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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1912, p. 1

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I "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCiPLEb NOT MEN.' f QL 32, Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, July 12~>, W. H. TECRSTOH EDITOR na I'HCPIUKTO r * | I . I , Two Men Killed At Meaford Menford, July 18. A fatal accident, causing tw > deaths and marked by extia- Oj uinar> leaturetf, occurred here at 2 o'clock this afternoon, when a piledriver UHtd in the construe' ion < f the new Kyltes street bridge over the Big Head river overbaUnced and stalled to full upon a group of workmen I enaa'.h. A .ineul bolt at the very top of the pile- driver caught in a wire which supplies electricity to the iorn from the plant of the Georgian Bay Milling Company, pre- .. iiting the big machine from falling, but t'.i circumstance, which meant the sal- vation of the workmen below, brought death to two others', f>r the electrical current was diverted to the frame of the piledriver. William Cherry, of Meaford, operating the engine tifty feet away, re- ceived the charne through the steel cable of the piledriver, and fell dead. A man named Johuson, whose home is at Owen Suuud, was working half way up the piledriver. He involuntarily seized the cable as the frame tiupcd, and was also killed, his body falling back into the river. The water was so heavily charged w,-_h electricity that Gecrge Randall of MeaforJ, who gnuped Johnston's hand t ; draw out the body, was rendered no- conscious. The body was finally pullnl out by looping a rope around it. Sev- e:al tpectators received slight shocks from the water or the pill-driver frame before the power could be shut oil'. The bridge under construction is to replace 01 e *wept away in the spun; Hoods. Eugenia Paragraphs Dundalk Mr. James Jelly, of shelburne, met with an auto accident ill Dundaik on the liith. An axle bro'.te on Proton street. The car remained here until repairs were sent from Turuu'u. The village cotters were enriched by t'ire or four tines paid in by paities who were drunk and disorderly on the I -' li aTjJ. '.he night before. Mr. A. J. Henderson started ou Monday on interior repairs in the Meth- odist Church. A yellow pine cefiiug will be put in and then the (winters will com- plete the decorations. SVhile the work is lieinij done the mruees, beginning uext Sunday at 11 o'clock, will be held in the school rom in the basement. Herald. Two Famous Bands Are I'otninig from K-igland for the Canadian National Exhibition. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attractions at the Canadian National Exhibition this ycai something long t" be rememered. Th< KcoU Guard R li>.inl from Buckingham Palaee.the third of this famous brigade of bands brought across the ocean by the Exhibition pe>plu, will alternate oa the main band stand with the Besses OTh Barn, which all lover* of band music recon i/.e as l>i itian's best brass bund. Two s'l.-h musical attractions have novel been brought together on the continent Railway Man Killed A despatch from Orangeville on Friday last says : A fatal accident took plate about 4 o'clock this afternoon at th marl beds of the Superior Portland Ce- ment Company about three miles from this town, whereby William Carson was instantly killed. The Cement Company operates a railway from the works here to the marl beds. Carson, who had charge if a gana; of men, wa.s engaged in moving the tracks, and in mine manner the bucket attached to the. crate on the Hteam derrick swung arouno. and struck the unfortunate man on the back of the head, breaking his neck and several ribs. Death was instantaneous. It is not likely that an inquest will be held, as it appears from the eye-witnesses that no one was to blame. Carson, who is a w idower, xged about (ill, was an old and experienced railwayman, and it is aid he gave the order which started the crane which resulted in bin death. . McMullen am' daughter, Millie, hi--' one <>n visit tn the former's >rother, Manitoitlin inland. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond of 'riceville and Mr. Charles Stewart and Irs. Jasper Stewart, of Ki.iiberley, visit- :<1 friends here on Monday. The trustee! of our public schuol have wen foituuate in securing Mr. Victor '\'.::- of Kiinberley i- principal of our public school. Mr. John Parke spent a few days Hie st week with friends in Wiar'on. Miie Parke of \Viaiton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Parke here. Ken. Large has re'.urned fioui hi.s visit n i iwen Sound. Miss Edin:i Williams has gone on a isit to friends in Philadelphia. Miss Amanda Stewart and brother, Tin), and Bertha Smith, of Flesherton, re visiting their cousin.':, Neah aud Allie Williams. Miss Hollinger of Toronto is visiting ler amir, Mrs. Wondburn, for a couple of weeks. Misses Etlii-1 aud annie Ken wick of t'aisley are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Jus. Williams. Mr. aujl Mis. .MoMasier visited friends n Port law the week. We are sorry to ivp >rl that Mr. James I. .n' mi is laid up wi-li lumbago. Mi. Fred Jatnieson visited friends at tinghainpton the past wtck. Miss Maggie Wilsmi lias relumed from a visit with friends in QoUutgvoud ind Siiixhamplon. Mr. .ind Mrs. T. E. Kciiwiek's infant laughter received :lie lite of baptism n Sabluth evening. Tlie Presbyterian cou^re^atioii intend having a Harden party at Eugenia on August 1. See bills for yurticuUrs. Maxwell The garden parry which was to have been held uii July -4 at the parsonage has lieen pmttpoi.ed till July ' ! 0th. Mis. (Rev.) James Phimislcr, who Ins vUited with bur mother and other friends at Bradford, hit-s returned home. Mi. Wm. Sproule, who has visited with friends hero and at other points for some time, baa returned to Win- nipeg. Mr. and Mrs. William <iamey of Newdale, Manitoba, who are visiting with friends in Toronto, Matkdalc and other poiuU, are aleo renewing old n<|uain- tances in this vicinity. Kimberley Budget Dyttentery !g always serioua and of ten a dangerous diseiur, but I can be Chamberlain's Colic, Choler-i and Remedy has cured it even when nmiuilurtn arid o|iideinic. Vot sale by all dealer Indian In Trouble The recent copious showers have won- derfully improved the looks of the grow- ing crops. .Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is visit ing her parental home at present. Mr. Klt'ridge Hu'chinson of Heath- cote visited friends here on Sunday la.-t. Congratulations to Mr. J. H. John- st. n. piincipal of public school, who had eight pupils wiice on the Entrance examination aud all succeeded in passing, he trustees of this section are for'unato n securing the services of such an excel- nt teacher. Mr. Homer lleid and family mo'. ored trough our burg on Monday on their y to Eugenia Falls. Mrs. Riddel of Bolivar, I'eni:., is vis- ing with her aunt, Mrs. M. II. Ham- loud, at present. A friendly game "f baseball was played ere on Friday l.i.s: between Eugenia and iiniberl-y, the score being :!0-7 in Kim- jerley's favor. Mi-s Horning of Hamilton, whu .has en visiting friends in this vicinity the ast neek, returni d tn her home on I'Uidty. Miss Knna Burriti, ho has been vis- ing Dundalk friends, has returned. Messrs. John and William Hammond eft ou Mi ii'l.'.y morning for a business rip in the prairie provinces. Misses M n ilia and Lena Wright of )et.ioit are visiting friends here. Mi. Ashley McCallurn ! Duncan vis- e<l at Mr. Wallace's on Sunday last. Mrs,. Alex. Fawei'lr, who has been vis .iiii; friend-i in Barrie, returned ml week. Mr. mid Mis. W. Moore of Meaford loloied over to Wi.i. McClung's on la-t. H you are n houHewile yon cannot reaom- .iblylu>|n to I n; healthy or Iwautiful by wash- ing dishes, sweepiun and doin^ hoimowork all day, and erawling into bed dead tjaed :il night. Yon must get out into tli ojwn air and Ktmlight. If yon do this every i1y and kep yo'ir t'maeh ami bowels in K'>d urd'-r by UkinR Chamhi-rlain's Table ti when i.f.l e<l, you shoviM U'come b>th healthy and For bale by all de<*l<-rs. Cephas Cabbage, an olj Indisu of the Saugeen Reserve, who has made period- ical visits to Walkerton, and who has been in this vicinity for the past few months, has put himself into a web ol troubl from which be willtiud it exceed- ingly hard to extricate himself. The charges which were laid at the invest igaiiou of the Children's Aid Sociely tn, of a serious ivitnre, that of adbuctiiiK and criminally assMulting two little \vhite girls under the e of 14 years, whose names are Eliai Francis aud Anneta Cole. The charges were luid last week and as he was known ; > be in this vicin ity. Chief Ferguson, accompanied by i constable from Southampton hired ai auto and alter searching all Wed nesday afternoon found r.e Indiai camp in the vicinity of Belmore. < M< Cephas nnd his Mjuaw and one little gir were taken in custody and brought U Walkerton, the Indians beini; lodged ii i he gaol and t lie girl being aent to th Children's shelter. The other girl ha< evidently been put wise a tn what waf transpiring, and thought it best to mak herself scarce. The preliminary hearin of the cases (OOK place <i Thursday, th s.|uaw beinj< sent to i?aol for thirty day on a charge of vagrancy, mid Cephas wa reminded until Friday of this week. Th charges against the Indian .iu- next t that, of committing murder, and he i liable to a term in the penitent iary wit laces for the ott'encvs. Walkerton Te escope. Creemore )ms repealed its cow by-taw which imposed a Ux on cows running a large. TJie cows can now roam on th streets of that auibitioui \iilige at thei own free will. Stone Settlement On Wednesday a number of the young *-ople attended the btrn raising at Mr. 'Id. Mradcy's of Cherry Urove. Mrs. .\. Loates, accompanied by her nether, Mis. U. Stone, returned to her loine in Toronto on Monday laat. Mr. Kdward I'urdy attended the horse in- in Duilmin and disposed of a valu- able marc. Mr. James tit-attic and brother, Mr. rhoma.s Flesher. were the guests of Mr. ud Mrs. R. Whittakur. Mr. Willie McArthur and sister, Minnie, visited at Mr. A. Ferguson' ,f Ptosoil. Miss Nelry Ferguson is vUiiingar Mrs. . McArthur's. Hatherton The meny hum .>f the mnwer cm be heard on all siJes, hay being au average crop. Miss Ali.-e Si-eley is home froui Toronto. Mis* Sadie Seeley ru'urnel home from Creemoii', where she lud !-een visiting for the past two months Mr. James Dcnnuins near Dundalk, visited with Ilia uncle, George Dunuiiiiis. Wiss Myrtle Ctmtts of Melancthon, spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. E. Seeley. \ iva leturning limne her to spend a week. Mrs. Albert lv>ss returned home from Toronto last Saturday, after a pleasant vis t with friends theie. Mr. Hugh Hardy visiml wi'h friemls in o.v..-n Sound 1-isi week. Musters Willard Coutts and brother, of Toronto have been holidrtying ;i!i llicir iunt, Mrs. K. Set-Icy ai.d other tnend.'. Rev. -lames I'bi.nister >i':is a caller in our burg one day liist week. Mr. ami Mr-. W. Fimllay, >UrkJ..l, . spent. Sunday at the laiter's parental home. Mi-, ami Mr*. C. Wioten and daughter, Louie, spent Sunday at the homo "I Mr. Fiencli. Mehnctheon. Mr. Bowman, Toruii'o, spent a few- days with his uncle. Mr. 1>. (ullies. Mr. J. J. Jamieson lo.-t a tiiu yiing horse from blood p"i>on. Mr. .Nines Wint.-1's fine new house is Hearing c.'inplet ion. MeCau'ey Bros, arc doing ih carpentering work aii.i Mr. J. Wright, F.eshertuii, the brick work. Out of ."> pupils u'litmg '.n the < n' trance, four were euccessfnl. Mr. A. ijrnmmiit and Miss Millie Winters .-pent Sunday in Honeywood. Miss Julia and Master Neil Winters spent a week ni Mclntyri! visiting their grandnioilier, Ml>. McLean. Mr. J. Longheeil, Percy and Vi. visit- ed tho former's bi*other in BiagbMlipton one day last ivcek. Uallierton L. < . L. made a tine shi.w. ing on the morning of the 1-th with their new uniform, while coats trimmed with Portlaw. Wodehouse The Sea Serpent Again The sea .serpent i.s here again, sajs The News- Letter. At various times it lias been an open i|Uestioli whether or nut lies . water* are the home of noine hidc- uus, dragotiish monster. Eye-witnesses lave arlirmcd that they have seen the ernble thing in both Lake Couchichinu and Sitncoe. This was simie yean ago But here it is again. It was seen in Lake Cnuchiching about a milt; out fruin Orillia w b lit on Thursday afternoon by Elijah Yellowhead, eldest son of the Inte were Six their blue, and wore white bats. They awarded '-'lid prize for uniform, new members have been added to number since lust 12th of July. Miss Beatrice Mcijuay, Uiindalk spent Suiid.ty at her parental homo. Chief Xa' ion, Yellowhead who celebrated head of tho Ojibway level-btadod and .substantial Indian not easily fiightciieJ. He.was puddling acios? the lake to Orillia Irom Uauia when tin 1 head oi a large nionKcr -sud- denly shot out of the water within ,t few feet of hi* canoe. Tho head looked a golden yellow in color anJ WHS><iut -0 inchts in widlh. Mr. Yellow head had a close viow of the monlei. He didn't stop to investigate, however, but dipptd in tbo water and hiked away fiom it wiih all his ttiength. When he arrived in Oiillia he related his experience to Ex- Mayor UoH'att and seemed to b<) consider- ably agitated by the sight of the monster so much so th tt i he return home acnus the lake again did not seem p.uticulitrly pleasing to him. That some monster jf th deep inhabits these waters there is little doubt. It lias been scon on different occasions for a number of years and bobs up seienely at different times before the astonished ga/.e of a much frightened spectator. The last appearance of the sea serpent was at Uairio about ten ag<>, when it was seen by several people, who 9*id it had a head resembling a horse and was about ten feet long. turned home. Mr. (ir of Toronto is uncle, 5Jr. W. A. Moit-m. Sir*. J. L. Wood of Dundalk visited Miss Blackburn ..f Stayner, who has Another of our pioneers h8 been been visiting witli friends hete, lus re- "lied to liU 'ong home in the peison of .Mr. D. R. Kllis, who passed aw.ty ou \Vfdnuiday morning at the home of his visiting hm .10 daughter, Mr. Heniy Erskrne, Riyer- u .). M Ells wa.s one of the early sutilers, coming here when this part was with her sister, Mi>. \\ .n. Taylor. 3 I nearly all forest. He was a man of Mi>.s Clara Untrsjn of Aberdeen is sterling worth, a staunch member of the the guest of her M>UT. Mrs. Chapman. MethoriUt church, and. with his esteem- Mr. J. A. Thompson had the misfor ' ed wife, who predeceased hiin some rive tune to lose his drier last week. Acute ' years ago. will long he remembered by indigi si in is supposed to be the cause I the people of these puny, and eapeci.i)ly Mr. Mor'on has the brick work of his ! i" the church, where they were among tine new residence about completed. the early mnbiners, large suppliers and At a special meeting of the Pieshylury f ' Ir.tngeville held in Shelburne on Tuesday. July !', the resignation of Rev. (1. S Milligan WHS accepted, to take effect forthwith. Rev. Mr. U s,- of Cor- bel ton. who .ippoiiittd mterii.i mod- crater, Qonductod service at Flesherton. Kii_i'nia and I'totoii Smion last Suu.lay am! .i'-clareii thechiUge v ujii:. During the v;n; tiny i' is rxpecltd that the pnl- ,]- .1 . 1 b rejiularly supplied ;> y camli- da-es for the pastorale. active Workers. The fnneial took d cemetery on Thursday followed by a lar<ie concouise "i syn>|.tthisin^ friendi and neiiihboi-s. Service *i !:< !i"us. and at the church, was e indue' ed by the Rev. Mr. Adams of Murkiia'e. M^cli sympathy is extended to ihe benaied oue, epec- lal'y -M-s. K, -k ne .ui.l his But who wen- with hi-n during the last :nontbs < i Ins life. .Severe elec'lic *tortn., :. ovu tlii^ nuighborhi'iid iluring the past i-'k, tccumputied l>y heavy rams. Tli'.i'.gh c.'ing n'..i- and grain n.iich good n is n.iKiiiu :''' hav -nakeis lnok for East Mountain \Vv ..Her c-'iiyra^il.i'ii.u.s to .Miss Sadie Sni.ul and Annie Allen who were slice,".-. fair " w "l>er. ft; 1 in thfir recent examinations. | A number frmn la-re a-t'md.d the bun rai>ir.g .it W. K. liradey's. eleventh .\hs. ' >rr and tw, .-lien, .ho have . ,. ^ , ,, llt . s j :iy ,- .,, WOtk spent t!ie (.a^t tw wtk- .isiting thu| Mr>. Jamen Blown, who had the UIIH- t-rruii'i s mother, Mr*. Humbratou,nt : , i.-T'ine !" bic.ik a b. ne in her ankle, i* returned ti> her hone. Maoitoalia I . . iinprt vmg riowly ti' -lie doctor 8 earn. Isiaml. Mis. R..b.-it 15i-...ley left, on Thursday Mr. .nut Mis. i;,.,i. i;,,rlev and HIM in. uning to HttLiiU the liedside ol her \ IOIA spoilt latt Sunday m Warenam. Mr. Peicr T!i "ill's.. n . i Owen S.iu'ul. ~[K-n" a 'cw d.iyi with bis si-tor. M : s. John Mart in. la^t rt k. Miss M. Smith i II. ...hc-ui is <>n an cx'.ended \isit with her i'ar.-nts here. Mr Win. (I Unvii has i;.. n- tn tnulin Nlaud fur a \ i-.t. Intended l\.r M>t wtk M . I mother, li" is \rry low. The MISM'S -I i':a Davis . >f V'andalcuv and Hen.t C.irgn I He-slleil ui. niciil a |il. ,iant atierno.'ii with Mit.s Klla lint- kin, " i!reen Hill.'' one day last e*k. We aie sorry to lepnrt Mis. R belt iiili~i.ii very I"* at pn-^'iit. A little 'J-yutu-oM dauubter ot . tx of Hcpworih, whi'f c.iiiipnii; with The s!i,i\vers of the past week did a ) her parents at SauUe Bmch, fell int.. world of nM>d and were welcomed by all. Mis Kobeit Wright of Clarksburg, M'\cii-l'oot well with about a f..ot f watt r in r. and when f.uind in but a few visual a few days r'h her tnolliei. Mrs. j minuU'S, life was extinct. A medical Walton, nc-.Miilv. doctor .ho is camping at 'lie lieach wa-* Sia'uie labor was performed in this vicinity lust week. Mrs. John Alexander of Thorubury is wiili her nmthei i!. ['resent. Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Martin weie in Thi'iubury a Ci U|)!e of days during the Ceylon Mrs. Charles i Olelm, Toronto, in i- for a few weeks at Mr. J. O'Mflia's and with other friends. Mrs. S. Rand and two children left on Monday for a two-weeks' visit w'tli friends in Winnipeg and elsewhere. Mr. K-iiid accompanied them to Toronto. Mrs. McKinnon mid daughter, who have been spt ndiiig tl.e past two weeks at Mr. S. Hcinpllill's, left Smurday to friends before leaving for their home in tin? West. Mrs. Noble and Mis .Johnston of To- ronto are visiting t Mr, A. Gibson's. Some toil niei: are busy putting in a telephone line on the back line. Mr. D. Wilson, who lias been vi.titiim friends at Creemore f..r the past month, has returned h.tnie. Mr. Uob Tu,'ker, teacher near Strat- ford, and formerly of this place, is spend- ing a few dnys at Mr. D. MePhail's. Mr. Km. Adams of the Bell Telcplu>i. Company, spent Sunday with his parents. Mis>s Lilian linlledge ami friend from Oranueville are visi'ois at Mrs. Robeit ll.itledsie's. Mis. J. L. Wund, Dundalk, cnlled .11 friends here Monday. > Bliss Edna Mcl.cod visiud her sistir in the Queen City the past week. Misses Myrtle and Lily Cadley and Willn McLeod attvndod the garden parly near Mnxcll last Thursday. Miss i 'ura Mailiu aud the Missesj Li/./.ie and Mary Welsh ?|i','nl The TJilij in i 'wen Sound. Mr Win. O'Brita was unfortunate the I |i, si nrek. ins |'<M y !ia\ inc broken a in no in i; hip. c|Uickly summoned, and Miss Francis Smith, nurse !" New York H. 'spiral, worked for nearly two lion-s but life could not !H> restored. Jewelry While on Irs way t > the t'. P. U. ta- ion in (.irand Valley ii, Fiiday eveuing Walter liailey, a yonnt; laboring nun re- siding in Orangeville, was .1:1 over by one of the village busses and one of his !c_-s broken. Tlie unfortunate young man was the worse of liquor and in i spirit of fun sei/.ed the bridle of the! horse nearest him when the t .an wa.s [Mssin^. Be HAS dragged off, the heavy vehicle passed over both le^. An auto- mobile was used to convey him to thei village, where doi-tors set the fractureml limb. ' h'angeville Burnier. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. For ae-mcMof the muscle*, whether iu- biced by \iolente\oreise or injury, theie i* nothing K'tter than Chamberlains Liniment. This liniment .ilso relieves rlieninatic For sale all .le.ilers. 5pe<UI!tt in dlsc*e ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office--30 Oth tt. Wit, Own Sound At the Ki'vorc bouse, Markdale, 2nd Thutbdny each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundtlk, K; Thuisday -i each month. French Dry Cleaning We have put in a French Dry Cleaning Plant aud aie prepaied to do this work on short notice aud at icasonable prices. A method introduced by tho French for the purpose of cleaning the linest as well as the heaviei garments worn, such as wool, felt, linen, cotton, leather, gloves, fur, feathers, straw, laoe and water- proof goods without washing or shrinking tliuiii so as iu,l to get them out. of shape or fade the most delioate fabric trimming. The fict is well known that a garment of silk or wool, if steam cleaned or washed, can never be pressed into shape, and it takes 'ill the oil out of the wool ; so that goods will never wear or look as wel! again besides shrinking the goods. Therefore, rignriiiK "> small extra of Dry Cleaning, no no one can att'urd to take chances of having their work done other- wise. Many household articles, such as curtains, table covers, drapes, etc , that would be utterly ruined if washed, can be dry Cleaned, thus restoring them to their former beauty and usefulness and will not cause them to fade or the olors to run. The Dry (.'leaning Vrocess prevents the carrying of contagious diseases ou garments thus treated : it is also a disinfectant and moth preventive. S. J. BOWLER, THE VIiI8k DATE BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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