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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1912, p. 8

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. July 18, 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU HOW Yff WASH SUITS. BUSINESS CARDS || CULXOUGH * YOUNG & Banker! Uarkdale Boar for Service Purebred Yorkuhire Hoar i years old, for m ii i no lot .'\ '".r. 8, Artemeia. Teruit 1.00. -ALEX. ( AMKRON. .eoera) backlog batineii. H . i un Lkl .1 Call O Money loaned OD UB. TCH18LETT, PoBtmuU-r. Ctylon. R K S U L T 8. The Work and Methods of the ComnaiMloner ID H.C. J , Conveyancer, deed*. , motive*;** . !*. "ill* etc carefully drawn up '. Oliiftli. I.I- lull! -. Charge* AllO roceriw. Coar. fe*d tc. kept ill ftock. Price* ! f^^yfy^J/^ ' OWEN SOUND, D Me} HAIL. l.icrBtnJ Auctioneer tor tbe Couutyol Grey. _Trjns moderate^ and ; Have received 'M FIRST ONTARIO PEtlXES at,5 jsKstf-&ssBss the w r w ' H G r t6st Exhibi v f T ; Ve i Kwideuce .ud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone uarantee to place every graduate. In- formation free. Fall term commences September 2nd. C. *. Fleming F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, connection. Dec. 6.C7. WM KAITTING, Licenied Auctioneer or the eountiea ol Orey nd Binico*. Farm a>od Btock salt* a specialty. Trm . ^BMrierat* tifction guaranteed. Arrtog*- uieou f or dt me,y b made at tbe Ad\iicK ^fli or A: T. Hutcblnson's ttore, Jeversbam i t kUiinfii.}- UJ at Feverabatn, Out. Princi[al. Secretary. MATHEW8, Maikiale IJceM.J k,.i ii iittr lor tbe county ol Grey. Good en ice t rMC cable rt. Dt* can be uniiit at Tb Advance, o 00 BUDD k,. V MEDICAL Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service "Canary Butter Hoy Calamity, No. lOitl, bred by H. K. Oeorge of 1'rtuiiitOD, Out. Sire, I. , tin Boy Calamity No. 17-ViO), Uaui, Ca r.oldit Anticipation No. (!KM:)). Terum-It anary tered c n we :i.OO. Grades 411. . W. TiMwoRTB SWINE Keuistereil Hoar. Terms (iiade Sow fl.OO. Tamwortb If C P ft 8 Ont. Fliytician. etc . . Oltte cd r!denc-Pter t., Pleebertoo JJ- OTTEWELI. Veterinary Surgeon Or*dnt of Ontario Veterinary College. r*iiitcc tecond door loutb weM.oo Jk^ry etreet. Tbit ttreet rant toutb 1 itt'lyu i ifci. Cburcb. Brown Leghorn Poultry. Stock for Sale. Lot 170, 2E.T. AS.H. aod White Wyandotte KMI for Hatching, RICHAHO ALLRV. DENTISTRY Ur. E. C. MURRAY L. D. fi , dental uson bond Graduate ol Toronto Uuivermty ami Kletherton, ,>. o. An Expert Laundress Describe* the Best Method. "For washing linen suits," said an expert laundress, "use only the best white soap and never rub the soap on the cloth unless there is a lot of hard dirt to be taken out. In the majority of oasE the sujts soak for an hour or so in soapy water, putting them in when the water is quite hot. By the time it is cool enough to permit wash- ing freely the soiled parts are suffi- ciently soft to admit of cleaning with- out very much scrubbing. Rinse in several waters, always until the last water is perfectly clear, then pass the garment through the stiffening -water, after which it is pressed as dry as possible in the cotton sheet. "Some stiffening is necessary to give the linn the appearance of freshness which it hag wlien it comes to you from the tailor. On the other hand, the greatest care should be taken not to have too much stiffening. That ruins the appearance of what would otherwise be a perfectly washed suit. You want just enough to give the lin- en body and yet not take away from its suppleness. "In washing colored linens, except- ing tans and browns, color all the waters and try always to avoid putting soap on colored linen, and also do not water hotter than blood heat, al- lowing the linen to soak only a few minutes before washing it out and put- ting it in a second water of the same temperature and colored. Three wat- ers are generally enough for a colored linen suit. Wliere the suit is not nun h soiled two will be enough. The stiffening water must be colored just as was that in which the washing and rinsing was done. "After wringing in the cotton sheet care muHt be taken in hanging both coats and skirts for the drying process. Fresh air for colored linen and sun I of Ontario, j Bryal College of Dental Surueoopo fcaadujiiiiired for teeth extraction O&4X at reeidence, Toronto Street. Fleaherton. LEGAL I WAS. KASEY * WALLAOB-BarrUter*. - ^ Solicitor!. ete.-I. B. Lucu K C. : W. h. .. , lUt-ey K. < . ; J. H. G. Wallace. J-,,rcntc. M6-* liador. Buk BldR phone in 141 Markdal* l.uca Block, Pboue 2 A. Cli ottice at Uandalk open erery Saturday. 'B. WRIGHT. Ban-liter, Solicitor, Convey- fctcer etc.. Ow*n Hound, and i-leaherton. B Klenberton ottice, Kirroule'n Block every atvtdav Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus Bull, "Black Diamond Kins;," for service on lot 28, Con 4 QlnSfe ! for the wlHte-thtt the ideal dry- W H P4.TTKRS')\ l'r.,1, i lng P rocess - House drying never gives ' "' rAI '* ' r P- ;the satisfaction that a good laundress wants for her work. Steam drying should be a last resort. It injures the {texture uf the goods and leaves the ; colors less brilliant. "The figures on which suits get their ! final shaping are the kind used by good dressmakers and tailors. 1 have jail sizes ami covered so that the suits L-I ' as nearly as possible the shape of ; their owners. I keep the figures ar- rayed in fresh petticoats and shirt waists, and when the frtshly washed !suits are on them I'm not ashamed for M y one to walk into my shaping IrooBM. MHI Ii suit is taken from the Earn A Salary ! Take our practioil Itnsincus or Shorthand course of ir.iiiiiiiv ur.d see how HOOII we will have ynu earning a i{onl siliry. Kvery graduate helpeil. Kilter any d,iy. New - ,i: ,1, i- ,, i ri;(|iieNt. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. L Hawkins. SOCIETIES i I' \V meet* ou tbe lat Monday l IB in caoh month, ID helr loaga room I I Clay too'* ball Fleenerton, at 8 |>.in. M. W.. IW. J. Htiilamy : Bc., C. H. Manilla*; '^ c B., K. J. Mptou!*-. Viaitlou bietbreoiUTited J* <\t*IT\S I Of Principal fipure Mini placed in its box for ship- iinent. i,n ..i care is taken to see that every part of it is perfectly dry." .10 Acrm \Vnt lialt lot H, eon. 11. Township aCB ARTHUK LODGE, No. :3. A.F * i ol Ouprey. A U. nireti in tb Masonic hall._ Arm- AO AerM -But half lot H, < ft|WBK r Block.KlMUerton. every Friday on before the lull IDOCO. C. H., W. I.; Tho. Clayton. Setre'.ary. of (liprey. U. II, Towimhlii ! OUnTTLEKHKRTON, W>, I. 0. f. meet! in ICIaytou lllock tlmlMit Weilimwlav rM-umi; rai:b month ViaitiuR Kor*ter heartily Oiprey. ---oine'C. H., O. Bellamy ; It. B., O. Calrr.ii; ' inOAcret -Lit",. H. < . w. r.-,-i m. an, pay duel to Flo. Sec. before the flnt iti.t- month. SO Acres-Went half lot 7. noil. II, Townnhii. of (liprey. SO Aire-Ealnl( l,>- 7, cjn. 11, Township of Uiprey. 10U AcretLot .'12. Con. ID, \i t,-,, ,,-,, 10U Acr IxJtlll, C . II, Arleinaaia. JOO Acre*-- Lot .1, Cun. 1.1, lot 4. Cj i. It BEN FhlKNOB Klnlmrtoo Council o' ChoKcm Frienile meets In Clayton's hall ftrv third Wednesday ofeacb month M p. m f Mefiiriient* to the Kix-order on or before nt ilayof each month. Chief Councillor kelev: Recorder W. H. Buut. . con. 14. \iti-n.. -i. 10(1 Acre* Lot .1.1, m. II. Artemmii. 100 Acr Kait Ii .it lot 7, con. :>. Kii|i)irala / Acrw-l,.it J( ami -.'-i, .-on. K. Ai-tciiipnia HO Acrea-l'art Lot III Id. IIII.CDII :| N. B' T. H. B.. Ar'emi UK. 20UAire Lit :i:i, ail. I 40, con. Ii Artemeeia. :iA:r I' :rj. oon. I-J, \ni m.-m. \V. A. All.MSTKoNU. Flcsherton Jiillf I Itt r'lClul) ineeti In the high nchuul I on the flrat Tburaday in uarh fl o'clock p. i". Young rarinni ^HiryiBvlte'l. K. rbard Hicni'teiit. ' '. W. DV. >.!' Brantford Roofing (,'rynlal ni.ifiii^ and siding, Asiilmlt runfl IMU .nn! Hiding, Rubber ro tin.... Stee 9 ' rooting and xidmt;, ci-ilin^s. Superstition. "For d'lwnrit'ht idiotic, pupcrsti- (.mi-, weak-minded, gullible credul- ity," grnwlfd .liidkins. "recommend me to a woman! GHVC away u puir of my tn. n-. i- to a peddler to charm warts off the rhiMi. hands! Mad- am, are you aware that this is the twentieth century and not (he middle ages?" "It does seem a little silly." said Mrs. .liidkins mildly, "but I've heard of such tlinir- being done. You know those trousers. John, were Ihe pair you toie on the lawn mower the other day and tin. aside." "It's not the trnusers. inadiim; it's the childish, imbecile, fatuous puer- ility of the thinu. Besides, I left a hare'h foot in one of those pockets, iiiHilain. thiii I've carried (or rheuma- tism the past three years." London Tit-Hits. F aimv orths for 5le J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. nearly rea>ly for hrceilinu- l'iict O.W. HOSS.W.xw.11 P.O.; Boar for Service ,'e Bnd Tiiiiwi'Mh l ; '" r '" r M -I *!' N. HinJIr, Maxwell Hut. I . / Bull for Service WWouKlibrnl - s l"" Ii'"'" '"'H. I'.i-oadli'''"! t Tl, for nervii'e mi liit Id, " ", O^pujjj, : "ii(flH > apfilicatiiiii. Si-nirn, *>_iO fur del ttloriUKbbrcdH, *.", *:t t tjiiif ..I It* Full prii-i- illmri;.il lor o.v ""t _~j .1. M. iproved Large Yorkshires -hoior lol( vullllK |ii(? i.f Imlli n-\i>, -t i-naiU I" v. N I.IIIIK KIIMH, liri-il in j.iry; r>-yit'-reil Viirkuliire Inwr. IVrin I ' ' 1RWX. fcV, 3rd rani.-, K,T. H. It. j BULL FOR SERVICK kbre.lSlii.rtliiirn liiill,"l)ainlv .liin" , for wniiie ,,i, lot ITii, T. A S. )(., Ai U. Thin aiyinal IH uf H K 1 ""' 'milking ! ',, Pediici'-'* "" aiil'licatlnn. Terirn, I leu <1, rnl"t'-i^'l *:>. ' AM. ST1NSON I'rnprietur. Boar for Service Iwl in- Vorkililre Hoar (or lei-vice 'iril range W T. It H. II., Artmeria. Bull for Service IB bred Herefnid bull for pervice on I, 3 e. w. T. & 8. S. . Aitemcsia. Inn H. ''<>. Pure bred f:.00. Any . returned ROOond time niil lie t uiual rate. 1 March 1.1 1 T. A. J. WATSON, Proton Sint inn. Bull for Service kborn Roll, "Villngfl Lad," foi ft on Uit l, con. 4, Artpmeaia. i-l 1 lor crude*. ISepli A. K. M AZAliK, fioj. Canadian National Exhibition SOME FKATt RKS OF Imperial Year Imperial < .ulii Review ,,i. i. (ram nil Hi. (Ivcnraii llumlnlone l, by die Province* Dominion Kihibila ll.uiil of Scot* i.u.,i,u i I'tiu ii,i, i. hit l ii..iii ri.n of Mn N'ear from Kurope by brat Canadian .mil Sim l u .m SIMMS Imperial Cadet Competition* Boy Si mi is Review Every thing in Kducaiionul Kihlblt* Siege of Delhi Hi ssi--, (>' l h' Ham li. in. l Mill. i, n -. ll.i i l'i . Band I)i.ii4iiiis' MUSH ,il Ride Initiisd n s in Operation Hui in Makhift Competition! Aim-in .I'K( ,M-;II I -M Livestock Show C.m.ul i's liiiiiicsi |ii,,> Show Amrrica'a Pretlieil Pus&iea .hip.uns. Day I'm \M,I|.S Motor Boat Races Hippodrome .1,1.1 Circu* Four Stage* and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuviua Athletic Sport* Ten Band Concert* Dally Acres of Manufacture* Imperial Flrework*--<iO Number* Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9 TORONTO Epigrams tn Japan. The ln| inn -- in, great admirers of epigrams and apt phrases. Their love of gui-h tbitiK is carried so far that when a Kiiest say* something unusual- ly brilliant the host or hostess will beg him to write down his remark in IMUI- ornamental script. The sentence is then mounted nnd hung on the wall |as a i . i limn, i t addition to its orna- ineits, nun h HS in l.i'L'land we should liani; up a text or motto. Naturally tin author of u Immmit trr>ated in this way feels Ii ,i,-i-ii Highly honored t.i be thu* | : ,. , . on record. But the sentences aiv selected more for their wisdom than their humor, so that the fnmiv man is nut much in evidence. Rats and Eggt. No ample poinl better illustrates tli sagacity of tlie rat, according to an mlicle in McChne'?. than the way in which it eats an egg. It bites 11mm ' tlit il'.c'.l and chips oft small traginents M neatly as a squirrel opens a nut, consumes the entire contents without spilling a drop ami then sits up NIK! licks itself clean like a cat. Kats will stnl the eggs from under a silting hen. In one case they carried off seventy-five doz- en eggs whirl) a commission merchant had nn iiiiin u- !\ stored in a wooden tub. Enthutlatm. Nothing is -> contagious as enthus- iasm. It is the real allegory of the tale of Orpheus ; it moves stones; it . Ilium brutes. l.nH.ii-iHMii is the genius of sincerity, and truth accom- plishes no victories without it. Bul- w*r. Carelctt of Her. lonk annoyed. What's the "You inalUr'r" "Bertha told me a secret the nther day and I can't tell you what it is." "Why not!'" "I've fin-gotten it." Lacking In Experience. Mil, i. u- \\ lit i- the luckier! day to be horn on? ' Claude Don't know. Only tried one. Jllutlihted liii- Crowded London. Thfro r 900.000 Londoners who tie living two or more in a roam, while there are '20,000 who are crowded tix into a i in Mottty Women. According to the official return, no fewer than 42,676 of the 60,608 old-tf* pensioners in the County of London FC i n. t i, A Prosperous Phone Co. The East Luther Telephone (Jo., Ltd., have just issued from the. Grand Valley Star ottice a 2tt-paf;e directory of sub- scribers on their line and abto those on the Amaranth Atttociation's and Dr. Ber- wick '* lines, both of which hare working connections with the East Luther Co's line. During the ten yqftrs t Ins com- pany lit- been in existence it ha.s grown from an nflUir of a do/en phones to a big institution having about 200 phones. The company practically covers Kast Luther township and still there are mere applications for phones to be considered. The directors are busy nn a plan to im- prove the service by giving each switch- ing office direct connection with Grand Valley. This will increase the efficiency of the service at least one half and will be worth the investment. Farmers are finding phones an immense convenience, and an almost indispensable necessity around the place. They are right in touch with the market, the doctor, tbe implement man, the railways, and are saved many a trip by usin^ the local phones. Farm life loses much of its monotony when the news of the neigh- borhood can be learned over the line and the people put right in touch with their business centres. W. A. Fenwick, formerly of Shelburne, is out of his mind at Sturgeon Falls, and it now confined in the jail there. He opened u watch repairing shop thcrv and lately has ac'ed stranpe <\s he did before leaving Shelburne. He has the fiotit of his shop decorated with broom* and saw* and the windows pasted over with <|uo. tations from Shakespeare and the Bible. The Oddfellow* ara looking after himaud hive written Strathcona lodge, Shelburne to get instruct ion* what to do with him. He is nut dangerous. Shelburne Free Press. Mr. Joe O'Connoll's grey hound met a tragic death the other duy. Tbe poor brute followed its roaster out to his i' u m at the corner of Sligo and Ln- don Kul-. but not being used to the dangers of farm life, the animal gut in front af the mower at work in the Imy in 1-1 and the kniven of the machine I-.IM jlr the doy's leg*, culling them so se- verely ili ;>i it -i- .shot to end its misery. Mt. Forest Kep. Mrs. Win. Sparrow uf M'. Forest leaned agaioKt u porch railing, which giive wy. She suMliiined a fracture of both :irni- and a dislocation of both wrist K. Mr. ('lair Kiink, M-II t>! postmiiBter Hi ink of Teeswater, han bevii .-tppoinlvd Mirgeon to Ihc Arctic expedition, beinu sent out by the Cuudiim government, under the direction uf Piof. .lavkxon of Toroiitu I'liiversily . Ti-leti-ope. ' '1 ii i, the little 'J-year-old duuxhter of l:,'... i U-.wr, w.i8 , .in. -illy ill ftloilday, but is now hupi>ily nut . >i danger. She hud ijnt hold of ti box of inatclies and sucked the nulplmr oft' und bitten imile a n.iubrr when her mother, com- ing in the -. m noticed it and her iekly appearance and at once sent for the doctor. 1 ' i some time she was ser- ioiixly ill and two ductuis were in con- sultation, but action had been taken ii> time und she rallied rapidly. Durham Review. On Sunday last the Imrn lieli)iii;iiig to Mr. W. Iloyd, , u line, was s'iin;k by li-hi IIIIIL: mil liar- r iwly esi-upetl destruction. A oinl's nest I i hii hud been built under the ravetrou^h was set Htire and fell into the hay mow, , but ini i nn.iii-'y, Mis Boyd happened to be looking out of the window at the 1 1. in- :u nl i. m the liln.i- when Ihe bolt .-itrui-k the burn. t'lOling her husbitiid they niaiivi-.l to Hliuiip out the bluxe liri.ui- it had taken ludd of the buy nud make headway. The fict lhat the Imy in the mow wan si ill somewhat gieen was all that saved the building, as it kept the bla/.e riinoulddiins; until they were able to get water. Mirror Mr. Frank Oberle, ii well-known gen- cm! mcichuiit itt l-'-n m., waf* drowned at that place in H amall j> mil while buth- ing. He am! Mr. Schnurr, hotelumi., went in cnoling nil. and through .some cause n8 yet unviplained Mr. Oburlo mink to his death. One cuuso given i* i h a he became exhausted in rescuing his comrade from danger. The body w i i IT. n mill in a depth of about eight feet of water. He was a man and leaven a widow and seven children. He was .'IK years of age. He has a brother, Andrew, in business iu Wallet-ton. Mr. Lucas and Telephone* TERRIBLE ACCIDENT AT HANOVER That the matter of puplic regulation or ownership of telephone companies in Ontario it engaging the attention of the Not for .1 long wh ile has a factory ac cideni occurred here of so distressing Provincial Government, and will potsibly,* n tur e a l "hich has so touched the come before the Legislature at its nextj 8 y ra P thie8 f ' h townspeople at larne MMion, is indicated by the brief state.! 1 ' di(1 the on e that befell Freddy Zion, ment of 8ir James Whitney, when iuter-j* 1 ^e Spitz Furniture Co's factory on viwed yeiterday, that Hon. I. B. Lueaa! Monday ofternooi: at 4 o'clock. Freddy will opend time in studying the sit-| wh whool *y was working i.i the uation in Britain on behalf of Ontario ftoiy lik e so many of the boys during Government this summer. the holidays. He w.-is engaged "takini? %way" from the tennoning machine Hon. Mr. Lucas ,, now on the -cen' ;whic|) ^ M M fe Arth(]r E , ljs Jr en route to England. HU tint **. jfc,,ip,3 he nt his left hand .. to repre.^t Ontario at the Intern.,^ ^ ^^ koive ^ just how no one tional School Congress, and Hon. Dr. g tfc himse)f knowg _. and M ryne, Mmitr of Education, stated to , The Globe yesterday lhat the Minister would also extend to the Congress, on behalf of Government, an urgent invita- tion to hold next year's Congress ia the capital of Ontario. Should Toronto se- cure this important international edu- cational conference,the Minuter of Edu- cation belieres the Province would reap material benefits. The second commUsian of the absent Minister it to be undertaken oo the sug- they work inward his arm was drawn re'entle.ssly in and he was unable to extricate it until the greater part of the arm wa gone. No one saw the accident, and the lad walked mine 20 feet ucros- the factory floor to where another employes Bett Eby wan engaged. When he taw the boy's condition he was staggered but re- covering hastily lied u handkerchief around the arm above the wound. Mr. Ellis who was reaching for a board at the moment the accident happened did not (?etion of the Premier. JSirJamea Whit- jknow of it until it was all over. The ny's attention was first directed to the l| u d was driven to Dr. Taylor's office British telephone system when he wu Lhere l>r. Taylor, assisted by Dr. Eede, taut in England, and it it understood thatidressed the wound. Tlie poor boy has he looked into the Fituation and condi-jiost his arm near the shoulder. The tions with some thoroughnets. Within| u t mosl sympathy is felt here for th the iiast few months theBiitishPostoffke hoy and parents. Mr. Peter /inn, Department has decided tu take over the'traveller for the firm, was at Owen Sound telephone service and develop it upon en route to the Soo when he was notified timiliar lines ol public ownership to the o f the ad e\eut. He WHS brought home telegiaphic service*. , by Mr. Fred Deutschm.inn in bit auto. In view of these important changes in 'While the boy sutlers a great deal, h the old country, and the f.-ict that! 8 tood the shock axcepti.'ually well and Hon. Mr. Lucas will be on the ground his recovery is looked for. Post. the Provincial Premier has asked him to conduct an extended investigation, in which he will have assurance of co-opera- tion and assistance from the British Post- al DepaitniMU. Mr. Lucas, it will be''* " ow aild ** lemembered, has devoted coDHiderable S e '"- v - lime and study to the telephone situation in Ontario, and was the chairumn of the special Lrgmlative committee which con- ducted an enquiry on the problem of rm il telephones in Ontario. (ilobe. Buy it now. Chamberlain'.-* Colic, Cholera ai)<l Diarrhoea Kvmrdy is almost curtain lo> be needed before the gumiiirr < or is over. I'-li an Buy finer- If arty inn ever had a intrrow escape, s;vys the Collingwond Enturpriie, it is Young Bride Drowned Mrs, John Campbell, whoie husband keeps a summer hotel at Copperhead island, Gor^ian Bay, was diowned recently. Mr. and Mis. Campbell were married just one month and two days Mr. Tom Hoy, and he is fortunate to bejP'- * h d * th . nj theil n>-icd able to be .still walking round. Mr.|'"fe was pwiently a happy one. Mr. Hoy \rnn sitting in his ottice at the Charl- ton Sawmill Co'.s plant Tu<.vdny f ternoon John Campbell, the huiband, has resided on Copperhead Island for the past twen during the height of the electric storm, '> two y>' s . 1 * n<1 of kindly duposi- wheimbolt of lightning clove t,, rO ughj tion . so tllat '' could nut be that dollie<!tic the roof ot the building, hurling stove- trouble led to the tad drowning of the pipvs to all ijuarterx of the room and tusnl tin- top i f the stove. Mr. Hoy was Hitting with one leg crossed "over the other, and to this fortunate incident he The lightning, <tfter i> the stove, lore off ors In-, life. working its will ilie heel of Mr. Hoy's right boot, making a hole also in Ins Kock and heel. Tom .i-. s-imiiril for some time, and Dr. Me- tliul huil ! "Mi liia feet been on the he 1,1 IM inevitably have been killed ; but it was, he is pi-act ic:illy now ,; ii te nvnvrred. wife. Very early mi the inoi-ning of Monday, June 2">, Mrs. Campbell got out of bed and went out the house, and that was the last seen of her until her body wai found on Monday. Coroner l)r. Limber, of Parry Sound went t<> Copperhead Island and held an investigation und decided that the death was liccidenUl, the lady having walked In be .summoned. The Dr. or fallen ott' the dock. The body was Ukn to Midland on the steamer Waubic for interment. Mrs. Campbell was an Old Cooutry girl, under 30 years ot age. Her husband is past middle age. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES Homeseekers Excurs ions NAVIGATION Ktoauaera loave Poit McNicoll Momlayii- Tun..:.. '.. . ...>-. Thurtday* and Satnrjavi at 4 p. in. for BAULT 8TK. AIAItlE. POKT AKTHL'I! anil FOHT WILLIAM. The STIIIMH-I Manitoba. lailiDgtroui Tort UcNicoll Wedoeiidaya will call at Oweo Koucd leaviDR that point 10. JO. Steamship Express I 11, \ is Toronto :-. i . M. ui. on tailini; ila>n nia-kni' direct connection Mith Httanierg at Port McNicoll. Winnipeg Eihlbl tlou July Itoh to 'iHb,1912 TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION FROM 4NY CP R AGENT July 9 & -i'l. and evert 2nd Tueiday until Sept. 17 inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN $34.oo EDMON10N and RETURN $<P.oo Proportionate rat> to otber ni limit 00 days TIIKiii i.H TOURIST SLEBPINQ CARS Aik ueareet C. P K. Agefct (or Home seekers' 5. Rands, Agent, - - Flesherton. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in ndvanee subacriptionaonly. We have no aucountn with other papers. FleKherton Advance f I 00 Yo-Jths Companion 2 (X) Toronto World, daily '2 00 Toronto Daily News ..... . _ 1 .'{5 Weekly Glob'e 86 Mail-Emiiirc - 80 Family Herald & Star 85 Toronto Str 1 SO Farmer Sun . . S5 Farmers Advoo*U 1 8ft Weekly WitoMi 80 Saturday Ninht :t 00 Home Journal (10 Poultry New* ..,, 20 Poultry Keviow 40 Kod and Gun mugnzine 90 CLAYTO N'S For Cool and Comfortable Summer Shoes In Ladies' \Vchavo Tan and Patent, Pump and Ties Latest Toes. We are clearing out some lines of Ladies' Dongola Oxfords Blutcher Style. Sixes, U, 3}, 4, 4, regular $1.40 to $1.75, reduced to $1.00 per pair. Also some misses, in black and chocolate strap. Sizes, 11, 12, 2, clearing at 75c. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL.

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