'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN.' WL32, NO Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, August 1, 1912 W. H. TfiDBSTON KDITOfI untl I'KOPKIETO ' i I * I*. Fever sham Items Miss K. Thompson and Mms Lee of F'ltsherton, spent Sunday wi'h Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson of the suburbs. Miss Lime Hudson of Collingwood, Hpent Suuday with her mother, Mrs. John Hudson, here. Miss l.iU Alexander has rft'irnedjhome after a two week's holiday with friends in Collingwood. Mi. and Mrs. Whiieoak of Markdale, visited with the former's brother, Geo., over Sunday. Misses Ev and Alice Arnott are visit- ing with their uncle, on the third line. Miss Flauey Simple ha returned h-.im-., after a week's holidays with hr cousin, at Lad j bank. MM. R. Bracken bury Sr., spent it couple of weeks iith her son, Fred, on the eighth line. The Misses Gertie and Wina Mortal have returned home from Guelph for the Bom On Tuesday, July 23, to Mr. tii<l Mrs. iJco. Whewell, a daughter. Miss Gertie MonV has been engaged to teach our puMic school for the en. Buing year. Brigadier and Mrs. Adby, rhe Division ConitnaniSers for the Hamilton Division, will pay their tirst visit to Feverslmm C.rcle on Aug. .'I and 4. The Brigadier ui-iy be said to be the singing Evangelist. They will conduct a meeting Saturday night at 8. p. in., Sunday t L-idybank i;t ;; p. m., Kevurshaiu at 8 p. m. This will be something fivsh in ths Army and the meeting will be interesting. We extend a hearty welcome t> all. Mc- ihe Intended for Lat Week Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson of Urtgor, Mich., are visiting at former's parental home in this villa,<. Mr. and Mrs. Enwgn Plantt of the 8. A., who have been visiting with Mrs. Plant's brother and sisters here for a few weeks have gone to Owen Sound, where they take charge of the Army corp> in that town. Miss M. Davic'son of Sandusky. Mich., is v iMlmg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson, in this village. Mr. D. W. Clinton haa disposed of his Ktore here to Mr. Pedwell of Thornbury. Mr". W. (J. Uaud visited at Mr. M:s. W. Uiind's OD th* 12th line. Ceylon Mr. Brown, Toronto, is a visitor at Mr. S. Heinphill's, a!*o Mr. Kilbun Hemphill and bri-Je of Winnipeg paid his Lr.cle a liyini? visit on Saturday. Miss Lilly Muir has gone to Orange ville to spend a week with her aunt. Mi.ss Grace Cherry, Toronto, is spend ing a fortnight with Miss Sarah Ann Muir and othei friends. Mrs. II. L'ive w visiting her daughter Mrs. W. Hiudle, Maxwell. Mrs. Win. White and Mi.ss Reid t. Dundalk were visitors *ith the former'; son here on Sunday. Miss Anna Whiti 'accompanied her grandmother home fo a week's visit. Mr. Charles Chislett, who has been ii Winnipeg the past year, returned horn last Tuesday to visit his parents. Mr. and Mis. Fred Uutlcdge and bab of Woodbvidge came up Saturday i ..'till a couple of weeks with the form- er's mother and other friend*. We are sorry to report Miss Lime Sargent quite ill, but hope soon to see her able in !>. arouud again. Mr. R. Bates and Miss Beamish of Dundalk spent Sunday ut Mrs. Andrew Rutledge'*. A vast amount ol ill health in dn to hu- iwired <ligftion. When the stomach fails to perforn its functions properly the whole y- tem becomes deranged. A frw iloscs of Chamberlain's Tablets i all you neeil. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate your liver, an 1 regulate your bowels, eiuirely doing away with that miserable feling due in faulty digestion. Try it. .Many others have been permanently cured why not you? For sale by oil der.lers. Riverdale City visitors are the order cf the day t present. P.ev. Mr. Alaum made several pastora* alls in this vicinity on Friday. Miss Lizzie Cur.ting Ls engaged with In. Henry of Markdale. Mr. Ezra Fawcctt and popular young idy friend, Miss Jannet Leopard, visit- d friends in South Hiverdale last week. Miss L. Boyd visited Miss Kate )ickie of Cherry Grove, on Thursday. M. Baird and Co. completed the eason's lumber stwine operations on 'ridiy. Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon of Mark- ale, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . Lee, the tirst of the week. Mr. Jnh'n Irwin, accompanied by his ady friend, Miss L. Boyd, nailed on the 01 mer's sister, Mrs. J. Wiley of \Vode- inse, recently. The annual huckleberry picking ex- itiuent is becoming very infectious as very, Tom Dick and Harry, Mary Ann i,d Sua are desirous of gathering in their hare of [the sweet and mellow goods, ihich we are informed is of an ex- leplionaly large, juicy variety this eason in the maish, north-east, of River- lale. An excruciatingly joyous time is tnticipated during the next four weekc. Strangers as welcome as the Dowers iu May. Refreshments served in the wild cat park, adjacent to the marsh, if you 'ou bring them with you. Come along and have a roaring tim--. We are somewhat depressed and a rirte hnras-cd to notice in a recent issue >f The Advance that the able and op- timistic editor of this bright, bree/.y and effulgent journal was in favor of ihe fricoville and Kiverdile eor'a. "smoking the hitchett and bniyinv the pipe of peace." While this distorted maxim was surely an appiopri.Ue- suggestion, we foel it our duty to state that it was as unnecessary as it was uncalled for as a fool note 10 the Rivet-dale happenings. If the urbane Mr. Advance editor will beat it back to the battle Held, he will ncill to memory that we were not the originator of the lovely onslaught, in whiuh our dear Pricex ille reporter has frequently given a glorious demonstra- tion of his najity yellow streak. Walkerton CephuH Kehh.igiif. the Indian from the Saiigeen Reserve, who was arrested i.car Walkerton on the charge of abduct- ing and having immoral relations with a white girl named Aneta Cole, aged about 14 years, of Paisley, and who was also alleged to have immorally used Julia Francis, a little JO year-old white girl, whom the lndin< had adopted, was arraigned before Magis'rate Tolton be- hind closed doors here on Friday last and upoii the conclusion of the evidence was acquitted by the Court. William Burnett an English boy, aged 14 years, recently out from the old snd was possibly fatally injured on Monday morning last while trying to catch a IIOI-HO on the farm of Mr. .lames Connors near Cargilly where he had been work- ing for some tiuiij. Going into the lield among a number of horses, Burnett attempted to captuie one of the animals, when the steed suddenly swerved around and letting rly its heels .sent a smashing blow lo the head, making a ghastly wound above the er and it ii feared fatally fractnrinn the skull. t'hailes Kugler, the Southampton hotel-keeper who was remanded lo tne Walkerton jail on the charge of assault- ing his wife and daughter, appeared be- fore Judge Klein on Friday last and on pleading guilt.y was let ;/o on suspended sentence. After denouncing his conduct the Judge Ihreatend to sentence Kugler to six mohths Central Prison with hard labor if he was brought before him with- in a year for ill-treating his family or being drunk. He was also bound over to the extern, $'.'00 to keep the peace for a year. -r Herald. Priceville Jottings A guod many farmers say that they tind the bay crop belter than they expected. The grain rrops on high land ar.s mak- ing great improvement since the rains, but a lot of grain on low ground is doing very pooily. Hellou ! Dutferin, are you preparing to banquet your " Best " puyilist after knocking out the Markdale mm in the tirst round ? l)h, I see, you are disgust- ed with him, eh ' Well, I don't wonder. Good bye. Our h'rst civic holiday will be celebru'- ed on August .">. A Toronto football team has challenged Svmton Park and it has been arranged that the game will be played on the 5lh. A rough time may bd expected, but the Swinton boys fear nothing on the face of the eaith. L)ied- At Ins residence, town line street, S. unlay morning, )uly 7, Donald Me Arthur, aued "'' years. The deceased might In- callod one of the pi'meers. for he and Ins wife came from Fergus and settled on a bush lot about 185K. A family of six sons and six daughters grew up in the honi and ten of these are still living Lachlaii and Archie living near by, and Maggie and Minnie, who have been of lale .it home caring for the old folks. Hugh nf Cheboygan, Michigan, came home to see his father and was with him when he passed away. The others are away in the far west. Tho funeral services at the residence and cemetery wee conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Mathefon. Mrs. Chapman of Toronto, with her three children, 11 visiting her mother, Mrs. Kobeit.son. Mr. C. is expected up for our civic holiday next Monday. 11. IJ. McKinuon, who has been prin cipnl ..i uur puiilie, school for some limp, has resigned the position and will attend T' K'liiu utmrisiiy. II. H. has been an industrious teacher of ureat ability and will no doubt make a name for himself in (hi! near future. Alec McAulay of Ohio has been home visiting his aged mother. Did t hi- good people U)i at. " Happy Land" lose a day lint week ill their slumbers, like Rip Van Winkle, or what was I he matter with the calendar, when the teams were mil on Sunday morning and haying operations in full swing be- fore the mistake in the day was observed ' H. A. Mclvuchuie, our new merchant, purchased a line driver from Robert Pal-slow, and has also presented himself with a rubber-tired bugsy. Mr. John Jumes of Wisconsin has been visiting his brother. C.C. James. J. Burgess, C.P. R. a^ent, has beou away for bis holidays. .Mi--- M draiit of Durham visited here la-t, week. Hello ! Kivurilale. S'puse you i.re very busy digi'siing the Saskatohew in elections ' Yes, ihe political baronn'te.' indicates Keciprocity approaching us rapidly. Just so. good by. Olga Bcllerby of Shelburne celebrated the 12th of July in Grand Valley with a motor cycle. Chief of Police Kuchamron took exception to tho speed he made under condition, and also to his language at times. Justice of Peace S. Tat.e held court mi Monday night when a plea of guilty was fjled and tines of $5.00 andf200jnd cotts, respectively, on above charge, wtve assessed. Star Were all medicines as meritorious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re mcdy the world would l>u much better oft anil the percentage of sulTei-iim greatly de- crca<c<l," writiM Lindsay Scott, nf TempU, liul. Knrsale by all dealers. Mr. I). Cambpull, formerly of Dun- dalk, ha* putelmsed an established diujj business at the corner of Harbord and B >i den stieets, Tonmt^. Two woman were arrexted, charged with stealing 500 worth of gauds fi- ;m Ea'.'.'ii's .store in Toronto. East Mountain Miss K.nm.i \\ .liinii of Holland Centre is the gimst of Mi.ss Luty Walion. Mr. John Paul of Feverslmin was in our vicinity the past week. Miss Cora and Elsie .Mar>in spent a couple of days at Duncun recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin and little son, I >rviile, spent Saturday and Sun- day in Thornhuiy. Mr. Jim Hislop of Owen Sound is at Mr. WfUbe's at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sloan visi'ed lately with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin. Hurry left the beginning of the week for Wakcna, California, when: he will spend some time. "1 wan firt'd ul' iliari hutui by one dime of Chamber-lni'i's Colic, Cholera and IHariroea Ifainedy," writes M. K. lieblmrdt, Oriole, I'a, There is in.thhiK better. For sale by all d -ulers. Mr. b\ J. Jackson, of Meadow\ale,h^x nineteen acres planted in cucumbers this Year. They will be sold t,o the pickle factory. Twenty-ti\o p. muds of seeds were required to plant thm immense cucinber patch. ^_Ueo Henry of Melaiiciilun was serious- ly injuied on Saturday lust by falling from a lead of hay to the barn floor. He was engaged unloading hay and was pulling the trip rope when it broke and he lost his balance and fell. He was unconscious fur over an hum- and both arms appeared to l>e paralysed. It is thought that his spine is also injured. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mr.-. 'Jodfrey of Meatord mo- U-ied over to visit friends here ihu p*--t wi-i-i, anil were I lie guests of Mr. and M:s. L. Latiiner. The regular monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held Wed., Au. 7, '-'.30 p.m., at Mrs. Wallace Armstrong's. The program will be as follows : Vnlue of attending fi.ll exhibitions. Mrs. K. A. (.iraham ; Cooking in paper ba^s dem- onstrated. Mrs. <i. Graham ; Demons! ra- tion on homemade candy, Jessie Arm- strong. I'll Tuesday afternoon Mias Maiul Duckett entertained a goodly number of friends and city friends at hei home in " Pleasant Valley. " A beautiful table of delicacies was spread on the lawn. Miss Hollinger of Toronto took 4 snap shot of the company. After tea tlu-re were a few toasts and speeches. Mr. Hhunk of flusht-riipn gave a sliort ad- dress on social gatherings. Mr. J. C. I', -i, 11.1:11 of Owen Scjimil. representative of i he C.O.F. (as every man to his trade; spoke on Hie benetil.s of secret societies. A few hours was tpent in a came of ball. Kvi i \one HI-LI home feeling lllut they had -| i-:ii A pleasant and prulitabie afterno'in. A good time is expected mi Thursday afternoon, August 1, at the garden piny and baNulmll match and concert. Kvery- boily come. Miss i M-I.I-; ni.i Smi h is home on :t visit tor a visit for a few weeks. Master Jakiu Sloan of Mount Albert is visit ing friends here. We were aI-K> pleased to see his grandma, Mrs. Sloan, looking o well a she pasted through our buig to visit her son, William, HI. Kim- berley. Mrs. Jerry Tlioinpm>n and ilausihu-r, K'.t-i, of Klushfitoii. visiteii friendH here the past week. Mr. and Ml". J. Briton of Mcnlord wera the gueHls ul MisH Puckett over Sunday. Miss I.i/./.ic Williams h.is guiie u a visit with n i- MI! ii Poi-flaw. Mr. Morgan and sun of I'munlo :tru tho <{UU6ts of Mr. and Mrs. K. Morgan. Air. and Mrs. James Liiilon visited the hitter's brother at Purtl'iw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hogg and son, Will, of Manor, Sunk., are the guesta of Mr Henry Cairns. Miss Nicrgiit of Hanover is renewing old :ici|iuinUnces here. She was a for- mer teucber of the 8lh li;ie school. Mr. Fred Le.Gard and children of To- ronto are visiting friends hoie. Mr. Marshall of Moaford visited his sister, Mis. Fred Pedlar, the past week. Some of the big inuckey mucks of Markdale motored over to .1 Harden pirty at Kitnberley, arriving in Kugeuia in the ^in:il] hours of tlie morning) They hap- pened to spy a herd of cuttle with bulls on them. One party got a be 1 around his neck and mounted 'he cow's back. The poor -iniinal at once took tlight. The lady who owned the cow arrived on the scene when a hot discussion look place is tu which owned the beil, the oow or the umn. An onlooker look :i snp shot of the scene, si nnyoi.e wishing a copy can purchase one at Kugenia. Master K. . \tehesou of Pol-daw spent the past week with his friend, Wesley Latimer. Mrs. Cnrru thers of Toronto is visitim; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tinner. Kimberley Budget Fall wheat cutting is the order uf the day. Mr, Herbert Francis of Blantyre made a business trip to our Monday. bur-; Dundalk A large number of firmers from Bidjeros district were dis.ippionted on Saturday evening when they gathered in the court- room, in Dundlk, to hear the evidence in an assault case, PaltiHOH vs. Moore. When the time for opening came Magistiate Sinclair announced the Mr. T. Kelly of Hocklyn wi a caller in postponement of the trial tc next Satur- oiir burg on Sunday last. We are sorry to report Mr. Benjamin Cairnthers on the sic k list, but hope to Minn -.MI him around again in his usual health. '.''in .- a number from here attended the urn at raising of Mr. Fiancis Geno:-' Eugenia, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. McKee "1" Portia w are visiting friends in this vicinity at present and are the guests of thu latter's parents, Mr. .md Mrs. .la-. Hill. Jlr. li-irry Sloan left on Tuesttay, for j .111 i-x' ended visit with ti ieuds in C.tli- forma. day at 5.30 p.m. The prosecuting attorney was nimble to be present. An auto accident occurred near Sliiiglxy on Kriday evening which mitjht have been a tragedy hut luckily the occupants escaped without even a broken bone. Mr. James L. Philips was driving ins auto to Radickvi'le in company with his daughter and her two visitors. Miss Caidwoll from ihe West and Miss Mclntyre of Toronto. When about opposi'tu Goo. .laniHison'H and Mr. Bell's l*o di'gs riibh- d out. Mr. Ph'lips tooted the horn to scare off the dogs. With only one ban I L'uidini; ihe auto In- ran | over one of the dogs and in sinking the Miss Dell Tliur>toii ol Fleslicrton | ,,|,stacie the course ,.f the car was turned visited for a few d.ys wih her cousin. Mits i )dessa Walter. The g-irden paity held by (Ju> W. I. at tile home ol Mrs. G. H. Walter, on Thuisday list wts a hu", success. A bii-eli ill iiiit! jh was playiid between Kimberlry and Kieshuiton, resulting in i vit-toiy for the furmer, the score beiny ll-!t. Tea was sen oJ alter ihe match, aflur which a lengthy program w.-i> rendered, cjnsistiui; ol .speeches, vocal and iiislruinental music. Mr. Cha.s. to the ditch. The car upset turning over twice. The young ladies were for- timitfly thrown i-lar of the car .nnl escaped with some I rnises and st-vre nervous shock. Mr Philips clung rinnly to the steering gear and was .st lin- ed by the full. Hit shoulder is badly biuist-d and although not Vdf.ist he is cunfiiH-d to the hoiisr, and will be very sore from for smile tune. nervous) s'nock. He The also siiHcis all'o got a bad shaking up, (be <>lass wind shield and all i\l>: ot-nt. Hi'rald. Mr. Petrr Muiishaw of Eugenia ilrove I through our l.m-g on Monday and spent the day tisbing in the di-ep waters ol the Beaver. He succeeded in landing unite a number of speckled beauties. Mr. William Sluait, ftUOOmpatlie:'. ly Mast-.-r |l. JS .s ,md William Kilis, It-It on Tuesday morning for Parry Sound. Mr. Kverett McLean of Cleveland. i (liin. visited wirhliis .-i^ter, Mrs. David Webrr, 1 fw days last week. Mr. Robert Dale companied by All. of Bramplon, ac- William Parks of visited with the formers neice, .Mrs. -las. l{. Kawoctl. on Sunday last. Mr. Chas. Stuart, teacher in the Patry Niun-.l public school, had thirty- two pupils nnti- on the entiauce examinations and thirty succeeded in passing, seven taking honor". t'ha.f. is an old riiinbeilcy boy and has been very succtjssful in his choteu vocation. .Mr. John I'luwei is visilini; Culling- wood friends it present. Stone Settlement Durham The ln.ise fair on Thuisday last won a great success for the month of July. Thiily-lhree hoises wci<- purchased, and M)-"i lil:ii-ij is lickled over the result. Aiiolber fair may be held in August, but nothing ililinite is yet known. It seems hiyh time that the icbuilding of the r.iinbton street l>ridg was under way The old bridge collapsed with the Kisirr Sunday Hood, and up to 'In pii ir time no change, beyond thu I' nij"ii.irv passenger bridge, has been in.-uli'. Mayor Black shipped a pair "I work- ing horses, and a choice carnage- horse lo St. Ciitluriniis on Monday. The deal was tinnsacted over the phone, and the purchaser paid for tlie hi'i-se" without seeing them. This style of do- ins; business is ijui'e common with Mr. Black, as hi jiidyenKtnr in ibu borsi- is well known ' outsiders. Chronicle J tin Thursday ills' wax held SiibUr.h school, piayer meet- in S-one iSctiluinfiit i he Ituv. Mr. Lcuoe ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Victoria Corners Mrs. W. McKutches.>n and Hi tie daughter of Beetou and JMis. W. Ludluw of Dundalk, visited at Mr. .las. Br>t's for a few days. Messrs. Leslie, Will and Harvey Brooks am visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days. Miss Woodland of Smithville is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Chas. Moore. M'.ss Jannet. Kletohur returned Iminu, afier visit in:' ti iends at (.'orbuttun for the past two weeks. Mrs. John McLeod returned home from Essa, where she attended the funeral of her brother, Mr. Angus Mac- Donild. Mrs. K. Whifaker and duunhter, Einm.i, \i-itcd friends in Orange Valley. Sirs. William Fletcher is visiting f i iends in Toronto at present. Mis. Jas. Fit tcher is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Beanie of Orange FLESHERTON, Valley. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler . ONT. Mr. W S. (Jimsiiliis, a farmer liviuif IH-IO I'MonihiK, ''a. says hi- lias nseii Cliainbi-rlain'd Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Kcinedy in his fumily for Iniii ii'i-n yriiis. tnd that, hi' bus found it t" ' an i xcfllent remedy, and take pleaHiire in ree'iimniiiidiiiK it. Fur sal u !>y ul| JcaK'i-ii. OR. .Speclallit in disease* ol the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office-3; Oth tt. Wctt, Own Sound At. the Ixi-vere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8(0 12 a. m. Durkhlk, 1*1 Th'irsiiay of each m nib . French Dry Cleaning VVe liave put in a French Dry Cleaning Plant and me prepaicd to do this work on short, notice and at rcasoiittble prices. A method introduced by tho French for the purpose of cleaning thu lines! as well as the heavier onrments wmn, such as wool, felt, linen, cotton, leather, gloves, fur, feathers, straw, lace and water- proof _i"n<!s without washing or shrinking them so an not. to net them out of shape or fade the most delicate fabric trimming. The fitct is well known that n ^turnout of silk or wool, if slcm cleaned or washed, otn never be pressed into shape, and it lakes -ill the oil out. of the wool ; so that goods will never wear or look as wel! again beiiJcs shrinking thu gnorls. Therefoie, tiguring llie small extra expense of Dry Clesvninj;, no one can all'ord w to take chances of hiivine their tiork done other- wise. Many household lU'licles, such as curtains, table covi-is. diapen, etc , that would be utterly mined if washed, can he ory Clmmed. thus restoring.' them to their former beauty and usefulness and will not cause them to fade or the c jlors to run. The Dry Cleaning Wocess prevents the canying of contagious ilisi-.isi-s mi garment Uiu,- treated . it is also a disinfectant and moth preventive. SI DrMA/I 17 D THE UP-TO-DATE . J . D\J W LUK, TAILOR BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.