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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1912, p. 6

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ONLY A MONTH; OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED. CHAPTER XI. (Cont'd) She brought him one of the daily papers, and with a litt.e sigh of dis- appointment removed the religious "weekly," leaving Frithiof to his depressing study of the column had<xJ "Situations vacant." Alas ! how short it was compared to the one dedicated to "Situations wanted." "A correspondence clerk want- ed," made him look hopefully at the lines which followed, but un- luckily a knowledge of Portuguese was demanded as well as French tod German ; while the corn mer- chant who would receive a gentle- man's son in ai> office of good posi- tion was prudent enough* to add the words ".No one need apply who is unable to pay substantial premi- um." Out of the whole list there were only two situations for which he could even inquire, and he soon found that for each of these there were hundreds of applicants. Each week brought him, of course, letter* from Norway, his uncle sent him letters of introduction to vari- ous London firms, but each letter brought him only fresh disappoint- ment. At first certain aspect* of Lon- don life had startled Frithiof; but be speedily became accustomed to them ; if he thought of them at all it was with indifference rather than disgust. One day, however, he passed with seeming abruptness in- to a new sUto of mind. Sick with disappointment after the failure of a rather promising scheme sug- gested t* him by oni; of the men to whom his uncle had written, he walked through the crowded streetfl, too hopeless and wretched even to notice the direction he had taken, and with a miserable perception that his last good card was played, aod that all hope of success was over. To gain an honest living was ap- parently impossible, the world af fordrd him no facilities for that, but it afforded him countless oppor- tunities of leading another sort of life. Why should he not take what be could get Life was miserable and worthless enough, but at least he might put an owl to the hideous monotony of the search after work, at least he might plunge* into a phase of lift- which would have at any rate the charm of novelty. It was one of tlioHe autumn lays when shadow and sun alternate quickly; a gleam of sunshine now flooded the street with brightness. It neemed to him that a gleam of light had also broken the dreari- ness of his life. If he sinned h' would do so deliberately. He look- ed tli two lives fairly in the face now, and in his heart he knew which attracted him mobt. The dis cowry startled him. "Why not? why not?" urged the tempter. And tho vague shrinking Heemrd to grow less ; nothing in heaven or earth secrned re.-il to him ; he Ml that nothing mattered a straw. A well that way as any other. Why not 7 Still the thought of Sigrid hold him in check, the raraenrbranoe <>f her clear blue eyes seemed to force him to go deefxT down lx>iieath the surface of UM sullen anger and dimpixjintment which were goad- ing him on to an evil life. Wait it, after all miite true? Had he really tried everything 7 Two or three times during liis wanderings he li.-id tlioiiglit of If. a Honifnee, and hod wondered who ther h<- should Reek him out again ; but in hJH trouble he !><) shrunk from going to comparative stran- gerx, and. an far HH KM-HI.--I went, it watt scarcely likely that lloy could help bim. Again came the horrihlf tempta tlo again that sort of terror of his own nature. He turned once mure to the picture of the llomsdalshorn ; it seemed to be the one thing which could witness to him of truth and lieauty and a life above the level of Very slowly and gradually he be- gan to see things an they really were ; h aw that if he yielded to his temptation he could never again face Kigrid with a Hear oon- ncienee He aw, too, that his only nafetfiiard lay in something which would take him out of himself. "I will get work," lie said, almost, flenely "For Rigrid's sake, I'll have one more try " Hut he felt, as id. Hi- in. I hnvo foil before him, that he wan handi- capped in the struggle by his luiie- linets. nnd perhaps it wa thin ooii- seioiiHiioHs more than anv expedu tion of finding work which made him swallow his pride and turn bid steps toward Hrixton CH.AT'TKn XII. IIv tlie time be ronclied Ttrixton it was quite dusk. II. \ had never aetunllv given him his address; but. he rn;i<l' ini|iiiri<>N nt, a simp in the neighborhood, wan offered the loan f a "liiivi'jrv, nnd having found what he needed was soon making his way up the well-swept carriage- drive which led to Rowan Tree House. To his BUT prise the door was sud- denly flung open as he approached, and a little boy in a velvet tunic came dancing out on to the steps to meet him. "Roy, Hoy!" shouted the little fellow merrily, "I've come to meet you !" Then speedily discovering his mistake he darted back into the door- way, hiding his face in Cecil's skirt. She stood there with a little cur- ly-headed child in her arniu, and her soft gray eyes and the deep- blue baby eyes looked searchingly out into the semi-darkness. Frithiof thought the little group looked like a picture of the Holy Family. Some- how he no longer dreaded the in- side of the house. For the first time for weeks he felt the sort of rest which is akin to happiness as Cecil recognized him, and came forward with a pretty eagerness of manner to greet h ; m, too much astonished at his sudden appearance for any thought of shyness to intervene. "We thought you ijust have gone back to Norway," she exclaimed. "I am so glad you have come to see us. The children thought it was Roy who opened the gate. He will be home directly. He will be so glad to see you." "I should have called before," said Frithiof, "but my days have been very full, and then, too, I was not quite sure of your address." He followed her into the brightly lighted hall, and with a sort of sat- isfaction shut out the damp Novem- ber twilight. "We have so often spoken of you and your sisters, " said Cecil; "but when Hoy called at tho Arundel and found that you had left without giv- ing any address, we thought you must have gone back to Bergen." "Did he call on me again there?" said Frithiof. "I remember now he promised that he would come, I ought to have thought of it; but somehow all was confusion that night, and afterward I wan too ill." "It must have been terrible for \<>ii all alone among strangers in a foreign country," said Cecil, the r';i<l\ tears starting to her eyes, "(.'ome in and sec my mother, she has often heard how good you all were to us in Norway." She o|KMi4-d a door on the left of the entrance hall and took him into one of the prettiest rooms he had ever seen; the soft crimson carpet, the inlaid rosewood furniture, the book -shelves with their rows of well-bound lM>ok, all seemed to lio- long to to < ;i< h other, and n delight- fully home- like feeling came over him as he -at by the fire, answering Mrs. Boniface's friendly inquiries; he could almost have fancied him- self once more in liis father's study at Horgen-- the room where no many of their long winter evenings had been pasted. Mrs. Honifoce was one of those very natural, homelv people whose commonplace remarks have a nort of flavor of their own, and (Veil had something of the same gift. At last the frontdoor o[>ened and footsteps sounded in the ball, little Lance ran out to greet Mr. lioniface jind Itoy, and Frithiof felt a sudden shame as he remembered the pursp.- proud tradesman that foolish pre- judice had conjured up in his brain a ho ing wholly unlike the kindly, pleasant -looking man who now shook hands with him, seeming in a n n. M i. 'ii i to know who lie was and all about him. "And m you have been in Lon- don all tliiw time!" exclaimed Hoy. "Whereabout! are you staying?" "Close to Viuixhall Station," re- plied Frithiof. "Two or three times I thought of looking you up, hut there wan always no much to do." "You have found work here, then?" "No, indeed; I wish I had. It nooins to me one may starve in this rploec, before finding anvthing to do." "Owen wishes to nay good night to you, Herr Falek," said Cecil, lending the little girl up to him ; an<l the hitter look died out of Fri- thiof's face for a minute as he . i. -'|.i .1 to kisH the baby mouth that was temptingly offered to him. "It will In' hard if in all 1/ondnn we can not. find you something," mild Mr. Honiface. "What sort of work do you want?" "I would do anything," naid Fri- t.hiof. "Sweep a crossing if neces- sary." They all laughed. "Many people say that, vaguely," naid Mr Boniface. "Hut when oim comes to practical details they draw hnck The mud and the hronin look all vnrv well in the distance, you Hoe " Then as a bell wan rimi? in tho hall, "Let us liave tea nrl, and i iiflerward, if volt will cotno into my ' si udy we will talk the matter over. We lire old fashioned pe-oplc in thin house and keep to the old custom of tea and mippor. I don't know A SUMMER DRINK WHICH STRENGTHENS A delleloni lummer drink Is) Iced BoTrl). Mix upoonful in a cold >plit soda w;ii.-i This is both cooling and 8trnthenin{. Cold bouillon lerved alone or witn toast or crackers li an <,. afternoon refreshment. Make a quantity of Bovril with boiling water In the usual manner and cool it In the li. box. Many hosteHseg are wrvlns; this bouillon which IB always excellent. The best way to buy Bovril is in the 1 Ib. bottles. Thene are by far the moat economical, being retailed usually at $1.75. and contain eight times as murli as the bottle usually sold at 35c. We will I'hnliv send on application a very useful leaflet on invalid and general dietetirg. which explains why BoTril aids digestion and enables von to absorb the full nourishment from your ordinary diet. AddroRn: Bovril, Limited, 27 St. Peter St., Montreal. how you manag<Auch things in Nor- way, but to my mind it seems that the middle of the day is the time for the square meal, as they say in America." If the meal that awaited them in the dining-room was not "square," it was, at any rate, very tempting; from the fine damask table-cloth to the silver gypy kettle from the de- licately arranged chrysanthemums to the Crown Derby cups and sau- cers all bespoke good taste and the personal eupervision of one who really cared for beauty and order. For the first time for weeks Frithiof felt hungry. No more was said of the unappetizing subject of the dearth of work, nor did they speak much of their Norwegian recollec- tions, because they knew it would be a sore Hubject with him just now. Meanwhile in the study a very matter-of-fact conversation was be- ing held. "What I want to find out," said Mr. Boniface, "is whether you are really in earnest in what you say about work. There are thousands of young men saying exactly the same thing, but when you take the ular danger, for h IB a strong s wirn- mer, but he w4 not in a pleasant humor, with the soaking his clothes were getting and the merriment of th crew at hie expense. A strong tide had swept him away from the steamer, but he was leisurely swimming back, when those on deck saw the fin of a shark coming through the water in his direction with alarming speed. They shouted a warning, and th steward swam as he never had be fore, while Captain Malkn set about getting a life-boat over the tide. But the captain and crew soon realized that before the boat could reach Kirstell the slui-k would overtake him. They lowered away, but before the boat was in the water Kirstell's efforts had brought him almost be- neath the overhang of the stern, and tho shark was less than a dozen feet behind. The men who had not manned the life-boat turned aside in dread of seeing Kirstell dragged beneath the water, when William Tozer, the third officer, a big Eng- lishman, sprang on to the rail and dived overboard. In one hand he clutched his big sailor's knife, its blade ready opened. His body scarcely raised a ripple as it cut into the water, but an in- stant later there was a tremendous commotion where the shark had been coming on. Its tail lashed the water, and the big fin thrashed up and down. Then it disappeared amidst the reddening water, and a moment later Tozer rose to the sur- face, to catch a long breath and strike out easily for the steamer. When he and Kirstell had been hauled aboard, the young third offi- cer explained that he had merely performed a trick common to many of the natives of the south seas, where he has cruised for many years. He had timed his dive to ome up beneath the shark, and lad ripped him open with the big tnife. There was some danger if u missed the shark the first time, confessed. 6 New modern plant of E. W. Gillett Company Limited, Toronto, Ont., consisting of MX buildings, with three Railway idings and acparate office building. trouble to go into their cjrorilaint you find that tue real cry is not 'Give me work by which 1 can get an honest living !' but 'Give me work that docs not clash with my tastes work that I thoroughly like.' " "I have no particular tastes," said Frithiof, coldly. "The nort of work is quite indifferent to me as long as it will bring in money." "You are really willing to be- gin at the bottom of the ladder and work your way up? You lire not above taking a step which would place you much lower in the social scale." "A fellow living on the charity of a relation who grudges every far- thing, as taking something away from his own children, is not likely to trouble much about tho social scale," said Frithiof, bitterly. "Very well. Then I will, at any rate, suggest my plan for you, and sec what you think of it. If you care to accept it until something hotter turns up, 1 can give you a sit.uation in my houe of business. Your salary to begin with would l>e but small ; tho man who leaves me next, Monday has had only five-and- twenty shillings a week, and 1 could not without unfair favoritism give you more at first. But every man has a chance of rising,, and I am quite sure that you, with your ad- vantages, would do so. You under- stand that, as I said, it is mere work that I am offering vou. Doubt- less Htanding behind a counter will not be very congenial work to one brought up as you have been ; but you might do infinitely worse, ami I can at least promise you that you will be treated as a man-not, as in many places you would find it, as a mure 'hand.' ' (To bo. continued.) KNIFING A SHARK. Deed of n Krltish Snllnr nt Simla I in i.i. Wholhor sharks really eat human beings or not, no one likes to be chased or to see a friend <'lia(Ml by one of them. And so, whether Wil- liam Tozer actually saved his ship- mate's life or not, he did a very brave thing, in a very neat and workmanlike manner. Wlic-n George Kirstell, teward of the Hritish steamship Hatnsay, fell Overboard while the steamer wns cn.'iling at Simla Lucia, Captain Mallen nnd tlio olfieers and crew, most of whom were on deck, laugh- ed heartily nt tho plight of the ntcward. Kirstell was in no partic- INTELLECTUAL IMLL9. To Increase Man's Physical and Mental Vigor. It took a German scientist to in- vent the intellectual pill. The basis of thie is a drug railed antikenotoxin, which has tho qual- ity of neutralizing the poisons which are said to bo tho cause- of mental Fatiguo. Dr. Weichardt, professor at the University of Erlangen, Germany, recently demonstrated that the muscles of animals Buffering from physical or mental weariness secroto a certain poison, to which ho gave tho name koimtoxin. Then it was shown that antikenotoxin in- New -and In this 5-Pound Sealed Package Ask your Grocer about if CANADA SUGAR MEfMINO COi UMITCD. MODTtCAfc jected int... a man increased his physical and mental vigor. This led Prof. Lorentz to think of utilizing antikenotoxin to stimulate brain work. He considered that errors of calculation, for example, should be set down to fatigue. He found that problems given to his class in mathematics at the be- ginning of the lesson were solved in five minutes by three students ; in eight minutes by thirty-three ; in ten minutes by sixteen. Other similar problems, given at the close of the lsson were solved in five minutes by one student; in eight by twenty-seven ; in ten bv twenty-three. Evi- dently. said the professor, it is men- tal fatigue that causes the slower work. On a subsequent day Prof. Lor- entz vaporized antikenotoxin in the class-room first before the close of the period and then set his pupils problems as before. The result was that they were solved in three min- utes by three student* ; in four minutes by thirty-one, and in ten minutes by one. And the solutions contained fewer errors than usual. This was the origin of Dr. Lor- entz's intellectual pills. European physicians are still a bit sceptical, saying the pills must be subjected to more thorough tests. minutes minutes PAX8BS GIVE A SURPRISE. Seed Must Have Lain Dormant More Than a Century. The Rev. Tertius Poole, Vicar of Culmstock, in Devon, England, tells a curious story of the results if ploughing in a grass lawn the year before last for the purpose of turning it into a rose garden. He says the lawn had not been disturb- ed for quite a hundred years. A parishioner who is 95 years of age savR that his father used to mow it when he was a child. Since it has been ploughed in it has been cover- ed with an amazing assortment of pansies of splendid quality. "No seed," says the vicar, "ha been sown nor have there been any pansies nearby. The only solution I can give is that the seed must have lain dormant in the soil for more than a century." One of the pansies, it appears, is of an altogether unusual type, be- ing like a gold and bronze butter- fly. Occasionally we meet a grown man who can eat almost as much as a small boy. If young stock are reduced to starvation rations in a drought- stricken pasture they not only cease to grow but they suffer a let-down in condition from which they are very slow to recover. DANGER. Miss Antique I hope, driver, you will not run away with me! Cabby Bless yer, no mum I I've got a wife and six young 'ung at home already. I ^T^/ cellar like this won a prize last year. E drawing was made from a photograph of the root-cellar with which D. A. Purdy, of Lumsden, Sask., won a cash prize in last year's contest In that last contest there wrrc 36 prize*. There will be thrte times aa many prizes (108) in the 1912 FARMERS' PRIZE CONTEST j^HUS you will have three times as many chances of winning a cash priie. You do not have to use any certain amount of Canada Cement to win a priic. There are absolutely no "strings" to this offtr. There are twelve priies for each Province (three of $50 t three of $25 1 three of $15} and three of $1GM and you compete only with other farmers in your own Prov- ince and not with those all over Canada. It makes no difference whether you have ever used cement. Manv of last year's winners had not used it until they entered the contest. When you write for full particulars, we will send you, free, a book, " What the Farmer Can Do WHh Concrete." whii-h tells evervthing you need to know about concrete. It is absolutely free, and you are under no libation to buy " Canada " Cement or to do anything eUc for us. \ V T KI I > your ftime tuil tires, un thr cvupou. inj null It or utr lettvc or pott r'.l tn4 "HI MJ you il once the book in I lull pankutari ol lln 1911 Pllw ConleM. Cuada CtiSMrt Costpuy I .,M A.ldr.u Publlolly M.o.rr, 0*-S4 Htrald BdlJiM. MwtrMl

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