sent it to mo and I not a box of Cuticura Ointment. I have used two boxe and on the third one it haa curvd me of nhingles and eoxema. I am de- lighted with thm and do feel pleased to think I have aomethuiK I hav> confidence in. Bhoutd anvone be suffering as I did. I hope that they will do as I did, and I am *im> of the results. I am recommending them from eiperience." iSi(ned) J. H. Jarris, 7 Ann St.. Kmgs', MI. Ont.. May 30, 1911. For more than a generation Cutirnra Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded th.i peedieet and most economical treatment for Itching, burnlnx. scaly and bleeding tkin and Kali) numon. of youiiR and old. A single set h often sufficient. Culirur* 8oap and Oint- inent are sold throiiKhout the world, but to Ihone who have suffered much, lost hope and ire without faith In any treatment, a liberal ample of oi'h with 32-p. bo<iklrt on the sk<n will N- mulled free, ou application. Address otter UrK A Them. Cwcp., a loluuibu* , v. a, x APHORISMS. Many men who now are walking on the tie-8 with itching feet, sacri- ficed, by too much talking, pleasant homes on Easv Street. If your wife does daily labor to provide the kids with crusts, you cannot impress your neighbor with your views upon the trusts. Love will grow in strength and ardor, Cupid wear his sweetest grin, where there's beefsteak in the larder and potatoes in the bin. Mules are great; we praise them loudly : sing their virtues through the years, till they get swelled up, and proudly go to bragging of their ears. When <.he tyrants grind our face* or upon our bodies walk, it's be- cause we're keeping cases much too closely on the clock. It is well that some are carving furrows on the fertile farm, for the country would be starving if we all viewed with alarm. Mary had a woolly creature which achieved such lasting fame that it soon became a feature of the mov- ing-picture game. Truth is loaded down with shack- les which she strives to break in vain ; nearly every hen that cackles adds a fresh link to the chain. Swat your children with no swat- ters ; punishment has little sense : never whip your sons and daughters till you must in self-defense. Probably a tiresome bore or t something worse you will be called, if you sell a hair restorer while your dome of thought is bald. A FOOD CONVERT. Good Food the True Road ta Health. The pernicious habit some per- [ sons still have of relying on nause- ous drugs to relieve stomach trou- ble, keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the j army of dyspeptics. Indigestion dyspepsia is caused by what is put into the stomach in the way of improper food, the kind that so taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are actually ' crippled. When this state is reached, to re- ; sort to tonics is liking whipping a tired horse with a big load. Every ! additional effort he makes under the lash diminishes his power to move the load. Try helping the stomach by leav- : ing off heavy, greasy, indigestible j food and take on Grape-Nuts - light, easily digested, full of strength for nerves and brain, in every grain of it. There's no waste of time nor energy when Grape- , Nuts is the food. "I am an enthusiastic user of i Grape-Nuts and consider it an ideal ' food.'' writes a Maine man : "I had nervous dyspepsia and was all run down and my food seemed to do me but little good. From reading an advertisement 1 1 tried Grape-Nuts f.u<l, and. after 1 a few weeks' steady use of it. felt ; greatly improved. "Am much stronger, not nerv- ous now, and can do more work without feeling so tired, and am better every way. "I relish Grape-Nuts best with cream and use four heaping tea- spoonfule as the cereal part of a meal. I am sure there are thou- ; sands of persons with stomach trouble who would be benefited by j using Grape-Nuts. Name given by j Canadian Post urn Co., Windsor, ; Ont. Read tK- little book. "The R -'id to Wellville.'' in pkgs. ; "There's a reason." Evtr read the aOoxj letter? A new on* appears from time to time. They art genuine, true, and full of human Interest. SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At first signs of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby'f, Own Tablets, 01 in a few hours he may be beyond cure. These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly cure these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby's ^ Own Tablets should always be 'kept in every home where there are young chil- dren. There is no other medicine so good and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyse that they are absolutely safe. Mrs. , Chas. Lapierre. Les Boules. Que., says : "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little -ones and I always keep diem in the house." The Tableti are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The , Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-, ville, On:. WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE. Mallerd "Why is your wife ! ansry at you (' Bowman "She painted peaches on china plates and I compliment- ed them as sliced tomatoes." THE CHEAPER PLAN. "Eat six times a day if you would be healthy," is the advice offered by a doctor. Owing to the present cost of living it will be cheaper to pay doctor's bills. ''Yes." said Tom Poorman, "I've been invited to her wedding, but I'm not going.'' "But," urged his friend, "do you think you can af- ford to have y. ur absence notic- ed!" "Better than I can afford to have my presents noticed. That's the trouble." Sandwiches for the Season's Opening Social. Fill them with those delirious KING OSCAR SARDINES Get Them From Your Grocer Trade supplied by John W. Sickle & Greening, Hamilton HE WONT GO FISHING. Hon. William Harty. of Kingston, ; wh'j has lived through a stormy po- \ litical career and amassed a for- tune in business, ha* a side to his nature which his closer friends may ! guess at. but can never entirely fa- th- m. This is manifested chi^Hv in a hatred of physical cruelty. He is a hard fighter in a political cam- ' paign, but the infliction of suffering ' in any form, whether it affects man or animal, is his must bitter abhor- i f TO REMOVE DUST FROM EYE. Small substances like- cinder duat, small chips of .stone or metal can usually be removed from the eye by simple methods. If the common : way of catching the upper lid by the lashes and pulling it away from ' the eyeball and down over the lower i lid does not result in dislodging the particle, try this : Make a loop of horsehair and pass it under the lid. Sweep from the outer lid toward the nose and draw down. This will us- ually clean the eye. If it does not, ' the upper lid must be turned in- side out. which is easy to do, and ; the particle, whi-h can easily be seen now. removed with a soft- handkerchief or piece of cotton. THE STOVE PIPE KIXD. ''Skirts are to be fuller next sea- son." remarked Mrs. Hi'lside. "If I am any judge." said Hill- side, "skirte are about full al- ready." , Faultless in Preparation. Un- ' like any other stomach regulator. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and main- tain them at t;he normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have maintain-. ed for years and will continue to ' maiiitaiu. for t-hese pills must al- ' ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. KNEW HER POWERS. Mother "Now. do be careful how you act about that young man . or people will think you are run- \ ning after him." Daughter "I dou't have to do] that. Mother; I can win in a walk." rencp. and he will 20 far to pre- vent it. This humane tendency is carried even to the extent of refus- ing to go fishing, entailing as it would the sacrifice of living crea- tures fur the sake of sport. S'.u'li a <tran^e chur.-icteristic is not the of any fail or some p codf. but is 'i natural outcome of a high sensitiveness to pain. A WONDEBFLL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most 1 wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison! Notj one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill ! ' Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk ! is applied tr-i a sore, or a cut. or to , skin disease, it stops the smarting:. : That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh hea'thy tissue from below in Zam-Buk 's secret of healing. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimer Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to ec- zema. H:s h.i!i<i- were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a row months it cured him. To-day over three years after his cure of a disease he had k>r twenty- five years he is still cured. All druggists 3*1! Zam-Buk at' 50c. box. or we will serd free tr..i'. box if you send this advertisement and a lo. stamp (.to pay return uei. Address Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. THINK THIS OVER Is there any beverage that costs you less per cup than UPTON'S TEA Goes farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborn* St., Toronto. OVEB FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED Farms in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alber'.a a: right prices on ay < FRI'TT FARMS IN THE BEST FH'.'IT :i;t at Ontario. All U at r.fh prices. IF roc WANT TO srr OH SELL A etoch. grain of dairy (arm consult mo, H. W. OAWSON. Toronto V O. 66-FTFTY ACRES IN MIDDL *' sx County, soil clay loom ; **"} buildings: telephone in house: rural mail delivery; owner anxious to aell. Tba Western Rf.i'. Y.f-.\ ,\ London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. y OT- CAN EASILY EARX $60 TO TJ 1 monthly after attending her* :* months We teach railway nation work for Canadian Railways. Free Book IS e*> plains work and wages. Dominion School Railroading. Toronto. II MISCELLANEOUS. VN71 F.VRV SrALE.*. !e W.-rfcs. 9 Esplanade. Tnrono. C1 ANCEB. TCUORS. LCMP3. o I ternal ind *i:rna.. cared wi-hoat o!n br oar hcm treatment. Write til before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co, Virv-'H <~-''-"ff~wl Ont. SCALE GCA3A.NTEED W'.Uon I _ Soa'.e Work?. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. SALAKIED POSITION AWAITS COM- pe.ent bu-:ne*s man who can inrett $1.000 ;n pr<:<ii!ublt going manufacturing bUMiie**. M.inau*?r. iOl Kent Building, To- ronto. GALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BL.UJ. der Stonev. Kidney trouble. GraTel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively euivd with the new German Remedy, -.1 . 1. " price SI. SO. Another new rvinedy for D:abe-.e> Melhtus, and sure rare, ii "Sam>l'9 Anti-Diabet." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Manutmo turing <\'uipjny of Canada. Limited* Winnipeg, Man. FEATHER DYEING Clwuiin; and Curling &ud KM Oloa rl**n4 Th*s c&n ' -cut br pun* '.c per 01. The he*t place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Cflk MOMTUAL. It Testifies for Itself. Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil needs no testi- monial of its powers other than it- self. Whoever tries it for coughs or colds, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine prove* itself and needs no guarantee. This shows why this Oil is in general use. Low Colonist<' t<i Pacific lVat ia rh'..-iio mid N.-r h \V < ni Ky . Svpt. 35th to Oct. lihh fivrn all points in Canada to Los Angeles, s*n Krancisiv. Portland. Seattle. Victoria. Vancouver. Helena. Butle. Missoula. Kahsuell. Pocatello, N.I m pa. Sail Lak OHy. Ofd*B, lirand Jrt.. etc. Through Tourist nlwpors and frw reclining cars from Chicago. Variable route*. Liberal stop-overj. For information write or call on B. U. Ben "This is the third time you have been here for food.' sa:d the wo- man at the kitchen door, to the tramp. "Are you always out of work!'' "Yes'm." replied the itin- erant. "I guess I was born under a luckv ttar." A REAL GKNTLEMAX "One gent'.oinanly thine about a dentist." remarked the man. "is that he never rubs it in by saying 'this hurts me more than it doee you.' ' Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted. Impurities in the come from defects in the act.' tiie liver. They are revealed by pimple* and unsightly i> : '* on the skin. They must be treated inwardly. a:;d for thi-- purpose tiiere is no more effective compound to be used tinn Parmelce - \\-_-- table Pills. They act directly on the liver and by setting up hea'thv processes have a beneficial effect upon the blo.'d. so that impurities are eliminated. CREOSOTE Proteo-t Prsi-va Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR CO., Lim tad 1374 Bathurs' Street TORONTO GINSENG ROOT WANTED WILD AND CULTIVATED WU1TE I <)II !!< K W. CRAWFORD GOFFATT CR:LLIA ONT. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. HK'S GOOD. ALL RU1HT. "Do you P !av anv instrument. ' Is he &* to h.wi:V netti licueral Ajvnt. W Y.-uge St.. Toronto. Mr Jimp' "Yes. I'm a cornet- "^'O' ist." "And vour sister ' -She's ? - w ?4 ca the 8U PP" a pianist." "Does your mother never brings unexpected company p'.:iy ?" "She's 3 zitherist." "And nor your father,'" "He's a pessimist." ELEGRAPHY vi 1 M.if":t Ags(lt* W"rk iu ill :t- <k*t*iia are me M-tn i In tht : rvnin.: iucltid4in be . rr.i *t K . i Trsp,nul- tuifo inrited. T J Johnston. Pria. W H ~tnw. I'reiulent. By remembering her birthdays a woman is able to forget her age. to dinner. NEW TSF. FOU BAC.IMPES. rnscrupuloii'* Milk Vendor Caught by Police. For some time the French police have suspected a milk vendor. . named Noziere. of watering his ; milk. Several times samples of milk which M. Noziere was deliver- ing were submitted to the experts '. of the Paris Municipal Laboratory, , and each time these were declared t<> contain a large proportion of; water. The milk vendor protested ( his innocence, and even invited the j police to witness the milking of his t-ows. This they did, but the "pure" milk samples which were taken away on these occasions were always found to be welj-watcred. The solution of the problem was forthcoming the other day. An in- spector called at M. Noziere's place unite unexpectedly and asked the vendor to milk a certain cow. The official, who kept a vigilant eye on the milker, noticed that he fumbled with his right hand in the vicinity of his waistcoat pocket. "What are you doing!" asked the inspector. "Oh. it is only my braces that hurl me,'' answered the milk dealer; but in a second the in- spector had unbuttoned the waist- coat and discovered there an ingen- ious contrivance of two small rub- ber pipes, connected with rubber bags containing water. By the pressure of his elbow on the bags the unscrupulous vendor could, with but little risk of detec- tion, add a considerable quantity of water to the milk pail. There are probably no fish in the sea as large a* those reported by anglers to have got away. Mlnard's Liniment for sal* everywhere. "That novelist says he takes his characters from real life." "He should be encouragv-d to keep on taking them." replied Mr. Grow-' cher. "The fewer like them in real life the better." No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowel* promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- e. -tiling the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., iu the market. GKORGE IX TROUBLE. Mrs. Modus "Well, George, yon promised me a new bonnet." George "1 promised you a sew bonnet ' When ,'" Mrs. Modus "Before yon mar- ried me you swore that disgrace should never rest upon my head through you : and what do you call this shabby thing on my head Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield to Hol- 1 <' ('..rn P'lr.- r'n. ^imnl,.f M'.nard Linimpnt Co.. Limited. lowaj s Lorn Lure, ^R simplest ^^ s , r ^ l , iu[ t ^.,.,,1.,,,. T, ini or on and best cure offered to the public. mr f ;K . f.. r ;l \,, ne t me and tr .( :i num- her of r.'iiieilu-!' w.;!i.nit any itv>d result . LINT. Ho 1 1 J * 1 V1U i i -, i rv \HN A 'v'P S owell Kowell doesn t speak to MKNT amt .,..,.,. ..,,. ...vr^; boi his wife. Powell And I can re- ni.idi- .1 .nipl-!>' rur.-. and v; ho.iled all member when he thought it was up and di * M ^ A |^^JoKRSON worth one dollar to say a few words p,.;;, ..;,. station. Kings Co.. N. B., to her by long-distance telephone. 17. ww. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. DODtfS j K I D N E Y PI .LS PAYMENT WAS SUSPENDED. In a large suit lately tried the plaintiff had testified that his finan- cial condition had a!n.:iy< lu-.'ti a good one. The opposing counsel UK'k him in hand for cross-exami- nation and undertook to break' down his testing ny on tlv.s point. "Have you ever been bankrupt I" asked the counsel. "I have not." ''Now. be careful," admonished the lawyer, with raised finger. ( 'l>id you ever stop payment '' "Yes." "Ah ! I thought wo should get at the truth." observed counsel with an unpleasant smile. "When did this Mi.sjieiision of payment occur !' "When I had paid all I owed." Many a man can't afford to dress well because his wife does. THE SURE C'UKK. The most effective way to cure a thief of k'.epti'jiKinia by surgery is to cut his liberty out. Anti-Dust i:it sweeping powder, is a life-pre- server be'.-auie it kills ail disease serin*. Floors clean ; oar- pets bright: home fresh and sweet. Xo dust whi'.e sweeping. A^k your Denier for It. MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited ale distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. CO., Limited Montreal Many mothers have re.i*. n n> b'.-ss Mother Graves' \Vorni Kxter- niinator. because it has relieved the little ones of suffering a:id made them healthy. ED. 7 ISSl'K 87-M2 NA-DRU-CO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delight, with the exquisite fragrance of fresh roses. It pre- serves the most delicate com- plexion against sun. wind and dust, and keeps haiida and arms soft tnd smooth. Splendid for sore lips. Try It you'll certainly appreciate It. In 2Sc. cvi ttus l*n. >l your druEkist't. 13d NATIONAL D*u AND CNIHICAL Co. or CANAOA. ^ * \ Some people cast their bread up- on the water only when they are sure it will be mentioned in the papers. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. NAUTICAL DISTINCTIONS. "How do you tell the difference between a yacht and a sailboat .'' said the girl with the inquiring mind. "By lookin' into the pantry," re- plied Captain Cleet. "If she car- ries plenty of refreshments and seegars. she's a yacht. If it's most- ly plain victuals, she's a sailboat." Mrs. Exe (with newspaper) Here's an awfully funny typogra- phical error. It says: ''Mrs. Rich awoke about 4 o'clock and he.ird strange Uves in the house." Exe How di> you know it's a typ.' graphical error! Maybe it nie.i'' that she heard her guests snoring. r.RKAKlXG IT GKNTLY Two very great friends a Scots- man .uid ;ta l-'.n,,- ,-hih.ui met ' in the sin. k.-u r. .'in .. : an ii.iu-1. and tiie Fiitr'.ifiiiuau at once proceeded t<> ini'iioiH '.so the conversation, as hf usually did. Tii.- - in bore it for a long tune, then he broke in quietly "'1 su\ . i'!d chap. l".l 'n;u-k you and me to ti-'. ! mere and blister lies iu half an hour any other six UK- a 1 k H ,\ He paired, and then went on gently : "And I wouldn't speak a single word the w!ulo tune !' Constipation is an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousness, impure blood, bad complexion, sick h<M.i.n.he, and is one of the most frequent cause* of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. T^ey ar entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your hcahh by taking . Dr. Morse's ** Indian 1-oot Pill*