GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER The summer month* are the most dangerous to little ones. The com- plaints of that eason which are cholera infantum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentery come on so quickly that often a little one is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is really ill. The mother must be on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they do come on suddenly to cure them. No other medicine is of such aid to uhe mother during hot weather as ifi Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and sto- mach and are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FORTUNE TELLER'S SECRET. What Happened When She Told the Geisha. A fortune-telling woman named Hatsu, who has a place of business in a email shelter in Theatre Street. Yokohama, told a geisha, whose name was not made public, on Mon- day that a great fire would occur in the Theatre Street district next week* Wednesday or Thursday, and that the whole district would be wiped out, says the Japan Adver- tiser. The far-seeing fortune teller told the geisha to be sure and tell no one else, as it was a valuable secret. The secret cost the geisha half a yen. Then there happened the following: The geisha got her trunks and boxes together and packed up what she could conveniently get into them. She sold for a song all the trinkets and gifts which pre- sumed to be so plentiful in her pro- fession, and disposed of a lease upon desirable quarters that she had worked for years to obtain. The neighboring women stood around and watched the proceed- ings, much disturbed with curiosity. They asked questions, but were not told the reason. "Go see Matsu," replied the girl. On Thursday the geisha had all her earthly possess'' ins transferred from her residence to a godown, acrofcs the front of which there were printed in large red letters: "Fireproof." The neighbors who had suspended their labo- s for sev- eral days trooped down the street after the luggage when it left the geisha's house and were amazed to find where it had been placed. Therefore a number immediately consulted Matsu, who knew the value of a secret. As a result some fifty families who reside in the district were startled when the female members came dashing home with the awful hews of the approaching conflgra- tion and they began packing up the family possessions preparatory to leaving. One innocent and harmless hus- band protected, but was squelched, so he in'ormed the police. The po- lice called to investigate the exo- dus. They discovered the cause and endeavored to laugh the fright- ened natives out of their scare, but to no purpose. A large portion of the population of one block of Theatre Street near the western end have- removed their chattels and have ceased labor and industry while awaiting the conflagration. YOU'VE GOT TO TAKE A CHANCE. If you go across the ocean, your ship is liable to sink. True enough, but if you travel on land your train is liable to be wrecked. If you just jimmy around the home town, your automobile is liable to blow up or throw a tire and preci- pitate you quickly into a ravine on your elbows and shoulder blades. If you go buggy riding your horse is apt to shy at a piece of paper in the road and kick you into the mid- dle of the following week. If you go out walking an auto- mobile is liable to scramble you up or a footpad is liable to tap you suddenly yet firmly upon the dome of thought. But if you sit still at home a hun- dred things are liable to happen you. You may have a fit, some weary wayfarer may come along and sell you a lot of Turkish rugs, lightning may strike the house, and then there is always the possibility of an earthquake. At the very beet you have got to take a chance whether you want to or not. HOW MANY OP US Fail to Select Food Nature De- mands to Ward Off Ailments? . A Ky. lady, speaking about food, says: "I was accustomed to eating all kinds of ordinary food until, for some reason, indigestion and nerv- ous prostration set in. "After I had run down seriously my attention was called to the ne- cessity of eome change in my diet, and I discontinued my ordinary breakfast and began using Grape- Nuts with a good quantity of rich cream. "In a few days more my condition changed in a remarkable way, and I began to have a strength that I had never been possessed of before, a vigor of bo<i> and a poise of mind that amazed me. It was entirely new in my experience. "My former attacks of indiges- tion had been accompanied by heat flashes, and many times my condi- tion was distressing with blind spells of dizziness, rush of blood to the head and neuralgic pains in the chest. "Since using Grape-Nuts alone for breakfast I have been free from these troubles, except at times when I have indulged in rich, greasy foods in quantity, then I would be wanted by a pain under the left shoulder blade, and unlees I heeded the warning the old trouble would come back, but when I finally got to know where these troubles ori- ginated I returned to my Grape- Nuts and cream and the pain and disturbance left very quickly. "I am now in prime health ae a result of my use of Grape-Nuts." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Evr read the above letter? A new on* appear* from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. There are no dead flies lying about when WILSON'S FLY PADS are used as directed. All Druggists, Gro- cers and General Deal- ers sell them. COLORS WHICH REPEL FLIES. Hints for Those Who Wish to Rid Themselves of the Pests. If you want to drive away flies have the walls of your rooms paper- ed of painted blue, pale violet, dark brown, or lemon yellow. The advice is based on the out- come of experiments made by a French scientist and recounted by Dr. L. O. Howard, Ph.D.. a well- knov>n American public health au- thority, in his just published book, "The House Fly." To test the effect of color on the flies a b<jx with glass walls was pro- cured, and the walls were pasted with bits of paper, all of the same size, but of different colors. The number of flies standing on the different colors were counted, the result being as follows: Clear green 18 Rose 17 Clear yellow 14 Dark grey 9 White 9 Dark red 8 Black 7 Dark yellow 5 Red 4 Orange 3 Pale rose 3 Very clear green 2 Blue 1 Pale violet 1 Dark brown 1 Lemon yellow 1 Dr. Howard mentions some use- ful ways of repelling flies. Laurel oil, which the butchers of Gene-va use to keep flies from their meat, may be tried with advantage ao health and comfort. LARGEST MAP IN THE WORLD. In one street of Paris, the Champs Ely sees, there have been during the past twelve months 580 accidents, of which 30 have proved fatal. Over 2,200,000,000 eggs were im- ported in one year into the United Kingdom. MUS. Q. A. SEXBY AND Uses Only Cuticura Soap for Prize Baby "I have always used Cutioura Soap and no other for my baby, and he IKL-; never had a sore of any kind. He does not even chafe as most ba- bies do. I feel that it is all owing to Cutioura Soap for he is fine and healthy, and when five months old won a prizt< in a baby content. It makee my heart ache to go into so many homm and geo a sweet faced baby with tho whole top of ita head s solid mass of scurf, caused by the use of poor soap. I always recom- mend CXitiou.-a, and nine timee out of ten the next time I see the mother she says ' Oh 1 1 am so glad you told me of Cutioura.' " (Signed) Mrs. O. A. Selby, Redondo Beach, Calif. AlthouRb Cutlount Soap to sold by glsts nud deelora everywhere, a postal to "Cuticura," iviit. 3M, Botton, U.S. A., will secure :i liberal (ample, h 32-p. book uo Uic care of tlon, so&lp and halt. London Mill Be Shown. In Minia- ture When It Is Completed. If all goe well and there are] no serious delays, three or four years" hence the London County Council will have completed what it is believed will be the moet won- derful map in the world. Seven- teen years have already been con- sumed in its preparation, and $85,- 000 has been expended on research and labor connected with it. A fur- ther expenditure of about $25.000 is looked forward to with equani- mity by the authorities. The great map will peally consti- tute a twentieth century London edition of England's famous Domesday Book. For it will show practically every building in the 116 square miles that 'go to make up Greater London, setting forth, as far as possible, the more important owners. It has often been said that Lon- don was owned by a few great land- lords, such as the Duke of West- minster, Lord Howard de Walden. Lord Cadogan, the-Duke of Bed- ford. and the Duke of Norfolk. That is, of. course, true in a gen- pral way, but this map shows that there are no fewer than 36.000 private owners who each possess enough property to make a notice- able showing on its face. The map will not be issued to the* public, but is really being prepared j for the use of the County Council itself. Although its cost has been enormous, it has already paid for itself by providing immediate data in street widening and improve- ment cases in which the County Council was concerned. It is being dr>wn to the scale- of five square feet to the square mile, so that the completed map, which, of course, will be made in sections, will mea- sure 580 x 580 teet, or 1-82 of a square mile in area. T Further extension is being made to their shipyard by Messrs. Caird & Co., Greenock. The average annual output of the world in rubber is 90.000 tons, valued at fr00,000,000. i. STRANGE BISK. Lloyds Will Insure a Girl Against Elopement. They will take- any risk at Lloyds. It should be understood that thia great corporation has nothing to do with it, but that the brokers issue the policies as individuals. Here are a few specimens of risks actual- ly insured : The uncle of a rich heiress took out a policy for ten thousand guin- eas against her eloping with a cer- tain man before a specified date. Ho paid a thousand guineas prem- ium and the girl did not elope, so the broker was in a thousand guin- eas. A young man sued by a girl for damages for breach of promise to marry eight hundred guineas for a policy covering any amount of mon- ey the jury might award to the plaintiff. It gave her seven hun- dred pounds, so the broker made more than a hundred pounds pro- fit. A cablegram arrived at the office of -a ship owner stating that one of his steamers was on the rocks in a dangerous place. The owner took out a policy for 5,500. to be paid to him if the ship was lost. He paid for this a premium of o,000. The ship was saved so he lost the money. * WONDERFUL PROGRAMME. Great List of Special Attractions for the C. N. . The programme of special attrac- tions for the Canadian National Ex- hibition has just been issued. It is featured by the Imperial Cadet Review and Compt.>tlti"ns with representative corps from all parts of the Empire, and the ! two famous bands from England, I the Scots Guards Band and the i Besses O' Th' Barn Band, but these are a small part of the programme. There is enough vaudeville for ha'f a dozen ordinary shows, a historical spectacle, the Siege of Delhi, sixty numbers of Imperial fireworks nightly, Wellington's Zouaves, the Cadet Tatoo, Motor Boat Races, Swimming Races, War Canoe Races, Athletic Meet, Baby Show, etc. It ia a truly wonde'rful programme. CRUEL THING. The impudence of some people !" snapped Mrs. Parvenue. "She told somebody I did my own washing!" "Well," replied Mrs. Manor, in- nocently, "whose washing do you do?" Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial ia prepared from drugs known to the profession as thor- oughly reliable for the cure of chol- era, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and summer complaints. It has been used successfully by medi- cal practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. If suffering from any summer com- plaint it is just the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. Last year 4.525.000 grey squirrels, 1,500,000 white hares, 200,000 er- mine, and 12,250 sables were killed in Siberia to provide various gar- ments of fur. Ontario Veterinary College Affiliated with the r/nlveraity of Toronto and uo<ler the control of the Department if Agriculture ol!". Apply fur Calendar. E.A.A. GRANGE, V.S..M. So., Principal. .Toronto, Canada Re-Opens OCTOBER 1st, 1912 AFRAID OF DRAUGHTS. "Did you ever see any one so afraid of draughts as Aunt Mar- tha?" "No; she'd put a wrap on if she came into the room and found a bureau drawer open." A Standard Medicine. Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and sa- lutary effect upon the digestive or- gans, have through years of use at- tained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they I can be assimilated by the weakest I stomach and are certain to have a j healthful and agreeable effect on I the sluggish digestive organs. TIME TO STOP. "Now that you have heard my daughter sing, would you advise me to send her abroad to finish her mu- sical studies 7" "Why not finish them right here and now 1" FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. EIGHT THOCSAN'D DOLLAES WILfc buy beautiful hundred aores la ) Northumberland County, including Stork; and Implements. There is in the itool 4 horses. 10 cows. etc This \f snap. an4 can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. OOD FARMS IX LINCOLN. Halton. Peel. York. Durham. Xnrtfc. umVr'jnrt. Prince Edward counties * reasonable prices. \LBEHTA SASKATCHEWAN **' Manitoba land* in large or email blocks FRriT FARMS-ALL SIZES. IN TH Niagara Fruit Belt. H. W. OAWSON. Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. RAILWAYS REQUIRE YOCXG MBM for poaitinnx in stations. These me are placed in positions as fast as we can prepare them. Railway officials ndori* our School. Now >p the time to make, ai* rinitpmen-s for Fall studies. Free Boofc No. 18 explain*. Dominion School RailroaeV in** Toronto. (1 OOD TINSMITHS WASTED TEA.DY W work. A. B. Ormsby. Limited. To. Dr. Wilfred Greufell, C.M.U., Whose institute for fishermen has just IMN-H opened iu St. John's, Newfoundland. NO FORGOTTEN MEMORY. Grown old in the service of his master and mistress, James was a privileged retainer. He was waiting at table one day, when a guest politely asked for a fish fork. Strangely enough, the request was ignored. Then the hostess noticed the epi- sode, and remarked in a most per- emptory manner : "James, Mrs. Jones hasn't a fish fork. Get her one at once! 1 ' "Madam," came the emphatic re- ply, "last time Mrs. Jones dined here we lost a fish fork." James hiie now been relegated to the garden. 0.7. ISSUE 35-*12 Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cow*. HUMAN PERVERSITY. "Isn't that fellow ever going to propose?" "I guess not; he's like an hour- glass." "How's that?" "The more time he gets, the less sand he has." Small but Potent. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are> in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best prepara- tion on the market for disorders,of the stomach. FROM A WIFE'S DIARY. "I am completely disheartened. ''To-night I entered the parlor suddenly and found my husband ly- ing on one of my lovely new sofa cushions. "How impossible it is for a wo- man to make a home in the true sense when she is married to such an insensate man ! "Sometimes I feel that I should be glad to die." Parasols were used by the ancient Egyptians. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Gentlemen. -I have tired MINARD S LI.NIMIiNT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it baa no equal. I would not start on a Toyage without It, if it cost a dollar a b Ua. CAPT. F. H. DKSJARDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamouraaka. W\NTKT)-BY WELL KNOWX MAIti order house, dealing exclnslTsly In women's wearing apparel, local repr<"!I> tatives to take orders from C State occupation and experience. "><ty!pte." care A. McKim Co.. On!, MISCELLANEOUS. TI AT AND FARM SCALES. Wllion'e Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. Cl ANCEH. TUMORS. LUMPS, etc. I* ternal and external, cored wi'hont pain by our home treatment. Write M . before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. ColHnfrwood. Ont. / TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilwio'i ' t> Scale Works. 9 EtplanadB. Toronto. T.-' OX HOUND PUPS - GUARANTEED,: I" Write. Chas Resbock. Vanieek HiU, Ontario. PUTTING ON STYLE. Street Urchin Where yer goin', Maggie? Maggie Goin' ter de butcher fur fi" cents' wort' uv liver. Urchin Cbee ! Yer koin ter have company fer dinner, ain't yer Its Virtue Cannot be Described. No one can explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil pos- sesses. The originator was himself surprised by the wonderful quali- ties that bis compound possessed. That he was the benefactor of hu- manity is shown by the myriads that rise in praise of this wonder- j ful Oil. So familiar is everyone ! with it that it is prized as a house- hold medicine everywhere. Horse-racing, in the reign of Charles II., used to take place- in Hy<le Park, London. CLEANING LADIES" WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Cu t>? aon prfctlj bj our Preni-n ynotm. Try rk ' British Amerioan Dyeing Co. MonirfAJ. T.'mnto. Q:iaw^ and Quebec. Q- 'MM. CJ X At, 'a* CRBOSOTE Protect Pre>e>rve> - Beautify Sample* and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Urn ted 1374- Bathurs- Strwt TORONTO s Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Distemper. STOP IBIS WITH COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER iHBfiUS!""**.*" <' ni..~cx, 2t!L'" " mn '"> ''"' * iopif dy trie (m4,, Mll . mony. KMJ tt> t -^neleaB-eati tjnrt imp*rip ftOe- peril, t,. a. !pcl.l ctlmilM fr- tella wht other* MIJT about 0-topwr't. Any dMbler or . WM. COOPER S HEPNEWS TOUOIITO Bad Blood is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and akin. The undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole tystem. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating them on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the M< >il and on the skin, opening up the pores'. For pure blood aad good health take Dr. Morse's M Indian Root Pills Barber "Getting pretty thin on top, sir. Ever use our Miracle Hair- growine !" The Man in the Chair "Oh. no! It wasn't that that did it." Wis mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator always have it at hand, because it proves its value. Willie "Pa, what does discre- ' tion mean?" Pa "Picking out a small man when you are looking for trouble." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. All goods imported into Turkey, with the exception of tobacco and salt, are subject to a tax of 11 per cent, on their total value. When Holloway'a Corn Cure is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. German investments abroad amount to $7.500.000.000. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheric. MAKING GOLD FISH. A large trade in goldfish is now being carried on in Sicily, the col- oring being obtained by keeping silver fish in water containing cer- tain chemicals in the form of peat, chalk and iron. |After a couple of weeks in this "mixture," the fish are transferred to another bath composed of iron and tan, which has the effect of coloring them red, or black and red, or black, red and silver according to the length of time thev are left in the solution. These fisn fetch a better price than the ordinary silver fish, found in large quantities in that region, but it is remarked that so far they die young. COW COMFORT la guaranteed to keep Files oH your Cattta i Hi HKR <;ALI.O.\ Dilut^, tr i th 4 gallons of w%tr. Wrtto for a galln* now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO.. LTD.. WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO. Sole Mf r*. Pit* Aapho Manufacturing Co., Limited, " i.-iii-** Being able to stay out of debt is commonplace ; being able to stay in is artistic. "Much of our worry is useless." "Yes ; it is. I once bought sum* stock in a rubber grove and wor- ried two winters about frost befors I ascertained that the trees luwin't yet been planted." UNBURN, BLISTERS, SORE FEET. Everybody am Buk