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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1912, p. 5

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.July-';} FL E S H E It TON A D V A N C E THE ESTABLiSHEO 1873 W fiAMABA ECURITY for both principal and interest U the first essential ol an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form J. investment. TORONTO FLESIIERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, EBB Branches also at Durham and Harruton* Manager. Trains "follows : C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshenon Statiun as At the Orangeville Presbytery, held in Shelburue lust week, the resignation of Rev. Mr, Miliigan from the Fleaherton Going South Going North | char *" W11S -""P 1 " 1 - On Sunday the _ . 11 ->a Moderator, Rev. Rose of Coibetton, 7.4J a. m, 11.28 a.m. , ... i pnached the pulpit vacant. 4..1.! p.m. o.t>Jp. m. ' The mails are closed at Flesheiton a. j A large number of citizens attended follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j a garden party on the 4th line one 7 p.m. ; and the. afternoon mail south atj evening last we?k. The chief at- 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south, , riiction wa . A baseball m itch between mail cloe at 9 p.m. the previous ev g. i . . . ,,. . .Sini>hamptou and Fleshertoa clubs. \ ic- ____ __ ,..^^_^^ x toiy l,iv with the latter, the score being VICINITY CHIPSV 6 P ~'"" w ' Mi-s Willa Wright is visiting fiier.ds at Kiruberley. Mi.-ses Mabel and Agnes Henderson spent Sunday in Dundalk. Mr. Will Little of Owen Srund visited friends in town list week. Born Cn July 22, to Mr. ami Mrs. Archie Sitait, a sou (till bom). Miss Vida Kundle of Duudilk spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. HIM! Mrs. W. J. Bellamy spent Sunday with friends in Ni Uawagaga. Misses I 'live at d Malel A bra of < >weii Sound i-pent Sunday tit the parsonage. Mif* Mill.e Wright ik visiting her auut, Mis. H. V. Uaudin, near Heath- cote. MINM Wrialit, who taught the Viu;dc- leur school, was highly successful with bur pupils, having passed all seven of a class ot seven. MissWiighf will tench the Cheeseville school next ye-ir. Mr. Holland of the Flcsherton school passed seven pupils out of a class of nine. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held A' the home of Mrs. O. W. Phillips on Tuesday, July ,'5'jth, at 2 30 p. en., when Mrs. Hickiing and Mrs. Phillip.s will I give papers on "Deseits and oool drinks for hot weather." and Mrs. Woods will ) give a reading. Miss /. i i McClocklin are and brother Arrested In Osprey Albtrt Hindle < f Osprey was arrested one day last week by Inspector H. Re- burn and County Constable Cook, charged with having set tin- to Curran's Alfli-, < f Holsteiu, are visiting friends j sjwinill, which was burned down a few in town. | weeks ago. The young man was taken Mis-s Mildred Patterson of Ml. Forest . to Owen Sound .ind appeared before is the guest of her couiin, Miss Maud j Magistrate A. D. C'reasor, who remanded Boyd. him until the 27th iust. Mis. J. Neely and chi'drcu of River- j Three or four years ago Hindle worked dale are visiting her sister Mrs. J Me- j for Curran, and during the time he was Cl'tckliu. i io Cumin's employ met with a severe ac- Misses Martha and Lena Wrighc O f ! cident by getting his shoulder and side Detroit are visiting friends here ind at ldly cut with the. saw. So serious was the injury that liix life was despaired of Electricity on the Farm Since electricity began to be utilized in farm work, the phrase "rural joys" has a new me.'ining for the progressive (and sufticieii'ly prospri'U>) fanner. Six years ago one man, of whom Farm and Fireside tells, put in a Hinall electric plant. The account of what he hits made it do reads like a fairy-tale. Every building, including the pigs'y, is lichlfd ly electricry. A small in. iii .r drives a circular raw that cuts expediliously what tire-wood is used on the farm. The turna motor turns a lathe, drill and other nrichiiiery in a farm iiiachint-shop near by. Another motor drives -i vacuum pump, by means of which sweeping at the house is done in the most modern manner with vacuum cleaners swiftly, with no dust and no drudgery. A pipe from the same vacuum line is run to the cow (Tables, where two vacuum milking machines uiilk twenty-five cows each day. A third motor runs the inilk-iepitr^tur, the churn and the ice cream freezer. Even the giiudstone is turned by ehotiic power. In the In use five elertric heaters kepp the temperature at seventy tive degrees, if desired, although it n<ay be at -/.'.TO outdoor*. In the kitchen all the cooking for a family of from tive to ten is done on an electric range. A liny motor runs the family washing machine and wringer and drives the sewing machine. Electric fans are installed through the house ; there is a ventilating fan in the a't c, and ihe water fi r the house and barn is supplied by an electrically driven pump. Kimberley. Carpenter John McDonald ard men have completed a fine ban'i b-irn for W. Smith, Lady Bank. Mrs. John Wilson and son, Htrry, of Torontj, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornfield. I ; for a lotig time, but he eventually recov- ' ered with the loss of the use :>f one arm. i leaving him badly maimed for life. Since ' that time he has been manfully rndeai- I oring to earn a living notwithstanding | his handicap. The people of Osprey ' keenly .sympathise with him and do not Mr. R. Blackburn and lady friend, of think the authori ies will be able to Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. T. Fisher. Mian Mabel Aslienhurst of Toronto ( was the guest of Miss Lulu Mitchel during the past week. Mr. Jack Sharp of the Bank of Cum- nivrce, St. Thomas, is holidaying at his parental home here. Mr. Emerson Adams of 'he Bull tele- phone start', Cooksville spent Sunday at the parental home. Miss M*y Moore of Teeswater is the 'Miiv-i of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore. Mrs. MacFadden and Children of Mono Mill*, are visiting at Mr, U>bt. Waller's, West Back Line. Rev. Mr. Milligan will take charge of Rev. Mr. Matheson's work at Priceville for the next two Sabbatli>. Mrs. O. England and two son.", Herbert and Lome, of Coldwaler, are making an extended visit with relatives here. Mr. CleorKe Watson attended Masonic Grand Lodge in Torcto last wek as del- egate from Prince Arthur lodge, A. F. fcnd A. M. prove that he committed the deed. They have confidence in his innocence. They Iso think it; was a rather high-handed piecu of business on the part of the lr.- spector to arrest the youni; man and drag him off to the county town withi ut the usual formality" of a trial hi-fore a local magistrate. Back Broken Another tragic factory accident oc- curod in Hanover last Thursday night when Michael Jagelewski, senior uii(ht- watchman of the Knechtel Furniture Company, fell down the elevator shaft and broke hi& back. The man is 55 years of i\xe . and had been boarding with hU brother. He hid been with the Knecli- tel Furniture Co. for the past 8 years, seven of which he was second night- watch, and the past year first night- watch. At 'line of willing (Monday) he is still living but his condition is very p 't .MI i. ,1 He may pass out and he may recover to some extent. A W'-ii, .n was brutally murdered by an Indian, Jack Bennetr, at Middlep>>rt. Elliott McFarlane of Meiford. aged 2^ years, was drownad at Midland while Mr. Edward McCidlutn, Maxwell, has had his large barn repaired and roofed bathing. with Brantford crystal roofing V.y ' A despatch from Ottawa to the Toroii- contractor, J. McDonald. j to World states that cheques are being Mr. J. H. Adolph, formerly proprietor , made out for about 4000 Fenian Raid cf the Chesley Enterprise, was a pleasaiit veterans whose claims h.ive been passed, caller on Tuesday. Mr. Adolph is now ', This is the latest, engaged with the I. 0. F. and wms here in the interests of his society, which is strong in Flesherton. A 7-hour downpour of rain Saturday Mrs. Rob't McDonald, near Mt Forest, met with a peculiar accidt-ul. She w-is in the porch and stepped on the end of a loose board which Hew up night and Sunday morning saturated the i;l ,,d struck hi-r on the left; side with ground thoroughly and did an immense amouni of good. The crops in thi* vi- cinity are excellent, notwithstanding the ,u Mi ni> m force to break two of her ribs "Continuously advancing cost of pro. oi duction will force the selling prices gloomy forebodings of a week or so ago. j Aoa t() a ^.^ h . Rher thi|u we At the 12th of July celebration in j ever known," said John S. Kont. presi- Owen Sound the Orange Valley lodge dent of the Brocton Shoe Manufacturer-.' took first prize for best dressed lodge. Association. The advanced prices, he The prize was |10 cash. In the fporw | gatf, wt , u ld be world-wide. Shoes which Wellington Whittaker of thia t.wnship j have been selling for $5 will cost *! this won a ten-dollar prize for a bundled yard j f tt ||. The advance in all lines will be t * ce - , i about 20 per cenl. "Since January 1, Rev. H. E. Wellwood of the Mcth- 1 1!08," said one dealer, 'the price of olibt church is introducing a series of i leather has increased 72 per cent. The sermons on the Bible, and delivered the principal cause is the p pulariry of the tiret of the series on Sunday evening, automobile. The number of sidos of liking the first chapter of G-.'nesi's ss lea'her useJ in the minufacture of the basis of his sermon. I automobiles ij enormous.'' A merger is said to be pending in the hardware and wire trade, which will include llirti- independent wira mills. It is said, however, that the Impend Steel and Wire Co., of Colliiigwood. will be the holding company for this merger. This Company recently enlarged it* preferred stock cipital by $::70,0m>. This stock will be available for ill-.- pur- pose of ac(|uiri'.i< i few competitors. Colling wood Mesieuger. The body of C. A. Purvis of Weltwond, who had been missing over a week, was found hanging to a tree in R-jsedale, Toronto. Odds and Ends SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The Ladies' Aid of Flesherton Methodist church will hold u lawn social at Mr. John Breed's, on Friday evening, July 2<> Refreshments and program. Admission lj and 10 i.-enti. ARTICLES FOR SALE Colt For Sale Heavy two-year-old. Apply to Jos. Bfldgarow, Saugeeu Junc- tion, Proton Station P.O. Heavy :!-year-"ld colt for sale. Apply to Jan. Turner, Ceylun. Frost A: Wood binder for sitie. Apply N. Frewing, west back lini-, ArteiueKin. Twelve young pigs for sale, ready July 26. John Badgerow, lot IV2, con. 4, Artemesia. For S tie One good hor.s L >, uencral purpose, in good condition. Also 1 good second hand top buzgy and 1 ijood Fleury p!ow. Apply to \V. H. Walker, Eugenia p. o. By Private Sale -At The Manse. Flesherton-- Houielli'ld furniture, con- sisting of one new bedroom suite, iron bedstead, spring, mattress, and Japanese matting ; Oxford stove, kitchen utensils twelve roller blinds (extra >|iiality), tables, wicker mid nk rockers, etc. All in first class condition. A few Egg Vats f,< Sale At less than half whit, tlx-y cost to manufacture them, suitable for sft water cisterns or for tinks to w-iter cattle. M. Scul'y Co., Fleshertou. LOST AND FOUND List on Tues., July !>, between Flesh- erton and the station, two Kvc-di>llnr bil's. Finder piense leave at this ottice or at the po-itomco, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Mia.s Calherine A. Burns, 8th con.. Osprey, will receive a limited nuniHer of ptipilit f<ir piino or organ instruction at lltr home. Pupil of Mrs. Jos. Black- burn, Fle.xherton. For pirticulars apply nt iv.sidence or address Feverslmm P. O. William Turiiuu was killed by a C. P, It train Atthur, partly through his own negligence. Waller Bailey, an Orangeville devotee of Oranue principles, and also an admirer of BiicchuH, spent a g'oriousday in Grand Valley, imbibing much of the spirit of tl.i- il.i.v, in addition to |'i:t-j a c trgo of the spirit that is forbidden in the county town. Iu returning to the station for the afteineun train he decided to ride on the 'bus hor-es when near his destina- tion, but the bcait objected to Ilia efforts aud giving a jump sent him beneath the wheels. When pulled out he wus all but senseles*. and was placed in Wilson Patterson's car ,'ind brought down town, where a doctor fixed him up sulKciently to send him home on a stretcher. One ley was broken and he sustained severe internal injuries. Stir Vidette. While assisting to take off a load of hay in his barn, Mr. Henry A . Kced, lot 14 concession 8, E-(|Uesing, received a fall which cnused his death a few hours later. About noon he went to the barn where the men h>id just arrived witli a load of hay, the tope of the rack lifter re- ijuired adjusting, and Mr. Reed went up, to fix it. He was crossing the girt beam on his way down when he suddenly fell t.. the Hour below, a distance of 22 feet. Medical aid was summoned, and although ', tuverly shaken up andbruUed Mr. Heed's condition wa not thought as serious as it proved to be About 8 o'clock, those at ( the bedmie noticed a weak spell come over him and in a few minutes he passed away. Arthur Enterprise: Customer* of the Tradei*' who happened to b in the bank about 11 J'O a. m. on Friday last weie treated to an exciting rough-iind- tunible free nf ch*i-ge. The junior on the statf, a new arrival from Auld Scotia, only twn ._.r three weeks ago, had just returned af er attending to in errand when the the cashier, as the manager happened to be absent, felt himbelf called upon for some reason or other to ad- minister to the person of the new comer a none too gentle kick. As it was nut his cheek that was smitten the young defendant of the Covenanter, did no' feei ' himself obliged t>> otfer himself for a M. com] rebuff. On the contrary he at; once became tie aggressor in a rough-' UK! lumblc -.vlii.ii shortly resulted in. the two i>suming a testing attitude on; the upper side. However, the vengeance attendant upon the arousing of Caledon- ! mn blood was stayed by the gentle i solicitations of the ledger keeper and thf immediate sttle for a coffin w-is i dufered. We understand bince this little] episode, the stock of the yuiu Scot has j gone up uni he is now treated with -i re.-pect iu lunkin? circles, second onlj j to that accoidod the manager. C. D. Sheldon's estate will pay from oue to one and one-half cents on the dollar to creditors of the "financier.'' A building equal to twenty stories in ; height is to be erected at the corner of Victoria and Adelaide streets, Toronto. John Macpherson of (,'ollingwund, mate of .Strathcomi, died :it the SVelland County Hospital of typhoid. Gordon MucDoraKI, . dead a.s a reault i>f .111 .ii'Onleiil \lin-ii cnrred on the farm uf hit bithbif.lohii A. MacOonald, Branchtoivn, H was pre- p.'iiing to hitch a colt alongside u niare when the latter knocked him duwu and the waggon wheel passed over liis head, smashing the skull and completely sever inoneear. ^ JUST RECEIVED . A large consignment of Kurt lien ware from Enghuul, which will now he sold at bargain prices. Call and let us show the fiian designs in fancy China Plates. Cups and .Saucers, Fruit Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs iu Glassware, consisting of watei Setts, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Jugs and Pitcher prces. Call and see the goods and iret<our J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, . . Ontario. This is The Place to get your a * Binder Twine flachine Oil Coal Oil Axle Grease Paris Green Feed Flour Chopped Wheat Shorts Bran, Flour In Grain we have : Wheat, = Oats - and Corn Buy your Cherries and Currants The Flesherton Grocery, W. * BUSKJN. Heifer Strayed Heifrr .Strayed From my pre-nisec lot '>>>. oi-ii. Id. A i turn-Mil, on or about May '-'4 h had ,-i white -star on fore- I !: i.i, white I- leg< iirl llink. Any- 1 body knowing anything of Us where- [ bouts, plenae communicate with Solomun . Turner, Ktigema ;>. o. Farm for Sale at a Snap 31,800 will buy ir>U acres on the ,'i-ivul road between Fleahertcn itiul Maikdale. The timber alntic > this property is worth the prio* n.skvd. Apply tn JOS. BKATV. Orange Valley, Markdale, p. o. Sept 20. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468, 9th St. Kast, Owen Sound, Out. Hours- 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p. in. Other hours by appointment FRUITS FRUITS All kintJsi of fruits in their season, Just now it is srrawhc'rries, and cherries are nearly rim* (ret your aiiniu^ fruits from us. r rices are always. H-rdr C* Hour, chuj) wheat., low ^rude Hour. Oiiilvies IJov Household and White Kose. Hum-. WRIGHT'S ICE CREAM PARLORS Serve delicious ice ereum every day and evening of the week. Also Sundays. Ice Cream Sodas and all kinds ot suit driuk.*. Vine our parlor these hot day?. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton For Sale or to Rent Lut 2'J, C.iti 11, (Jlenelg, oiit.-iiniiig ; 100 acres, 90 acres cleared and in food,-) state of cultivation, balance Inn! IV...K! bush, good fr&'no barn, st' ue. fpuudat'toh. good stabling and driving house, com- fortable house, never falling well uiid good orchard. The above faj m is only ^ miles from the villau of Markd-ile. Apply to John White or Thornas* Taylor, FortUw p. o. ' *"" ~ forfVofit Teacher Wanled-Fcr S. S. No. 11, Aitemeai.i, mule or female, holding a fi st or second class certificate, duties to commence Sept. 1st. 191:5 Personal upp ications prt-fitrrad. Apply at once .stating sila^y inJ experience to Ueo . Piitchard, Sec. -Tress., Vnndoleur. For SS ile- -The iindersigncd offers for Mi'e three lots in the village of C<;ylon,on wlrch are erected a gmid one and a half frame dwelling, H room*, with stone cellar, and a ix>d frame stable. This will niako tin excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen SounJ, or W. J. Bellamy, Flenherton. R. D. Mfldrum, man i me licens-s. Fortlaw, ismuer of Wanced Voung lady 'i lear ttibring. Apply tot'. Ulakvley, 'on p. o. ihe Sight Restored Science points out the way o the restoration of sight. If your vision is defective we can by scientific mcthpds measure the defect and supply- the necessary glasses to restore' it. W. A. Armstrong:. Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream separator is indispensable. It is, therefore, simply a ques- tion of which separator will best meet his requirements. The Dairymaid, cream harvester has been designed^ to meet all demands. It is built of the best material by experienced workmen, * The essential points of the Dairymaid cream har- vester axe : Simple construction. Large capacity, Durable construction. Easy cleaning, Close skimming, Light running. m ^ These, and many others, are valuable features which make a Dairymaid cream harvester best suited to those dairying for profit. For every up-to-date, well regulated farm, a Dairymaid cream harvester is a necessity. It will save you the incon- venience of hauling your milk to the creamery, and bringing back cold and tainted or sour skim milk. Use a Dairymaid cream harvester and separate your milk while it is still warn and secure all the butter fat Call and examine a Dairymaid rresm harvester and secure one of the handsome little booklets telling you mote about this separator. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon

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