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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1912, p. 4

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THE F L E S II E T O N ADVANCE rnw. < Icolicrton V-irtday t the nftii-f, Cil!in|nv,.,wl Street, !. >hi -TI Sulwcription price $1 |>w aniiiuii. >. Mn |*i.l iii adinne*; $!..">* when not n paid \ (m-uv ratc n application. Circulation 1,1011 weekly. \V. H. Tliui-dloii Editor ' ~~ i TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE WESTERN QUESTION Tlie ('auailiin (irain Cmweri' (iiiiJt: of \VinniiKt; i.s haul) poinlinKout the v.tu*l disadvantage* under which the West IH laboring, mul in lengthy article attacks the Toronto XewH i.n it* argument HgtiiiKt reciprocity or a lower tariff. Tin- News ci take caic of itself, but theie in one |)hi- of this question thai is loo often overlooked. The West is largely made ui> of the Hast. We have sent out our farmer-, our avtizans, our ichcol teachers and professional men lo inhahit and brins undur subjection our western plain*. These people have none out with their eye.s open as to th shortcom- ings and druwbicks of a new country, t:d the hatdfrbipti ihey will have t. undent'- 1 . lu palling with them the East Ims ,-I!MI suffered and it "till .suffering. Salaries have advanced and teachrrs for th |>nst in* year-- li i>e been scrce at any reis- ontble salaiy owing t<> the western drain upon our educational institutions. Our mechanic* and f*n Uborcis have also been at ti acted westward to such mi ex- tut that tilling of our lani IMS become a problom, aud manufacturers have been obliqed to raise wages and prices of their wares. The people of the West now want pricew of machineiy lowered and they nlo want railway ami letagnpfa ifttei lowered. li st-eins to in that tbo West is iiie- wlur. unreasonable in its demand*. Our lailwnyn take thousands of harvest hands west at a nominal fure to help out the cram growers, and in many way* fin.. is hive taen liuwn. I'ntil a new coumry beoomes thickly populated railway rales mid telegraph rites must ralijjo higher ili in in more thiiUy uopulated duliicls, or uch facilities cannot exist. Summing up in abort, wo my siy tht both Kal and West bave cm in n bmi'ens to bear that the development of such an immense district imposes, ana w, lu>u!il grin and bear them until uV\-l"| ment iscuiupletf, when IhinnH will adjust then .-Ken. or at least the time will have armed when such .-.ludjuMini'iil can be made without injus- tice to the iiiaiiuf.icliuer, the arli/.an or fanner. Hut (lie tune is not yet. The aiii trowel- |'lea i- premature. AN OWEN SOUND VIEW Tin- dwell Sound Sun, rnmmi-ntiliK on our editorial re 'he coin.ty lu-tesinient, says : The Advance H wrona in stalinx tint i!iiiwi-n Sound ieprrsenali\i - mule .tiiy sucb argument ill tb County Council.- Owen .Sound is nut asking for . Iwiiiy ;it the hands >.f tin- 'otinty ' 'ouncil. We ,-isk only a <|imre deal, i nd ruifiit the attitude (.f ceriaiu lep ii-sentativuh fioin tli- South of I he ..imty who apparently havn as their 11,1111 object to "so.ik'' Owen Hound- The Owen Sound representatives did not imy the fact that ()*en Sound is row- mg and pr..spetmi{ but Ibey made j..i"'i protest i '-iin i i-.i-ii ; the unity . - .in.-ni itf Owen Sound with >ut a thorough investigation into Ihu li'ili- <|iiestion. I '.H in I. in. I and I. mid .ngsin every township in tin- county liavo ini-ie.i IM| greatly in value and earn- mi; power in recent leius, yi-l Ihe majority of thu County yvouneilloiH can- see it that way. l)wen Hound bus i km the brunt of all inereate in county 'HsuMnient fi'i many past, anil it is ' .HID to cull a hull. \\ . 1,,-ive thu best i-.-l i i > for i ii.i". that llieiilguiiient abo\e referred to w.s oiade ue of at the ri-rent < 'minty ('ouncil, i.otwiihstaiidnix tbe Snn' denial. We would invite I he Sun to copy our table of 'iiiiparuiive assr-niiients so that the Owen Souiiil pi-i.pli- will know exactly liow uiMly they an- gi-llin^ off. l.^ht MII (his matter would prolutUy make them fei-l CUMI-I. ll M'nild nl Irasl let / i.-m know llial tln-y are not l-eing bled, il their loral |"|' i would lime tin-in tidliuve. Broke Quarantine A case Ims emm- up in I'.uric showing t lat a ji'iti'iirdi-d door ii imt to lirdisn- in el Si. me weeks HJ,O .1. II. Kirlnnan, gont for Ih.' Mi-ln .politaii I, if.-, had All i.i.-i tbat i|ii iiaiitiiii i. -il ,1,1.1, likn oo I rwolotiona, wort u.adi' i , l.i- broken. N.IW In- thinkl othtrwlMi I II .lime -7, I' i.-lMi.lui - I In- plm.i'il mill init met ions warning th publie lokiiep'iwiv from the In. MM- i't .lolin I'lillllNtrl, Kh/.ibe'b sli-i-et, owlin lo llm uf Heurh'l feif, llu' |iiil-HIHl|lt i-ii'i'n-1 Ih.- house ,-niil roll.-. -l.'il hr. iir.l.ilmenl of dues, .iiiioiinting lo one, Tilth In-ill^ le|M.rl.'il I" hlMpeelor Hiirgart, 1m immi'ili-itely In I ,i aumnioiH r,,-.l, but illd i".i i ood in nerving (ill (UNI wt-i-h. \\!,m the |'lio magis- trate heniil the fuel*, ho imposed line )f *85 HlllliUll CO Artemesia Council Arlcm.'M.-i Council met on Saturdiy 1'ist tl.e nie:;ibers present, the Ili-eve in the chair. Minutes of last m.'i-tiiiu r.-.-ul and coiiiirmed. Coinmu- nicat ions as follows were presented and read : Mr. K ('s.iipbell peison-il y waited upon the Council in reg.-irj to road do v in mil on lot 'J4, con. 1- Tho town- ship solicitor wrote re aale (.f parts i.f treetiii I'riceville to the C. 1'. K. Mes>is. McKei./.ie, Mcf.ei.d aiul Oraham reported as to condition of l.">0 sidi-rcad, past of Toronto Line. A. D. Mcl.eod reported as to timber, etc., on part of town line Artemesia and Proton. ,f. H. Mclntyre, acc-ount for notice for lenders for hoiseshoe bridge, $,'f.50 ; W. H. Thurhton, voters' lilt and oilier printini>, S.">8 ; I). Muir, claim for sheep killed by dogs, $11.40. 15ylaw 745, to levy rates for UllL', was iotradatftd -uid read a lirst and second time and held over for tiiul reading. A. I). McLeotl Meldium That Dan- iel Muir be paid Ji4.2. r ) for sheep killed by dogs Carried. D. Mcl.eod- Meldrum That the re- port of the commit 'ee appointed to ex- amine I .".i i .-iii. -i.. id be received and they IM- paid two dollars each for their ser- vices Canied. Meldrum Th'.t Mr. A. D. IfcLeod'l report re timber on t nir( of town hue ArteiiK-sii and Proton, be re- ceived, and be proceed with representa- tive of I'ruton Council to carry out the mutter as suggested in the report, 'ind be be paid &2 for his semces in connection there with. Cairud. 1). McLeiKl MeUrtiin -Tbat the fol- lowing accounts for yravel. duly certified by overseers, be |>aid : J. Oliver f4.'*i5. .1. K. Wiight (CJ.5U, Geo. Mo.ue S'.'.!'."), .1. W. (Jilson ?4 7U, .1. Hargrove 2.4D, ' McMillan $1 7*'. (jeo. WiUiiuiMin $. r > :., D. Mi-Don-ild ?:.:!.', F. Pedlar SL'.tJO Win. Fisher W<<), S. IVdlar f:t.Da Mrs. Hewitt *1 !H, B. White *2, .1. Teeter li.ic, N. Frewiim #4 7">. Mrs- Jiiiniesoii $1. -J5 Carried. A. D. M. I... ,1 (ir.-iham Tint the followiny^aocountt for printing and advei- M-III- he piul : .1.11. Mclntyre !..">. W. H. Ihuiston i.">s --Caniitl. A. 1>. M.-I.eoil (ii-iham -Til-it the otl't-i of tin- (' 1'. It. L'o' for the purchase of certain putts of stieets in the viil-i^t-of I'riceville be aCcep!eJ. mid the Ueeve nii.i Cleik are here)') instructed tn exe- cute proper conveynnce, tnl>ject to \ - piovil >.f township v,iicitt>r Carried. ( 'i.imeil adjourned. KKI-nKT UN \'.V) l|it.l:il> To tin- Council of Arteme.-i't, tiet.tle- meii:--We, your committee appointed to i-i.-iiniiie lilt) sidetoad fr.-ni the 1st to the 2nd concessions, North- Kriii T. A S. bi' leave to report tint w* mel on Monday, July .-tii., and went carefully over the mml allowance, ->t. r kkin^ a line tluoij^h the uncleared part. We find il..- road woiinl pasr. through a sKitmp covered with o. i'.l timber for about _' " rods, !,.. ui u'n rods of somi-wlut hm'.i.T : i.und spasely timbered, about 'JO rods of beaver meadoM and '.he balance clear- . I land that ini^bt be easily -41 uK-.l. SVe found tluit a brunch of tbe Saugeen river crosses I be loud four limes, but by diverting the hlieam along road allow- ance, two bridges would I.e sullii-ient, with n spun of about 20 < r 25 feel each. 'I lie timber is c.f i:n considerable vulue, but might I" 1 tutlicient ' build the bridges ri.|iiited. The of con- st rue! ion would vary uccorain^ to the t|U.ili'y ami i;ei nmm-nce of !lu- wmk, iind wo would estimate it at from 97W.W for a winter road or fur light Ir.ilNr, to > I li'iu n f,u a mail of moderate i ibty. llespeclfuliy iibimtted. T. K. Me Ketuie, A I>. Mi. .1. I. (iraham. Mi:. MrLKoli'" KKI-i III To the Municipal Ci.ui.iil . i \n ineM i Oentleinen, in accoidancti with my appointment t" evmun,- too nlin.-.r.oti n untl Aii.-iiii 1 1, from lot < 1 to HI. with conimitsioner tii.m 1'rotoii. in regard lu timber on itll"Waiue, n- I what we ilei-mnt best to be done with il, would lie'.; leave to report u.s li.||ow.-> : Tint we found the road a'h.wence liinbeied with Uuah> tinibei mid aoinu paities i. .- i iiitin ; uid :,n,,--.ii , i', and we Woiil I sui{ that we engine nil ein'iiiei-i to run (he lii.e and tlut we s,.|| the tunlier to the lushest i i I. .: A. I). Mi I.enil. Farmer Injured In Runaway l.iu I .out;, who tiiovt'd on the ( >vens fum near Dimtrooii, bad the misfoilunti to b.'tve Ins le ; bioken in it runit*iiy m ThursiUy mrnini(. II.' was cmlin.; fill wln-at oil his fni in i :i \'eitrb > H sidi-roud when hit team atUrhcd I" the binih-r I in uwny. In .itleni|-lmv! to (top limn he liei.iinii enl. int-led 111:10(14 the- hoiM's and bin lei .ind one of tlir aiiiin ,' . i|.;.| ,-d on his !(({, breaking il, Sii!lV.iiii|( yreut | -tin lio luy in llu< In-lil until .1 n .in workinn i, n tin' ailj.uiiinn farm notier.l ll.i-'llli.; ub.iiil, uirl i "in- c.'il mi ll-.i- i nis,.. I ... -n f.,uiul wlo li' IIP b-'nl fallen. IKi wits >|iii.-klv insisted lo the huiii" of Mr. A. Neil, when iii'-ilu- il :il I end -i i HI- v is ,I.-M:I - , I lie W.H lenii'M'.l I" bis |. "ne nit TKurs ,, ,> s - CARl) OF THANKS ^^_ I bets to express my i hunks -o f. ml i Flesherton, I.O. K., for p'otnp! p->}ini'til of beiielic'i;iry on my il.iunlr.-i s lite. MRS. CKl> lilSNIK Fletherton, Au--ii-t f., 191-J. m'.AI.KO TKNDKIIS^ to the un- * detniKiiml. and eudometl Teuder for Wharf at Bitf Hay. Out..' wil! hu (received a) Mil otticu until 4 p.m. on Wednesday. \-..i:-t 14. l-..i . for tliu coastruutou of one crib, tile stono and Krivul approael., acd the reconstruction of the ex.ttiii!; wharf at l.r- llay. t euuty of (jrey, out, I'laus. ppticillcation and form of contract can be e.'Bii aad forum of teu.ter obtained at tliis Department and at the c fllcen of .I.e. Sing. EBI|.. District Kogineer. Cunfedera- tioii Life Building. Toronto. Out., and, on appli- cation to the I \istiimstiTat North Keppel Ont 1'i-rsoin Ifoilerini; are notified that tendei-H will not be considered unless uia^e on die printed forms supplied, ami MKe.i with their actual Bimmtiiri-e. stating their ocuupatioui and places of residence. In the case of tlruis. tbe uctual llgaataz*, the nature of the occupation, and placeof residence of eacli member ot tbe Urin must be given. Each tender nint be accompanied by an ac- cepted chei|n on a chartered hank, payable to Iheordei of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten CO' par cent, of th amount of die tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering declines to cuter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted thechei|ue will be returned Tho Department docs not liiii'l itself to ac- cept the Inv. ,-st or any tender. Jtv order. 'li. C DF.SUOl HKKS. Secretary. Department of Public \Vrk. Ottawa, -tiih, l.iu. s will not b paid for this adTer- if they insert it without authority from the Depui tmeiit. Hotel Men, Attention ! For Sale Cheap and Easy Terms F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. summer resort and biick hotel in Kui;<-ni.i, with modern linings and fur,iisliini/s eompl.-te ; Urge barn, -' .')lr- and shed. Splendid garden, lawn ami three acres good vegetable land, all in lirst class condition rind repair. A I.i'u.- lummer trmV Mid splendid putron- 'i^e by picnicers, si minor touriata aud tn.irdt-n. Only $4lHJO, rea.sonable cash payment, balance eiuy terms or might accept \Veiiurn prnpefty in |.irt p.iyment. Apply lo |{. J. SI'KOI'LE, Kli'sbeiton, (int. ' 'r H. Mnnil, i w on tin- premises. CAME ASTRAV I've came to my place iibout July '.. < iwiu-r jileriM piove property. |>tiy ex- 'nse.H and t;,ke sain..- nwiy. Tl'CKKK MilU CAME ASTRAY HiMir l'ii< slraye.l to my premisis -,n or nh.ui' .luly S. Owner cin hue it by pioving pjoperty and paying expenics. MAUK MURPHY, I >-'" Maxwel^l'.O. Boar for Service Lai".- Improved Yorkshire fwr semee on lot |."S, '.'ml \\'e>t bai''i line, 'lerms $1.00 1 Aug. .1. A. KKNNKDV, I'rop. SUMMER SPECIALS ALL REASONABLY PRICED Ladies' White Footwear Ladies' White Canvas Shoes, three styles $1.75 and $2.00. Ladies' White Ilncksinn Shoes. Colonial style $'2.75 and $3.50. Ladies' White Hosiery, Silk Finished Lisle 2uc per pair. Ladies' Middy Blouses and Norfolk* MIDDY I'.LOl'SES Tau color, trimmed and faced with red, navy blue. Sizes 82 to M. Price S!. 00 MIDDY BLOUSES- White Duck, trimmed with red, tan, navy 01 cadet blue. Sizes 32 to 88. Price $1.00 and $1.50 NORFOLK BLOrSKS White Duck, trimmed and piped with red, navy, or cadet blue. Price $1.75 Ladies' Embroidered Collars, Dutch Collars, Lace Collar and Cuff Setts, Lingerie Bows, wash Belts. Long White or Black Silk Gloves. Novelties in Fancy Neckwear just received from manu- facturer*. Ready for Preserving Time ! St. Liwreuce Granulated Sugar. Redpath Granulated Sugar. Granite Preserving Kettles All sizes. Gem Jars the wide mouth kind All sizes. Gem Jar Rubbers. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Mauy I -mi"-- < olIeKe during tbe close for uuiuier LyOTT TnHOXTO. <>ST..ilo not- Nnwi* au excelleut tiuietocoininuceacoure _ Write tor catlogng ; _^^_^^ _ I ARM FOR SALE Fairtield Karni. let -'!4, con. 5, Ar'.e- mesia, containing 100 :icre, cleared, bal- ance nood hwdwood bush, and some cedar. 7 " This farm ii in a good state of cultivation, free from noxious weeds and well fenced. Excelb.-nt snil and sso.d spring ;it back of farm, barn with stone foundation and stabling. Implement home, poultry house and good dwelling house : g>od well with first class water. This is one of the choicest farms in Arte- mpMii ami in a Rood bniality. HI health cause f -i-Hni'4. Apply to H. K. DYSON, Prop. Klesberton P. O. CEYLON'S BUSY STORE * * o 9 m mf 1? I --=~ .'. f -S >>f = c It * "EBg ijflli ?r- $ x S aJ*7||fi" ^ >> - j-^Nj . = * ~ FlesHerton. ^- Tonsorial *V- Parlors We Aim to (iive Kntiro S.-iiisfactioli I.AlXDUV-Hi.sket loaves Tut-sduy niiiht, delivery Friday eveni-ii;. I'l.KANINC and DYKINCJ- We re BUents for I'arker's Dye \\orlts Clotlie.s cleaned and dyed, feiillu-rs lejn.eiiatod. - 1 , * sffl-si . il^Hi iiIJi:-- 1 !* >9 1 5^ 5 |c T. FISIIF.K. - PROPRIETOR Property For Sale Hoiin.' and Lot in Ki-vcrnham (ioo.l n-mi'lil blnok house, fi:nne stahl , |-acre lot. ({OIK! well at door. Also lot HI and K. li.ilt 11. 1-.' h on., i isjitey, enntaiiiiiii.' l.'iOaciet ; .;o d frame burn, eh-., we.ll watered, o d sti.i-k firm. I '-i terms mid pxrticul .rs apply t .IAS. T. McKKN/IK, .Iniiil'JTlf Kovernl. mi 1 J .(). Strayed To I lie preiniNes of t)n> tindciM^IU'd on .Inne 1st, ono white heit'or two y,-ar old, one (i ray heifer one, ye:ir old. (>*nor in re |iiesled In prove ptopiilly, pay ex- mul (like the sini,. .--,,>. U.K. ST-VKKOUH. Just Arrived ! New Consignment OK Fall & Winter Suitings Some very Choice Patterns to chi ose from i.i-:\\ i MH r. -A'- \\ 1 1 n C. BLAKBLEY Wrartical fjaii'or PRESSING & CLEANING Carefully attend d to When in Town give Me a call XXX Standard Bank luilding n.KSllF.KTON, -- Do You Ev^Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 tk m at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture yiven at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (Jet something nice and comfortable on which t-j ly your weary hrnd. Of coui'Si 1 we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Saitaiy licd.s- auch as everybody wantci. SpriiiKR and Mattresses to IH all Kxamine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep indnceis. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. WANTED A 1.IVK AC.KNT KoK Flesherton and Vicinity To well for The Fonthill Nurseries and take itilvantn^o of tho underfill ilovi'l.i|.meht of the KK11T Hl'SlNKSS in Ontario at tho |n-es<nt lime, which in crt-iitiiiK an extrikordinikry deniiind for Fruit Trooi, ivc. (!oud terriloi'y re.sorved tor LOOAIi A (SKNKUAL SALKSMKN. St^tt now. <ntlit free. \Vvito tor |inrticnlars. 1.1.,,- Stone & Wellington Hf MflilEIS. I (tarolully Corrected Eacli 'yton ;' v: > > > !> > > ^ i^, > > > ^ i> i> !; ; ^ ^ (>t .-i lv. , Wi-i-k t, .s,-, K- i .> I!. * u I to to I h), l'.,u!oy 70 t.> 70 Hay ID 00 to 10 i>i> Ilnttor _"_' 't _'.' KKS-H. u.-Ji '.'L' i -': [ I'l'tHtolM Jlfl I)H 1 U'.'l til 1 '.'." K liiT-l- It) lo |l> I l>iK-k 10 .o 1'J I 8 in t,, 19 S IS id l -.',' J. & W. BOYD Flcshcrton, - Ontario. We have just received a ship- ment of Summer Materials In order to make them nunv niorei|uk'kly we are putting them on sale at Kuliculous Low Trk-ivs. Women's White I.awn Dresses nwtle up neatly witli tucks, embroiileryaml lace insertion. IxegulaV $:..">(>, our price $!.?," Women s White Mull Dresses, trimmed with Irish Lnce and tine Tucks. Ke'ojular $()..>(>, for ,<4..->(). We are offering some Special Harjjains in Whito I.awn Waists Lescale Silks We ha\e nearly any slmde you may war.t. some very neat patterns a very serviceable Dress Matt-rial. K'egular ,">(>c, our priee *J."e. Sheplierd's Check Prints Kogular iL'U- lor 7c. Fancy Parasols Some very Patterns aiul ( 'oloix at j.rk-es from '.'V to SLM.\ Chiia's Para.sols L\- H - to' S

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